How to use tampons during menstruation? How to insert a tampon? Is it possible to swim with tampons?

Everything happens for the first time! And the first period is no exception! Your period is a natural part of your life, and it's normal to have questions. Don't worry—using a tampon correctly isn't as difficult as it might seem! Watch the video below to learn how to insert a tampon correctly. You will see in the video where to insert the tampon and you will understand that it is simple.

Hello! Want to know how to use tampons?

1. Wash your hands first. Start using tampons with ob® ProComfort® Mini - it's the easiest way.

2. Then remove the protective cover of the tampon. Straighten the return cord and place your index finger at the base of the tampon. Sit back, relax, there is nothing complicated here.

3. Place the tampon near your vagina. You don't know where the vagina is? It's in the center. Now let's get to work!

4. Insert the tampon as deeply as possible, pointing it towards the tailbone. If you feel resistance, change the direction of the tampon slightly. The return cord must remain outside. A little bit more. Wonderful! If the tampon is inserted correctly, you should not feel it.

5. Change your tampon regularly. In the first days, when your period is strongest, change it every 3-6 hours. On other days - every 6-8 hours.

Well, now you are reliably protected and can forget that you have “these” days. And, of course, you can use tampons at night.

ob® (Obi) – easy on the first try!

What is a tampon?

In a general sense, a hygiene product is a mass of absorbent material folded in the shape of a cone. Used for insertion into the vagina during menstruation. A tampon is far from a new tool; it appeared in the last century and is actively used by modern girls and women.

For production, anti-allergenic materials are used that absorb blood well during menstrual flow. Change the hygiene product as it is full, approximately every 2 hours. Violation of this rule creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, which is fraught with the development of an inflammatory process, thrush, and vaginitis.

The shape is conical, pointed on one side, and a thread is attached on the other, which is necessary for easy removal. As it fills with secretions, the product increases slightly in size, but does not cause discomfort when removed from the vagina.

Conventionally, tampons are divided into 2 groups – with and without applicators. The hygiene product itself looks identical, but the first version has a special device that makes it easier to insert inside. A tube with a piston inside.

They differ in size and absorbency. Small ones are intended for girls, as well as for critical days with a minimum amount of discharge. The packaging has a designation in the form of one drop. The maximum absorption of the product is 14 ml, approximately 4 teaspoons. On the package it is indicated by 4 drops, suitable for use on critical days with normal discharge. For heavy periods, bleeding is not used.

Benefits of the hygiene product:

  • ease of use;
  • lack of visibility;
  • convenient removal;
  • does not cause a greenhouse effect;
  • imperceptible during use;
  • You are allowed to take a shower, a warm bath, or swim in a pool with a tampon inside;
  • wide range, wide variety of brands;
  • affordable price.


  • have to be changed frequently;
  • not used for heavy discharge;
  • There is a risk of developing an infection if the rules of use are violated.

When using the product at night, insert immediately before bedtime and change immediately after waking up. The tampon should not remain inside for more than 8 hours.

Which tampons to choose for the first time

When you first buy tampons, it's easy to get overwhelmed. What type and size of sanitary product should I choose? From which manufacturer? But in reality everything is quite simple. For the first time, it is recommended to purchase products from well-known brands.

The size and type are easy to determine. This can be done by the marking on the packaging indicating absorbency:

  • If 1-2 drops are shown on the package, this means that these products are intended for women and girls with scanty discharge. This type is usually suitable for young girls who are just starting to use this hygiene product.
  • Three drops. Such products are intended for women with an average volume of discharge.
  • More than three drops – for heavy discharge

Also, instead of drops, the absorption level can be indicated in words. In this case, Mini will designate products for girls with scanty discharge, Normal - for women and girls with normal discharge, and Super and Super Plus are intended for heavy discharge. That is, the gradation remains the same, only its designation changes.

The types differ in size and, accordingly, in comfort. Smaller models are more comfortable, but they can leak if there is too much discharge, while larger models can cause discomfort. In this case, the types should be changed throughout the menstruation. If more “capacious” ones are better suited for the first days of menstruation, when the discharge is still quite abundant, then less absorbent products are best used towards the end.

If a girl is a virgin, then she may have a question: is it possible to use tampons in this case? The answer is simple - you can, you just need to use models with an applicator. There is no need to worry about the integrity of the hymen, as it stretches during menstruation.

How to choose?

To choose the ideal product for yourself, you need to consider several factors.

  • Size

For girls with a hymen, a separate line of products is produced, which is small in size. About the absorption capacity, what to use on what day, is indicated on the packaging. There is also information about the minimum and maximum capabilities. The packaging shows droplets. The active tampon is highlighted with a bright color, while the other tampons available in the line are dull. To find the right size for women, you will have to experiment a little at first. Too small will allow discharge to pass through and fall out; too large will cause discomfort.

In addition, the packaging may contain the designations “mini”, “normal”, “super”. You can focus on them. Mini is intended for minor discharge, used on the first and last day, Normal is suitable for the middle of the cycle, Super is used for significant discharge.

  • Surface

Tampons are made from viscose, cotton, or a mixture of these components. There should be no discomfort during use, and insertion should be easy. Which product to choose is an individual decision. You should also pay attention to the shape: some have a flat, smooth surface, others are twisted in the form of a spiral, which somewhat increases the efficiency with respect to moisture absorption.

  • Ease of administration

Any tampon can be inserted into the vagina with your fingers and pushed to the desired depth. If difficulties arise with this, use products with an applicator. A special device prevents you from making a mistake with the required depth and makes insertion easier. They are removed in the same way using a string that remains outside.

How to remove a tampon

Besides the insertion itself, an important part of the use process is removing the tampon. For the first time, it is better to remove it after two hours; keeping it longer is not recommended. Also, for the first time, you should pay attention to the fullness of the product in order to assess which absorbency suits you best.

Thanks to the thread, which will help in the process of pulling out the hygiene product, it is not difficult to remove it. Simply take a comfortable position and remove the roller by lightly pulling the thread. To avoid possible excesses, you should always check the strength of the thread before use. After use, the tampon must be thrown away. Do not flush it down the toilet, as this can clog the pipes.

If the string breaks, then you should not try to remove the tampon yourself. To begin with, you should try to push, as when defecating, then perhaps the product will come out on its own. If not, then you must definitely contact a gynecologist.

Instructions for use - how to insert

The procedure causes some inconvenience at first, but then everything happens mechanically, without thinking. Initially, you need to decide on a comfortable position. Insert the tampon in a lying position or slightly crouching. It is most convenient to perform manipulations in the bathroom, where you can remove the previous one, wash your hands, and do other preparatory procedures.

Inserting a tampon with an applicator:

  • remove the tampon from the packaging, remove the protective film;
  • insert into the extended applicator with the blunt end so that the thread is inside;
  • wash your hands, part your labia;
  • insert a tampon with an applicator, insert it to the full depth;
  • press on the thin tube, which acts as a piston, until your fingers touch the labia;
  • Carefully remove the applicator, the tampon will be in the right place, the thread is outside.

If the manipulations are performed correctly, there will be no discomfort, much less pain. Upon completion of the procedure, wash your hands, throw away the applicator, and use a new one next time.

Interesting video:

Introduction without applicator:

  • remove the tampon from the packaging, remove the protective film;
  • wash your hands, part your labia;
  • take it in your right hand, insert it into the vagina, push it to the desired depth with your index finger;
  • the tampon should touch the cervix, you will feel it;
  • When finished, straighten the thread and wash your hands.

The applicator is convenient to use at home, but if you need to act in emergency conditions, a regular one is more suitable. Therefore, you need to practice with both options, then choose the most comfortable one for yourself.

Interesting video:

How to use tampons?

Our video will show you how to insert a hygiene product into the vagina step by step. After watching the video “How to insert tampons”, every girl will understand that inserting it is quite simple. The best thing is to completely relax, because otherwise the muscles will tighten and prevent you from inserting the tampon into the vagina. A simple tip: take a few deep breaths and try to feel at ease - this will relax you before using tampons. Also, an important point during insertion for a girl is maintaining hygiene. Therefore, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before inserting the ob® tampon. If, out of excitement, you have forgotten some nuances of use, you will always find a hint in the instructions for ob® tampons, which are included in each package.


At the initial stage of using a hygiene product, many different questions arise. Knowing the correct answer, you can avoid embarrassment, misunderstandings, and health problems.

How can you tell if a tampon is inserted correctly ? Initially, they are pushed straight up, then tilted towards the uterus. When positioned correctly, the tampon is not felt, there is no discomfort or pain. The product is invisible when changing position - lying, standing, sitting, while walking.

Why can't I insert a tampon ? There may be several reasons - an extremely dry vagina, severe anxiety, an experience that causes the muscles to contract, making it difficult for the tampon to advance. In this case, there is only one way out - stop worrying. This situation is more typical of teenage girls who are just beginning to learn the basics of life during menstruation. Women do not have such difficulties.

How to go to the toilet with him ? The tampon does not interfere with the natural functioning of the bladder, ducts, or impede the process of urine excretion. They usually go to the toilet; they don’t even need to immediately change the product if it was recently inserted.

Is it possible to insert too deep ? The tampon will not go further than the vagina. It will not penetrate the uterus or urethra even with strong pressure. There is no need to worry about this. It's never too deep. Push the product all the way, and then it will lower itself and take the desired position. If you insert it too shallowly, the tampon will simply fall out the first time you move it.

How often should it be changed? The basic rule is to change it as it is filled, but at least once every 2 hours. The accumulation of blood inside the vagina on a tampon creates favorable conditions for the proliferation of pathogens. The cervix during menstruation is slightly open, lowered, bacteria can freely get inside, after which inflammation begins, changes in the vaginal microflora, and other troubles. At night, experts recommend using pads, but if you are still using a tampon, leaving it on for longer than 8 hours is prohibited.

How to throw it away unnoticed ? Manipulations are carried out in the toilet, bathroom, ladies' room. The extracted product is placed in a special pocket that comes with the product or wrapped in a plastic bag or toilet paper. Throw it in a trash can, trash can, or any suitable place.

Is it possible to swim or visit the pool ? One of the main aspects why women and girls use this remedy on menstrual days. The secretions remain inside, which allows you to swim in reservoirs, take a warm bath, shower, and visit the pool. You need to insert a new tampon before immersing in water, and remove it immediately after exiting. Keep for no more than 30 minutes. On days when there is heavy bleeding, you should still avoid water treatments.

Myths about tampons

Myths about tampons

  • A tampon can get into the uterus - impossible! The cervical canal is too narrow for this
  • If the tampon is completely saturated, the outflow of blood forms a “plug” - incorrect! A tampon is cotton wool and when it is filled, blood seeps through it.
  • Tampon Causes Sexual Habits - Fiction! It is located deep in the vagina and in an area sparse in receptors, so it does not provide any erotic sensations
  • The use of tampons leads to the development of cervical erosion, endometriosis and infertility - a wrong opinion! The occurrence of these diseases has nothing to do with the use of tampons
  • Tampons are an alternative to pads. You shouldn’t be afraid to use them, the main thing is to use them correctly


There is much debate about the effect of tampons on a woman's body. The opinions of experts are divided - some recommend using the products for girls and women, others discourage them in every possible way. The main danger is that menstrual discharge remains inside, increasing the risk of proliferation of pathogenic microflora and imbalance of bacteria. This situation provokes the development of thrush, vaginosis, and, less commonly, inflammation of the uterus and appendages. In general, the relatively long period of use of products by women of different ages does not confirm a high danger to the body.

Contraindications for use:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • thrush;
  • violation of vaginal microflora;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • PPP diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

To get out of the situation without harming your body, if necessary, tampons are used on days with minor discharge, pads are used in the middle of menstruation, at night.

According to a study by specialists from the USA, it was established that tampons, when used for a long time, cause toxic shock syndrome. The causative agents are special golden bacteria, which live in the female body in minimal quantities. When favorable conditions arise, they begin to multiply rapidly. The process is dangerous due to severe toxicosis, even death in a matter of days. The main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, dizziness, severe headache, diarrhea, skin rashes, and terrible weakness. The situation is complicated by the fact that when turning to specialists for help, they immediately treat poisoning, check the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and no one would think to ask whether the woman uses tampons.

What are the contraindications?

Use of the product is prohibited if there are contraindications. Restrictions include:

  • infectious processes of the reproductive system;

Tampons are prohibited if there is inflammation

  • recent delivery;
  • undergoing an abortion;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • menarche.

Virginity is not a limitation. The pleura is flexible and has an opening. Girls can use personal hygiene products marked mini.

Rating of tampons for first time use

You can determine the best remedy for yourself over time, when you have something to compare with. For first use, you should use the following brands.

OB® ProComfort™ Mini

A special series for teenagers on their critical days. The Obi tampon makes it possible to maintain activity, effectively absorbs secretions, and is invisible to the environment. Convenient pointed shape, small size ensures convenient insertion and removal using a thread. The tampon is made in the form of a spiral, retains moisture inside longer and more reliably, and quickly absorbs. The product is made of hypoallergenic materials, does not cause irritation, smooth surface. There are 8-16 pieces in a package, for 2 drops. The cost of 8 pieces is 170 rubles.

Tampax Compak Regular

A well-known brand that introduced tampons to the domestic market for the first time. It is produced in several variations; for girls, Tampax Compak Regular is suitable for weak, moderate discharge. Small size, smooth surface ensures easy insertion and does not cause discomfort or pain. An additional “skirt” protects against leakage for 8 hours. For ease of administration, a special applicator is used. There are 8-16 pieces in a package. Price from 90 rub. up to 240 rub.

Kotex Mini

For girls from the first days of menstruation, one of the best solutions is small, comfortable, smooth surface, convenient shape. Made from viscose. They do not cause allergies or irritation and quickly absorb moisture. The blue layer on the tampon is not at all for beauty - it retains moisture inside and prevents leakage. Kotex mini 2 drops for critical days with minor, normal discharge. There are 8-16 pieces in a package. Cost from 77 rub. up to 167 rub.

In general, you can choose any brand. Each series contains small-sized products for critical days with a minimum discharge of 2 drops. It is important that the tampon has a smooth surface, is of high quality, and is wrapped in an airtight package.

Is it possible to lose your virginity with a tampon?

The hymen is shaped like a small fold that separates the internal and external genitalia. It is located in the lower front part of the vagina, 3 cm from its entrance, and has a diameter of 1.5-2 cm. A tampon occupies 4-5 cm and the diameter does not exceed 1.5 cm - accordingly, they cannot lose their virginity. During menstruation, the hymen becomes more elastic and softer, so using a tampon is quite safe.

IMPORTANT: select the correct size tampon (2-3 drops), carefully insert and remove it.

Health question - is it worth using for the first time?

The onset of menstruation or menarche is associated with many processes in the newly formed body. Discharge isn't the only problem these days. The girl feels pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, incredible weakness, and nausea. Often the pain is so intense that you have to take painkillers and antispasmodics. Using tampons for the first time is not entirely convenient and safe. In addition, the discharge for the first time is not always insignificant; bleeding may be present, when it is better to use regular pads.

There is no talk of physical activity, dancing, dancing, or swimming. The child should be provided with peace, plenty of fluids, and emotional and moral support. You can easily do without tampons for the first time. In the future, the use of this hygiene product should also be limited and used in an emergency, for example, for swimming in a pool. The pads allow blood to flow out, clearing the vagina of secretions; timely replacement and regular water treatments prevent skin irritation and the occurrence of an unpleasant odor.

Regarding safety, our specialists are unlikely to conduct sensational research and rely on the experience of foreign colleagues. From a theoretical point of view, the tampon is safe, since it is made of cotton or viscose, but flavors, a special layer that retains moisture, etc. are often added. Additional components can easily cause severe irritation and an allergic reaction. The risk of developing an infection increases, which has already been officially proven, while the occurrence of toxic syndrome does not appear from the first days of use, which gives reason to believe that the tampon is indeed safe.

It feels like on critical days you want cleanliness and maximum comfort. A tampon filled with blood inside the vagina is not everyone's cup of tea. Therefore, the decision whether to use it or not is individual.


Tampons are a fairly convenient hygiene product, suitable for women who are not used to feeling limited in anything. It is convenient to use, you don’t feel it at all, the only drawback is the need to change it every few hours, which is not always possible to do. You also need to get used to their use so that the introduction does not cause discomfort. At the same time, we must not forget that using tampons alone is harmful and they must be alternated with pads.

Of course, you can add to the disadvantages the possibility of toxic shock, but it does not appear very often. Many girls, when they decide to use tampons, read terrible things about this shock and completely refuse such a hygiene product. For this reason, consultation with a doctor is important - he will tell you how to avoid toxic shock, how to use tampons correctly, and completely dispel the young girl’s fears of an unknown absorbent product. In addition, using a hygienic tampon will teach the girl how to use such products in the future, if the need suddenly arises to undergo treatment with special tampons, this will not scare her, and she will know how to act in such a situation. This is also the reason why special lectures are mandatory for girls so that they are aware of various methods to ease menstruation, even if they have not yet started it.

Unlike pads, tampons have many nuances when used. The level of protection, safety and comfort directly depends on the correct application. Before the initial insertion, a woman will need to learn how to use tampons for the first time. With subsequent applications, questions will no longer arise. You can start using tampons from the age of 14-16 years. The use of hygiene products is possible even in the presence of intact virgin pleura. It is not recommended to use tampons during menarche or for a year after your first period, since at this time your monthly cycle is still establishing.

Using tampons requires special attention

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