Cyclodinone is a herbal medicine developed for the treatment of premenstrual syndrome and cycle disorders. The medicine has an effect by regulating the production of gonadotropic hormones and improving the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
Common twig extract, on the basis of which the drug was developed, has long been used to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the hormone prolactin in a woman’s body.
Prolactin is a hormone, an excess of which disrupts the ovulation process, and a deficiency of which affects conception. The production of this hormone is influenced by a lot of circumstances: modern ecology, stress, diseases; It is difficult to find a woman whose body has never experienced hormonal imbalances as a result of the influence of these factors.
How to cure an ovarian cyst without surgery
The formation of cysts is often observed in women of reproductive age. Neoplasms are usually a diagnostic finding because they tend to progress asymptomatically. When it reaches a large size, pain localized in the lower abdomen and disruption of the functioning of neighboring organs may appear. In advanced cases, surgery may be required.
Gynecologists call hormonal imbalances the main cause of formations. The classification includes the following types of cysts:
- single and multiple;
- one-sided and two-sided;
- uncomplicated and complicated;
- follicular, corpus luteum, paraovarian, dermoid, endometrioid.
In rare cases, the cyst may be complicated by torsion of the pedicle, rupture of the capsule and suppuration, which requires surgery.
Treatment of ovarian cysts can be either conservative or surgical. Drug therapy involves taking medications prescribed by a doctor. Treatment is complemented by physiotherapy. Traditional remedies have a good effect. If drug treatment is not effective, surgery is recommended.
Reviews of doctors and women about Cyclodinone
- I have had problems with irregular and painful cycles since my first menstruation, but doctors only shrugged their shoulders and prescribed antispasmodics (No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Tamipul). As a result, not a single day went by without the use of painkillers. At the next visit to the gynecologist, the doctor expressed suspicion of a hormonal imbalance and suggested that I be examined. And so it happened, the tests were not reassuring. The doctor decided to prescribe me Cyclodinone. Although I didn’t really believe in the effectiveness of the drug, homeopathy does not inspire confidence. But still better than hormonal therapy - I was terribly afraid of it. Especially possible weight gain. I decided to try it. At first, the drug disappointed me, in the first days and even weeks there was no result, I already regretted the money spent. But when my period came, the pain was insignificant and for the first time in my life I did without pills! I honestly finished the prescribed course and now I remember the sensations I experienced like a bad dream. There is no pain, you don’t need to kill your body with a huge number of pills, and in general - life these days is not much different now - no discomfort. The drug helped me get rid of a problem that had been bothering me for a long time.
- After giving birth, the cycle did not recover for a long time, but I did not pay attention to this, because I was breastfeeding for a long time and the doctor said that this was acceptable. But after the cessation of lactation, the situation only worsened: you could forget about frequency - sometimes the cycle was 2 weeks, or you had to wait 35–40 days. In addition, the discharge has become very abundant, which was not the case before. 6 months after the cessation of lactation, I turned to my doctor with a problem; within such a period the cycle should have normalized. After an examination and ultrasound, which did not reveal any special problems, I was offered to be examined for hormones. This is where the glitch was discovered. I was prescribed this drug. I took it in tablets because it was more convenient for me. At first my stomach pulled a little, but then the feeling of discomfort went away. The first month there were no special changes; periods were still very heavy. But after 2 months the result became noticeable - there was less discharge. After another month, I already knew exactly when to expect these days - the cycle had improved! Finally, you can plan your life normally without fear of unpleasant surprises. I took the course for 4 months instead of the prescribed 3 at the insistence of the doctor. I took the tests again - everything returned to normal at the hormonal level. I can add one more positive thing - my skin and hair, which had gotten very worse after bearing a child, have become better - there is no rash on my face and my hair has stopped thinning. Such a nice bonus to the main problem cured.
- Since adolescence, like everyone else during this period, I suffered from rashes on my face. Before menstruation, a nightmare began - the forehead, nose, and chin were covered with large pimples. This did not add any advantages to my appearance or self-esteem... Time passed, but the problem did not change much - the rash was just as profuse and associated with the cycle, but on top of that, the skin began to quickly become oily and acne began to be localized in the U-zone. I kept changing cosmetic skin care products, tried to be treated with folk remedies, but there were no results at all. One cosmetologist drew attention to the rash area and advised me to consult an endocrinologist. After donating blood for hormones, my problem was discovered: elevated prolactin. I was prescribed Cyclodinone, although I didn’t really believe that the rash could be treated with any medications, I thought that it was a dermatological problem. After two months of taking the drops, the condition of the skin improved significantly. A month later there were no new rashes at all. For the first time in many years, my skin is clear and fresh.
- Due to problems with cycle irregularity, my husband and I are still unable to conceive a child. It is simply impossible to calculate the days of ovulation. I used to treat salpingitis and the doctor said that it was the consequences of inflammation. Recently, a friend recommended her doctor, who noticed that during the diagnosis there were no hormone tests. Now I’m taking Cyclodinone (for the 3rd month already), my cycle is normalizing. We plan to re-examine ourselves after finishing the course of treatment and hope for a quick pregnancy.
Physiotherapeutic methods
Treatment of the appendages includes the use of surgery, medications and physical therapy. As a rule, physiotherapeutic agents are used for long-term progressive, recurrent formations. Physiotherapy for ovarian cysts has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect, helping to restore adequate blood circulation.
The procedure involves irrigation of the vagina using various medications. The balneotherapy method also involves the use of medicinal baths.
The technique is indicated for benign tumors of the internal genital organs. Magnets produce an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps reduce pain.
During a physiotherapeutic session, a specialist applies a medication to the skin in the projection of the affected organ for the purpose of ultrasound irradiation.
The procedure is often used in the field of gynecology. Electrophoresis for ovarian cysts involves the administration of drugs through the skin using a low-frequency current.
The method of treating pathology does not only involve surgical removal of tumors. In some cases, it is possible to treat cysts without surgery, that is, with medication.
Gynecologists prescribe pills for ovarian cysts:
- Regulon. The drug belongs to the COC group. Regulon for ovarian cysts is prescribed from the first day of the cycle. The drug is highly effective for hormonal disorders accompanied by polycystic disease. Regulon is recommended for use for a duration of 3 months. The medicine reduces the production of gonadotropins by the pituitary gland of the brain, which leads to normalization of the cycle. When using the drug Regulon for ovarian cysts, reviews from women are mostly positive.
- Norkolut. The drug is recommended for the treatment of a functional type of formation. Norkolut for ovarian cysts eliminates concomitant cycle disorders and manifestations of endometriosis.
- Yarina. This is a low-dose COC containing estrogen and progestogen. Yarina for ovarian cysts is used as a contraceptive with a therapeutic effect. The drug eliminates pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding, and prevents the risk of anemia.
- Janine. The oral contraceptive blocks the production of FSH, which leads to a lack of ovulation. Janine for ovarian cysts is used to normalize menstrual function.
- Jess. The drug contains drospirenone and is considered one of the most effective COCs.
- Marvelon. The hormonal agent includes desogestrel. Marvelon can be prescribed for follicular neoplasms.
- Rigevidon. The main active ingredients are tinyl estradiol, levonorgestrel.
- Utrozhestan. This is a natural analogue of the hormone progesterone. Utrozhestan for ovarian cysts is taken in a dosage of 200-400 mg (twice a day).
- Duphaston. The drug is a synthetic analogue of progesterone produced by the corpus luteum.
- Cyclodinone. Cyclodinone tablets for ovarian cysts normalize prolactin levels in the body. The herbal medicine is used for 3 months.
- Wobenzym. The medicine has an anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect. Wobenzym has a wide range of indications and is often prescribed for tumors of benign etiology, after operations.
Instructions for use of Cyclodinone drops
› Drops ›
The herbal preparation Cyclodinone is used as an alternative to hormonal treatment. The product is effective for disorders of the menstrual cycle and ovarian function. In women with premenstrual syndrome, the drug reduces the severity of pain, swelling, and heaviness in the mammary glands. It contains a plant component that has a hormone-like effect.
Composition and release form
Cyclodinone drops are a transparent liquid with a yellow-brown tint and a specific odor. The drug may precipitate, but this does not affect the effectiveness. The active component of the solution is a dry extract of the fruits of the common twig (sacred vitex or Abraham tree). Additionally, the liquid contains:
- povidone K30;
- sorbitol;
- purified water;
- peppermint flavor;
- ethanol;
- polysorbate;
- sodium saccharinate.
The medication is produced in darkened glass bottles in two volumes: 50 and 100 ml. The bottles are equipped with dosing devices for easy counting of drops. The product is also available in tablets, the only difference is in the form of release, the active ingredient is the same.
How do Cyclodinone drops work?
The substances in the composition restore the balance of sex hormones. The main active component has a dopaminergic effect, due to which the production of the hormone prolactin is reduced, its level gradually decreases in the blood. High levels of prolactin can disrupt the synthesis of gonadotropins, which can interfere with the maturation of follicles and the corpus luteum.
Violation of ovulation and follicle maturation leads to an imbalance between progesterone and estradiol, which disrupts the menstrual cycle and causes mastodynia. The manifestation of excess prolactin has a stimulating effect on the processes of proliferation in the tissues of the mammary glands.
The rapid growth of connective tissue causes dilation of the gland ducts. While taking Cyclodinone drops, the level of the hormone decreases, reverse development of tissue in the mammary glands occurs, and taking it also reduces chest pain.
Normalizing the ratio of hormones when taking the drug normalizes the second phase of the menstrual cycle.
Indications and contraindications for the use of Cyclodinone drops
The drug is taken for menstrual irregularities, for symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, mastodynia, which is manifested by swelling, engorgement, and tenderness of the mammary glands. Taking the solution is prohibited if:
- breastfeeding;
- pregnancy;
- under 18 years of age;
- pituitary tumors;
- malignant breast tumors;
- intolerance to the components included in the composition;
- impaired absorption of fructose, since the drops contain sorbitol.
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Caution when using is necessary for liver pathology, epileptic seizures, estrogen-dependent malignant tumors.
Dosage of Cyclodinone drops
Shake the bottle with the solution before use. The medicine is taken 40 drops 1 time per day with a small amount of water. Drops should be taken for 3 months, without stopping during menstruation.
After eliminating the signs of the disease, the drops are continued for another 10-14 days after consultation with a specialist. You should consult a doctor if, during treatment, the symptoms of the disease do not disappear or their severity does not decrease.
Consultation with a doctor is also required if symptoms recur after treatment has ended.
Side effects, overdose of Cyclodinone drops
The incidence of negative symptoms while taking Cyclodinone drops is unknown. Possible adverse reactions:
- skin rash;
- hives;
- angioedema;
- shortness of breath, pain in the stomach;
- nausea;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- disruption of the menstrual cycle;
- acne.
If these symptoms appear, you should stop taking the drops and consult a doctor. If the number of drops is exceeded, an overdose is possible, which manifests itself in the form of side effects of varying severity. Treatment of overdose is symptomatic, that is, the choice of drugs depends on the symptoms.
special instructions
The product should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding. With treatment, restoration of the menstrual cycle, and ovulation, the likelihood of pregnancy increases. When this occurs, you should stop taking the drops.
If a woman experiences or worsens chest pain while taking the drug, weakness, depression, or cycle disruption, a doctor’s consultation is required, as there may be concomitant diseases that require additional treatment.
To assess the effectiveness of treatment, it is recommended to consult a doctor every month. The solution contains ethanol, so it should not be used by people who are alcohol dependent or who have undergone treatment for alcohol addiction. The product may form a sediment and should be shaken before use. The sediment does not affect the medicinal properties of Cyclodinone.
Read more Instructions for using Xalacom eye drops
During treatment, it is not prohibited to drive or perform work that requires concentration. Cyclodinone drops combine well with other medications.
A decrease in effectiveness is possible if the drops are taken together with antagonists, dopamine receptor agonists, antiestrogens, estrogens.
When used together, the effect of both drops and these groups of drugs is reduced.
Expiration date, storage conditions, sale from pharmacies
Cyclodinone drops are stored at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, away from children and sunlight. From the date of release of the drug indicated on the packaging, the product retains its therapeutic effect for 3 years. You do not need a doctor's prescription to buy the drops.
The average cost of Cyclodinone drops of 50 ml is 530 rubles.
If necessary, Cyclodinone drops can be replaced with similar products:
- Remens is a non-hormonal drug that includes 5 components: surucuku snake venom, pilocarpus, cuttlefish gland secretion, Canadian sanguinaria, black cohosh. It is prescribed to normalize hormonal levels by regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Remens restores the menstrual cycle, reduces the severity of blood loss during menstruation, reduces the manifestations of premenstrual syndrome;
- Mastodinon - contains the same active ingredient as Cyclodinone drops. Normalizes prolactin levels and ovarian function. Indications for use are similar;
- Dysmenorm – used to treat hormonal dysfunction. It is the drug of choice when it is impossible to use hormonal drugs. Normalizes the functioning of the ovaries, restores the menstrual cycle, normalizing its duration, duration, and intensity of blood loss;
- Klimadinon is a herbal remedy containing a hormone-like component - black cohosh extract. Prescribed to eliminate negative symptoms during menopause, menstruation, and treatment of estrogen deficiency. Klimadinon is used after surgery to remove the ovaries;
- Onagris - used more often during menopause to eliminate hot flashes, excessive sweating, insomnia, and irritability. With use, the condition of hair, skin, and nails improves. The drug is also prescribed as part of the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, the development of which is associated with a lack of estrogen during menopause;
- Klimaktoplan - contains components of plant and animal origin: blood root, ignatia, sepia, black cohosh. The safety of the product has been confirmed by many clinical studies, so it can be used for a long time without interruption. The drug is indicated for the treatment of negative symptoms during menopause and the menstrual cycle;
- Biocycline is a drug for the treatment of menstrual irregularities that occur against the background of corpus luteum insufficiency and normalization of hormone levels.
It is not recommended to replace Cyclodinone drops with these drugs on your own without consulting a doctor.
Svetlana, 29 years old, Moscow There was a menstrual cycle disorder due to excess prolactin. The gynecologist prescribed a hormonal drug, but I was afraid to take hormones and asked to change the drug. They prescribed Cyclodinone, a herbal preparation. She was treated for three months, and her cycle gradually recovered.
In addition, I noticed that during the treatment, the signs of premenstrual syndrome began to appear less: my breasts stopped hurting, my weakness and irritability disappeared. Therefore, I was very pleased with the drug. Marina, 27 years old, St. Petersburg Two years ago I had a miscarriage, after which my prolactin level did not return to normal.
The attending physician prescribed me hormonal medications. I took them for 1 month, no effect. I went to see another doctor, he advised me to take Cyclodinone, which, unlike other drugs, does not contain hormones and can prepare the body for a future pregnancy. I took drops for 3 months - my cycle returned to normal, my prolactin level was also normal.
Lyubov, 29 years old, Krasnodar I recommend Cyclodinone drops to all my friends, because thanks to them I was able to get pregnant. Due to irregularities in the menstrual cycle and ovulation, I took hormones for a long time, from which I began to gain weight. I didn’t notice any effect from them, I just got better.
I changed my doctor, he advised me to try Cyclodinone, which normalizes prolactin levels, which is why I might not have been able to get pregnant. I was treated for almost 4 months, I was able to get pregnant after 8.5 months, so I am very grateful to the doctor who prescribed it to me.
According to reviews, Cyclodinone, by restoring prolactin levels, helps women become pregnant if the cause of infertility was a cycle disorder due to an excess of the hormone. The drug has side effects, but they occur extremely rarely when the components are intolerant or the dosage is exceeded.
Instructions for use of Cyclodinone drops Link to main publication
Victoria Sergeevna Martynyuk, 24 years old, Syktyvkar
I consulted a doctor about not being pregnant for a year. During an ultrasound examination, it turned out that a small cyst had formed on the right ovary. After a hormonal study, Regulon was prescribed. For a long time I didn’t dare to start taking pills. However, reviews have been mostly good. A few months later, she underwent a follow-up ultrasound, which showed that the formation had decreased.
Anastasia Aleksandrovna Gribova, 29 years old, St. Petersburg
The doctor prescribed Longidaza suppositories for extensive adhesions and a cyst in the right ovary. I didn’t want to spend money on an ineffective medicine, especially since it can’t be called budget. Judging by the reviews, Longidaza is well tolerated, affecting foci of inflammation in the pelvis and adhesions. After the course of treatment, she was examined by a gynecologist. The condition has improved, the pain in the side has become less pronounced.
Svetlana Ivanovna Gorodetskaya, 31 years old, Vladivostok
A gynecologist prescribed Indomethacin suppositories to me after polycystic ovary syndrome was diagnosed. Suppositories eliminate pain and inflammation. The pain was so severe that it radiated to the leg and side. I used the medicine for 7 days. I didn't notice any side effects.
Where to buy and analogues
Cyclodinone can be purchased at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, it is still not recommended to take this pharmaceutical drug on your own, since it affects dopamine receptors in the pituitary gland.
There are no exact analogues of the drug on the pharmaceutical market. However, on the recommendation of a doctor, you can purchase other products at the pharmacy that help reduce prolactin:
- "Bromocriptine";
- "Cabergoline".
These pharmaceuticals belong to synthetic pharmacological agents, and therefore have a number of side effects. Thus, they are prescribed to a limited extent to patients with arterial hypertension, peptic ulcer disease, and mental disorders. In addition, Cabergoline and Bromocriptine can influence the speed of mental and motor reactions, which limits their use in some patients.
The use of Cyclodinone in gynecology is justified in case of elevated prolactin in the blood. Considering that it contains only a herbal component, it causes virtually no side effects and is well tolerated by patients. However, its use must be agreed with a doctor, otherwise the treatment may not give the expected effect.
Cyclodinone for endometriosis and polycystic disease
Gynecological pathologies are diverse in nature. In most cases, they are caused by hormonal imbalances. Treatment of such pathological processes consists of symptomatic therapy, that is, elimination of manifestations, as well as etiological resolution of the root cause.
Among the common diseases of the female reproductive system are polycystic disease (the formation of many small follicles filled with exudate), endometriosis (the proliferation of cells of the mucous membrane of the functional layer of the endometrium beyond the normal anatomical position), and amenorrhea (the complete absence of menstruation for one or several cycles).
In therapy, both drugs based on synthetic gestagens and phytotherapeutic agents are used. They are used in tandem, often complementing surgical therapy. One of the effective herbal drugs is Cyclodinone. How and when to use it? We need to look into this in more detail.
Cyclodinone: indications for use, contraindications and possible side effects
According to some doctors, Cyclodinone can normalize the functioning of the endocrine system and increase the chances of conception. But on the forums there are many opinions regarding the advisability of taking this drug in view of the wide range of negative effects it has on the body. What are the side effects of Cyclodinone?
What is the drug?
The functioning of the reproductive system largely depends on hormonal levels. Often, due to improper production of one or another hormone, a couple cannot conceive a child for a long time.
There are many drugs to regulate hormonal balance, among which Cyclodinone, a herbal drug whose active substance is an extract of common twig, is somewhat popular.
Its main function is to normalize the content of sex hormones in the blood of a woman’s body, providing a dopaminergic effect. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the level of prolactin in the body. Thus, with a high content of this hormone, a disruption of ovulatory processes and folliculogenesis is observed, which leads to an imbalance of progesterone and estradiol.
Another effect of this drug is to stimulate the formation of connective tissue in the mammary glands. Due to this, there is an expansion of the ducts, a reduction in the risk of developing pathological processes in the mammary glands and a decrease in their sensitivity.
Release form of the drug Cyclodinone: tablets and drops. How to take this medication, in what dosage, is recommended by a fertility specialist. It is also worth considering that this remedy has a number of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, before taking this herbal medicine, be sure to consult a specialist.
If a positive effect after therapy with this drug is not observed and the examination confirms this, then, in most cases, the doctor prescribes therapy to the patient based on synthetic or natural hormones.
In what cases is it recommended?
Indications for the use of this remedy are the following conditions:
- Menstrual irregularities – irregular periods, anovulatory cycles, etc.
- Infertility caused by underdevelopment of the corpus luteum in the epididymis.
- Mastodynia is increased sensitivity of the mammary glands during menstruation and PMS. This condition can also be characterized by breast swelling and an increase in local temperature in the mammary glands.
- With pronounced PMS, causing discomfort. Here, in addition to swelling of the mammary glands, headaches, increased irritability and emotional instability are observed.
- PCOS – polycystic ovary syndrome. Cyclodinone is prescribed if the pathology is caused by an imbalance of prolactin, progesterone and estrogen in a woman’s body.
- Endometriosis is a disease associated with uneven growth of the inner layer of the uterine mucosa.
- Problems with the skin - acne, rashes - caused by hormonal imbalance.
- Menopause and symptoms accompanying it.
Contraindications and side effects
There are a number of contraindications to the use of the drug:
- individual intolerance to the active substance;
- Children under 12 years of age are prohibited from taking the drug - this is due to the fact that it is at this age that the formation of the hormonal system occurs, and additional intake of even plant hormones can disrupt the functioning of the system;
- the herbal medicine in the form of a solution is made on the basis of alcohol, therefore it is contraindicated for patients who have undergone treatment for a chronic form of alcoholism;
- the drug contains lactose, so patients with individual intolerance to this substance are not recommended to take Cyclodinone;
- during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Your doctor will prescribe how to take Cyclodinone. Therefore, I would like to emphasize once again: only a qualified specialist can prescribe this or that drug, taking into account the need for it and the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences.
If after taking the drug there are any signs of an allergic reaction in the form of itching, redness, burning, etc., then you must immediately stop the course of treatment with Cyclodinone and seek advice from a specialist to prescribe replacement therapy.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to combine the use of Cyclodinone with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. This can provoke the development of various kinds of side effects and lead to serious disturbances in the hormonal system.
As for side effects, the herbal medicine can provoke:
- from the gastrointestinal tract - vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain;
- in relation to the skin - rashes, itching, redness, urticaria;
- from the central nervous system - headaches, dizziness, emotional instability, hallucinations, clouding of reason, disruption of the respiratory system.
In case of a pronounced allergic reaction, it is necessary to take an antiallergic drug, for example, Cetrin. After relief of allergy symptoms, over the next few days it is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible, which will remove allergens from the body.
Such a side effect is possible only if the woman does not comply with the doctor’s instructions regarding the dosage and frequency of taking the drug, and in case of individual intolerance.
Does Cyclodinone help you get pregnant?
When taking Cyclodinone at the stage of pregnancy planning, many patients note that it really helps not only to normalize the menstrual cycle, but also has a positive effect on the functioning of the entire reproductive system as a whole.
According to reviews, 6 out of 10 women were able to get pregnant within a year after taking a course of this remedy.
But at the same time, some note the low durability of the drug: for example, after its discontinuation, a return to the state of the body in which it was before undergoing therapy was observed. PMS returned and menstrual irregularities were observed. This effect is an indication that the drug is not a panacea and it may not be suitable in every individual case.
Also, the low effectiveness of this herbal medicine is observed in the absence of indications for its use. Against this background, the current condition not only does not improve, but also rapidly worsens, provoking the development of pathological conditions in the reproductive system.
Bottom line
At the end of this publication, I would like to say the following: the hormonal system of women is unique and its work depends on a number of factors.
As such, there is no panacea for normalizing this or that process in the body: for some, preparations based on the fruits of the common twig are suitable, but for others, synthetic agents will be more effective. All this is purely individual.
Therefore, only a doctor should prescribe this or that drug: he will prescribe an appropriate examination to determine the current state of the body and, based on this, select the most appropriate treatment.
What have you heard about this drug? Perhaps you or someone you know took it as prescribed by a doctor? Share with us your opinion and interesting information, which may even be very useful for someone! Leave your comments at the end of the post.
Currently, Cyclodinone is available in two pharmaceutical forms: tablets and drops. In both cases, the method of administration is oral.
The composition of the pharmaceutical product includes twig extract. This is a natural storehouse of useful substances. In gynecology, twigs are used especially actively. This plant contains tannins, flavonoids, camphor, quinone, and other active substances.
Thanks to such a rich chemical composition, the drug based on this useful plant has an anti-inflammatory, stimulating effect, helps relieve stress and alleviates premenstrual syndrome. In addition, the body's resistance to pathogenic agents from the outside increases.
What is the drug
Is the drug hormonal? The main active ingredient of "Cyclodinone" is an extract obtained from common twig. This plant has been known for its healing properties since ancient times. It was used in the treatment of female diseases, and also as a means of reducing libido.
Modern medical experiments have proven that common twig blocks the release of prolactin from pituitary cells. This effect is due to the ability of the active components of the plant to stimulate dopaminergic receptors of the pituitary gland. With long-term use of the drug in the blood, a significant decrease in prolactin is determined, in some patients by 40-90%. It is this effect that determines the therapeutic effect of Cyclodinone. While using the medication:
- the menstrual cycle normalizes;
- the phenomena of mastodynia are reduced;
- the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood is restored.
Cyclodinone is produced in two pharmaceutical forms:
- pills;
- solution for oral administration.
Cyclodinone tablets contain up to 4.8 mg of the main active ingredient (extract from common twig). In addition, the medicine contains: lactose, cellulose, fillers, magnesium stearate, and the shell also contains small amounts of dyes.
Cyclodinone solution is produced for oral administration. It contains twig extract; 100 ml of the medicine contains about 288 mg. The pharmaceutical product also contains additives that impart a pleasant taste and aroma: mint flavor, sodium sucrose, sorbitol. This also includes polysorbate, ethyl alcohol and other components. In pharmacies you can buy bottles of different sizes: 50 or 100 ml. The price may vary depending on which pharmacy you purchase the drug from.
The main pharmacological properties of Cyclodinone are due to the inclusion of Povidone and twig extract. The main reason for the development of amenorrhea, polycystic disease and endometriosis is an excess of estrogens and special hormones of the anterior pituitary gland, primarily prolactin.
The active components included in the twig extract increase the production of natural dopamine, which acts on the hypothalamic-pituitary system, thereby inhibiting the synthesis of prolactin, preventing excess estrogen production.
The hormonal balance is normalized, primarily estrogen and progesterone. Thus, there is a weakening of PMS symptoms and normalization of the menstrual cycle. Povidone, as already mentioned, has the ability to remove toxins from the body, which actively accumulate as a result of hormonal changes and provoke, among other things, some symptoms of PMS.
At the same time, Cyclodinone itself is not a hormonal drug; it is of purely plant origin.
Cyclodinone analogs
There are two drugs on the pharmacological market with a composition identical to Cyclodinone: these are Agnukaston capsules and an extract of the fruit of the common twig.
There are also medications with other active ingredients that are prescribed for the same ailments:
- Dysmenorm,
- Gynopower,
- Bromocriptine,
- Angelika Forte,
- Lifemin,
- Masto-gran,
- Mastodinon,
- Ovarium,
- Remens,
- Normomens,
- Tazalok,
- Utrozhestan,
- Femiwell,
- Extrowell,
- Danol,
- Duphaston,
- Klimadinon,
- Mammoleptin,
- Cimiciplant.
In tablet form, Cyclodinone is taken one tablet once a day for 3 months without breaks, washed down with plenty of water. At the end of the course, it is recommended to continue taking the product for another month.
Drops are taken in a tablespoon (about 40 milliliters) once a day for the same period. Before using the medicine, the bottle should be shaken vigorously.
In general, the dosage and treatment regimen are determined by the doctor who is caring for a particular patient. It is recommended to take both tablets and drops in the morning.
How to take Cyclodinone? Instructions for use of the drug
Every woman at least once in her life has had problems that indirectly or directly related to the sexual sphere.
Irregularities in the menstrual cycle occur especially often, regardless of the age and type of activity of the fair sex.
In view of this, a huge number of drugs are produced that are designed to regulate menstruation.
Cyclodinone also falls into this category, and we will talk about it today.
pharmachologic effect
This product is completely of plant origin. Its use helps normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce some symptoms during menstruation.
This happens due to the fact that the constituent components of Cyclodinone affect the concentration of sex hormones. The drug has a dopaminergic effect.
Excessive concentrations of prolactin also negatively affect breast health.
Reducing this substance by taking Cyclodinone will help relieve pain in the chest and adjust the second phase of the menstrual cycle
its role is to reduce the body's production of prolactin.
For this reason, taking this drug helps counteract hyperprolactinemia. It is because of this disease that the secretion of gonadotropins is disrupted.
A similar problem can manifest itself as insufficient maturation of follicular centers and ovulation disorders.
It is also possible that there may be a difference in the concentrations of the sex hormones estradiol and progesterone. This discrepancy leads to disruption of the menstrual cycle and/or mastodynia.
What is better drops or tablets?
Cyclodinone is a drug that has two forms of release. It is known that in drops the content of twig is slightly higher, and in tablets the amount of active substance is slightly less. For this reason, it is better to use Cyclodinone on the recommendation of a doctor and in the prescribed dosage.
The action of Cyclodinone does not differ in either form.
The only thing is that the alcohol tincture can be absorbed and act a little faster
The advantage of tablets over drops is that during use they do not emit the specific herbal odor of twig extract. Not all women can tolerate it, which is why they prefer the tablet form of the drug.
Those who drive a vehicle also cannot take drops of alcohol when choosing tablets.
Indications for use
Cyclodinone, when used regularly, can cope with:
- Premenstrual syndrome;
- Menstrual irregularities caused by insufficiency of the corpus luteum;
- Mastodynia;
- Mastalgia.
Cyclodinone has a minimal number of contraindications, although it is a hormonal drug.
The drug affects hormones not with synthetic substances, but with natural ones - twig extract.
The most important contraindication to the use of the drug Cyclodinone is hypersensitivity to common twig
Also, women who are breastfeeding should not take the medicine during pregnancy.
Side effects and consequences
Very rarely, when using Cyclodinone, any adverse reactions are possible, but due to individual characteristics, certain manifestations are possible.
No. Side effects from taking Cyclodinone
1 | Allergy | Rashes of various types; Hives; Swelling of facial tissues; Dyspnea; Difficulty swallowing. |
2 | Gastrointestinal disorders | Nausea; Abdominal pain. |
3 | Other | Headache; Dizziness; Acne; Disruption of the menstrual cycle. |
If any negative reactions occur, use of Cyclodinone should be discontinued. If this is not done, the drug will do more harm than good.
Drug interactions
It is known for sure that the effect of Cyclodinone can be weakened by drugs that interfere with the receipt of a signal from dopamine receptors. Interactions with other drugs have not been studied in detail.
Compatibility of Cyclodinone with alcohol
The instructions for the drug do not say anything about this. We can assume that nothing bad will happen.
Also, do not forget that drinking Cyclodinone with alcohol can provoke or intensify the development of adverse reactions.
Dosage and overdose
Compliance with the dosage of Cyclodinone is very important for an effective therapeutic result. There have been no cases of poisoning with this drug in the entire history of its production.
Instructions for use
The drug is taken in tablet form once a day in the morning .
Using the same principle, take the product in a solution of 40 drops .
When to take Cyclodinone - before or after meals, the official instructions do not indicate.
It is best to do this after eating so as not to damage the walls of the stomach, because the course is long and continuous.
Storage of the drug
Both drops and tablets of Cyclodinone should be stored in a room with a dry microclimate, without penetration of sunlight and at a temperature that does not exceed 25 ̊ C.
From the date of production, the medicinal product is valid for 3 years. After this period has expired, do not use the drug.
Price for Cyclodinone in pharmacies
The average cost of a medicine in the form of drops (50 ml) is 520 rubles, and in the form of tablets for 30 pieces - 510 rubles.
Drug namePricePurchasePharmacy
Cyclodinone drops 50 ml | 430 rub. | Buy |
Cyclodinone tablets n30 | 540 rub. | Buy |
Cyclodinone (agnucaston), drops 50ml | 348.50 rub. | Buy |
Cyclodinone (agnucaston), tbl p/o No. 30 | 592 rub. | Buy |
Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies
In the original instructions, the manufacturer notes that Cyclodinone must be dispensed with a prescription. The product is freely available in pharmacies.
Analogues substitutes
Cyclodinone has all two complete analogues - Extract of the fruits of Prutnyak vulgaris and Agnukaston.
Fruit extract of Prutnyak vulgare and Agnukaston
All three drugs have the same effect and have the same main component.
Reviews from doctors
Demchuk Stepan Oleksandrovich, gynecologist : “In the fight for women’s health, I give preference to more natural medicines, but no less effective, like Cyclodinone. This drug is suitable for most of my patients, does not cause side effects and combats menstrual irregularities.”
Stepanova Elena Vasilievna, gynecologist : “I never prescribe Cyclodinone to solve menstrual problems. I consider this drug too weak to have a therapeutic effect."
Side effects
Possible occurrence of the following side effects:
- Dizziness.
- Headache (cephalgia).
- Pain in the epigastric region.
- Nausea.
- Impaired consciousness up to auditory, olfactory and visual hallucinations of a transient nature.
- Allergies.
- Psychomotor agitation.
Since the drug artificially increases dopamine, the formation of pituitary adenomas is possible in the medium term.
Reviews of Cyclodinone for amenorrhea are positive in almost 100% of cases. It indicates a rapid restoration of the normal cycle and relief of the main symptoms.
Reviews about Cyclodinone for endometriosis are mixed. Some indicate the need for long-term use of the medication. This issue is resolved at the discretion of the attending gynecologist.
Review of Cyclodinone for polycystic ovary syndrome. As patients and doctors themselves say, the drug is good as a component of complex therapy.
Cyclodinone is used for many gynecological pathologies, but only as an auxiliary drug.
In what cases is it recommended
The main indications for the use of the drug are pathologies associated with excess prolactin production in the body. "Cyclodinone" is prescribed for:
- menstrual irregularities;
- PMS (premenstrual symptom complex);
- pain in the mammary glands (mastodynia);
- complex treatment of mastopathy.
In most cases, Cyclodinone is recommended for various gynecological pathologies accompanied by menstrual irregularities:
- polycystic ovary syndrome;
- endometrial hyperplasia;
- delayed menstruation;
- bleeding during menopause.
There are also indications for its use in the treatment of infertility and in planning pregnancy to increase the likelihood of conception.
However, it is not recommended to take Cyclodinone on your own to correct your periods. In some cases, such disorders may be caused by organic pathology (cervical fibroids or malignant neoplasm). For these diseases, other therapeutic measures are necessary. Also, you should not drink Cyclodinone on your own for prevention, for acne or for weight loss.
There are clinical recommendations for the use of Cyclodinone for anxiety and asthenic disorders that occur against the background of menstrual irregularities. Reviews of Cyclodinone tablets indicate that it helps reduce depressive disorders, improves sleep, and restores the psycho-emotional background.