Delay after discontinuation of birth control pills Yarin

Modern contraceptives are one of the most reliable methods of preventing conception. Like other medications, oral contraceptives are being further developed and improved by manufacturing companies. With each new generation, birth control pills increase their safety and effectiveness. Such a drug can be called Yarina. The medication prevents conception and has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle. But there are times when after Yarina’s withdrawal there are no periods.

Yarina is an effective contraceptive drug

Prescribing contraceptives

Before prescribing the use of oral contraceptives, the specialist takes into account concomitant diseases, individual characteristics, and phenotype. There are 3 types of female body, as indicated in the table.

EstrogenicPatients who are overweight. Menstruation is usually heavy and lasts a long time. Contraceptive drugs Minulet and Rigevidon are prescribed. That is, drugs with an increased number of components of the progestogen group.
AndrogenicPatients are thin. Menstruation occurs in small quantities. It is these women who are most often prescribed the use of Yarina. Janine, Claira, Jess and others can also be used.
BalancedThe menstrual cycle is regular, normal amount of discharge. The physique of such patients is harmonious. Regulon or Mercilon are prescribed.

Drugs are selected not only by phenotype. They also take into account the age category, possible contraindications, and the use of other medications.

How they affect the body

Yarina and the menstrual cycle are connected with each other. Yarina’s main task is to ensure that the female reproductive system has functionality, as if ovulation has already occurred. The components of the drug do not allow the egg to mature, it cannot be separated and in most cases it is impossible to conceive a child.

Based on reviews, we can say that many women note Yarina’s positive effect on the menstrual cycle:

  • pain decreases;
  • bleeding becomes light;
  • the duration of menstruation decreases.

All of the above actions will help reduce the likelihood of iron deficiency anemia and various further complications. Therefore, a course of Yarina is usually prescribed by gynecologists for a heavy menstrual cycle with severe pain and increased heaviness.

Iron deficiency anemia may occur after taking it

In addition, the drug affects the general well-being and appearance of a woman. That is, the excess amount of fluid decreases and swelling goes away.

The positive properties of Yarina include an antiandrogenic effect - inhibition of androgen production. As a result, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is regulated, the number of skin rashes is reduced, and the likelihood of seborrhea is reduced.

How to take the product correctly

To achieve the desired effect, you must take the drug 1 tablet daily. The course of admission is 21 days. Moreover, it is better that the medication is used at the same time.

After course use (21 days), you need to take a break for a week. If you do not take Yarina, bleeding should appear, most often this happens on days 2-3. After a 7-day break, the woman should resume course use.

If a woman is taking contraceptives for the first time, the course of treatment begins on the first day of menstruation. You can delay it up to 2-5 days. But at first, during sexual intercourse it is necessary to use additional contraceptives.

If a woman was using oral contraceptives before Yarina's prescription, she is allowed to take the pills the next day after completing a course of another drug.

If the patient used another type of protection against ovulation (coil or ring), you can take Yarina after removing them.

How to delay your period

“How to delay your period with Yarina’s help” is a fairly popular request on the Internet. If you need to eliminate your periods between taking Yarina, then let’s say right away that delaying the onset of menstruation will not be difficult, but you can’t often use this technique, because. you can harm your health.

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To delay menstruation with the help of Yarina, you need to finish one package and immediately start drinking the next one without a break. More details in the article:

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Modern contraceptives are one of the most reliable methods of preventing conception. Like other medications, oral contraceptives are being further developed and improved by manufacturing companies. With each new generation, birth control pills increase their safety and effectiveness. Such a drug can be called Yarina. The medication prevents conception and has a positive effect on the menstrual cycle. But there are times when after Yarina’s withdrawal there are no periods.

Yarina is an effective contraceptive drug

Why there may be delays

Some women say: “I quit drinking Yarina, I don’t have my period.” The most common reason for missing periods after Yarina is pregnancy. Yes, there is a possibility of ovulation after withdrawal. This occurs due to the restructuring of the reproductive system and in the first months there is a high risk of pregnancy, so some specialists prescribe oral contraceptives for the purpose of ovulation.

Conception is possible even when using the drug. This is due to missed doses or when a woman takes the drug at different times.

If conception occurred while using Yarina, and the woman found out about it only after discontinuation, nothing bad will happen, oral contraceptives will not affect the health of the fetus.

In addition to pregnancy, the reason why menstruation may be absent is amenorrhea. There are very few cases where menstruation does not occur due to pills. This occurs mainly in young girls with irregular cycles or when the patient herself prescribed birth control. Amenorrhea most often occurs in women in late reproductive age, when early menopause occurs.

If you don't have your period, you may be pregnant

Also, menstruation after Yarina may be absent due to other diseases of the endocrine system.

Why are there no periods after stopping OK?

The desire to get the most out of sexual relations with a sexual partner and at the same time protect against unwanted pregnancy forces women to opt for oral contraception (OC).

And what? You take pills and don’t think about the fact that a cunning and nimble sperm will come as a surprise to visit the egg. He may drop by “to see the light”, but there is no egg “at home”, and there won’t be one while the appointment is OK.

Let's look at why this happens further.

What are oral contraceptives and how do they affect the female body?

Oral contraceptive is the safest and most reliable way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, which is based on the inhibition of the secretion of gonadotropic hormones (FSH, LH and hCG) by the pituitary gland.

It is follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) that determines the development of the dominant follicle, its rupture under the influence of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the subsequent release of the egg from it for fertilization. There are no hormones FSH and LH - no follicle and egg, which means no ovulation.

Under the influence of OK, a woman’s reproductive system becomes incapacitated; it seems to turn off the switch of the main function - childbearing.

In addition to the most common effect - suppression of ovulation, OCs can have a number of other effects on a woman’s body:

  • decreased activity of movement of the villous epithelium of the fallopian tubes;
  • thickening of cervical mucus and, as a result, difficulty in moving sperm into the uterine cavity;
  • a change in the endometrial layer, leading to difficulties in implanting an egg into it.

It is worth noting that taking oral contraceptives is not always associated with preventing pregnancy. Many women take OCs to treat certain diseases associated with gynecology, dermatology, hematology and oncology.

As a medicine, OK are taken:

  • for acute manifestations of PMS;
  • with hormonal infertility;
  • with prolonged, heavy and/or painful monthly bleeding;
  • with uterine bleeding, etc.

You should never engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, and especially when the problems relate to hormones. Therefore, the right to choose contraceptives should belong to a specialist who will prescribe OCs after examination and tests.

When prescribing birth control pills, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of the body, the general health condition and the woman’s phenotype.

  1. Estrogen type. Feminine and slightly plump women, with round, soft body shapes and having heavy menstruation. For women of this type, OCs such as Minulet, Norivil, etc. are suitable.
  2. Androgenic type. Women of thin build, with chiseled shapes and curves that are more masculine, and have scanty menstrual flow. The ideal OK option would be Yarina, Ovidon, Chloe, Zhanine, etc.
  3. Balanced type. The name itself speaks for itself - women with an ideal cycle and a harmonious physique. OK type regulon, mersilon, etc. are perfect for them.

Very often on the Internet you can come across the question: “After Yarina there is no period.” And this is not groundless. The abolition of oral contraceptives does not pass without a trace for any woman, be it Yarina, Ovidon or Regulon. One of the manifestations of the effects of OC withdrawal is a delay in menstruation. But don't panic and ring all the bells.

Menstruation directly depends on the hormonal balance in the body. If for a long period this balance was disturbed and artificially maintained in a completely different “key,” then it will take some time for it to completely restore its previous natural indicators. Absence of menstruation for up to six months is the norm.

If the delay lasts longer, then this is a definite reason to visit a gynecologist.

In addition, there are often cases when the abolition of OCs leads to chaos in other “departments” of the female body:

  • hair becomes brittle and dry;
  • the skin may become less smooth, rashes or pigmentation may appear on it;
  • the menstrual cycle has changed radically (become shorter or longer) compared to what it was before taking OK.

In this way, the body becomes “outraged” and expresses dissatisfaction with the change in hormonal regime. He is already accustomed to the fact that half the work of producing hormones is done for him by drugs. And after their abolition, he is forced to “work” himself.

Reasons for missed periods after discontinuation of OC

Answering the same question frequently asked on the Internet, “after Yarina, Ovidon, etc. no periods,” several reasons can be given.

  1. "Withdrawal syndrome OK." The most common reason for the absence of menstruation after discontinuation of, for example, Yarina or Regulon is pregnancy. Sometimes gynecologists specifically prescribe women suffering from infertility to take contraceptives for 6-9 months. After stopping the pills, a woman’s reproductive system undergoes a kind of restart and quite often pregnancy occurs in the first cycle after discontinuation. This is the reason for the absence of menstruation after stopping taking OK.
  2. Accidental pregnancy. Oral contraceptive pills, although a reliable method of contraception, but, like everything in this world, have errors and are subject to failure, especially taking into account the human factor. A girl may forget to take a pill on time or drink OK at different times of the day. Even if the drug was taken regularly and according to instructions, the possibility of conception cannot be excluded. In this case, the woman needs to take a pregnancy test and confirm or refute her guesses. If pregnancy occurs while taking OCs, then there is no need to worry about it; taking them does not in any way affect the intrauterine development of the child.
  3. Amenorrhea. The absence of menstruation and the appearance of amenorrhea can be caused by taking birth control pills themselves. The composition of some OCs may well cause such harm to the female body. However, as a percentage, cases of amenorrhea do not exceed 3%. The main category of women who are at risk are young girls and women of late reproductive age. The manifestation of amenorrhea may be a sign of problems in the sexual or endocrine sphere.
  4. Urogenital infections.
  5. Hepatitis.
  6. HIV.
  7. Gonorrhea, etc.
  8. Disorders of the ovaries and thyroid gland. There are frequent cases when discontinuation of OCs led to polycystic ovary syndrome and cysts in the uterine cavity.
  9. Oncology. Even such a terrible diagnosis can be heard after stopping oral contraceptives.

Any of the listed reasons must be confirmed by tests and examination in a specialist’s office. Only he can prescribe the correct treatment in case of illness and advise about pregnancy. In any case, the question is “why is there no menstruation after Yarina?” has the answer, and you can only determine which one is right for your individual case by consulting with your doctor.

To sum up everything written above, we can say that the body has many reasons to delay the arrival of menstruation, but your health is one. Therefore, take care of it and always maintain it in good condition.

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When to see a doctor

Women who are taking birth control for the first time may experience some spotting in addition to their periods. This happens in the first months of use. Then, when the body gets used to the medication, everything disappears. But if the discharge exceeds 3 months, it is recommended to consult a specialist. The doctor will order an examination to rule out possible pregnancy or cancer. In addition, the following signs may be a reason to visit a gynecologist:

  • continuation of menstruation for more than 7 days;
  • long periods that appear frequently;
  • menstruation occurs while taking the medication;
  • menstruation did not start a month after using the drug.

It is necessary to call an ambulance in the following cases:

  • pain that radiates to the left arm;
  • coughing;
  • headache;
  • speech disorder;
  • state of fainting;
  • painful sensation in the limbs.

If you faint, call an ambulance

Periods don't end

If your periods take a long time while taking Yarina, then it would be a good idea to consult a doctor. Experts themselves say that in the first months of taking Yarina (or any other OC), the phenomenon of prolonged menstruation is typical.

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Therefore, if you have just started drinking Yarina, and your periods do not end, then monitor their character and your well-being. If there are any obvious deviations from the norm, then go to the doctor, for example:

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  • if menstruation lasts more than a week, then this is no longer normal
  • if long periods are repeated from time to time
  • if your period consistently starts ahead of schedule (the package has not yet been finished)
  • if your period does not end for a long time after you start taking a new package

Don't be afraid to turn to specialists. This is your health. Hormonal drugs are no joke!

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When a drug is prohibited

It is prohibited to use Yarina in the following cases:

  • thrombosis and thromboembolism;
  • high probability of thrombosis;
  • migraine;
  • diabetes mellitus with complications in the form of vascular diseases;
  • cardiac dysfunction;
  • high blood pressure;
  • surgery of a serious nature;
  • smoking abuse;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • severe complications in the liver;
  • tumor processes in the liver;
  • chronic kidney failure;
  • malignant tumor of the genital organs;
  • the appearance of blood from the vagina;
  • suspicion of pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding period;
  • allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

The effect of contraceptive drugs on menstruation

First of all, it is worth understanding the mechanism of action of hormonal pills. Oral contraceptives (OCs) most often combine male hormones (progestins) and female hormones (estrogens) and are aimed primarily at reducing or completely suppressing ovulation. After all, the release of a mature egg in the middle of the menstrual cycle (ovulation) is the most important factor for pregnancy.

At the same time, the effect of the drug on the female body is to increase the viscosity of the fluid in the cervical canal and the acidity of the vagina. This has a detrimental effect on sperm entering the vagina during sexual intercourse. Hormonal drugs also help reduce the functional layer of the endometrium. So, if fertilization does occur, the egg will not be able to implant in the uterus.

While taking OCs, a change in hormonal levels occurs, which gynecologists sometimes call artificial pregnancy. During this period, the reproductive system “rests”.

The discharge that appears after each course of contraceptives is withdrawal bleeding. After all, real menstruation occurs if ovulation occurs in the cycle.

After the end of contraception, the body needs time to start producing hormones in the right quantities again. In this regard, at first there are no periods after stopping birth control pills. Many women face this standard situation.

Menstruation when taking Yarina and Yarina plus

On the topic of Yarina (Yarina plus) and menstruation, we will consider both drugs at the same time, because the difference between them is insignificant.

When does your period start after withdrawal?

On what day do menstruation begin when taking (after) Yarina and Yarina plus? Ideally, when taking hormonal contraceptives, the menstrual cycle is structured as clearly as a clock.

Cancellation Policy

The reasons why a woman stops taking pills can be different:

  • deterioration of the condition after starting to take OK - tachycardia, nausea, dizziness. These symptoms mean that the selected tablets are not suitable;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • switching to other contraceptives or other OCs;
  • completion of the course of treatment (if the drug was prescribed only for this purpose).

Whatever the reason for stopping hormonal pills, you should adhere to the basic rules for stopping contraceptives:

  1. Cancellation of OCs should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.
  2. You cannot stop taking the drug in the middle of the cycle. If a woman stops taking OCs without using the entire pack, this can lead to uterine bleeding or a sharp deterioration in well-being, as well as lead to hormonal imbalance.
  3. If, due to unsuitable pills and a threat to health or normal lifestyle, you need to stop taking them in the middle of the cycle, you should visit an antenatal clinic. It is advisable that this be the same specialist who prescribed OK.

A delay in menstruation after stopping OC can be observed in any healthy representative of the fairer sex, even if the cycle was not disrupted before. And it will be longer, the longer the remedy is taken.

Therefore, if a woman has stopped taking birth control pills and is not getting her period, she needs to wait a little.

If after the onset of menstruation it turns out that the cycle has gone wrong after stopping the OC, do not worry, the body needs time to recover.

Delayed menstruation after stopping birth control pills Yarin

Menstrual irregularities after taking or stopping hormonal contraceptives occur quite often.

The delay after contraceptive medications does not depend on the woman’s age; even in a young and healthy body, there is a failure of the ovulation process and other phases of the cycle.

Gynecologists assure that such a delayed situation is a natural and natural reaction of the body to a dose of hormones not planned by nature.

Effect of contraceptives

The main purpose of contraceptive drugs is to eliminate favorable conditions for conceiving an unplanned child. They contain a large number of so-called female hormones that affect the functioning of the ovaries. These contraceptives affect the ovulation process, slow it down or completely block it.

In addition, their action is aimed at changing the structure of the uterine mucosa and genital tract, making it thicker and more viscous. This condition of the membranes prevents the invasion of sperm into the fallopian tube. At the same time, the lining of the uterus itself becomes thinner - if the egg is fertilized, the embryo will not implant.

Therefore, after taking contraceptives, the delay is not surprising.

There are also combined contraceptives that combine both a male hormone (progestin) and a female hormone (estrogen). In a woman's body, the ovaries produce estrogen from puberty until menopause. Its highest concentration occurs during ovulation; birth control pills reduce this level of the hormone, preventing the maturation of the egg.

Combined contraceptives can be monophasic - the entire intake is one level of hormones, and triphasic - the set of hormones is different during the menstrual cycle. All combined products qualify for:

  1. Microdosed ones are prescribed to nulliparous girls who have just begun to be sexually active. Small doses of hormones in these drugs do not disrupt the menstrual cycle, taking them is not accompanied by side effects, and delay is unlikely.
  2. Low-dose drugs are used when, for some reason, a small dosage of hormones does not have an effect on the girl’s body.
  3. High-dose contraceptives are used to treat serious hormonal disorders in middle-aged and elderly women.
  4. Progestin tablets are a means of contraception for nursing mothers. They do not contain estrogen.

When choosing contraceptive drugs, it is important to take into account the woman’s age, the presence or absence of hormonal disorders and the fact of pregnancy and childbirth. This is required so that after taking contraceptives, the delay does not become a symptom of a serious problem with the body.

What to expect after stopping contraceptives?

When you stop taking hormonal medications, the ovaries become more active. Due to the fact that the supply of gestagens and estrogens is stopped, the body begins to prepare for ovulation. The pituitary gland regains the ability to produce hormones that stimulate follicle maturation.

A woman may experience symptoms of contraceptive withdrawal:

  • Delayed menstruation;
  • frequent mood changes;
  • the period of menstrual bleeding increases or decreases;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • active work of the sebaceous glands.

When you stop taking contraceptive medications, the ovulation process stabilizes after 1–2 years. By this time, a woman can already plan a pregnancy and is preparing for a new addition to the family; during this entire period, minor delays in menstruation are possible.

But there are cases when pregnancy occurs immediately after stopping contraceptives. This happens due to too active activity of the ovary after prolonged stagnation. Also, successful fertilization depends on the timing of taking contraceptives.

Thus, a woman taking the drug for less than six months can quickly become a mother after discontinuation. Protection for more than 3 years significantly increases this time. Gynecologists recommend abandoning hormonal contraceptives 6 months before the desired date of conception.

This period, under favorable conditions, will be enough reproductive function for complete recovery.

The body of a healthy woman begins to function normally within 3 months after giving up contraceptives. But hormonal drugs are prescribed not only to protect against unwanted pregnancy. They are taken to treat endometriosis, fibroids, uterine bleeding and other diseases. In such a situation, it is impossible to completely abandon contraceptive drugs until recovery.

Rules for stopping pills

Some women independently decide to stop taking hormonal pills, and are faced with a whole bunch of withdrawal symptoms. After taking contraceptives, a delay in menstruation will be the first result of improper action. This should absolutely not be done, even if before taking it the hormonal levels functioned stably, without failures.

By adhering to only three rules for canceling contraceptives, a woman ensures a minimal reaction of the body and eliminates delay:

  1. The end of taking medications should be agreed with the attending physician after a thorough examination and analysis.
  2. The cycle should be completed before stopping;
  3. Abrupt refusal of hormonal drugs is prohibited. A special dosage reduction regimen prepared by a doctor is required.

Also, you should not switch to other types of birth control pills on your own. It is impossible to predict how the body will react to this change. Therefore, your doctor will help determine the correct choice of means and actions during the transition. And it is very important to choose the same specialist who prescribed previous contraceptives.

A woman should understand that interrupting the course of taking the drug is fraught with serious consequences for her health. Such as:

  • Menstrual disorder;
  • heavy uterine bleeding;
  • unplanned pregnancy.

You must take all the pills from the pack according to the prescribed schedule and wait until your period begins. After its completion, another week must pass before it is safe to take the new drug.

Delayed menstruation after stopping the pills

A normal occurrence is a delay in menstruation when you stop taking contraceptives.

When a delay occurs for several days after taking contraceptives, then the body begins to feel a lack of artificial hormones.

In such a situation, he has to remember the mechanism for independently producing them. This process can take a long time - the ovaries are used to being in an inhibited state.

Lack of menstruation after Yarin

Long-term use of the combined drug Yarina causes ovarian hyperinhibition syndrome. In this condition, the woman’s gonadotropic function of the pituitary gland is blocked. This phenomenon is reversible and after a period of time, periods will appear again.

Delay after Qlaira

The composition of Klayra is significantly close to the natural hormones of the human body. After taking the drug, side effects occur in very rare cases.

If after cancellation there is a delay in menstruation, then the woman should be patient. After taking contraceptives, the delay will pass by the next menstrual cycle, and spotting will appear according to the timing.

But they may be more abundant than usual. There is no need to be alarmed; in 2–3 months the situation will stabilize.

No periods after stopping Jess

This monophasic contraceptive includes categories of tablets with two different actions. The first (pink) contains hormones to prevent unplanned pregnancy, the second is a pacifier.

Jess's intake is designed according to a specific pattern that cannot be violated. If after discontinuation of the drug there is a delay in menstruation, then you can safely go to the gynecologist to confirm pregnancy.

The fact is that missing even one real pill can lead to conception.

After Lindinet

The drug dosage regimen involves a seven-day break in each menstrual cycle. In theory, the usual discharge should begin at this time, but there is a delay in menstruation. This can happen when you miss a dose in combination with unprotected sex. After discontinuation of Lindinet, a delay in menstruation means pregnancy.

How long can there be a delay?

Long-term use of contraceptives teaches a woman’s body to exist according to an artificial scheme. In it, the reproductive function is in a sleepy state, and the ovaries are not able to produce the required amount of hormones. In such a situation, you should not be surprised by the delay.

The body will need some time to fully recover. The duration of the process depends on the individual characteristics of the woman and the duration of exposure to contraceptives.

Sometimes it happens that a woman regains the ability to fertilize in the next menstrual cycle after stopping contraceptives.


Possible reasons for the delay

A common reason why there are no periods after stopping birth control is pregnancy. Fertilization occurs for a number of reasons:

  • non-compliance with the regimen of taking pills (missed a day or different times of taking);
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • bad habits (alcohol, smoking).

If the test result is negative, then the reasons why there are no periods after birth control pills may be different. Most often this is due to the functioning of the reproductive system. When canceling contraceptives, cycle disruption is an acceptable norm. The body needs time to restore the functions of the pituitary gland so that all hormones are produced in the right quantities and on time, which is why there is a delay.

However, if contraceptives were taken for a short time, then restoration of the uterus and ovaries (regular menstrual period with ovulation, formation of the corpus luteum and proliferation of the endometrium) occurs within 1–3 months.

With long-term use of OK (more than 3 years), recovery continues for six months, and sometimes longer. After discontinuation of contraceptives, there is usually a long delay.

If menstruation does not begin for several months, then this is an alarming signal about other disorders occurring in the body. This will require a full examination, not only of the reproductive system, but also of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of hormones.

A separate article on our website will tell you more about the nature of menstruation after stopping birth control.

How soon will the menstrual cycle return?

After stopping birth control pills, your period may be delayed from several days to several weeks. During this period, the natural cycle is restored. Its duration depends on the duration of taking the funds. After all, after stopping hormonal pills, it takes time for the ovaries to start working again.

The onset of menstrual bleeding after stopping oral contraceptives does not mean that the cycle has been restored. The first months of menstruation are irregular, too heavy or scanty. However, if the woman is healthy and OK were selected correctly, then the cycle will return to normal within three months. It is after this period that gynecologists recommend starting active planning for a child.

The absence of menstruation for a long time (2 months or more) indicates that a hormonal imbalance has occurred and the body cannot regulate the production of female hormones. The same is evidenced by an irregular menstrual cycle 6 months after stopping OC consumption.

In such a situation, the gynecologist will prescribe an examination to find out why menstruation cannot begin after taking birth control pills. The treatment that the doctor will prescribe will most likely be hormonal. The use of OCs is prescribed for a month or longer, as well as individual therapy selected based on test results.

If after treatment menstruation still does not begin, a repeat examination is carried out. The process can be long and difficult, but most often it is possible to restore reproductive function. To reduce the risk of loss of fertility after stopping birth control pills, doctors recommend taking a break every three years for 2-3 months. At this time, condoms should be used to protect against unwanted pregnancy.

Properly selected contraceptives and stopping their use under medical supervision are the key to ensuring that menstruation comes on time and a regular cycle is restored quickly. You should not start taking OCs that are suitable for a friend, mother or sister, and then thoughtlessly cancel them. In this matter, you should contact a specialist.

After stopping Yarina there is no menstruation

admin November 17, 2019

Many women use oral contraceptives. However, quite often, the cycle is disrupted, and a delay occurs after discontinuation of OK. Is this normal, should I be worried?


There can be many reasons for preventing an unwanted pregnancy: the couple is not ready to become parents, there are financial difficulties, or health problems. But, nevertheless, I want to lead an active sex life. For this purpose, representatives of the fair sex use contraceptives.

OK (oral contraceptives) are medications whose action is aimed at preventing pregnancy. Basic properties of contraceptives:

  1. Due to hormonal properties, they reduce the likelihood of egg implantation.
  2. Cervical mucus thickens, making it difficult for sperm to move through the uterus and tubes.
  3. Suppresses the production of hormones in the female reproductive system.
  4. OK is prescribed to girls and women to normalize the cycle and treat inflammation and diseases.
  5. Reduce pain during menstruation and the duration of menstruation.
  6. By balancing hormonal levels, it is possible to stop the growth of unwanted hair.
  7. They help get rid of problems with skin rashes (which are caused by hormonal imbalance).

In individual cases, hormonal contraceptives can enlarge breasts and restore ovarian function after termination of pregnancy.

Negative sides

When taking oral contraceptives, you should not rely solely on reviews or advertisements.

For example, gynecologists often prescribe the drug "Yarina", and many representatives of the fair sex begin to take it without consulting a specialist. This drug has almost no side effects and is suitable for almost everyone.

However, you should not take contraceptives on your own without consulting a doctor, as this can lead to certain problems in the body:

  1. With uncontrolled use, excess weight gain is possible.
  2. Suitable only for women who are sexually active with one partner.
  3. Birth control pills are not recommended for smokers, as there is a high risk of blood clots forming in the blood vessels.
  4. The effect of oral contraceptives is reduced if you take sleeping pills or antibiotics at the same time.

Despite the fact that the drugs can be taken by almost everyone, they should be prescribed by a gynecologist after conducting certain studies. This is due to the fact that the level of hormone production varies from person to person. Only a specialist will be able to select the most suitable and effective drug that will not have side effects.

Cancellation Policy

Stopping contraceptives should only be done if recommended by your gynecologist. A woman cannot independently decide to interrupt the course of contraceptives, as this may lead to unpleasant changes in the body:

  • If you are planning a pregnancy, you should stop taking the pills 2-3 months before the expected conception.
  • If pregnancy occurs while taking a course of contraceptives, you should consult your doctor, but you should definitely stop taking them. In this case, the negative impact of the drugs on the fetus will be excluded.
  • The contraceptive should be discontinued gradually, reducing the dosage by a quarter of a tablet per week. Only in this way will the body gradually get used to stopping the pills and rebuild its work.
  • If a woman nevertheless decides to stop taking birth control pills, it is recommended to finish the package to the end.

It is not recommended to stop taking contraceptives or cancel the course, only after consultation with your doctor.

Possible reasons for the delay

After the abolition of oral contraceptives, a restructuring of the entire body occurs. All the substances that were previously obtained from tablets now need to be produced by the body on its own. In this regard, a delay in menstruation may occur after discontinuation of OK. This is due to a number of reasons:

  1. Hormonal imbalance. Previously, while taking birth control pills, the body received all the necessary substances from the drugs. After discontinuation of the course, some time is needed to restore normal functioning of the hormonal system. The approximate period for normalization of production is 3–5 months.
  2. Onset of pregnancy. The first reason for the delay is that a woman will become a mother. It is worth noting that even the use of oral contraceptives does not provide a 100% guarantee of pregnancy protection. Therefore, it may happen that a woman accidentally became pregnant, and the OC was stopped during this period.
  3. A possible cause of delay may be polycystic ovary syndrome. Since birth control pills affect hormonal levels, possible disturbances can provoke the formation of cysts.
  4. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system. This usually affects young girls and women over 35 years of age. Due to disruptions in the production of hormones, amenorrhea - absence of menstruation - can occur.

In addition, periods may not appear due to infections that have entered the body and caused certain diseases. These include STDs, viral hepatitis, HIV. In any case, if a woman is concerned about her condition, she should make an appointment with a gynecologist.

Only a specialist, after carrying out tests and diagnostic procedures, will be able to determine the exact reason why a woman has a delay after stopping the OC.

No periods after Yarina

Yarina hormonal contraceptives are a drug prescribed by gynecologists to protect against unwanted pregnancy, as well as to treat certain diseases caused by hormonal imbalance (endometriosis, seborrhea, acne, etc.). OK Yarina:

  • It has antiandrogenic and antimineralocorticoid properties.
  • Slows down ovulation.
  • Thickens mucus in the cervix.
  • Reduces the risk of anemia by reducing the amount of blood released during menstruation.
  • Relieves pain during menstruation.

During administration, Yarina causes certain changes in hormonal levels. Quite often, women worry when menstruation does not begin after finishing the course of this drug (namely, during a week-long break between taking pills). The reason may be pregnancy, you need to take a test, if it is negative, then continue the course.

A delay after complete abandonment of these contraceptives is a common occurrence, since the period of normalization of the production of sex hormones takes from one to three months.

Body condition

Cancellation of OK cannot pass without leaving a mark on the body. It will take some time to recover. In connection with the abolition of hormonal drugs, changes occur in the body:

  1. Hair becomes dull and brittle, nails begin to break and crumble. This occurs due to insufficient hormone production.
  2. A woman may experience frequent mood swings.
  3. Quite often insomnia begins.
  4. Menstruation may last longer or become shorter (compared to the previous cycle).
  5. Moreover, during menstruation, women may experience severe pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.
  6. Lack of hormones also leads to skin problems - rashes and redness appear.

All this indicates that you cannot stop taking oral contraceptives on your own. Taking into account the patient’s complaints or possible discomfort, the doctor may prescribe hormone replacement therapy or a course of vitamin complexes to improve the body’s condition.

Delayed menstruation after stopping oral contraceptives is common. There is nothing wrong with this; most often this happens due to hormonal changes in the body.

Of course, if a woman is worried about her condition, she should undergo a full examination by a gynecologist and pass all the necessary tests. After all, there may be several reasons for the delay: lack of hormones, pregnancy, problems with the genitourinary system. Only a specialist can identify the true cause and select a treatment plan.

I took Marvelon for a year, stopped a month ago, I should have my period. and it’s been gone for 6 days now, why is this happening? pregnancy is excluded! experts

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Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

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