Pain and bleeding in the middle of the cycle. I'm taking duphaston

What is breakthrough bleeding

Uterine bleeding refers to the release of blood from the uterine cavity, independent of the menstrual cycle. Such discharge occurs for many reasons, including diseases of the female organs, malignant or benign neoplasms, complications after childbirth, abortion.

Doctors distinguish several types of uterine bleeding, one of which is dysfunctional. It occurs due to disturbances in the production of sex hormones.

With the correct ratio of estrogen and progesterone, menstruation begins on time, the intensity of the blood released does not exceed the norm. But if for some reason the hormonal balance in the body is disrupted and endometrial tissue actively grows, its rejection occurs partially. As a result, breakthrough bleeding develops.

The second reason for the release of blood not related to the menstrual cycle is the use of hormonal drugs - contraceptives or medications. The problem is solved by adjusting the dosage by the treating gynecologist. If intrauterine contraceptives are the culprit of the bleeding, they are removed.


Now we will try to figure out why discharge occurs when taking Duphaston, what they are, whether you should be afraid of them and how to get rid of them.


is a fairly common drug used in gynecological practice to treat conditions characterized by insufficiency of progesterone, a hormone necessary mainly to ensure the normal course of pregnancy. According to clinical practice, its use, even for a long time, is almost never accompanied by allergic reactions or other significant side effects, but often leads to discharge from the birth canal, reminiscent of menstrual discharge, but slightly different in color.

Properties of the drug Duphaston

Duphaston contains a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone progestogen - dydrogesterone. After oral administration, the substance is quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and penetrates the blood, replacing the endogenous hormone. The synthetic substance affects the condition of the endometrium and vaginal mucous tissues. Does not affect ovulation and the functioning of menstruation.

The drug is used to eliminate hormonal imbalances, namely progesterone deficiency, as well as to treat conditions caused by a lack of hormones. The medication does not affect ovulation and other functions of the reproductive system. Duphaston is actively used:

  • For menstrual irregularities (PMS, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea,
  • In the treatment of endometriosis
  • For the treatment of female infertility, which is based on insufficient luteinization of follicles
  • If there is a threat of miscarriage
  • If dysfunctional uterine bleeding occurs
  • During menopause and menopause
  • In replacement therapy.

The dosage and duration of administration are determined by a specialist, based on the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient’s body.

Full information about the drug is available at the link:

special instructions

When taking Duphaston, severe bleeding may occur, which, under the supervision of the attending physician, can be controlled by increasing the dose of this drug. If blood loss is observed after a course of treatment, then it is necessary to take a biopsy of the uterine mucosa to determine malignant changes.

The drug is prescribed with caution in the presence of certain diseases or in cases of dysfunction of the liver, cardiovascular system, or kidneys. A complete examination of the body is required. Contraindication is individual intolerance to the active substance.

If the patient has taken a dose greater than prescribed, it is recommended to rinse the stomach and apply symptomatic treatment.

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Possible adverse reactions

Duphaston is a powerful hormonal drug, and therefore can cause various undesirable reactions in the body. After taking Duphaston, some women experience:

  • Hemolytic anemia
  • Individual reactions due to hypersensitivity
  • Headaches, migraines
  • Liver dysfunction, accompanied by abdominal pain and general weakness
  • Breast tenderness and tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Breakthrough bleeding.

when will the “daub” stop

Girls who were prescribed Duphaston when there was a threat, tell me how quickly your discharge stopped after you started taking it. I'm 8 weeks pregnant. There is a slight discharge. I’ve only been drinking Duphaston for 3 days, but I really want everything to return to normal as soon as possible. The child is very welcome.

The discharge stopped on the first day (I mean scarlet blood), namely, the brown spotting was there for about a month, the doctor said that this was normal, because... blood clots formed at the site of detachment come out. I think I wrote it correctly. The main thing is not to be nervous, everything will be ok.

I was prescribed it and took it for up to 12 weeks, but I also had some spotting during the preservation period. its OK now. You should see your doctor - it’s no joke.

Vitamin E is also usually prescribed in this situation. When I started having a little smear, I prescribed it for myself, even before going to the doctor, the doctor then said that I was great. She calls it the vitamin of life. I took 200 tablets once a day.

Unfortunately, I ended up cleaning and duphaston didn’t help (the discharge only decreased a little), after magnesium everything went away, but when they stopped dripping, it all started again - and a sad result(

I had this happen in my third month, I was scared - terribly! Everything happened over the weekend, and on Monday I flew to the gynecologist, I can tell you everything - there will probably be a miscarriage. She looked at me, smiled and said, no, everything is fine with the fetus, this happens before 17 weeks of pregnancy - it’s not scary. But to strengthen the muscles of the uterus, she prescribed Magnesiocard 5 mmol. This is magnesium in powders of 5 milligrams. You must drink one sachet in the morning and one in the evening until week 36! All discharge stopped the next day after taking Magnesium. Now I’m at 39 weeks, everything is fine, this hasn’t happened again (Thank God).

Be sure to take vitamins for pregnant women, lie down as much as possible - in principle, only get up


Why do bleeding occur while taking Duphaston?

The occurrence of bleeding after taking a hormonal drug is considered normal. Once in the body, its active substance increases the content of progesterone. If the drug is taken to induce menstruation, then the body perceives the increase in hormone concentrations as a signal that ovulation has occurred. Accordingly, a command is received to reject endometrial tissue, and menstruation occurs.

If the medicine is prescribed for the treatment of pathologies caused by a lack of progesterone, then its use is indicated in the second phase of the monthly cycle, after ovulation has occurred. At this time, blood discharge of varying intensity may occur - from spotting to heavy. This is explained by the reaction of the body adapting to the hormonal drug. Usually, with prolonged use (for several months), the condition normalizes and the discharge (bleeding) stops.

If breakthrough bleeding occurs, you should contact your gynecologist to adjust the dosage. In this case, the instructions for the medicine recommend increasing the dosage of Duphaston. The manufacturer's instructions recommend that to stop them, prescribe a 5-7-day course, during which you need to take 10 mg twice a day. And to prevent bleeding, drink the same amount from the 11th to the 25th day of the menstrual cycle. But the more precise dosage and specifics of administration are determined only by the treating specialist.

Under no circumstances should you increase the number of tablets you take on your own. It is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can determine the nature of the bleeding: whether it developed as a result of Duphaston therapy, or caused by other reasons. It is possible that the patient will need other medical care, hemostatic drugs or, in case of serious pathologies, hospitalization.

You cannot stop taking the medicine on your own, since if the course is abruptly stopped, side effects of withdrawal are possible. Only the treating gynecologist should determine the specifics of further therapy.

Who can and cannot use it

Gynecologists prescribe the drug to women for the following conditions:

  • lack of progesterone in the body;
  • manifestations of endometriosis;
  • amenorrhea;
  • uterine pathological bleeding;
  • irregular menstruation;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • PMS;
  • infertility caused by a lack of hormones;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • the appearance of bleeding during pregnancy;
  • menopause;
  • in hormonal therapy of gynecological diseases.

Important information: Instructions for using water pepper tincture for bleeding

The product should not be used in case of hypersensitivity to dydrogesterone and the constituent substances of the medication. You should take the pills with caution if the patient experiences skin irritation or liver dysfunction during pregnancy.

If taken incorrectly, the medicine can cause side effects, including:

  • anemia;
  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • dysfunctional bleeding;
  • allergic reactions in the form of skin irritation, burning, rash, swelling.

If any adverse reactions occur, you should definitely consult a doctor.

The difference between uterine bleeding and menstruation

Menstrual bleeding is an indicator of the normal functioning of a healthy female body. The slightest health problems affect their quality: regularity, volume of blood coming out, accompanying symptoms.

Uterine bleeding (or metrorrhagia) occurs regardless of the cycle for various reasons. Bleeding from the uterus can be distinguished by the following signs:

  • Menstruation is considered normal if an average of 50 to 100 ml of blood is released per cycle. Higher rates indicate problems in the female body, and if measures are not taken, regular large blood loss can provoke iron deficiency anemia.
  • Pathology can also be judged by the frequency of changing sanitary pads. If there is a need to change them every hour, this is also indirect evidence of uterine bleeding.
  • Metrorrhagia occurs regardless of the day of the cycle and may not coincide with its beginning. The minimum duration of the menstrual cycle is 21 days, and the longest is about 35. Bleeding from the uterus can be judged not only by the day it started, but also by the increasing volume of blood loss.
  • The color of menstrual blood is usually dark, but with metrorrhagia it is bright red.
  • On average, critical days last from 3 to 5 days. If their duration is longer, it is necessary to check for uterine bleeding.

The occurrence of breakthrough bleeding during treatment with Duphaston is determined by the specifics of the drug and the purpose of therapy. Considering that this is a serious hormonal drug, the issue of changing the dosage is decided by specialists.

brown discharge during pregnancy!

Yesterday I went to the doctor, everything was fine, I complained about discharge, to which I was told that everything was normal! who had this happen? Could this be from taking duphaston? period 6-7 weeks. from conception. (discharge only after I go to the toilet)

I did ultrasound for 2 weeks. back, it was also smeared, they said on ultrasound everything was ok! Best answer Enlightened (41485) 5 years ago Natalya, what is your term? At the end of the third trimester, everything is fine. Sorry 6-7 weeks. I don't want to scare you, but it happened to me. The doctor said everything was fine and so did the ultrasound. And then it turned out to be a frozen pregnancy. Creepy. Go to another doctor. Under no circumstances should you give up duphaston... this also happened at week 6... .1. 4 duphaston tablets once 2. 1 duphaston tablet every 6 hours... until the discharge stops... then according to the usual regimen until week 20 3. lie down and lie down... left side... good luck!!!! Pro (604) 5 years ago Go to another doctor, just in case. But such discharge occurs often in the early stages, then everything goes away. Do an ultrasound, if the uterus is toned, microfollin is prescribed according to the scheme, metacin, duphaston are required, vitamin E. You can get the most competent answer from a doctor after a full examination, preferably in a good clinic, and not on the internet. Guru (3098) 5 years ago I had the same situation, only the period was about 3 weeks... I was immediately put on storage... it can't be from duphaston... On the contrary, they prescribed it to me so that they would stop... I would advise you to see another doctor... because such discharge is not the norm... Sage (16301) 5 years ago GIRLS!! ! after you see two lines on the test, call an ambulance immediately if there is ANY bloody discharge!! ! If you trust the doctor 100%, then listen to him, but since you are asking such a question here, then there is no trust. Call an ambulance! And then questions arise like: “I went for screening at 12 weeks, it turned out to be a frozen pregnancy at 5 weeks. Why did it happen so? After all, there were no signs, only smearing for 2 weeks then.” Either this is a frozen pregnancy (which is not necessarily the case, do not be alarmed ahead of time), or detachment. An urgent ultrasound is required to confirm the heartbeat, see the size of the detachment, take urine and blood tests to rule out inflammatory processes in the kidneys. All this will be done for you at the hospital as soon as you call an ambulance. There are a lot of girls in hospitals who had smears for 2 days, then started running down their legs, and then they sent them off for cleaning. Don't let it come to this! It cannot be smeared with duphaston, on the contrary. In addition, if everything is fine with the fetus, then it is necessary to give injections, be under the supervision of doctors around the clock, and have an ultrasound scan after a certain time. If not, especially to the hospital. How interesting is it that a doctor could tell you that “everything is normal” without an ultrasound???? Similar questions

User no: 106 488Taking hormones during pregnancy I simply have to write this message in order to somehow “shake up” young mothers from taking all the hormones that our doctors now prescribe to every single pregnant woman. And only every 10th, I hope, realizes that she is not sick, but a happy pregnant woman. And that all this chemistry will affect the baby, despite everything that doctors write and say. Two of my friends’ daughters are expecting children, the timing is approximately the same. And the doctors have already prescribed them Dufastan, Urozhestan, etc. One started to have discharge, by the way, while taking dufostan, the other is fine, but she takes the drug because the doctor said so. Stupid girls. Don’t ruin your children now. You can’t imagine what deviations there may be in their development later. I’m telling you this as a speech therapist. After all, if a child is outwardly healthy, this does not mean that everything is fine inside. Your mothers gave birth to you without knowing that these drugs even exist. Have you not paid attention to the year of origin of these drugs? And many of them are only 5-6 years old. They are simply experimenting on your children. Lead a calm rhythm of life, let your body adapt to this wonderful situation on its own. Doctors also have their own goals. It’s no longer a secret that they are directly connected with pharmacies; clinics also need to somehow survive and receive their interest. Surely many will not agree with me, with my revelation. Below I give my example of the course of my own pregnancy. I’ll start with the fact that I gave birth to my first son at 21 years old, and my second, also a son, at 38 years old. Now the eldest is 20, and the youngest is 3.9. Being very young, I successfully registered for a completely ordinary consultation; in the 90s, if there was an ultrasound, it was only for a fee and upon request. I found out the gender of my child at birth. And the most amazing thing is that the doctor with whom I was seeing (still works to this day) did not even think of prescribing me any medications. For some reason, she did not detect any uterine tone or any other abnormalities in me. I didn’t even take vitamins. I ate everything in its pure form. She raised the child in her womb “naturally.” She gave birth herself, naturally, 3 kg 100 g, height 53 cm. Now let’s look at the second pregnancy. Nowadays it is fashionable to go to expensive clinics. And I did the same. Everything is clean, beautiful, “disposable” and helpful. It's relaxing. And he returns to the real world after issuing an invoice, and even with a bunch of problems that are supposedly in the body, and the final stunning conclusion: “The fetus is attached to the wrong wall, the tone of the uterus is increased, THE THREAT OF MISTARRIAGE.” The latter completely “knocks out” the soil from under your feet. And that’s all our doctors need. Prescribe as many drugs as possible, which at best are completely useless, and at worst will cause you bleeding, nausea, headache. Can you imagine what it’s like for the baby there? Of course, I got scared and bought some medicine. But at home I was “sobered up” by my neighbor, a paramedic (my mother’s age). Her words were simple and had an immediate effect: “If you want to treat your child for the rest of his life, drink. He will thank you later.” And I went to the most ordinary, old consultation that had not seen repairs for a long time. Question: after the doctor’s examination, where did my uterine tone and the threat of miscarriage go?” Of course, now, even in “regular” consultations, “chemotherapy” can be imposed on you. But this is only possible if you don’t ask again: “isn’t this harmful, is it possible to do without medications?” The doctor will play it safe and force you to write a receipt. But in most cases, taking medications did not prevent what was inevitable. And doctors know this very well. During my entire second pregnancy, I did not take any medications, I threw them away, and their side effects shocked me. Only vitamins with a break. Even when I was already in the maternity hospital, I threw all the pills they gave me into the trash. I WAS THINKING ABOUT MY BABY. I also gave birth to a child naturally, weighing 5 kg 200 g, height 59 cm, Apgar scale 7-8, without any asphyxia or oxygen deprivation. I am very grateful to my doctors and midwife. And by the way, in the most ordinary maternity hospital. G. Solnechnogorsk AND COMPLETELY FREE. Dear women, good luck and health to you and your children.


In addition to the main reasons, the presence of endometriosis in the body also provokes the formation of a slight separation of blood from the genital organ in women after taking duphaston. Such manifestations occur in pregnant women due to the fact that there are no periods and the endometrium grows, which interferes with the normal functioning of the uterus. Also, the appearance of brown discharge can occur when the functional action in the endocrine system is disrupted. After duphaston, in the middle of the cycle there is a failure, and the secretion of mucus with bloody clots begins.

This disorder requires timely treatment and the help of a highly qualified specialist. As a rule, the doctor will help you find out what caused the disorder and will also prescribe all the necessary tests. The formation of discharge when taking duphaston occurs when the drug is used incorrectly or if the patient started using it without consulting a specialist.

To avoid the formation of discharge during medication treatment, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, who will prescribe some examinations. Usually prescribed:

  • donate blood to determine the amount of progesterone and estrogens in the body;
  • passing bacterial sowing;
  • Ultrasound of organs in the pelvis.

As a result, spotting does not always mean that a disorder has occurred in the body; in some cases, it is just the effect of the medication. Regardless of what factor provoked the appearance of bloody discharge from the genital organ, you should seek the help of a doctor. Any form of discharge requires adjustment of treatment with duphaston. If serious complications arise, the drug is replaced with another medication. It is important to promptly pay attention to the presence of discharge and find out its cause, and then nothing will threaten your health.

Discharge when taking Duphaston is often scanty. Everyone who plans to take this remedy needs to know why this happens. Duphaston is the most popular drug that is actively used in the gynecological field. It is a synthetic analogue of the female sex hormone progesterone. This secretion is produced in the ovaries, produced by the corpus luteum. Responsible for a woman’s ability to conceive, for the normal course of pregnancy, stimulates the maternal instinct and awakens femininity. Affects the emotional state of women.

Characteristics of the disorder

When the drug is taken for a long time, spotting of blood from the vagina may occur, and such bloody discharge often resembles menstruation. Its only difference from menstruation is a slightly different shade. Such signs are neither an allergy nor a side effect. Duphaston and discharge in this form of the disorder appear as a result of the directed active actions of the medication on the internal membranes in the uterus. With this effect on the genital organ, the initial stage of renewal in the system and preparation for pregnancy are stimulated.

Such processes provoke the formation of bleeding, but are not menstruation. This is explained by the occurrence of a response from the body to the effect of the drug. Recovery of the uterus takes a long time, usually requiring at least 30 days, and sometimes more, for complete recovery. As a rule, it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

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