How to take Postinor to induce menstruation. How to induce menstruation with medication

Girls, hello! Maybe someone has encountered a similar situation. I had to take Postinor on the 4th day of my period - the condom broke. I understand that the chances of getting pregnant are small, but I became pregnant with my first daughter during my period, although at that time the cycle was a little inconsistent. Have you taken Postinor during your period? When did the “monthly withdrawals” begin, after how many days? Or they may not arrive in 5 days at all, as they write everywhere, but arrive on time? What is the probability of an ectopic pregnancy in this case? Today is the 4th day after taking it, my stomach aches, no more symptoms. experts

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It can’t be on the 4th day of pregnancy, I really doubt it about the first daughter, but if the cycle was short, then maybe from the 7th day of menstruation. For some, postinor is a blow to the entire body as a whole. The risk of getting pregnant on this day of the cycle and the harm from pastinor are not equivalent. It also cannot be ectopic because, firstly, there cannot be ovulation on days 4-6 of the cycle, and secondly, you took postinor. In short, you just hurt yourself.

I had this happen, only I drank Escapelle, not Postinor, but the essence is the same. In general, there was no pregnancy, the bleeding was a few days later, but it was very weak and did not last long. Then I waited a long time for my period, but this is normal - the pill is hormonal. Then the cycle could not get better for quite a long time.

the probability of VD is higher than in the population. hormone concentrations before and after administration are unknown, individual

YES, I understand now that fear has big eyes, there was no need to drink it, the percentage is too small. And with my first daughter - yeah :))) I was shocked, it was about the 5th or 6th day of my period, the cycle jumped from 27 days to 34, and so it turned out to be a beauty. I’ve read a lot of horrors here, I haven’t had any repeat periods yet, although, as far as they can be, they just passed recently. And intermenstrual bleeding is listed as a side effect, maybe everything will work out. Thanks for answers. Maybe someone else will respond.

Postinor is a strong hormonal shock, the cycle can go wrong, so it’s impossible to say for sure. What’s more important here is how long after drinking.

I took Eskinor like that, I didn’t have any side effects after it, my normal cycle started on time, nothing hurt.

I took Eskinor like that, I didn’t have any side effects after it, my normal cycle started on time, nothing hurt.

I've never heard of this one at all. Is this even an emergency?

Certainly! It’s just an unpopular drug, if the gynecologist hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known.

Certainly! It’s just an unpopular drug, if the gynecologist hadn’t told me, I wouldn’t have known.

I took it 1 time. what the heck. They say your period should come right away and the cycle gets lost. but nothing like that happened, only my lower abdomen and lower back ached a little.

Help please, a guy came inside me, I wanted to drink pastenor the next day, but two hours later my period started, can I drink it?

Girls, the situation is approximately the same as that of the author of the post: on the third day of my period I had an NPA, I took Postinor within an hour, and 12 hours later I took a second pill. I'm nervous, of course. Is there a possibility of pregnancy?

Girls, the situation is approximately the same as that of the author of the post: on the third day of my period I had an NPA, I took Postinor within an hour, and 12 hours later I took a second pill. I'm nervous, of course. Is there a possibility of pregnancy?

please tell me, yesterday I started my period, today is the second day. Yesterday I had unprotected sexual intercourse, the guy came a little inside me and then I suddenly pulled out and went into the bath and washed everything thoroughly. Is it possible to get pregnant?

On the 4th day of menstruation there was sexual intercourse. in which the condom broke. is it worth taking postinor? Thank you

Hello!! During my period, my husband came inside me, on the third day I drank Postinor, a month has passed and I have not had my period! Please, help.

What does it mean if there is bleeding after pastinor? I take it this is normal? And bleeding is in any case a booth, right?

Reasons for side effects after taking the drug

Frequent intermenstrual bleeding is caused by an increase in the level of gestagen after taking Postinor. Progestin affects the inner walls of the uterus, causing thickening of its inner layer.

A common result after using emergency contraception is a missed period. The first thought in such a situation is pregnancy. Modern pharmacies are equipped with all kinds of tests to determine the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. A pregnancy test after checking often gives a negative result. Failure of the menstrual cycle after taking postinor leads to the fact that the endometrial layer does not exfoliate and there are no periods.

Delayed menstrual flow after using Postinor as a contraceptive method and a negative pregnancy test may be the result of the abortifacient effect of the drug - delayed or completely absent ovulation.

Classification of drugs to induce menstruation

The menstrual cycle can be managed, but it should be done wisely. In order not to harm your health and not cause severe hormonal imbalance, it is important to know how to deal with delay.

There are 2 methods for calling your period:

    Physical . Creating conditions that lead to exfoliation of the endometrium from the walls of the uterus. Before starting the method, it is important to make sure that there is no pregnancy. Foods high in vitamin C, parsley and ginger will help induce menstruation if there is a delay. A hot bath, sex or exercise are also effective. They increase blood circulation and relieve stress.

There is an option: use pills to induce menstruation or induce menstruation physically.

  • Hormonal . Taking medications that change hormonal levels. You need to start the course of therapy in advance. The gynecologist prescribes birth control pills, which must be taken regularly. A few days before an important event, you should stop taking the medication. This will lead to changes in hormonal levels and the onset of menstruation.
  • Any method is not 100% safe. Using traditional methods, a woman runs the risk of uterine bleeding, especially if she was pregnant. An incorrectly selected drug can lead to hormonal imbalance, the consequences of which are difficult to predict.

Postinor as emergency contraception

Emergency contraception has its effect in several stages:

  • The first is delayed ovulation. As a result of the first stage, the egg does not move from the ovary. Thus, an egg that cannot enter the fallopian tube is not prepared for fertilization;
  • The second stage - the main active ingredient affects not only the ovulation of the egg, but also the speed and functionality of sperm;
  • The third stage is a direct effect on the endometrial layer of the uterus. After using the drug "Postinor", the normal structure of the uterus, its functional features and the internal active layer change. Thus, the ability of the uterus to shed the inner layer of the uterus changes, this is the reason why there is no menstrual flow. In this case, the test for determining human chorionic gonadotropin will be negative.

Necessary measures for delayed menstruation

What can I do to get my period back? What means does conservative and traditional medicine offer to normalize the monthly cycle? A woman’s well-being and health largely depend on the menstrual cycle. Its delays may be the result of various factors. Every woman should know about this to be healthy.

The nature of a woman directly depends on the lunar phases. Each of these phases has its own impact on the female body. That is why the menstrual cycle is also called the lunar cycle. Every month, changes occur in the body that indicate the readiness of the female egg for fertilization. Such changes are the menstrual cycle in women of reproductive age. The ideal option involves a cycle lasting 28 days. However, not every woman has periods with such frequency. If their duration does not coincide with the established figure, this is not yet a reason for worry. What is the norm for a woman’s correct lunar cycle?

Reasons why there is no menstruation after postinor

  • Mini-abortive influence. The active substance of the drug - levonorgestrel - interferes with the normal functioning of the internal female genital organs (uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc.);
  • The amount of gestagens increases, which is why there are no periods, which delay the moment of ovulation;
  • The structure and functionality of the uterus changes;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Other endocrinological diseases;
  • Various gynecological diseases;
  • Some diseases of the genitourinary system.

Frequent use of postinor leads to the development of various side effects, one of the main ones being ectopic pregnancy. A delay in menstrual flow for a week immediately suggests pregnancy, but the test shows a negative result, and the level of human chorionic gonadotropin shows its increase. Such physiological changes are typical for ectopic pregnancy occurring in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, peritoneum and other nearby organs. Soon the first signs of pregnancy may appear - heaviness in the lower abdomen, pain in the mammary glands, all of this is attributed to premenstrual syndrome, since a previous test gave a negative result. However, a delay in menstruation and a negative pregnancy test does not at all guarantee the absence of fertilization.

Risk factors for which the drug "Postinor" is prohibited

  • Irregular menstrual cycle;
  • The list of past diseases includes jaundice, chronic liver and kidney diseases, gallbladder damage;
  • Adolescence, characterized by timely puberty.

Rules for taking postinor, which should be strictly followed to avoid unwanted pregnancy:

  • Strict adherence to instructions;
  • No more than once a month;
  • The first dose of Postinor should be taken no more than 72 hours or three days after unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • The second dose of Postinor is taken 12 hours after the first;
  • According to medical research, the maximum result, when the pregnancy test is negative, is achieved by taking the medicine within 24 hours after sexual intercourse.

Pills, condoms and other methods of protection used during sex do not provide a 100% guarantee. Rubber products often break, and taking a pill at the wrong time increases the risk of becoming pregnant. If you do not want this, after intimacy you can drink Postinor, after which your period should begin.

Bloody discharge that appears after taking the drug is proof that conception has not occurred. To get complete confidence in this, it is important to know when your period will come after Postinor. This remedy contains a special hormone that can prevent possible conception. After unsafe sex, the drug should be taken for three days. depends on the time of taking the pill. To get a positive result, the product must be taken as follows:

  • within twenty-four hours after sex – the risk of becoming pregnant is minimal – only 5%;
  • on the second day – efficiency up to 85%;
  • after the second day – the drug helps in 58% of cases.

To avoid getting pregnant, you need to take two tablets: one immediately after intimacy, the second twelve hours later. It should be remembered that the product has some contraindications: hormonal disorders and age under sixteen years.

After taking the drug, a hormone enters the woman’s body, which inhibits ovulation, and if the egg is fertilized, does not allow it to gain a foothold in the uterus. In the absence of health problems, menstruation begins on time. If they are absent for more than five days, you should go to the gynecologist.

If used correctly, the drug is not dangerous and does not cause complications. But if the instructions are violated, various deviations are possible, each of which is a reason for a visit to a specialist.

Most often, after this remedy, menstruation occurs on time. But there are situations when a girl drank Postinor, but did not have her period. The instructions for the drug indicate that the consequences of taking it are cycle disorders. Menstruation may come a little earlier or later - it's not scary. In addition, minor bleeding may occur, which is caused by the presence of levonorgestel in the body.

After using Postinor, the effects are varied. The main one is pregnancy. It could also be hormonal problems, infections, allergies to the components of the drug. If menstruation does not come for more than five days, conception may have occurred.

Even if your period begins a week after taking Postinor, certain problems may arise:

  1. scanty brown discharge is a consequence of the presence of levonorgestel in the body. Because of it, the blood clots and flows more slowly. If a similar phenomenon occurs in subsequent cycles, you should consult a doctor.
  2. The absence of menstruation for more than seven days is a reason to buy a pregnancy test.
  3. Prolonged discharge - the drug has a strong hormonal effect, so menstruation may be delayed for seven to eight days.
  4. Changes in the volume of menstruation - discharge can be strong or scanty, accompanied by unusual sensations, which depends on the state of the reproductive system. It is important to control your condition. If a girl drank Postinor, and a week later she began to have heavy periods, she will need the help of a doctor.
  • If menstruation does not occur

In some cases, there is no period after Postinor, but a pregnancy test shows a negative result. There may be several reasons:

  1. Ovarian dysfunction - as a rule, they normalize within two to three cycles. If this does not happen, you should consult a specialist.
  2. Frequent use of the drug leads to the fact that the ovaries are not able to perform the tasks assigned to them. If nothing is done, infertility is possible.
  3. Disturbance in the production of ovarian or pituitary hormones - this condition is dangerous because the egg cannot mature, which is why fertilization does not occur.

Treatment is prescribed depending on the reasons why menstruation did not come on time, and only after a comprehensive examination of a woman who came to the doctor with a question about when menstruation begins after taking Postinor.

Postinor: use, contraindications, bleeding with postinor

Postinor is a popular drug for preventing unwanted pregnancy. This is a synthetic gestagen with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties.

Efficacy: The pill can prevent pregnancy in about 85% of cases.

The more time passes between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the lower its effectiveness (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% from 24 to 48 hours and 58% from 48 to 72 hours).

Indications for use

Contraceptive pills for emergency prevention against unwanted pregnancy are used for:

  • condom rupture during sexual intercourse;
  • condom slipping off during sexual intercourse;
  • skipping a contraceptive pill once;
  • spontaneous prolapse of the intrauterine device;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse during expected ovulation;
  • not resulting interrupted act;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • rape.

Contraindications for use

Postinor has a number of contraindications for use, these include:

  • allergic reaction to the components contained in Postinor;
  • age less than 18 years (also not recommended for women over 40 years of age due to the risk of thrombosis);
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy that has already been established;
  • allergic reaction (intolerance) to lactose;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • lactation.

Why is Postinor dangerous?

The same pills affect each woman individually. That is why, when describing side effects, all these symptoms do not mean that this occurs in every woman when taking the drug. Side effects include:

  • Digestive tract disorders (nausea, vomiting, indigestion, stool disorders).
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain in the breast area.
  • Failure of the menstrual cycle (manifests itself in the form of a delay in menstruation or, conversely, an earlier onset of menstruation).
  • The appearance of bleeding after taking the pills, which is not associated with menstrual bleeding.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • A disorder of the central nervous system manifests itself in the form of increased fatigue, migraines, and dizziness.

Basically, all side effects go away on their own within two to three days, but if you do not feel better after taking the pills and more than four or five days have passed, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Description of the drug, instructions for use

The onset of pregnancy depends on the menstrual cycle, or more precisely on the immediate day of the menstrual cycle. In a healthy woman of reproductive age, ovulation occurs within 12 hours. Let's remind you what ovulation is.

Ovulation means when a mature egg is released from the ovary where it begins to move in the fallopian tube towards the sperm, where they meet. If such a meeting occurs, then an embryo begins to form. To achieve pregnancy, one unprotected sex 3 days before ovulation is sufficient.

And after ovulation for one day. After a successful meeting and formation of the embryo, it takes 3-5 days for its implantation.

In order to decide to take emergency hormonal medications, it is necessary to assess the exact possibility of pregnancy. If you know the exact time of ovulation, then you cannot get pregnant 2-3 days after ovulation. Nowadays, the onset of ovulation is quite easy to find out. There are special tests.

Thus, the use of Postinor is necessary within the first day after unprotected sexual intercourse and no later than 3 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

It must be remembered that the drug is absolutely ineffective if implantation has already occurred. Postinor does not cause miscarriage.

Postinor itself is two white tablets, disc-shaped and engraved INOR

The drug is able to prevent unwanted pregnancy by 85%, but the more time passes after sexual intercourse, the less effective it is. For example:

  • 90% - taking the drug in the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse;
  • 80% - taking the drug from 24 hours to 48 hours after sexual intercourse;
  • 50% - taking the drug from 48 hours to 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

Tablets are used internally. The first tablet is taken no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse, and the second tablet is taken exactly 12 hours after taking the first, no later than 16 hours.

If no more than 3 hours have passed after taking the tablet and vomiting occurs, then it is urgently necessary to take another Postinor tablet.

Postinor is used at any time of the day and on any day of the menstrual cycle.

Repeated use of Postinor is strictly not recommended during one menstrual cycle.

Doctors recommend using all emergency contraceptive drugs no more than once every six months. More frequent use may lead to the development of pathologies in the reproductive system.

The result may be infertility.

As practice shows, a woman who does not use emergency protective equipment does not disrupt the natural process of the menstrual cycle and does not have problems in the future with conception.

Terms of sale, storage and expiration dates

The drug must be stored at room temperature not lower than 15 degrees and not higher than 25 degrees, out of the reach of children.

The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

The drug is available with a doctor's prescription.

How to tell if Postinor has worked?

If the menstrual flow came on time: the duration, the volume of the flow did not change, then the drug definitely worked. But there are times when you need to urgently consult a doctor, for example, you observe:

  • copious discharge;
  • discharge is very scanty;
  • delay of menstrual flow for more than 6 days;
  • menstrual flow is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen (the pain is aching or cramping);
  • the appearance of sharp pain in the lower abdomen.

What does the delay after taking the drug mean?

Initially, pregnancy must be excluded. To do this, you can take a pregnancy test at home. If the test is positive, then you are pregnant.

And if negative, then there is no pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

To do this, you need to either consult a gynecologist or do an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If pregnancy is completely excluded, then a delay after taking Postinor (more than 10 days) can be justified:

  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs (endometritis, adnexitis, vaginitis, colpitis);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the presence (more precisely, the influence of Postinor) of endocrine disorders;
  • pathology of the urinary system.

When does menstruation begin after taking the drug?

Usually, the onset of menstruation after taking the drug may not coincide with the expected date. The first discharge may be scanty, which disappears 2-3 days after the onset and can be repeated 2 times within one month. This indicates that the drug is working correctly.

But mostly menstrual bleeding comes either on time or 2-5 days before the expected date. And also with a delay of up to 5-7 days before the expected date.

Is it worth taking Postinor if NPK occurs during menstruation?

The menstrual cycle is considered one of the complex physiological processes. If we consider the full phase of the menstrual cycle, then the most favorable conditions for conception are the middle of the cycle.

That is why it is believed that it is impossible to become pregnant during menstrual bleeding. But, as practice shows, there is still a chance of pregnancy during menstruation.

The best conditions for conception are the middle of the cycle, where female hormones begin to stimulate the production of follicles and eggs. In other phases, conditions are not favorable for conception to occur, but it is impossible to say unequivocally that pregnancy will not occur in other phases.

That is why, it is only your choice whether or not to drink Postinor after unprotected sexual intercourse during the menstrual cycle.


As practice shows, no cases of overdose have been described. The only possible side effects are nausea, vomiting, and bleeding.


According to the results of the study of the drug, it was revealed that:

  • Metabolism is accelerated when used simultaneously with inducers of liver enzymes.
  • Metabolism slows down when used simultaneously with drugs such as: phenytoin, carbamazepine, St. John's wort preparations, ritonavir, rifabutin, griseofulvin.

Bleeding after taking the drug, how to stop it correctly

Postinor is a fairly strong hormonal drug. Many women are interested in whether there should be bleeding after taking the drug.

Due to the effect of Postinor on a woman’s hormonal background, some epithelial rejection occurs. This is why spotting may occur and this is considered normal.

Such discharge is usually brown in color and rather scanty in volume. They occur after taking the pills on the 3rd, 6th day.

It is worth remembering that if spotting began a week after taking the drug, this indicates the development of a pathological process. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Normally, bleeding can last for 3-7 days, but in some cases, this discharge can last for two weeks. In this case, consultation with a specialist is necessary. You should also pay special attention to urgently visiting a doctor if:

  • there was pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the discharge is mixed with pus;
  • the appearance of foamy discharge;
  • increased body temperature not associated with a cold.

How to stop bleeding? This issue is of particular interest to women. In such cases, independent treatment can lead to the development of pathologies and complications. If the bleeding is profuse and lasts more than 8-10 days, then you should urgently consult a specialist. The doctor is already prescribing therapy.

The nature of the discharge after taking Postinor

Any bleeding can cause enormous harm to a woman’s life and health. Particular attention should be paid if a woman begins to feel:

  • weakness;
  • copious discharge that does not subside;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the duration of discharge is more than 14 days.

special instructions

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding: Postinor should not be used during pregnancy. This remedy does not terminate pregnancy.

During breastfeeding, the use of Postinor is possible. Since it has been proven that levonorgestrel generally does not pass into breast milk. It is recommended to take both the first and second tablets immediately after breastfeeding. And skip breastfeeding once after taking the pills. This will significantly reduce the effect of the pills on the child's development.

Is it possible to get pregnant after taking Postinor?

Improper use of Postinor tablets can lead to pregnancy. The instructions must be strictly followed. And remember, the sooner you start taking the drug, the greater the chance of protecting yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

Postinor and its analogues

Escapelle. Most often, doctors prescribe Escapelle as a replacement for Postinor. Also the main substance, as in Postinor, is levonorgestrel. But it is considered stronger.

So its concentration is increased several times. The drug is available in one tablet per package. It is used once, within three days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

All side effects are quite similar. These include:

  • weakness;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache;
  • pain in the mammary glands.

Genale . The main component includes mifepristone. Can be used once. It is recommended to use either 2 hours before or after meals. It is recommended to use the drug no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. Side effects are basically the same, they include:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • intermenstrual bleeding.

Gynepristone . The main component of this drug is mifepristone. Apply once within 72 hours or 2 hours before or after meals. But there are slightly other side effects, these include:

  • hives;
  • pathological vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort in the external genital area;
  • weakness.

Postinor and alcohol

If you study the instructions for use of Postinor, they do not describe the effect of alcohol while taking the pills. Since Postinor itself is a rather complex drug and has many side effects. That is why it is better to avoid alcohol to avoid unwanted complications.

But if you have already taken alcohol, studies show that alcohol is eliminated from the blood within 48 hours. There is no time to wait. That is why it is recommended to drink a large amount of water (at least 2 liters) before taking the tablets. Plus, drink activated carbon or use any sorbent.

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Possible complications

If you take Postinor correctly, serious changes in the sexual sphere will not occur.

Constant use of the product, especially more than once per cycle, leads to hormonal imbalance. The consequences depend on the characteristics of a particular organism.

Postinor can be dangerous if you have problems with blood clotting. With repeated use, it increases and promotes the formation of blood clots that block the gaps in the vessels. As a result, tissues and organs do not receive enough blood. If this occurs in the vessels of the head or heart, a stroke is possible. No less dangerous consequences occur when there are problems with the liver - drugs can cause a sharp deterioration in a woman’s well-being. In general, Postinor is a safe contraceptive, but only if the instructions are strictly followed. In addition, it is important not to overuse it. When taken once, it is safe for the body and protects against pregnancy, but does not provide a one hundred percent guarantee. If you are not planning a baby, you should consult a gynecologist who will recommend reliable contraceptives.

How to get your period early?

If you are taking birth control, you can do this without much harm - just stop taking it two days before your desired menstruation. If you do not take COCs (combined oral contraceptives), then you can resort to folk remedies. Here are some of them.

Option 1

Buy chamomile, valerian root and mint at the pharmacy. Mix: 4 tbsp. spoons of chamomile, 4 tbsp. spoons of mint and 3 tbsp. spoons of valerian root. Pour a glass of boiling water over the herb mixture and let it brew for a while. This infusion should be consumed hot, ½ cup in the morning and evening.

How does postinor work?

The contraceptive effect of the drug consists of three points. Firstly, levonorgestrel interferes with the release of the egg from the follicle, in other words, it inhibits ovulation (this is especially important in the preovulatory and ovulatory phases). Secondly, levonorgestrel, as a gestagen, changes the structure of the mucous membrane of the uterine lining and leads to glandular regression of the endometrium, which makes it impossible for the fertilized egg to penetrate the uterine wall (impaired implantation). This mechanism is comparable to medical abortion. in other words, conception has already occurred, but the uterus expels the egg. And thirdly, levonorgestrel causes mucus in the cervical canal, making it viscous and thick. This mucus acts as a barrier and makes it difficult for sperm to penetrate into the uterine cavity.

From the outlined mechanisms of action of postinor, it becomes clear that the effectiveness of the drug is directly proportional to the time it is taken after unprotected sex. After finishing the consumption of postinor 24 hours or less after the end of sexual intercourse, it will protect against unwanted pregnancy in 95% of cases; when taking pills after 25 - 48 hours, the effectiveness is 85%, and what if postinor was taken in the interval from 49 to 72 hours, reliability it drops to 58%.

The mechanism of action of Postinor on the woman’s body

Postinor is a synthetic progestin drug with a contraceptive effect. The effect is due to antiestrogenic and gestagenic properties. When taking the medicine in the first phase of the cycle, the active substance suppresses ovulation and prevents fertilization. There are also characteristic changes in the endometrium that do not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the uterine wall.

Important! Postinor is not an effective treatment after implantation.

Postinor belongs to the so-called emergency contraception drugs. This means that it is used after sexual intercourse in the absence of contraception as such or if the contraceptive was ineffective. The need to take it may arise if the integrity of the condom is damaged.

The necessary contraceptive effect is due to the content of high doses of hormones. The main active ingredient in the drug is called levonorgestrel. Auxiliary components include:

  • potato and corn starch;
  • lactose monohydrate;
  • talc;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide.

Each package contains 2 tablets of the drug.

Levonorgestrel causes certain changes in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system:

  • inhibition of ovulation due to the lack of maturation of the egg and its descent into the fallopian tube;
  • reduction in the speed of sperm and their ability to fertilize when penetrating the genital tract;
  • stimulation of endometrial development and its subsequent rejection.

The contraceptive effect is due to the properties of the synthetic hormone included in the composition. A few days after taking the drug, bleeding is observed. Their average duration is up to 5 days.

Attention! Bloody discharge indicates the effectiveness of the tablets. To completely rule out pregnancy, it is necessary to perform a rapid test.

Pregnancy is prevented in approximately 85% of cases. The effectiveness of contraception depends on the time interval between sexual intercourse and taking the pills:

  • 95% – within the first day;
  • 85% – during the second day;
  • 58% – third day.

That is why you should take the pills as quickly as possible. The more time has passed since sexual intercourse, the lower the contraceptive effectiveness.

Attention! The drug is effective only for 72 hours after unprotected intimacy.

Rules for taking postinor

Postinor can be taken on any day of the menstrual cycle. If a woman’s menstrual cycle is irregular, she should be sent to confirm the absence of pregnancy. The first pill from the blister should be taken no later than 72 hours after the end of coitus. The second dose should be taken exactly 12 hours later (the interval can be increased by 4 hours, in other words, no more than 16 hours later).

If a woman vomits within three hours after finishing taking the postinor pill (regardless of the first or second), she needs to take an additional pill. Menstrual-like bleeding (withdrawal bleeding) can occur a couple of days after the end of taking the drug (on average 3 to 7 days) and approximately a month later (during the expected period).

Postinor is not a means for regular contraception; if a woman is sexually active, she should consult a doctor and choose the optimal method of birth control. It is believed that you should not use the drug more than once a month, and preferably no more than 4 times a year. In fact, it is better not to resort to postinor in general, but to use it only in an exceptional situation.

Delayed menstruation and reasons for it

Each woman has an individual menstrual cycle. It lasts 21-35 days. And the delay should be calculated according to the duration of your cycle, and not the book data or the girlfriend’s cycle. Menstruation is considered delayed if menstruation does not occur more than 10 days after it was due.

The reason may be:

For each cause there is a treatment and solution to the problem. This function is possessed by pills that induce menstruation when there is an exciting delay. The main drugs for the treatment of delay are progesterone-containing agents or its derivatives.

Consequences after stopping postinor consumption

Since the drug contains an elephant dose of the hormone, its consumption can adversely affect the woman’s health. Firstly, there is a high possibility of uterine bleeding, which can only be stopped surgically (in other words, curettage of the uterus). Secondly, taking postinor, especially more than once in a lifetime, causes a blow to the ovaries, which leads to menstrual irregularities, hormonal imbalance and anovulation. All of these effects are a direct path to infertility. Thirdly, a huge dose of levonorgestrel cannot avoid causing side effects:

  • nausea and vomiting, diarrhea;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • mood changes (emotional lability, panic fears);
  • delay of menstruation;
  • allergic reactions;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue;
  • pain and engorgement of the mammary glands.

How Duphaston and Utrozhestan will help induce menstruation

If the luteal phase is insufficient, the gynecologist may prescribe you Duphaston or Utrozhestan. To induce menstruation, Duphaston is taken at a dose of 1 tablet once a day for 14 days after ovulation, after which it is stopped and menstruation is expected in the near future (1-3 days).

Utrozhestan can be taken orally or in the form of suppositories. In tablets, it is taken 2 times a day, 1 tablet for 10 days. A side effect of taking it is sleep disturbance, but it does not always occur. Such medications, despite the fact that they are prescribed even to pregnant women, may have other, more serious side effects.

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