Brown discharge before menstruation

Can I have brown discharge before my period?

Brown discharge before menstruation is not always the cause of pathology. A light secretion with minor admixtures of blood occurs in many women. And it’s not at all necessary to run to the doctor for help in a panic! Normal discharge before menstruation is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • lasts a maximum of 3 days;
  • have a spotting character;
  • have no odor;
  • not accompanied by abdominal or lower back pain;
  • there are no unpleasant sensations from the external genital organs: itching, burning, redness;
  • menstruation is normal;
  • the general condition of the woman does not change.

If at least one of the above signs changes, you should consult a doctor.

Spotting before menstruation

Natalya, Moscow

October 31, 2018

Hello! Your opinion is really needed. I am 26 years old, I have not given birth, there have been no abortions. This is my fifth cycle in a row of spotting before my period for 2-5 days (this has never happened before). The first time it was red blood drop by drop for 2 days. The last time it’s been 4 days and brown discharge, scanty, but stronger than before, and menstruation was heavier than usual. The cycle is mostly stable, in recent months it has been 25 days (it was 28 before), menstruation is 5 days. I had an ultrasound in September on day 20 (the third problem cycle), everything was normal, there was a corpus luteum, ovulation had passed, but the endometrium was 7mm, they said it was thin. I tested my hormones, everything is normal: Reference values ​​in brackets At 21 dc progesterone - 42.7 (7.0-56.6) At 4 dc: Fsh 6.98 (1.37-9.9) Lg 5.98 ( 1.68-15.0) Estradiol 304 (68-1269) Testosterone 1.21 (0.52-1.72) Prolactin 431 (109-557). The doctor didn’t give me a referral for a smear test, because I took it right before the problems started and she said everything was fine. This is what happened then (July): Epithelium flat surface layer Leukocytes 1-3-5 No red blood cells Microflora rod+, small rod+, coccal polymorphic+, Trichomonas and gonococci were not detected. But sometimes I am bothered by mucus or creamy discharge (not during ovulation), itching and some kind of heaviness in the lower abdomen (because of these symptoms I had a smear test in July) and in recent months I have constantly wanted to go to the toilet a little at a time. I myself decided to take a smear and PCR test for infection, here is the result: Microscopic picture: V- Flat epithelium of the surface layer. Leukocytes - 2 - 5 in the field of view. Microflora - lactomorphotypes in scanty quantities. Gram (+) cocci in scanty quantities. Gram (+) coccobacilli, morphotypes of strict anaerobic bacteria, similar to Bacteroides, Peptostreptococcus and Prevotella in moderate quantities. S- Slime. Columnar epithelial cells. The epithelium is flat on the surface layer. Leukocytes - 11 - 15 in the field of vision. The microflora is the same, in scanty quantities. U- Vaginal epithelial cells. Leukocytes - 0 - 2 in the field of view. The microflora is the same as in “V”, in smaller quantities. Trichomonas and gonococci were not found in the obtained material. Gardnerella vaginalis (half-col.) DNA: Specific DNA fragments were detected in a concentration of more than 10^4 copies in the Chlamydia trachomatis sample (quality) DNA - not detected. Mycoplasma hominis (half colony) DNA - not detected. Ureaplasma urealyticum+parvum (half colony) DNA - not detected. Mycoplasma genitalium (quality) DNA - not detected. The last PA was 2 years ago (if that matters). I take it I have bacterial vaginosis? Could gardnerella be the cause of this discharge before menstruation? And the reason for the urge to urinate? And do I understand correctly that taking medications that affect hormones is useless? And is 7 mm endometrium really bad for the second phase? I found last year’s ultrasound, there was also 7mm in phase 2, and the conclusion: no pathologies. I really hope for your answer!

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What does brown discharge before menstruation mean?

The reason for the appearance of brown secretion before menstruation can be assumed already by the time of its appearance. For a more accurate diagnosis, additional examination methods are needed: gynecological examination, ultrasound of the pelvic organs, determination of the level of sex hormones in the blood. The advisability of further examination is determined by a gynecologist or endocrinologist.

Brown discharge 2 days before period

The appearance of brown discharge two days before menstruation, gradually turning into menstruation, is absolutely normal. This indicates the beginning of rejection of the physiological layer of the endometrium - a natural process leading to cyclic menstrual bleeding.

In some girls they are accompanied by minor pain in the lower abdomen. They can radiate to the lower back, legs, and pelvis.

Brown discharge 3 days before period

One of the reasons for brown spotting before menstruation is the beginning of endometrial detachment, as mentioned earlier. But this is a rarer occurrence than the appearance of discharge two days before menstruation. As a rule, the appearance of spotting secretion for 3 or more days is a sign of pathology.

Many girls who have undergone surgery on the uterus (curettage, removal of fibroids or other tumors) note a change in the nature of menstruation. Vaginal secretion a few days before your period is one of the signs.

If you smear brown before your period, but the periods themselves do not begin, you should take a pregnancy test. After all, this may be one of the reasons. A single appearance of secretion without deterioration in general well-being indicates implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall. At this point, the embryo attaches to the mother's organ for further development.

Dyeing before menstruation 4 days before

One of the reasons for spotting 4 days before menstruation is progesterone deficiency during pregnancy. Normal discharge for a pregnant woman has already been discussed above. As a rule, they do not last more than 3 days. Prolonged spotting indicates that the woman’s body does not synthesize enough of the hormone progesterone, which is necessary to stabilize the inner layer of the uterus.

This is a dangerous condition that requires constant monitoring by a gynecologist. It threatens endometrial detachment and miscarriage.

Brown discharge 5 days before period

Brown discharge 5-7 days before menstruation is caused by several pathologies. One of them is endometriosis. This disease is characterized by the proliferation of endometrial cells where they normally should not be:

  • in the ovaries;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • cervix;
  • muscle layer of the uterus;
  • peritoneum;
  • internal organs.

Important! With endometriosis, spotting can also occur in the middle of the cycle or 2-3 days after menstruation.

Another reason for the appearance of brown discharge on the 25th day of the cycle is inflammation of the reproductive system. The following types are distinguished:

  1. Endometritis – inflammation of the endometrium (inner layer of the uterus);
  2. Colpitis is an inflammatory process in the cervix;
  3. Adnexitis – inflammation of the ovaries;
  4. Salpingitis is a pathological process in the fallopian tubes.

At risk are women who have undergone surgical interventions on the uterus and its appendages, and are subject to constant hypothermia and chronic stress.

Brown discharge a week before your period

Another reason for spotting before menstruation is infectious diseases of the reproductive system. As a rule, brown discharge appears on the 23rd day of the cycle or a little later. At this moment, the uterus begins to prepare for menstruation; it is actively supplied with blood. And therefore the body is most vulnerable. If a girl becomes infected, brown discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching of the genitals;
  • burning sensation;
  • redness;
  • secretion with the smell of rotten fish;
  • increased body temperature;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Infections take a long time to be treated with large doses of antibiotics, which adversely affects the girl’s general condition. Syphilis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea - all these infections are easier to prevent than to cure. A condom is the most accessible and effective means of protection against infections transmitted through sexual contact.

Spotting a week before menstruation with a positive test is characteristic of the pathological course of pregnancy. An urgent visit to a gynecologist will help protect both mother and child!

Brown discharge 10 days before period

The timing of the appearance of brown discharge during pregnancy is very variable. In most cases, this is 9-10 days after ovulation, but periods from 5 days to 3 weeks are possible. Therefore, pregnant women may experience brown discharge 10 days before their period.

If the pregnancy test is negative, the reason for the appearance of secretion closer to the middle of the cycle may be hormonal changes (late ovulation), a violation of the structure of the mucous membrane of the genital organs (endometriosis, cervical erosion, benign or malignant tumors).

Why does spotting brown discharge occur before menstruation?

Diseases in which the secretion turns brown are classified depending on the woman’s condition.

At the very beginning of pregnancy, this phenomenon is not a dangerous symptom. When an embryo is implanted into the uterus, several drops of clotted blood may be released, since the vessels are damaged during implantation.

During this period, a woman – if she has not used the test – still has no idea about the change in status.

During pregnancy, the same discharge is already dangerous - it indicates fetal rejection. You must consult a doctor immediately. Currently, the rejection process, which was considered irreversible 10-15 years ago, can be stopped. If a woman seeks medical help at the first brownish drops on her underwear, the pregnancy can be brought to a successful conclusion.

Women may experience brown discharge after sexual intercourse. This may indicate some passion for the process - the mucous membrane is injured during coitus, and can be a symptom of cervical erosion or an inflammatory process of the gynecological organs. This condition also requires contacting a gynecologist - inflammation adversely affects the general condition of the reproductive system; with erosion, there is a risk of cell degeneration and the appearance of a malignant process.

Types of spotting before menstruation

The color of the spotting secretion before menstruation will help to find out the reason for its appearance. More about this later in the article.

Light brown discharge before menstruation

Light brown mucus before menstruation is not as dangerous a symptom as dark discharge. As a rule, the cause of spotting is the start of taking oral contraceptives. The body needs time to adapt to the new hormonal levels. If the discharge darkens, its duration increases, it does not go through a couple of menstrual cycles, this is no longer normal. In this case, the oral contraceptive should be replaced.

Important! Selection or replacement of birth control pills should be carried out only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Microscopic cracks in the vagina can also cause light brown discharge. Active sexual intercourse, gynecological examination - these factors damage the structure of the mucous membrane. In this case, the discharge should disappear during the next menstrual cycle.

Brown discharge before menstruation

The presence of brown or dark brown discharge before menstruation is almost certainly a symptom of pathology. The dark shade of the secretion means that the blood has been in the cavity of the internal genital organs for some time. During this time, it managed to oxidize, curl up and acquire the appropriate shade. The darker the secretion, the longer it was inside the uterus or vagina.

A thin spotting secretion is observed with erosion of the cervix (small ulcers on its mucous membrane) and polyps of this organ (outgrowths). With these pathologies, discharge is a sign of damage to the cervical canal. Therefore, they also appear during sexual contact, during a gynecological examination.

Dark discharge before menstruation

Dark brown clots before menstruation indicate the presence of recently clotted blood. If discharge appears a couple of days before menstruation, this is one of the symptoms of endometriosis. With this disease, secretions appear not only before, but also after menstruation. The following symptoms accompany it:

  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • painful menstruation;
  • heavy periods;
  • deterioration of the woman’s general well-being.

Endometriosis is easy to diagnose using ultrasound (ultrasound), determining the level of hormones in the blood.

Important! If dark discharge appears, an urgent consultation with a gynecologist is necessary. After all, the worst complication of endometriosis is infertility.

Black discharge before menstruation

The appearance of black secretion before menstruation is an unfavorable symptom. It indicates that blood has been in the uterine or vaginal cavity for a long time. The reason for the appearance of this symptom in young girls is most often anomalies in the structure of the organs of the reproductive system:

  • vaginal atresia - narrowing of its lumen;
  • gynathresia - significant narrowing or complete closure of the opening in the hymen area;
  • bicornuate uterus.

If the narrowing is too severe, menstruation will be scanty or completely absent. Blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. This is a provoking factor in the development of inflammatory processes in the organ.

In older women, the reason why they smear black for a long time before menstruation may be an adhesive process in the uterus or vagina after surgical interventions, or inflammatory diseases.

One of the most dangerous pathologies, manifested by the release of black secretions between menstruation, is ectopic pregnancy. The secretion is very abundant, there may be some fresh blood. An urgent call to an ambulance will save a woman from a ruptured fallopian tube and heavy blood loss.

Discharge of brown secretion before menstruation as evidence of pathology

A brownish smudge that appears before the calendar start of menstruation may be a symptom of pathological processes affecting the genital system.

The main sign indicating the presence of the disease is the burden of mucous secretion with unpleasant, unusual sensations:

  1. Painful sensations during sexual intercourse.
  2. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen accompanying discharge before menstruation.
  3. Burning during urination.
  4. Itching in the genitals.
  5. Systematic appearance of brownish clots during the intermenstrual period.
  6. Rejection of spotting for more than five days in a row.
  7. Pain in the lumbar region accompanying leucorrhoea before the onset of menstruation.

Experts say that the presence of one or more of the above symptoms, combined with the presence of discharge a couple of days before menstruation, is a symptom of pathological processes affecting the reproductive organs.

Women who observe these signs do not need to worry or panic, however, they should take responsibility for their health and immediately contact a gynecologist so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

Doctors identify several diseases that may be indicated by spotting that appears before menstruation and is brown in color:

Cervical erosion

This pathological condition is characterized by the appearance of ulcers or scars on the mucous surface of the cervix. Doctors classify this disease as a lesion with sluggish symptoms, because most often it is possible to diagnose erosion only during an examination on a gynecological chair.

Women who notice systematic black or dark brown mucous secretion before the onset of their period are advised to immediately consult a specialist.

Find out what other discharge may occur during cervical erosion by following the link.

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Inflammatory infectious diseases transmitted from partner to partner can cause spotting brown discharge that appears a week before menstruation. Most often, this symptomatology is aggravated by pain during sexual intercourse, a strong unpleasant odor in the secreted substance, burning during urination and a change in the nature of the mucus rejected.

Diagnosis of these symptoms requires immediate contact with a specialist. During therapy, it is necessary to strictly follow medical recommendations, because one of the most common complications of STDs in an advanced stage is acquired female infertility.

Ectopic pregnancy

A pathological condition characterized by the attachment of a fertilized egg outside the uterine cavity. At the initial stage, the rejected mucus will simply “smear” on the surface of the underwear or panty liner. Over time, the volume of discharge will not only not decrease, but will also increase day by day.

It is worth noting that an ectopic pregnancy is fraught with heavy bleeding, so it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first suspicion of this pathology.

Cyst on the surface of the ovaries

One of the most commonly identified causes of brown mucous clots is a cyst. When diagnosing this disease, discharge can be of different blood shades and saturation. Rejection of the secretion that heralds the onset of menstruation is associated with the growth of a cyst on the surface of the ovary and pathological abnormalities in the process of egg maturation. At the early stage of cyst formation, mucus may appear and go away a day or two before the start of the critical days, but prolonged ignoring of the problem can result in prolonged bleeding. Find out more about discharge from ovarian cysts in the article at the link.

Even a small amount of secretion combined with systematic nagging pain that constrains the lower abdomen is a reason to contact a specialist.


A disease characterized by a sharp proliferation of the endometrium. This condition is pathological and requires immediate contact with a specialist! Often there is not only bleeding with endometriosis before menstruation, but also rejection of brown mucus after sexual intercourse. The disease does not tend to begin asymptomatically, so contacting a doctor at the first signs will allow you to eliminate the cause at an early stage.

Hormonal disorders

The appearance of brown discharge a few days before your period can be caused by an imbalance in the levels of progesterone and estrogen. Even small changes in quantity can negatively affect the general condition of the reproductive system. Many factors can provoke hormonal imbalance:

  1. Eating disorders.
  2. Frequent stressful situations.
  3. Change of climatic zones.
  4. Hormonal therapy.

Causes of brown discharge before menstruation

As noted above, brown discharge before menstruation can be absolutely normal. But in some cases this is the first symptom of serious illnesses. Below are the main causes of physiological and pathological vaginal discharge.


Physiological reasons for the appearance of secretions from the genitals include:

  • the beginning of menstruation in young girls;
  • first sexual intercourse;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • implantation of the fertilized egg in pregnant women;
  • change of climatic zones;
  • severe stress;
  • physical overload;
  • sudden change in body weight.


If she smears brown before her period, a woman should think about the presence of the following pathological processes:

  • erosion and polyps of the cervix;
  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • disruption of pregnancy (miscarriage, ectopic fetal development);
  • benign tumors (fibroids);
  • malignant neoplasms (cancer of the body or cervix);
  • traumatic damage to the vaginal mucosa;
  • damage to the uterus by the intrauterine device.

Brown discharge before menstruation

Brown discharge before menstruation: risk factors

Why does endometriosis develop?
The exact causes of the disease have not been established.

There are several theories on this matter, but they have not yet been conclusively confirmed.

But endometriosis, the main manifestation of which is brown discharge before menstruation with or without an odor, has certain risk factors.

Among them:

  • unrealized reproductive function (lack of pregnancy ending in childbirth)
  • late first pregnancy
  • pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • heredity
  • immunodeficiency states
  • history of abortions and diagnostic curettages
  • menstrual dysfunction in adolescents

Brown discharge before menstruation can appear at any age.

But most often it affects young patients 25-30 years old.

Brown discharge before menstruation and pain with endometriosis

Many women, turning to a gynecologist, complain that they have a stomach ache and brown discharge before menstruation.

This is a standard combination of symptoms for endometriosis.

Among all women seeking treatment for chronic pelvic pain, 80% will be diagnosed with this particular disease.

Only 20% is due to all other reasons combined.

Although sometimes there is brown discharge before menstruation without pain.

Endometriosis can be genital or extragenital.

About 92% of pathology cases are genital endometriosis.

It is with this form of the disease that dark brown discharge is observed before menstruation.

Whereas with the extragenital form of endometriosis, its foci can be localized anywhere in the body.

And not always the discharge can come out through the genital tract.

Because the areas of endometrial tissue in this case are not topographically connected to the genitals.

In turn, genital endometriosis can be external or internal.

In internal cases, only the uterus is affected.

This disease is called adenomyosis.

With external endometriosis, lesions can be located in:

  • fallopian tubes
  • vagina
  • ovaries
  • rectovaginal septum
  • pelvic peritoneum

It is the damage to these organs by endometriosis that most often causes brown discharge before menstruation.

Associated symptoms:

  • pain that intensifies during menstruation and after coitus (sometimes forcing a woman to completely abandon sexual activity)
  • urination disorders (in case of damage to the pelvic peritoneum)
  • infertility (found in 30% of women with endometriosis)
  • change in cycle duration
  • heavy menstrual bleeding

As you can see, there can be quite a lot of symptoms.

Although sometimes with endometriosis, scanty brown discharge before menstruation remains the only clinical sign of the disease.

Brown discharge before menstruation: diagnosis

If you notice light brown discharge before your period, you should see a gynecologist.

The doctor will conduct an examination and interview.

Be sure to tell him if any of your relatives suffer from endometriosis.

Laboratory diagnosis of this disease has not been developed.

X-ray or endoscopic methods can be used to detect it.

If you experience brown spotting before your period and experience pelvic pain, your doctor will most likely prescribe a hysterography.

This is an x-ray of the uterus with contrast.

It is carried out on the 7th day of the cycle.

A more accurate study is computed tomography.

It allows you to obtain information about foci of endometriosis in different parts of the reproductive system, including the ovaries.

Cervical endometriosis is one of the main reasons why brown discharge occurs before menstruation.

This form of pathology is detected using colposcopy.

Examination of the uterine cavity is carried out using hysteroscopy.

Finally, the most accurate diagnostic method is laparoscopy.

This is a surgical method in which a video camera is inserted through miniature incisions in the abdominal wall.

Diagnostic laparoscopy can immediately become therapeutic if the doctor immediately destroys the identified foci of endometriosis.

Treatment of brown discharge before menstruation

If you have brown, odorless discharge before your period, you need treatment.

It serves several purposes.

Treatment is prescribed to:

  • restore fertility (the ability to conceive and bear a child)
  • eliminate symptoms (pelvic pain, yellow-brown discharge before menstruation, etc.)
  • normalize the quality of intimate life
  • prevent complications (eg, anemia due to chronic blood loss)

At stages 1 and 2, conservative treatment can be carried out.

Hormonal medications are prescribed to normalize the cycle and eliminate symptoms.

Oral contraceptives containing gestagens and estrogens, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists are used.

But their effect is temporary - after stopping the drugs, bleeding resumes.

For grade 3 or 4 endometriosis, surgical treatment is indicated.

It is performed using laparoscopy.

If you experience any symptoms from the genitourinary system, contact our clinic.

Patients often come to us who experience brown discharge before menstruation, a tummy tug, etc.

All these signs may indicate endometriosis, which often causes infertility.

An experienced doctor will help you find out why you have brown discharge before your period.

He will conduct diagnostic procedures.

If necessary, the doctor will prescribe treatment.

If brown discharge appears before your period, contact the experienced gynecologists of our medical center.

When to see a doctor

Gynecologists say that any vaginal discharge that is unusual for a woman requires consulting a doctor. But there are signs that will help distinguish physiological secretion from pathology. It is definitely necessary to see a doctor if:

  • copious discharge, with clots or fresh blood;
  • the girl experiences severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the secretion has an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by itching, redness or burning;
  • the woman’s general well-being deteriorates;
  • after secretion, heavy, extremely painful menstruation begins.


To find out the exact cause of vaginal secretion, the doctor examines the woman using instrumental and laboratory methods. Be sure to do general and biochemical blood tests to exclude an inflammatory process.

If the doctor suspects a woman’s hormonal imbalance, he issues a referral to determine the level of estrogen and progesterone in the blood, as well as pituitary and hypothalamic hormones.

Gynecological bimanual (two-handed) palpation and examination of the cervix in mirrors are necessary to exclude damage to the structure of the mucous membrane of the organ, the presence of polyps or erosion.

Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) will help determine the presence of space-occupying formations in the uterus and ovaries (tumors, cysts, foci of endometriosis).

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