I take Duphaston but I don’t have my period, the test is negative

Menstrual irregularities occur due to hormonal imbalance. With a long delay, there is not enough progesterone. In such cases, doctors most often prescribe Duphaston. The drug replicates the properties of the female sex hormone. Use according to doctor's instructions. Self-treatment is not allowed. After taking Duphaston, hormonal levels are restored; its abrupt withdrawal causes the onset of menstruation. However, there are situations when there is no menstruation after taking and stopping Duphaston. So, does the drug help restore the balance of hormones in the body and why does menstruation not begin at the end of the course?

What is Duphaston

The product is intended to restore hormonal balance in a woman’s body. It is used for delayed periods, endometriosis, threatened miscarriage, miscarriage, and other cases associated with insufficient progesterone in the female body. During treatment it is necessary to follow an individual scheme. A single dose is 1–2 tablets. Take 1 to 3 times a day. The dose should not exceed 30 mg per day.

Duphaston is often well tolerated by women, but side effects may occur in the form of:

  • headache;
  • weight gain;
  • discomfort in the chest, mammary glands;
  • skin rashes.

Duphaston is available in pharmacies without a prescription, but before taking the medicine it is recommended to consult a specialist. The cost of packaging is on average 560 rubles.

When should menstruation start after stopping Duphaston?

The drug is started to be taken in the second half of the menstrual cycle. In the first part, estrogen is responsible for the development of important processes in a woman’s body. After ovulation is completed, progesterone levels increase sharply. This hormone is responsible for the development of a fertilized egg and its attachment to the walls of the uterus. The successful course of pregnancy during the first 3 months depends on the level of progesterone. It also completes the menstrual cycle and causes menstruation. The lack of progesterone in the body is compensated artificially. Take Duphaston for 10 days.

How long after taking Duphaston should my period start? Under natural conditions, menstruation begins after progesterone levels decrease. The same thing happens after taking Duphaston. Your period should begin 3-5 days after the end of treatment. You should follow the dosage rules and duration of use. But there are times in life when menstruation comes:

  • while taking the drug;
  • on the day of cancellation;
  • the next day;
  • after 10 days;
  • The cycle is not improving, there are no periods after Duphaston.

I take Duphaston but I don’t have my period, the test is negative

Hello girls! I'm new here. It’s only May 20th, she’s been taking me to the doctor for 15 years, so I trust her as much as I trust myself. But now she somehow doesn’t react very well, she thinks that everything is normal. And I’m also an alarmist, I want reassurance. In general, this is the situation. We've been planning a pregnancy since January, the doctor immediately prescribed Duphaston from 14 to 35 dc. More precisely, even this: from the 14th day until the beginning of menstruation, if it does not come, then on the 35th day I do a test and cancel duphaston. In the first month, I started at 14, I clearly sensed ovulation. Afterwards I felt sick and vomited and had discharge. In short, we were sure that she was pregnant... But…. N-no. As a result, the test was negative, duphaston was canceled on the 33rd day (the doctor allowed it earlier), and two days later my period came. Second cycle, I fell ill with ARVI, I didn’t sense ovulation at all. I gave up on everything. The test - duphaston was cancelled. Period. The doctor prescribed Femibion ​​1, as my immune system is greatly weakened. (p.s. I take L-thyroxine 25 tk TSH increases without it, Dostinex once a week 1/4 due to prolactin, flutamide 1/4 daily due to testosterone). The third and fourth months - I read on the internet that duphaston is needed only after ovulation. In the third month I measured my b.t., when it seemed like I was ovulating, I started duphaston. The doctor really said that b.t. not informative and you need to do tests. I didn’t tell her that I started taking duphaston not on the 14th, but on the 21st. In short, everything is fine. Fourth cycle, I started taking electronic tests. 18,19,20,21 empty circle. I think maybe she won’t and I started taking duphaston at 21 dc. It seems like she has passed 22-23 DC, but I’m not sure. The point is this: I always drank until day 33-35 and these days came on the 2-3rd day of withdrawal. And this time, on the 32nd day, it started to smear pink-brown, then brown. By a little. The doctor said not to stop taking duphaston and drink it. If they intensify, then do a test and if -, cancel. On day 33, strange things began to happen. In the morning my stomach hurt and I started to run. Dark red, clotty. But the pad is dry, and when you go to the toilet, it’s just a thick stream. For the whole day there was only 1 pad and it had a stain, but thick crap poured into the toilet every time I went to the toilet. I took a test and it was... I canceled duphaston. Today is day 4 of the cycle. Every day I wear 1-2 pads, because they are almost clean, but when I go to the toilet, thick dark crap pours out. Why don't they go to the gasket??? I usually change 7-8 pads a day, but here I change 1-2. Why are they all inside and don’t come out normally? This has never happened before. Today is day 4. In the morning there were no longer thick drops over the toilet and the gasket was dry as usual. And finally, after the vacuum cleaner, bright colors like this flowed onto the gasket

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