The most effective pills for inducing menstruation in case of menstrual irregularities

A delay in the menstrual cycle for more than 10 days is always a warning sign. It contributes to nervous and psycho-emotional tension, causing a feeling of anxiety in a woman. To induce the onset of the next menstruation, it is often necessary to resort to the use of medications or folk remedies.

If the delay occurs as a result of pregnancy, and it is undesirable, it is best to contact an antenatal clinic or see a gynecologist.

Because the independent use of medications that can cause menstruation does not always achieve a positive result and is not a safe method.


The drug is the most commonly prescribed to induce menstruation. This is a fairly gentle hormonal remedy, the action of which is aimed at increasing the level of progesterone in a woman’s body. Its active substance, dydrogesterone, has a similar chemical formula to the natural hormone. Thanks to this, Duphaston compensates for the lack of its own progesterone, bringing its amount to correspond to the second phase of the menstrual cycle. An increase in the level of the substance leads to softening and subsequent rejection of the endometrial layers.

Before using medications, you must make sure that your missed period is not caused by pregnancy. If the cause of the cycle failure is stress, a change in climatic conditions or daily routine, Duphaston is prescribed. This drug is taken for 5-10 days, one tablet twice every 24 hours. Typically, menstruation occurs almost immediately after the end of therapy. If delays are regular, the doctor may prescribe a longer course of treatment with Duphaston - from 3 to 6 months.

The drug has a small list of contraindications:

  • Rotor and Dubin-Johnson syndromes;
  • lactation period;
  • individual intolerance to the active substance.


The second phase of the cycle, preceding the onset of menstruation, is accompanied by an increase in progesterone levels. If a woman’s body does not produce it in the required quantity, the deficiency can be replenished with the help of medications. This product is available in the form of an injection solution that can be administered either intramuscularly or subcutaneously. For amenorrhea, before prescribing Progesterone, you must take a course of estrogen drugs . In this way, a more natural flow of the menstrual phases is achieved.

This hormonal drug is prescribed 0.5 ml daily or 1 ml every other day. The course of treatment is up to 8 days. Contraindications to injections are renal and liver failure, predisposition to thrombosis, depression and breastfeeding. In rare cases of use, minor allergic side reactions, headaches, increased blood pressure, weight gain or loss are possible.


The medication has the properties of inhibiting the formation of hormones, slowing down the development of the egg and reducing the tone of the uterus. Due to this, the drug is used to delay the onset of menstruation. However, short-term use and abrupt cessation cause a surge in progesterone secretion and, as a result, menstruation. To obtain this effect, Norkolut must be taken for five days, two tablets at a time. Your period will begin 2-3 days after the end of the course. Before treatment, you should make sure that the delay in menstruation is not caused by pregnancy. Otherwise, taking Norkolut leads to severe uterine bleeding and miscarriage.

Precautionary measures

The article has already said a lot about the fact that before you start artificially stimulating menstruation, you need to weigh everything very carefully, evaluate the need for such a step and the possible consequences.

Any invasion into the very delicate hormonal sphere of the female body can end very sadly, including the loss of the opportunity to subsequently have a child.

You should immediately reject all advice regarding increased consumption of vitamin C, a mixture of iodine with sugar or milk, tansy, taking mustard baths - this is extremely dangerous!

In order not to harm your health, before taking any medication or folk remedy, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Only an experienced specialist will advise the best solution to the problem, or dispel the myth created in the woman’s imagination about its existence.

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The active ingredient of the drug supplements the amount of natural progesterone and helps reduce the level of estrogen characteristic of the first phase of the menstrual period. To obtain the desired effect, the medicine must be taken from days 16 to 25 of the cycle. The exact dosage is selected by the gynecologist based on the individual characteristics of the patient. Menstruation should begin four days after the end of treatment.

A distinctive feature of Urozhestan is the possibility of vaginal use in the form of a suppository . This form of release reduces the risk of adverse reactions, among which the most common are the following:

  • headaches, dizziness;
  • drowsiness;
  • diarrhea.

Contraindications to the use of this drug are oncological diseases, especially in the mammary glands, epilepsy and bronchial asthma class=”aligncenter” width=”614″ height=”434″[/img]

Consequences of using these drugs

It is not enough just to know which pills cause menstruation in order to take active action. It is necessary to pay special attention to the consequences that cannot be excluded as a result of the use of these medications. They have a direct effect on the body; provoking menstruation is fraught with serious problems.

One of the most common consequences is changes in hormonal levels, which can lead to cycle disruption. In addition, the following problems arise:

  • irregular and excessively painful menstruation;
  • reproductive dysfunction and problems with conception, including infertility;
  • amenorrhea;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary system of varying severity;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • exacerbation or development of liver diseases.

Before starting to use any medications, you should consult your doctor. This will minimize the risk of complications.


The drug is used in gynecology as an oral contraceptive, including an emergency drug. Depending on the method of application and dose, it can be used to achieve either delay or induction of menstruation. To achieve menstruation, you need to take two tablets a day, leaving a 12-hour break between doses. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.

Non-ovlon has a fairly strong effect on a woman’s hormonal system. Taking the drug often leads to various failures. In addition, the medicine has an impressive list of contraindications, which includes:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • tumors;
  • liver failure;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • epilepsy;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • strokes;
  • thrombosis.

Is it possible to induce menstruation if there is a delay?

Before inducing menstruation on your own, you need to identify the cause that led to the hormonal imbalance in the body. To do this, it is recommended to visit a specialist, since a delay may be a signal of the development of inflammatory diseases that require immediate treatment.

If pregnancy and gynecological diseases are excluded, then you can induce the onset of menstruation using folk methods.

Advice: if your period is several days late, then there is no need to resort to stimulating methods. Such a short-term delay in critical days is not considered a pathology.


It is a widely advertised emergency contraceptive. To obtain the desired effect, the drug must be taken within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. To induce menstruation, you need to take two Postinor tablets at once. It contains a synthetic hormone that causes endometrial atrophy and eliminates the possibility of implantation of a fertilized egg into the walls of the uterus.

Postinor is a potent medicine. One dose contains two months' worth of progesterone. It is not recommended to take the drug more than once every six months. Otherwise, the woman will have to face serious hormonal imbalances.

Ascorbic acid

Sometimes you can induce menstruation with the help of vitamin C. This method does not affect a woman’s hormonal system, however, its effectiveness is much lower than when taking other drugs that induce menstruation. To obtain the desired effect, you should consume large amounts of vitamin C and immediately take a bath. Hot water causes a rush of blood to the genitals and increases the tone of the uterus. Large amounts of ascorbic acid reduce blood viscosity. If the delay is not caused by pregnancy or serious health problems, the combination of vitamin C and a hot bath will lead to the desired result. This method is considered quite harmless, but you should remember the possibility of allergic reactions if you overdose with ascorbic acid.

Folk remedies to induce menstruation

Hot bath

You can quickly induce menstruation with a hot bath. To do this, you need to pour a couple of packs of table salt into the water and add a few drops of iodine. Baths with the addition of chamomile flowers, honey or essential oils are effective.

Before taking a bath, it is necessary to subject the body to physical activity that will tone the muscles and improve blood circulation. Abdominal pumping, jogging or general cleaning - physical exercise can be anything. After taking a hot bath, it is recommended to dress warmly; it is advisable to carry out water procedures at night.

Ascorbic acid

An effective remedy that normalizes the menstrual cycle is ascorbic acid. This substance, rich in vitamin C, in a normal dosage (no more than 100 mg per day for an adult), strengthens blood vessels and also improves blood flow.

If the daily dose of ascorbic acid is increased 5 times, the amount of progesterone in the body will significantly decrease, which will trigger the appearance of menstruation. This substance in large quantities can reduce blood viscosity, which also contributes to the rapid onset of menstruation.

In addition, ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system . Stress slows down the growth of the follicle, so it can become a provoking factor in the disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Decoction of mint, chamomile and valerian

A decoction of mint, valerian and chamomile is a time-tested remedy that helps bring your period closer. The healing decoction is prepared according to the following recipe: 5 tbsp. dry chamomile inflorescences mixed with 4 tbsp. mint and 3 tbsp. dried crushed valerian root.

Taking a hot bath, herbal decoction and medications will help you get your period faster.

The dry herbal mixture must be filled with 1 tbsp. boiling water The decoction should be infused for at least 2-3 hours. It is recommended to drink the finished drug twice a day, half a glass, until menstruation begins.

Even simple chamomile tea can trigger the onset of menstrual bleeding. To do this, you need to drink at least 2 cups of tea at a time, several times a day, until the expected effect occurs.

Onion peel infusion

Onion peels contain elements that are very valuable for the body, such as iron, phytoncides, and B vitamins. Therefore, an infusion of onion peels normalizes hormonal levels in the female body, eliminating delays in menstruation.

The secret of the effectiveness of onion infusion is as follows: the elements that make up the peel cause the tone of the uterus, the walls of which begin to contract, which causes menstruation. Menstrual bleeding appears on average three days after taking onion infusion.

To prepare the decoction you will need the husks of 3 medium onions, which must be poured with 4 tbsp. hot water and cook for half an hour over medium heat. The finished broth is cooled and taken half a glass a day before meals. This infusion also effectively relieves menstrual pain.

Bay leaf infusion

The composition of bay leaves includes tannins, essential oils and beneficial organic acids, which provoke uterine contractions and endometrial detachment.

To quickly induce menstruation, you can prepare a highly concentrated infusion: for this, 10-15 g of bay leaf is poured into 3 tbsp. boiling water, the resulting solution must be simmered over low heat for about 1 hour. After this, the healing decoction should infuse for at least 4 hours. The finished infusion should be drunk one and a half glasses a day, preferably at night.

You can expect your period to arrive in the morning. If the onset of menstruation is not so critical, you can prepare a less concentrated solution: 3 bay leaves are poured with 1 tbsp. boiling water The resulting cooled infusion is ready for use; it is recommended to drink it twice a day.

Nettle or tansy decoction

The perennial tansy flower contains useful substances such as vitamin C, camphor, organic acids and carotene, which not only have a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, but also quickly stimulate menstruation when delayed.

It has been proven that with the systematic use of tansy decoction, menstruation comes on time, the cycle is normalized without negative effects on the body. To prepare the decoction, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, then add 2 tbsp. tansy inflorescences. You need to cook the resulting solution for about 10-20 minutes over low heat. The cooled drug is taken three times a day, half a glass.

The healing decoction has a bitter taste, so it can be sweetened with honey or sugar.

A plant no less beneficial for women's health is nettle. A decoction of nettles not only effectively normalizes the menstrual cycle, but also improves the course of menstruation: pain decreases and bleeding becomes less heavy. To prepare a miraculous decoction, you need to bring 1 tbsp to a boil. water, then add 1-1.5 tbsp. dry plant.

The broth must be simmered over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The resulting decoction is taken 100 g per day, several times a day.

A decoction based on both nettle and tansy is very effective for delaying menstruation. To quickly call your period, you need to mix 1 tbsp. nettles, and the same amount of tansy. Pour 200 g of boiling water over the herbal mixture and leave for several hours. The finished herbal medicine is consumed three times a day, several tablespoons.

Cornflower infusion

You can speed up the onset of menstruation with the help of blue cornflower infusion. The recipe is as follows: 10 g of flower must be poured into 150 g of boiling water, the resulting mixture must be infused for a couple of hours. The strained, cooled infusion is recommended to be consumed before meals, 2 tbsp. three times a day, until the desired critical days arrive.

Attention! The plant contains toxins, which in large quantities can cause poisoning. Therefore, it is recommended to take dosed doses of the folk remedy.

Elecampane decoction

Elecampane root contains phytohormones that are very similar to human sex hormones. Therefore, consuming a decoction of elecampane increases the amount of hormones in the body that activate the onset of menstruation. The decoction is prepared according to this recipe: 1 tsp. dry crushed plant root is poured with 200 g of hot water.

The solution is boiled over medium heat for a quarter of an hour, then left to steep for a couple of hours. The strained broth should be consumed in 2 tablespoons. several times a day. You can prepare a more concentrated decoction, then your period will come the next day.

Its recipe is as follows: 1 tbsp. ground elecampane root must be poured with 2 tbsp. boiling water and cook for half an hour over low heat. It is recommended to take half a glass of the strained broth twice a day.

Pomegranate juice and citrus fruits

Pomegranate juice contains a lot of useful vitamins and microelements, one of which is vitamin C. A large amount of this vitamin in the body tones the uterus, which provokes endometrial detachment and the appearance of menstruation.

It is recommended to take 200 g of juice several times a day. It has been observed that frequent consumption of pomegranate juice improves well-being during menstruation.

The fruits of citrus trees are also rich in vitamin C, so eating them in large quantities quickly provokes the onset of menstrual bleeding. To get your period the next day, you can eat 2 whole lemons or 2-3 oranges.

Advice! People prone to gastrointestinal disorders should avoid excessive consumption of citrus fruits.

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