10 Main Causes of Liquid Discharge Like Water After Ovulation

The health of every woman directly depends on her lifestyle. Attentive attention to nutrition, physical exercise, control of emotions and beneficial communication contribute to the strength of the body. Understanding how physiological processes work and, as a result, vaginal discharge, helps keep your finger on the pulse of changes.

To protect the female reproductive organs, a slightly acidic secretion is secreted into the vagina. Together with microflora, it prevents pathogenic microbes from penetrating into the uterus. Thus, watery discharge in women is a reliable means of fighting infection. Depending on the phase of menstruation, their character and appearance changes. With the development of certain diseases, a secretion begins to be released, indicating pathology.

Copious liquid discharge like water in the middle of the cycle

In the ovulatory phase of the cycle, liquid, sticky vaginal discharge may occur, including a slight admixture of blood, which gives a peculiar pink tint.

The appearance of such a secretion is allowed several hours before ovulation, the onset of which can be tracked by basal temperature. Regarding the duration, liquid vaginal secretion can occur in the middle of the cycle after ovulation for up to two days. It may also cause minor pain in the area of ​​the ovaries, but an unpleasant odor always indicates pathology.


If the unpleasant odor persists for a long time and is accompanied by other symptoms, it is necessary to undergo treatment from the attending gynecologist.

The doctor prescribes medications on an individual basis, taking into account the clinical picture, age category, chronic diseases or pregnancy. According to indications for the treatment of inflammation, therapy can be carried out on an inpatient basis under the supervision of medical personnel.

The use of folk remedies to eliminate unpleasant odor is possible if such a symptom is not complicated by infection. If you are healthy, then vaginal douching is not recommended more than once a week. It is enough to wash the perineum with a decoction of antiseptic herbs - St. John's wort. chamomile or celandine.

Transparent vaginal discharge like water before menstruation

Each woman has a different duration of the menstrual cycle, but its symptoms are almost the same, and they depend on a certain phase, affecting the state of the vaginal secretion. A significant role is played by female hormones. It is the predominance of progesterone or estrogen that causes secretion with certain characteristics to be released.

Sometimes vaginal fluid literally pours or flows, warning a woman that her period is approaching. The fact is that not all women experience spotting bloody secretion before menstruation. A colorless, copious secretion may be present, caused by the accumulation of a large amount of fluid, which spontaneously leaves the reproductive system over time. This volume provokes increased blood flow in the uterus immediately before menstruation.

If the egg has not been fertilized, then the luteal phase begins, which is quite characterized by watery discharge before menstruation. Most often, a woman notices discharge in the morning as water after sleep, and during the day the situation stabilizes.

A few days before the onset of menstruation, a small amount of bloody streaks are allowed in the sexual secretion, but earlier pink, brown or brown liquid discharge requires diagnosis, because it cannot be associated with natural processes in the body.

Treatment of pathology

The therapeutic course should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician after receiving the examination results. The most effective and common method of combating unpleasant odor in the groin area is vaginal suppositories. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body and the nature of the disease, the doctor will select suppositories whose active ingredients and auxiliary components will eliminate the effect of the pathogen in a relatively short time.

Vaginal suppositories consist of antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory components. They are selected strictly individually. In modern gynecological practice, the following drugs are widely used:

  • Gynoflor. It is a bacterial preparation. Its action is aimed at restoring the microflora of the intimate area in women. Particularly effective for dysbacteriosis;
  • Fluomizin. Broad spectrum antibacterial agent. The active substance is active against most harmful microorganisms;
  • Clindacin. It is mainly prescribed by specialists as the main means to combat gardnerellosis. Bacteriostatic. Despite its high effectiveness against this disease, the drug has virtually no effect on the population and development of fungal infection;
  • Terzhinan. Broad-spectrum agent. The active substance is equally effective against fungi and bacterial infections; they are distinguished by curdled discharge;
  • Iodoxide. Iodine based product. Used as an antiseptic in the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. It is practically harmless to healthy areas of the body and has no contraindications for use (except for individual intolerance);
  • Lomexin. Suppresses the development and spread of fungal infections. Despite the fact that the drug is available without a prescription, you should consult a specialist before use. The drug has a number of side effects and is contraindicated during pregnancy, lactation and menstruation.

The use of vaginal suppositories for the treatment of various diseases of the genitourinary system remains a priority method of conservative therapy. This is due to their ease of use and their gentle action on the mucous membrane.

It is important to carefully monitor personal intimate hygiene during treatment. It is also recommended to refrain from using aromatic gels. Until complete recovery, they should be replaced with laundry or tar soap.

Copious watery vaginal discharge after and instead of menstruation

The follicular phase begins on the first day of menstruation and ends before ovulation, and is characterized by increased estrogen production. Liquid or watery discharge during menstruation is never considered normal, but afterwards it is still acceptable. The following options are possible:

  1. If menstruation has changed consistency and color, then a malfunction in the woman’s body is possible. Bleeding is also possible, due to which the pad gets wet very quickly (less than an hour). You definitely need to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination.
  2. If you notice liquid discharge instead of menstruation, you must first take an ultra-sensitive pregnancy test. When conception is excluded, the cause of watery secretion streaked with blood may be associated with hormonal imbalances, taking oral contraceptives, or gynecological pathologies.

Liquid discharge after menstruation is not considered a violation in the first two days, and is classified as postmenstrual, but when it really resembles water and lasts more than two days, then a visit to the gynecologist’s office cannot be postponed.

The norm for the menstrual period is undiluted blood with a small amount of mucus or clots, without the presence of a viscous, bad-smelling substance.

A few rules of personal hygiene

In many cases, female discharge smells due to neglect of sanitary standards. To avoid this, you must adhere to the following simple rules of personal hygiene:

  • It is necessary to take a shower at least once a day, and during the menstrual cycle after each change of pad;
  • The skin on the genitals is particularly sensitive, so washcloths made of coarse materials are not suitable as care products;
  • It is possible to use special products for hygiene of the labia. Before use, a new product must be tested on other, rougher areas of the skin, since many of them cause an allergic reaction, which is characterized by the formation of an itchy rash. This may be a cause for concern;
  • When drying, it is permissible to use only your own personal towel.

Synthetic underwear can also cause skin irritation, so preference should be given exclusively to natural materials. The ideal option would be cotton. During the menstrual cycle, it is recommended to use regular pads. Do not confuse feminine intimate hygiene wipes with antibacterial wipes. They may contain substances such as ethanol or regular medical alcohol. This provokes irritation of the epidermis and mucous membrane of the genital organ.

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Thrush in women

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Candidiasis in men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity for some reason believe that thrush is the prerogative of women, but this is not so.

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Smell from the intimate area - what to do?

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in an intimate place cannot always be associated with insufficient hygiene. During the day, a woman leads an active lifestyle - she works, moves, plays sports or does household chores.

The natural microflora in the vagina produces a secretion with a specific aroma, but it is not repulsive. The appearance of odor is always associated with a change in secretions. In order to combat such manifestations, it is necessary to find out the cause of their occurrence.


Transparent liquid discharge during pregnancy is a natural sign for the gestation period. Nausea and vomiting can occur at the very beginning of pregnancy, but discharge like water during gestation is typical for a later period, from about 12 weeks (second trimester). And it’s all about hormones: at the beginning of pregnancy, progesterone predominates, which makes the discharge after fertilization thick to protect the embryo, so during the delay and in the early stages, liquid vaginal secretion is rarely observed. After about three months, the body produces more estrogen, which thins the vaginal secretions.

Whitish, liquid, profuse discharge without odor and itching during pregnancy should not cause alarm. This sign does not indicate pathology and occurs in most pregnant women.

Important! Throughout pregnancy, any substance coming out of the vagina should not be accompanied by pain.

You should go to the hospital immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

  • presence of blood;
  • itching and burning sensation;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sharp redness of the external genitalia.

Pathological secretion during pregnancy can be caused either by ordinary thrush or colpitis, or by more dangerous problems:

It is important that the woman receives treatment, otherwise the baby may contract a fungus or infection during childbirth.

After installing the pessary, there should be no discharge as abundant as water. Such a sign may indicate a violation of the integrity of the placenta. Read about what discharge with a pessary should be like during pregnancy in the article at the link.

Preventive actions

In order to avoid any discomfort in the intimate area, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Avoid unprotected sex;
  • Treat genital pathologies in a timely manner, and regularly visit a gynecologist;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Try to have a sexual life with one “trusted” partner.

The human body is a rather complex mechanism. The main part of the natural processes in it is carried out through the activity of beneficial bacteria present in the normal microflora. As a result of past illnesses and due to a number of other external factors, the microclimate of the body can be disrupted under the influence of harmful microorganisms. The consequences of these processes may be different. One of these is the appearance of discharge with an unpleasant odor from the intimate area.

Taking hormonal medications

Pills, patches, suppositories, gels and creams containing estrogen can affect not only menstruation, but also daily vaginal secretions. It has a liquid-like consistency, is almost always transparent, and does not cause discomfort. If the situation does not stabilize over time, and the panty liner becomes wet within half an hour or earlier, then there is a reason to seek help from a doctor. There is a possibility that the birth control pill or other hormonal drug is simply not suitable and is causing such thin, clear discharge.


  1. Scheduled visits to the gynecologist twice a year;
  2. Timely treatment of sexually transmitted and gynecological diseases;
  3. Protection with condoms during frequent changes of sexual partner;
  4. Careful intimate hygiene;
  5. Use panty liners if there are no allergic reactions;
  6. Nutrition including lactic acid products, use of probiotics;
  7. Using special cosmetics to maintain hygiene.


Very often, pink discharge is associated with the procedure of cauterization of erosion. The following dynamics are noted:

  1. First 10 days. A colorless and odorless liquid resembling water.
  2. Next week. A vein of blood may be noted, causing a pale or slightly bright pinkish secretion.
  3. Further. A thicker brown secretion appears, resembling daub. After this, the usual secretion should be restored.

If watery discharge with blood is not associated with cauterization of your erosion, then the cause may be:

  • inflammation;
  • polyps;
  • fibroids;
  • cervical cancer;
  • endometriosis;
  • removal of adhesions;
  • removal of fallopian tubes;
  • scraping procedure.

Vaginal sweat7

Another discharge that women encounter is vaginal sweat. The sweat glands produce a secretion, which is what appears during sexual arousal.

But it's not just sex that can make you sweat in this area. Stress or external stimuli can also help with this.

To reduce the amount of unwanted discharge, you should wear soft underwear made from natural materials, take care of your hygiene and be as calm as possible.


Yellow and greenish watery discharge in women, especially with lumps of pus, indicate infectious diseases:

  • chlamydia,
  • trichomoniasis,
  • gonorrhea,
  • mycoplasmosis,
  • ureaplasmosis.

Additional symptoms worth noting include:

  • pain and itching during sex;
  • presence of blood in the secretion;
  • discomfort in the abdomen and lower back;
  • foamy consistency of secretion;
  • the presence of clots;
  • redness and swelling of the external genitalia.

Yellowish secretion is often associated with adnexitis (inflammation of the appendages).

Sexual arousal

Most often, girls leak during sexual arousal. They feel passion and strong emotions when thinking about sex or the object of their desire. Along with excitement, tension appears in the abdominal area, after which you may notice discharge on your panties.

This can happen both during sex, when your partner caresses you, and simply from any sexual thought. There is nothing wrong with this, so there is no need to be shy. Many girls have questions about this discharge, let's answer the most popular questions.

Liquid vaginal discharge during menopause

During menopause, it is normal for a woman to notice slightly watery mucus from the vagina. It continues to perform important functions in the body. But if you experience pain, itching, burning and heterogeneous consistency of the cervical fluid (lumps, clots, etc.), you need to visit a doctor and get checked for infectious diseases and other pathologies of the reproductive system.

Briefly about the main thing

The appearance of the described symptoms in women occurs at any age - from puberty to menopause. In a normal situation, they are associated with the functioning of the reproductive system, but if there is too much secretion, and it is accompanied by unpleasant sensations and pathological symptoms, postponing a visit to the gynecologist is extremely undesirable, even if on women’s forums a similar story ended positively without treatment.

The slightly acidic environment of the vagina and its natural microflora prevent the development of pathogens that enter there from the outside. The mucus in the cervix serves as protection against infection spreading further into the uterus and ovaries. In a healthy woman, the removal of mucus to the outside is a normal physiological phenomenon. Its appearance only changes in different phases of the menstrual cycle. In some cases, it is normal for a woman to have watery discharge. But sometimes they are caused by serious diseases, the success of treatment of which depends on timely diagnosis.

  • When watery discharge during pregnancy is a sign of pathology
  • What diseases cause fluid discharge in women?
  • What can cause natural fluid discharge in women?

    The consistency and volume of discharge varies depending on the stage of the cycle. The density of mucus produced by the glands of the cervix depends on the ratio of female sex hormones that ensure the production and maturation of eggs. Immediately after the end of menstruation, a “dry” period begins. The estrogen content is minimal, the mucous plug is the densest, and there is almost no discharge.

    As estrogen levels rise and the egg matures, the discharge becomes more watery, and by the time you ovulate, the discharge has the consistency of egg white. The lowest density is observed within a few days after ovulation (the release of a mature egg from the protective bladder). The liquid consistency of the medium ensures the free passage of sperm towards the egg, as well as its further movement into the uterus. In this phase, the content of estrogen decreases, the main role is played by progesterone, the function of which is to provide conditions for the further development of the embryo.

    To better secure the fertilized egg in the uterus, its epithelial layer swells and loosens. At the same time, the fluid content in the tissues increases. All this leads to the appearance of transparent liquid discharge from the genitals in a woman. At the end of the menstrual cycle, the mucus begins to thicken. If pregnancy does not occur, the endometrium (epithelial layer) is rejected, menstruation occurs, and a new cycle begins.

    Thus, the appearance of liquid, odorless, water-like discharge closer to the middle and in the second half of the cycle is a physiological norm. In this case, the woman does not experience any unpleasant sensations.

    Liquid, water-like discharge may also appear in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during sexual intercourse (due to an increase in the volume of natural lubrication during sexual arousal);
  • as a result of frequent changes of sexual partners (due to changes in the vaginal microflora);
  • with hormonal changes, which may be caused by a lack of regular sexual activity, pregnancy protection, as well as the use of hormone-containing drugs and antibiotics;
  • due to stress, climate change, affecting biochemical processes in a woman’s body, including the production of hormones.

Video: What role does clear discharge play before menstruation?

The essence of the problem

Even a healthy woman's intimate area has an odor. Normally, it is a little specific, sour, but does not cause discomfort. The microflora of the reproductive system plays a protective role; it blocks the development of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi.

The components of the microflora are in different percentages, but the majority (approximately 90%) are Dederlein bacilli and lactobacilli.

Their main function is to produce lactic acid to maintain an acidic environment in the vagina.

As many women think, the smell can only be caused by poor personal hygiene and in order to remove it, it is enough to simply wash the intimate area. But if, with good hygiene, the smell remains or appears very quickly, this is the first signal that the woman has some kind of disease of the reproductive system.

Watery discharge during pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, progesterone levels remain high. This prevents the maturation of new eggs and keeps the embryo firmly in the uterus. Therefore, there is usually no watery discharge.

At 12-13 weeks, the concentration of estrogen begins to increase, ensuring the creation of new fetal cells and preparing the woman’s body for childbirth (the condition of the cervical tissue changes, the mucous plug liquefies). The appearance of watery discharge in women in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is natural if it is colorless, odorless, and not accompanied by burning or itching.

At the end of pregnancy, thin, water-like discharge appears due to mucus mixing with urine. The uterus and fetus put pressure on the bladder, causing it to not close completely.

When watery discharge during pregnancy is a sign of pathology

Dangerous symptoms in women are:

  • the appearance of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • the presence of an unpleasant odor (putrid, sour or fishy);
  • green, yellow, gray color (indicates the presence of bacteria);
  • brown or red discharge (signs of internal bleeding);
  • irritation and itching of the skin in the perineum, burning sensation in the vagina;
  • foamy or other unusual discharge structure;
  • temperature increase;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

These signs may indicate the occurrence of inflammatory processes and infection with sexually transmitted infections. There is a threat of miscarriage or complications during childbirth, and there is a high probability of infection of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.

Addition: If a woman does not have all these menacing signs, but the discharge, like water, is yellow in color and has a sweetish smell, this may indicate fluid leakage from the amniotic sac. This condition is dangerous in the middle of pregnancy, causing premature birth and fetal death. At the very end of pregnancy, leakage indicates the onset of labor.


Only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis based on the results of a whole range of tests. The gynecologist prescribes a range of procedures: from a regular smear to PCR analysis. After establishing the cause of the disease, he prescribes two groups of medications:

  • for the treatment of illness;
  • to restore the body's flora.

Treatment of bacterial and viral infections, sexually transmitted diseases, mycoses, and inflammatory processes ends with the use of eubiotics. Their main function is to add missing microorganisms so that they help restore normal microflora and restore an acidic environment favorable for their development.

After a course of treatment, it is important to take tests every quarter to examine and identify possible relapses and understand whether all processes are proceeding normally.

It is important that the patient strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations and completes a full course of treatment without interruptions. Systematicity is extremely important, especially in the treatment of certain diseases. They tend to become chronic, healed and sluggish. In such a situation, it is very difficult to cure them.

The use of traditional medicine is strictly prohibited here, because not only will it not give the desired result, but it can also aggravate the situation. In addition to medical intervention, the patient can regularly keep the intimate area clean, change underwear often, and not wear synthetic or tight panties to prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor.


A burning sensation, itching and the presence of an unpleasant odor from the vagina can indicate the presence of many problems associated with women's health.

These are the ones that will be discussed in this article.

Most people are familiar with the term “dysbiosis,” but for some reason many associate it with intestinal function. I would like to say that this term may imply the presence of a pathological process in the genitals, which carries with it serious consequences for the body. An unpleasant odor and burning sensation in the genitals are signs of the development of pathogenic bacteria in the vaginal microflora. In medicine, this condition is described by the term “vaginal dysbiosis” or bacterial vaginosis. In such a situation, you should not delay going to a specialist, because this can lead to many subsequent health problems.

What diseases cause fluid discharge in women?

The cause of watery discharge can be inflammation and infection of the genital tract, uterus and appendages.

Salpingoophoritis is an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and ovaries. As a result, damage, engorgement and scarring of the mucous membrane occurs, and tissue swelling occurs. There is a narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes, a violation of their patency. It becomes difficult to capture eggs and move them through the tubes to the uterus. The fluid released in areas of inflammation accumulates in the uterine cavity and comes out in the form of copious mucous secretions.

If the inflammation is not treated, it becomes chronic, and the discharge thickens and acquires a green-yellow color due to the admixture of pus.

Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis). This disease is associated with the proliferation of pathogenic gardnerella microbes in the vagina due to disruption of the natural microflora. The cause of the disorder may be improper douching, changing sexual partners (unprotected sex), using inappropriate contraceptives, or using antibiotics.

Inflammation subsequently spreads to the uterus and appendages. A characteristic sign of gardnerellosis is watery, often yellow discharge with a fishy odor.

Note: Gardnerella is normally always present in moderate quantities in women. Dysbacteriosis contributes to their increased reproduction.

Candidiasis (thrush) is a fungal infection of the vagina. The proliferation of fungi present in the microflora occurs due to dysbacteriosis. In this case, vaginitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa) or vulvovaginitis (simultaneous damage to the external part of the genital organs) occurs. In this case, a woman’s discharge may have a cheesy appearance and a sour smell. There is a strong burning sensation, swelling of the genital organs, and general weakness. Urination becomes painful and frequent.

Video: Symptoms and treatment of thrush

Cervical erosion. The causes of erosion are varied: inflammatory and infectious diseases, trauma to the cervix during abortion and childbirth. Mucous liquid discharge may contain blood. In the advanced stage they become mucopurulent.

Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix, often accompanying erosion. There is a great danger of infection spreading along the ascending path into the uterus and appendages.

Cervical cancer. Copious discharge, liquid like water, appears due to the fact that lymph leaks through damaged tissue.

Endometritis is a pathology associated with excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus, its spread into the tubes and even into the abdominal cavity. At the same time, processes associated with the functioning of the ovaries and the production of hormones are disrupted. Watery discharge has streaks of blood and an unpleasant odor. They intensify before menstruation and appear immediately after them.

Sexually transmitted diseases (infectious agents transmitted sexually). These include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis and others. The discharge in the initial stage is abundant, watery, with an unpleasant odor. The consequences in women are extensive inflammatory processes with severe complications. Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time.

Video: Diseases that cause pathological vaginal discharge

Lately I've been having strange discharge. Especially a lot in the morning. I get out of bed and droplets of what look like muddy water are dripping out of me. Absolutely odorless. During the day, the discharge becomes more moderate or disappears altogether. I tested for infections about two months ago. Mycoplasma was detected. But the doctor advised against treatment, explaining that there was no need to take antibiotics if there was no acute form. And I don't understand what's happening to me. Should I go to the doctor again and get tested? so there seems to be no point in this...

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Psychologist, bibliotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Wrzecinska Eva

Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist, Gestalt therapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

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Psychologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Andreeva Anna Mikhailovna

Psychologist, Clinical psychologist, oncologist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Korotina Svetlana Yurievna

Psychotherapist. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Pavlichenko Marina Valentinovna

Psychologist, Psychologist-consultant. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Lukashevskaya Natalya

Psychologist, PERSONAL AND FAMILY. Specialist from the site b17.ru

Unpleasant odor as a symptom of disease

For some reason, hormonal imbalances occur, which reduce the number of beneficial microflora organisms. As a result, bacterial vaginosis or vaginal dysbiosis may begin to develop. This violation is caused by a decrease in the acidity of the environment and its transition to a more alkaline one. Such an environment is favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora, which was previously restrained by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Such disorders can provoke the following diseases:

It is very difficult to talk about the prevention of vaginosis in general terms. The causes of the disease are complex and differ for almost every woman. Dysbacteriosis can be a concomitant disease with the following phenomena:

Unconventional and unprotected sex can lead not only to vaginal dysbiosis, but also to the following sexually transmitted diseases:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes and more.

All these disorders can stimulate the occurrence of foul odor and in such a situation immediate treatment is necessary because they can lead to loss of reproductive function and sometimes death.

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