How to take Duphaston in the treatment of endometritis

The human body is a complex system. Any violations lead to negative consequences, the most serious ones are observed when the hormonal system malfunctions. It is the lack of hormones that often causes infertility or problems with conceiving and carrying a baby. If quite recently doctors only shrugged their shoulders, now effective therapy copes well with hormonal imbalances and allows women to experience the happiness of motherhood. The thinned mucous membrane of the uterus does not allow the fertilized egg to fully attach, which provokes a miscarriage, but Duphaston with a thin endometrium will quickly eliminate the problem, although there is a lot of controversy in medical circles and among patients about this.

The essence of pathology

The development of endometritis occurs against the background of an increased concentration of estrogen and a lack of progesterone.

In addition, the cause of the disease may be:

  • infection;
  • weakened immunity;
  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • hereditary factor.

Symptoms of endometritis are pronounced in the acute form of the disease - the main signs of the pathological process remain:

  • pain during intercourse;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • intense pain in the lower abdomen, the intensity of which increases during menstruation;
  • discomfort when urinating, defecating;
  • fairly heavy periods;
  • spotting before and after the end of menstruation;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • premenstrual syndrome.

NOTE! The intensity of the clinical picture depends on the location of the lesion.

What is endometritis,

Is drug treatment effective?

It is difficult to cure endometritis with medications.

This can only be done if they are used as part of a comprehensive treatment, and the entire process is supervised by a qualified specialist.

Drug therapy for endometritis has the following goals:

  • restoration of reproductive and menstrual function of the uterus;
  • normalizing the regenerative ability of the uterine mucosa;
  • eliminating existing complications and preventing the formation of new ones;
  • elimination of chronic infectious and inflammatory foci.

The following groups of drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • antibiotics;
  • desensitizing agents;
  • sedatives;
  • painkillers.
  • restoratives.

Duphaston drug

The drug Duphaston is one of the most effective ways to treat endometritis.

It contains a progesterone analogue, which stops the growth of the endometrium and reduces the effectiveness of estrogens, androgens, and corticosteroids.

The effect of the drug does not lead to disruption of ovulation, does not cause the development of male sexual characteristics, and does not affect brain function, metabolic processes and blood clotting.

Taking Duphaston for endometritis helps reduce the contractility of the uterus and its tone, and the risk of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

The drug relieves pain, reduces menstrual flow, and prevents the degeneration of pathological cells into malignant ones.

Expert opinion Olga Leonidovna Shustova Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category “Taking the drug Duphaston for endometritis in practice gives high positive results. With the drug, pregnancy occurs more often, and this is despite the fact that some patients have been diagnosed with infertility. During pregnancy, there are no periods, which means that the endometrium does not grow. After birth, prolonged feeding with breast milk is recommended, because then menstruation is also absent, but Duphaston should not be used due to the penetration of progesterone into mother's milk. Despite this, the drug remains the most gentle method of treating endometritis, since thanks to it it is possible to preserve the usefulness of the genital organs and the reproductive system as a whole.”

duphaston for endometrial growth

Girls, I need your knowledge and useful advice! There are many letters below

Please do not send me to the doctor right away, because... There is no normal doctor in our city. The proof of this is that over 7 years of visiting the best and most expensive (in terms of cost of services) gynecologists in the city, I went through the same treatment program. All the time they treated inflammation with metronidazole, for example. After treatment, inflammation B did not occur. None of them found the reason for B’s absence in me. So they didn’t really look for the reason, they just offered different options to try.

While on this site, I learn many new terms, names of tests, names of hormones, the presence of which our doctors almost never checked in me. And also from the tests that I took in preparation for IVF (IVF was unsuccessful, they added 2 five-day weeks) I learned a lot, i.e. the fact that there are such tests in the world and they can be used to determine the ability to conceive. Therefore, right now it is not possible to travel to Almaty or Astana, please explain to me if you know. Thanks to everyone who answers me!

Now I am checking the status of my hormones, which I took until today.

In a previous post I wrote about my progesterone, it’s excellent, I’m very happy. But I have a thin endometrium. How do I know? Not a single doctor told me that I have a thin endometrium. But I read a lot here, looked at all my ultrasounds, the endometrium is 7 mm at 15 dc. This is the maximum size of my E. I have a lot of questions.....

Now I read this on the internet:

“The endometrium in the first phase of the cycle grows under the influence of estrogens or estradiol in drugs like Proginova or Divigel, for example, and progesterone is taken in the second phase in the form of drugs like Utrozhestan or Duphaston, which also affect the growth of the endometrium. But they are taken strictly in the second phase, and in the first, when it comes to the growth of the endometrium, estradiol is used for the subsequent attachment of the fertilized egg.”

My Estradiol at 6 dc is 389 (68-1269 Follicular / 131-1655 Ovulation / 91-861 Luteal / 0-73 Menopause)

My Estradiol at 14 dts (I think after O) is 268 (68-1269 Follicular / 131-1655 Ovulation / 91-861 Luteal / 0-73 Menopause)

I took the analysis in different cycles but in the same Laboratory.

What should I do?

1) I need to observe the behavior of Estradiol in one cycle to find out the cause of the thin endometrium and take further measures. Right?

2) If the cause of thin E lies in Estradiol, then it will be necessary to be treated as prescribed by the doctor. So?

3) If the cause of thin E is not Estradiol, then what to check?

4) Could thin E be my peculiarity and is it possible to attach with such a thin E?

Please explain!

Last summer I had a diagnostic hysteroscopy for IVF, the doctor who directly performed the hysteroscopy said that everything was fine in my uterus. So they should have noticed thin endometrium there? Or is the thin endometrium not noticeable in hysteroscopy?

Advantages and disadvantages

Artificial progesterone in the form of tablets promotes numerous useful and necessary changes in the reproductive system, resulting in the restoration of endocrine balance and the creation of adequate conditions for pregnancy.

The following advantages of Duphaston can be highlighted:

  1. Excellent healing effect. After taking the drug, secretory changes are observed in the uterus, which are so important for preserving the life of the embryo.
  2. No negative impact on ovarian function. The active components of the drug do not disrupt natural ovulation and do not suppress the production of important female hormones.
  3. Absence of harmful effects on the female body completely. You don’t have to worry that after taking Duphaston, extra pounds will begin to appear or the functioning of the endocrine organs will be disrupted.

The drug also has disadvantages:

  • to obtain a positive therapeutic effect, Duphaston must be taken for a long time - at least 3 months;
  • the high price of the drug is 455 rubles.

Composition of tablets

This drug is produced in the form of tablets for internal use. The medicine is based on the active ingredient – ​​dydrogesterone (10 mg).

There are also additional substances:

  • lactose monohydrate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • corn starch;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • titanium dioxide;
  • polyethylene glycol.

IMPORTANT! The tablets are in a blister pack of 20 pieces. Each pack contains instructions for use.

Indications for use

When using Duphaston for the treatment of endometritis, one condition must be met - it is strictly forbidden to independently decide on taking the drug.

The drug is approved for use in the following cases:

  • preconception preparation for chronic endometritis;
  • artificial termination of pregnancy in the past;
  • miscarriage caused by endometrial pathology;
  • hormonal deficiency that developed against the background of ovarian diseases;
  • any surgical interventions on the uterine appendages;
  • infertility.

Duphaston: reviews from women with endometriosis

Positive reviews from women about Duphaston in the treatment of endometriosis are due to some improvement in symptoms while taking the drug. However, many note that ultrasound signs of endometriosis remained at the same level. Positive reviews can only be seen from those whose disease was not pronounced. At stages 3-4 of endometriosis, Duphaston will not help at all.

Also, many note that it was on synthetic progesterone that pregnancy began to develop; in the early stages there was no detachment or threat of miscarriage.

The use of Duphaston at stages 3-4 of endometriosis will not give results

Instructions for use

An effective method of treating endometritis involves taking Duphaston tablets for 3-6 menstrual cycles in one of the following regimens:

  • from 11 to 25 days of the cycle - 1 tablet every day;
  • from 14 to 25 days, 1 tablet 2 per day;
  • from days 16 to 25, 2 tablets every day.

For each patient, the doctor chooses cyclic therapy individually. Over the course of 3 cycles, it is necessary to evaluate the result, which is noticeable by changes in menstruation and according to ultrasound data.

Positive effects include:

  • normalization of cycle regularity;
  • decreased frequency of menstruation;
  • thickening of the endometrium;
  • the onset of ovulation with the obligatory formation of the corpus luteum in the ovary.

The medication promotes the growth of the endometrium, so it is not recommended to stop taking it even after pregnancy.

Mechanism of action of Proginova

Proginova tablets for growing the endometrium are prescribed in cases where hypoplasia is caused by estrogen deficiency. The drug stimulates the production of estradiol, a hormone of the female reproductive glands. As a result of taking it, blood circulation in the uterus improves and the ovaries begin to work. Proginova is recommended for use as a cyclic regimen or continuously. The treatment method is selected in accordance with individual characteristics and the goal of the final result.

Enlargement of the endometrium in case of hypoplasia must be carried out. Even if pregnancy occurs with a thin mucous layer, it will be terminated with a high degree of probability. Throughout the entire period, the woman will be faced with worries and threats of miscarriage. Due to insufficient blood supply to the placenta, congenital pathologies of the fetus may occur. To avoid all these problems, gynecologists prescribe Proginov tablets to planning women, which must be taken within three weeks from the end of menstrual bleeding.

The medicine is taken once a day. Proginova for building begins to be taken on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle. It is advisable to consume the pills after meals. For 21 days, the hormonal medication is regularly used at the same time.

Useful video

From the video you will learn how to take the drug:

The human body is a complex system. Any violations lead to negative consequences, the most serious ones are observed when the hormonal system malfunctions. It is the lack of hormones that often causes infertility or problems with conceiving and carrying a baby. If quite recently doctors only shrugged their shoulders, now effective therapy copes well with hormonal imbalances and allows women to experience the happiness of motherhood. The thinned mucous membrane of the uterus does not allow the fertilized egg to fully attach, which provokes a miscarriage, but Duphaston with a thin endometrium will quickly eliminate the problem, although there is a lot of controversy in medical circles and among patients about this.



The consequences of using Proginova and Duphaston are not long in coming, quickly showing positive results. Patients form positive reviews about this regimen of taking hormonal drugs. Most women with thin endometrium were able to get pregnant in the first three cycles. The likelihood of a positive outcome from IVF and insemination also increases with the use of hormonal pills. If pregnancy did not occur, then women noted the regularity of the cycle, as well as the normal volume of menstrual blood, which indicates the effectiveness of mucosal growth.

Medicines Proginova and Duphaston are included in the list of prescription pharmaceutical products; self-medication should be excluded. These medications should be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the female body and only after a detailed examination, including a blood test for hormones. An important point is to exclude estrogen-dependent tumors of the mammary glands and endometrium. Before taking medications, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to hormonal therapy.

Is it possible to take the drug if the endometrium is thin?

It is no secret that many women suffer from inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs. Chronic pathological processes disrupt the course of natural changes in the uterine mucosa, and endometritis develops. The uterine cavity does not have optimal conditions for fetal development. If the endometrium is not thick enough, problems with conception arise.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug that helps restore the monthly cycle, normalizes the secretory activity of the endometrium and prepares the uterine cavity for successful childbearing.

Gynecologists are confident that taking the drug for thin endometrium helps eliminate the problem, so they often prescribe it to women.

Duphaston, endometriosis and pregnancy

Duphaston is often prescribed during pregnancy planning and already during pregnancy in women with previously established endometriosis. Schemes and doses can vary - from 20 mg per day to 80 mg. The action of Duphaston in this case is aimed at improving the properties of the endometrium: it becomes “thicker”, the vascular network is more branched, which contributes to the fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and the normal development of the chorion and placenta in the future.

When planning a pregnancy, Duphaston is prescribed only in the second phase, from the 14th day. It is optimal to start taking it right from the moment of ovulation, this will contribute to the maximum therapeutic effect. To determine the moment of full maturation of the follicle, you can use ovulation tests or, more precisely, ultrasound.

To get pregnant, you need to take Duphaston for 10 days, after which menstruation begins. If you do not have your period, you need to take a pregnancy test and, if the result is positive, continue taking the pills.

During pregnancy, Duphaston should be taken continuously. The standard maintenance dose is 20 mg, one tablet twice a day. In case of complicated pregnancy, threat, uterine tone or mucous secretions, the doctor may increase the dose several times for a certain period of time. You are allowed to drink Duphaston up to 37 weeks, but this need can only be determined by a specialist.

Watch this video about the indications and mechanism of action of Duphaston during pregnancy:

Composition of the drug and active ingredients

This medicine is available in tablet form and is intended for oral administration. The medicine contains the main active ingredient - dydrogesterone in an amount of 10 mg.

Additional components available:

  • Lactose monohydrate.
  • Colloidal silicon dioxide.
  • Corn starch.
  • Magnesium stearate.
  • Titanium dioxide.
  • Polyethylene glycol.

The tablets are packed in a blister of 20 pieces. Each pack also contains instructions for use.

The composition of the drug promotes the proper development of the endometrium; if taken correctly, the functioning of the woman’s reproductive system is normalized.

Contraindications and side effects

Any medicine, no matter how effective it may be, has contraindications for use. For Duphaston these are:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.
  • Presence of Dubin-Johnson syndrome.
  • Breastfeeding period.

Neglect of warnings and non-compliance with doctor’s recommendations may result in the development of the following negative consequences:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Liver dysfunction.
  • Paroxysmal headache.
  • Development of anemia.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Soreness of the mammary glands.
  • Allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching, and in severe cases Quincke's edema.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

If undesirable manifestations are detected, the drug should be stopped or the dosage adjusted.

Positive effect of Duphaston

The drug is an analogue of progesterone, produced in a woman’s body by the ovaries. The hormone is indispensable for the endometrium and its normal development. Processes in the uterine mucosa can be disrupted for many reasons:

  • Development of chronic inflammatory pathologies.
  • Autoimmune endometritis.
  • With an ovarian cyst.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Gynecological diseases.

The main active ingredient of the drug has the same effect in the female body as its own progesterone. But the advantages of the product include:

  • The drug does not affect carbohydrate metabolism.
  • Normalizes lipid metabolism.
  • Positively affects metabolic processes in the endometrium.
  • Prevents pathological changes in the uterine mucosa.
  • Provides secretory changes necessary for embryo development.
  • Does not have a negative effect on the body.
  • Does not suppress the production of its own hormones.
  • The function of the ovaries is preserved.

"Duphaston" stimulates the growth of the thin endometrium, promotes the formation of its correct structure, which is important for the consolidation and further development of the fertilized egg.

Duphaston's appointment

The drug Duphaston is a supplier of progesterone to the patient’s body. It is used when extending the endometrium of Proginova in order to maintain the second phase. Duphaston is not recommended for all planning women. The doctor makes the decision to prescribe it after examining the patient: an ultrasound examination of the condition of the corpus luteum and a blood test for progesterone.

The endometrium of the uterus and the drug Duphaston do not have a direct relationship. The hormonal agent has only an indirect effect on the structure of the mucous membrane of the reproductive organ. Unlike the drug Proginova, which is used for extensions, Duphaston works differently. Dydrogesterone, which is part of the medication, supplies the body with the missing progesterone. Thus, the medication normalizes uterine tone and prevents abortion. Often this remedy is used when there is a threat of miscarriage, after the endometrium has grown and fertilization has occurred. Indirectly, dydrogesterone affects conception and increases the likelihood of implantation of the fertilized egg. The drug loosens the endometrium, making it softer. This makes the implantation process easier.

Tablets are prescribed to women 1-4 tablets per day. The selected volume should be divided into 2 doses. It is important to consume the second phase hormone at regular intervals to avoid sudden jumps in progesterone levels in the body. For women with a stable 28-day cycle, Duphaston is prescribed from the 16th day. In other situations, the timing of use of the drug is discussed with the doctor.

You should make sure that ovulation has taken place and only then take a progesterone-based drug. If you start using it earlier, the medicine can suppress the release of the egg and have a contraceptive effect, despite the diligent growth of the endometrium.

Treatment regimen

Therapy with this drug is prescribed only after studies have been conducted. The dosage is selected for each woman individually depending on the purpose of administration and the severity of the deviations. The treatment regimen may be as follows:

  1. Take tablets from the 11th day until the 25th month of the cycle at a dosage of 10 mg once a day.
  2. Another regimen involves taking 1 tablet from days 14 to 25.
  3. Some women are prescribed Duphaston 2 tablets every day, starting from the 16th day of the cycle.
  4. To build up the endometrium, it is often recommended to take 25 tablets, 1 tablet 2-3 times a day, from the 5th day of the cycle.

For therapy to be effective, Duphaston should be continued for 3-6 monthly cycles.

The drug increases the endometrium, but it is not recommended to stop taking it even after the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. Progesterone will ensure the creation of a favorable environment in the uterus for the development of the embryo. Quite often, doctors even increase the dosage of the medicine. In addition, the active substance of Duphaston has a beneficial effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus, reduces its tone, thereby preventing miscarriage.

The positive effect of the drug can be judged by the results of ultrasound; the effectiveness of therapy is confirmed:

  • Normalization of the monthly cycle.
  • Increased endometrial thickness.
  • The appearance of ovulation with the formed corpus luteum.

Thanks to Duphaston, many women got the chance to experience the joy of motherhood.

Thin endometrium, what to do???? | Page 2

164 replies
Last - February 4, 2021 11:35 pm Go


The doctor also prescribed me Duphaston. I have endometrium 9


girls, hello everyone, I’m from another thread about clostilbegit) my edometrium is 12 dmts-4.2 mm. This is not enough. I’m looking for the norm on the Internet, but there are other indicators. who drank vitamin E and progynova in combination with clostil and utrozhestan (duphaston)? what can you say.

? 2 cycles ago, on day 30, the endometrium was -15 mm. and right now it’s small((((I know that on different days the endometrial m.c.-mm. is different.

Could it be that in phase 1 it is small, but in phase 2 it is normal? or is it always small? I suspect that it has become thinner on the clostil.


girls, hello to everyone))) I have a boy of 8 years old... I’m trying to conceive a child of 6 years old ((... I had 2 pregnancies and both miscarriages... in general, now I’m taking clostilbegit curantil and from the 15th to 25th day utrozhestan.... on the 9th day of the cycle I took folliculometry... and I was so upset... the endometrium is only 5mm... and one dominant follicle is 15mm... I cried so much yesterday..

I don’t know what to expect... God, our doctors are just idiots around... I tell her... Little Endik should I have somehow insured myself or something to drink... she thought in response to me... they say he’ll carry it and grow... Lord, if he’s on his own if I grew up.. what would I need it for?.. girls, at least give me some advice..

Has anyone had this situation and is pregnancy even possible???? (((((…..


Everything is logical - clostilbegit inhibits the growth of the endometrium, so at the same time you needed to drink something for the growth of the endometrium, either Proginova, or smear with Devigel, or whatever else the doctors would advise.


Good afternoon I have a similar problem, secondary infertility. I want to say that I do monitoring every month, and in the cycle when ovulation occurs, the endometrium grows better under the influence of progesterone!!!


Do not confuse progesterone with estradiol.

The endometrium in the first phase of the cycle grows under the influence of estrogens or estradiol in drugs like Proginova or Divigel, for example, and progesterone is taken in the second phase in the form of drugs like Utrozhestan or Duphaston, which also affect the growth of the endometrium. But they are taken strictly in the second phase, and in the first, when it comes to the growth of the endometrium, estradiol is used for the subsequent attachment of the fertilized egg.


It is when taking Progynova and Femoston, and the same Divigel - (all these drugs suppress ovulation!, although it is believed that they cause the endometrium to be lush), accordingly, the endometrium is of poor quality!!!! I have been monitoring for 3 years, the results are not impressive. Now I am going for cryotransfer and it is important for me that there is ovulation in the natural cycle and the endometrium grows to at least 7mm


It is when taking Progynova and Femoston, and the same Divigel - (all these drugs suppress ovulation!, although it is believed that they cause the endometrium to be lush), accordingly, the endometrium is of poor quality!!!! I have been monitoring for 3 years, the results are not impressive. Now I am going for cryotransfer and it is important for me that there is ovulation in the natural cycle and the endometrium grows to at least 7mm


girls, can the endometrium become small after an abortion? Who knows the reasons why the endometrium becomes small, I have 9 DC endometrium 3.96, the doctor says there is no chance of pregnancy (((



I am now 24 years old. After a frozen pregnancy, my endometrium grew to a maximum of 7.1mm. + endometriosis, my periods took a total of 14 days. They were scanty, they were smeared with brown, black….generally a disaster. I divorced my husband………

There were other partners, I didn’t use protection with them, because I didn’t expect that without hormonal support or lapara, something would change. So I started dating a new young man and I got pregnant in the first cycle!!!!!!!!! With my dead endometriosis and endometriosis! She couldn’t believe it herself.

I just enjoyed life, turned off my head and was mentally tuned in to lapara. And more!!!!!! On the day of my expected period, I smeared it with brown for a couple of days, I thought, well, everything will break through.

I keep my fingers crossed for you all, don’t lose hope!!!!!!!!!! Any questions please ask!!!!!!!!!!! I sneezed on all of you.


Olesya READ MY STORY! I am now 24 years old. After a frozen pregnancy, my endometrium grew to a maximum of 7.1mm. + endometriosis, my periods took a total of 14 days. They were scanty, they were smeared with brown, black….generally a disaster. I divorced my husband………

There were other partners, I didn’t use protection with them, because I didn’t expect that without hormonal support or lapara, something would change. So I started dating a new young man and I got pregnant in the first cycle!!!!!!!!! With my dead endometriosis and endometriosis! She couldn’t believe it herself.

I just enjoyed life, turned off my head and was mentally tuned in to lapara. And more!!!!!! On the day of my expected period, I smeared it with brown for a couple of days, I thought, well, everything will break through.

I keep my fingers crossed for you all, don’t lose hope!!!!!!!!!! Any questions please ask!!!!!!!!!!! I sneezed on all of you. Olesenka, I’m catching your sneeze!

I am 32 years old. A similar story with my beloved, after 1.5 months. After divorcing my ex (I was married for 12 years!!! without a single pregnancy), I got pregnant like a darling. We were both so happy. True, they didn’t save it, the doctors said that it means the embryo was genetically incorrect.

Now daddy has already connected himself, God willing, I will catch our universal, girls, apchhiiii!






Our doctors are so stupid, I took Duphaston for 9 months, and Endik only became thinner......calm me down, tell me that it’s not so scary, I’m crying, I can’t calm down!!!((((((


I have been undergoing treatment for three years now. I take the hormonal drugs Duphaston and Progynovo and I can’t get pregnant with any endometrium from 6-7 mm. I spat and stopped taking hormones for a year now. now I don't know what to do


I have been undergoing treatment for three years now. I take the hormonal drugs Duphaston and Progynovo and I can’t get pregnant with any endometrium from 6-7 mm. I spat and stopped taking hormones for a year now. now I don't know what to do


did you drink boron uterus?!


and I was prescribed Divigel to build up the endometrium and also an injection of hCG at 5000 and Duphaston, they did a dynamic ultrasound, so far everything is fine, I hope we get pregnant this month)


6-7 mm is not hopeless! They get pregnant at 5 mm - it’s been verified!!!!!!!!!

New themes


I really want to get pregnant, I haven’t had my period for half a year, as I understand it, because of poor nutrition...

The endometrium was 2 mm, they prescribed Proginova to take it for 21 days and the end was 4 mm, so I finished the second pack of Proginova and went for an ultrasound today, hoping for a better result, and the endometrium dropped again to 2 mm:((((I don’t know what to do!! !!!!they said that for now there is no chance of getting pregnant at all!!(((((but people are treated for 5-10 years and some give birth (and this is a very long time) I’m already 25!!!if they write that at 7 mm you can’t get pregnant, then what to say about me :((((((


Our doctors are so stupid, I took Duphaston for 9 months, and Endik only became thinner......calm me down, tell me that it’s not so scary, I’m crying, I can’t calm down!!!((((((


girls, hello everyone, I’m from another thread about clostilbegit) my edometrium is 12 dmts-4.2 mm. This is not enough. I’m looking for the norm on the Internet, but there are other indicators. who drank vitamin E and progynova in combination with clostil and utrozhestan (duphaston)? what can you say.

? 2 cycles ago, on day 30, the endometrium was -15 mm. and right now it’s small((((I know that on different days the endometrial m.c.-mm. is different.

Could it be that in phase 1 it is small, but in phase 2 it is normal? or is it always small? I suspect that it has become thinner on the clostil.


6 months ago there was a frozen pregnancy at 12 weeks (measured at 8.3 weeks). They did vacuum extraction and control curettage several times (in one operation). Then there was a complication - a hematometer.

They gave me pills for a medical abortion so that the uterus would contract and the clot would come out, but this did not happen. They had another mini-abortion. Afterwards, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs were prescribed. Duphaston was prescribed, against which menstruation was supposed to begin. It has begun. But the subsequent cycle of menstruation did not occur again.

I went to the gynecologist, the endometrium was 0.3 on the 27th day of the cycle, I was prescribed Jess. I drank it for 10 days and couldn’t take it anymore. The pressure dropped 3 times, it was very bad. After 3 days there was scanty discharge on day 2. After menstruation there was no menstruation again. I came for an ultrasound yesterday, they said that the endometrium was 0.2.

The gynecologist explained that there would be no more menstruation, since I was “re-scraped” during the abortion. I was tested for prolactin, herpes virus, CMV, toxoplasmosis, listeriosis, PCR ureaplasmosis, mycoplasma and chlamydia. Nothing was found, prolactin was normal.

I prescribed Trisequence, but I’m already afraid to take it, so that it won’t be so bad again. I don’t know what to do. Trisequence is a postmenopausal drug..

I'm still afraid of getting fat on it


Girls!!! Help me please. I had a non-developing pregnancy, due to the wrong location of the fertilized egg, I had three cleanings every month. Half a year has passed, the endometrium is not growing ((today I had an ultrasound and they said 5mm.

the doctor says that this is very bad ((What should I do? If anyone has had this, please tell me how to increase it? She says that you need to undergo physical therapy - but I don’t know how effective it is??? Is it better to take medicine? But again what???LOTS OF QUESTIONS((



Duphaston is available for free sale in pharmacies. The cost of the medicine varies from 400 to 500 rubles. It is advisable to purchase only with a doctor's prescription.

Problems with conceiving and carrying a baby are not uncommon nowadays, but a woman’s timely contact with specialists will allow her to recognize the cause of failure in time and take appropriate measures. The modern pharmaceutical industry has enough drugs in its arsenal for this.

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