Can virgins use tampons?

The maturation of a girl is determined, among other things, by the appearance of monthly menstrual flow. Now she will have to endure some inconvenience for several days. Teenagers may find this especially difficult because most of them are active and mobile. In this regard, the question arises about hygiene products for critical days. Can only pads be used, or are there tampons for girls too? And most importantly, how to use them so that the convenience is maximum and there is no harm to health? There are answers to these questions, but not all girls and even their mothers know.

Tampon and anatomical features

Hygienic tampons are tight small cylinders with a smooth surface. Since their first appearance, they have been significantly adapted to the structural features of the vagina, where they should be during menstruation.

In an adult woman, the walls of this organ are more elastic and stretch more easily, especially if she has already given birth. But the vagina of a growing girl has sufficient ability to increase in size. Tampons also come in different lengths and thicknesses, but even the largest of them will never become so bulky that they will not fit where they are inserted. Therefore, concerns about possible discomfort due to a discrepancy between the sizes of the hygiene product and the vagina are unfounded. The question of whether girls can use tampons is being resolved in favor of their use. You just need to choose the right size. And in order not to make a mistake, you should first take mini or light tampons, which are available from every manufacturer.

There is another concern associated with them - that they will not stay in the vagina. In fact, the tampon covers the strong and elastic muscles of the pelvic floor. When administered correctly, it is located in the middle part of the organ, where the number of nerve endings is minimal. Therefore, it is not felt, no matter what position the girl chooses. If the tampon is felt, this is not at all evidence of reliable fastening in the vagina. If this symptom occurs, the product must be removed immediately, as it was introduced incorrectly. And this can damage the mucous membrane and provoke inflammation.

Why do girls know little about menstruation? Because they don't write about it in books

Many girls are interested in the question: at what age can you start using tampons? The opinion of experts is that tampons can be used from the first day of the first menstruation, which, as a rule, begins at the age of 11-13 years

We recommend that girls choose ob® ProComfort® Mini for their first use of tampons, because thanks to the silky SilkTouch™ coating and their small size, the products allow easy insertion even for virgins.

  • Tampons can be used by virgins

Are you afraid to use tampons because you think they can damage your hymen, especially when removing swollen sanitary products? Don't worry. These fears are unfounded.

For most girls, the hymen becomes elastic during menstruation and the hole in it naturally increases to 2-2.5 cm. And the diameter of a hygienic tampon is only 1.5 cm!

According to special studies, in girls who use tampons or pads, the condition of the hymen is not significantly different (before the onset of sexual activity).

Most often the question is asked by teenagers or their mothers. Tampons can be used with the first menstruation (11 – 13 years).

Factors to consider when choosing:

  • absorbency (number of drops);
  • size;
  • material;
  • presence of an applicator.

Products are divided into sizes:

  1. Mini – 1 to 2 drops. This is the smallest size, which is suitable for virgins 11 - 12 years old and during periods of weak profuseness.
  2. Normal – 2 to 3 drops. It is allowed to be used by girls at a young age (from 14 years old) and with average periods.
  3. Super – 3 to 4 drops. Cannot be used by virgins; tampons are intended only for heavy discharge.
  4. Super plus - 4 to 5 drops. Cannot be used by virgins. This is the largest size and is most often administered at night or during vigorous physical activity.

The size of tampons is indicated by the number of drops on the packaging
. Products intended for virgins have few differences. They differ only in size. Products for girls look smaller than usual. For virgins, there are tampons in mini or normal sizes. In addition, some manufacturers use a special silk coating, thanks to which the product can be inserted into the vagina through the hymen.

Some girls play several sports at once. When using pads, you must limit your activities, for example, you cannot go to the pool. And while dancing, the girl will feel embarrassed. And with tampons you are allowed to swim and engage in physical activity. In addition, this method of protection helps to get rid of leaks.

There is a certain list of manufacturers that are considered the best. The companies have many positive reviews. The most important thing is to choose the best option for yourself. The best tampons for girls to use:

  1. ABOUT. About Comfort mini. Small size products with a slippery coating. They have good absorption and are not difficult to remove from the vagina. Negative qualities include considerable cost and the lack of an applicator.
  2. Tampax Compak regular. Medium size product. The box contains an applicator that facilitates insertion into the vagina. The products have good absorption and low cost. They are convenient to use when it is not possible to wash your hands.
  3. Kotex mini. They have good functionality, but are less expensive than their analogues. Each tampon is individually packaged in bright packaging. The product is small in size, due to which the introduction does not take much time. The only negative is the lack of an applicator.
  4. Kotex is normal. The tampons are larger than mini tampons, but the package includes an applicator. Another difference is that there is no bright packaging.
  5. Ola mini. Small size products without applicator. Tampons are inexpensive, which is a positive quality.

There are many different types of tampons

The market for menstrual hygiene products is advancing rapidly. There are tampons on pharmacy shelves that are specially designed for virgins. In addition, the products can be used for swimming and physical exercise, which is difficult when using pads. Before using a tampon, you should carefully read the instructions and follow the rules of insertion.

Continuing my research, I went to the regional library to see what literature on this burning topic modern authors offer to teenagers. On the one hand, I was satisfied: most of the books are written in a completely positive spirit, almost all of them say that there is nothing dirty or shameful about menstruation.

The authors do not write anything about what the first period looks like; they pass over in silence the questions that most interest girls, for example, they do not talk about the fact that discharge can be of different intensity and by the end of the cycle changes its color and density. They do not explain that it is necessary to monitor the type of discharge and learn to distinguish normal from pathology (not a word is said about leucorrhoea, whereas this is one of the most important signs by which one can judge the healthy state of the vagina: if leucorrhoea changes color, density or smell, this should sound an alarm bell).

As a rule, the authors of manuals focus on maintaining hygiene rules. To be fair, I note that in a couple of books I found advice to consult a doctor if the discharge is too heavy, but nothing more specific.

Finally, I regret the fact that there are still books published for teenagers that are addressed separately to boys and girls. It seems to me that it would be quite nice if boys read about what menstruation is - it would help them get rid of the habit of making fun of their peers. And it would do well for girls to know better what happens to boys in adolescence.

Finally, one more note. I get the impression that authors of books about teenage puberty lack... a sense of humor. Puberty is not the easiest time in a person’s life, and, in my opinion, by talking too seriously about the problems that arise at this time, we increase nervousness in children.

Hygiene products for virgins are almost no different from those intended for adults. Tampons for teenagers are a dense compact package made of highly absorbent materials. For convenient use, the products are equipped with a cord and a special applicator.

In composition, form, and method of administration, tampons for teenagers and products for adult women are largely similar. Product size difference. Girls have moderate periods during menstruation, so there is no need to use maxi products. Mini size is suitable for girls. Such products have less absorbency, which means they are much easier to remove.

When choosing hygiene products for the first time, you need to pay attention to the composition and structure of the coating.

Losing your virginity due to a tampon is quite problematic, so young girls can use them without fear.

Smooth, thin material ensures trouble-free insertion/removal of the sanitary product. A low-quality product can cause discomfort and simply fall apart due to unreliable coating.

For the first time, it is better to choose products with applicators. This small detail not only makes it easier to administer if teenagers have no experience, but is also very convenient in cases where it is not possible to wash your hands.

You can use these hygiene products from your first menstruation, usually between the ages of 11 and 13 years. Tampons for virgins are designed taking into account the intensity of discharge and physiological characteristics. The main thing is to study the instructions for use and not make a mistake with the size.

Many of the concerns young girls have about using tampons early are unfounded. The best teacher and adviser in such delicate matters should be a mother. You shouldn’t expect your daughter to start pestering you with questions. Many people do not do this out of modesty. It is very important to talk not only about how girls should use tampons, but also about the possible risks. A girl should know at what age it can be used, what types of medications are available, how they differ and how to administer them correctly.

To save the girl from unnecessary worries, talk about the characteristics of the female body and be sure that tampons are safe for teenagers. The hymen looks like a small fold and is located at the entrance to the vagina. There is a small hole in it for the release of menstrual fluid.

The risk only appears when products intended for adults are used.

In case of congenital abnormalities in the structure of the hymen, the use of hygienic tampons is contraindicated. You can find out about the anatomical pathologies of the organ only after examination by a gynecologist.

Virgins can use hygiene products in the same way as adult women. There are no separate rules in the injection technique; the main thing is to do everything carefully and slowly. To avoid defloration, when using a tampon, a girl should listen exclusively to her feelings. The procedure for first inserting a tampon and removing it looks something like this:

  • First of all, wash your hands and wash yourself. If this is not possible, use special wipes for intimate hygiene;
  • relax and take the most comfortable position for you. It doesn’t matter in what position you will insert the hygiene product, sitting on the toilet or standing, the main thing is that the procedure does not cause pain;
  • Take the place where the lace is located with your fingers and slowly insert the product, carefully moving it upward. The product should completely disappear inside the vagina, and the string should remain outside. If there is an applicator, its tip is inserted 3 cm from the entrance to the vagina, after which the applicator is pressed. This will help the tampon penetrate inside and take the correct position;
  • To remove it, just pull the special cord.

Tampon and virginity

To start using a tampon, you need to insert it into the vagina. But in girls who have not yet had vaginal sexual contact, the vestibule is covered with a thin film called the hymen. Many people attach great importance to its presence, so they consider it offensive and ridiculous to accidentally get rid of this piece of connective tissue using a hygiene product. Therefore, they doubt whether virgins can use tampons.

To eliminate concerns, it is worth knowing that this small part of the female body has an opening through which menstrual blood and other healthy secretions exit. In addition, the hymen is so elastic that even during full sexual intercourse it does not always tear, but only stretches. Many people generally get rid of it in a physiological sense only during childbirth. So for anyone interested in whether it is possible to lose their virginity with a tampon, any gynecologist or girls who are already using these products will answer that this is also not something to be afraid of. This is unlikely, unless, of course, there is such a goal.

A tampon filled with menstrual discharge absorbs it and therefore inevitably increases in size. This feature also stops many girls; they are afraid that they will not be able to remove the hygiene product without problems, without affecting the hymen. And the question of whether it is possible to lose virginity with a tampon is associated precisely with extraction. These fears are unfounded. If the hygiene product is correctly selected, after use it is moistened with secretions, and it is even easier to remove it than to insert it.

How to insert a tampon correctly? Video

Tampons come with or without an applicator. The choice depends on individual preferences. Doctors recommend giving preference to the first option. First, wash your hands and genitals. Take the most comfortable position. The insertion can be done in a squatting position, lying on your side or placing one leg on the bathtub.

Hold the applicator by the narrow part. Insert the tampon into the vagina. Press the narrow part with your index finger. After this, remove the removable part. Only the return thread should remain outside the vagina.

  • Before using tampons for the first time, be sure to read the instructions on the pack. Only then should you practice the first introduction. If the first pancake comes out lumpy, it is advisable for the girl to turn to her mother, friend or sister for help. There's nothing wrong with this
  • The first rule of any hygiene procedures is thorough hand washing. In cases related to gynecology, this rule is not just an exception, but a postulate. Infection in the genital tract is a very serious thing, fraught with the most undesirable consequences for women's health. Therefore, under any circumstances, anywhere, before handling a tampon, you must wash your hands with soap.
  • If we talk about the types of tampons, there are tampons with and without an applicator. For some, the applicator greatly simplifies the process of inserting a tampon, while for others it is more convenient to use a tampon without an applicator. It all depends on your habit or insertion skills.
  • Also, when using hygienic tampons for menstrual periods, it is worth considering their types according to their ability to absorb. If a woman’s discharge is not too heavy, then it is better for her to use Light or Regular tampons, but if her periods are accompanied by heavy bleeding, then Super or Super Plus tampons are more suitable in this situation
  1. We take the tampon out of the pack and remove the protective film from it
  2. We find a cord at the bottom of the tampon and, by pulling it, check the reliability of its fastening
  3. We take a position that is convenient for insertion - it is advisable to place one leg higher than the other (in the bathroom it can be placed on the toilet or bathtub) and spread them slightly to the sides
  4. We take the tampon by the tip near the cord with one hand, and with the other we spread the labia
  5. Carefully insert the tampon at an angle of about forty-five degrees to the spine, pressing on the small depression where the cord is attached
  6. The depth of insertion should be no more than the length of the index finger
  7. When the tampon is almost not felt, and the remainder of the cord is enough to then remove the tampon from the vagina, we can consider that the task is completed

Inserting a tampon without an applicator

Tampons and Gynecological Health

Many do not welcome the use of tampons for girls for fear of harming the vaginal microflora or causing inflammatory diseases. A huge number of bacteria coexist in the organ, which maintain it in normal condition. In full health, the girl does not feel any inconvenience, she does not have any unpleasant symptoms, discharge, or pain. Sometimes even doctors believe that a tampon, like a foreign object, can interfere with this idyll, and also affect the cervix in some negative way. But studies conducted more than once over the many years of the existence of these products have found that they are not capable of disturbing the pH environment of the vagina.

In fact, it is not the tampon that can harm the microflora and cause inflammation, but neglect of hygiene. This also happens when using only pads, if you do not change them on time or do it with dirty hands, forgetting about keeping the genitals clean. It is necessary to insert a new tampon regularly, at least once every 3-4 hours. So this reason to deprive a girl of amenities during her period also disappears.

What should tampons be for teenagers?

These hygiene products must correspond to the volume of discharge in all cases. Especially when we mean tampons for virgins. To avoid difficulties with insertion and removal, discomfort and illness, you should first choose products with minimal absorption. Usually girls' discharge is modest in volume, but if in doubt, you can use a panty liner at the same time. This will allow you to detect a possible leak and replace the product with one that has greater absorption.

The most suitable tampons for girls are called mini or light. They are also easy to recognize by the 2 or 3 drops on the package. These could be remedies for:

  • OB;
  • Kotex;
  • Tampax.

There are also special teenage hygiene products of this type. They have a particularly smooth surface, which eliminates the possibility of injury to the vaginal mucosa. It's even better to choose a product with a mini applicator. These are two tubes inserted into each other with perfectly smooth surfaces, one of which helps to expand the entrance to the vagina, and the other to push the tampon.

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