Why is there white and thick discharge after ovulation, reasons

The ovulatory process is very important for a woman’s body, because without it fertilization is impossible. For people who are not yet planning a child, ovulation is considered a “dangerous” time. Others, on the contrary, try to “catch” favorable days. Based on the structure of the leucorrhoea, you can easily understand that the very period for conception has arrived. And the characteristics of the discharge after ovulation make it clear whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

Changes in cycle phases

It is generally accepted that the female cycle has two phases. In the first, the main follicle is formed in the ovaries. It is in it that the egg is contained. And in the second part of the menstrual cycle, the protective capsule bursts, releasing the female reproductive cell towards the sperm. The moment the capsule bursts is considered ovulation. With a cycle of 28 days, its onset is noted between 12 and 14 days.

The uterus also undergoes changes over the course of a month. Its walls and endometrium change their structure and the composition of the mucus that the cervix secretes. Throughout the month, the woman experiences discharge of various types. Their structure depends on the level of sex hormones estrogen and progesterone in the blood, which varies depending on the phase.

Immediately after the end of the critical days, a dry period begins due to the viscous and dense structure of the cervical secretion. It is this that creates a plug in the cervix, preventing the penetration of sperm.

Over time, the mucus begins to thin out, resulting in an increase in the volume of discharge. By the time the egg matures, the consistency resembles egg white and the color becomes transparent. Sometimes in such leucorrhoea you can notice an admixture of blood. This occurs due to damage to blood vessels. For a couple of days after the release of the egg, the secretion remains liquid and abundant. Thanks to this, the sperm can easily penetrate the tubes to merge with the egg. Such days are considered the most favorable for conception.

During ovulation

To learn to distinguish normal secretion from pathological one, it is necessary to find out the causes of cervical mucus during ovulation. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, vaginal secretions cause the following changes in the body:

  1. Release of a mature egg with concomitant rupture of the follicular sac.
  2. A significant increase in estrogen levels, and this hormone makes the cervical mucus from the cervix thinner. The reproductive system creates optimal conditions for the movement of sperm in the uterus and fallopian tubes.

It is these factors that determine what color the secretion will be, its quantity and consistency, provided there are no pathological processes in the body. You need to know what discharge should be during ovulation. They are characterized by the following signs:

  1. Color. Transparent, slightly white, pink.
  2. Consistency. Mucus, egg white state, snot-like, sometimes watery (see photo).
  3. Volume. About one teaspoon per day (individual indicator).
  4. Aroma. Completely absent, but allowed due to the vaginal microflora.

Remember that every body is individual, so the amount and shade of cervical fluid may vary from woman to woman. The main rule for everyone is the absence of itching, burning, redness of the genitals, as well as severe, especially cutting pain.

When does discharge begin during ovulation?

  1. Determine the duration of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Divide this number by two.
  3. We count this number of days from the beginning of the last menstruation.

The resulting date will serve as the beginning of the fertile period.

Rarely does the ovulatory phase occur, which occurs precisely in the middle of the cycle. This is due to hormonal levels, physiological and psychological factors. For more accurate forecasting, it is necessary to measure basal temperature for several months and record the results. According to doctors, for most of their patients, favorable days occur from the 11th to the 21st day of the cycle.

How many days does the discharge last?

To answer this question, it is necessary to find out the duration of ovulation. For everyone it is almost the same - approximately 48 hours. The mature egg remains viable for another day, so the characteristic discharge may still continue.

Cervical mucus, caused by a favorable time for conception, can last only a couple of days, and then gradually thickens due to an increase in progesterone content.

On a note! When vaginal fluid does not tell you anything about the beginning of the fertile phase, it is worth buying a special test that will show two stripes at the moment the egg leaves the ovary.

Additional symptoms

Vaginal discharge is not the only sign of the best time for fertilization. You also need to take into account the following signals:

  • may pull in the lower abdomen;
  • basal temperature increases (37.1–37.3°);
  • strong sexual attraction to partner;
  • minor pain and breast engorgement.

Signals of conception

The signs of pregnancy and egg release are very similar, so it is difficult to determine successful fertilization right away. Implantation bleeding causes pink and brown discharge to appear during ovulation, but it occurs after about a week and a half, when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

Remember that liquid and watery secretions are practically excluded, because the reproductive system prepares safe conditions for the development of the fetus, and therefore the vaginal mucus becomes thicker.

No secretion

If you have no discharge, this does not at all indicate pathology or lack of ovulation

. A large number of girls do not feel anything at the moment the egg leaves the ovary; they even experience vaginal dryness. Under such conditions, it is unlikely that conception will occur, but fertilization cannot be ruled out. After all, the lack of secretion may be due to low estrogen levels.

It is possible that instead of mucus, uncharacteristic creamy, smearing marks are observed on the panty liner. The reason most often lies in hormonal background, dietary habits and other external factors (strong experiences, stress).

There is no need to sound the alarm when you notice:

  • copious (wet) secretion for only a few days;
  • slightly yellowish or creamy marks on panty liners;
  • bloody smear;
  • watery, homogeneous discharge without lumps.

Women often describe white discharge during ovulation. However, it is worth considering that it is colorless mucus that indicates a favorable period for conception. When it comes to cloudy or white secretions, then most likely ovulation is behind you or the vaginal microflora is disturbed.

Remember that normal cervical fluid cannot be released against the background of unpleasant sensations, which most often indicate negative processes in the body.

What does pathological secretion look like when an egg is released?

Failure of the reproductive system cannot be ruled out if the discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Yellow with a green, gray tint (sexually transmitted infection).
  2. White curds with a sour smell, itching, burning (thrush).
  3. Abundant - the pad gets wet in less than an hour (bleeding).
  4. Very liquid, have a foamy consistency (inflammation, infection).
  5. Dark brown, almost black (endometriosis).

They speak with confidence about a violation when the secretion is supplemented:

  • unpleasant smell of fish, rot;
  • clotted blood;
  • pus and lumps;
  • lasting more than two or three days;
  • high body temperature;
  • severe pain;
  • systematic burning, redness and itching of the genitals.

Such symptoms should not be ignored, and visiting the hospital and getting tested is the key to the fastest possible recovery, and will also help to identify pathologies in time in the early stages of development.

Characteristics of mucus in the second phase

If the female cell does not wait for the male one, it dies, which causes endometrial detachment and menstrual flow begins. At the same time, secretions remain cloudy in color until the most critical days. They cannot cause any ailments in the body, pain, burning or itching. The smell should not be pungent or unpleasant. Otherwise, leucorrhoea indicates pathological changes in the body.

Normal discharge looks like this:

  1. Color varies from cream to pink shades. The structure should be creamy and homogeneous. It is impossible to say with certainty that this is pregnancy, because white discharge in the second half of the cycle has no distinctive features.
  2. Brown discharge occurs after ovulation if conception has occurred and the fetus has attached to the lining of the uterus.
  3. Mucus of a yellowish tint, thick consistency and odorless, is secreted under the influence of the hormone progesterone in the female body. Such secretion never causes discomfort or discomfort. Occurs when there is no conception at the end of the cycle.

White discharge

A white mass discharged from the vagina is rarely considered normal

. The consistency may vary, but in most cases this phenomenon indicates the development of some disease or abnormality in the functioning of the female genital organs. The appearance of white discharge may be accompanied by discomfort in the form of burning, itching, and unpleasant odor.


Thick white discharge that resembles cream most often indicates the development of thrush.

or vaginal
The smell of such a substance may be sour
or reminiscent of rotten fish. Creamy discharge is a symptom of diseases such as:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • thrush;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • other diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases.


Discharge that resembles curdled milk or cottage cheese cannot be normal.

This sign is a characteristic symptom of thrush. The mucous mass has a sour smell, and its formation is accompanied by severe itching.

A curdled substance is always a sign of an inflammatory process or infection. Impurities of pus indicate not only complications of thrush, but can also be a symptom of chlamydia.

Thrush is a chronic disease that falls under the category of sexually transmitted infections. The main symptoms of the disease are curdled masses, cracks
on the labia
and a feeling of itching.

Mucous masses have an unpleasant odor, reminiscent of sour milk

Treatment of thrush should be carried out with special antifungal or antibacterial drugs. Consequences of thrush

  • cervical erosion;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pregnancy complications
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • risk of infection of a partner with a fungus.

Fetal implantation

Such discharge cannot be noticed earlier than 5 days after the expected conception. This time is needed for implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. Therefore, normal bleeding can be expected a week before the usual onset of menstruation. This is the first sign of pregnancy.

What kind of discharge after ovulation, if conception occurs:

  1. The color can be either red-brown or light yellow.
  2. The duration varies from an hour to 3 days. In this case, the volume of discharge should not be large. If the pad fills in an hour or less, you should immediately consult a doctor. This is how uterine bleeding often characterizes itself.
  3. The discharge has a normal odor.
  4. There is no itching or burning.

It is worth considering that many women may not notice such discharge. So, if a small spot appears less than a week before menstruation, it can smoothly transition into regular menstrual days.

Discharge after ovulation, when fertilization of the egg has not occurred

The main difficulty in determining the fact of pregnancy by the nature of cervical mucus is that in the absence of conception, it is identical to the secretion after conception, but even before the attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.

After ovulation and until the start of a new menstrual cycle, the discharge is similar to chicken protein. At the same time, their abundance decreases and over time they change from mucus into a sticky, sticky liquid with a thick consistency.

On the eve of menstruation, cervical secretion may disappear completely. Therefore, at this stage of MC, vaginal dryness is often observed. Again, it would be wrong to refer to these signs. It is better to evaluate your well-being, sensations and wait about 5-7 days. If there are no signs of the notorious implantation bleeding, there are no nagging pains in the lower abdomen and other signs of pregnancy, then conception is unlikely, but not excluded.

Causes of dangerous secretion

Pathological discharge before menstruation appears under the influence of hormonal imbalance or dysfunction of the genital organs. You can recognize them by aching pain in the abdomen or back, by an unpleasant odor, itching and burning of the external female organs.

Hormonal imbalance

Anything can cause hormonal imbalance: stress, taking oral contraceptives, as well as ovarian dysfunction. It is in them that the female hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced. Any factor can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle and the appearance of spotting between periods. Often after ovulation, you may notice spotting, which is usually confused with fetal implantation or the early onset of your period.

Clear and watery discharge

In the middle of the cycle, clear and watery discharge may also bother you, which, according to experts, is considered normal and common. Basically, the transparent tint and watery strokes are due to the fact that:

  • menstruation will begin soon, and such prominent smears warn of this (due to the fact that the cervix is ​​preparing to open);
  • menstruation has ended and the egg is again ready for fertilization;
  • The female system and hormones work stably, and there are no deviations or diseases of the reproductive system.

Also, such discharge may indicate that the woman has begun the process of ovulation, which means that the egg is again ready for fertilization. This process is also closely related to the fact that fertilization has already taken place and the fetus is developing in the uterus.

Such leucorrhoea rarely has an unpleasant odor, but if this is the case, then it is advisable to pay attention to this and immediately contact your treating gynecologist, who will conduct a timely examination and, if necessary, prescribe special treatment and preventive measures.

Red discharge with blood in the middle of the cycle

Usually, red and brown discharge begins with menstruation, but if it begins in the middle of the cycle during ovulation, this may mean that the cycle has gone wrong and the genitals are not functioning stable enough. This may also mean that the menstrual cycle has been disrupted and menstruation began earlier, and this is due to the fact that:

  • infections and diseases interrupted ovulation, as a result of which pregnancy did not take place, and menstruation began much earlier.
  • pregnancy was terminated as a result of miscarriage or abortion (as a result of this, red spotting may bother you for 2-5 days).
  • the egg cannot be fertilized due to improper sexual intercourse or an infectious disease that affects the stable functioning of the female reproductive organs.

Most often, red mucus can be released due to frequent use of antibiotics and pills, which affect the hormonal balance and provoke its complete or partial disruption. In the middle of the cycle, the appearance of such smears can be dangerous and even indicate that an infection has entered through the genital tract, which affects the ovaries and fallopian tubes, promoting inflammation and damage to the walls of the capillaries.

If such discharge occurs along with pain, nausea and heaviness in the lower abdomen, this may be signs of menstruation, which has gone astray as a result of diseases and cold ovaries.


Even in the absence of discomfort, white creamy discharge can signal a progressive disease. Treatment can be complex and the consequences unpredictable. To avoid complications, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist.

One of the main preventive recommendations is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The intimate area requires daily care.

It is also advisable not to use public toilets, use protection during sex and do not forget about a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, and giving up bad habits perfectly restore the body and increase resistance to infections.

Gynecologists call discharge from the genital tract one of the main criteria for the female reproductive system. Their change usually indicates various physiological and pathological processes occurring in the body. Sometimes white discharge is observed before menstruation, which may be a variant of the normal condition.

Possible pathologies

Gynecological diseases are indicated by changes in color, consistency, smell and amount of secretion. Discomfort occurs in the form of dryness, burning, which intensifies during hygiene procedures and sexual intercourse.

Leucorrhoea of ​​a pathological nature appears in the following diseases:

  1. Vaginitis. The term implies an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa, which is accompanied by hyperemia, discomfort and pain. The secretion is yellow in color due to an increase in the number of leukocytes. Vaginitis often manifests itself 2 days before menstruation with white discharge.
  2. Cervicitis. When the tissues of the cervix become inflamed, profuse white discharge occurs in the middle of the cycle and before menstruation. Typically, leucorrhoea has an unpleasant odor and an admixture of pus.
  3. Endometritis. Lack of timely treatment for endometritis eventually leads to complications in the form of endometritis. An infection that enters the uterus along the ascending path causes inflammation of its cavity. The disease includes severe pain, fever, cloudy leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor. Chronic endometritis often causes infertility.
  4. Bacterial vaginosis. A feature of the violation of the composition of the intimate microflora is the characteristic smell of spoiled fish, as well as liquid, profuse leucorrhoea. There is dryness and hyperemia of the vaginal mucous membranes.
  5. Candidiasis. The pathology is otherwise called thrush because of the curdled leucorrhoea with a sour odor. Candidiasis appears in response to decreased immunity during periods of treatment with antibacterial drugs, pregnancy, and menopause. Psycho-emotional states and a violation of the diet with a predominance of confectionery products and fatty foods are essential. Leucorrhoea is accompanied by burning and redness of the mucous membranes, which intensifies upon contact with water and intimacy.

When to see a doctor

Every woman should monitor changes in cervical mucus. The nature of the secretion indicates not only the presence of infectious processes, but also the adequate functioning of the endocrine system. Any unusual discharge is a cause for concern.

Many diseases of the female genital area are asymptomatic and have similar symptoms. For example, creamy discharge before menstruation can be both normal and a sign of endometriosis or cervicitis. It is possible to differentiate a physiological condition from a pathological one after examination. Creamy white discharge before menstruation should not be heavy and cause discomfort.

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