Is it possible to massage the breasts with fibrocystic mastopathy?

Breast massage is an event carried out to maintain the elasticity, beauty and youth of the mammary glands. The procedure is aimed at tightening the skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles, correcting the chest area and can even increase bust size.

The procedure reduces and sometimes completely relieves breast pain during the cycle and pregnancy, eliminates swelling, can significantly reduce scars and stretch marks, prevents stagnation of milk during feeding, and can increase the force of milk secretion.

Depending on the purpose for which the massage is performed, the specialist will select an effective technique and its frequency. The course can last up to 14 days and increase individually. Before starting the procedures, a woman must be examined by a gynecologist, mammologist, oncologist and therapist.

The essence of pathology

Mastopathy is a disease of the mammary glands , in which small areas of connective and glandular tissue begin to grow pathologically and become denser, forming nodules and cysts .

All these neoplasms are benign in nature, but there is still a risk of their degeneration into cancer.

Such pathological processes are always accompanied by pain and heaviness in the chest.

The development of the disease leads to the appearance of lumps in the mammary gland, discharge from the nipples and swelling of the mammary glands.

The incidence of mastopathy is growing every year.

Read about the symptoms of mastopathy here.

Since this pathology most often occurs due to “problems” in a woman’s hormonal background , its appearance today is influenced by factors such as :

  • late first birth;
  • reluctance to breastfeed the baby, and a reduced lactation period - increasingly, nursing mothers wean their baby 2-3 months after birth;
  • a woman's choice not to have children at all or to have only one child.

All this significantly affects the functioning of the female reproductive system, which leads to the development of its pathologies.

Treatment of mastopathy is always carried out comprehensively - taking medications is combined with the use of traditional medicine , physiotherapy and, of course, massage .


During pregnancy, actions provoke the production of female hormones. In the future, the event contributes to a favorable milk flow.

Breast massages can be performed on a pregnant woman only before the birth of the child - 25-30 days before. If you resort to the procedure in the first trimester, this will lead to irreversible consequences.

Is it possible to have a massage?

For a long time, doctors believed that massage of the chest area for mastopathy is absolutely contraindicated, but studies have shown that sometimes this procedure can completely change the clinical picture of the disease.

Therefore, massage for mastopathy is not only possible, but also necessary.

The massage can be performed by the woman herself, or she can use the help of her husband.

But this procedure will be carried out most competently, safely and effectively by a massage therapist..

Benefits of the procedure

Massage of the mammary glands is indicated not only for mastopathy; with its help, you can maintain the youth and health of the organ and significantly alleviate the symptoms of mastitis.

For mastopathy, massage has the following therapeutic effects:

  • restores and improves blood circulation in the mammary gland;
  • prevents blockage of the sebaceous ducts, activating the work of the glands;
  • increases skin turgor and elasticity of the skin, accelerating oxygen exchange in epidermal cells;
  • normalizes the correct outflow of lymph and fluid in the breast tissue.

In addition, massage can give the specialist a complete clinical picture of the tumor: its structure, nature and exact location.

And according to the latest research data, scientists have determined that massage movements are a preventive method of combating pathological changes in tissues leading to cancer.

What impact does it have?

Breast massage has an active effect not only on the mammary glands, but also on the entire body as a whole, since:

  1. Improves blood circulation - thanks to massage movements, the blood vessels are cleaned, as blockages in them are destroyed, and the blood thins out somewhat and begins to move faster.
  2. The muscles relax. Constant painful sensations strain muscle fibers and significantly increase their tone.
  3. By reducing muscle tone, they relax and, accordingly, relieve pain.
  4. Normalization of the circulatory system, sebaceous and sweat glands leads to a gradual reduction of swelling in the breast tissue.
  5. Relieving muscle tone also leads to psychological calm.

Scientists have proven that after a course of massage, compactions and formations disappear, depending on the degree of their development and structure.

Therefore, timely diagnosis of pathology is very important.

Indications for use

Breast massage sessions are indicated for mild forms of pathology and the initial stages of its development.

Usually in such a situation there are no serious changes in the structure of the mammary gland, and massage procedures are the most effective methods of treating such pathologies.

In addition, massage is almost always included in the complex treatment of mastopathy, as an additional method, and is even prescribed to patients as an independent method of therapy..

Massage is very popular and is often used by doctors to treat not only mastopathy, but also many other systemic diseases of the body, as it restores and improves blood circulation, ensures the outflow of lymph and fluids (eliminating swelling) and stimulates the production of collagen in the human body, which ensures tissue elasticity.

How to prepare?

Before the massage, you need to wash the mammary glands with warm water and dry with a towel.

Hands must be moisturized with special oils or nourishing cream.

You can add a few drops of aromatic oil (lavender, lemon balm, chamomile, mint or sage) to the massage oil - plant natural ingredients have an anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic effect.


Products used for breast massage should not contain alcohol - ethanol not only injures the delicate skin of the areolas and nipples of the mammary gland, but also promotes the growth and development of tumor tumors.

Types of massages for breast elasticity and execution technology

There are procedures that help improve women's health, give beauty to the bust, and make the skin soft and elastic. Before any massage, especially if it is performed independently, it is necessary to undergo an examination and an ultrasound scan.


The procedure using cosmetic oils corrects the shape of the breast, lifting and visually enlarging the mammary glands. Oils nourish, moisturize the skin, make it soft and elastic. It is recommended to massage after a light scrub, when the pores are cleansed and the skin receives all the necessary nutritional components contained in the oils.


Water massage makes the skin elastic, prevents swelling, and visually enlarges the breasts.

The procedure is carried out independently in two ways:

  1. Using warm water (hot water causes stretching and sagging). The massage is done for ten minutes in circular movements using a strong shower stream.
  2. Using a contrast shower. The procedure begins with warm water, followed by replacement with cold water. Duration may vary. The end always occurs with cold water. This temperature contrast promotes improved blood circulation, makes the skin elastic and toned.


Hygienic massage is used before bed after a shower. For all actions, oils from peach and apricot kernels are used. If the breast skin is loose, use equal amounts of sea buckthorn and sunflower oils.

Self-massage is performed with soft stroking movements. All types of procedures begin with this, since stroking prepares the mammary glands for rougher types of influence - rubbing and kneading.

After stroking and rubbing, the massage therapist makes light circular movements with his fingertips. During the “vibration” technique, when the specialist makes oscillatory touches with the palm of his hand, the chest is held with the other hand. The vibration is performed from the nipple to the shoulder.

Ayurvedic (corrective)

A corrective type of massage is performed in cases where a woman needs to get rid of obvious sagging skin, sagging and stretch marks (for example, Thai massage).

For the procedure, you must first treat your palms with a disinfectant, and then apply a specially selected cream for stretch marks or for lifting. The cream is rubbed into the chest area in a circular motion using your fingertips.

During Ayurvedic massage, avoid getting the product on the nipples and areolas. After stroking, light patting begins from the nipples to the side, and then from the nipples up to the shoulder. The procedure ends with gentle stroking movements.

Shiatsu technique

Shiatsu technique is quite complex to perform, so it is recommended to visit a specialist to apply it. Acupressure is performed by influencing reflexogenic points, and in order to find these points, the massage therapist of this Japanese technique must have considerable practice in acupressure.

Using a mitten

A special massage mitten is sold at the pharmacy, and it must be selected according to the level of villi hardness. If the skin of the breast is delicate and thin, it is best to choose a washcloth made of cotton or linen. For rough skin of the mammary glands, natural loofah is suitable. The mitten stimulates blood circulation, removes dead skin cells to provide access to oxygen and nutrients.

Massage for growth

Beautiful breasts are one of the reasons for women’s pride. You can provoke bust growth using classical techniques, for example, using lymphatic drainage massage or using acupuncture (Ayurvedic techniques). In addition, you can use various massagers at home.


Classic massage for breast enlargement is performed in the morning. The massage therapist's hands are treated with a disinfectant and then with cream. Next, the mammary glands are prepared for massage with stroking movements. The actions are standard: the massage therapist moves from the nipple to the collarbone, while avoiding touching the nipples.

Afterwards, without shifting or sliding, the serratus anterior muscles, diaphragm, pectoral and external intercostal muscles are massaged. During the procedure, you should not touch your nipples.

The action ends with a gentle squeeze of the breast at the base with the thumb and forefinger. At this time, the other hand performs peripapillary squeezing. After compression, the massage therapist performs stroking movements in circles. The palms move strictly in the direction of the muscle fibers.


Vacuum massage for breast growth is performed using a special bra. It is forbidden to wear a vacuum for a long time, but the device can show results in a short time.

To perform the procedure at home, it is recommended to purchase special pads. Next, lightly cover the breasts with massage or cosmetic oil and cover with a vacuum pad. After ten minutes, carefully remove the device.

Qi Technique (Taoist)

Taoist massage stimulates the functioning of the female hormone, which is aimed at increasing the volume of the mammary glands. This, in turn, works to tighten the pectoral spheres and correct their shape.

The action begins with hand treatment and warming up. To do this, the palms intensively rub against each other. At this time, it is necessary to mentally saturate your hands with positive energy. After the manipulations, the specialist opens his fingers wide and carefully places his hands on his chest. Each thoracic sphere is directed inward by rotational movements.

The procedure is carried out in the morning or evening hours. This kind of rotation using Qi technology promotes the release of prolactin.

Description of techniques

There is one rule for performing a massage for mastopathy: regardless of the procedure technique used, intense movements and pressure should not be carried out - all manipulations should be light and smooth.

The massage begins from the area of ​​the nipple and areola, then upward along the circumference of the chest..

If no discomfort or redness of the skin is observed when performing these actions, the massage can be continued.

The duration of one massage session on the affected breast is 10 minutes.

In the treatment of mastopathy, several breast massage techniques are used.:

  1. Technique No. 1 . The massage is performed in the shower. The breasts begin to be massaged under a stream of warm water, then the area where the seals are located is gently squeezed with the palms. Finish the massage with circular movements with your fingertips over the entire breast area.
  2. Technique No. 2 . The beginning of the procedure is rhythmic rubbing of the mammary glands. This is followed by stroking the chest in a zigzag shape (this dilates the blood vessels). The procedure is completed with oscillatory movements of the palm or fingertips across the mammary gland (this releases lymph flow).
  3. Technique No. 3 . A combination of all types of massage movements in the direction of the lymph duct and blood flow to the lymph nodes. All movements begin and end quite smoothly, gently, slightly increasing the impact in the middle of the session.

Only a doctor can prescribe a particular massage technique.

In addition, the specialist recommends that when working on the mammary glands, you should also include areas such as the neck, back and even the lower abdomen.

Basic rules for any influence on the bust

The main rule during massage procedures is that all movements should be light and superficial. Sloppy and rough movements provoke swelling, sagging, and the appearance of bruises.

To be beneficial, the course of procedures lasts 10-14 days, followed by a break.

The movements are directed strictly from the nipple to the armpit area, as well as from the nipple to the collarbone. It is recommended to perform the movements in the evening after taking a bath.

Conditions for the procedure:

  • the use of oils or creams (the hands of a specialist are covered with them);
  • avoid pressing during movements;
  • every movement starts from the nipple;
  • rubbing is carried out only with fingertips (to prevent cracks and stretch marks);
  • When massaging your breasts with one hand, you must support them with the other.

Contraindications to therapy

Despite the effectiveness of the massage procedure for mastopathy, there are still several conditions under which this type of therapy is completely contraindicated:

  • increased body temperature of the patient (over 38°C);
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms, especially at stages 3-4 of development;
  • injuries and cuts, bruises on the mammary glands;
  • individual allergic reactions of the patient’s body (due to the special structure of the cells, the risk of worsening the pathology or the occurrence of an inadequate reaction increases).

Indications and contraindications for massage


  • age over 30;
  • breast lift;
  • increase in breast volume;
  • breastfeeding period;


  • oncology;
  • benign tumors;
  • open, festering wounds;
  • allergic reactions;
  • ulcers and rashes;
  • heart and pulmonary failure;
  • diseases of the circulatory, endocrine and lymphatic systems;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • contagious diseases;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • general poor health;
  • mental disorders.

For the procedure to be effective, you need to make sure that the breasts are healthy so as not to cause harm to the body. In the presence of benign neoplasms, the procedure can accelerate their growth, stretch the skin and cause swelling.

Can it be done at home and who should I contact?

A woman can massage her mammary glands on her own.

The doctor must not only allow such manipulations, but also explain how to do it correctly.

Most often, mammologists who prescribe massage recommend specialists who competently carry out the full course of procedures.


Independent manipulations should be carried out only after the approval of the attending physician.

Mastopathy is a rather complex and serious disease that can degenerate into an oncological process.

Complex therapy and massage can effectively cope with such pathology, but only if there are no accompanying contraindications for their use, the treatment regimen is individually selected and the massage technique is performed correctly and correctly.

Nipple massage

When a woman massages her nipples, she stimulates blood circulation and strengthens the breast muscles. The procedure allows you to balance metabolic processes in the breast. It is recommended to massage your nipples under a contrast shower.

Procedure technology:

  1. Gently stroking from the areolas to the armpits and collarbones.
  2. The nipples are gently rubbed, followed by squeezing and unclenching movements.
  3. The nipples are grabbed, turned, pulled.

Massaging the nipples lasts no more than 10-15 minutes.

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