Features of clear discharge before menstruation

Women's health should be under close attention. Cervical mucus protects the genitals from infections and bacteria. Any changes in its consistency and color may indicate problems in the reproductive system, which require consultation with a doctor. Therefore, you should know exactly which discharge before menstruation is considered completely normal and which is pathological in nature.


The content of the article:

The mucous discharge that occurs between periods is called leucorrhoea. Depending on the day of the cycle, they are normal. Leucorrhoea is secreted with the help of glands and performs several important functions: it protects the female reproductive system from mechanical damage, prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms, so the absence of discharge is also not the norm.

Hormones influence the abundance and structure of leucorrhoea. In the initial phase of the cycle, estrogen makes the discharge thinner; after ovulation, under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal fluid becomes thicker. Normal leucorrhoea is accompanied by a weak sour or neutral odor. Discharge on underwear may have a creamy tint, but the leucorrhoea itself is transparent or whitish. The amount of discharge per day should not be more than 6 ml. Normal leucorrhoea is not accompanied by itching and burning.

White thick discharge indicates the production of progesterone in large quantities, which plays an important role in the development of the fetus; if this phenomenon occurs before menstruation, it is likely that pregnancy has occurred. Thus, the female body directs all its forces to create conditions for favorable gestation. If white discharge during a delay in menstruation is accompanied by particles of dried blood, or aching pain in the lower abdomen is bothering you, you should urgently consult a doctor, as these are signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

There may be other reasons for the appearance of white discharge instead of menstruation. Since leucorrhoea is regulated by hormones, hormonal imbalance leads to a similar condition. Therefore, it is very important to monitor changes in the body, because the slightest deviation signals serious changes.

Constant stress can cause various kinds of disorders, shifts in the menstrual cycle and the occurrence of profuse leucorrhoea. The same can be said about overly intense training. An unprepared body reacts to excessive stress with cycle shifts.

It is very important to monitor the characteristics and amount of leucorrhoea, since discharge is sometimes a symptom of pathologies or inflammation.

If at the same time there is itching, burning, redness of the genitals, the leucorrhoea itself has a yellow tint and a pungent odor, you should urgently seek medical help.

Features of changes before menstruation

Before menstruation, a woman experiences PMS. Premenstrual syndrome is characterized by changes in hormonal levels. A number of changes in well-being are observed.

Factors that aggravate PMS and the symptoms of this condition are presented in the table.

Aggravating factorsIt is known that PMS is more severe in women who: • lead an overly active lifestyle; • exposed to regular stressful situations; • live in large cities and are employed in jobs involving high intellectual load; • belong to the Caucasian race; • have gynecological diseases; • have a history of abortions, • miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies. With the listed factors, the signs of PMS are more pronounced. The condition changes significantly shortly before menstruation.
SymptomsA woman may experience several negative signs or all at once. This directly depends on individual characteristics, such as age, hormonal levels and general health. With PMS, a girl faces: • irritability (93% of women); • increased sensitivity of the mammary glands and hardening (86% of women); • bloating in the abdomen (74% of girls); • tearfulness (70%). Women may experience depression. In addition, a low-intensity headache appears. Occasionally, dizziness may occur. Hypersensitivity to certain foods and strong odors is also rare. With age, blood pressure also begins to increase shortly before the upcoming menstruation. You can feel better only with the help of a correct lifestyle and following all the recommendations of the treating gynecologist.

With PMS, women also experience excessive sweating. Swelling is observed due to excess fluid retention. An increased heart rate is also likely.

PMS may cause problems with bowel movements

Many women experience weight gain before menstruation. In addition, the stool is disrupted. PMS symptoms normally do not cause any discomfort.

When to worry

Discharge during the intermenstrual period does not pose a danger if there are no deviations from the norm. The consistency of leucorrhoea varies depending on the day of the cycle, so, first of all, you need to pay attention to the color and smell of the discharge. If these characteristics do not correspond to the norm, and there is pain and discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor. Even though white discharge before menstruation usually indicates pregnancy, only after consultation with a specialist can you be sure of successful conception and the absence of pathologies by comparing all the signs and taking tests.

If the discharge has a green or yellow foaming structure, contains blood, has a foul odor, is accompanied by pain, burning, itching, or excessive abundance - this is a serious reason for concern. There is no need to wait and self-medicate, as this can cause harm to your health.

See also: Acyclic uterine bleeding


To avoid the appearance of the described symptom, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene.
  2. Wash regularly (twice a day).
  3. Use panty liners and change them every 3-5 hours.
  4. Use protection in the absence of a regular sexual partner.
  5. Visit your gynecologist regularly.
  6. Do not self-medicate.

Briefly about the main thing

A change in the quality and quantity of secretion before menstruation can occur for various reasons, both physiological and due to various disorders. Normal discharge before menstruation can be clear, white, milky, yellow, green, brown, or pink. They are slimy in nature and have a uniform consistency.


It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own based on the nature of intermenstrual discharge. Moreover, it is categorically undesirable to do this. Any therapy will be effective only with competent action.

To answer the question of why uncharacteristic discharge appears between menstruation, the doctor conducts an examination, prescribes a smear and blood test, and, if necessary, sends for an ultrasound. Treatment depends entirely on the diagnosis.

If deviations from the norm are associated with hormonal imbalance, a specialist will prescribe hormonal medications, most often oral contraceptives.

Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system, as well as some disorders of the vaginal microflora, are usually treated with antibiotics. In order to improve the microflora after an antibacterial course, special suppositories or vaginal tablets are prescribed. To enhance the positive effect, you should follow a balanced diet.

How do discharge change after ovulation?

The white, creamy spots on the panty liner may be different from those before the follicle released the egg. After ovulation, mucus becomes thick and viscous, which indicates the active “work” of progesterone in the corpus luteum. It usually forms at the site of a previously burst follicle.

The amount of secretion gradually increases and reaches its critical point at approximately the 16th week of pregnancy. This sign is often scary, but the test results usually put everything in its place. If a woman is healthy, the white blood cell count should not exceed 20. Values ​​from 20 to 40 are also normal. Exceeding these indicators indicates the onset of inflammation in the body.

Possible complications and consequences

Any pathologies of the reproductive system carry a certain danger, as they jeopardize the ability to bear and give birth to a child. It is very important to consult a doctor in time to identify and treat diseases. Disturbed microflora contributes to the proliferation of pathogens, which, in turn, can lead to serious diseases. Various neoplasms can transform into malignant ones, which can be fatal.

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be a sign of serious illness. Even seemingly harmless thrush sometimes indicates the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies. Therefore, curdled discharge, burning and itching require medical examination.

Many disorders of the female reproductive system can have a detrimental effect on further pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, in order to avoid possible complications, at the first symptoms of malfunction of the genital organs, be it an unpleasant smell of discharge, a suspicious color, burning, itching, or delayed menstruation, you must consult a doctor.


The yellowish tint of sexual secretion is not considered a pathology, provided that it is not accompanied by discomfort in the intimate area, has a neutral odor and is indicated in small quantities. These discharges appear due to changes in hormonal levels or in connection with the use of hormone-based products.

Mucus may turn yellow due to the use of certain medications, herbal remedies, or be an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear and lubricants or intimate hygiene products. This happens at any point in the cycle, but before critical days, due to hormonal surges, the volume of mucus increases due to increased work of the glands.

During sexual arousal, the amount of female sexual secretion increases, and the discharge becomes similar to the white of a raw egg. After sex, abundant mucus of a yellowish pale hue is indicated, which indicates that male sperm has entered the vagina, which the vagina must secrete along with female lubrication.

Often, discharge with this shade indicates inflammation or an infectious disease. Then an unpleasant odor, vaginal burning and itching, pain in the lower abdomen, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and heterogeneous consistency with impurities are added to the symptoms. These include vaginitis, salpingitis, colpitis, inflammation of the urethra, and such discharge can also occur with chlamydia.

Yellow mucus mixed with blood sometimes indicates erosion of the cervix, and sometimes it is of purulent origin due to advanced inflammation or sexually transmitted diseases. The symptoms of such ailments tend to worsen before menstruation, and the amount of secretion increases during this period.

Opinions of gynecologists

Disruption of the functioning of the reproductive system always causes trouble. The easiest way to avoid them is through preventative measures, including regular visits to a specialist. Gynecologists point out that many diseases are much easier to treat at the initial stage of their development. Therefore, you should pay attention to the amount, structure and smell of white discharge throughout the entire cycle in order to detect the problem in time.

To avoid violations, you should follow some preventive tips:

  • Practicing good hygiene every day reduces the risk of pathogens multiplying. To do this, it is better to use a special product to normalize the acid-base balance.
  • Avoid casual sex.
  • It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle, because nicotine and alcohol increase inflammatory processes in the body and negatively affect hormonal levels.
  • If problems arise, self-medication is strictly undesirable. All measures aimed at eliminating pathology must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Every woman should know which discharge is considered normal and which indicates pathological processes in order to detect and treat the disease in time.

What kind of discharge should there be?

Mucus is the main component of excretion. The substance is aimed at moisturizing the vagina and protecting against pathological microorganisms. Before ovulation, the mucus becomes thinner. After this, the secretion thickens again.

The shade and nature of the discharge directly depends on the period of the menstrual cycle. This process is regulated by hormonal levels. A few days before menstruation, the secretion is white. Turbidity is observed due to the presence of dying particles of the uterine lining.

The discharge may have a creamy or yellowish tint. This kind of secret is normal. Brown coloring will be normal if a woman has an intrauterine device.

An unpleasant smell of discharge is a sign of pathology

There is usually no smell of discharge. Sometimes it can be a little sour. The discharge before menstruation has a thick consistency. The quantity is moderate. There should be no dryness. The present secretion does not cause any discomfort.

White discharge is often observed in women shortly before menopause. In this case, leucorrhoea is more abundant than usual and is accompanied by an unpleasant clinical picture.

Age-related leucorrhoea


The appearance of a whitish secretion helps the girl understand how soon her first menstruation may begin. A harbinger of menarche is profuse, thin or viscous leucorrhoea. They most often occur four or five months before the first monthly bleeding.

During the first year, the female cycle may be unstable. Because of this, a slight delay, lack of secretion or increased secretion of mucus is allowed.

You should seek help from a gynecologist for the following complaints:

  1. Increased vaginal dryness.
  2. Severe pain syndrome.
  3. Delay over three months.
  4. Changing the white tint of a liquid to yellow or green.
  5. Unpleasant sensations due to secretion.


Shortly before the onset of menopause, the level of estrogen in the female body gradually decreases. This hormone not only affects the abundance and regularity of menstruation. Minor hormonal imbalances affect the nature of normal discharge before menstruation. The amount of secretion gradually decreases, and the white mucus in the second half of the cycle may be replaced by pinkish or brown discharge. Itching in the intimate area may also appear before menstruation.

Main signs of pregnancy

A woman’s body gives the first signals of pregnancy even before her period is missed. Of course, such signs are not always one hundred percent and are not observed in all expectant mothers.

Below we will consider what symptoms can tell a woman that she will soon become a mother:

First signs of pregnancy

  • emotional instability
  • slight malaise
  • swelling and pain in the chest
  • drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • nagging pain below the navel
  • nausea, vomiting
  • headache
  • low pressure
  • appearance or increase in leucorrhoea
  • delayed menstruation
  • constipation
  • muscle cramps
  • frequent urination
  • brown or pinkish mucus

Of course, these signs are relative. Even a pregnancy test can be false positive.

Such vivid symptoms are observed only in the first pregnancy, but in subsequent ones the woman may not realize that she is pregnant.

Sometimes in women with gynecological ailments, the first symptoms of pregnancy are felt more vividly, because pain may occur in the lumbar region and appendages.

Composition of transparent mucous secretion in a healthy woman

Vaginal discharge is a natural occurrence. They cleanse the genital tract and protect internal organs from infection. Normal secretion is practically not felt by a woman and does not cause pain or discomfort. Only a small part of all the mucus comes out.

Mucous discharge before menstruation and throughout the entire menstrual cycle is a normal self-cleaning process. The secretion released outside contains the following components:

  • dead cells of the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • exudate accumulated in the lymphatic vessels;
  • dead bacteria;
  • cervical fluid.

Colorless discharge before menstruation can be considered normal. Sometimes even in healthy women, mucus has a slightly sour odor, which indicates the predominance of lactobacilli.

The appearance of colorless discharge that does not go beyond the following limits can be considered normal:

  • no specific unpleasant odor;
  • do not exceed 4 ml per day;
  • there is no dramatic change in color;
  • there are no large lumps, the mucus is homogeneous;
  • no itching sensation.
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