Creamy, odorless discharge: white, creamy, like sour cream

Causes of creamy, odorless discharge in women

Regular leucorrhoea from the vagina is a sign of the full functioning of the female body.
Their consistency, volume and structure are used to judge the health of the reproductive system. Creamy discharge is common. If they are clear and odorless, there is no need to worry, but any changes should be taken seriously. The line between a sign of illness and the norm is very thin. Thick, creamy white discharge may be one of the symptoms of progressive pathology.

When is creamy discharge normal?

A healthy woman produces leucorrhoea regularly and in a timely manner. They are odorless, have a whitish color and a slimy consistency. The presence of creamy, creamy discharge is a normal condition necessary for the female body. They are produced by a special gland.

Maintaining a balance between pathogenic and beneficial microorganisms, the white secretion performs a cleansing function, frees the vagina from epithelial cells and pathogenic microorganisms, and protects against infection.

You don’t have to worry about your condition in cases where white, creamy, odorless discharge is rare and does not contain clots, pus or blood impurities. Usually they are scanty and do not irritate the vaginal mucosa. Women do not experience inconvenience and do not know what itching, irritation, redness, pain and discomfort in the genitals are. Such a secret can only be discovered when examining underwear, when a small spot remains.

About 1 teaspoon should be allocated per day. The amount depends on age, moral and physical condition, hormone levels, and regularity of sexual activity. Young girls have more creamy discharge than women. This is due to the fact that in adults the hormonal background is already formed, but at a young age it is not yet. The consistency is also affected by the menstrual cycle. Thick, abundant white discharge is usually observed after menstruation. Before the onset of regulation, leucorrhoea is scanty in nature.

After ovulation

The formation of a creamy white discharge may be associated with ovulation. The egg is released from the follicle around the 12th to 16th day of the menstrual cycle. In its place a yellow body is formed. A temporary gland is formed to protect the reproductive cell and its possible fertilization in the cervix.

The appearance of discharge in the middle of the cycle is associated with the production of a large amount of mucus, which has a viscous consistency. Part of the secretion penetrates into the vagina and is then expelled out.

During pregnancy

After successful fertilization, the egg moves to the uterus. When implanted, small vessels are damaged, which causes mild bleeding and the appearance of a small amount of mucus. In such cases, the vaginal secretion changes color slightly and becomes reddish, brown or beige.

During this period, pain may be felt in the lower abdomen. Within 24 hours, the discharge should return to its normal white color and the discomfort should subside. If this does not happen, the development of gynecological and infectious diseases is possible.

White, creamy discharge without odor or itching appears in the first week after conception. This is a variant of the norm and indicates that the process is proceeding as expected. But if there are blood impurities, tension and abdominal pain are felt, consult a doctor. Such symptoms characterize the condition preceding a miscarriage.

After intercourse

The appearance of white, cream-like discharge during the period when a girl is just beginning to be sexually active can be taken calmly. This is how the body adapts to the male microflora and protects itself from changes that are unusual for it. After adaptation, everything returns to normal.

A woman can detect a lot of leucorrhoea with clots in the first hours after unprotected intercourse. Semen contains protein. Once in the acidic environment of the vagina, it coagulates and acquires a cheesy, odorless structure.

During interrupted intercourse and after using a condom, less creamy mucus is released. If a woman does not use protection, the vagina self-cleanses itself of sperm. After sex, small clumps of white or yellowish tint appear.

When using medications

Produced odorless leucorrhoea, similar to cream, is considered normal when a woman uses drugs for the prevention of gynecological diseases, as well as those containing artificial or natural progesterone. They are prescribed to stabilize the menstrual cycle and when there is a threat of miscarriage.

During your period

There is no cause for concern when thick leucorrhoea occurs in the last days of your period. This is usually a pink or light brown creamy discharge. Sometimes blood is present. This is due to the fact that during this period the uterus is cleansed.

At the same time, blood clotting increases and the process of its leakage out slows down. If you notice dark mucus or foul-smelling thick discharge on the first day of your period and before your menstrual cycle begins, contact your doctor immediately. This is a bad sign, especially when it appears accompanied by other symptoms and against the background of deteriorating health.

During menopause

Menopause is a serious restructuring of the female body. Reproductive function fades, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, and menstruation becomes irregular during menopause. All discharge during menopause stops; in rare cases, it persists and has a creamy white consistency. This is a temporary phenomenon caused by hormonal instability.

Signs of infection and inflammation

Every woman should know the signs of infections and inflammations, since only in this way can she identify the problem in time and begin treatment, preventing complications from occurring. As a rule, in the presence of pathological processes, the appearance of vaginal discharge is always accompanied by additional symptoms.

For example, viscous and foul-smelling discharge can occur when the fallopian tubes become inflamed. Most often they are profuse and accompanied by acute pain in the lower abdomen during movements. The appearance of an unpleasant odor is caused by the accumulation of purulent exudate in the fallopian tubes, which penetrates the uterine cavity and then leaves it through the cervix.

The presence of white mucous discharge without odor and discomfort is not always considered normal. Women are accustomed to the fact that in case of obvious disorders, they must itch and itch in the perineal area. But many gynecologists argue that at the beginning of any negative process the body resists. Because of this, the unpleasant smell of vaginal discharge, discomfort and other symptoms of pathologies do not appear.

It is necessary to pay attention to the accompanying negative signs:

  1. A sharp increase in the volume of rejected fluid. The norm is no more than a teaspoon per day. If a woman does not carry a child, does not take hormonal pills, and this is not the middle of the cycle, then there may be a violation. You should immediately consult a doctor if your panty liner gets wet in less than an hour.
  2. Systematic occurrence of secretion. One-time leucorrhoea or mucus lasting up to five days is not dangerous. A secret that appears constantly, sometimes for two weeks, and sometimes for a whole month without interruption, requires special attention.
  3. Changed structure. The presence of flakes, large clots and seals of unknown origin indicates problems not only with the vaginal environment, but also with other genital organs.
  4. Additional sensations. When the nature of the discharge remains within normal limits, but it pulls in the lower abdomen, tingles in the uterus, the temperature rises or the general condition worsens, you cannot postpone a visit to the doctor. The reason may be hidden either in a slight imbalance of microflora or in the development of a serious disease.

Lots of secretion

Strong white, odorless discharge can be caused by:

  • cervical erosion;
  • cervicitis;
  • endometritis;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes;
  • adnexitis;
  • aerobic vaginitis.

Bacterial vaginosis should be ruled out immediately. With this problem, there is often a profuse discharge with a whitish tint that may smell like rotten fish. The disease is also accompanied by irritation of the mucous membrane, vaginal itching and general discomfort of the perineum.

Vaginal dryness against the background of very thick and even hard white discharge can be caused by:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • obvious lack of estrogen;
  • the onset of the inflammatory process;
  • infection or fungus;
  • chronic vaginal dysbiosis.

Discharge with flakes
The initial form of thrush or chronic candidiasis is characterized by white thick discharge without a sour smell and itching. The secretion may not only have a cheesy consistency. There is thick vaginal discharge that resembles cream or sour cream.

At the very beginning, the ingress of a pathogenic fungus is distinguished only by a whitish or light secretion. Additional symptoms appear when the immune system is weakened or while taking antibiotics. These medications kill not only harmful, but also beneficial lactobacilli, which block the proliferation of pathogenic organisms in the vagina.

With chronic thrush, the symptoms are dulled. It occurs again during inflammatory processes and other diseases that were caused by candidiasis.

Thick, odorless discharge can be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Viral infection of the vagina.
  2. Infection in the microflora.
  3. Infection of the body with pathogenic bacteria.
  4. The presence of harmful microbes in the pelvic organs.

It is in a woman's best interest to see a doctor and have a smear done. This is the only way to accurately determine whether an infectious, bacterial or fungal factor caused the unusual secretion.

The appearance of copious, odorless white mucus often indicates infectious pathologies. The situation persists for two to three weeks, and only then does the unpleasant odor of leucorrhoea and discomfort arise.

Discharge can be caused by:

  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • other STDs.

Immediately after infection, the woman notices the appearance of white, transparent discharge without an unpleasant odor. But the lack of timely treatment aggravates the disease. There is a fetid odor, pus, a foamy consistency of leucorrhoea, the transparency of the veins changes, provoking a green, bright yellow tint of vaginal mucus.

Cloudy leucorrhoea

Most often, due to inflammatory processes, vaginal fluid with a cloudy white tint begins to be released.

With mucus

This could be inflammation:

  • ovaries and fallopian tubes (salpingoophoritis);
  • cervix (cervicitis);
  • vaginal glands (bartholinitis);
  • labia (vulvitis);
  • cervical mucosa (endometritis).

There is virtually no unpleasant odor in the early stages of these diseases. The following symptoms are well expressed:

  • failure of the female cycle;
  • delay of menstruation;
  • painful urination;
  • itching and burning;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • pain during sex;
  • increase in body temperature.

The inflammatory process can occur for the following reasons:

  1. When there is no permanent sexual partner.
  2. Due to unprotected sexual intercourse.
  3. Due to violation of intimate hygiene rules.
  4. As a result of various intrauterine interventions.
  5. In case of infection or fungus.
  6. After hypothermia.

Regardless of the pathogen, the cloudy shade of leucorrhoea is caused by an increased number of leukocytes. They are also found in normal discharge, but their number should not exceed 10 (for the vagina) and 30 (for the cervix).

Constant leucorrhoea

Systematic discharge similar in color to milk cannot be considered normal. In this case, the woman definitely needs medical help. Among the reasons for this symptom it is worth highlighting:

  • improper genital hygiene;
  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process;
  • the presence of a foreign object in the vagina;
  • incorrectly selected hormonal therapy;
  • presence of benign tumors;
  • presence of cancer;
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction.

Pathological leucorrhoea

Pathological conditions accompanied by creamy discharge are often diagnosed and observed. In the presence of diseases, leucorrhoea has a very profuse character, unusual consistency and color. They can irritate the genital mucosa, causing burning, itching and pain. These are all signs of inflammation and infection.

For candidiasis

Thrush occurs and worsens due to the active proliferation of pathogenic fungi Candida. This can happen for various reasons:

  • weakened immune system;
  • promiscuous sex;
  • neglect of personal hygiene rules;
  • bad habits;
  • taking antibiotics.

Curdled secretion during the development of thrush

White creamy discharge, itching in the vaginal area - these are the symptoms in 70% of cases that indicate thrush. This disease is caused by fungi of the genus Candidae. These microorganisms are considered conditionally pathogenic, since they constantly live on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. The acidic environment created in the vagina by lactobacilli and bifidobacteria does not allow them to reproduce. However, under the influence of certain factors, the balance is disrupted. Among them are:

  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • colds;
  • synthetic underwear;
  • presence of sweets and confectionery in the diet;
  • stress;
  • avitaminosis;
  • smoking.

In a short period of time, the discharge acquires a cheesy consistency and becomes abundant. The woman begins to be haunted by an unpleasant sour smell in the intimate area. Towards evening, the clinical picture is usually complemented by aching pain in the lower abdomen.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. The sour smell and discomfort gradually recede. Creamy white discharge appears, which is distinguished by its viscousness. It is during this period that the cervix becomes inflamed, which is confirmed by colposcopy.

When to see a gynecologist

The slightest discomfort in the genitals, as well as a sharp change in the nature of the discharge, should not be ignored. It is unsafe to treat yourself without knowing the reasons for the deviations. Specialists are contacted in the following cases:

  1. Stopping discharge.
  2. Change in mucus shade.
  3. The appearance of clots resembling cottage cheese.
  4. The presence of a strong odor, pain and itching.

Any unfamiliar unpleasant symptom should alert you. To avoid inflammatory diseases and complications, seek medical help. Urgent and effective treatment may be required to solve the problem.

Complications and consequences

Any pathology in the absence of proper treatment after a while becomes chronic and provokes serious complications. If these are hormonal fluctuations, then the most dangerous consequence will be the development of pathologies leading to infertility. The same changes can occur with advanced forms of STDs.

Any inflammatory processes and tumors pose a threat to women's health and even life. With thrush (candidiasis) and bacterial vaginosis, an environment favorable for the penetration of infection is created. In the case of the development of infectious diseases, the situation becomes significantly worse. If these pathologies are diagnosed in late pregnancy, treatment is most often carried out after childbirth. In this case, there is a risk that the child will become infected during passage through the birth canal.

In the case of the development of endometriosis and damage to endometrial cells of the uterus and ovaries during ovulation and other phases of the cycle, uterine bleeding may begin. Often this pathology becomes the cause of infertility.


Even in the absence of discomfort, white creamy discharge can signal a progressive disease. Treatment can be complex and the consequences unpredictable. To avoid complications, it is necessary to regularly visit a gynecologist.

One of the main preventive recommendations is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. The intimate area requires daily care.

It is also advisable not to use public toilets, use protection during sex and do not forget about a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, exercise, and giving up bad habits perfectly restore the body and increase resistance to infections.

Diagnosis of diseases

The list of diseases that can be diagnosed if white cheesy discharge with a sour odor without itching appears is long. Therefore, it is better to trust a doctor to figure out what the problem is and why it arose. First, undergo a gynecological examination. The doctor takes smears, which are examined in the laboratory using the following methods:

  1. Microscopy. Using a microscope, a specialist identifies the presence of pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. PCR. This accurate method allows you to determine whether a sour smell is normal or signals the growth of pathogens.
  3. Bacterial sowing The resulting biomaterial is placed in an environment that favors the development of pathogens. This way you can determine which drugs specific pathogens are sensitive to.
  4. ELISA allows you to understand whether a woman has antibodies to the pathogen in her blood.

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Precursors of white thick and creamy discharge

Female discharge is conventionally divided into two types - physiological and pathological. The former are the norm and their appearance is not accompanied by any discomfort. And the latter occur only in cases where infections and inflammation appear in the vagina. White, creamy, odorless discharge is classified as a physiological type, but only if there are no other symptoms characteristic of various pathologies.

The secretion secreted from the vagina ensures that the balance between lactic acid bacteria and opportunistic microorganisms is maintained, as well as the cleansing of the reproductive system organs from dead epithelium. Its quantity depends on the work of the glands, which are located on the mucous membranes. Their activity is influenced by both internal and external factors. When exposed to them, the amount of mucus produced increases, which is a natural protective reaction of the body.

Before your period starts

Vaginal discharge after menstruation can be physiological and pathological. Normally, postmenstrual discharge is dark brown in color. This is due to increased blood clotting at the end of menstruation and its slow release. Physiological secretions are odorless.

An unpleasant odor accompanying vaginal discharge before and after menstruation indicates the possible presence of chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma or genital herpes.

If discharge does not appear immediately after menstruation, but after a few days, then an uterine or ectopic pregnancy can be suspected. In this case, the woman needs to contact a gynecologist.

In adult women, creamy discharge appears when the uterus is preparing for menstruation. Usually, discharge appears a few days before the start of menstruation. In this case, they may have a light brown color, as they contain blood streaks. As a rule, discharge does not cause any discomfort in a woman, but if there is a lot of it, she may feel excessive vaginal moisture.

About the symptom

The nature of female discharge depends on many factors: age, lifestyle, sexual activity, hormonal levels, menstrual cycle. The last factor explains the change in the composition and amount of mucous secretion over the course of a month.

Normal variants include creamy, thick, liquid, white, cloudy, without inclusions, yellowish, moderate discharge on women's panties.

Cloudy particles in the mucus are explained by exfoliated epithelium in its composition. It should not smell of anything and not cause discomfort in the form of vaginal burning, itching, or pain in the lower abdomen. Otherwise, such discharge is a sign of disease. Let's look at the natural causes of odorless and itchy white discharge in women.

Treatment of discharge

Most white, odorless discharge in women does not require treatment. But for any complaints or ailments, it is better to visit a doctor. The nature of vaginal mucus and the time of its occurrence can only give a signal of a violation, but not help to establish the exact cause of the occurrence.

To begin with, an examination in a gynecological chair is enough. After this, the doctor will prescribe a smear test. The course of further examination will depend on the results of the assessment of biological material. You may need:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • visiting a urologist;
  • examination by an endocrinologist;
  • examination by other specialists.

A visit to additional doctors is explained by the fact that the occurrence of whitish secretion can be provoked by: diabetes mellitus; improper functioning of the thyroid gland; urological problems.

The production of leucorrhoea is essential for the reproductive system. They provide protection and normal functioning of the genital organs. Any change in vaginal fluid should alert a woman. In most cases, these are minor failures, but any disorder is easier to treat if diagnosed on time.

Many women practice self-treatment of vaginal discharge. But this may not only be ineffective, but also harmful in itself, since when douching with a soda solution or chamomile decoction, beneficial microorganisms are washed out of the vagina. Therefore, treatment for vaginal discharge should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor.

If pathological discharge appears, you must contact a gynecologist to diagnose the disease that caused it. After identifying the cause, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the underlying disease, as well as procedures aimed at restoring the vaginal microflora and increasing the body’s immunoresistance.

If white, thick vaginal discharge occurs, you should contact a gynecologist. Only he can answer exactly why they appeared and what needs to be done. To make a diagnosis, you just need to take a smear for bacterial culture and undergo an ultrasound examination, which will confirm/refute the presence of inflammatory processes.

As a rule, odorless discharge and itching, pain and other symptoms that occur during certain periods of the cycle do not require treatment. But for those conditions where other symptoms are present, treatment is selected strictly on an individual basis, depending on the cause of their occurrence.

For example, thrush is treated with special antifungal drugs. In this case, not only women, but also their sexual partners are treated. They are prescribed antifungal ointments, which they must apply to the penis several times a day.

When inflammation is detected, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs are used. If STDs have been identified, specific therapy is carried out with the participation of antibacterial agents.

It is impossible to say exactly how to treat discharge in women. It all depends on the cause of their occurrence and the individual characteristics of the body. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and if you suspect the development of infectious or inflammatory diseases, it is better to immediately seek help from a doctor and follow all his recommendations.

Safe creamy secretion

Connection with the menstrual cycle

After menstruation, the genitals secrete a barely noticeable secretion due to low estrogen content. Closer to the middle, the mucus becomes more abundant and slimy. During ovulation, the largest amount of secretion is observed, viscous and sticky consistency, transparent, white, yellowish, brown, sometimes mixed with blood, which indicates the release of a mature egg from a burst follicle. After ovulation, the concentration of the hormone progesterone increases, and, as a result, a creamy secretion of a thick and stretchy consistency appears (see photo above). In large quantities it is indicated before menstruation. That is, creamy discharge before menstruation indicates ovulation has taken place and is a harbinger of regulation. The quality of this secretion determines the phase of the menstrual cycle and periods of a woman’s fertility.

Types of vaginal discharge

There are many types of vaginal discharge, which can have both physiological and pathological origins. If the discharge has an unpleasant odor, purulent consistency, or is accompanied by a burning sensation, pain or other symptoms of discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

We answered in more detail below the question about what types of vaginal discharge there are.

Watery vaginal discharge may indicate inflammation of the fallopian tubes or cervical erosion. This is due to the fact that when the fallopian tube is inflamed, the secretion of cells through the uterine cavity enters the vagina.

Normally, liquid vaginal discharge may occur in pregnant women. The appearance of vaginal discharge like water is not an independent sign of the disease, but signals the presence of a pathological process in the body.

Purulent discharge

Purulent vaginal discharge may indicate inflammatory diseases, such as bacterial vaginitis, salpingitis, cervicitis, as well as some sexually transmitted diseases (trichomoniasis).

The discharge becomes liquid or foamy, has an unpleasant odor and is yellow-green in color. They are often abundant.

Transparent vaginal discharge accompanies the normal functioning of the genital organs. They are an indicator of cyclical changes in the body associated with the normal functioning of the ovaries.

Transparent mucous discharge from the vagina is a physiological fluid, which contains epithelial cells, lymph, mucus and microorganisms. Copious transparent vaginal discharge can become pathological only in girls under 10 years of age.

Mucus discharge

Mucous discharge from the vagina is normal in most cases; it is due to the nature of the uterine secretion. If vaginal discharge looks like snot, is accompanied by an unpleasant odor and is streaked with blood, then this may indicate cysts and erosions present in the body.

In addition, jelly-like vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and ovaries. Mucus discharge from the vagina mixed with blood can also occur during an ectopic pregnancy.

Bloody discharge

As a rule, small amounts of blood discharge from the vagina occur before and after menstruation. Also, spotting from the vagina may appear in women taking oral contraceptives in the first 2 months from the start of use.

If vaginal discharge with blood is not associated with the physiological cycle, it may be a manifestation of cervical cancer pathologies, endometriosis or advanced erosion. In this case, it is best to consult a gynecologist to find out the nature of such discharge.

White discharge

White vaginal discharge with a cheesy consistency almost always indicates candidiasis. At the beginning of the disease, the discharge of leucorrhoea from the vagina is small, but if left untreated, it can become profuse. Often, white, thick vaginal discharge is accompanied by a sharp sour odor, itching and pain when urinating.

Upon examination, the mucous membrane of the external genital organs is covered with a curdled or milky coating, which is easily removed.

Brown vaginal discharge normally occurs at the end of the menstrual cycle and at the beginning of sexual activity. Pathological brown vaginal discharge occurs with thrush, chlamydia, trichomoniasis or inflammation of the vagina.

Brownish vaginal discharge is also observed when the menstrual cycle is disrupted.

Yellow discharge

If yellow vaginal discharge has a faint yellow tint and is not accompanied by discomfort, then this is normal.

If the vaginal discharge is yellow in color and has a rich hue and is accompanied by itching, pain or an unpleasant odor, then we can say that this is observed with inflammation of the uterine appendages and sexually transmitted infections. In addition, yellowish vaginal discharge is also observed with cervical erosions.

Black discharge

Most often, black discharge from the vagina can occur during inflammatory diseases or when using hormonal contraceptives.

Pink discharge

Normally, pink vaginal discharge may appear during ovulation. If pink discharge from the vagina is accompanied by discomfort in the lower abdomen, then doctors may suspect cervical erosion.

Faint pinkish vaginal discharge, aggravated by pain, may indicate various sexually transmitted diseases.

Dark discharge

Dark vaginal discharge normally occurs before, after and in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If the discharge is accompanied by abdominal pain or other discomfort, then cervical erosion, pelvic inflammation, or the presence of sexually transmitted diseases can be suspected.

Orange discharge

Orange vaginal discharge that appears after unprotected sex indicates infection with trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. If there is no sexual activity, such discharge may indicate bacterial vaginosis.

Gray discharge

Serous vaginal discharge is considered normal if it is not accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, itching, or unpleasant odor. If gray vaginal discharge is accompanied by pain, then one may suspect the presence of infections such as ureaplasmosis or mycoplasmosis. Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Foamy discharge

Foamy vaginal discharge can be caused by stress, nervous fatigue, or recent unprotected intercourse. Most often, foamy discharge is accompanied by trichomoniasis.

Discharge flakes

Flaky vaginal discharge is most common with vaginal candidiasis (thrush). They also have a characteristic white color and sour odor.

Brown discharge

Typically, brown vaginal discharge is considered normal only at the beginning and end of menstruation. In other cases, these are pathologies, the causes of which are determined in the laboratory.

Creamy discharge

Quite often, creamy vaginal discharge can indicate pregnancy, and if there is discomfort, it can indicate pathological diseases of the genital organs.

Most often, colorless vaginal discharge that is not accompanied by physical discomfort or odor is completely normal. If you are also concerned about discomfort in the genital area, you should consult a doctor.

Cloudy discharge

Cloudy vaginal discharge is most common with bacterial vaginosis and sexually transmitted diseases.

Sticky discharge

Sticky vaginal discharge may indicate the presence of thrush or other genitourinary infections in the body. One way or another, the situation requires medical intervention.

Light discharge

Light-colored vaginal discharge—white, transparent, or slightly tinged with pink or yellow—is normal. However, it is worth remembering that normally their number is minimal, and any discomfort, itching or burning in the vaginal or labia area indicates the presence of infections, which requires contacting a gynecologist.

Green discharge

Green vaginal discharge indicates an increased level of white blood cells. Greenish vaginal discharge, therefore, indicates bacterial inflammation of the uterus and its appendages.

Vaginal discharge in a child can be either a physiological process or a sign of a disease.

A girl should not experience vaginal discharge before puberty; it appears about a year before the start of menstruation. The causes of pathological discharge in children may be:

  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • worms;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • thrush;
  • allergic reactions.

Vaginal discharge in adolescents who have sexual relations may indicate sexually transmitted diseases. Often the onset of sexual activity is normally accompanied by discharge that does not cause physical discomfort.

Physiological vaginal discharge in newborns can occur in the first week of life during a hormonal crisis. This is due to the fact that their body gets rid of the mother’s hormones and begins to form its own hormonal background. If vaginal discharge in a baby is accompanied by pain or itching, you should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause of these symptoms.

When discharge requires extra attention

Allergic reaction

Often the composition of vaginal secretions changes under the influence of an allergic irritant. They can be incorrectly selected intimate hygiene products, synthetic underwear, lubricants, and medications. Even food allergies can cause this symptom.

Hormonal imbalances

One of the main reasons why the nature of secretion changes is hormonal imbalance. This is often observed during menopause. The use of hormonal contraceptives and emergency contraception also gives a white color and creamy consistency to vaginal secretions.

Sour odor during pregnancy

From the moment of successful fertilization, a change in hormonal levels occurs in the body of a healthy woman. In order to preserve the fetus, the concentration of progesterone increases significantly. The secret gets much thicker. A slight sour mucus odor is normal.

The appearance of leucorrhoea with an uncharacteristic aroma is often observed due to weakening of the immune system. For this reason, the microflora is disrupted and active reproduction of the microorganisms present in it is noted. And not only useful, but also pathogenic.

A discharge that gives off a sour odor may indicate an exacerbation of candidiasis during pregnancy, which often manifests itself during gestation. In this case, the secretion becomes abundant, and the mucus acquires the consistency of curd mass. Unpleasant symptoms such as itching and burning in the intimate area appear.

In the process of treating thrush in women bearing a child, Pimafucin suppositories are most often used. Their active substance is not able to penetrate through mucous membranes. Therefore, there is no systemic effect and no harm is caused to the fetus.

Often, during pregnancy, other diseases that occur in a chronic form become aggravated. The cause of changes in the smell of secretion may be genital herpes and chlamydia.

Discharge as a cream for pathology

If white discharge, like a cream, is accompanied by other symptoms that cause discomfort, then this means a gynecological problem, which is based on inflammation or infection.


Bacterial vaginosis is an infectious disease characterized by a violation of the vaginal microflora, in which pathogenic microorganisms begin to predominate over lactobacilli. It is transmitted both sexually and occurs due to disorders in the female body, stress, use of antibiotics, and improper hygiene. The main symptom is a dirty white, gray, creamy discharge that has a strong smell of rotten fish. Sometimes small particles like flakes are noticeable in them. This symptom is complemented by itching and burning of the vagina, discomfort when urinating. A foul secretion begins to be released very strongly after sex, since male sperm is a favorable environment for volatile amines.


A disease popularly known as thrush. The source of its development is pathogenic fungi of the Candida family. They live in the microflora in small quantities, but under certain circumstances their content increases, displacing lactobacilli. The disease is also transmitted sexually. The main characteristics of candidiasis are white or yellowish mucus, like a cream, having a curdled consistency and a sour-milk aroma. The vagina is capable of secreting a lot of this secretion at any time of the cycle. Concomitant symptoms include itching and burning of the vagina.


A similar symptom occurs when an advanced inflammatory process occurs in one of the organs. These include:

  1. Endometritis is inflammation of the endometrium, the inner layer of the uterine cavity.
  2. Myometritis is a process when the myometrium, the muscular layer of the uterus, becomes inflamed.
  3. Endomyometritis is a pathology in the myometrium and endometrium at the same time.
  4. Salpingitis is inflammation of one or both fallopian tubes.
  5. Oophoritis is unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the ovary.
  6. Adnexitis - the fallopian tube and ovary are affected on one or both sides.

This group of diseases caused by the inflammatory process is manifested by the described discharge of white, yellow, green color with an unpleasant, rotten odor. At the same time, there is a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise, and a rise in temperature.

In the advanced stage of inflammation, purulent vaginal discharge may be produced, having a creamy consistency and a specific smell of rot. Many sexually transmitted diseases cause creamy discharge that varies in color and consistency. Trichomoniasis is manifested by foamy discharge; with chlamydia, the discharge is creamy, white or yellow; gonorrhea is indicated by purulent discharge similar to cream. A common feature of sexually transmitted diseases is itching, burning in the vagina, unpleasant odor, excessive fluid secretion, and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen.

Why does beige discharge appear?

A woman's beige discharge can normally appear a few days before and after menstruation, as well as in the middle of the cycle during ovulation, when the follicle ruptures and the egg is released from the ovary. In all other cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Even if beige vaginal discharge is not accompanied by abdominal pain and other complaints, a consultation with a gynecologist will confirm the absence of diseases or identify hidden disorders.

Gynecological diseases. Women's diseases, which may be accompanied by infectious and inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, often provoke changes in the color and volume of vaginal discharge. The mucus may turn yellow-green, causing pelvic pain and other characteristic symptoms.

Intimate contacts. After intimacy, the seminal fluid, mixing with natural vaginal secretions, acquires a slightly beige tint. Sometimes, as a result of tissue damage during active sexual intercourse, ichor appears, which also affects the color of the mucus.

Use of hormonal drugs. This can change the color of vaginal discharge, make it heavier, and even cause intermenstrual bleeding. These changes often appear during the period of adaptation to hormonal contraceptives.

Pregnancy. After conception, hormonal changes in the body occur, the amount of progesterone increases, which increases the production of mucus from the vagina. If a woman does not have signs of exacerbation of the inflammatory process and bleeding, there is no need to worry about beige discharge. But a consultation with a gynecologist is still necessary.

Regardless of the nature of light-colored vaginal discharge, it is recommended to use panty liners, such as Carefree®, which have a delicate top layer with excellent absorbency. Daily wipes maintain cleanliness and comfort, and also help prevent stains on underwear and clothing.

The white liquid released from the vagina with the consistency of a cream in the first days after menstruation, which has an unpleasant odor, often indicates the presence of pathologies of the reproductive system. This condition can be caused by the following inflammatory diseases:

  • Candidiasis (thrush). Appears as a result of excessive development of Candida fungi in the vaginal area. Symptoms of thrush are: severe itching and burning in the vaginal area, redness, white discharge with a cheesy consistency, and dyspareunia. The disease can appear due to promiscuous sex, decreased immunity, failure to comply with personal hygiene rules and wearing synthetic underwear, bad habits, etc. To treat the pathology, antifungal drugs and vaginal suppositories are used.
  • Gonorrhea. It is a sexually transmitted disease that occurs as a result of gonococcus entering the body. You can get sick during any sex (anal, vaginal or oral), regardless of whether it is protected or not. As a result of gonorrhea, greenish-yellow discharge appears, accompanied by pain when urinating, bleeding between periods. Antibiotic drugs are used to treat pathology.
  • Chlamydia. This is a pathology caused by chlamydia bacteria. They are transmitted sexually, but there are known cases of airborne infection. Microorganisms multiply quickly, so the first symptoms may appear within a week. Scanty purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor appears. In addition, pain is observed during sex, as well as during urination. Pathology therapy also involves the use of antibacterial agents.
  • Bacterial vaginosis. It occurs as a result of a decrease in the number of lactobacilli in the natural microflora of the vagina. This can be caused by the use of hormonal contraceptives, frequent vaginal douching, and also due to sexually transmitted infections. Lactobacilli are replaced by pathogenic microflora, which leads to the onset of the inflammatory process. As a result, white, gray or greenish-yellow discharge of varying consistency is observed (most often, viscous liquid leucorrhoea appears). They have a very unpleasant smell, reminiscent of rotten fish. Often patients also complain of itching and burning. Antibiotics or eubiotics are used for treatment.
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