Is it painful to have an IUD inserted? Recommendations of the gynecologist and features of the procedure

Intrauterine contraceptives differ from other methods of contraception in that their installation requires medical intervention and must be carried out on an outpatient basis. It is prohibited to insert and remove an IUD yourself. Therefore, before the procedure, many women worry whether it will hurt to install the spiral and what sensations they will experience during the installation process. To understand whether it is painful to insert an intrauterine contraceptive, we will consider all the stages of inserting an IUD.

Types of spirals

Intrauterine devices are a popular and effective means of contraception for women who have given birth. They differ in form, content of active substances, duration of use and other parameters.

By shape

In general, the IUDs are structured in approximately the same way. The elements are as follows:

  • The main part is made of synthetic material, often with trace elements added to improve efficiency.
  • Antennae are kind of conductors. Designed for subsequent removal of the spiral by pulling on it.

There are the following types of IUDs:

  • T-shaped,
  • round,
  • serpentine,
  • like the letter “S” - Lipps loop,
  • in the form of an umbrella and others.

Shapes of intrauterine devices

By composition

Various compounds are often added to the composition to enhance the contraceptive effect, bactericidal and others. Based on this, there are the following types:

  • without additives,
  • with copper
  • with silver,
  • with gold
  • with hormones.

By wearing period

The average duration of use of spirals is from 3 - 4 to 5 - 7 years. In this case, only regular examinations by doctors are required, and the product itself is installed once. It is not recommended to exceed the deadlines. This is fraught with the growth of the spiral into the thickness of the uterus (especially S-shaped and serpentine), as well as the development of the inflammatory process with all the ensuing complications.

By its action

The main effect of the spiral is to prevent the fertilization process, as well as, to some extent, the implantation of the fertilized egg. If the composition includes copper, it has an additional spermicidal effect, immobilizing male reproductive cells.

IUDs containing gold have the main advantage that it is an absolutely inert metal. There is no allergy or any other type of intolerance to it. Gold is not subject to corrosion, so the service life of such spirals is somewhat longer.

Hormonal intrauterine devices should be highlighted separately. The most popular model is Mirena. It has a T-shape and a small container for the main active ingredient - levonorgestrel. These are the most expensive products and provide a therapeutic and contraceptive effect for a period of 5 years.

It is prescribed primarily to women with some gynecological diseases: heavy menstruation, fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial hyperplasia and others.

Table: types and shapes of intrauterine devices

Type of IUDDescriptionFormApplication
First generation spirals
  • inert;
  • material - plastic;
  • risk of complications and ectopic pregnancy;
  • does not contain metal or hormones.
Lipps loop (spiral)Outdated, not used.
Second generation coils
  • material - plastic (medical polyethylene);
  • contains metal (copper, silver, gold or platinum);
  • low probability of ectopic pregnancy;
  • slows down sperm due to ionization;
  • Not suitable for metal allergies.
ring-shaped (round)Indicated when there is a high risk of displacement or loss of the coil.
F-shaped (anchor)Protrusions on the “shoulders” improve fixation and the degree of mechanical impact. Recommended after childbirth or abortion, as well as for uterine defects, unless they are a contraindication.
T-shaped (slingshot)Universal, suitable for most women.
Third generation coils
  • material - plastic (medical polyethylene);
  • contains a progestogen hormone (levonorgestrel);
  • combines contraceptive and therapeutic and prophylactic effects;
  • the risk of complications and ectopic pregnancy is close to minimal;
  • interferes with fertilization and ovulation.

Advantages and disadvantages of spirals

Many women after childbirth prefer spirals. They have many advantages over other means, but there are also disadvantages.

The positive aspects include the following:

  • The IUD provides a very high level of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Only 2 out of 100 women become pregnant within a year.
  • Ease of use. The spiral is installed once for a period of five or more years. During this period, the woman may not use other protective measures. There is no need to take anything (like birth control pills) or stick it on (like patches), etc.
  • From an economic point of view, this is one of the available ways to protect against pregnancy.
  • With the help of an IUD, treatment can be carried out simultaneously. This applies to hormonal species.
  • Neither a woman nor a man even during violent sexual intercourse feels the IUD.
  • No medications affect the effect obtained from the spiral (with the exception of Mirena with hormones). Like, for example, antibiotics when taking oral contraceptives, etc.
  • If a woman suddenly gets sick, she experiences diarrhea or vomiting, this also does not affect the protective effect.
  • The IUD can be safely used after childbirth without worrying about the effect on the baby. The spiral is active only locally - in the uterine cavity, no harmful substances enter the systemic bloodstream.
  • Suitable for anyone who is contraindicated with hormonal medications (except for the Mirena IUD). For example, with problematic veins in the legs, with migraines, with intestinal diseases, etc.
  • The IUD can be removed at any time, and pregnancy can be planned for the next menstrual cycle.

The main disadvantages of the spiral are as follows:

  • The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • It is not advisable to use it in nulliparous girls.
  • Pathology of the cervix (erosion, ectopia and others) is a contraindication for use.
  • Against the background of the spiral, the volume of menstrual blood can significantly increase, and sometimes clots appear.
  • Your period can become painful, even if everything has always been fine. This is due to the fact that the uterus contracts more strongly if there is an IUD inside.
  • An incorrectly selected and installed spiral may spontaneously fall out.
  • Rarely, but complications do occur during insertion of an IUD. The most dangerous thing is uterine perforation. Particular care should be taken when inserting an IUD into women after a cesarean section, especially two or more operations.

Watch the video about the intrauterine device:

Indications for the use of an intrauterine device

The intrauterine device is indicated for women over 20 years of age without any health problems. It is highly desirable to have a permanent partner in order to eliminate the possibility of infection in the future. Remember that the IUD does not protect, and even increases the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted diseases.

Hormonal IUDs, unlike metal-containing IUDs, have a therapeutic effect. Their installation may be recommended to relieve the symptoms of anemia, menopause, painful menstruation or the prevention of inflammatory diseases.

Video: truth and myths about the contraceptive IUD

Should I get an IUD after childbirth?

Whether or not an IUD is suitable as a contraception for a girl should be decided jointly by the gynecologist and the young mother. It is recommended in the following situations:

  • If the girl does not plan to become pregnant in the near future.
  • If her birth proceeded without serious ruptures or injuries. After a caesarean section, it is advisable to install an IUD no earlier than 6 months later.
  • If a girl is confident in herself and her partner, they do not need protection from infections.
  • This is a budget option (but if you install a spiral with gold, it is quite expensive).
  • If a girl plans long-term breastfeeding.

But the gynecologist must finally approve the installation. After an examination, the doctor will determine the condition of the birth canal and whether it is possible to use an IUD in a particular case.

Contraindications for installing a spiral

There are situations regarding a woman's health when an IUD should not be installed. If you ignore the recommendations, you can cause significant harm to your health. The main contraindications include the following:

  • Acute inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. Chronic infections, including genital infections.
  • In the presence of fibroids or endometriosis, the question of the possibility of an IUD is decided individually; preference is given to a hormonal one.
  • Diseases of the cervix - erosion, ectopia, dysplasia and others.
  • Decreased hemoglobin levels in women. An IUD can cause increased menstrual flow, which will only make the situation worse.
  • Suspicion of pregnancy. In order to prevent this, the IUD is installed on days 3 - 5 of the cycle.
  • Anomalies in the structure of the uterus, for example, duplication (sometimes in this case two IUDs can be installed at the same time), septum, etc.
  • Unknown cause of uterine bleeding. In case of hyperplasia, polyps and some other problems, it is possible to install a hormonal IUD.

When can I place an intrauterine device after childbirth?

When a woman can have an intrauterine device installed, a gynecologist can finally say after a thorough examination and examination.

If the birth proceeded well, there were no serious injuries or ruptures, the IUD can be used from the 3rd month. But before installation, it is necessary to make sure that the woman is not pregnant, since if lactation continues, menstruation may not yet occur.

Some gynecologists practice installing spirals 3–5 days after birth. But in this case, you need to be sure that there is no risk of incomplete separation of the placenta, there are no inflammatory diseases and other pathologies.

If a girl has had a caesarean section, then it is better to install the IUD no earlier than after 6 months. This time is necessary for complete healing of the postoperative suture.

The best contraceptive device after childbirth

The variety of intrauterine devices helps each woman choose the most suitable one. In order to make a choice, it is recommended to do the following:

  • gynecological examination;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs with measurement of the length of the uterine cavity;
  • colposcopy and collection of smears from the cervical canal for flora and oncocytology;
  • screening for STIs, preferably using the PCR method.

Only after this can we guess what shape the spiral will best stay in the cavity and not cause any disturbances. The selection priorities are as follows:

  • The classic version is T-shaped IUDs, suitable for almost all women with normal genital structure.
  • Umbrella-shaped ones provide more grip in the uterine cavity, which prevents accidental changes in their position. They are suitable for multiparous women, with an enlarged uterine cavity, and some others.
  • S-shaped and serpentine - these are old models, you can rarely see them now.
  • If a woman has ever experienced metal intolerance, preference should be given to inert (without additives), based on silver, and preferably gold.
  • Given the existing gynecological pathology, the best option is a hormonal IUD.
  • If you have ever suffered from inflammatory diseases, you should choose silver or gold.

Methods of protection against unplanned pregnancy after childbirth

It is, of course, advisable to discuss the issue of contraceptive methods with your doctor while you are pregnant. If for some reason this did not happen, do not worry, because you can discuss this topic with the doctor at the maternity hospital. In any case, you cannot do without consulting a gynecologist. By choosing contraceptives on your own during breastfeeding, you risk not only your health, but also that of your baby. After all, many of them can negatively affect lactation and, accordingly, the well-being of the baby.

During lactation, a woman is allowed to use the following methods of contraception:

  1. Barrier, that is, the use of condoms. A classic method of protection against unplanned pregnancy, however, if used incorrectly, it does not provide a 100% guarantee.
  2. Oral (taking hormonal drugs) - prescribed exclusively by a specialist, since not all existing drugs are approved during pregnancy.
  3. Insertion of an intrauterine device is the most popular method after delivery. The main advantages of the IUD are safety and long-lasting results (up to 5 years).

Which IUD is better to place after childbirth?

Today there is a wide range of gynecological devices. They differ in quality, shape, composition. The choice largely depends on the cost and, of course, the individual characteristics of the female body.

The rod of the IUD contains active substances, which provide protection against unplanned pregnancy, and thanks to its shape (T-shaped, ring-shaped, etc.), the contraceptive device is held inside the uterine cavity.

So, there are two main types of spirals:

  • non-medicinal - made of polyethylene and contain metal (platinum, silver, etc.);
  • medicinal (contain copper ions and progesterone) - in addition to the contraceptive effect, they have a positive effect on the ovulatory period, the structure of the endometrium, etc. In addition, such devices are less likely to cause complications and are better fixed in the uterine cavity. However, there is also a minus. Due to the rapid depletion of active components, they must be replaced after 1-3 years.

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It is unrealistic to choose the most optimal type of spiral without consulting a doctor. Therefore, if you decide to think about this type of contraception, be sure to consult a gynecologist. Having studied your medical history, the specialist will be able to select the most effective and reliable type of gynecological device.

Is it painful to insert an intrauterine device?

Installing an IUD is a slightly unpleasant but painless procedure. It all depends on the woman's sensitivity. In some cases, local anesthesia with lidocaine solution in the form of a spray or injection can be performed.

The most unpleasant part is grasping the cervix with special forceps and then passing through the cervical canal with instruments. Usually women compare the sensations with an intramuscular injection of low pain. If lidocaine is used, the procedure goes unnoticed.

There should not be any severe pain. If they appear, this indicates the occurrence of complications.

How is the installation done and is it painful to insert an intrauterine contraceptive?

The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. The patient sits in the gynecological chair. Before inserting the IUD, the doctor palpates the body of the uterus to determine its position and size. This is not painful at all and helps to identify bends or other deviations in the structure of the organ in order to prevent the risk of perforation of the uterine wall when inserting an intrauterine device.
  2. The gynecologist then treats the woman's genitals, including the cervix and vagina, with an antiseptic.
  3. The doctor inserts a speculum into the vaginal canal to ensure good visibility of the uterine cervix, and then fixes its upper part by grasping it with a special clamp. There is no need to be scared; in fact, it is not as painful and scary as it sounds.
  4. Before inserting the IUD, the gynecologist uses a medical probe to take measurements of the uterine cavity. The device is inserted through the cervical canal and allows you to accurately determine the depth of the uterus.
  5. Then the specialist places the IUD into a special guide tube, which is supplied with the device, and places it in the uterine cavity.
  6. After making sure that the spiral has reached the bottom of the uterus, the doctor removes the guidewire.
  7. The gynecologist shortens the antennae of the spiral to 2-3 cm. They are necessary to control the location of the IUD and its subsequent removal.
  8. At the final stage, the doctor removes the speculum from the patient’s vaginal canal and removes the clamp. If the woman is not in pain and feels well, she is allowed to go home.

Provided the installation technique is followed and the gynecologist is experienced, inserting an intrauterine contraceptive does not hurt. The device can be installed by a local gynecologist on an outpatient basis. The procedure takes about 10 minutes and does not require anesthesia. If a woman has high cervical sensitivity and is in pain during the installation process, the doctor may use painkillers.

How a doctor puts an IUD on a girl after childbirth

Installation of the spiral takes about 5 - 10 minutes along with preparation for the procedure. The stages are as follows:

  1. The woman lies down on the gynecological chair as usual.
  2. The external genitalia is treated.
  3. Speculums are placed in the vagina, and everything is washed with an antiseptic.
  4. The cervix is ​​fixed with bullet forceps.
  5. The length of the uterine cavity is measured and its course is determined using a special probe.
  6. Then the guide is inserted, which contains the spiral. After this, it is removed, and the “antennae” threads are trimmed to the required size.
  7. All tools are removed.

It is best to carry out the procedure on days 3 - 5, or on day 7 of the cycle. In theory, this can be done at any time. But by installing an IUD in a different phase, pregnancy cannot be ruled out, even if the fertilized egg is not yet in the uterus. You may also experience some spotting immediately after the procedure. Therefore, the generally accepted and most rational time is the beginning of the first phase of the cycle.

The intrauterine device is an effective and safe means of contraception in women after childbirth. It does not have any effect on the baby if the woman is breastfed, and the IUD has a long period of continuous use. Only a doctor can choose the correct type of spiral and install it.


How to install a spiral

In order to understand whether inserting an IUD is painful, you need to know how an IUD is installed. Each IUD includes a guidewire to facilitate insertion.

Using mirrors, the cervix is ​​brought out so that it is accessible for manipulation.

After treating the external opening of the cervical canal with furatsilin or miramistin and taking it with bullet forceps, an intrauterine probe is inserted to determine the length, location, physiological bends of the uterus and patency of the internal pharynx. Along the length of the probe, a restrictive ring is installed on the conductor so that the spiral is adjacent to the uterine mucosa in the fundal area. Then a conductor with a spiral is inserted, and after removing the conductor, the spiral should be located in the uterine cavity, and the control antennae in the vagina. The cervix is ​​treated with an antiseptic solution and the speculum is removed.

After administration, the woman is recommended to avoid sexual activity and heavy lifting for a week. It is recommended to take a prophylactic dose of antibiotics for 2-3 days to prevent inflammatory diseases.

What is the IUD?

An intrauterine device is a small device made of medical plastic or with the addition of silver, copper or gold. These precious metals have anti-inflammatory properties, and they also have a positive effect on the female reproductive system. True, such contraceptives are more expensive, but they are more effective. There are also devices containing hormones. Below we will consider in more detail, is it painful to install a spiral?

This gynecological device, once installed in the uterus, prevents the conception of a child. It works as follows:

  • the spiral, with metals present in its composition, activates the production of natural mucous spermicides;
  • inhibits sperm movement;
  • reduces the thickness of the endometrium, preventing the embryo from settling in the uterine cavity;
  • reduces the lifespan of a female egg.

Types of IUDs and their effects

There are various intrauterine contraceptives. Basically, they are a T-shaped device that is an effective form of reversible birth control. The IUD is used for quite a long time - from 5 to 10 years, depending on the type. The most commonly used are spirals with wound wires made of copper, silver, and gold. Some IUDs use 2 types of metals. Recently, the Mirena spiral has become very popular, which has a container with levonorgestrel and ensures the constant release of this hormone, which contributes to a comprehensive contraceptive effect and, in some cases, the treatment of bleeding or hormonal disorders.

The main effect of intrauterine contraceptives is spermicidal, as well as increasing uterine tone, thickening cervical mucus and the formation of aseptic inflammation in the uterine cavity. A copper IUD is also used for emergency contraception if inserted within five days of unprotected sex.

Types of devices

It should be noted that only a gynecologist can recommend a woman the appropriate type of IUD. The doctor compares the possibility of using a particular intrauterine contraceptive with the condition of the uterus. Only after all the examinations is the woman given an IUD, the types of which can be:

  • Hormonal. This contraceptive contains hormonal components.
  • Copper. This type of spiral contains a chemical element such as copper.
  • Inert. This device is made in the shape of the letter S. It belongs to the first types of IUDs and has low efficiency.
  • Gold. When making such a spiral, gold is added to extend its service life.
  • Silver. This type of contraceptive is made with the addition of silver ions.

This intrauterine contraceptive device is highly reliable - the guarantee of absence of pregnancy is almost 100%. Any spiral has similar parameters, but only a doctor can advise the most suitable one. He first studies in detail the features of the anatomical structure of the uterus and the woman’s medical history. She should not have any chronic inflammatory or infectious processes in the reproductive organs.

Brief overview of the Mirena intrauterine device

To find out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, reviews of which are both positive and negative, you need to understand the principle of its action. This contraceptive differs from other similar devices by the presence of levonorgestrel hormone.

Every day, such a device releases a small amount of hormone into the uterus, which is practically not absorbed into the blood and acts only within the reproductive organ. As a result, the functioning of the ovaries is not suppressed, the risk of negative consequences is significantly reduced and even has a therapeutic effect.

Is it painful to insert the Mirena IUD? Installation of this device is not a very pleasant procedure, but many women do not experience pain during insertion. If the pain threshold is low, it is necessary to warn the gynecologist about this. In this case, the doctor will inject an anesthetic into the cervix to reduce sensitivity. Having found out whether it is painful to insert the Mirena spiral, you can not worry and feel free to go to the doctor.

Spiral "Mirena"

Recently, the Mirena IUD, a contraceptive that constantly releases a progestin hormone from a special container, has been in great demand. Is it painful to insert the Mirena IUD? This question interests many women with endometriosis, who are offered the introduction of this IUD for therapeutic purposes. The painfulness of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the doctor and compliance with the rules of administration. Pain may occur in the first weeks after the IUD is inserted. They may also accompany heavy bleeding from the genital tract. All this goes away within 1-2 months.

IUD insertion procedure

First of all, before installing an intrauterine contraceptive, you need to be examined to exclude diseases and infections associated with the reproductive organs. A woman will have to undergo several diagnostic procedures:

  • get tested for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis;
  • submit urine for general examination and tests to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • perform colposcopy;
  • do an ultrasound of the reproductive organ;
  • take a vaginal smear, as well as a cervical smear.

An ultrasound examination is used to confirm that the patient does not have any changes that would prevent the use of an intrauterine device. Also, such an examination helps to ensure that the woman is not pregnant at the time of the introduction of the contraceptive. For this purpose, a test is done to determine the level of hCG.

Before installing a contraceptive, you will have to abstain from sex for about a week. It is administered only in the gynecologist's office under sterile conditions. The patient is placed in a chair with her legs on the holders, then the doctor treats the vagina and cervix with disinfectants. Almost every woman thinks before the procedure, does it hurt to insert a spiral? In some cases, local anesthesia is performed to avoid discomfort. As a rule, a special gel is used for anesthesia or injections are given.

Only after preparing the patient for the procedure, the gynecologist uses special instruments to slightly open the cervix to measure the depth, and then installs the device into the cavity of the reproductive organ. The doctor places the antennae of the contraceptive, which are about 2 cm long, on the outside of the uterus and into the vagina. It is with their help that the device is then removed. When performing hygiene procedures, the patient should periodically check whether the contraceptive antennae are in place.

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted without menstruation? The introduction of such a device in most cases does not cause severe discomfort. Sometimes ladies during such a procedure feel unpleasant sensations that quickly pass. Some women experience fainting and dizziness, but this is a very rare occurrence and goes away within a few minutes. In the first 30 days, until the immune system gets used to the presence of a foreign device, a woman is not recommended to visit the pool or bathhouse.

How you feel after the procedure

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? In addition to unpleasant sensations during the procedure, some other changes may occur in the woman’s body. After the introduction of a device without hormones, the following changes may occur:

  • Menstruation becomes more abundant, painful and prolonged.
  • It is possible to experience spotting mixed with blood from the vagina, appearing before or after menstruation, and sometimes during the break between two cycles.

Some women, due to severe pain during menstruation and bleeding, stop using the intrauterine contraceptive and remove it before the end of the period.

What should you not do after installing an IUD?

In the first 7 days after the procedure, it is recommended to avoid sex, avoid excessive physical activity and get more rest. You should not use vaginal tampons until the body is completely accustomed to the presence of a foreign object in the cavity of the reproductive organ. This will prevent the spiral from falling out and moving.

After 10 days, a routine examination is performed. Sometimes an ultrasound is performed to monitor the location of the contraceptive. In the absence of side effects, the patient returns to her rhythm of life. If necessary, the doctor prescribes a re-examination in a month. Then you should visit the doctor every six months.

Installation and removal of the intrauterine device

Only a qualified gynecologist can select, place and remove an IUD. In addition to a personal consultation, you will need to undergo an examination with examination (ultrasound, probing) and, if necessary, undergo tests. This approach will allow you to choose the optimal type of spiral and eliminate possible complications. Procedure steps:

  1. The spiral is selected individually. The installation is prescribed after the end of the critical days, when the absence of pregnancy can be clearly diagnosed. Some gynecologists prefer the 3rd–5th day of menstruation, because during this period the cervix is ​​slightly open.
  2. The doctor puts on sterile gloves and performs a check examination of the cervix using a speculum. If all is well, the anterior part of the neck is fixed with bullet forceps. After which probing is carried out - this is necessary to determine the depth (length) and position of the uterus.
  3. Open the package with the contraceptive. The IUD is inserted using a special syringe (guide), the gynecologist inserts the “shoulders” of the spiral into it and sets the level of the deepener. The device is carefully inserted into the cervix, gradually pushing the spiral inward. During manipulation, mild or noticeable discomfort may be felt, sometimes accompanied by dizziness.
  4. After making sure that the contraceptive is positioned correctly, the doctor removes the forceps and speculum. The extraction thread is shortened, leaving about 2–3 cm of “tendrils” in the vagina. Then an individual schedule is assigned for a control check.

The spiral is removed at the end of its service life or prematurely. The reason for this may be displacement, worsened inflammation, pregnancy or fibroid growth. As with installation, removal is carried out only by a specialist (after inspection). There are several ways to remove an IUD:

  • carefully pull the spiral by the threads;
  • if the thread is missing for any reason, they resort to hysteroscopy (the IUD is found using a telescopic device and carefully removed);
  • as a last resort, they act surgically, removing the contraceptive through the abdominal cavity.

Video: technique for installing an intrauterine device

Recommendations after installation

You can return to sports and sexual activity 7–14 days after the procedure. The spiral does not require special care or vigilant monitoring, but it is still advisable to visit the gynecologist more often during the first 3–4 months. And give up baths, public pools and beaches for at least a month. During this period, the device sometimes moves or even falls out - be sure to check its position after the end of menstruation. This can be done at home: squat down and insert a disinfected finger into the vagina. You should feel the antennae. If they are too long, short, or cannot be found, this is a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Contrary to popular belief, a properly placed IUD does not interfere with the use of tampons.

Possible complications

Serious complications include:

  • Ingrowth of the IUD occurs when preventive examinations are ignored and the contraceptive is worn for a long time (more than 7 years). There is only one way out of this situation - cleaning the uterus with curettage and removal of the IUD. The procedure is similar to an abortion.
  • Pregnancy is rare, but it does happen. If abortion is ruled out, the IUD can cause miscarriage or damage the amniotic sac. To save the child, they try to remove it, but this is not always possible - sometimes the IUD remains in the body “until the last” and is removed at the time or only after childbirth.
  • Perforation is damage to the uterine mucosa of varying degrees. It happens both when the contraceptive is dislodged and when it is inserted carelessly. In the worst case, the IUD can enter the abdominal cavity and begin to “travel” to other organs. This is deadly and requires surgery.

Video: complications after IUD

Is it painful to insert an IUD into the uterus?

As for the unpleasant sensations during the insertion of the device, everything is individual. Each woman has her own pain sensitivity threshold. What is not painful for some may be unbearable for others.

Is it painful to have an intrauterine device inserted? Reviews from women who have had the IUD installed are in most cases positive. All ladies agree that the discomfort during the installation of a contraceptive is reminiscent of discomfort, as during menstruation. Many people complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

Severe pain syndrome can occur in young patients who have not given birth and have little sexual activity. For girls who do not yet have children, there are some restrictions on the use of this method of contraception.

Before you find out whether it is painful to insert a spiral, reviews of which are contradictory, you need to find out the principle of the procedure. During installation of the IUD, in many cases, general anesthesia or intravenous anesthesia is not given. But if you have severe fear, you can reduce the pain by taking a light painkiller along with antispasmodics before inserting the device. If you are nervous, you can take a sedative, for example, motherwort or valerian.

Restrictions on the use of intrauterine contraceptives

Before you understand whether it is painful to install a spiral, you must first find out all the contraindications to its insertion. We must take into account the fact that such a contraceptive is not suitable for all women. It is intended primarily for women who have given birth and who have regular sex life.

Such devices against unwanted pregnancy cannot be used if inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are present. Before deciding to insert an IUD, you must first pass all the necessary tests and eliminate infectious pathologies such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and others. Diseases that appear due to abortion or childbirth are also subject to treatment.

It is prohibited to install such a device in case of cervical cancer. In addition, benign formations, such as fibroids, may be contraindications to the use of such a contraceptive. Naturally, you will have to refuse the IUD if you suspect pregnancy. Such a contraceptive cannot be installed if a woman suffers from severe pathologies of blood vessels and heart, as well as tuberculosis of the pelvic organs.

Pros and cons of the IUD

Advantages of using the IUD as a contraceptive:

  • provides reliable and long-lasting protection against unwanted pregnancy;
  • is cheaper than most other methods;
  • does not require constant monitoring by the woman;
  • provided that it is installed correctly, it is not felt in any way and does not interfere with intimacy.

If you experience any suspicious ailments or discharge after inserting an IUD, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

But this method of protection is not suitable for everyone. Even if a preliminary examination did not reveal any contraindications, the body’s reaction to a foreign object may be negative. Fortunately, in practice this rarely happens. Other disadvantages of the method:

  • mandatory examination by a gynecologist every 6 months;
  • the spiral may shift or fall out;
  • sometimes the duration, heaviness or pain of menstruation increases;
  • the risk of developing inflammation of the pelvic organs, including chronic ones, increases;
  • exposure to sexually transmitted diseases.

Possible complications

After the introduction of this device, various negative consequences may occur. In some cases, after such a procedure, women begin to experience pain in the lower abdomen, which has a pulling nature and long, heavy periods. Chronic processes in the pelvic organs may also worsen.

The most dangerous days are considered to be the first days after the introduction of the IUD. If pain does not go away for a long time or discomfort occurs in the abdomen, accompanied by fever, you should urgently consult a gynecologist to rule out perforation of the uterus.

Duration of use of intrauterine contraceptives

The service life of the spiral depends on the type and correctness of its installation. For example, if the intrauterine device moves, it will have to be removed ahead of schedule.

These contraceptives are usually prescribed for 5 years, but there are types of IUDs that have a shelf life of about 10 years. Such devices include products with gold, since this metal is highly resistant to corrosion. When the IUD loses its contraceptive effect, it is removed. The procedure for removing the IUD is painless.

Some useful tips

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted after childbirth? The procedure can be performed 1.5 months after the birth of the baby in the absence of complications. If a caesarean section was performed, then it is allowed to install an ectopic device only after six months. This method of contraception does not affect the woman’s lactation or the baby in any way.

In the first 3 months after insertion of the IUD, there is a huge risk of the device falling out, especially during menstruation. To avoid unplanned pregnancy, you should pay attention to your periods. If they become more abundant and are accompanied by pain in the abdomen, it is better to see a doctor.



After administration, various complications are possible, which should promptly refer the woman to a doctor. In the first days there may be nagging pain in the lower abdomen and prolonged heavy periods. Subsequently, exacerbation of chronic processes in the pelvic organs is possible. And therefore, the question of whether it is painful to insert the IUD is not so important; it is important not to miss complications after its insertion. You should be especially attentive to your feelings in the first days: if the pain does not go away within 1-2 days or abdominal pain appears, which may be accompanied by fever, you should urgently visit a doctor to rule out a dangerous complication - uterine perforation. In some cases, independent expulsion of the spiral is possible. This is observed in cases where, after the insertion of the IUD, a woman engaged in heavy physical labor or was sexually active.

When to apply protection

A number of cases when it is possible and necessary to insert an IUD after childbirth:

  • women who need contraceptives during lactation;
  • during abortions, without detection of infection;
  • when hormonal drugs are contraindicated, as well as refusal to use them;
  • in case of low risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

Many young mothers ask the question: is it painful to insert an IUD immediately after childbirth? The procedure is painless. During insertion of the IUD, the woman feels slight discomfort. The procedure causes pain in the first two days, as during menstruation. Over time, the sensations pass.

When not to use

To answer the questions about whether it is dangerous to insert an IUD after the first birth and in what cases it is prohibited, you should find out in detail the features of the contraceptive, indications for use and possible complications. Also find out why there is a smell from the vagina after childbirth and how to reduce the temperature during breastfeeding.

Using this method is the best protection option for most women. The IUD does not affect a woman’s hormonal levels and does not lead to physiological changes.

There are a number of cases in which the IUD is contraindicated. These include:

  • detection of benign/malignant tumor;
  • pathologies in the development of the genital organs;
  • pregnancy;
  • uterine bleeding for an unknown reason;
  • oncology;
  • acute form of hepatitis;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • allergy;
  • intolerance.

It is not recommended to use an IUD in case of early ectopic pregnancy or bleeding disorders. In all other cases, the question is: is it possible to insert an intrauterine device immediately after the first birth? The answer is yes.

Before using a contraceptive, it is better to discuss the issue in detail with a gynecologist, carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and be examined by a doctor. Only a gynecologist has the right to decide whether a hormonal or metal-containing contraceptive can be placed.

Which option should I choose?

Most women cannot decide which of the available IUDs is best to place after childbirth? There are a large number of contraceptive options. The most popular include the following.

  1. Multiloud Cu-375. A common copper-containing drug. May be used for no more than five years.
  2. Juno Bio. Can be used for up to eight years. Domestic made naval forces. The composition contains copper and silver.
  3. Eurogine. Contains silver and gold ions. Protect the genitals from the development of infection. Applicable for up to five years.
  4. Mirena. Combines the functions of an IUD and hormonal drugs. Does not affect body weight. Allowed for use during lactation. Has an efficiency of 99.9%. Established for a period of five years. With this contraceptive, ovulation is maintained.

When using the spiral, an expulsion effect (loss) is possible. Its frequency is 6-15%. The ability to fertilize when using an IUD occurs after 6-12 months. To do this, it is necessary to remove the IUD from the body. Which of the available ones is better suited after childbirth can be determined by a gynecologist.

When an intrauterine device is placed, examinations are carried out by a gynecologist, especially after the first month of use. The next scheduled examination occurs in three months. If there are no complaints, you can see a doctor after a year.

Features of use

When using a contraceptive, a woman faces discomfort and a number of disadvantages. Among them stand out.

  1. Inconvenience of insertion and removal. It is forbidden to use it in women predisposed to inflammatory processes or infectious diseases.
  2. Risk of falling out.
  3. Abundance of discharge.
  4. When the uterus contracts, there is frequent nagging pain.

Further, when using it, you don’t feel any discomfort.

Before administration you need:

  • discuss issues with the gynecologist you regularly see;
  • Avoid sexual intercourse two to three days before insertion;
  • for several days it is forbidden to use douching and feminine hygiene products;
  • It is prohibited to take any medications in the form of vaginal suppositories, tablets, sprays for a week; it is allowed only in cases agreed in advance with a doctor.

Installation of an intrauterine device

This type of contraception is intended for women of reproductive age who have a regular sexual partner. You can switch to an IUD at any time after using barrier or hormonal protection. The main thing is to make sure that there are no contraindications to intrauterine contraception before the installation procedure. To do this, the gynecologist prescribes an examination for the patient. It includes:

  • collecting anamnesis about the number of births, pregnancies, as well as the characteristics of the menstrual cycle;
  • colposcopy of the cervix to identify precancerous conditions/oncology;
  • general blood/urinalysis;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • analysis for sexually transmitted infections;
  • smear on vaginal microflora;
  • gynecological examination.

(see video after article)

If there are no contraindications to intrauterine contraception, the doctor determines the date when to insert the IUD, taking into account the patient’s monthly cycle. A few days before inserting an intrauterine device, a woman is advised to avoid vaginal suppositories and sexual intercourse.

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