I was going to a water park and my period started, what should I do?

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Published: 10/23/2020

Reading time: 10 min



  • Is it possible to swim with a tampon during menstruation? Pros and cons of swimming with tampons
  • What happens in the water?
  • Risks and precautions during menstruation
  • Where to swim
  • In what cases is bathing completely excluded during menstruation?
  • How to behave
  • The beneficial effects of bathing
  • Rules for visiting the pool
  • Tampons
      Rules for using a tampon while swimming
  • How to choose tampons
  • When tampons are not recommended
  • What happens to the tampon?
  • Is there an alternative
  • Choosing a swimsuit
  • How to delay your period?
      Hormonal drugs
  • Traditional methods
  • How to speed up your periods?
      Traditional methods
  • Medication methods
  • Useful tips
  • What will gynecologists say?
  • Women's opinion
  • Video
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    At what water temperature can children swim?

    This question is asked by most parents who want their child to be strong and healthy. Children in open water only after reaching three years of age at a water temperature of at least 25°C. Before letting the child go into the pond, he must first be wiped with water. You need to start with two or three minutes of being in the water, but no more, so that the child does not freeze.

    Swimming, according to pediatricians, reduces the risk of developing childhood diseases by almost three times. The water temperature for older children should be at least 24°C. It is necessary to monitor your children so that they do not sit in the water for hours, because even when freezing, they are reluctant to leave the pond. Let them play on the shore, and only then let them back into the water.

    You can swim with a tampon for no more than 20 minutes. However, this is enough not to give up your favorite activity because of your period. With the advent of these hygiene products, women's lives have become much easier. The tampon does not hinder movement, does not stand out against the background of adjacent clothing, and allows you to swim. It is the latter property that is most attractive to women. Even those who don’t use tampons all the time decide to experiment at the height of summer. How to swim with a tampon for your own pleasure, without harm to health or an incident?

    Under the influence of liquid, tampons increase in size, so there is a time limit - no more than 20 minutes. This time interval is indicated by tampon manufacturers. As practice shows, you can swim with a tampon for 2 hours or more if your period is just beginning or ending. However, to avoid an unpleasant situation, you should periodically get out of the water and check the tampon for leaks. The rules for using tampons are more than simple:

    • It is necessary to buy bathing tampons with high absorbency. Even if the discharge is insignificant. This way you can protect yourself from leakage and extend your bathing time.
    • The tampon must be inserted immediately before immersion in water. Change to a new tampon after swimming.
    • You can swim with a tampon if the bleeding is light. It is advisable not to do this in the middle of your period. If they last 5 days, it is recommended to abstain on the 3rd. But the number of discharges is of greater importance. If your menstruation is scanty, you can swim with a tampon any day.

    Theoretically, everything is clear. There is nothing difficult about using tampons. But many women are concerned not so much with the issue of hygiene as with safety.

    How to choose a tampon for swimming in the pool

    There are no generally accepted rules for selecting a tampon. A woman will never be able to guess whether this remedy will suit her. Only personal experience will show whether the choice was correct.

    If you have previously had experience using tampons, there should be no problems with the choice.

    Beginners are advised to take the smallest sizes; virgins should be very careful in their choice so as not to accidentally disrupt the body’s natural defenses and avoid pain.

    The designations on the packages are marked by the number of droplets; the best option for those who are buying tampons for the first time would be the smallest designation.

    For water procedures, it is not recommended to purchase tampons with a low level of absorption, but if the characteristics of the body do not allow the use of bulk products, you need to take several pieces into the pool and try to change them at least once every 10-15 minutes.

    It is better to choose a model from proven brands.

    There are several types of tampons:

    • with applicator;
    • without applicator;
    • smooth;
    • embossed.

    An applicator is a device that helps to correctly guide and position a tampon; it is better to stock up on just such models for the pool. Convenient design allows for quick replacement.

    It is advisable to pay attention to the surface of the model, although manufacturers claim that the products completely protect against leakage - this is not the case. The smooth surface of the model can easily slip out during physical activity, so the embossed one is most preferable for attending training sessions.

    The main principle of using tampons is the individual characteristics of the body; sometimes this method of protection is categorically not suitable, causing discomfort, pain or even vomiting.

    To avoid being caught off guard, you should test your tolerance before going to the pool while on your period. This can be easily done at home: after installing the tampon in the vagina, immerse yourself in a bath of water; it is enough to stay there for 10-15 minutes.

    Before going to the pool with your period, you need to check the tolerance of protective equipment using the bath

    If nausea or discomfort occurs, this type of protection is not suitable. You shouldn’t think that everything will go away on its own; the body refuses to accept a foreign body, so you need to choose another method.

    Menstrual guard

    If the use of tampons is not encouraging, or there are negative reactions to these products, you can try using a special mouthguard.

    This device has proven to have excellent antiallergic properties.

    They are especially convenient if you go to the pool on the 2-3rd day of your period; they can also be used in everyday life.

    In appearance, the mouthguard resembles a bowl; it does not absorb secretions, but collects them in a vessel. Blood collects in it and is held inside, thanks to the retention by muscles and vacuum, it quietly and comfortably protects against leaks on critical days.

    Ease of use is highly valued by women leading an active lifestyle. The menstrual cup does not require constant checking; it must be emptied 1-2 times a day. In the pool with it there will be no problem of constant replacement, as with tampons.

    Silicone mouthguard is an excellent means of preventing leakage during menstruation

    All mouth guards are made from silicone; medical institutes have developed very comfortable models, the only disadvantage of which is the high price.

    The cost of the cup varies from one to several thousand rubles, but the purchase is reusable, so within a year or two there will be clear savings on pads and tampons, since at least 10 packages of them are purchased per year.

    A distinctive feature of the menstrual mouthguard is its versatility. You can start using it a few days before the start of your period, so there will be no problems with unexpected leaks in the pool.

    When moving and walking, the cup does not cause discomfort, and also allows you to maintain the usual microflora of the vagina.

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    The trip is not for the weak: how to travel on your period

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    We warn you right away - this article is not for men. Firstly, these tips are unlikely to be useful to you. Secondly, such scary words as “pads”, “tampon” and even “menstrual cup” are mentioned here. Guys, don't open this topic. You are young, masculine, everything is easy for you.

    Now that there are no men left, we can talk seriously. Traveling while on your period sucks, no matter how you look at it. But if you approach the matter wisely, you can bring this suckiness to the level of “okay, you can live.” And returning tickets because of some monthly thing is the path of weaklings.

    Consider the possibility of skipping or “postponing” your period

    The Internet will tell you a variety of ways to do this: from a hot bath to eating a lemon. So, DO NOT USE THEM. A safe and relatively easy way to postpone your period is with birth control.

    Important: this requires planning a couple of months before the trip and consulting a gynecologist. Research shows that this does not harm the body, but it can cause acne - this is also worth considering.

    Research the availability of hygiene products in your destination country

    In some Asian countries, tampons can be difficult to find. In Europe they are often sold without applicators, which means additional complications when using them. Finding hygiene products will be even more difficult in the countries of the Middle East - if you go there, be sure to bring a supply with you.

    Regular tampons or pads

    Menstruation itself brings enough stress and discomfort. In such conditions, the last thing you want is to stand in a supermarket or pharmacy and try to guess how convenient and reliable this or that brand will be. So if you're traveling somewhere for less than a month, it's easier to pack a handy supply.

    Life-Saving Medicines

    If the only thing that keeps you from dying in the first two days of your period is a proven pain reliever, take it with you. Especially if it is something more powerful than analgin. Otherwise, you will need a prescription to purchase, and these are unnecessary gestures.

    Another life-saving item that should be given a place in the first aid kit is warming patches. They replace a water bottle and make lying in bed much more pleasant and easier.

    Comfortable clothes

    You can certainly believe the hype and wear white skinny jeans while on your period. But is the risk really worth it? No one will judge you for wearing sweatpants, and moving around in them will be easier and more comfortable.

    The same goes for comfortable underwear - Bridget Jones was condemned for “granny panties”, but during your period, wear whatever will help you get through to the next day with maximum comfort (and not during your period either, it’s 2021 after all).

    Pack a small emergency kit

    A small makeup bag can hold extra pads or tampons, wet wipes, an extra pair of underwear, and a ziplock bag. This set will fit in your bag and will ease the paranoia associated with the fear of “leakage”.

    Skip tampons if you have a long commute ahead of you.

    There is such a thing as toxic shock syndrome (TSS). It can be caused by using a tampon for too long. Leaving a tampon on for more than eight hours won't always cause toxic shock, but it can include nausea, dizziness, weakness, and sometimes death, so it's not worth the risk.

    If you're traveling for more than eight hours and don't know if you'll be able to change your tampon, it's best to temporarily switch to pads or a menstrual cup. Yes, we know that there are an incredible amount of stereotypes associated with it, but in fact it is a fairly convenient and reliable way to not worry about leaks and TSS for at least 12 hours.

    Wet hugs with surfers: Munich for girls

    Use alternative ways to relieve discomfort

    An affordable way to relieve pain is CBD or cannabidiol. This is one of the cannabinoids that does not have psychoactive properties, but it perfectly relieves inflammation, tension and spasms. In Holland it can be bought at pharmacies, in the USA - in recreational marijuana stores.

    Don't try to bring CBD home. It is not officially banned in the Russian Federation, but there are cases of criminal cases being initiated for transporting it across the border. So we don't recommend taking risks.

    Tips for visiting the pool on critical days

    When asked whether it is possible to swim in a pool while having your period, any doctor will answer that such actions are extremely undesirable. This is due to the following reasons:

    • the cervix is ​​open and very vulnerable;
    • in blood secretions, pathogenic microorganisms multiply much faster, there is a risk of the onset of an inflammatory process;
    • the water is excessively saturated with chlorine, which negatively affects the mucous membranes of the genitals.

    As a rule, gynecologists clarify the reasons that prompt women to undergo such water procedures. It is noted that such exercises help relieve the pain syndrome characteristic of this period. Therefore, women suffering from cramping abdominal pain during menstruation should treat bathing as a therapeutic measure.

    To relieve pain, many women prefer to take a bath on menstruation days. However, experts do not recommend such events, especially in the first days of regulation.

    By visiting the pool during menstruation, it is possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but the risk of infection does not disappear. If there is inflammation and irritation, it is better to resort to drug therapy and temporarily abandon water procedures.

    There are a number of additional recommendations:

    1. You can swim in the pool during menstruation only if the pain syndrome is not accompanied by nausea and severe malaise.
    2. Water procedures are unacceptable if there is a history of inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases.
    3. You should avoid taking hot baths, which can cause uterine bleeding.

    Not every woman knows how to bathe during her period so that water procedures are enjoyable and as safe as possible. There are a number of recommendations that you need to study before going to the pool:

    • use comfortable protective equipment that does not cause discomfort;
    • remove tampons immediately after swimming. The products are saturated with chlorine and moisture, due to which they can cause irritation;
    • do not go to the pool with sanitary pads instead of tampons;
    • purchase a dark-colored swimsuit so that if there is a leak, stains will not be noticeable;
    • After getting out of the water, go to the shower.

    If there is a steam room in the pool, then it is better to refuse it, especially at the beginning of the regime. You can read more detailed rules for visiting the sauna during menstruation in a separate article on our website.

    Critical days often unsettle women and force them to change their plans. Even a regular trip to a water park or swimming pool has to be postponed until the end of menstruation. In fact, water treatments are not always harmful during this period. With their help, it is possible to reduce pain and relieve cramps characteristic of menstruation

    The main thing is to treat such physical activity with caution and observe the rules of personal hygiene.

    Opinion of gynecologists

    Experts do not recommend taking water procedures during menstruation because:

    1. The cervix during this period resembles an open wound; any infection easily penetrates the reproductive system of the female body, and the tampon does not protect against the entry of bacteria along with moisture.
    2. Bacteria in water that are dangerous to women's health, when combined with menstrual microflora in the vagina, can easily cause inflammation.
    3. Chlorine in the pool irritates the endometrium, which is vulnerable during menstruation.

    And yet, not a single gynecologist categorically prohibits swimming during menstruation. And if menstruation is especially painful, they even advise swimming, as it relieves pain, cramps and relaxes muscles.

    Positive qualities of a tampon

    In modern times, there are many products that girls use during menstruation. The menstrual cycle has its own characteristics and calculations, so its plans often do not coincide with ours

    During your period, you want to live like normal days and not pay attention to the discomfort. Therefore, the choice of hygiene products should be taken seriously.

    You need to choose exactly what will not cause inconvenience and bother women these days.

    Doctors insist that swimming with a tampon is possible and even beneficial. They play a protective role and protect the body from various bacteria entering it. During menstruation, the body is much weaker, and its protective functions are much lower than usual. Tampons for bathing and during bathing are used as protection. It’s good to go to the pool or to the river with them, and during this you don’t have to worry about catching some kind of infection.

    To swim with tampons you need to follow some rules:

    Before starting bathing, insert a new tampon. They do this with clean hands for the safety of the female body. After the procedure, you need to wash your hands again; In the early days of your period, it is better not to go anywhere or swim. It is advisable to do this from the third or fourth day. Because in the first days the discharge is quite profuse, and the girl will not be able to save herself with a tampon; It is possible to stay with a tampon in the sea or pool, but no more than twenty minutes

    Since it gets very wet and begins to collect microbes; after swimming, you need to immediately change the tampon to a new and dry one; you should not spend time in the sea, rivers and lakes often and for a long time; Swimming with tampons is allowed, but you need to do this very carefully and not be too active in the water.

    Is there an alternative

    There is a more reliable solution than tampons. With a menstrual cup you can swim in the pool and swim in the sea; it will reliably protect against leaks and infections during menstruation. The bowls are made of soft, pleasant material, so you can hardly feel it inside. You can wear it without cleaning it for about 12 hours.

    The cup is quite voluminous; it can hold 30 ml of menstruation, but even when the cup is full it will not cause discomfort and will not leak. In addition, it will not allow water to penetrate inside. The cup is firmly attached to the walls of the vagina, creating something like a vacuum. Nothing will flow past it.

    Where can expectant mothers swim?

    Each woman chooses for herself the environment in which she will feel most comfortable. Some people find it more pleasant to be in natural bodies of water, while others feel more comfortable and safer in specially equipped places, such as swimming pools.


    The advantage of swimming in pools during pregnancy is undoubtedly the fact that a woman can engage in water procedures regardless of the season and weather conditions.

    In addition, pregnant women can choose group classes led by an experienced trainer. The aquatic environment in the pool is quite harmless if basic safety rules are followed. In addition to swimming itself, pregnant women can practice diving, which helps them learn to control and hold their breath. This skill will help with pushing during childbirth.

    However, the pool also has its drawbacks. The most significant of them is chlorinated water. Today, adding chlorine to water is a common way to disinfect it in swimming pools. When swimming, chlorine is absorbed by the skin and can reach the fetus through the mother's body.

    This factor stops many and leads to conflicting thoughts about whether pregnant women can swim in the pool. Some scientific studies show that visiting a swimming pool once a week for a pregnant woman has the same effect on the fetus as the effect of smoking on the body of an adult.

    Did you know?
    The “birth canal” exercise, when pregnant women line up in a kind of tunnel and swim between each other’s legs, helps to imagine how a baby passes through the birth canal.
    Bleach is also believed to increase the risk of allergies. Considering these points, it is better to choose a pool that has abandoned the use of chlorine.


    In the warm season, many pregnant women prefer natural bodies of water. Swimming in the sea, in addition to the above benefits, also has a beneficial effect on the body due to the high content of minerals and salts.

    Due to the increased intake of calcium into the pregnant woman’s body, the skeletal system of the fetus is also strengthened. However, despite the benefits of sea water, late pregnant women are advised to refrain from long and tiring trips to the sea.

    Please also remember the following safety precautions:

    • do not swim when there are high waves;
    • avoid contaminated water;
    • do not come into contact with jellyfish;
    • use sunscreen.

    Rivers and lakes

    Fresh water bodies: rivers and lakes are considered more acceptable in terms of accessibility for most women. However, these bodies of water often have elevated levels of pathogenic bacteria.

    Is it possible to swim in the pool with a tampon?

    23.05.2016 08:00

    The undeniable benefits of swimming encourage more and more women to visit the pool. Thanks to swimming, you can not only tighten your body and remove the hated cellulite, but also strengthen the heart muscle and restore vitality, avoiding unnecessary stress on the joints and spine. However, changes occur in a woman’s body every month that can ruin plans for regular swimming, and these are critical days. This raises a logical question: is it possible to swim in a pool with a tampon?

    The use of hygiene products during menstruation greatly facilitates the life of girls whose rhythm of life does not allow pauses during menstruation. Undoubtedly, the leading position in terms of convenience, naturalness and reliability is occupied by the hygienic tampon, which has made life easier for female representatives for more than 50 years. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of visiting the pool with a tampon during menstruation.

    Women's opinion

    Still not sure if you can swim with a tampon? Reviews left by women who are not deprived of resourcefulness and practicality advise first checking the convenience of such swimming at home. This is not difficult to do: here your own bathroom filled with water will become your assistant. Swim during your period without removing the tampon. Thus, you will determine for yourself whether it is worth waiting for the end of your critical days, or whether the personal hygiene product does not create discomfort for you.

    Is it possible to swim in the pool with a tampon? Convenient and reliable

    The benefits of swimming in a pool with a tampon are that you can enjoy water treatments even during menstruation. When used correctly, a hygienic tampon is imperceptible to a woman and invisible to others, which means you don’t have to worry about its appearance, completely eliminating force majeure in the form of “leaks.” In addition, this is the only hygiene product that allows you to live your normal life, regardless of the day of your menstrual cycle.

    IMPORTANT! You should change your sanitary tampon before and immediately after swimming in the pool, as it becomes saturated with water.

    Prohibited times for swimming

    Of course, during critical days it is better to completely abandon this type of rest. But if this is not possible, then it is better to swim with a tampon, which, however, in some situations is also not a solution. For example, it is strictly prohibited to be in the water if:

    • the discharge is too intense (in the first days);
    • spasms in the lower abdomen are accompanied by general malaise and nausea;
    • an inflammatory process is observed in the genital area (burning, itching, redness, swelling, rash, etc.);
    • you have any gynecological disease for which the use of the specified hygiene product is not recommended.

    In addition, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. So, if each menstrual cycle is accompanied by severe malaise and constant pain, then it is better to take a walk on the beach and not swim in the sea or go to the pool with a tampon. And it’s better to completely forget about reservoirs for a couple of days.

    Is it possible to swim in the pool with a tampon, and when should you refrain from swimming?

    Despite the availability of modern intimate hygiene products for women, you should refrain from swimming during your period if:

    • Bloody discharge is too much
    • Pulling in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by nausea and general malaise
    • There are signs of inflammation in the vagina (itching, redness, burning, etc.)

    It should be noted that the use of tampons should rather be a forced measure, that is, only in cases where the use of other hygiene products, such as pads, is impossible. This is due to the fact that a sanitary tampon itself can become a breeding ground for infection in the vagina and uterus, as it creates ideal conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

    IMPORTANT! To prevent vaginal inflammation, experts strongly recommend timely replacement of a hygienic tampon - at least every 3-4 hours

    Basic Rules

    In fact, during menstruation, the female reproductive system is most vulnerable to infections.
    This happens because at such a time the uterine canal is dilated, the vaginal microflora is weaker than usual. Modern hygiene products make life easier for girls who are not used to abandoning their plans because of menstruation. And yet, during critical days, this “helper” absorbs liquid both from the inside and from the outside. Therefore, it is not difficult for infections from a reservoir to enter the female body.


    To protect yourself, you must follow some rules when swimming on critical days:

    • The hygiene product must be inserted immediately before immersion in water, and the tampon must be changed immediately after leaving the pool;
    • since a hygiene product inside the body creates good conditions for the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, it is advisable to use it only as a last resort;
    • You should swim in the pool on days when the discharge is no longer heavy;
    • You can spend no more than half an hour in water;
    • it is necessary to change the tampon more often than once every 3 hours so that its use does not lead to inflammation of the vagina;
    • You need to get special tampons for swimming. They absorb much more than regular ones. Thanks to this, you can stay in the water longer and not worry about menstrual flow leaking out.

    Is it possible to swim in a pool with a tampon, and how to use it correctly?

    • For swimming during your period, choose only proven tampons that have never let you down before
    • Before changing a sanitary tampon, wash your hands thoroughly to prevent infection in the vagina.
    • For ease of administration, it is better to give preference to tampons with an applicator. When used correctly, the hygiene product takes on the shape of a vagina and is practically not felt
    • Buy sanitary tampons by size. For example, virgins can swim in the pool with a “mini” or “small” size tampon
    • Before swimming, make sure that the string of sanitary product is tucked into the vagina - this way you can avoid quickly soaking the tampon with water from the pool
    • Do not forget that during exercise, menstrual flow becomes heavier, so swimming in the pool with a tampon should not last longer than 40-60 minutes
    • Changing your tampon should be done immediately after you leave the pool to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory complications. For the same reason, never use tampons for menstruation at night, since during sleep changing them every three hours is not possible, and keeping a hygiene product in the vagina for a long time can lead to unpleasant consequences, even toxic shock

    Is it possible to swim in the pool with a tampon? If you follow the recommendations, swimming during menstruation will be an excellent way to improve your mood and boost your energy without harming your health.

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    From all of the above, it follows that not all women can swim with a tampon during menstruation. In the absence of contraindications, there is a wide list of recommendations that must be followed. Tampons should be of good quality. The wrong choice of hygiene product can cause serious inconvenience. Poor quality tampons do not adequately protect against infection.

    In addition to choosing tampons, it is recommended to pay attention to what swimsuit to wear during your menstrual period. These should be comfortable swimming trunks, preferably in the form of shorts. Swimming trunks of this type do not cause discomfort while swimming, and the woman feels the most protected.


    https://mesyachnyedni.ru/zhenskaya-gigiena/tampony/mozhno-li-kupatsya-s-tamponom.html https://topginekolog.ru/menstruation/o-mesyachnyh/kupatsya-i-poseshat-baasein https:// overtune.ru/mozhno-nelzya/kupatsya-s-tamponom

    Rules for visiting the pool during menstruation

    The basic and main rule is not to harm yourself and others. Everyone understands that possible leakage of menstrual blood can cause not only personal discomfort, but also ruin the pleasant swimming experience for others.

    To avoid embarrassment and negative consequences, follow simple rules:

    1. If you are not sure whether you can go to the pool while on your period, it is better to attend training sessions only if really necessary;
    2. You should avoid swimming in the first 2-3 days from the start of your period; during this period, the discharge is especially abundant and the risk of leakage is increased;
    3. Only convenient means of protection against leakage are used that do not cause discomfort;
    4. Be sure to remove tampons from your vagina immediately after exercise. Products soaked in moisture and chlorine can immediately cause irritation;
    5. Do not use sanitary pads when immersed in water;
    6. A comfortable swimsuit is specially purchased, always with a dark bottom, preferably black. On a light-colored swimsuit, stains may appear even from the slightest leak;
    7. When using tampons, it is recommended to buy shorts so that the peeking string-tail does not accidentally compromise the uncomfortable situation;
    8. Before and after bathing, it is useful to take a contrast shower, which activates blood circulation, which promotes the proper functioning of organs and muscles, allowing you to avoid pain in the lower abdomen during the menstrual cycle;
    9. You can’t eat fatty and salty foods these days, you should avoid caffeine, proper nutrition contributes to the rapid and unnoticed passage of menstruation;
    10. For cramps and pain, take painkillers immediately before visiting the pool. At any pharmacy, pharmacists will recommend a suitable drug, but you can take note of some and have them in your home arsenal, such as Nurofen, Motrin or Revalgin. Their annotations contain special instructions for use during the menstrual cycle.

    Recommendations and special instructions apply in everyday life, but we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body, which manifest themselves differently when visiting the pool.

    Useful tips

    In conclusion, here are some useful tips on how to swim during your period and not harm your body:

    1. You should not swim in too cold water, as this can cause inflammation of the genital organs, weakened by menstruation.
    2. Very hot water is also not recommended due to the risk of large blood loss.
    3. Before taking a bath, it is necessary to thoroughly sanitize its internal surface.
    4. After swimming in open water, where there is a high risk of contracting a genital infection, it is recommended to take a shower and use antibacterial agents.
    5. When using tampons while swimming, you should change them before and after bathing.
    6. You can swim with a tampon designed for night time. But this should not cause discomfort.

    Menstruation that begins during a beach holiday, of course, cannot please you, but it will not be able to interfere with it either, if you prudently take care of the necessary protective equipment and follow the suggested recommendations. Think about your health and do not expose your body to unnecessary stress, and it will always respond gratefully to such care.

    What bodies of water are suitable for swimming?

    It is absolutely not worth risking your health. If you are going on vacation to the water, then it is worth considering that you can swim absolutely not everywhere. Stagnant bodies of water, such as lakes, ponds, estuaries or warm beach pools, are ideal conditions for the development of bacteria and microbes.

    The nutrient medium, which is determined by natural factors, promotes the proliferation of the most dangerous viruses, which can easily penetrate the cavity of any body, even through a tampon. Gynecologists note that in most cases, inflammation of the genital organs in women in the summer occurs precisely because of swimming in such bodies of water.

    You can only swim in clean water. Where the current is quite active. As a rule, natural movement of water is present only in seas or rivers. Therefore, if you still need to swim during your period, then visit these places.

    In addition, if you actively visit the pool and are interested in the question of the consequences of training during this period, then when using tampons or a menstrual cup, the risk of infection becomes minimal. In swimming pools, the water undergoes appropriate chlorination treatment and therefore swimming in them is much safer than in natural reservoirs. However, some bacteria are still present there, so try to avoid such training for just a few days.

    Pads or tampons?

    But for the most part, preference is given to pads, although it is much more convenient for a modern girl or woman to use a tampon. This is probably due to a lack of information; many do not know that virgins can use a tampon, and also allow themselves to swim and exercise on menstruation days. Or maybe Slavic girls have inherited a commitment to sanitary pads at the genetic level?

    Tampons and pads have been used since ancient times

    In order to determine why such a preference occurred, one should delve a little deeper into history.

    • Analogues of modern tampons were: soft papyrus rolled into a tube, small rolls of wool, lubricated with fat, to facilitate insertion into the vagina; in Africa, soft bamboo was used.
    • The replacement for pads was: among the northern peoples, reindeer moss, the ancient Slavs folded the fabric in several layers and tied it to the belt, since there was no underwear at that time, and the fluffy skirts of that time hid this spectacle.

    So, scientists came to the conclusion that in those areas where women were required to lead a full, active lifestyle, preference was given to tampons that did not hinder movement, and where it was permissible to be less active, pads.

    Invention of the modern tampon

    Only back in 1933, at the request of his wife, the American surgeon Eol Haas invented the modern tampon. Since then, a woman’s life has ceased to be any different during her critical days: she has become less irritable and tense, more confident, and has the opportunity to continue playing sports, swimming, wearing tight clothes, etc.

    What's wrong?

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