Your period started and ended immediately - reasons for early menstruation

Observed cycle irregularities are always a compelling argument for visiting a doctor and undergoing appropriate tests. This is especially true for situations where menstruation began and immediately ended. The causes of this pathology can be very different, so a correct diagnosis of the condition of the female body can only be carried out by the attending gynecologist. Only with its help will it be possible not only to eliminate provoking factors, but also to restore the patient’s usual menstrual cycle in each individual case.

Reasons why your period ends quickly

There are a variety of reasons why your period started and immediately ended. The main ones include the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • lack of ovulation;
  • significant physical stress;
  • hormonal changes;
  • emotional experiences and stress;
  • the onset of menopause.

The body may begin to undergo restructuring due to climate change. This happens especially often when moving from a country with a warm climate to a colder area. The problem may also be hidden in poor diet or in the presence of various diseases.

The effect of diet on menstruation

If your period starts and ends immediately, then the reason may be the constant adherence to too strict diets, which lead to undesirable consequences. A lack of nutrients can have a detrimental effect on the health and condition of the entire body.

Blood has the property of self-renewal, destroying old cells and replacing them with new ones. However, if you follow a diet, new cells may not receive enough of the required nutrients, which will lead to blood clotting problems.

When menstruation begins and immediately ends, the reasons may also be hidden in frequent colds, since at this time the blood circulation process is disrupted. At the same time, the periods themselves are quite painful, since inflammatory processes occur in the body.

Stressful situations

If your period starts and ends immediately the next day, then the reason for this may be excessive psychological stress. Every woman can find herself in a stressful situation, and this has a very bad effect on her condition and the functioning of her entire body. In this case, it is very important to find distracting and calming activities for yourself. This will allow the brain to relax and get rid of severe stress.

It is very important to understand for what exact reasons the malfunction occurred in the body, since if treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, then existing disorders can provoke not only irregular periods, but even infertility.

The female reproductive system is very susceptible to stress. Hormones are responsible for normal functioning, which in prolonged stressful situations can lead to serious disorders. In the case of a prolonged stay in stressful situations, a woman may lose her period altogether or may have a large period without stopping for a very long time. One-day discharge can cause severe stress.

Etiology of the disorder

If your monthly discharge started on time, but stopped after one day, then there are good reasons for this. They are divided into two categories: non-pathological and pathological. The former are easily eliminated and can go away on their own, while the latter require prompt treatment, as they tend to have irreparable consequences, including infertility.

Non-pathological causes

As mentioned above, non-pathological causes of short-term menstruation can be controlled personally, eliminating them completely or waiting for them to go away. These include:

  1. Lack of ovulation. This is a periodic phenomenon associated with overwork and weakening of reproductive functions. The absence of ovulation is a kind of reboot of the resources of the reproductive system. It occurs no more than 1-2 times a year, and in some women it does not occur at all. But such a violation can be the result of a number of other factors: weakened immunity, stress, illness, etc.
  2. Stress. This reason is the most harmless, but the most common among those available. Nervous tension is directly related to the functioning of the menstrual cycle. The central nervous system is responsible for the nature and cyclicity of menstrual discharge. An unsuccessful month in psycho-emotional terms can become a banal reason for short menstruation.

Pathological causes

Pathologies and diseases of the reproductive system associated with changes in the hormonal environment of the body can affect the duration of menstrual discharge. In fact, there are many reasons for short periods, but here are the most common:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction. This is a dysfunction of the ovaries as a result of a malfunction of the hormonal system. The main hormones of the cycle (follicle-stimulating, luteinizing and prolactin) cause menstrual disorders of varying severity: dysfunctional bleeding, delay, heavy or scanty periods. So a period that ends a day after it started may be the result of a disorder of ovarian function.
  2. Primary or secondary hypominorrhea. At the initial manifestation, menstrual flow lasts 1–2 days, no more, and is a congenital pathology of a chronic nature. With secondary hypomenorrhea, there is a sharp cessation of menstruation ahead of schedule, under the influence of various factors: heredity, abnormalities of the genital organs, intrauterine device, hormonal imbalances, etc.

Menstruation that ends a day after it starts is, in any case, alarming. If pathological signs of menstrual irregularities appear, additional symptoms will certainly appear, expressed by pain, temperature, etc. In this case, contacting a doctor is mandatory.

The course of the menstrual cycle is an important indicator of a woman’s general and reproductive health. At the same time, almost every representative of the fair sex has encountered disturbances in the duration or volume of discharge. A striking example is a situation where menstruation began and immediately ended.

Maybe it's pregnancy?

Each menstrual cycle is accompanied by bleeding, during which the egg leaves the uterus. Every woman's period follows a certain schedule. If the discharge is delayed, appears prematurely, or continues for just a few days, this may indicate pregnancy or various abnormalities.

During pregnancy, there may also be many other signs that must be taken into account. If you have periods during pregnancy, you should definitely inform your doctor about this, as this can greatly harm both the woman and the child. To stabilize the condition, the doctor selects special medications.

Possible diseases

If your stomach hurts badly, your period started and ended immediately, and there is also uncharacteristic discharge, then this may be the cause of various diseases of both the reproductive system and other internal organs.

This mainly occurs in adolescence during hormonal changes in the body. In addition, these may be diseases of the kidneys, thyroid gland, heart and blood vessels. They provoke bleeding and various pathologies of the uterus, disruption of the ovaries, and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.


If a woman complains of brown discharge, the doctor prescribes the following procedures:

  • ultrasound examination of the reproductive organs;
  • carrying out bacteriological culture and tests that will help identify the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • taking swabs to detect infections;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • charting basal temperature;
  • thyroid examination.

In order to identify possible traumatic injuries, a gynecological examination is performed.

If menstruation begins and ends almost immediately within several cycles, it is advisable to conduct an examination. The list of diagnostic measures depends on the clinical picture, the patient’s medical history and age characteristics. Usually, the doctor immediately begins a gynecological examination, which allows you to determine the necessary types of laboratory and instrumental tests.

The examination often begins with the following diagnostic measures:

  • smears for oncocytology, flora, sexually transmitted infections;
  • colposcopy to detect cervical defects;
  • ultrasound examination of organs in the pelvis;
  • determination of the level of sex steroids, thyroid hormones;
  • general blood and urine analysis.

Attention! If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, the examination ends with a puncture of the posterior vaginal vault.

This method allows you to immediately determine the presence of intra-abdominal bleeding.

Sometimes the examination ends with a consultation with other specialists, for example, an endocrinologist.

Menstruation passed and started again

Sometimes a woman may face the problem that her period has ended and immediately started again. The normal length of the menstrual cycle should be 7 days, but deviations from the norm occur for various reasons. In some cases, this indicates the presence of serious disorders and health problems, but sometimes it can be completely normal. Therefore, it is important to learn how to determine the condition by the nature of the discharge. Discharge after menstruation can be:

  • pink;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • brown.

If pinkish discharge has an unpleasant odor, this may indicate the presence of chronic endometritis.
This condition definitely requires treatment. This disease occurs as a result of improper treatment of polyps. Because of this, the infection penetrates the vagina and causes bleeding. The disease is transmitted sexually. At the very beginning of the onset of the disease, a woman may observe slight discharge, and with improper treatment it can only intensify. Minor spotting in the middle of the cycle is caused by hormonal fluctuations. They may appear during ovulation. If they last no more than 72 hours and are of small volume, then this may be a completely normal condition.

If your period ends and immediately starts again, this may be a sign of a disease such as anovulation. It is associated with a long absence of menstruation or a small amount of discharge. Irregular menstruation can lead to bloody discharge from the uterus at any time. They can appear a month after the main cycle and continue throughout the month. This pathology can lead to a woman being unable to become pregnant.

If the blood is red and flows very strongly, then you definitely need to see a doctor and go to the hospital for treatment. This may indicate the presence of uterine fibroids, a malignant tumor, or other problems with the uterus and ovaries. In addition, scarlet blood may indicate the presence of hidden internal bleeding.

If you experience brown or black vaginal discharge, this may indicate the presence of endometriosis. With this disease, the cells of the uterine mucosa are located where it is unusual for them. Penetrating into the uterine cavity, they provoke bleeding.

Teenage years

The first menstruation is always unstable. In one month they can be abundant and painful, in another - scanty and short-lived, with short breaks. Why is this happening? All this is due to the immaturity of the hormonal background and reproductive system of a teenage girl. The menstrual cycle will become stable two years after the start of your first period. Considering that the vast majority of teenagers begin sexual activity early, irregular periods are a good reason to use condoms during sex.

First menstruation

When should you see a doctor?

If your period starts and ends immediately, you should definitely consult a doctor, as this may indicate pregnancy or complex diseases. The cause of this disorder may be significant physical activity or stress. You can completely cope with this on your own, the most important thing is to rest as much as possible. In addition, you can take sedatives.

Irregular menstrual cycles may occur at the very beginning of taking hormonal contraceptives. This is quite normal, because after a while the body will get used to it and everything will return to normal.

External factors

In most cases, if pregnancy is excluded, the sudden cessation of menstruation is associated with the woman’s poor lifestyle. An organism is a single system. If you neglect even one of his needs, the consequences can even affect the menstrual cycle.

Reasons for stopping menstruation:

  • Sudden weight loss. Quite often, after a woman decides to go on a strict diet or engage in strenuous sports, she observes that her period could end prematurely. Gynecologists do not advise getting too carried away with diets. Normally, the fat layer should be at least 15-20% of the total weight. Physical exhaustion is perceived by the body as extreme stress and the inability to conceive a child. An interesting fact is that excess weight, on the contrary, contributes to more abundant discharge.
  • Jar of Hearts. There is a direct relationship between the nervous system and the menstrual cycle. It is not surprising that the female body reacts so sensitively to stress and anxiety. History shows a clear example of this - during the Second World War, due to constant stress, many women noted the absence of menstruation.
  • Abrupt change in time zone. Having decided to relax in an exotic area with an unusual climate, a woman may notice that her periods, before they even started, suddenly stop. After one month, everything returns to normal and menstruation is restored.

How to fix the existing problem?

If your period starts and immediately ends on the same day, then you initially need to understand the cause of this disorder. You should definitely consult a doctor who can determine the problem of complications. If the reason is hidden in too much stress, poor diet or stress, then you need to change your lifestyle and eliminate provoking factors.

If all this does not give the required result within 3 months, then you need to consult a doctor to determine diseases or any other disorders. Timely detection of the disease will help get rid of it in the shortest possible time and will not cause complications.

The doctor may prescribe medication to correct the existing problem. In this case, you will need to consult an endocrinologist, and you will also need to conduct a thorough comprehensive examination of the woman’s body.

If your period started and immediately ended during the formation of the menstrual cycle, then this should not cause any concern at all. This time is characterized by a certain instability, and over time the menstrual cycle stabilizes.

Deviations in the menstrual cycle can provoke bad habits, so it is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle, as this is the key to women's health. It is very important to carefully take care of your health and control your menstrual cycle, since even a slight irregularity can indicate a variety of problems, inflammatory processes and other diseases. Take care of yourself!


If there are any suspicions about the reasons for the rapid end of menstruation, self-medication is unacceptable. This is especially true for the use of various medications (especially hormonal ones), as well as the preparation of various decoctions and infusions of herbs. When prescribing medications, only a doctor can correctly compare their effectiveness and the risks of possible side effects. This is especially important for patients planning pregnancy in the near future.

If the cause of the pathology is more serious and requires timely surgical intervention, then only medical personnel will be able to carry out everything correctly and with minimal risks.

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