How to make a girl cum: a description of basic techniques and general principles

Almost all girls remember their first sex: for some in a good way, and for others in a bad way. If you're concerned about how to take a girl's virginity (so that she enthusiastically retells the story of her first sexual experience with her friends or tries to forget it like a bad dream), then the following tips will most likely be useful to you.

Since correctly deflowering a girl is an extremely responsible matter, there are no trifles here. For the first sex, the situation, the preparatory “maneuvers” and the very manner of behavior between the guy and the girl are important.

Here are some myths regarding maiden loss of virginity:

Myth No. 1 . The norm for deflowering is 13-14 years.

There is no best or worst age to lose your virginity. At the age of 13-14, girls are most often ready to lose their virginity physiologically, since at this age the formation of the female body is already taking place, but not morally. Therefore, it is better to wait until adulthood to have your first sexual experience.

Myth No. 2 . The longer a girl waits to lose her virginity, the thicker the hymen becomes and the more painful the first experience will be.

It’s not true, the structure and density of the hymen depends on the individual characteristics of the body, but not on the girl’s age.

Myth No. 3 . Losing virginity is a very bloody and painful process.

If the girl is well aroused (which depends more on her partner), then the pain may be quite insignificant. And a fairly small percentage of women experience an abundance of blood during defloration; sometimes there may be no bloody discharge at all.

Myth No. 4 . The girl's partner must be older than her.

There is nothing mandatory about choosing a partner for your first sexual experience. The only thing is that it is advisable to deal with a more experienced guy than with a beginner, so that during sex one of you knows what is better and how best to do it.

Myth No. 5 . When losing virginity, a condom interferes and brings additional pain.

Stupidity. Condoms are made from the thinnest latex, and such thin material certainly cannot cause pain. In addition, condoms are usually produced with additional lubricant, which makes insertion easier and reduces pain. In addition, not using a condom during the first sexual intercourse is dangerous: a girl’s inexperience does not mean her inability to become pregnant.

In addition, there are many legends, beautiful and not so beautiful, about how guys deflower girls. That is why it is better to choose a partner for your first experience not based on your sense of curiosity or fear of seeming like a “blue stocking,” but on mutual trust with the young man.

And now it’s time to give some advice to young people on how best to deflower a girl (painlessly and most comfortably).


Those who are interested in learning how to properly deprive a girl of her childhood without pain should familiarize themselves with the three main conditions for the success of this matter. Her physical and psychological relaxation is very important. If a girl is afraid of something, her muscles will involuntarily tense. As a result, everything inside will shrink, which will make it difficult for the penis to penetrate the vagina.

Very often, a girl experiences pain during her first sexual intercourse not because the penis breaks the hymen, but because of its tension. Therefore, it is important to achieve maximum relaxation, both physical and psychological. Of course, it is difficult to relax at such a moment, but you need to try to do it. Let's look at psychological ways that can help you relax.


Oddly enough, girls don’t like to remember their first experience if it happened in the same bed with half-drunk classmates or in the forest with the buzzing of mosquitoes and the squelching of dirt. For such an important event, it is better to choose a place where the atmosphere itself will be conducive to frank and intimate matters. If you are not a fan of any romance, then this time you will have to put your preferences aside and try for the girl. Believe me, these efforts have a psychological meaning, on which success in deflowering directly depends. Soft relaxing music, a little wine, dim lighting - all this will help the girl relax and feel safe and desire you. It’s best to spend an hour and a half to two hours for dancing, wine, candles, and a relaxing atmosphere so that everything goes as smoothly as possible.

Maximum arousal

When wondering how to deprive a girl of her virginity correctly without pain, remember that she should be as aroused as possible. Before the first sexual intercourse in a girl’s life, there should be as much foreplay as possible. If she is as aroused as possible, her vagina will be well moisturized. This will allow the penis to slide inside painlessly and easily. Remember that girls get excited more slowly than guys, which is why foreplay should take up to 40 minutes. Use a variety of methods to do this:

  • kisses;
  • clitoral masturbation;
  • tender words;
  • Erotic massage;
  • cunnilingus;
  • embrace;
  • vaginal massage, etc.


If a girl doesn’t want you, then it’s better not to try to deprive her of her virginity, since then the stories about incredible pain and torment will be justified. When the partner is well aroused, pain is reduced to a minimum. If you really want to understand how to painlessly deflower a girl, forget about yourself for a while and pay attention to the erogenous zones and preparing the girl. If natural lubrication is not enough for your penetration, then use a ready-made one that you can buy in a store. But this “chemical” method is not recommended for the first time: if the partner is not “moisturized” enough, then the vaginal muscles will be tense, and this will mean pain when trying to penetrate her. Before deflowering, the girl must be completely relaxed and very aroused.

Pose for deflowering

What's the best way to deflower a girl? In what position should I do this? Everyone may have their own visions on this matter. But sex therapists advise deflowering a girl in the missionary position. In this position, she lies on her back, with a pillow under her buttocks. The legs are slightly apart, with the knees pulled towards the chest.

Thanks to the presence of a pillow under the buttocks, the pelvis rises slightly, thereby providing a comfortable angle for penetration of the penis. In this position, the hymen is stretched, making it easier to tear. So how to properly deprive a girl of her virginity without pain? What to do next? The guy is located behind, kneeling. He holds the girl's waist with his hands. In this position, the man, firstly, sees everything and can control everything, and, secondly, can hold the girl.

Note that many girls say that arousing a virgin is extremely important. If she's excited, you might even be able to try a few positions.

How to deflower a girl?

Question: “Hello. I decided to write to you and get a specific question for a specific answer. The period is already approaching when I will deprive the girl of her virginity. First: how long should foreplay last? Second: how long should the first sexual intercourse take place? Third: how can I insert the sexual organ without pain?”

Such maximalist questions from a young man or teenager, when a person is characterized by maximalism, and he formulates the questions in such a way as if he were “cutting” with a knife, and thinks that the answers will be the same. In such cases, you always want to say: “My friend, the world is much more diverse and multifaceted than you think. Moreover, the human body.” There are no guarantees, no standards, no regulations for this process relating to the human body and sexual relations.

How long should foreplay last? For one, foreplay lasts almost half an hour. For others, foreplay lasts 30 seconds. And for some, foreplay lasts the whole day - they prepare right in the morning for the fact that they will come in the evening and have this wonderful sex. And for them, this formation of a sexual dominant in their heads began in the morning. And when they come, they, of course, will need physical foreplay: some touching, caresses in some certain places, but their mood begins in the morning. They are guaranteed to succeed and be good. Therefore, the question of foreplay is a very individual question. It's all dynamic, it's all impulsive. And in general, sex is a spontaneous event. Even when you prepare in the morning with text messages, notes, phone calls for this process that will happen in the evening, it still happens to you spontaneously. This is a spontaneous process, and there is no need to spoil the result by depriving yourself of this spontaneity. Prelude is your creativity. Foreplay is your drive and your sexual courage.

How long should the first sexual intercourse take place? Men often write to me that they have short sexual intercourse. To the question: what is the duration of sexual intercourse, they answer, say, three minutes. Urologists believe that normal sexual intercourse lasts approximately 2 to 20 minutes. If sexual intercourse is shorter than 2 minutes, then this is kind of like accelerated ejaculation. If sexual intercourse lasts longer than 20 minutes, then it seems like there are some problems with potency or with the prostate gland. If you have always had sexual intercourse for 10 minutes, but over the last six months it has become 4-5 minutes, and you can’t do anything about it, then we will tell you that you have accelerated ejaculation. Or, if, for example, you have sexual intercourse for 40 minutes because you have excellent control over yourself and often change positions with your partner, and you just don’t want your orgasm to happen earlier, that is, you do it all of your own free will, then we won't talk about the fact that you have problems.

This is individual - the time that sexual intercourse lasts. And those who know how to control their sexual intercourse (come in 2 or 22 minutes) are, as a rule, “nuggets” or guys who have practiced sex so well that they have learned to control themselves. This is, as a rule, a desired result for many people, for many men - to learn to control the duration of their sexual intercourse. The whole problem lies in the fact that many cannot control the duration of their sexual intercourse. And young people who are hypersexual, sometimes they want it so much that sometimes they don’t have time to enter the girl before they already have an orgasm. For such young, early and playful people, we say that the second time you won’t finish so quickly, and the second time will somehow be longer.

But tell you that sexual intercourse should last at least 5 minutes, and you will try to meet this time. Sexual intercourse lasts until you ejaculate (orgasm). If you still have an erection after this, and the girl doesn’t mind, especially for the first time, you can “play around” there a little more. But I can’t tell you how much it is in minutes, seconds and grams.

How to insert the penis without pain? If you find out how to insert a sexual organ without pain, then you should contact the Nobel Committee. You will immediately be given a Nobel Prize, because no one in the world knows how to insert a sexual organ without pain. All sorts of methods can be used. First, be sure to use lubricants. It will still be a pain. And the pain will be not only from the rupture of the hymen, because from the rupture of the hymen the pain is sudden and short. There will still be pain because the girl is constrained, does not know how, does not know. And it’s because the vagina is narrow, and she can’t spread her legs without tension, and from this alone she will constantly have pain. And this process will depend not so much on how you insert the penis: with or without pain, but more on how relaxed she is and how ready she is for this. But she is not relaxed and not ready, because this is the first time.

It’s another matter if you’ve been there with your fingers for a long time and stretched the hymen, and she “imagines” this process, and it won’t be a shock to her that you’re like a “bludgeon” to her, right there. That is, she is ready for this and is waiting for it herself. Perhaps she will be in less pain, she will be less constrained, but you yourself have no control over this process.

The only thing I want to warn you against is that you do not insert the penis in the same way as you write. We need to be more kind. The girl is alive after all. You are cutting a living body with a “leather knife”, and not some kind of dummy. And a living body requires a flexible approach. Maybe somewhere not completely at first. Maybe a little easier at first, maybe with your hands first. Be more attentive to the girl and her feelings, otherwise she will run away from you and you will be left without a girl. I wish you to be sensitive, attentive and very careful during your first sexual intercourse with a virgin.

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How to proceed?

How to deprive a girl of her innocence without pain? Many people believe that insertion of the penis should be gradual and slow. But, if we take it in comparison with an injection, then who would want the doctor to slowly insert the needle. Probably no one. It is also worth considering the fact that the hymen has one or more holes. And if you introduce it gradually, you will most likely stretch the hymen, but not tear it. As a result, you will cause more discomfort to the girl. Although everything can be individual here.

Position and penetration

It is best to choose the usual “missionary position” for the first experience, but it is best to place a small pillow under the girl’s butt: this will change the angle of penetration and reduce possible pain. There are several opinions about how a guy should penetrate a girl when taking her virginity: slowly, carefully, or abruptly, so as not to prolong the pain. First of all, make sure that your partner is well aroused. Then penetrate her vagina with your penis: a little, a couple of centimeters, without reaching the hymen. Slow down a little, make a couple of careful movements, still not reaching the hymen, and then with one confident movement penetrate completely inside. This will probably bring the girl some painful sensations, which, however, will go through several frictions. Do not forget to kiss and caress the girl at this time so that she is distracted from the pain and returns to her excited state.


Those who want to know how to deflower a girl correctly without pain should follow the recommendations given below:

  1. You must be alone in the apartment.
  2. After taking a shower together, there is foreplay. First, do a regular massage, then an erotic vaginal massage, cunnilingus.
  3. When the girl is already excited, apply the oil to her genitals and to your penis. Rub the warm oil thoroughly over the genitals, paying special attention to the labia and vaginal opening.
  4. Place the girl in the missionary position, with a pillow under her butt. At this point, constantly shower your partner with kisses. Then you can play with your penis with her vagina and clitoris. At the last point, move your penis up and down. Use your head to explore all of her genitals. While stimulating the clitoris, pay attention to what the girl likes.
  5. Now the most important point - immerse the head of the penis a couple of centimeters deep, rest against the hymen. Place your penis as close to the perineum as possible. When the girl feels discomfort, do not retreat, but do not push either, gently move her to the sides, let her get used to the sensations. In this position, relax the girl, kiss if possible, unfocus her feelings. When you feel her relax, enter her in one motion. To reduce pain to a minimum, you need to choose the right angle.
  6. Please note that you should not immediately insert the entire length of the penis. You, of course, are unlikely to succeed. But it's not even worth trying. The most important thing now is to pass the first milestone, break the hymen, and then you need to move extremely carefully.

How to make a girl cum vaginally

All men should know how to make a girl cum quickly. To achieve this, do not forget about the basic rules of sex in order to give your beloved pleasure:

  • A man should not touch a girl with cold hands. If you touch an erect penis with a cold hand, the erection will weaken. The same will happen to your partner, her excitement will pass.
  • Many men make the mistake of starting to caress their genitals with dry hands. Be sure to use oils or lubricants. The skin of women's perineum is very delicate and touching it with a dry hand can injure it.
  • A man should know about his partner’s feelings, so you should agree in advance that she will immediately report discomfort if it appears.

Before proceeding to sexual intercourse, you need to excite your partner. This can be done through stimulation of the clitoris and vagina. Since it’s not difficult for a girl to cum quickly clitorally, you need to learn how to do it. The girl lies on her back and spreads her legs wide. The man warms up his hands and lubricates them with oil. Oil is also applied to the stomach and inner thighs and rubbed very slowly.

The girl must get used to her hands, so she should not immediately start stimulating the main points. When the whole body is lubricated and warmed up, you need to place your palm on the clitoris and freeze for 5 seconds. After this, you should very slowly begin to move your palm in a circle or from side to side. In this case, the hand does not slide over the skin, but moves with it. The pressure should be adjusted depending on how sensitive the clitoris is. Then you can begin stroking movements.

You need to smoothly move your hand down, and put the second one in place of the first one and also move it down. You will get alternating movements with your palms. When the girl gets excited, you can start caressing the clitoris with your fingers. This is done either with one finger or two. You should not touch the head directly, because this causes discomfort. You need to stimulate through the hood. Otherwise, you may not achieve what you want.

How to make a girl cum vaginally worries every man.

After you get a clitoral orgasm, you can begin to stimulate the vagina. We should not forget that during this you need to caress and kiss your partner’s body. This is the only way to achieve orgasm.

Either one or two fingers are inserted into the vagina. There is no need to leave the clitoris. If you stimulate it at the same time as the vagina, you can get a double orgasm. One hand is placed on the girl’s lower abdomen and the clitoris is caressed with the thumb, and the second stimulates the vagina. Movements with your fingers should be the same as with your penis.

You can use the sliding technique. To do this, you need to move your fingers from the upper part of the labia to the vagina and insert your fingers into it. Then take them out and start all over again. True pleasure can be given to a girl by using the “Turn of Pleasure”. To do this, you need to place your palm with the back side up and insert two fingers into the vagina. Then the hand should be turned slowly, making a circle.

At the same time, caresses of the clitoris continue. Even inexperienced lovers have probably heard about the so-called “ji” point. It can be detected by inserting a finger about 5 centimeters into the vagina. The point is located on the top wall. With simultaneous stimulation of the clitoris and the G-spot, you can achieve a squirting orgasm. You can't be overly rough during affection. Assertive movements should alternate with gentle ones.

You can add spanking and biting, but in moderation. You need to have time to caress your partner’s entire body, she must feel that there is nothing around her except a man. Movements inside the vagina should be intense, but soft. It is better to move rarely than quickly but shallowly. There is no point in doing everything silently. If you whisper tenderness and obscene words in your beloved’s ear, you can excite her faster. Such words turn you on and help you achieve a quick orgasm. You need to completely dissolve in the process.

Now you know how to make a girl cum. According to statistical studies, not every representative of the fairer sex achieves orgasm during sexual intercourse, but this does not mean that she is frigid. Some people don't have an orgasm at all. In most cases, the reason lies in the wrong actions of the man.

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