Why do some women have white discharge instead of periods?

What causes white discharge instead of menstruation?

Many women turn to their doctor with the question “why did they start having white discharge instead of menstruation?”
Since the regularity, color, and intensity of menstruation are a good indicator of women’s health, the appearance of any unusual discharge instead of menstruation serves as a signal of a malfunction in the female body. white discharge instead of menstruation Almost every woman, girl who has reached puberty, may experience discharge during her cycle. They are usually transparent or have a slightly whitish tint.

White, creamy, odorless discharge before menstruation (leucorrhoea) is considered normal if it does not cause burning or itching or cause any discomfort.

Curdled white discharge before menstruation can already serve as a signal of a malfunction in the body. This can be caused either by thrush (candidiasis), which appears due to a violation of the vaginal microflora and decreased immunity, or by infectious diseases that need to be cured as soon as possible.

Heavy white discharge before menstruation can sometimes indicate pregnancy. During this period, a protective plug of mucus is created on the cervix, which explains the abundant nature of the discharge. This is a completely normal and natural phenomenon, but, again, the discharge should not have an unpleasant odor, cause itching or burning.

White discharge instead of menstruation is already a fairly serious reason to consult a doctor, since there are several reasons that cause such discharge, and not all of them are unsafe. This could be a pregnancy, a cycle failure, or some kind of infectious disease.

How does hormonal imbalance manifest?

In the female body, many organs produce hormones, each of which is responsible for specific functions. With even a slight disturbance, the functioning of the entire body deteriorates. Hormonal abnormalities are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • rapid increase in body weight;
  • cycle disruption;
  • infertility;
  • pathological discharge from the mammary glands;
  • decreased performance;
  • lack of sexual desire.

During menstruation, a woman experiences surges in blood pressure, severe pain in the lower abdomen and swelling. Skin with hormonal disorders is characterized by acne. The greasiness increases. Facial hair begins to grow.

Possible surges in blood pressure

With hormonal imbalances, unpleasant-looking stretch marks appear on the skin. At the same time, a woman does not become pregnant if she strives for successful conception and has unprotected sexual intercourse. The breasts may feel rough to the touch and become significantly sore.

The main reasons causing white discharge instead of menstruation can be considered:

  • pregnancy. Such white discharge occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. The body thus protects the uterus from infections. During pregnancy, the amount of discharge may increase significantly. It should be borne in mind that not all leucorrhoea can be considered normal. In any case, you should see a doctor to rule out infection.
  • hormonal imbalance, endocrine disorders. This reason can also only be identified by a specialist, who will also prescribe the correct treatment for you.
  • stress and diseases of the nervous system can also cause white discharge instead of menstruation.
  • excessive exercise. Too much passion for sports can also cause disruption in the female body and affect menstruation.
  • inflammatory process and infectious diseases. The main signs of an infectious disease or the presence of inflammation can be considered itching, burning, unpleasant smell of discharge, pain when urinating. These symptoms should serve as a reason for a woman to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • white discharge streaked with blood may be caused by cervical erosion. This disease can only be diagnosed at a doctor's appointment.

Every woman should always closely monitor her health. In case of any malfunction in menstruation - cycle failure, change in color and consistency, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, you should not self-medicate, but should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Reviews from women

It is interesting that on Internet forums women talk about white discharge due to a delay only in connection with pregnancy. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the topic of various signs of conception is one of the most relevant. And when we talk about other cases of white discharge (due to pathology, infection, hormonal imbalance), the issue of the presence or absence of a delay is simply not emphasized (pregnancy is simply not planned, and the woman does not wait with trepidation for the absence of menstruation).

Many women are afraid of white discharge due to a delay in menstruation. Meanwhile, this may be one of the signs of pregnancy. In some situations, this phenomenon indicates an ongoing disease, sometimes quite serious. In any case, you need to contact a gynecologist to clarify your condition.

Presence of pregnancy

One of the main reasons why there is white discharge but no periods can be a pleasant event in the form of pregnancy. In this case, in the first few days from the moment of conception, women experience light pink discharge, which indicates that the egg was able to attach to the inner wall of the uterus. White discharge during pregnancy protects the uterus from unwanted infection. This phenomenon is absolutely normal and therefore no treatment is required.

You can understand that the cause of leucorrhoea is pregnancy by the following signs:

  • Increasing breast size, in addition, the mammary glands become more sensitive. Some women may even feel pain.
  • Sudden change of mood. Girls who are pregnant become very emotional and easily move from a sad state to fun.
  • Changes in appetite. Already on the 10th day, a pregnant girl’s appetite noticeably increases, and in addition, taste preferences change dramatically.
  • Feelings of stuffiness in the sinuses.

If the pregnancy test shows a positive result, then you need to visit a gynecologist to register. If the test is negative, then white discharge instead of menstruation indicates a more serious problem. If white discharge appears and your period is 1 day late, this should not cause serious concern . Menstrual delay can be caused by a stressful situation, climate change, recent viral illness, and even weight loss. All these factors can delay menstruation by ten days.

If the absence of a menstrual cycle lasts for a longer period, then it is still better to seek advice and identify the exact cause from a specialist who will prescribe a series of examinations and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

When to see a doctor

You should consult a doctor if there is a delay of more than 7 days. This is already a deviation from the norm and needs to be examined. You should immediately visit a doctor if you have symptoms that were described earlier and are dangerous to health and life in general.

Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Thoughtless use of medications can aggravate the situation and complicate further diagnosis. It is also not recommended to delay visiting a medical facility. This is the only way to eliminate possible consequences.

Endocrine system

If every month when you should have your period you have white discharge, then this is a reason to consult a specialist; most likely, the woman has hormonal disorders. They are what cause unpleasant leucorrhoea. Basically, hormonal disorders cause diseases associated with the thyroid gland, ovaries and adrenal glands, and the presence of leucorrhoea indicates an illness in one of these organs.

Most often, the reason lies in hypothyroidism , in which the production of triiodothyronine and thyroxine is reduced. In addition, many women experience leucorrhoea due to problems in the ovaries. High production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones causes discharge of this nature. Mostly, such problems occur in women with pituitary tumors.

Only a doctor can diagnose the disease after examining the organs, which, in turn, are responsible for the production of hormones. After the course of treatment, the menstrual cycle improves and the discharge of leucorrhoea stops.


Menstrual irregularities and the appearance of white discharge are easier to avoid than to treat. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid hypothermia.
  2. Be careful when choosing sexual partners and use barrier contraception.
  3. Eat rationally.
  4. Minimize the number of nervous experiences.
  5. Observe the rules of hygiene of the external genitalia.
  6. Regularly (at least once a year) undergo gynecological examination.

Discharge due to infection

Leucorrhoea can appear in small amounts even in a completely healthy woman, but generally it is odorless and does not cause discomfort. But if there is discharge with an unpleasant putrid or sour odor, and also changes in consistency, this may indicate the appearance of bacteria in the body.

If the discharge is light yellow in color, then it is necessary to undergo the appropriate tests as soon as possible and undergo the necessary treatment.

Bacteria that can disrupt the microflora in the vagina are as follows:

  • streptococcus;
  • staphylococcus;
  • coli;
  • protea

Most often, such bacteria are activated when immunity is reduced, after long-term use of medications or a recent illness. The reason for their appearance may also be failure to comply with hygiene rules or an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear.


In case of any external or internal problems in the body, a defense mechanism is launched. Therefore, a delay of 5–6 days may be a consequence of a reaction to external stimuli:

  • mental and physical exhaustion;
  • psychological fatigue;
  • extreme and stressful situations;

  • an overly conflicting period in life.

This lifestyle often leads to pathological changes in a woman’s body. And if she recognizes the problem in time and tries to change the situation, then the hormonal levels can return to their previous state without the help of specialists. Eliminating external influences on reproductive function (avoiding stress, relaxing, improving your personal life) will restore the menstrual cycle. In another case, a woman will have to not only become a frequent visitor to the gynecological office, but also get to know a specialist such as a psychologist.

Reasons for missed periods with a negative test

If menstruation is delayed, hormonal imbalance may occur. It is associated with a decrease in triiododritonin levels. It can also be caused by a malfunction of the ovaries. This problem leads to improper production of hormones responsible for the functioning of the sex glands.

Delayed menstruation, negative test, white discharge present - these are possible signs of stress. In this case, menstruation occurs approximately 6–8 days later.

Failure in the functioning of the gonads is often associated with physical stress, for example, a delay due to a nervous breakdown is possible. To get rid of such unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to distance yourself as much as possible from the object of stress, adjust your diet and rest.

  1. Long-term use of antibiotics. Leads to vaginal dysbiosis, causing a delay in menstruation and impaired secretion.
  2. Sudden change of weather. This problem is often faced by women traveling to exotic countries. If the weather conditions they are in differ from their usual climate, their periods will be delayed by 7-10 days.
  3. Diseases of infectious etymology. Such ailments are accompanied by severe burning and itching in the genital tract and copious white discharge that has an unpleasant odor. Typically, with an infectious gynecological disease, a woman experiences pain when urinating.


If your period is delayed by 1-2 days, this is not a reason to panic, but if, in addition to the absence of menstrual periods, a woman feels severe pain and other pathological symptoms, she must definitely go to the gynecologist. Only a specialist can determine what diseases may cause the delay; for this, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • patient interview and gynecological examination;
  • blood test for human chorionic gonadotropin to determine pregnancy;
  • smear on flora from the urethra and vagina;
  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs.

Only timely diagnosis and correct diagnosis will allow the specialist to select effective treatment and relieve the patient from the discomfort that is caused by leucorrhoea secreted instead of menstruation.

Why is there white discharge instead of menstruation?

White discharge with a delay in menstruation, occurring regularly, is a clear sign of illness. They provoke drying of the vaginal mucosa and decreased immunity.

So, thick, abundant white discharge instead of menstruation may be a sign of the following diseases:

  1. Erosion of the uterus and cervix. The disease is characterized by pathology of the mucous surface of the upper organ in the vaginal area. With this disease, the mucous epithelium is replaced by the cervical canal. This process does not lead to serious health consequences, since it is benign in nature. The white discharge contains blood clots.
  2. Candidiasis (thrush). The development of urogenital candidiasis is accompanied by white, cheesy discharge caused by infection of the genital tract. If treatment is delayed, this disease will affect the cervix and vulva. The candida bacterium (causative agent) is transmitted through sexual contact. The disease is caused by a weakened immune system.
  3. Chlamydia. Leucorrhoea appears on the cervix, after which it affects internal tissues and organs. The discharge has an unpleasant odor.
  4. Adnexitis. It is an inflammatory process that occurs in the ovaries and uterus. The cause of the pathology is the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria that affect the organs of the reproductive system. This disease causes symptoms such as fever, severe pain in the lower abdomen, burning in the vagina and a delay in menstruation for more than 10 days. Lack of treatment often leads to infertility.
  5. Polycystic ovary syndrome. In this case, the presence of white vaginal discharge with a delay in menstruation is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the appearance of acne on the face and a sharp change in mood. The disease also provokes rapid weight gain.
  6. Gonorrhea. With this sexually transmitted disease, purulent clots are present in the white vaginal discharge. A woman suffering from this disease will regularly experience pain in the lower abdomen. Advanced gonorrhea is fraught with damage to the urethra and fallopian tube.
  7. Endometriosis. It is characterized by the rapid growth of tissue similar in structure to the endometrium. With this disease, severe pain may occur due to an enlargement of the endometrioid node.

It is important to take timely therapeutic measures to relieve the symptoms that accompany these diseases. Otherwise, hormonal complications may occur.

Pathological processes

If menstruation is absent for more than 7 days, and leucorrhoea appears instead, this may indicate the presence of some kind of infectious disease of the genital organs. The main symptoms of this disease are severe pain in the lower abdomen, itching, and pain during urination. There are several medical conditions that can cause white discharge.

Why do you get leucorrhoea instead of menstruation?

  1. Thrush. Mostly, this unpleasant disease appears in women with a weakened immune system. It can often appear due to the presence of other infectious diseases, and the disease will have to be treated not only by the woman, but also by her sexual partner, since candidiasis can be contracted sexually.
  2. With an inflammatory process in the ovaries or appendages. This mainly occurs due to the activity of pathogenic microbes. The chronic form of adnexitis can cause infertility or cause ectopic pregnancy.
  3. Cervical erosion.
  4. Polycystic ovary syndrome.

In any case, only a qualified doctor can establish an accurate diagnosis after conducting the necessary examinations. He also prescribes treatment, if the cause of leucorrhoea is associated with pathology, it will not be possible to cure on your own.

What signs are dangerous?

There are signs that require urgent consultation with a doctor or hospitalization, such as with an ectopic pregnancy. Leucorrhoea and retention are dangerous symptoms when combined with:

  • bloody streaks in the discharge;
  • unpleasant odor from discharge;
  • itching and burning in the genitals;
  • irritation in the genitals;
  • discharge from the chest;
  • pre-fainting;
  • sharp pain of a cramping nature.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, there is a high risk of developing life-threatening consequences.

If you experience itching and burning, visit a gynecologist

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