How to douche with chlorhexidine at home: features of the procedure

Mechanism of action of the drug

Solutions of the drug of various concentrations penetrate the upper layers of the epithelium and mucous membranes when applied externally. Due to the opposite charge (positive and negative), chlorhexidine molecules are attracted to the membranes of the bacterial cell.

Douching with chlorhexidine in gynecology is normal practice. The product has bacterial properties.

When interacting with phosphates on membrane surfaces, the osmotic balance inside microbial cells shifts, which leads to disruptions in membrane integrity. This causes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug, being on the surface of the skin, retains its effect for several hours.

Chlorhexidine has a detrimental effect on bacteria, some viruses and protozoa with membrane membranes. The effect of the drug does not apply to viruses that lack a membrane membrane. Stops the reproduction and suppresses the pathogens of ringworm, dermatophytes and fungi of the genus Candida.

Indications for use

Do not forget that, like any other drug, Chlorhexidine is prescribed individually, based on the characteristics of the patient. Among the most popular indications are the following:

  • wound treatment and skin disinfection;
  • cleaning hands and equipment in the daily work of doctors;
  • disinfection of work surfaces;
  • gargling for sore throat, gingivitis and stomatitis;
  • prevention of infections;
  • treatment of various types of infectious and inflammatory complications.

Composition and release form

Chlorhexidine bigluconate (Chlorhexidini bigluconas) is an antiseptic, antimicrobial agent for external use. It is produced in the form of solutions, suppositories, creams and emulsions, and is also added as an additional or main component to medicinal or cosmetic preparations.

Dosage forms:

Release formsConcentrations %Volume, mlPackage
Alcohol solution0,0525, 50, 70, 100, 250, 500, 1000Glass bottles,
Plastic bottles
Water solution0,05; 0,2; 0,5; 1, 5; 20.100, 250, 500, 1000 and 5000Glass (bottle)
Plastic (vial)
Gel0,5; 2.5, 20Aluminum tube
Cream0,5; 2.20, 35Aluminum tubes
Spray (alcohol)0,0570, 100Spray bottle
Glycerin emulsion0,0525, 50, 100, 250Glass bottle
Vaginal suppositories8 mg, 16 mgOutline packaging

Use of Chlorhexidine in gynecology

The high efficiency of the drug allows its use in gynecology and obstetrics. The drug is in greatest demand in gynecological hospitals and maternity hospitals.


Douching with Chlorhexidine in gynecology, as prescribed by a doctor, is used for:

  • Complex therapy of diseases of the female genital area: colpitis; cervicitis; candidiasis; vulvovaginitis; bacterial vaginosis.
  • Sanitation of the genital tract before and after diagnostic procedures.
  • Prevention of STIs: ureaplasmosis; chlamydia; trichomoniasis; syphilis; gonorrhea; after unprotected sexual contact.
  • Treatments after surgery.


The medicine is used only locally and is not absorbed, therefore, no toxic manifestations occur. The main contraindication to therapy with it is hypersensitivity (intolerance) to the components.

Do not use chlorhexidine:

  • For dermatitis.
  • In neonatology.
  • Ophthalmology.
  • Neurosurgery.
  • Otolaryngology.

It is forbidden to use together with other antiseptics and substances (hydrogen peroxide, surfactants, lauryl sulfate, soap).

Methods of application

All pharmacological forms of chlorhexidine are intended for local external use. The choice of method of using an antiseptic is made by the attending physician. In gynecology, it is used in the form of aqueous solutions, sprays, and vaginal suppositories. The drug is used for irrigation and is also used for applications.

For intravaginal purposes, suppositories are prescribed. Treatment of damaged areas is carried out with napkins soaked in weakly concentrated aqueous solutions. This solution is also used for treating the genitals and douching.

In order to prevent STIs, the drug is used no more than 2 hours after unprotected contact. In this case, when used independently, girls should remember that Chlorhexidine will only help avoid infection. It is not suitable as a remedy for unwanted pregnancy.

A brief description of gynecological procedures using chlorhexidine in basic dosage forms is given in the table:

ProcedureDosage formConcentration, %Application
IrrigationWater solution0,01, 0,05, 0,2, 0,5Using a napkin or irrigation method, the damaged area of ​​skin or mucous membrane is treated.
DouchingWater solution0,05Insert 10-15 ml of the solution into the vagina using a rubber bulb (the frequency and duration of procedures is determined by the doctor).
ApplicationWater solution0,05A sterile cotton swab is moistened with the solution and inserted into the vagina.
IntravaginallyCandles8 or 16 mg1 suppository 1-2 times a day for 5-10, less often up to 20 days.


The product should not be used if the skin and/or mucous membranes are hypersensitive to the substance chlorhexidine or additional components of the composition. It is undesirable to include Chlorhexidine in one treatment regimen together with iodine or iodine-containing drugs.

The product is contraindicated for dermatitis, acute genital herpes, allergic skin reactions, allergies for unknown reasons. Use with caution during gestation, lactation and childhood.


  • Badretdinova F. F. Optimization of complex therapy of bacterial vaginosis in a antenatal clinic: Avgoref. dis. .cand. medical sciences: 14.00.01 / YSMU. Ufa, 2002.-24 p.
  • Great Medical Encyclopedia / Main. ed. BB. Petrovsky. Ed. 3rd: In 30 volumes -ML: “Coa Encyclopedia”, 1978. T. 9. -483 p.
  • Andreeva N.E., Odintsova OZ. The state of vaginal microbiocenosis with bacterial vaginosis // Proceedings of young scientists of IGMA: Sat. scientific tr. Izhevsk, 1999. – P. 114116.
  • Adaskevsh V.P. Sexually transmitted infections. Nizhny Novgorod: Publishing house NGMA, M.: Medical book, 2004. – 416 p.
  • Infections in obstetrics and gynecology / Ed. OV. Makarova, V A Aleshkina, T.N. Savchenko. M: MEDpress-inform, 2007. -464 p.

Dosage and dilution of Chlorhexidine for douching for candidiasis

In gynecology, a weakly concentrated 0.05% aqueous solution of Chlorhexidine is used for douching. This concentration is optimal; it has a gentle effect on the mucous membrane and leaves no chance for fungi. For douching, you must use a ready-made 0.05% solution, or prepare it yourself.

Percent %Dilution to obtain 0.05%
0,05%Not required
0,2%1:410 ml+40 ml water
0,5%1:1010 ml +100 ml water
1%1:2010 ml + 200 ml water
5%1:1002 ml + 198 ml water
20%1:100 = 1%
1:20= 0,05%
0.5 ml 20% solution + 2000 ml water.

Is douching after intercourse a contraceptive and protection against STD infections?

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, sexually transmitted diseases have not yet been defeated. Most of them have learned to be treated, but it is still much better to prevent their occurrence. In case you had unprotected sexual intercourse with a suspicious partner, it would be good to know how to douche with Chlorhexidine. This is an emergency measure, but it can seriously help out.

Even if a condom was used, it would be a good idea to be careful. Douche, treat the outside of the genitals and inject a little solution into the urethra. By the way, a man can also think about his safety and wash the genital organ, as well as inject a few milliliters of solution into the urethra. This simple measure will help protect against syphilis and gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomonas.

Many women believe that douching after sex with various acids helps protect against unwanted pregnancy. Neither apple cider vinegar, nor citric acid and juice, nor mineral water, nor salt and soda are effective contraceptives. Douching cannot prevent pregnancy in any way. Even if a woman immediately after sexual intercourse rushes to rinse the vagina, at this time some of the sperm will already penetrate the uterus; this is a very fast process, which cannot be avoided.

As for douching as protection against sexually transmitted infections, this is also an unreliable remedy. If a woman has had unprotected sex with a dubious partner, then douching can be done with a solution of the antiseptics Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. However, there are no convincing studies confirming 100% prevention of STIs by such douching. Also, you should not abuse this method of preventing sexually transmitted infections; you can get a burn to the vaginal mucosa.

This emergency procedure, of course, is best done, but no later than two hours after contact. To do this, you need to thoroughly toilet the genitals and douche with Miramestin for 15 minutes, using 10 ml of solution. Moreover, after an hour this procedure must be repeated. If after this measure you still have doubts, unusual discharge or discomfort appear, do not delay your visit to the doctor. High-quality condoms are internationally recognized as the best prevention of any sexually transmitted infections and a highly effective barrier contraceptive.

How to perform the douching procedure with chlorhexidine?

Douching with Chlorhexidine (in gynecology it is often prescribed to women) can be done at home. Douching is a simple and effective treatment method that affects the vaginal mucosa and the vaginal area of ​​the cervix. The method helps get rid of pathogenic microflora and stimulates tissue restoration and healing processes.

Chlorhexidine douching can be used as an emergency measure to reduce the risk of infection during unplanned sexual intercourse. This method also helps in the treatment of candidiasis, but it is important to remember that the treatment of fungal infections of the vagina must be comprehensive. Chlorhexidine solution is more effective in fighting thrush than suppositories.

The douching technique is intuitive for women, but there are some rules that are recommended to pay attention to:

  • Prepare an aqueous solution at a concentration of 0.05%; higher concentrations are used only as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Prepare a rubber bulb (boil first). If the solution is in an industrial bottle with an applicator, then nothing needs to be done.
  • Warm the solution slightly to 22-25 degrees, as a warm solution is more effective.
  • Urinate and perform hygiene procedures without using soap. The antiseptic solution is not compatible with soap and may cause side effects.
  • Place a clean oilcloth on the bed and cover it with a diaper.
  • Lie on the bed, spread your legs wide and bend your knees. To prevent the solution from leaking out, you can place a diaper (towel) folded several times under the basin.

It is practically pointless to carry out the douching procedure in a standing or sitting position, since for the optimal effect of the drug it needs to be in the vagina for at least 3 minutes.


  • Insert the tip of the rubber bulb or the spout of the bottle into the vagina. For the procedure, 10-15 ml of solution is enough. The solution should not be administered under pressure; the bottle should be pressed slowly and carefully.
  • Wait the recommended time - 1-3 minutes.
  • After the procedure, you can stand up and let the solution flow out. Dry the genitals with a towel.
  • If possible, do not visit the toilet for 2 hours.


Doctors call Miramistin the most popular analogue of the presented Chlorhexidine - it has a wider spectrum of action, is non-toxic and has fewer side effects. Its only drawback is its high cost.

When it comes to other analogues of the drug, pharmacists highlight the following:

  1. Amident is indicated in the fight against vaginitis and trichomoniasis, gonococcal infection, syphilis and erosion, vulvitis. Doctors call contraindications the course of dermatological diseases, individual intolerance to active components and the use of compositions that contain iodine.
  2. Hexicon - prescribed for vulvitis and vaginitis, candidiasis, diagnosed STDs. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the active components of the drug.
  3. Vagotil - prescribed for vaginitis and erosion, after surgery and removal of polyps in the uterine cavity. Do not prescribe during pregnancy and lactation, in case of hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug.

This is not a complete list of analogues that can replace Chlorhexidine.

Video: how to douche with Chlorhexidine in gynecology?

Chlorhexidine was invented more than half a century ago by accident, while English pharmacists were searching for a cure for malaria. Due to the antiseptic properties of a wide spectrum of action, ease of use and low price, it is still used in medicine to treat many infectious diseases in otolaryngology, dentistry, urology, for the disinfection of surgical instruments, the surgical field and the surgeon’s hands, washing wounds, and sanitizing birthplaces. paths, as well as treatment of the genitals and douching.

Complications after douching

Douching is not a harmless procedure and can cause unwanted complications, so before doing it you need to weigh the expected benefits and risks.

Complications of the procedure:

  • The occurrence of hypersensitivity reactions, irritation, itching.
  • Injuries of the cervix, vagina, vulva.
  • Chemical or thermal burn, in case of incorrect concentration or high temperature of the solution.
  • A shift in the natural pH balance, the occurrence of dysbacteriosis.
  • Penetration of the medicinal solution into the cervix. This can happen due to the dissolution of the protective plug due to frequent and lengthy procedures.
  • The occurrence of structural tissue damage, since the product has a strong drying effect.

An alternative to douching - tampons with Chlorhexidine

Chlorhesidine swabs can be used instead of douching. This is a more effective and potent method. For this purpose, special cotton-gauze swabs are prepared; hygiene products cannot be used for these purposes. The cotton wool rolled into a ball is wrapped in a pear-shaped bandage and secured with a thread or a bandage with long ends for easy removal of the tampon.

To carry out the procedure, a tampon is generously soaked in antiseptic and inserted into the vagina for a certain time. This procedure is used mainly in hospitals or at an appointment with a gynecologist to cauterize cervical erosion after surgical interventions.

Washing and bathing with Chlorhexidine

Washing is used for irritation of external organs, candidiasis in children and pregnant women. This is a safer way to use. In gynecology, both sitz baths with chlorhexidine are used, when the solution is added to water, and intravaginal, when the medicinal solution is poured directly into the vagina using a speculum.

Chlorhexidine sitz bath procedure:

  • Pour a small amount of warm, not hot water at 35-37 degrees into the bath.
  • Dilute a solution of 12.5 ml of 20% solution in 50 liters of water.
  • Sit in the prepared solution for 3-5 minutes.

The intravaginal bath procedure is performed in the doctor's office and is in many ways similar to the douching procedure, only here the medicinal solution is held in the vagina using a speculum for the required time.

Chlorhexidine for thrush in men

Chlorhexidine can also be used to treat men. To do this, it is necessary to prepare a weak solution of weak water, with which the genitals will be washed at least twice a day.

With this procedure, men can get rid of severe itching and burning at home. But you should understand that the medicine will not help eliminate the cause of the infection; complex treatment is required using antifungal agents, hygiene, and healthy eating rules.

So, what can we say about chlorhexidine for thrush? This product has proven itself to be the best and has proven its effectiveness. Low cost and the ability to purchase without a prescription are additional advantages.

It is worth understanding that even the safest medicine can cause harm if used incorrectly, and chlorhexidine is no exception. That is why, if alarming symptoms appear, undergo an examination, which will help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. And remember that the dosage and duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

What should the drug not be combined with?

Due to its rather pronounced antimicrobial and drying effect, Chlorhexidine should not be combined with other antiseptics.

For example:

  • Iodine and iodine-containing preparations (Lugol's solution).
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Surfactant (lauryl sulfate, soap).
  • Phosphates (components of synthetic detergents).
  • Chlorides (may be present in detergents, cosmetics, household chemicals, medications).
  • Borates (boric alcohol, boric acid).

Use with these groups of substances can cause dermatitis, irritation, and chemical burns.


When discussing the question of how to douche with Chlorhexidine, I would like to first of all focus on its physical and chemical properties. This is an antiseptic widely known in medicine, which is also used to impregnate wet wipes, which are very convenient to use on the road when soap and a washbasin are not available.

What is noteworthy is that the drug is active against most known bacteria, fungi and yeast, as well as some viruses. Moreover, the solution is quite inexpensive, especially compared to imported drugs. Systemic absorption during intravaginal use is so insignificant that it can be completely ignored.

Chlorhexidine cost

The price range for Chlorhexidine is quite wide. The cost depends on the dosage form and the pharmaceutical company producing the drug. The price for domestic aqueous 0.05% solutions ranges from 15 to 50 rubles. for 100 ml, for suppositories from 120 rubles. Imported analogues are more expensive: solutions - from 300 rubles, candles - from 350 rubles.

In gynecological practice, there are two opposing opinions regarding the benefits and harms of douching for the female body. Some gynecologists are categorically against such a procedure, others consider it advisable, but only in specific cases, in the treatment of certain diseases of the female genital area.

Douching in gynecology should be used exclusively as a therapeutic measure if indicated. In emergency cases, a single use of chlorhexidine solution is allowed to prevent infection. If unpleasant symptoms occur, you should consult a gynecologist.

Article design: Oleg Lozinsky

Possible side effects

Since Chlorhexidine is classified as a strong drug, it also has a number of contraindications for use:

  • age under 18 years;
  • It is not recommended to use it unless absolutely necessary during pregnancy and lactation.
  • with diagnosed allergies, hypersensitivity to drug components.
  • with viral origin of dermatological diseases.

Is it possible to douche with Chlorhexidine? In terms of side effects, they are minimal and most often they occur due to improper use of the solution or its excessive use. In this case, a bacterial form of vaginosis can develop, and side effects such as itching and burning, excessive dryness and redness also appear.

When using a 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution, the following complications are possible:

  • with prolonged use (more than 10 days), dysbacteriosis develops and optimal conditions are created for exacerbation of thrush;
  • if used incorrectly (if the treatment time is increased), the drug can cause dryness of the mucous membranes, as a result of which their immunity is reduced, they are more easily injured, and it is more difficult to heal;
  • in combination with ethyl alcohol, the solution can cause burns to the mucous membrane.
  • itching;
  • rashes (dermatitis);
  • dryness

All reactions quickly disappear after discontinuation of the drug.

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