How to use tampons for the first time


Hello! Want to know how to use tampons?

  1. Wash your hands first. Start using tampons with ob® ProComfort® Mini - it's the easiest way.
  2. Then remove the protective cover of the tampon. Straighten the return cord and place your index finger at the base of the tampon. Sit back, relax, there is nothing complicated here.
  3. Place the tampon near your vagina. You don't know where the vagina is? It's in the center. Now let's get to work!
  4. Insert the tampon as deeply as possible, pointing it towards the tailbone. If you feel resistance, change the direction of the tampon slightly. The return cord must remain outside. A little bit more. Wonderful! If the tampon is inserted correctly, you should not feel it.
  5. Change your tampon regularly. In the first days, when your period is strongest, change it every 3-6 hours. On other days - every 6-8 hours.

Well, now you are reliably protected and can forget that you have “these” days. And, of course, you can use tampons at night.

ob® (Obi) – easy on the first try!

If the tampon is left inside, what are the signs of a problem?

When a woman forgets to take out the tampon or the string comes off, she immediately begins to panic. You need to understand when it becomes dangerous and how much time you have to make the right decisions.

As for the body, there will be no signs of problems due to the stuck hygiene product. No fever, chills or pain. If any discomfort appears in the intimate area, it is likely due to improper use of the hygiene product.

A tampon forgotten inside will begin to signal itself by leaking. If you do not change it for a long time, it will become heavily saturated with secretions that it can no longer contain. In fact, this is the only possible sign of a tampon stuck (forgotten) inside the body.

Over time, a characteristic odor will begin to spread. It is clear that if you ignore the problem for more than a day, then problems of a more serious nature will begin. Reproducing bacteria in an environment that is beneficial to them does not bode well. But it’s somehow hard to believe that you can ignore a leaking tampon.

In extremely rare cases, a girl forgets about the old tampon and tries to insert a new one. In this situation, it will not go to a sufficient depth and will cause significant discomfort due to its incorrect location. In addition to discomfort, an important sign will be a strong unpleasant odor from the vagina.

How to use tampons?

Our video will show you how to insert a hygiene product into the vagina step by step. After watching the video “How to insert tampons”, every girl will understand that inserting it is quite simple. The best thing is to completely relax, because otherwise the muscles will tighten and prevent you from inserting the tampon into the vagina. A simple tip: take a few deep breaths and try to feel at ease - this will relax you before using tampons. Also, an important point during insertion for a girl is maintaining hygiene. Therefore, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before inserting the ob® tampon. If, out of excitement, you have forgotten some nuances of use, you will always find a hint in the instructions for ob® tampons, which are included in each package.

Rules for using tampons.

When using tampons, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Use tampons that are the right size for you. In particular, avoid maxi tampons.
  2. Don't forget to remove the last tampon after your period ends.
  3. Use tampons infrequently, only when absolutely necessary.
  4. Change tampons every 4 hours.
  5. Don't change tampons after every visit to the toilet.
  6. Use tampons only during your period. Do not use them for normal discharge.
  7. Do not use tampons at night because sleep is the best medicine for healing wounds and cracks in the vagina caused by using tampons.

Listen to our simple tips, and it will help you avoid such a dangerous disease as TSS!

It's worth it!

Unlike pads, tampons sit inside the body. It may seem strange, but when administered correctly, you won't even feel it. Use the sanitary product according to the instructions for using tampons and feel all its benefits! You can move freely and live life to the fullest, just like on normal days. You are not limited in playing sports during your period - your body holds the sanitary product in its place, and you do not feel it at all and therefore will not experience discomfort. You can even swim because it is securely hidden inside and protected from contact with water. We recommend using tampons with the lowest degree of absorbency that you need at a given time, and do not forget to change them regularly. However, you need to remember that you can use one tampon for no more than eight hours.

The effectiveness of sanitary tampons

A cultured and informed person easily maintains personal hygiene; those around them often do not even realize that a woman has had her “critical days.” By preventing minor troubles from menstruation with a hygienic tampon, you can lead your usual active lifestyle, engage in physical exercise and sports.

You should give preference to products from well-known manufacturers, without being tempted to buy cheap counterfeits, because a low-quality tampon that allows secretions to pass through can cause negative experiences due to stains on clothes.

Unfortunately, you can't always use tampons. For example, after childbirth by cesarean section, gynecologists recommend refusing to use such hygiene products. Features of the anatomical structure of the hymen can also prevent the use of tampons; it is advisable to consult a gynecologist about this before the onset of the first menstruation.


You can select and use tampons with the appropriate level of protection for each day of your period. If you plan to use such hygiene products for the first time, it is better to give preference to products with the lowest level of absorption (up to 6 g), for example ob® ProComfort® Mini. Slim, with a tapered tip and silky-smooth SilkTouch™ coating, they are especially easy to use. It will be easy for you to insert the tampon and remove it.

In the first days of menstruation, when the flow is quite intense, you can try using tampons with a regular absorbency level (6-9 g), for example ob® ProComfort® Normal. They are also suitable for teenagers. It is easy to determine the absorption of hygiene products by the drops shown on the packaging: the more drops, the greater the volume of secretions they can absorb and retain.

ob® ProComfort® Mini and Normal are suitable for use by virgins. If you insert a tampon correctly, it will not damage the hymen. The fact is that it is located in the lower part of the vagina and has a physiological opening for the outflow of menstrual flow, the size of which is 15-20 mm. In this case, the maximum thickness of the tampon is no more than 15 mm. In addition, due to hormonal changes before menstruation, the hymen becomes soft and elastic. All this suggests that if you use tampons correctly, you do not risk losing your virginity.

What are tampons?

Tampons are very easy to use products that do not require any great skill when inserted into the vagina. They are made from soft materials that easily absorb moisture, most often cotton wool. To give the wool a cylindrical shape, several layers of it are tightly stitched, twisted and pressed. The tampon is inserted into the vagina, where it swells to absorb menstrual fluid and molds to the shape of your body.

Can you lose your virginity with a tampon?

Even girls who have no experience of sexual activity can use tampons without fear of breaking the hymen (a septum of mucus that blocks the entrance to the vagina and leaves the hymenal opening for the flow of menstrual blood).

In most girls, by the first menstruation (11-14 years old), the hymenal opening is 1.5-2 cm in diameter, while the maximum size of tampons in diameter is no more than 1.5 cm. Therefore, a tampon can be inserted into the vagina of a given girl without damaging health, in addition, for the first time it is better to use the “mini” or “normal” size.

To make insertion easier, girls are recommended to use tampons with applicators - devices that make it easier to insert a tampon and avoid getting your hands dirty.

Why does a tampon interfere?

When using tampons, discomfort is usually associated with improper insertion of this hygiene product into the vagina. The tampon is practically not noticeable if it is positioned correctly, so remember that the main thing when inserting it is the ability to relax the muscles. The vagina is directed upward to the lower back at an angle, so you need to try to choose the right angle for inserting the tampon, for which find a comfortable position, for example, standing with one leg placed on a small step. The necessary skill comes with experience.

Can a tampon fall out?

The tampon cannot fall out because it is located between the vaginal muscles, and it cannot rise into the uterus because the cervical canal is very narrow, its width is 1 mm.

How to get a tampon without thread?

There are very rarely situations when you cannot get a hygiene product because the thread has come off. How to remove a tampon without a string yourself? If you don’t have the opportunity, time or desire to go to a doctor, then you can try to cope on your own.

There is no need to try to correct the situation with your bare hands (finger), because this way you can harm yourself even more by pushing the tampon even further.

The algorithm of actions is as follows.

  1. You need to relax and stop panicking. It is clear that a torn thread causes panic, but it must be overcome. If you don't stop being afraid, you won't be able to relax your vaginal muscles. Only after you have calmed down can you move on.
  2. You need to squat down. There is no need to sit on the toilet, because in this case an incorrect angle will be created, which will complicate the process. In this position, the abdominal and vaginal muscles should be completely relaxed.
  3. How to remove a tampon if it is deep and relaxation does not help it come out? You need to start pushing, as if you are having a bowel movement. With one gust you can push the hygiene product out.
  4. If the previous option did not work, then we continue to sit in the same position and push again. This time you need to tense the vaginal muscles contractively, as if releasing waves. Any woman can do this, even those who do not develop their female muscles.

If the four points described above did not help, then you need to go to an appointment with a gynecologist, which will help in solving the problem. Remember that a tampon stuck in the body for more than 8 hours is considered harmful to the body.

Usually the hygiene product comes out well, but if the discharge is scanty, then the hygiene product may not be soaked enough to come out painlessly. In this case, you may experience some pain, dryness and discomfort when trying to remove it using one of the above methods. You can use an intimate gel to simplify the movement of the gynecological product.

You can learn more about how to remove a tampon that is stuck inside from the video.

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