Is it possible to go to church with menstruation - the priest’s answer

With the arrival of menstruation, many women who visit the temple are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to receive communion during menstruation, get married, baptize children, kiss icons or pray. Due to the lack of a clear answer in the Bible about the possibility of attending church on critical days, clergy interpret the postulates based on their own beliefs about female “uncleanness” on certain days of the cycle. The Russian Orthodox Church forbade women from visiting church during menstruation, fasting, and praying. However, natural physiological processes in the female body are an inevitable phenomenon that does not indicate that the woman has become “unclean.” Only committing sin defiles a person.

Is it possible to attend church during menstruation?

Among the majority of parishioners, there are certain generally accepted rules, according to which women can attend church and pray on days of so-called uncleanness, but touching shrines (the Cross, the Gospel, the relics of saints) and participating in the Sacraments is prohibited.

There are only 7 sacraments:

  • Baptism;
  • Confirmation;
  • Repentance;
  • Communion;
  • Sacrament of marriage (wedding);
  • Blessing of Unction;
  • Priesthood (applies only to clergy, women do not participate in it).

Previously, women were prohibited from entering God’s temple at all on days of any uncleanness (menstruation, the first 40 days after childbirth).

This was due to the fact that, due to the nature of the clothing, menstrual blood could drip onto the floor and thereby desecrate the shrine.

Nowadays, thanks to the huge number of hygiene products, such situations are impossible, so women are allowed to go to church.

Nevertheless, even now it is traditionally advised to stand during services not in the temple itself, but in the vestibule; if it’s not there, which is possible, then it’s just not far from the entrance.

Is it possible to receive communion during menstruation? Your personal confessor will tell you. You should listen to him.

The table shows in more detail the permissions and prohibitions regarding critical days.

Note! It is forbidden to enter the temple with any bleeding wound, so as not to desecrate it by shedding blood.

What are the restrictions on going to church during your period?

With the arrival of menstruation, many women who visit the temple are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to receive communion during menstruation, get married, baptize children, kiss icons or pray.

Due to the lack of a clear answer in the Bible about the possibility of attending church on critical days, clergy interpret the postulates based on their own beliefs about female “uncleanness” on certain days of the cycle. The Russian Orthodox Church forbade women from visiting church during menstruation, fasting, and praying.

However, natural physiological processes in the female body are an inevitable phenomenon that does not indicate that the woman has become “unclean.” Only committing sin defiles a person.

What is the reason for the ban on visiting the temple?

In addition to the ban on visiting the temple, the Orthodox Church believed that a woman during menstruation should not:

  • take communion;
  • get married;
  • baptize a child;
  • confess;
  • touch icons;
  • to be baptized unbaptized;
  • take antidor (prosphora) and holy water;
  • participate in singing;

In addition, you cannot enter the temple for 40 days after giving birth.

To explain why you can’t go to church during your period and a few days after giving birth, you need to turn to the Old Testament. It says that a dead body, certain (venereal) diseases, and discharge from the genitals of women and men are considered “unclean.”

Most modern priests do not limit a woman’s stay in the temple during her period. They convince parishioners that natural processes in the body should not influence their beliefs.

Prohibition theories

Adherents of “ritual purity” give their reasons why a woman during her period is not worthy to visit the temple:

  1. From the Middle Ages until the 18th century, menstruating women were not allowed to visit shrines. It was also forbidden to enter the temple during menstruation.
  2. The Russian Orthodox Church has put forward strict demands since the 12th century. Women were forbidden to give birth in the house, so as not to desecrate the living space with their own secretions. A bathhouse was used for this. The first visitor after childbirth was a priest who read a special prayer, “cleansing” the woman in labor from filth. For 80 days (at the birth of a girl) and 40 (if a boy was born), the woman in labor did not have the right to attend church, receive communion, or baptize her children. Only the clergyman could determine how many days the ban would last and when one could receive communion.
  3. According to the statements of Timothy of Alexandria, the ban on communion was associated with the physical ailment of women during and after menstruation. At this time they were supposed to be at home, reading prayers.
  4. According to the Canons of Hippolytus, women in labor and midwives were not allowed to attend church during menstruation and after childbirth. They could only stand at the gate during the service until the restriction period expired.
  5. The sayings of Dionysius of Alexandria limited time in the temple to certain days, thereby pointing to the spiritual and bodily “uncleanness” of menstruating women. That is why a woman could not be a godmother or confess during her period.
  6. The Gospel of James says that the Virgin Mary lived in the temple until she was 12 years old (until the onset of menstruation) so as not to desecrate the holy place with menstrual blood.
  7. Levitical laws prohibited touching a menstruating woman out of concern for the health of unborn children, thereby limiting sexual intercourse. According to Moses, Tertullian, Lactantius, and Origen, who were the founders of Christian theology, intercourse is justified only for the purpose of conceiving a new life.

Modern look

Today, the church's attitude towards the material world has changed. Each woman decides independently whether it is possible to pray during menstruation, visit holy places, participate in the sacraments of baptism and weddings.

Modern clergy focus on the fact that every creation of God is pure. If a woman feels the need to communicate with the Lord, no physiological changes in the body should interfere with this.

Menstrual flow, like any other, does not affect the spiritual purity of a woman. There are a lot of hygiene products with which women can not limit their physical and social activity.

Women do not refuse to become godmothers or get married if a significant event coincides with critical days.

Sometimes periods come early or are delayed, and it is not always possible to regulate the right moment.

Famous clergymen of past centuries opposed the ban for women to attend church when they are menstruating: John Chrysostom, Apostle Paul, Gregory Dvoeslov, Patriarch Pavel of Serbia and others.

After the Crete Conference in 2000, priests of Orthodox churches were recommended not to prohibit, but to welcome the presence of women in the temple, regardless of critical days. It was also recommended to inform parishioners that they can take the sacrament and confess on any day. But not all clergy agreed with this situation.

Not every priest will allow a woman “during bleeding” to be a godmother and perform the wedding ceremony, but he will not be able to prevent this. Why can’t you baptize while you’re on your period, because it’s impossible to reproach a parishioner for what was given to her by nature.

Some women doubt whether they can go to church if they have gynecological diseases, when there is uterine bleeding, or whether they should stay at home.

In this case, the New Testament gives an example of how a woman suffering from bleeding touched the Lord's garment and was healed of her illness. At the same time, she did not hear the reproach for her bodily “uncleanness.”

On the contrary, the Lord pointed out to the baptized woman the power of her faith, with the help of which she was healed.

Today it is difficult to imagine a situation where a clergyman would be interested in issues that confuse parishioners. If a woman independently decides not to attend church, not to receive communion and to fast during her period at home, she can be praised for her piety, but no one will prevent her from being in church.

Menstrual blood is just a temporary physiological phenomenon that in no way affects spiritual purity and cannot desecrate the temple.


Communion during menstruation: canons of the Old Testament

Is it possible to receive communion during menstruation? The Old Testament says unequivocally: “No!”

In those days, a woman could not enter the temple at all during the period of purification. And this was connected not only with hygienic features, but also with a spiritual component.

It was believed that menstruation is, firstly, a reminder of damaged human nature, and secondly, it is an unborn child , that is, a “dead body”, which also desecrated the shrine.

In addition, anyone who touched a woman during her menstrual period also became “unclean.”

This is interesting! Even about the Virgin Mary in the Protoevangelium of James it is said that she lived in the temple until she was 12 years old, and then, after her betrothal, she was sent to live with Joseph so that the “sanctuary of the Lord” could not be desecrated.

Where do the roots of the ban come from? We look for the answer in the Old Testament

Is there anything offensive for a Christian to be outside of church service, participation in confession, and communion for a while?

Menstrual days are not a disease or a sin, but a natural state of a healthy woman, emphasizing her ability to give children to the world.

Why then does the question arise: is it possible to confess during menstruation?

The Old Testament places a lot of emphasis on the concept of purity in coming before God.

Impurities included:

  • diseases in the form of leprosy, scabies, ulcers;
  • all sorts of discharges in both women and men;
  • touching a dead body.

The Jews were not a single people before leaving Egypt. In addition to worshiping the One God, they borrowed a lot from pagan cultures.

Judaism believed that uncleanness, a dead body, were one concept. Death is the punishment for Adam and Eve for disobedience.

About women:

God created a man and his wife perfect in beauty and health. Human death is associated with a reminder of sinfulness. God is Life, everything unclean has no right to even touch Him.

Confirmation of this can be found in the Old Testament. The book of Leviticus, chapter 15 clearly states that “not only wives are considered unclean during the flow of blood, but every person who touches them.”

For reference! During menstruation, it was forbidden not only in the temple, but also in ordinary life, communication, personal touch between any person and an “unclean” woman. This rule applied to the husband, prohibiting all sexual activities during menstruation.

When a child is born, blood is also released, so a woman has a cleansing period for 40 days after giving birth.

Pagan priestesses were absent from rituals due to weakness; in their opinion, magical power disappeared with blood.

The era of Christianity made its own amendments in this matter.

New Testament on Communion During Menstruation

In the New Testament, Jesus Christ changes the understanding of human purity and impurity. He talks about the importance of spirituality, the presence of the Holy Spirit, rather than physical condition.

He did not reject the bleeding woman who touched him, but, on the contrary, healed her, praising her for her faith. By this, the Savior made it clear that only what is important is what is in a person’s heart: his thoughts and intentions, and only unrighteous thoughts and actions, but not natural bodily things, can defile him.

The Apostle Paul also says that “every creation of God is good” and there is nothing unclean in man created by the Lord.

However, when he mentioned this, he meant food, so it is difficult to understand whether the apostle only wanted to talk about food or whether he was talking about all the phenomena and things created by God.

Although the concept of ritual impurity (identified in the Old Testament) has been removed, it is difficult to draw an exact conclusion about what women should do on such days. It is known that the early Christians took communion every week, and there is no mention of exceptions for women with certain disabilities.

Despite indirect indications, nowhere in the New Testament does it clearly say whether it is possible to receive communion during menstruation.

Rules of the Egyptian Fathers

The holy fathers of the early church, such as Methodius of Olympus, Origen, and the Martyr Justin, treated the issue of purity as a concept of sin. Unclean, according to their concepts, means sinful, this applied to women during menstruation.

Origen considered not only menstruation, but also sexual intercourse to be unclean. He ignored Jesus' words that when two people copulate they become one body. (Matthew 19:5). His stoicism and asceticism were not confirmed in the New Testament.

The Antiochian doctrine of the third century put the teachings of the Levites under prohibition. The Didascalia, on the contrary, denounces Christian women who abandoned the Holy Spirit during menstruation, separating the body from church services. The church fathers of that time considered the same bleeding patient to be the basis for their exhortation.

Clementius of Rome gave an answer to the problem - is it possible to go to church during menstruation, arguing that if a person who stops attending the Liturgy or receiving communion has left the Holy Spirit.

A Christian woman who has not crossed the threshold of the temple during menstruation, who has not touched the Bible, can die without the Holy Spirit, and what then? Saint Clement in the “Apostolic Constitutions” argued that neither the birth of a child, nor critical days, nor wet dreams defile a person and cannot separate him from the Holy Spirit.

Important! Clementius of Rome condemned Christian women for empty speech, but considered childbirth, bleeding, and bodily defects to be natural things. He called prohibitions the invention of stupid people.

Saint Gregory the Dvoeslov also stood on the side of women, arguing that natural, God-created processes in the human body cannot become the reason for the ban on attending church services, confessing, or receiving communion.

Further, the issue of female impurity during menstruation was raised at the Gangra Council. The priests meeting in 341 condemned the Eustathians, who considered not only menstruation unclean, but also sexual intercourse, forbidding priests to marry. In their false teaching, the difference between the sexes was destroyed, or rather, a woman was equal to a man in clothing and behavior.

In the sixth century, Gregory the Great, the Pope of Rome, took the side of the faithful parishioners.

The Pope wrote to St. Augustine of Canterbury, who raised the issue of menstrual days and impurity, that Christian women are not to blame for these days; she should not be prohibited from confessing or receiving communion.

Important! According to Gregory the Great, women who abstain from Communion out of reverence are worthy of praise, but those who accepted it during menstruation out of great love for Christ are not condemned.

The teachings of Gregory the Great lasted until the seventeenth century, when Christian women were again prohibited from entering the church while menstruating.

The Russian Orthodox Church has always been characterized by strict laws regarding women's critical days and all types of discharges. The question is not even raised here: is it possible to go to church while menstruating? The answer is clear and not subject to discussion - no!

Moreover, according to Nifont of Novgorod, if labor begins right in the church and a child is born there, then the entire church is considered desecrated. It is sealed for 3 days, re-consecrated by reading a special prayer, which can be found by reading “Questioning Kirik”.

All those present in the temple were considered unclean and could leave it only after the cleansing prayer of the Trebnik.

If a Christian came to church “clean”, and then had bleeding, she urgently had to leave the church, otherwise she would face a six-month penance.

The cleansing prayers of the Trebnik are still read in churches immediately after the birth of a baby.

This issue causes a lot of controversy. The problem of touching an “unclean” woman in pre-Christian times is understandable. Why today, when a child is born in a sacred marriage and is a gift from God, his birth makes the mother and everyone who touches her defiled?

Only after 40 days is a Christian woman allowed into the temple, subject to complete “purity”. A ritual of churching or introduction is performed over her.

The modern explanation for this phenomenon is the fatigue of the woman in labor; she supposedly needs to come to her senses. How then can we explain that seriously ill people are recommended to visit church more often, take communion, and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus?

Ministers of the present time understand that the laws of the Trebnik do not always find their confirmation in the Bible and the Holy Scriptures of the Church Fathers.

Marriage, childbearing and impurity are somehow difficult to connect together.

1997 made adjustments on this issue. The Holy Synod of Antioch, His Beatitude Patriarch Ignatius IV, made a decision to change the texts of the Breviary regarding the sanctity of marriage and the purity of Christian women who gave birth to a child in a union sanctified by the church.

The 2000 Crete Conference recommends that when churching or introducing a young mother, bless her and not talk about impurity.

Important! When introducing a mother, the church blesses the child’s birthday if the mother is physically strong.

After Crete, Orthodox churches received urgent recommendations to convey to all parishioners that their desire to attend church, confess and take communion is welcomed, regardless of their critical days.

Saint John Chrysostom was critical of the adherents of the canons who claim that visiting the temple on critical days is unacceptable.

Dionysius of Alexandria advocated observance of the canons, however, life has shown that not all laws are observed by modern churches.

The canons should not govern the Church, for they were written for temple services.

Questions about critical days wear the mask of piety based on pre-Christian teachings.

Modern Patriarch Paul of Serbia also does not consider a woman during her period to be spiritually unclean or sinful. He claims that during menstruation a Christian woman can confess and receive communion.

His Holiness the Patriarch writes: “The monthly cleansing of a woman does not make her ritually, prayerfully unclean. This uncleanness is only physical, bodily, as well as discharge from other organs. In addition, since modern hygienic means can effectively prevent the accidental flow of blood from making the temple unclean... we believe that from this side there is no doubt that a woman during her monthly cleansing, with the necessary caution and taking hygienic measures, can come to church , kiss icons, take antidor and blessed water, as well as participate in singing.”

Important! Jesus Himself cleansed women and men with His blood. Christ became the Flesh of all Orthodox Christians. He trampled upon bodily death, giving people spiritual life, independent of the state of the body.

What the Book of Rules of the Orthodox Church says about communion during menstruation

The Book of Rules has more precise instructions regarding communion during menstruation.

It says: “A woman who is in purification should not receive communion until she is cleansed.”

However, this provision is only a reference to the authoritative opinions of the holy fathers: Dionysius, Athanasius and Timothy of Alexandria. In particular, at St. Dionysius was told that it is unlikely that a pious woman herself would dare to accept a shrine on such days.

In the Russian Orthodox Church of the 12th century, the rules were much stricter and the restrictions were very precise. Thus, if a woman began to menstruate while she was in the temple, she immediately had to leave it.

Otherwise, she received penance for a 6-month fast with daily prostrations (50 per day).

Prayers of the Breviary

The special prayer of the Trebnik of the Russian Orthodox Church, which even today is read on the first day after the birth of a child, asks God to “cleanse the mother from filth...” and continues, “and forgive this servant of yours, named, and the whole house in which the child was born, and who touched to her, and to all who are found here...”[69] I would like to ask why we ask forgiveness for the whole house, for the mother and everyone who touched her?

On the one hand, I know that the Levitical laws contained the concept of defilement through touch. Therefore, I know why Old Testament believers considered it a sin to touch “unclean” things. And I know that the pagans were afraid of bleeding both during childbirth and during menstruation, because they believed that this attracted demons.

“Cleanse from all sin and from all defilement... so that without condemnation you may be worthy to partake of your holy mysteries... wash away bodily defilement and spiritual defilement for the duration of fourty days: do it in a manner worthy of communion of your holy body and blood...” [70]

Today it is often said that a woman does not go to church for forty days after giving birth to a child due to physical fatigue. However, the text quoted does not speak about her ability to participate in liturgical life, but about her dignity. The birth (not conception) of her child, according to these prayers, became the cause of her physical and mental “uncleanness” (defilement). This is similar to Dionysius of Alexandria’s reasoning about menstruation: it makes a woman not entirely pure “both in soul and body.”

Is it possible to receive communion during menstruation: the opinion of modern priests

As for modern priests, the opinions here are completely opposite.

There are priests who require their parishioners to strictly follow all the rules of preparation for Communion (reading the canons, fasting, etc.) and do not allow women to attend during their periods.

There are those who say that the main thing is to approach the Sacrament with trepidation and real repentance, and consider all formalities (including preparation and physical condition) unnecessary.

Although, undoubtedly, there are much fewer supporters of the second point of view. Basically, most clergy adhere to the traditional approach , that is, they still do not recommend that women approach the Holy Chalice on days of cleansing.

Nevertheless, today's priests do not just use this dogma, but try to find an explanation.

And among the opinions, in addition to the common interpretations about the hygienic and spiritual side of the issue, there is also the idea that women during this period of the cycle are more tired and less collected , cannot fully pray and participate in the Liturgy and are not well enough prepared for Communion.

At the same time, there are clergy who are of the opinion that during menstruation a woman, on the contrary, needs communion more, because this period is already quite difficult for her both physically and emotionally.

Note! The question of whether it is possible to receive communion during menstruation, as well as all other restrictions and permissions, should be decided by each woman only personally with her confessor (or the priest of the temple she regularly visits).

Communion during menstruation: the opinion of the West and the East

Regarding communion during menstruation, the holy fathers of the West and East also have different opinions.

The point of view of Western bishops - St. Clement of Rome and Gregory the Dvoeslov is such that a woman is allowed to take part in the Sacrament on such days, because this weakness does not depend on her will, and the Holy Spirit is always present in her.

In what cases can the canon about communion during menstruation be violated?

It is allowed to receive communion during menstruation only if the woman is dying. Here the opinions of all clergy agree, because you cannot let a person die without receiving communion.

In such cases, it is also permitted to give communion to someone who has taken food (usually communion is only possible on an empty stomach). The same applies to women in labor in case of danger to their life.

Patriarch Pavel of Serbia said in this regard: “... in a mortal illness he can both receive communion and be baptized.”

Thus, despite some differences in opinions regarding communion during menstruation, basically, the order is that it is possible to visit the temple during menstruation, but it is not recommended to take communion.

From this video you will find out whether it is possible to receive communion during menstruation.

This video will introduce you to the priest’s answer regarding a woman’s presence in the temple during menstruation.

Confess in a Christian temple during menstruation

Many Orthodox girls and women are concerned about whether it is possible to go to church while on their period, take communion and confess, whether this is a violation of the canons. Sometimes there are situations when you really need to visit a temple, an important ritual for the family is scheduled, on Easter or another significant holiday.

What to do in such a situation? Skip the service or still not pay attention to critical days. Christian women and clergy have been asking this question for many centuries. They often look for the answer on their own in the Bible or the sayings of saints.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period?

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Today, very often clergy answer the question of why you can’t go to church while on your period. This question concerns all women who enter the church. But each priest can answer it differently. Therefore, it is worth understanding where the ban on menstruating women from entering the church came from.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period, Old Testament

To consider the problem of whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, you need to use the Old Testament. This section of the Bible clearly states in what state one should refrain from visiting a holy place, this is:

  • death;
  • serious illness;
  • "uncleanness" of women or men.

The uncleanness of a woman is associated with certain discharges, during which the woman should not touch anything. There is an opinion. that the presence of menstruation in women is a punishment for the sinful fall of the ancestor of all living Eve. And, as you know, clergy try to protect the church and parishioners from any things that remind of man’s sinfulness and mortality.

It is also believed that menstruation is the process of ridding the body of a dead egg, a kind of death of an immature embryo. And the presence of deadly objects in the temple is prohibited.

But some experts of the Holy Book interpret this opinion somewhat differently. It is believed that the difficult process of childbirth is a punishment, but the presence of menstruation is an opportunity to continue the human race.

Thus, the Old Testament does not give a clear answer to this question.

Is it possible to go to church while on your period, New Testament

In the New Testament there are the words of the Apostle Paul, who was convinced that everything that the Lord created was beautiful. All processes that occur in the human body are natural. Menstruation is a very important period of time for the female body. Their role is quite large, so it makes no sense to prohibit people from entering the temple with them.

Saint George Dvoeslov had the same opinion. He argued that such a woman was created by nature and she should be allowed to enter the church in any state of her body. After all, the main thing is the soul, the spiritual state.

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Take your period to church, the modern opinion of the clergy

Based on the above, it can be argued that when asked whether it is possible to go to church with menstruation, the priest’s answer may be different. There is no clear permission or prohibition in the Bible for a woman with such processes in the body to visit the temple. Therefore, you need to rely only on the answer of the sacred father.

Some clergy allow women to enter the church, but prohibit touching icons and lighting candles. You can only calmly pray and leave.

But there are times when a priest simply cannot refuse to help a person. For example, when a seriously ill woman who has uterine bleeding feels her speedy departure and wants to confess and take communion. In this case, the priest cannot refuse entry into the sacred place, although the woman is considered “unclean.”

Among the prohibitions for women during menstruation are certain church rituals:

  • participle;
  • baptism;
  • wedding.

The most important prohibition is getting blood on holy books, candles and icons. But with today's hygiene products, these troubles can be easily avoided.

Thus, a definite answer to the question of a woman’s “uncleanness” can be debated for a very long time. Everyone has the right to act as they see fit, for each of us will stand before the Lord and answer for all our actions. Most often, priests react positively to the presence of a menstruating woman in the temple, but there are still fans of the old rules.

Therefore, before going to church, it is still advisable to clarify this issue with the priest and receive a blessing.

The Lord is always with you!

Also watch the priest’s video answer to the question whether menstruating women can attend church:


According to the laws of the Old Testament

In those distant times, women, along with people with the plague, were put on the same level. These days, according to the worshipers, they were unclean. In order not to become on the same level with them, one should not touch them. Hence, visiting a girl during her period in a church building was strictly prohibited, and even more so it was impossible to perform any rituals.

After giving birth, you also couldn’t come to church right away. The period of abstinence from visits depended on the sex of the infant. If it was a boy, then within a month, and if a girl was born, then longer - 3 months. In general, they indicated a period of about 40 days. In those days they said that while a woman was undergoing postpartum cleansing, she could not be at the service. The same applied to the condition of a woman after a miscarriage. Today this tradition is hardly observed.

According to the New Testament: is it possible to attend church during menstruation?

In subsequent centuries, views changed, but were not unambiguous. For example, the Apostle Paul said that everything created by God is light and beautiful. A woman is also His creation, and the menstrual cycle is not her fault, but just a natural phenomenon, therefore there should be no ban on visiting church during menstruation.

To support his words, he cited a parable about a parishioner who had been ill for a long time. She was bleeding, and there was no way for the doctors to help her. Having learned about the Son of God passing by, she went to meet him halfway with a prayer, touching his clothes lightly and with trepidation with her pale hand. The Lord healed her, saying with approval that it was the sick woman’s faith that helped her. So, the bleeding woman was not pushed away by Jesus Christ himself, which means that visiting the temple is possible for her.

Dionysius of Alexandria was not against a woman visiting the temple on critical days, but her actions should be limited:

  • Just pray and be baptized.
  • Prohibition of communion.
  • Prohibition on touching holy relics.

Is it possible for a woman to confess and receive communion during menstruation?

If in our time you ask priests with a similar question, you will get several different answers. Someone points out that on critical days women can do everything that is customary in church, but they cannot touch temple shrines. Others are against parishioners taking part in the Sacraments these days. What should I do? First of all, you need to know the rules that exist in a given temple and follow them. This issue can be resolved by talking with the priest.

If a trip to holy places is planned, then the woman needs a blessing, as well as advice from a confessor. Some ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church have a negative attitude towards visiting church by a menstruating woman.

Main reasons for the ban

  • The main thing is that, according to beliefs, no one should shed blood in the temple. Even if someone in ancient times managed to get hurt in the temple, he had to leave it in order to stop it outside the church walls. This applied to both ordinary townspeople and clergy. If it did happen that blood sprinkled the floor or the icon, it had to be re-consecrated.
  • In the old days, women's clothing was different, and the risk of menstrual blood getting on the floor was very high. For this reason they were not allowed inside. Today this is not possible, as there are many useful hygiene products.
  • Another version is the death of the egg, which some consider to be a spontaneous abortion. Allegedly, the painful bleeding given to a woman by nature is a punishment for Eve’s fall from grace in paradise.

Is it possible to go to church with menstruation - the priest’s answer

The question of whether it is possible to go to church while menstruating worries many Orthodox women. After all, their arrival cannot be planned in any way.

What if a special event is planned, for example Easter, on such a holiday it is necessary to visit church, but what to do if critical days have arrived? Should you really miss going to church?

  • Is it possible to go to church with menstruation - Old Testament times
  • Is it possible to attend church during menstruation - New Testament times
  • Is it possible to confess and receive communion during menstruation?
  • When should women not go to church?
  • Patriarch of Serbia Paul on female impurity
  • Conclusion

Is it possible to go to church with menstruation - Old Testament times

In Old Testament times, not only women were considered unclean in these days, but also people who suffered from the plague. Moreover, it was forbidden to touch women these days; it was believed that whoever touched them would also become unclean. Therefore, in those days, visiting church was strictly prohibited.

It was believed that a woman who gave birth to a son should not attend church until one month had passed after giving birth. If you have given birth to a daughter, then in this case you cannot cross the threshold of the temple for more than three months.

We bring to your attention an informative article about the myths of the creation of the world.

Is it possible to attend church during menstruation - New Testament times

One can recall the words of the great Gregory Dvoeslov and the Apostle Paul, who argued that everything that the Lord created was beautiful and bright. Woman was created by the Creator God, which means she is beautiful. The menstrual cycle is a natural phenomenon for which the woman is not at all to blame and she should not be banned from attending church.

There is a parable about a bleeding woman who was sick for a long time and no one could help her. Having learned that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was coming, she touched His clothes with faith. The Lord did not push her away, but on the contrary healed her and approved of her action: “Your faith has saved you,” Christ told her.

The Savior himself did not oppose the bleeding woman, and therefore she has the right to visit the temple.

Is it possible to confess and receive communion during menstruation?

In the 21st century, asking a question on this topic, you can get different answers from priests.

Some say that women on critical days can go to church, light candles and pray, take a blessing, but they cannot touch shrines - the Cross, icons, relics of the Holy Saints of God. You cannot take part in the Sacraments of the Orthodox Church - baptism, wedding, confirmation, communion, confession, blessing of oil (unction), priesthood.

Others say that you can do all of the above. You need to be guided in this matter by your conscience, and also follow the rules that are accepted in your church where you go to worship.

If a woman is planning to go to a monastery, to holy places, and plans to take part in the Sacraments, she needs to consult with her confessor or parish priest and take a blessing for the trip. The issue of critical days should also be resolved during the conversation.

When should women not go to church?

How many days after the birth of a child can one be in the presence of God at a Divine service?

In the times of the Old Testament, it was believed that a woman after giving birth for 40 days, while she was being cleansed, had no right to attend divine services. Currently, this tradition has also been abolished.

Patriarch of Serbia Paul on female impurity

Patriarch Paul, reflecting on female impurity, talked about Dionysius of Alexandria, who argued that a woman does not have the right to receive communion or touch the holy relics of the Savior, but is always obliged to pray and be baptized.

According to Dionysius, a woman does not have the right to confession until she is completely cleansed. There is also an opinion that you cannot enter the temple for exactly 40 days from the moment of childbirth or miscarriage.

But Father Pavel’s personal answer was different. It draws on the parable of the bleeding woman. If the Savior himself did not consider women with blood unclean, then why should there be prohibitions in our time,” the father reasoned.


Menstruation is a natural course of events given to a woman by nature, which was created by God. In the 21st century, there are many ways to hide the smell and protect against leaks so as not to desecrate the church.

A woman must be in church, try to live a full spiritual life, fulfill the commandments of Christ, repent of her sins in confession and take part in the Sacrament of the Eucharist (Communion). All this is much more important than calculating the dates of critical days.


Communion and Baptism

The first rite symbolizes the unity of a simple person with the Son of God, who, before the suffering that was to come to him, as his own flesh and blood, shared bread and wine with his disciples. Communion is a beautiful sacrament, which is strictly prohibited during menstruation. The only thing is that if a woman is seriously suffering from an illness associated with severe bleeding, which happens with tumors, fibroids, etc., then she is allowed, but she must be physically as clean as possible given her serious condition.

Those suffering must definitely warn the priest about their situation. The first prayer will always be for health. Before her, the sick confess and receive communion.

If the onset of menstruation unexpectedly occurs earlier than usual, then it is better to postpone a planned event, such as baptism. If this happened to the mother, she is not allowed into the temple, but the baby is still baptized.

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