Comparing drugs - Postinor and Escapelle

Update date: 07/06/2020 11:20:25 9873 Share:

Author: Maria Feldshtein

Emergency contraception is the same “magic pill” that allows you to prevent an unwanted pregnancy if something goes wrong. However, you should not rely too much on this method. Although WHO says that every modern woman should have such a pill in her purse - for example, Postinor or Escapelle, they are not always effective. How these tools work and which one to choose – read the article.

The drug and its characteristics Postinor Escapelle
Active substance Levonorgestrel Levonorgestrel
Application diagram 2 tablets 12 hours apart 1 tablet
Validity Up to 72 hours Up to 96 hours
Manufacturer Gedeon Richter (Hungary) Gedeon Richter (Hungary)
Price 350-450 rub. 450-550 rub.

Is Postinor effective?

The drug, called Postinor, is intended to be taken orally after sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy.
The contraceptive effect of the drug Postinor is achieved by inhibiting the processes of ovulation and influencing the condition of the endometrium. Thus, when taking it, either ovulation is delayed, which makes fertilization impossible, or an already fertilized egg is not able to implant in the uterine cavity. This drug is quite effective in terms of preventing unwanted pregnancy, provided it is taken correctly. How to take the drug is indicated in some detail in the instructions for use of the drug, which are included in each Postinor package.

The effectiveness of the drug Postinor depends on the period of time after sexual intercourse the drug was taken. On average, the effectiveness of the drug Postinor is about 85%. At the same time, the maximum effectiveness of the drug Postinor reaches up to 95%. To achieve maximum contraceptive effect, the drug should be taken as soon as possible after the end of sexual intercourse. Only taking the drug Postinor during the first 24 hours after sexual intercourse can guarantee maximum protection, up to 95%. If you start taking the drug Postinor on the second day after sexual intercourse, then protection against unwanted pregnancy can be guaranteed only in 85% of cases. If you take the drug Postinor on the third day after intercourse during the first, then protection against unwanted pregnancy is only about 58%.

Since to achieve a contraceptive effect it is necessary to take two tablets of the drug Postinor, therefore the second tablet should be taken no later than twelve hours after taking the first tablet.

When assessing the effectiveness of taking the drug Postinor stands with


Adverse reactions

It is no coincidence that emergency contraception drugs received this name. They can only be used as a last resort - but cannot be used as the main means of protecting against unwanted pregnancy. , frequent use of such products changes hormonal levels, disrupts the menstrual cycle and undermines women's health.

Adverse reactions associated with the use of Escapel and Postinor are the same:

  1. nausea and vomiting;
  2. abdominal pain;
  3. diarrhea;
  4. headache;
  5. soreness of the mammary glands;
  6. general weakness;
  7. allergic reactions.

In the studies conducted, it was not possible to find significant differences between adverse reactions when using Postinor and Escapel. Increasing the dosage of levonorgestrel in Escapelle does not lead to an increase in the number of unwanted symptoms.

All emergency contraceptive medications can disrupt the menstrual cycle and delay menstruation by several days. But if you haven’t had your period for a week or more, you should do a pharmacy test or donate blood for hCG to rule out pregnancy.

Postinor to drink after ovulation

Postinor action and side effects. How to take Postinor?

Despite the fact that postinor causes the most negative consequences in the body, and in many European countries it is classified as a prohibited drug, in Russia it was and remains a hit “the morning after sex.” Doctors' reviews of Postinor are full of negativity; the dose of hormones in the drug is simply lethal, not only for ovulation, but also for general health. You can see thousands of messages on the forums - bleeding started after postinor, delay after postinor, cycle went wrong, discharge after postinor - but this does not stop anyone much. Because the phrase “pregnancy after postinorax” does not appear. The drug is valued for its “armor-piercing properties.” If you drink, there is a guarantee that there will be no kinder surprise. Several generations have tried these pills on themselves, and everyone knows perfectly well that it works. But let's see at what price this unprecedented efficiency is achieved. Is it worth it?

The drug Postinor is classified as an emergency contraceptive. The medicine is based on the action of the hormone levonorgestrel. The effect of postinor is triple: ovulation is blocked, sperm are deactivated and the structure of the endometrium changes. Even if conception has occurred, postinor has an abortifacient effect, that is, it terminates a pregnancy that has already begun (even a day ago).

There are two tablets in the postinor package, the first one must be taken within forty-eight hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The second tablet – twelve hours after the first. Before or after eating - it doesn't matter.

It is advisable to take Postinor with a small amount of water, and do not drink milk or soda. If vomiting occurs after taking a postinor tablet, you must take another dose.


Postinor and Escapelle are not used:

  1. during pregnancy - they are not means for medical abortion;
  2. when breastfeeding;
  3. in adolescents under 16 years of age;
  4. with severe pathology of the liver and kidneys.

During lactation, the use of emergency contraception is allowed, but then you need to stop breastfeeding for a day.

To drink or not to drink: how effective is Postinor in terminating pregnancy?

There are a lot of means that help prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy (barrier contraceptives, medicated and non-medicated intrauterine devices, vaginal ring, birth control pills, hormonal patches).

However, they require advance application. As a counterbalance to such methods, emergency contraceptive drugs have been created. Of these, Postinor has gained the most popularity.

Women planning to resort to his help are certainly interested in the question: “Does Postinor help to terminate a pregnancy 100%”? Even highly qualified specialists will not be able to answer unequivocally, since many factors affect the effectiveness of Postinor.

Will Postinor help terminate a pregnancy?

Oral contraceptives for routine use (hormonal birth control pills) also contain this hormone, but in a much smaller dosage.

Postinor has a contraceptive effect, provoking heavy bleeding similar to menstruation, which should occur 5-7 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

With the intake of the first tablet, a powerful release of a large amount of the hormone occurs, as a result of which the following changes occur in the functioning of the reproductive system:

In the first phase of the cycle (before ovulation), the maturation of the egg and its release into the lumen of the fallopian tube through an excessively compacted follicle wall are blocked.

In phase II of the cycle (when ovulation has already occurred), Postinor manifests itself as a drug for medical abortion, namely: the structure of the endometrium changes, which prevents the implantation of an already theoretically fertilized egg into the endometrium; it is rejected into the lumen of the mat cavity


How effective is Postinor?

There are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy, these include birth control pills, intrauterine devices. Intrauterine device - how to avoid complications?, condoms and much more. The only “disadvantage” of these methods is that contraception must be taken care of in advance. It’s sad, but the percentage of frivolous women who leave solving the problem of unwanted pregnancy “for later” is quite high. In this case, Postinor helps prevent pregnancy, since the drug belongs to the category of emergency (postcoital) contraception. But before using fire contraception, you should consider how effective Postinor is compared to other contraceptives.

Postinor refers to medications used as emergency contraception. How emergency contraception works: caution first. Postinor contains a synthetic analogue of the corpus luteum hormone, levonorgestrel, in a dosage of 750 mcg. The package contains two tablets. The first tablet of the drug must be taken no later than three days after unprotected sexual intercourse, and the second tablet twelve (but no later than sixteen hours) after taking the first dose.

Postinor has pronounced contraceptive, gestagenic and antiestrogenic effects. The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

Taking Postinor on the eve of ovulation inhibits the release of the egg, that is, it blocks ovulation. Ovulation - how to determine with maximum accuracy? ;

taking Postinor after ovulation has occurred causes changes in the uterine mucosa, which leads to the impossibility of implantation of a fertilized egg;

the drug causes changes in cervical mucus, it becomes thicker, resulting in permeation


How does Postinor actually work?

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It turns out that I completely misunderstood its action.

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