Delay 5 Days White Discharge Test Negative

Every woman of reproductive age experiences bleeding from the vagina every month. This is a natural process called menstruation. In 3-7 days, the exfoliated endometrium leaves the woman’s uterus, and in its place a new inner layer of mucous begins to grow. After the end of menstruation, a clear or whitish secretion may come out of the vagina until the next cycle, and this is normal. But if discharge like egg white begins to occur instead of menstruation, this is a serious reason to visit the clinic.

In this article we will look at all the reasons that cause a delay in menstruation and white discharge instead of menstrual discharge.

Possible causes of white discharge due to delayed menstruation

In medicine, delayed menstruation is the absence of regular bleeding at the expected time. Moreover, if we are talking about 5–7 days, then this is not a reason for worry, but if critical days do not come after a week, then this is a reason to consult a doctor to clarify the situation, especially if this phenomenon repeats periodically.

A delay of menstruation for more than a week is a reason to consult a doctor to clarify the situation.

Delays are a common occurrence in teenage girls who are just beginning their menstrual cycle, as well as in women in the premenopausal period.

Sometimes a delay in menstruation is accompanied by white vaginal discharge in a woman. And there can be many reasons for this.


If a woman has regular sex life and especially plans to become a mother, then white discharge against the background of a delay can become one of the signs of conception. Their production is promoted by the hormone progesterone: the mucous plug closes the opening of the cervical canal, preventing pathogenic microflora from penetrating the embryo, and the discharge often comes out (in some people, slightly, in others - more abundantly). The white mucus itself has a dense consistency, and its color can vary from translucent to matte.

If white mucous discharge causes discomfort to the expectant mother (just a feeling of phlegm in the absence of itching, burning, or bloody spots), then panty liners will correct the situation.

Of course, having discovered a delay, a woman can always check the fact of pregnancy with a pharmacy test. However, in the very early stages it can sometimes show a false negative result. This is explained by various factors: late ovulation or embryo implantation, kidney pathologies, incorrect testing, etc. In this case, the woman should visit a gynecologist or do a blood test for the hCG hormone in the nearest laboratory.

White discharge against the background of a delay is often one of the signs of pregnancy - a pharmacy test can clarify the situation, although it can show a false negative result in the early stages

In addition, it is worth looking for other early signs of pregnancy (in addition to white discharge): swelling and tenderness of the mammary glands, increased urge to go to the toilet, frequent mood changes, changes in taste preferences, etc.

A visit to a gynecologist or laboratory will help dispel doubts; it is also worth looking for additional symptoms of pregnancy.

Video: discharge in early gestation

Hormonal changes

Sometimes a delay in menstruation, accompanied by white discharge, is an indicator of hormonal changes in the female body. If the lady is already over forty, these may be the first symptoms of approaching menopause.

Each organism is individual: for some, menopause may occur as early as forty years, and for others well after 50. In many respects, the hereditary factor plays a role here - so it is worth asking when similar changes began in the mother or older sister.

In addition to a malfunction in the cycle and the presence of white discharge, the onset of menopause can be guessed by the following symptoms:

  • increased sweating;
  • hot flashes;
  • frequent weakness, fatigue;
  • emotional instability;
  • deterioration of the skin condition (decrease in its elasticity);
  • bone fragility.

The cause of delay and white discharge may be the impending menopause

Hormonal imbalance not related to age

Hormonal changes in the female body are not always associated with menopause. Thus, retention in combination with white discharge can be a symptom of the following pathological conditions:

    Hypothyroidism. This is a decrease in the function of the thyroid gland when its main hormones - thyroxine and triiodothyronine - are not synthesized enough.

The cause of delays and unusual discharge may be a decrease in thyroid function (insufficient production of hormones)

A pituitary tumor disrupts the production of female sex hormones LH and FSH in a normal ratio

These conditions are corrected with the help of hormonal therapy (the drugs are prescribed only by a doctor). As a result, the patient’s hormonal levels normalize - the menstrual cycle returns to normal, and the white discharge no longer bothers her.

Pathologies of the genital organs

Copious white discharge, especially one that has a yellowish tint or an unpleasant odor, is often a sign of a progressive inflammatory disease of the internal genital organs. There may be several options here:

  1. Adnexitis (or salpingoophoritis). This is inflammation of the uterine appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes due to the penetration of a bacterial infection (inflammation of the ovaries in medicine is called oophoritis, and inflammation of the fallopian tubes is salpingitis, but these organs are rarely affected individually due to their close connection). Adnexitis can be unilateral or bilateral, most often affecting sexually active women 20–30 years old. The disease is usually accompanied by delay, high fever (up to 39 ° C), sometimes with chills, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, discomfort during sexual intercourse and urination. It is important to cure such inflammation in time in order to avoid serious problems in the future, including infertility.

The cause of profuse white discharge when delayed may be adnexitis

With polycystic disease, instead of follicle maturation followed by ovulation, many small cysts form in the ovary

With erosion, delays may occur and whitish discharge, sometimes with blood, may be observed.

Oncological formations in the uterus and cervix can also be manifested by delays and white mucus with blood streaks.

Sexual infections

Discharge in the form of white mucus (along with a delay or during a normal cycle) can be observed if a woman has a sexually transmitted infection (fungal, viral or bacterial):

  1. Candidiasis (fungal infection). The white discharge is quite thick, has the consistency of cottage cheese and the smell of sour milk. A woman is bothered by itching (often unbearable) in the vaginal area and labia. The external genitalia often swell and turn red. By the way, thrush often occurs in the early stages of gestation due to a natural decrease in immunity and can periodically remind itself throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  2. Bacterial vaginosis. White discharge has an unpleasant fishy odor and may have a grayish tint; a woman sometimes feels a burning sensation in the vagina.
  3. Ureaplasmosis. White discharge is abundant and cloudy.
  4. Mycoplasmosis. Light clear discharge.
  5. Chlamydia. The discharge may have a yellowish tint mixed with pus and have an unpleasant odor. Sometimes there is pain and itching in the vagina.

White discharge due to delay may occur due to sexually transmitted infection

Many sexually transmitted infections, if not treated sufficiently, become chronic and periodically manifest themselves in the form of relapses.

Diseases and conditions not related to gynecology

In some cases, a woman experiences delays with white discharge (single or regular) due to other reasons not directly related to the gynecological area. The following factors play a role:

    Diabetes. This is a serious disease that disrupts metabolism and negatively affects the functioning of many organs and systems.

Such a serious disease as diabetes mellitus affects many body systems, including reproductive

The cause of white discharge due to delay may well be stress

The cause of the problem may be sudden weight loss, which is stressful for the body.

Nagging pain in the absence of menstruation: possible causes

Almost all causes of pain in the lower abdomen are pathological in nature, so you should not delay a visit to the clinic. For an accurate and correct diagnosis, a woman needs to undergo tests and undergo an examination, which includes a number of procedures performed only in a hospital setting.

Ectopic pregnancy

This is one of the most common reasons causing the absence of menstruation on time. In most cases, a pregnancy test will show a positive result, even if the fertilized egg is stuck in the fallopian tubes, but sometimes this diagnostic method turns out to be inaccurate, and only one strip appears on the surface of the test zone.

Types of ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy is a dangerous phenomenon that can lead to rupture of the fallopian tubes at any stage and severe internal bleeding. To prevent the consequences of the pathology from leading to death, it is important to know the warning signs and symptoms. These include:

  • pulling or stabbing pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • temperature increase;
  • nausea, possible single vomiting;
  • lack of appetite;
  • cold sweat.

All these symptoms require immediate medical attention. Any delay can cause a pipe rupture and the death of a woman (if she is not provided with the necessary assistance in time).

Endometrial pathologies

Endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa - often causes absence of menstruation, which is replaced by prolonged and heavy bleeding. The same clinical picture is characteristic of endometrial hyperplasia, a pathology that leads to excessive growth of epithelial tissue and thickening of the endometrium. Both pathologies are caused by hormonal disorders, so treatment consists of taking oral contraceptives (Yarina, Zhanin, Diane-35) and normalizing nutrition, which helps maintain the synthesis of female sex hormones. Bleeding is stopped using diagnostic curettage.

Hyperplasia and normal endometrium

The woman will also need special nutrition with a high iron content, which is actively lost during prolonged bleeding. To prevent anemia, you need to eat more veal, legumes, buckwheat dishes, and apples. Pomegranate and apple juice, as well as rosehip decoction, are useful.

Important! Using hematogen as a source of iron is only permissible if you are of normal weight. This product is contraindicated for women with carbohydrate metabolism disorders and excess body weight.

Sexual infections

The most common female problem is thrush. This disease is caused by yeast fungi of the genus Candida, so the medical name for thrush is candidiasis. The growth of pathogenic flora is facilitated by changes in the acidity of the vaginal environment and the death of lactic acid bacteria, which maintain an optimal balance of microorganisms on the surface of the mucous membranes of the genital organs. A common cause of this disease is poor hygiene and the use of care products that are not suitable for intimate hygiene. Frequent washing and douching also dry out the vaginal mucosa, creating favorable conditions for the growth of fungus.

Any sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis) are accompanied by additional symptoms, so it is quite easy to suspect their presence.

Symptoms of gonorrhea in women

Symptoms of sexually transmitted infections

SignConsistency of dischargeDischarge colorSmellPainful sensations
CandidiasisCurdled, possible inclusions and lumpsWhite, creamMay be absent, but more often there is a sharp sour milk smell (reminiscent of spoiled kefir)Burning and itching in the perineum, vagina or anus, nagging pain in the lower abdomen
Gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasisThickGreen, yellow, brownPutrid, “fishy”, pronouncedCravings when emptying the bladder, pulling sensations in the lumbar region
Viral infections

Sexual infections must be treated immediately. If the disease becomes chronic, complications cannot be avoided.

Inflammation of the appendages

Inflammation of the appendages in women

At the initial stage, inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes and appendages (adnexitis) are accompanied by slight nagging pain in the lateral part of the lower abdomen. As the pathology progresses, the intensity of the pain increases and it becomes acute and stabbing in nature. It is difficult to stop such sensations on your own, since this requires eliminating the cause, that is, getting rid of inflammation.

The delay with adnexitis can range from 3 to 7 days. By the end of this period, the pain becomes almost unbearable and reduces motor activity, so the woman requires qualified assistance in a gynecological hospital.

Important! Incorrect or insufficient treatment of adnexitis in 50% of cases ends in infertility and disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive organs.


Sometimes a slight delay in menstruation and nagging pain may be the first signs of inflammation of the appendix. When the catarrhal stage ends, the pain becomes diffuse and intense. You can distinguish appendicitis by its characteristic position: the woman tries to lie on her left side and pulls her knees towards her stomach.

The absence of menstruation on time can be a completely harmless phenomenon that goes away after all provoking factors are eliminated. But if the delay is accompanied by pain, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Effective treatment of any gynecological diseases is possible only in the initial stages, so any delay in this matter is unacceptable.

Rotten egg smellMild itching may occur

Methods for diagnosing the problem

If your period is late and is accompanied by unusual white discharge, the first thing a woman should do is take a home pregnancy test. If the result is positive, you need to go to a gynecologist to confirm the fact of pregnancy and register.

You should also see a doctor if the test is negative: it is possible that pregnancy is still developing (an ectopic pregnancy is not excluded). If not, the doctor will prescribe the necessary examinations and tests to clarify the cause of the delay.

For example, candidiasis can be determined during a routine examination in a chair: the walls of the vagina will be shrouded in cheesy white mucus. You can also visually diagnose cervical erosion.

Thrush or erosion can be determined after a routine examination in a chair

In any case, the gynecologist will take a standard smear for microflora (or cytological): he will determine the number of leukocytes to determine whether there is an inflammatory process. If there are signs of sexually transmitted infections (mycoplasma, chlamydia, etc.), an appropriate study will be needed - PCR analysis.

A cytological smear will determine the presence of an inflammatory process (by the number of leukocytes in the vaginal mucus)

If there is a suspicion of inflammation of the internal reproductive organs (adnexitis), polycystic disease or cancer, the doctor will send the patient for an ultrasound. In non-pregnant women, the transvaginal method is usually used.

Inflammation of the internal genital organs, neoplasm or polycystic disease will be determined by ultrasound examination

I’m 7 days late, before my periods were always on time, I’m 21 years old, I have a baby, the tests are negative, I’m very afraid, I’ve read everything and I’m afraid that the pregnancy is ectopic, I have mild aching pain below the abdomen... Tell me, what is this? And there is still white discharge...

May 26, 2014

Gritsko Marta Igorevna answers:

Ultrasound diagnostician, obstetrician-gynecologist of the second category, Ph.D.

I advise you to first undergo an ultrasound scan of the pelvic organs; it is impossible to draw conclusions virtually.

If you suspect hormonal problems, you will need a blood test for female sex hormones, as well as thyroid hormones. In such a situation, it is better to be observed by a gynecologist-endocrinologist. You may need an adrenal ultrasound, MRI, or CT scan of the brain (to detect a pituitary tumor).

If a hormonal imbalance is suspected, the gynecologist will prescribe a blood test for hormones; you may need to consult an endocrinologist

Reviews from women

It is interesting that on Internet forums women talk about white discharge due to a delay only in connection with pregnancy. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the topic of various signs of conception is one of the most relevant. And when we talk about other cases of white discharge (due to pathology, infection, hormonal imbalance), the issue of the presence or absence of a delay is simply not emphasized (pregnancy is simply not planned, and the woman does not wait with trepidation for the absence of menstruation).

But I started having this kind of discharge just during pregnancy. Gradually, they changed from thick white to watery white. The term is now 20 weeks.

Anna 83

I can say specifically about myself. For me, white thick discharge is a sign of the second phase and active production of progesterone. But before my period they become thinner and a day or two before my period I have thin discharge. And during the pregnant cycle, the white thick discharge continued or it was dry. For me, this was a sign of pregnancy: my period was almost due, but the discharge did not become thinner. Although the test initially had one line, on the day of the delay it became streaky.


When I'm late, I have a lot of creamy, white discharge, which means I'm pregnant.


Many women are afraid of white discharge due to a delay in menstruation. Meanwhile, this may be one of the signs of pregnancy. In some situations, this phenomenon indicates an ongoing disease, sometimes quite serious. In any case, you need to contact a gynecologist to clarify your condition.

Causes of delayed menstruation accompanied by white discharge

Vaginal discharge is a natural process in which the genitals are cleansed of mucus, bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. Normally, discharge accompanies a woman throughout the menstrual cycle. Depending on the phase, their intensity and character may change. Leucorrhoea - as the discharge is commonly called - has a transparent color, a faint sour odor and a liquid consistency.

The most likely causes of leucorrhoea instead of menstruation:

  1. Pregnancy. The appearance of a white, thick liquid instead of menstruation may indicate conception has occurred. The secretion released from the vagina protects the uterus from the penetration of germs and bacteria. If the delay in menstruation lasts a week or more, it is necessary to test for the presence of hCG in the urine or blood and consult a gynecologist.
  2. Stress. Nervousness, short temper, excessive fatigue at work and chronic lack of sleep can cause disruption of the menstrual cycle. In this case, the delay continues for 5 or more days.
  3. Diseases of the genitourinary system. Thrush, bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, erosion, endometriosis and other diseases can cause delay. At the same time, the nature and abundance of discharge changes, itching, burning and pain in the abdominal area are often observed.
  4. Hormonal disbalance. When the production of hormones is abnormal, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and profuse mucous discharge from the genital tract appears.
  5. Climate influence. Hypothermia or sudden changes in weather conditions often provoke a delay in the onset of menstruation for a period of 5 days.
  6. Taking antibiotics. Antimicrobial drugs act on both pathogenic and normal microflora. As a result, while taking pills, dysbiosis may develop, which contributes to the appearance of cheesy discharge. When taking antibiotics, there is often a delay.

Non-pathological factors

Pregnancy is a common cause of delayed menstruation, accompanied by the discharge of white clear fluid from the genital tract. Such discharge is not a pathology - a plug forms at the exit of the cervix, rejecting mucus to prevent pathogens from entering. In addition to a delay in menstruation, the following symptoms may indicate pregnancy:

  • dizziness and nausea;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • excessive irritability and tearfulness;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands.

In addition to pregnancy, non-pathological factors include stress and sudden climate change. In the first case, the body requires healthy sleep and proper rest, in the second - several days of acclimatization. In both cases, menstruation will begin on its own without medication.

Pathological processes

Hormonal imbalance, chronic and acute inflammatory processes in the uterus, genital infections are pathological causes of delayed menstruation that need to be eliminated. Without proper treatment, the delay will be repeated from cycle to cycle, which can lead to serious problems in women's health, weight gain and infertility.

If your cycle is delayed for 5 days or more, accompanied by copious white discharge, or itching or burning of the genitals, you must urgently make an appointment with a doctor. Such discharge does not go away on its own and requires mandatory treatment. If there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, it is advisable to call an ambulance.

Why does the lower abdomen feel tight?

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen with negative test results may indicate problems with the course of an undetermined pregnancy, or the presence of health problems in the absence of pregnancy.

The lower abdomen pulls in the following cases:

Ectopic pregnancy . A pathological process in which fertilization did not occur in the uterus. This situation is especially dangerous not only for a woman’s health, but also for her life. Lack of timely medical intervention can lead to severe bleeding.

Risk of miscarriage . Nagging pain may indicate a threat of miscarriage. The period up to 12 weeks is the most critical , therefore, with a delay of 5 days, the risk of losing the child under the influence of negative factors is quite high.

Approaching menstruation . A delay of 5 days is normal and may result in a late period. A similar situation sometimes occurs in almost every woman and is caused by many factors: climate change, stress, illness, surgery, taking contraceptives, etc.

Infections and inflammatory processes . The cause of nagging pain with a delay and a negative test can be thrush, endometriosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc. Often, such diseases are additionally accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, pain and pain when urinating, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Cysts . The presence of cysts often leads to unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen and menstrual irregularities.

Symptoms that may accompany a missed period with white discharge

Delayed menstruation and white discharge are not always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Normally, a delay in the onset of a cycle of up to 3 days is not considered a pathology, and the presence of leucorrhoea may indicate the imminent approach of menstruation. During pregnancy, mucous discharge from the genital tract has a thick consistency, white color and a slightly sour odor.

In case of infection or inflammation in the uterus, the patient may complain of the following symptoms:

  • the discharge is gray-green or yellow;
  • consistency – thick, curdled;
  • there is an unpleasant smell of rotten fish;
  • the discharge contains impurities of pus;
  • there is a burning sensation in the vagina;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • copious discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • lower back pain;
  • pulls in the lower abdomen.

If you have one or more of the symptoms listed above, immediate treatment is necessary. Only a doctor can prescribe therapy, having in hand the results of the examination and tests.

Gastrointestinal pathologies

When a woman has a tightening in her lower abdomen, as during menstruation and the delay is 1-2 days, this may confirm damage to the gastrointestinal tract. These may be pathological processes such as colitis, appendicitis, hernia, or the formation of adhesions. To make an accurate diagnosis, you must immediately contact a medical facility.

The diseases listed above may also be accompanied by additional symptoms, such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fever and pain in the lumbar region.

Diagnostic methods for making a diagnosis

For treatment to bring results, one examination in a gynecological chair is not enough. First of all, it is necessary to exclude or confirm the fact of pregnancy - for this you need to donate blood for hCG. If, when your period is late, the test is negative and white discharge bothers you, you need to look for another reason.

A microflora smear is the most common diagnostic method that allows you to assess the presence of beneficial and harmful microorganisms in the genital tract. It can help confirm thrush, bacterial vaginosis, gonorrhea or trichomoniasis - the causes of thick white vaginal discharge.

In addition to the flora smear, the doctor prescribes other examinations for the patient:

  • smear for cytology - to detect erosion or the presence of atypical cells that can lead to cervical cancer;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs - allows you to detect endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome, which may cause menstrual irregularities;
  • scraping for urogenital sexually transmitted infections - chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma;
  • blood to determine hormonal levels.

What to do?

The doctor first determines why the violations occurred. To do this, he examines the patient in a gynecological chair, takes a smear, sends her for an ultrasound and a general blood and urine test. Based on the results of examination and laboratory tests, a diagnosis is made. To treat infectious diseases, antibacterial therapy and means to maintain immunity are prescribed. Tumors, intestinal obstruction, and cysts often require surgical intervention.

Self-medication for gynecological or urological problems is unacceptable. At best, it will be useless, at worst, the woman will cause irreparable harm to her health.

Source of the article:

Treatment tactics depending on the cause

Any gynecological diseases - polycystic disease, cervicitis, adnexitis, erosion - are successfully treated at any stage of development. There is no reason to panic or worry. After receiving the examination results, the doctor will prescribe competent treatment, after which the menstrual cycle will return to normal.

Thrush, gonorrhea or vaginosis can be treated at home with antibacterial and antimicrobial medications. The treatment regimen and pill intake are prescribed by the doctor; self-medication is prohibited. In the case of erosion, cervicitis and other serious diseases, treatment tactics depend on the severity and duration of the disease. In exceptional cases, surgical techniques are used, most of which are harmless and safe for the patient.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent gynecological diseases that can lead to cycle disruption and the appearance of leucorrhoea, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules:

  • try to wear underwear made from natural materials;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • for washing, use intimate products or herbal decoctions;
  • do not overuse antibiotic treatment;
  • avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • spend more time outdoors;
  • toughen up, strengthen your immune system;
  • take vitamin complexes for women's health;
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.

We do the test twice

To find out the reasons for white discharge due to a delay in menstruation, you need to correctly calculate the days of the delay. For a girl of reproductive age, the menstrual cycle is 26-32 days. It is necessary to count from the first day of menstruation.

Doctors consider a delay that lasts more than 5 days.

If you have calculated according to your calendar and are absolutely sure that there have been no periods for more than 5 days, then:

  1. Do not panic. In any case, everything has already happened, be it pregnancy or something else. You need to calmly react to all news and think adequately.
  2. Watch your body or remember what kind of discharge you had at that time. It is very important that they are not dark brown. This may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. To clarify the situation, buy a pregnancy test. By the way, this can be done already on the third day of the delay or even earlier. Whether the result is negative or positive, you can repeat it every other day just in case.
  4. If both times the test showed that you are not pregnant, think about what was unusual in your life in the last month. You may have taken hormonal medications, traveled to another country, or experienced severe stress. All these factors can cause a delay.

Even if you are 3 days late and have white discharge, you can safely go for a consultation with a gynecologist. It doesn't matter whether you are pregnant or not. Discharge of this nature is a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the body. And in the worst case scenario, the disease you have can negatively affect the formation of the fetus.

Can pregnancy occur with a negative test?

Negative pregnancy test results are not always reliable. There are often situations when tests produce a false negative result . This may happen for the following reasons:

Testing too early . A five-day delay is not always accompanied by the presence of a sufficient level of hCG (pregnancy hormone) in the urine, even after fertilization has occurred. Much depends on what period of the cycle conception occurred. In one case, tests show the woman a positive result even before the delay; in another, they may not show the second strip even on the 5th day of the delay.

Dilute urine . Doctors recommend taking pregnancy tests in the morning after sleep . It is at this time that the urine is most concentrated and the level of the hormone in it reaches the required amount. A test performed with a slight delay in the evening may show a false negative result, especially if the woman drank a large amount of liquid before the test.

Violations when using the test . Each pregnancy test is supplied with instructions, which detail the conditions for the procedure and the rules for determining the results. Failure to follow instructions may result in receiving inaccurate data.

Defective test . Products purchased by women do not always meet the required standards. A false negative result may be caused by poor test quality . It is recommended to buy products from trusted manufacturers in pharmacies.

Pathological pregnancy . Often the test gives a false result to a pregnant woman who is experiencing pathological processes with the fetus . This may be caused by the presence of a dead fetus in the uterus, the threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and other unfavorable reasons. In these situations, additional symptoms may be observed - nagging pain, discharge, etc.

From pregnancy to stress

The most common reasons why there is a delay in menstruation and white discharge:

  1. Pregnancy. Even if a woman did not plan a child, do not be upset. At a minimum, pregnancy is better than illness. And in the future you will only be glad of your delay. Leucorrhoea appears as a defense mechanism of the body. This way the uterus creates an environment into which it will be difficult for various sexually transmitted infections to penetrate. Discharge of this nature closes the cervical canal, and the infection does not penetrate the genitals through the vertical passages. Of course, a sign of pregnancy such as leucorrhoea may not be the most striking during this period. A woman usually notices in the early stages that her breasts have become enlarged, she has lost her appetite, and frequent mood changes occur. But many women attribute all these signs to premenstrual symptoms. That is why, after the fifth day of delay, it is necessary to do a test or donate blood for analysis, which will determine whether the girl is pregnant and how long she is pregnant. With this information, you already need to go to the doctor to find out how harmless the discharge is. To do this, swabs of the woman's flora will be taken for analysis.
  2. Thrush. If the white discharge has a curd-like character, a sour smell, and at the same time you feel discomfort in the genital area in the form of burning and itching, this is an inflammatory disease caused by the Candida fungus. This disease can also manifest itself against the background of pregnancy or simply against the background of a delay. Thus, the absence of menstruation itself and leucorrhoea may not be related to each other.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. This is how diseases of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and ovaries can manifest themselves. Also, the cause of such disorders may be a decrease in the functional activity of the ovaries against the background of increased production of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. Disturbances can occur in any of the organs, but the symptoms occur through the genitals. Here it is important to carefully study the woman’s chart, find out what other diseases she has and, if necessary, prescribe a full examination.
  4. Other gynecological diseases. In order to determine their nature, they can prescribe not only smears, but also urine, blood tests and even ultrasound. There are cases when such discharge indicates inflammation of the uterine appendages. Because of this, the process of maturation and release of the egg is disrupted, which leads to a delay in menstruation, and leucorrhoea appears due to the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. Another option is polycystic ovary syndrome, when a woman’s body produces male hormones in excess of normal.
  5. Emotional stress. For a woman, this moment is very important and the release of hormones that occurs at a time of stress can change a lot in physiological processes. This includes problems at work or in the family, overstrain, and severe mental stress. Usually in this case no treatment is required, the main thing is to ensure proper rest, and then everything will work out in the gynecological field.

Features of the female body

The absence of menstrual flow, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, can also be caused by the following factors:

  • during prolonged use of antibacterial drugs;
  • as a result of menopause, which occurs in every female body at a certain period of time;
  • as a result of taking medications intended for emergency contraception;
  • during the period of adaptation to a new oral contraceptive or as a result of its cancellation;
  • after curettage or as a result of the development of various kinds of complications after forced or natural termination of pregnancy;
  • during treatment of cervical erosion;
  • after hysteroscopy or colonoscopy.

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Worm eggs on the butt photo

A disruption in the menstrual cycle, which is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, may also confirm developing problems with the endocrine system.

Among other things, various chronic diseases can lead to a delay in menstruation. That is why it is best not to ignore these types of signs and not to put off visiting a doctor. Since only timely diagnosis and effective treatment will help to avoid the development of serious pathological processes and complications that can lead not only to health problems, but also death.

A timely and qualified examination, as well as a correct diagnosis as a result of diagnostic procedures prescribed by a specialist, and effective treatment will allow you to maintain health and get rid of the disease without any consequences.

general information

We are talking about the delay of “critical days” only when they do not arrive within a period of 5 to 10 days. Some young ladies experience this symptom every month. Other women encounter white discharge very rarely and begin to panic against this background.

This symptom often signals the presence of physiological changes in the body. In addition, the appearance of white discharge often indicates that some pathological process is developing in a woman’s body.

Main provoking factors

If menstruation is delayed by 2-4 days, there is no need to panic. This is often not a pathology. The fact that the menstrual cycle is disrupted by 5-7 days is not considered a serious deviation from the norm. If there is no discomfort in the lower abdomen, there is no serious cause for concern. Unfortunately, the appearance of white discharge almost always indicates the occurrence of an abnormal process. Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of this symptom.

Conceiving a child

Sometimes white discharge when menstruation is late indicates pregnancy. The whitish mucus has a dense consistency. It may appear early in pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the body protects the uterus from infections and other unwanted “guests”.

Confirming or denying the fact of conception is quite simple. To do this, a woman must purchase a test and take its results to the gynecological office. If the test result is positive, the doctor registers his patient. When the result is negative, the woman is advised to take a blood test for hCG. It is considered more reliable than the home jet test.

If the test is negative

When the test carried out a second time shows a negative result, it is most often a hormonal disorder. To clarify the cause, the doctor may also prescribe the patient to undergo a test for the hCG hormone.

Typically, the appearance of whitish mucus when menstrual flow is late is explained by physiological factors. The risk group includes workaholic women. This applies to both mental and physical labor. This symptom can be observed in girls who adhere to a strict diet. Very often ladies involved in the modeling business turn to the doctor with complaints of whitish discharge.

Another provocateur for the appearance of leucorrhoea is age. As a woman ages, she undergoes various changes. In this case, your period may be late by a day or two.

Progression of gynecological pathologies

This symptom is often observed as the disease progresses:

  • adnexitis;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

In this case, the woman may complain of pain in the lower abdomen. His character is nagging, aching. Often the pain is combined with moderate or severe itching of the genitals. Clarifying the diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment is possible only after examining smears for flora. The woman is also required to have her blood and urine tested. The doctor will additionally prescribe an ultrasound scan.

Young ladies are often diagnosed with adnexitis, characterized by the presence of inflammation in the uterine appendages. Against this background, there is a disruption in the process of ripening and release of the egg. The appearance of whitish mucus is due to the activation of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, impaired functioning of the ovaries is often caused by polycystic disease. At the same time, there is an increased production of male hormones in the body. Against this background, the normal course of all important metabolic processes is significantly hampered.

Disturbed hormonal levels

Against the background of impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland and adrenal glands, hormonal levels often become disrupted. This contributes to the development of a variety of pathologies. Most often, specific symptoms are caused by the development of hypothyroidism. This pathology is characterized by a decrease in the activity of thyroid hormones: triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

Increased formation of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones contributes to a decrease in the functional activity of the ovaries. This is typical for women who have been diagnosed with active pituitary tumors. The appearance of such tumors contributes to increased production of pituitary hormones. They, in turn, inhibit the activity of estrogens and gestagens.

To normalize hormonal levels, the doctor usually prescribes hormonal medications to the patient. Taking them helps replenish insufficient amounts of hormones.

Development of infectious pathologies

The presence of whitish mucus is often caused by the following diseases:

  • chlamydia;
  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • candidiasis.

The most common diagnosis is candidiasis or thrush. This pathology often attacks a woman after pregnancy. The phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the 1st trimester the pelvic organs quickly fill with blood. These days there is an increased secretion of secretions from the vagina, and it is an excellent breeding ground for yeast fungi. Against this background, candidiasis develops. This pathology must be treated immediately, in the first trimester.

If the thrush remains not completely cured, then infection of the fetus may occur in the 2-3 trimester.

In some cases, symptoms of the disease are observed in the 2nd trimester. Against this background, during birth, multiple ruptures of the tissues of the birth canal may occur.

Candidiasis manifests itself as a white, curd-like discharge. They may have a faint or strong smell of sour milk. At the same time, the woman is bothered by itching in the intimate area.

Bacterial vaginosis develops when the activity of the Gardnerella microorganism increases. The white discharge in this case has the smell of rotten fish. Possible itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia. However, often, apart from liquid white or grayish discharge, nothing bothers the woman.

Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases. It often has an asymptomatic course or a blurred clinical picture. Discharge from chlamydia is whitish mucous or yellowish with impurities of pus, and has an unpleasant odor. In addition, pain and itching in the intimate area and intermenstrual bleeding are possible.

Other provoking factors

The functioning of the female body is closely related to the emotional sphere. Women who are constantly in a stressful situation often complain that their menstrual cycle is disrupted and at the same time there is a strong pull in the lower abdomen. Against this background, specific whitish discharge often appears. But you shouldn’t worry too much about this. These are temporary changes that will disappear immediately after the body recovers. Only proper rest can help a woman in such a situation.

A 2-day delay in menstruation may be due to climate change. The body is under severe stress and puts all its energy into rebuilding itself. A similar picture is possible during acute respiratory viral infections, colds, and also while taking antibiotics.

Women using oral contraceptives experience a discharge similar to egg white. Sometimes periods are delayed for a long time. This condition is defined in medicine as ovarian hyperinhibition.

If your period is constantly late by 5 days or more, we may be talking about the onset of menopause or diabetes. In the latter case, a metabolic disorder occurs in the body, which also affects the regularity of menstruation.

Was it worth visiting a gynecologist if nothing hurt?

If, with a delay of 5 days and a negative test result, a woman has no complaints, there is no need to immediately contact specialists. A five-day delay is acceptable , since it can occur under the influence of various external factors in any healthy woman.

If your period does not come within the next few days, it is recommended to take a second test , which may be positive. If menstruation continues to be absent and the test shows negative results, you should consult a doctor.

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