Is it possible to do visceral massage for uterine fibroids?

Condition of nodes in fibroids and abdominal massage

Abdominal massage - photo
Whether it is possible to do a massage and what type depends on the condition of the fibroid nodes. A node is a neoplasm that appears from under the mucous membrane. The body of the uterus can contain either one node or several at once. Experts believe that this process causes changes in hormone levels or an inflammatory process.

Nodes up to 20 mm in size usually do not make themselves felt and there are no symptoms of the disease. Fibroids larger than 50 mm cause bleeding, changes in the menstrual cycle, and abdominal or back pain. In this case, massage of the lower abdomen is not recommended. If the doctor, observing the condition of the nodes, diagnoses their growth or degeneration based on ultrasound results, then he gives the woman all the necessary recommendations regarding types of massage.

A few simple rules

Reviews about various types of massage are mostly positive. After the procedure, many women note an improvement in their general condition, a surge of vigor and strength. There is a desire to fight the disease, which increases the chances of recovery and definitely benefits the patient. For this reason, gynecologists do not suggest completely abandoning massage, but recommend being careful and following simple rules:

  • Manipulations are performed only when the fibroids are in a stable condition;
  • The procedure must be performed by a qualified technician with medical education;
  • You should not massage during menstruation, or during bleeding;
  • You should not combine a massage and a visit to the sauna, solarium, or visit to the beach;
  • If the symptoms of the underlying disease worsen, you should refuse the procedure and consult a doctor.

Compliance with safety precautions will allow a woman to enjoy a massage session without risk to her own health.

Timely and correct therapy will avoid many complications caused by uterine fibroids. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the better the results of therapy will be and therefore you should not postpone a visit to the doctor, since each menstrual cycle increases the number of damaged cells.

Types of massage for uterine fibroids

There are many types of massage:

  • gynecological;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • vacuum;
  • back and spine massage;
  • lymphatic;
  • endermological (LPG).

Each of the types is aimed at improving the functions of the body, but in case of fibroids, it is strictly contraindicated to affect the area of ​​the lower back, lower abdomen and thighs, as they cause a rush of blood, improve the nutrition of the tumor, after which it begins to grow rapidly.

Lymphatic drainage massage for uterine fibroids

Lymphatic massage for fibroids in the uterine cavity is contraindicated. Its essence is to strengthen and accelerate the movement of lymphatic fluid through the vessels. Movements are directed from the tips of the fingers or toes upward. Increased lymph flow also entails increased blood flow.

An exception may be a fibroid size of no more than 20 mm, which does not grow and does not manifest itself for some time - usually a year or two. Then the issue of lymphatic massage is decided after consultation with a doctor.

As an alternative, you can do incomplete lymphatic drainage - only the arms and upper body, or the legs to the knees.

Anti-cellulite massage for uterine fibroids

Fat deposits are found mainly in the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. If the condition of the fibroids is poor - new nodes appear, there are negative symptoms, growth is observed - such massage is prohibited.

Back and spine massage for uterine fibroids

The back can be massaged to the lumbar region. This massage is indicated for pulmonary diseases, when it is necessary to organize a flow of blood to the respiratory organs. For fibroids, it is not contraindicated if performed in the upper back. It is recommended to visit the massage room 2 – 3 times a week.

Manual spinal massage is performed without restrictions. It is important that additional methods in the form of heating are not used. Heating the lumbar region can cause an attack - bleeding and pain.

Acceptable types are massage of the collar area, neck and face.

LPG massage for uterine fibroids

It is carried out for the purpose of body correction. Again, correction is necessary in “problem” areas – stomach, hips, buttocks. Therefore, such procedures must be carried out after consultation with a doctor and under strict supervision. The massager consists of two rollers that grip the skin using a vacuum. LPG massage causes a rush of blood, due to which fat is broken down and muscles are strengthened. For large fibroids - up to 70 - 80 mm - the procedure is prohibited.

Gynecological massage for uterine fibroids

Promotes blood flow to the pelvic organs. Recommended for decreased libido and sedentary work. But for tumor formations in the uterine cavity it is contraindicated.

Other interesting information

It is possible to massage the abdomen on your own, but when doing this, the objectivity of the pressing force and the overall sensations are lost. As a result, the time of pressing and the nature of the movements will be assessed differently. Doctors' recommendations for independently performing visceral techniques boil down to clockwise stroking.

It is best if you take a short course in self-massage. In addition, you should not load your stomach on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is best if you eat an hour before the intended procedure.

This massage is very useful for women after childbirth. It should be remembered that before this you need to consult a gynecologist, as well as a therapist. After bearing a child, women in labor have their internal organs displaced, which means that in order to restore the body more quickly, the help of a specialist will be needed.

The techniques are used by various specialists to restore important functions. Visceral technique is no exception; such a procedure will help cope with various diseases, improve general condition, increase performance and brain activity.

How to remove belly fat with fibroids

An alternative to massage would be a protein diet. This is the only available way to remove a growing belly if there is a tumor in the uterus. A protein diet involves increasing the amount of protein in food - meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables and fruits, as well as drinking plenty of fluids to prevent constipation.

To avoid bloating, you will need to use herbal remedies with a laxative effect - hay, buckthorn. Constipation negatively affects the condition of the pelvic organs, because intoxication occurs with feces. With a protein diet, this is a fairly common occurrence, even when consuming a large amount of vegetables and plant fiber.

Attention to women who complain about their belly! Carbohydrates and saturated fats are reduced to a minimum during the diet.

Physiotherapy for uterine fibroids

Physiotherapy is indicated for myomatous nodes in cases where it does not cause a rush of blood or increase body temperature. Procedures are usually carried out starting from the 5th day of the cycle.

It is allowed to use magnetic therapy, electrophoresis (only after consultation with a doctor and for small fibroids), baths with radon and iodine.

Physiotherapy is an additional means when using hormones - it enhances the effect, reduces the synthesis of estrogen by the ovaries, which provokes tumor growth, and relieves inflammation.

Carefully! Visiting baths, saunas and solariums is prohibited. Sunbathing is also contraindicated.

Myostimulation for uterine fibroids

Myostimulation is the effect of electric current on certain areas to relieve swelling and improve muscle tone. During myostimulation, the same processes occur as during sports, only in a passive mode. However, it is prohibited to use this type of cosmetic procedure if you have fibroids. It also causes increased blood flow and oxygen levels in tissues, which triggers seizures and slow tumor growth.

Amplipulse therapy for uterine fibroids

Using the Amplipulse low-frequency alternating current device, you can influence organs and joints, providing blood flow and increased nutrition. Amplipulse therapy improves metabolic processes in tissues.

With fibroids, any excessive supply of oxygen and nutrients to the uterus is contraindicated. On the recommendation of a doctor, such procedures can be used on other parts of the body, excluding the stomach and thighs.


There are several reasons that can lead to uterine fibroids. These include:

  • all hormonal disorders that lead to menstrual irregularities or heavy flows;
  • lack of regular sex life (especially from the age of 25), or lack of harmony in sex life;
  • heredity and genetic predisposition;
  • history of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease;
  • influence of body intervention: abortion, curettage, trauma after childbirth;
  • passive lifestyle.

There are many causes of fibroids and even today they are still not fully understood. But scientists agree that there is always a cell that precedes the formation of a tumor. But opinions on where it comes from vary greatly.

Exercise and yoga for uterine fibroids

Physical activity if you have fibroids is prohibited. Walking, swimming, morning exercises or yoga are recommended. The set of movements must be selected by a doctor.

Exercises must be done slowly so as not to accelerate the heart rate, preferably every day so that the body gets used to the stress.

Exercises such as squats should not be done at full strength or to the end. With subserous uterine fibroids, it may be compressed, followed by uterine bleeding.

Sports for uterine fibroids

Sports activities are not recommended, as the risk of complications after an attack and large blood losses with the development of anemia increases. Such situations can trigger heart failure. You can choose calmer sports, such as chess.

Methods for treating fibroids

The method of treating tumors depends on the stage of the disease, the size of the fibroids, the age of the patient, and concomitant diseases. Doctors use both drug treatment and surgical removal of nodes. Contraindications to the operation are:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • acute infectious process;
  • cardiovascular problems.

At a young age, when a woman’s reproductive function has not yet been realized, gentle, minimally invasive methods of removing fibroids are preferable: laparoscopic method, FUS ablation, laser removal, which will not affect a woman’s ability to become pregnant and carry a child to term normally.

Laparoscopy for uterine fibroids

The laparoscopic method allows you to see the process of tumor removal on a monitor, which ensures the least trauma to healthy organ tissue. Rehabilitation after laparoscopy takes less time, sexual activity is possible two weeks after surgery.

Ablation and FUS ablation for uterine fibroids

A relatively new method that allows you to preserve reproductive function. It consists of an indirect destructive effect of myomatous tissue. It is carried out using ultrasound using magnetic resonance equipment – ​​MRI. Thermal cauterization or a change in blood flow in the tumor area is possible. It is performed quickly and recovery occurs within a few days after surgery.

Curettage for uterine fibroids

Any termination of pregnancy in the presence of tumors in the body of the uterus is life-threatening. Curettage or curettage of the mucous membrane can cause necrosis of the fibroid body or twisting of the stalk. This complication often causes infection and the development of peritonitis. Before surgery, it is important to prepare the patient to reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

The course of surgical abortion is complicated by the presence of an ovarian cyst or mastopathy (an additional source of inflammation). If the integrity of the tissues or walls of the uterus is damaged, the doctor is forced to remove the organ, which can cause infertility. If there are contraindications to surgery, more attention should be paid to drug treatment.


For uterine fibroids, procedures that increase blood flow - massage of the abdomen and thighs, warming - are not recommended. You should limit visits to the solarium, bathhouse, sauna. The duration of physical activity should not exceed 1.5 hours. It is possible to quickly cure fibroids only with early diagnosis and an integrated approach: drug treatment, physiotherapy or the least invasive operations.

Video: recovery from fibroids begins with immunity

Recovery from fibroids begins with immunity


There are many types of therapeutic massage, which differ significantly in their mechanism of action and purpose.

When a method of treating fibroids is being developed, these types are of interest:

  • segmental-reflex;
  • local (back, lower back, hips, etc.);
  • gynecological;
  • anti-cellulite;
  • lymphatic drainage

Techniques include stroking, rubbing, kneading, squeezing, vibration, and impact. Acupressure is especially noted.

Massage can be carried out manually or using special devices - massagers with different principles of operation..

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