Folic acid for uterine fibroids: principle of action and effectiveness

Vitamin A for fibroids is of great importance not only in increasing the effectiveness of the treatment process, but also in speedy recovery of the body after the disease. Although the main role in the treatment of fibroids belongs to traditional methods of medicine in the form of hormonal therapy and surgical interventions, a course of vitamin therapy is a mandatory step in the treatment of any pathological conditions in a woman’s reproductive organs.

Causes of fibroids

Myoma is a very common disease; it occupies a leading position among gynecological ailments in women of the reproductive and menopausal periods . Previously, fibroids were considered a precancerous condition, and this diagnosis sounded like a death sentence - the woman’s reproductive organ was removed, and, therefore, the further birth of a child could be forgotten.

Now, doctors treat the disease with conservative methods, and if surgical intervention is necessary, they try to perform organ-preserving operations.


Myoma is not an oncological disease, and can lead to the development of malignant tumors in very rare cases. However, despite this, fibroids can greatly reduce a woman’s quality of life, so treatment should begin as early as possible.

As for the causes of fibroids, they have not been fully studied by scientists . But it is known that the impetus for the development of myomatous formation is a hormonal imbalance, or rather an imbalance of two important female hormones - progesterone and estrogen.

In addition, other factors can trigger fibroids.:

  • endocrine diseases - thyroid problems, diabetes and others;
  • long-term stress and depression;
  • irregular sex life;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • absence of childbirth and lactation period;
  • venereal diseases;
  • excess weight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive loads;
  • heredity;
  • long-term and uncontrolled use of oral contraceptives;
  • spiral;
  • abortions, difficult childbirth, unqualified gynecological examination, surgical interventions in a woman’s reproductive organs;
  • inflammatory processes and infectious processes in the pelvic area.

Despite all of the above, fibroids can develop in an absolutely healthy woman who has never had problems with gynecology . Therefore, it is not yet possible to talk about the exact factors and causes of fibroids.

Side effects

According to doctors, folic acid can cause side effects only if taken in large dosages, or if you are individually intolerant to the drug. In other cases, no inappropriate reactions should occur.

If they do appear, then in the form:

  • skin manifestations of allergic reactions (hyperemia and swelling);
  • erythema;
  • itching and burning throughout the body;
  • peeling of the skin (rare);
  • skin rashes.

In some cases, bronchospasm may occur. Such a deviation requires immediate administration of the drug and symptomatic therapy.

What vitamins are missing?

Experts say that vitamins are very important for the normalization of hormonal levels and the normal well-being of a woman; if a patient is diagnosed with vitamin deficiency, treatment of myomatous formation may take a longer period.

With fibroids, the body may lack certain groups of vitamins, which in this case must be introduced into the body not only with food, but also in their pure form:

  1. K - this vitamin is needed to maintain blood viscosity. If it is not enough, the volume of secretions (already high) increases.
  2. C - it helps eliminate bleeding, which is common with myomatous formations, by strengthening the capillary walls. In addition, vitamin C is needed for the normal absorption of folic acid - a particularly important element for fibroids.
  3. A - this vitamin has a positive effect on the immune system, which is very important for benign neoplasms. Provided good immunity, a benign tumor slows down its growth and does not face the risk of degeneration into a malignant formation.
  4. B vitamins of this group are extremely important for maintaining the nervous system and for the body’s ability to fight back against stressful situations. In this case, the hormonal levels will return to normal faster, and the growth of the tumor will stop.
  5. Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) . Necessary for proper functioning of the ovaries. It directly affects the cause of fibroid formation - the normalization of hormone balance.
  6. D - a sufficient amount of this vitamin in a woman’s body reduces the development of tumors several times.
  7. Iron . Since fibroids most often have low hemoglobin (due to regular and sometimes very heavy bleeding), iron supplements are prescribed without fail. They are needed to prevent the development of anemia.
  8. Folic acid . This is a very important element for the successful treatment of uterine fibroids. Folic acid improves blood quality, stabilizes hormone levels, normalizes blood circulation, and eliminates the negative effects of stressful situations.

Vitamins for fibroids are a very important component of the treatment of the disease, however, taking them independently can lead to undesirable consequences, since the influence of vitamins on the human body is very great.

They should only be prescribed by a competent specialist.


This component is contained not only in the corresponding vitamin preparations. This acid is also present in food products of the following groups:

  • Greenery. This includes parsley, dill, coriander and other, both common and uncommon varieties;
  • Citrus fruits - oranges, lemons, grapefruits, pomelo, etc.;
  • Vegetables, especially green ones - lettuce, cabbage, sweet peppers and others. Especially corn and tomatoes;
  • Whole grain products. This includes both baked goods and muesli with this component;
  • Asparagus is practically the leader in folic acid content;
  • Nuts and seeds are also rich in this vitamin;
  • Watermelons, avocados;
  • Liver - beef, chicken, fish and others. The main leader in the content of this vitamin is cod liver;
  • Eggs (chicken, quail);
  • Cereals (uncooked porridge is especially useful).

Content per 100 g

Regular consumption of foods from the list in sufficient quantities will ensure that the body is supplied with folic acid. With proper nutrition, there is no need to buy specialized multivitamin complexes.

Should I take it?

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that vitamins for fibroids should be taken carefully, but under the supervision of a doctor and in accordance with the recommended dosage.

Often, patients with uterine fibroids have a question: do vitamins also not accelerate the growth of fibroids ? The answer to this question is unequivocal - no, vitamins do not affect the growth of education in any way.

Moreover, to treat fibroids, the body needs support, which depends on a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. A normal amount of vitamins reduces the increased reaction of the uterus to estrogens and stabilizes the functions of the corpus luteum .


Folic acid is important in the body. The body should receive at least 400 mcg per day. And for pregnant women - at least 600 mcg, since it is she who is responsible for the normal formation of the fetal nervous system. This acid must be present in the adult body in order to ensure the normal functioning of the immune system. And also for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Has a significant effect on the skin. In the absence or deficiency of this component, the skin becomes dull, wrinkles and spots appear, and it becomes thinner.

Popular drugs

The most popular vitamin complexes that are prescribed for myomatous formations in the uterus are:

  1. Alphabet . Take three tablets at once. The first contains B1 and iron, the second contains a complex of substances against the negative effects of free radicals, and the third contains calcium, vitamin A and D.
  2. Vitrum is another very popular vitamin complex. It can be used not only for the prevention of vitamin deficiencies, but also for their treatment. Take 1 tablet daily in the morning.
  3. Multitabs is a relatively inexpensive vitamin complex that has a positive effect on a woman’s metabolism and emotional state. The recommended dose is 1 tablet per day at the same time.
  4. Complivit . This complex is great for women 30-40 years old. The complex includes one of the important microelements - cobalt, which is directly involved in the processes of hematopoiesis.
  5. Aevit . It provokes the production of a hormone that can inhibit the growth of tumors.
  6. Fenyuls Zinc . This complex contains not only B vitamins, but also zinc sulfate, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that will prevent the development of possible complications.

What are the consequences of refusing comprehensive treatment?

The high cost of multivitamin complexes and the need to take the chosen drug daily for several months lead to women refusing treatment. This tactic is not justified, because against the background of growing fibroids, the body experiences an increased need for nutrients. No, the tumor does not take vitamins for itself - it is not a parasite, and its nutrition is carried out through other mechanisms. The reason for the deficiency of nutrients is different - bleeding. Heavy menstruation and acyclic discharge lead to an imbalance of vitamins and mineral elements and contribute to the development of such complications:

  • Folic acid deficiency prevents conception and pregnancy;
  • A lack of vitamin C threatens to weaken the immune system;
  • Insufficient intake of vitamin K provokes blood clotting disorders;
  • A deficiency of B vitamins interferes with the normal functioning of all parts of metabolism.

The list can be endless, but the essence is the same. Hypovitaminosis, which occurs against the background of fibroids, worsens the woman’s condition and does not contribute to recovery at all. For this reason, taking vitamins is included in the mandatory program for complex treatment of uterine tumors along with hormonal medications.

If there is insufficient intake of vitamins into the body, a woman’s pathological condition may worsen.


As already mentioned, vitamins cannot aggravate a woman’s condition with fibroids; on the contrary, they help her body respond better to treatment of the disease.


The increase in benign myomatous formation under the influence of vitamins is a myth that has long been debunked by scientists.

The only contraindication to taking vitamin complexes is the independent selection of pharmaceutical products . Vitamins can only be obtained independently from food, and when using synthetic drugs, consultation with a doctor is required.

Myoma is a disease that does not require self-medication. Whatever therapy is provided, it must be carried out under the supervision of a physician. Vitamins in this case are also no exception. It is necessary to take vitamins without fanaticism, because hypervitaminosis is no better than vitamin deficiency .

Vitamin therapy should continue for at least one and a half months, but it is better if the intake of vitamins is not stopped until the myomatosis is completely eliminated.

Separately, it is necessary to say about vitamins after surgical treatment of fibroids. In this case, the woman’s rehabilitation will directly depend on the strength of her body.

The recovery period of a weakened body will take much longer and will be fraught with various complications..

Therefore, in this case, you cannot do without vitamin therapy. Whether or not to take vitamins for fibroids, and if you take them, which ones, is not a personal matter for the patient, but a question that the doctor decides based on the woman’s medical history, her general condition, age and test results.

Useful video

Watch this video about the benefits of folic acid and foods that contain it:

Knowing the reasons for its appearance, as well as the characteristics of its development, will help you figure out whether fibroids can resolve on their own. In isolated cases this is still possible, but removal is often required.

Often, menstruation changes with fibroids: they rarely become scanty, but often become abundant. This factor is due to both the effect of the tumor itself and concomitant diseases.

Every woman, having heard about the discovery of nodes in her, wonders whether fibroids can develop into cancer. In general, no, it is a benign tumor. However, a sarcoma may be hiding underneath.

In some cases, abdominal surgery is necessary for uterine fibroids, the postoperative period after which depends on the type of intervention performed.


Answers to frequently asked questions

When visiting a gynecologist, they are most often asked:

What other dietary supplements can be used for fibroids? Additionally, calcium and magnesium preparations, iron-containing agents, etc. are prescribed. The need for these substances increases with uterine bleeding.

When treating fibroids, medications containing calcium, magnesium, and iron may be prescribed.

What vitamins should not be taken if you have fibroids? A list of strictly prohibited substances has not been developed. With reasonable use and strict adherence to dosage, all vitamins will be beneficial.

What is the best way to take vitamins – in tablets or injections? Usually the drugs are prescribed in tablets. For some diseases of the digestive tract, they switch to injection forms.

Is it possible to take vitamins if there is concomitant endometriosis, ovarian cyst, or mastopathy? Yes, vitamin complexes are prescribed for various gynecological diseases as an aid.

Reviews from practicing doctors regarding vitamins for uterine fibroids are positive. It has been observed that women who take recommended medications tolerate surgical treatment better and recover faster after surgery. Vitamins also help normalize hormonal levels and enhance the activity of prescribed hormonal medications. Rational use of such remedies helps improve a woman’s general condition and speeds up recovery.

How can vitamin D help treat fibroids?

Interesting video about the rules of taking vitamins

Treatment of myomatous formations in the uterus today is carried out in various ways, most often this is conservative treatment with hormonal drugs, and in advanced and severe cases, surgical intervention may be prescribed.

Vitamin therapy is far from the last place in the treatment of myomatous formations, since taking vitamins can reduce treatment time.

Every woman should know what vitamins should be taken for uterine fibroids, as well as how they affect the body.

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