Green discharge in women - causes and treatment, medications

The state of the reproductive system is of enormous importance in a woman’s life, so her health is monitored with special care. Normal vaginal discharge depends on many factors that do not fail and work smoothly. If the secretion turns green, then there is clearly an imbalance in the body that should be eliminated.

You should not panic if you notice such a symptom, since this indicator does not always accompany illness. In order to understand the causes and prevent possible consequences, it is better to consult a doctor who deals with the woman’s reproductive system - a gynecologist.

When green discharge is not dangerous

Greenish discharge in women varies in shade, consistency and other characteristics. Indicators are determined by the prerequisites that provoke deviation. If you discover that the vaginal secretion has acquired a green tint, it is better to see a doctor in order to promptly identify the developing pathology. However, this sign does not always indicate the presence of a disease.

If during the day green spots without aroma remain on the underwear, menstruation comes on time and nothing else bothers the woman, then the reasons for the coloring of the discharge are purely physiological in nature.

Vaginal discharge with a greenish tint appears if a woman has changed sexual partners or the girl is just starting an intimate life. Foreign bacteria from the microflora of the male genital organs enter the vaginal microflora, which is why the secretion changes color. If a woman has yellow-green discharge, without an unpleasant odor or other pathological symptoms, this is not a reason to panic. Otherwise, she will need the help of a specialist, because the presence of an unpleasant odor indicates infection with a sexually transmitted disease.

Sometimes the appearance of “lime snot” is triggered by trauma to the intimate area. I would like to highlight possible reasons:

  1. Instrumental gynecological examination or examination.
  2. Rough sexual contact.
  3. Incorrect use of sanitary tampons.

Discharge due to disorders in the reproductive system

The discharge “turns green” with a sharp increase in the content of leukocytes. This occurs if inflammation occurs in the body, mainly in the appendages. This is why this condition is called leukorrhea.

If a woman has abundant light green or yellow discharge, it means that a serious inflammatory process is developing in the reproductive system: salpingitis, adnexitis, etc.

In the acute phase of the disease, the following deterioration in well-being appears:

  • dull nagging pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general weakness, drowsiness;
  • temperature rise to subfebrile levels (37.3–37.7 C).

To prevent inflammation from developing into an incurable chronic form or from becoming complicated by even more severe conditions, it is necessary to be treated in a hospital.

The presence of accompanying symptoms facilitates detection of the disease in the early stages. Green vaginal discharge with a foul odor may indicate a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. First, pathogenic microorganisms occupy the vagina, then they penetrate the cervix and cause severe illness. Many women experience greenish discharge due to the development of the following pathologies:


Yellow or green discharge that is odorless or smells like rotten fish is the main sign that a woman is developing a sexually transmitted disease. With trichomoniasis, not only the shade of the discharge changes, but also the consistency: it foams and is released in large quantities. Other manifestations of the pathology include: irritated skin in the genital area, unbearable itching, frequent and painful urination, discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Infection during pregnancy is extremely dangerous, as it can cause premature birth.

The pathological process can be asymptomatic, which significantly complicates timely diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it is especially important for women to pay attention to the color of the discharge and, if a green or yellowish tint is detected, contact a gynecologist.

The lifespan of the pathogen (Trichomonas) is so short that infection through household means is almost impossible. To combat the disease, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed, and treatment is indicated for both partners at the same time.


As soon as streptococci, fungi and other types of infection enter the vaginal mucosa, destroying the normal composition of the microflora, the woman develops colpitis (vaginitis). The development of the disease is also caused by stress, taking certain medications (hormones, antibiotics), and a sharp decrease in the body’s immune properties.

The initial stage of the disease manifests itself in the form of dark green discharge. Rapidly developing, the infection spreads and covers the internal genital organs, occupying the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and endometrium. At this stage, the discharge takes on a repulsive sour odor and turns gray-green due to impurities of pus. The consistency depends on the type of pathogen.

The disease requires immediate medical attention. Otherwise, the woman may develop severe complications: infertility, complicated pregnancy, infection of the fetus.

Bacterial vaginosis

The disease cannot be classified as inflammatory, because a prerequisite for the development of vaginal dysbiosis is a violation of the vaginal microflora. This happens when beneficial lactic bacteria are replaced by pathogenic microorganisms. In almost 60% of cases, Gardnerella is the causative agent.

It is not difficult to suspect the development of pathology if you pay attention to the nature of the secretion. In the acute phase they are quite liquid with a grayish tint. Scanty, fishy-smelling, yellow-green discharge with a thick consistency means that the disease has entered a chronic stage. Sometimes the mucus comes off in filmy pieces. Associated symptoms: itching, burning, swelling of the inner labia. Some women complain of pain during urination and during sexual intercourse.

Violations of the vaginal microflora are caused by: non-compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene, incorrect or excessive douching, weakening of the body's immune properties, changes in hormonal levels during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. With the onset of menopause, dysbiosis develops due to the fact that the activity of the cervix fades, the volume of vaginal secretions decreases sharply and the mucous membranes dry out.

Uncontrolled use of drugs to treat fungus or antibiotics also negatively affects the composition of the beneficial microflora of the vagina.

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis involves eliminating the cause of dysbiosis and restoring the normal concentration of lactobacilli. For this the following can be used:

  • metronidazole in the form of tablets, suppositories or gel;
  • clindamycin in the form of suppositories or cream;
  • Tinidazole tablet.

However, you can take these medications only under the supervision of a doctor.

If the above pathologies are not detected when a white-green discharge appears, the woman should be examined in more detail. Green leucorrhoea can be caused by disorders of the endocrine system, cancer, or prolapse of the vaginal walls.

Take an online test to identify symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases.

Treatment with drugs

Treatment of sexual disorders with drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

During the consultation, it is worth mentioning the presence of an allergy to a certain group of drugs, which will allow the doctor to choose the optimal treatment option.

For bacterial vaginosis

Treatment is carried out comprehensively with the help of suppositories, creams or ointments and drugs taken orally.

Treatment is usually carried out in two stages:

  • The first stage is the use of antibacterial drugs.
  • The second stage restores damaged microflora.

For vulvitis or vaginitis

The choice of drug will depend on the source of inflammation and the accompanying infection. The treatment is complex, combining vaginal ointments and suppositories and oral medications with an antibacterial or antifungal spectrum of action.

Green secretion during pregnancy and after childbirth

During pregnancy, the secretion changes its consistency, shade and quantity several times. This is not surprising, because the expectant mother’s body is working hard, and surges of hormones affect the activity of the glands of the cervix.

If a green, odorless discharge appears in a woman when she is preparing to become a mother, this is not a sign of pathology. In this case, we are talking about hormonal changes or irritation of the genital organs after examination in the gynecological chair.

But do not forget that the gestational period weakens the body’s immune properties and the risk of contracting various infections increases significantly.

If yellow-green discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, it means that an infectious process has developed in the urinary system.

Associated symptoms such as burning, redness and swelling of the external genitalia, and painful urination should be a cause for concern. This may result in vaginal dysbiosis or an asymptomatic infection.

In case of recent infection with gardnerellosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea or chlamydia, the discharge has a repulsive odor and contains pus, which gives a greenish tint.

The disease is almost always detected during a medical examination.

To prevent the pathological condition from affecting the development and health of the fetus, the expectant mother needs to be treated as early as possible.

Also, during pregnancy, vaginal candidiasis (thrush) worsens and a woman may develop green discharge with a cheesy consistency.

After the birth of a child, a woman’s reproductive system is in the recovery stage. Over the course of several days, the uterus contracts, causing the secretion to become bloody. A greenish tint, accompanied by severe itching, burning and swelling of the genitals, is a clear sign that serious inflammation is occurring in the body. You should consult a doctor at the first signs of pathology.

Characteristic green discharge with an odor is especially common in women who have had a caesarean section. If there is an increase in body temperature, this is a sure sign that the reproductive organ is not completely cleansed. This condition requires immediate placement in a gynecology department and a curettage procedure. If left to chance, the remaining particles will begin to rot, which will ultimately lead to life-threatening sepsis.

Green leucorrhoea in girls

In girls, discharge appears about a year before the formation of the menstrual cycle and the beginning of the first menstruation. Normally, this is whitish-transparent mucus. If a future woman under 8 years of age has a greenish, odorless discharge and constantly itches under her panties, it means that an inflammatory process is developing in the vaginal or vulva area.

Anything can cause a pathological condition, from ordinary grains of sand falling on the genitals from a sandbox in a kindergarten to injury from uncomfortable panties.

At this age, the uterus is not yet fully formed and is not able to produce protective mucus. Therefore, a vagina not protected by lactobacilli is a desirable environment for any kind of infection. In the case of a fungal infection, a coating resembling a curd mass with a greenish tint appears on the girl’s labia.

Diagnosis of the disease

Even if a woman has yellow-green, odorless discharge and other pathological abnormalities, self-medication is unacceptable. Only after examination and research will a qualified specialist determine the causes of a suspicious symptom and prescribe effective treatment. A significant role is given to the following diagnostic measures:

  • gynecological examination (in a chair);
  • collection of secretions for bacteriological analysis (smear);
  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • assessment of fallopian tube patency (if necessary);
  • detection of pathogen DNA using PCR.

Treatment depends on the diagnosis, the phase of the pathology, the patient’s condition, and the characteristics of her body. The therapeutic regimen, consisting of drug treatment, douching and a special diet, is selected individually for each case. In mild cases, vaginal suppositories are prescribed; in more severe cases, antibiotics may be required. If the smear contains a fungus, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

If green secretion is not a consequence of an illness, a woman simply needs to reconsider her lifestyle, eliminate provoking factors, drink more fluids, and switch to a balanced diet.


If the greenish secretion from the female genital organs without aroma is not accompanied by other signs, then you can try to treat it yourself by considering your own lifestyle. The disease can also be cured with the help of local drugs (vaginal suppositories). But when complications develop, the doctor is able to prescribe general medications for treatment. Their use is carried out only as prescribed by a specialist in the formation of a complex form of the disorder.

It is possible to cope with green discharge with the help of Fluconazole or its analogues:

  1. Diflazon.
  2. Mikosist.
  3. Mycoflucan.
  4. Flucostat.
  5. Diflucan.
  6. Ciskan.

Therapy for green discharge will be effective only with the right choice of medications. This must only be carried out by a qualified doctor. The dose of pharmaceuticals is also determined by him, taking into account the personal characteristics of the woman and the severity of her illness.

To ensure maximum results in the treatment of a pathological condition, a woman needs to reconsider her own diet. If discharge occurs, doctors do not recommend eating seeds, canned products and fatty foods.

Prevention of gynecological diseases

It is not difficult to exclude the possibility of green secretion. It is enough for a woman to follow the following preventive measures:

  1. Do not violate the rules of intimate hygiene. This applies not only to regular washing, but also to wiping the anus after defecation. To avoid introducing particles of intestinal contents onto the external genitalia, you need to wipe from front to back.
  2. Do not use aggressive alkaline products to care for the intimate area, which are dangerous for the vaginal microflora. You should also refrain from gels of poisonous shades and strong aromas. The best option is to purchase a special, mild intimate hygiene product.
  3. Don't douche unnecessarily. This is not such a harmless procedure that it should be carried out without the advice of a specialist.
  4. Regularly, at least once every 6 months, undergo a gynecological examination. At the slightest suspicion of the presence of a disease, do not delay going to the antenatal clinic.
  5. During cold weather, keep your feet and lower body warm and dry. This will protect you from inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area.
  6. Avoid promiscuous sex. When in contact with an unfamiliar partner, use barrier contraception to protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  7. Switch to underwear made from natural fabrics, giving up synthetic lace. Avoid thong panties, as this model allows intestinal microbes to enter the vagina.
  8. Lead an active, healthy lifestyle, eat right, toughen up, strengthen your immune system in every possible way.
  9. Do not abuse contraceptives that affect hormonal levels. Drugs for this purpose should be prescribed by a doctor.

Having studied numerous photos presented on the Internet, some women “by eye” determine the cause of the deviation and treat themselves without consulting a specialist. It is not right. Incorrect treatment can have the opposite effect, accelerating the development of the disease, provoking the formation of severe complications. Only a good gynecologist can determine the cause of green secretion and cure the pathological cause.

Preventive measures

In addition to regularly visiting a doctor and observing all the rules of intimate hygiene, it is necessary to carry out disease prevention.

Main preventive measures:

  • A woman needs to visit a gynecologist regularly - at least twice a year;
  • Moderate physical activity allows you to maintain strong immunity of the body and normalize hormonal levels;
  • The main cause of inflammatory and infectious diseases is sex without contraception. When having sex, you need to use barrier contraceptives. Some hormonal contraceptives can also cause heavy discharge.
  • Poor nutrition also affects the health of the genitourinary system. A woman’s diet should be balanced, it should include fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, meat and fish, and dairy products. You should not oversaturate your body with an abundance of flour sweets, salty and fried foods.
  • To maintain hygiene of the genital area, you need to use only proven products. In some situations, you can use folk remedies - decoctions of medicinal herbs and flowers.
  • To avoid an allergic reaction to the materials from which underwear is made, it is better to choose clothes made from natural materials. Cotton and linen underwear sets allow you to maintain healthy genitals. The underwear should be comfortable and loose, without putting pressure on the body.
  • It is better to maintain sexual relations with a permanent, trusted partner. Constantly changing men can lead to serious sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Pregnant women should monitor their health and observe intimate hygiene more carefully.

By adhering to these rules, women can avoid problems with the functioning of the genitourinary system and not be subject to infections and inflammation.

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