Female discharge smells like iron: causes, treatment

Vaginal discharge always tells a woman about the state of her health. The slightest deviation from their daily performance is most often a sign of a problem. The metallic smell of female discharge, which will be discussed in this article, can also be a sign of one or another pathology.

Natural vaginal discharge and deviation from the norm

During reproductive age, every female representative experiences vaginal discharge. During “critical days” this is rejected uterine tissue in the form of bleeding, during the remaining periods of the menstrual cycle it is clear, moderate, odorless mucus.

This is the secretion of sexual secretion, caused by the work of various glands, mucous, sebaceous and sweat. The glandular system in women is adjusted like a clock. True, in different phases of the monthly cycle the level of hormones changes, which affects the entire body, including the glands and the product of their activity - secretions. Because of this, during the period of ovulation, before and after menstruation, the discharge may acquire a slightly yellow tint and a sourish odor. This is how the norm can be characterized.

If the discharge has acquired an unpleasant aroma, the transparent color has changed to white, green, grayish, the consistency has changed, vaginal itching and burning have become noticeable and the lower abdomen aches, then these are signs of pathology, an inflammatory process or an infectious disease.

This phenomenon causes discomfort, since it can smell in the intimate area at any time, putting the lady in an awkward position. It is not always possible to remove the symptom by washing and masking it with any means. To protect yourself from such aromas, it is important to know the cause of their occurrence, methods of control and prevention. So what does metallic discharge smell mean?

Non-pathological causes of the smell of iron from discharge in women

If the secreted mucus smells metallic, this indicates the presence of blood in it.

. Why does blood smell like iron? It contains erythrocytes - red blood cells, which contain hemoglobin - a pigment protein. In turn, its molecule consists of four iron atoms, which is responsible for the red color of the tissues in the body and the characteristic odor.

Common causes of odor:

  1. This is what menstrual bleeding smells like, as well as secretions before or after menstruation. Young girls discover this aroma, which may herald the approach of the first critical days. Sometimes light spotting indicates the onset of ovulation.
  2. Often, vaginal secretions smell so fragrant due to a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane due to mechanical damage. This happens during rough sexual intercourse, installation of an IUD, or after a gynecological examination. In rare cases, postoperative sutures may bleed.
  3. An allergic reaction to medications, contraception, and intimate hygiene products can manifest as pink mucus with bloody, characteristically smelling streaks.
  4. Hormonal surges, especially during menopause, explain why women’s discharge smells like iron.
  5. An unpleasant odor from the vagina without obvious discharge may be the result of improper intimate hygiene.

Bad breath when dieting. What causes bad breath during fasting?

Perhaps you recognize yourself in one of the following situations. Then take action immediately.

  • A person rarely brushes his teeth. A plaque of microorganisms accumulates in the mouth. Among them are anaerobic bacteria. They produce hydrogen sulfide. Because of it, the air that a person exhales smells bad. During sleep, saliva is practically not secreted. Bacteria use this. That's why my breath smells bad in the morning. Tip: Start rinsing your teeth after brushing them. The smell will go away.
  • A person has diseases of the teeth, tonsils or gums. This causes your breath to smell. Halitosis warns of liver, kidney or respiratory disease. Advice: Read the next section of the article about the diseases that cause halitosis.

If you are on a low-carb diet, you will develop bad breath over time.

In the process of burning fat, the body releases certain chemicals. This process is called a state of ketosis. This is what causes the unpleasant odor. Don’t be upset. In this case, the smell is a sign that the weight loss process has begun. Ways to solve the problem.

  • Change your diet
  • Mask bad breath. To do this, suck sugar-free mint candies, drink plenty of water (one glass per hour), chew sugar-free gum, also drink water after every meal, chew fresh parsley
  • add some carbohydrates to your diet

Discharge with an iron odor due to pathologies and diseases

The discharge smells like iron due to various diseases, the symptoms of which include internal and external bleeding:

  1. Thus, cervical erosion is characterized by the destruction of the cells of the mucous membrane of this organ. In 60% of cases, it is asymptomatic, and only an unpleasant bloody aroma with a hint of metal can indicate pathology. Sometimes with this illness, blood and even purulent clots are released between periods, pulling in the lower abdomen. These signs have the peculiarity of intensifying after intimate contact.
  2. Salpingitis is an inflammation of the inner layer of the fallopian tubes. Symptoms are manifested by increased temperature, nagging abdominal pain, destabilization of the cycle, and discharge with the smell of iron.
  3. In some cases, such a sign may indicate neoplasms of various etymologies and even cancer. Tissue destruction is accompanied by bloody, unpleasant-smelling discharge, pain in the genital area, which sometimes radiates to the lower back. That is why it is so important, if you discover unusual symptoms and aromas, to see a gynecologist and receive appropriate treatment, so as not to start the problem and face serious consequences.
  4. Some ladies equate the iron vaginal odor with an unpleasant fishy odor. Bacterial vaginosis has this symptom. It is characterized by putrefactive discharge of a dirty white or gray color, accompanied by itching and burning. The manifestations of this disease intensify after sexual intimacy.

Iron-flavored secretion and pregnancy

During conception, the fertilized egg, being fixed in the walls of the uterus, causes primary resistance to the foreign body. This process is sometimes accompanied by slight bleeding with an unpleasant iron odor.

After childbirth, the natural excretion of lochia may smell like metal. This is a normal natural phenomenon.

It happens that during pregnancy, brown discharge is detected with a clear iron smell or, even worse, putrefactive, accompanied by pain. Discharge with an odor during pregnancy characterizes fetal fading, as well as ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the embryo must be removed to prevent infection and severe pathologies.

Prevention and treatment of metallic discharge odor

If you detect an odor, you should see a doctor to find out its etymology. The doctor will determine the cause and tell you how to remove the iron smell of discharge in women along with bleeding.

If there is no exacerbation and the disease is not advanced, you can do without general drug treatment. Inflammation at the initial stage will be removed by douching with medications, herbal decoctions, or topical suppositories. And for mechanical damage, physiotherapy is prescribed.

To prevent the problem from occurring, follow simple preventive measures:

  1. Maintain your immunity, give up bad habits.
  2. Do not lift heavy objects, avoid heavy physical exertion and hypothermia.
  3. Follow the rules of intimate hygiene. If the cause of the fragrance is not a disease, then frequent washing with chamomile will help remove the smell of discharge.
  4. Don't wear synthetic underwear. It can cause irritation of the mucous membranes, which explains itching, burning and bloody rejection of small vessels. Give preference to natural fabrics.
  5. Choose genital area care products correctly: they should be hypoallergenic, with a neutral pH, without dyes and preservatives, have a plant base, and contain lactic acid.
  6. Select contraceptives taking into account your physiological characteristics.

To summarize, I would like to note that the problem of the smell of iron secretions is quite often discussed by women on the Internet, as can be seen from numerous reviews. Often representatives of the fairer sex say that after diagnosis no diseases were identified, but the problem exists. This sign should not cause alarm. The main thing is not to self-medicate, but contact a competent specialist. And be healthy!

The appearance of vaginal discharge in women is a normal physiologically determined process. This is as natural as the formation of saliva in the mouth. To monitor women's health, it is necessary to monitor the characteristics of the discharge: its color, smell, frequency of formation. Let's consider what can happen in a woman's body when the discharge smells of iron.

The formation of discharge and its features

The mucous membrane of the vagina and uterine cavity has many glands. They secrete a certain secret. If you are careful, based on the characteristics of the mucus, you can independently diagnose the possible development of a deviation and decide whether to visit a doctor.

Such a part of the female reproductive system as the vagina has a peculiar environment - the presence of bacteria, fungi and microorganisms is noted. Their presence in the microflora is necessary, as they act as a regulator of the natural balance.

A woman’s mucus is normally constantly present. Otherwise, the woman is deprived of a natural protective barrier that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

A girl's first secretion is usually observed after menarche. Normally, it has a sticky, thick consistency and a slightly sour odor. Thus, the female body maintains the natural microflora of the reproductive system.

Depending on individual characteristics, the abundance of mucus may decrease or increase.

The normal composition of discharge includes:

The content of these elements is normal, since they can coexist with each other. It is important that they do not begin active reproduction - as they develop, an inflammatory process begins.

The secretions also consist of:

  • mucus of the cervical canal (the cervix has glands with a secretion that has an antibacterial effect);
  • old cells of the uterine epithelium (drop and are excreted through the vagina, giving way to young, renewed cells);
  • lactic acid bacteria (mycoplasma and ureaplasma in small quantities).

Changes in the composition of the vaginal microflora can be observed due to the development of diseases, the action of antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Discharge color is normal and abnormal

Vaginal discharge should not be very profuse, not have an unpleasant odor or a strange color. It is acceptable if the secretion acquires a light yellow tint. If the change in color and smell is quite drastic, a woman should pay attention to this.

Possible colors of secreted mucus:

  1. Yellow - this color of discharge in women is normal if its shade is light and there is no pungent odor. Similar features are characteristic of lubricant, which forms several days before the start of the menstrual cycle. If the color is more saturated, this can be regarded as a symptom of possible inflammation. Sometimes the deviation may be accompanied by itching and burning.
  2. Green discharge is observed with vaginitis, inflammation of the ovaries, and inflammation of the cervical canal. White mucus is the most common color and is normal in most cases unless the odor is too strong or unpleasant. The formation of too thick, dense white mucus with pus is possible, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process.
  3. The red color is the cyclic release of a blood clot during menstruation. A physiological process that occurs normally in all women. With pathology, very abundant secretion or spotting between menstruation may indicate endometriosis or miscarriage.

Doctors' answers

It is unlikely that the odor will change due to oral contraceptives. A slight specific odor may be present during menstruation, but a sharp increase in odor requires a medical examination. Severe pain can appear due to an ovarian cyst, due to an inflammatory process, due to a violation of the microflora, and so on. Therefore, you need to visit a gynecologist in person for examination and examination. Based on the results obtained, the doctor will determine the cause of the unpleasant odor and give appropriate recommendations.

Olga Stanislavskaya

Out of fear, I started reading all the sites and many mentioned ectopic pregnancy. is it possible?

If oral contraceptives are taken correctly, pregnancy is extremely unlikely. In addition, ectopic pregnancy has slightly different symptoms. Therefore, you need to have an in-person appointment with a gynecologist and the doctor will determine the cause of your complaints.

Olga Stanislavskaya

Could you describe in more detail the signs of an ectopic pregnancy? so that just in case I would just be sufficiently aware of what she is

Olga Stanislavskaya

What is the most common sign of iron smell?

The smell of iron is not a specific symptom, therefore, it is not possible to say for sure what it is a sign of. Blood always has a faint iron odor. Regarding ectopic pregnancy. Withdrawal bleeding of normal intensity most likely indicates the absence of pregnancy. In the initial stages, an ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms as a normal pregnancy: delayed menstruation, engorgement of the mammary glands, and so on. As the fertilized egg grows, a nagging pain in the tube and slight bleeding appears. When a pipe ruptures, the pain is extremely severe, does not stop on its own, and is accompanied by symptoms of internal bleeding.

Olga Stanislavskaya

The problem is that, firstly, the smell cannot be called weak, quite the contrary, it is quite strong and, secondly, this has never happened before. I understand that menstrual flow has a smell, yes, but this is the first time. and how to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

Once again: without examination, it is not possible to determine what is causing the strong odor. You need to go to the doctor and get examined: examination, gynecological smears, femoflora test, urine and blood tests, and, if necessary, examinations for STIs and others. There are no periods as such while taking oral contraceptives. Bloody discharge while taking inactive tablets is associated with a lack of hormones entering the body. This is done for the psychological comfort of the woman, simulating a normal cycle. Therefore, if bleeding begins on approximately the same days when taking inactive pills and ends within a week (most often with the start of taking active pills), then this is normal. If withdrawal bleeding does not stop for more than 7 days, is unusually heavy, or occurs while taking active pills, then this is not normal and requires consulting a doctor.

Olga Stanislavskaya

Started in the last two days of taking active tablets


Why is it important to consult a specialist?

To diagnose women's health conditions, it is better to consult a doctor. Many diseases of the female reproductive system may not make themselves felt for a long time until the pathology develops too much. Most often, the body reports all changes with specific manifestations. You need to pay attention to them in time. Including the appearance of yellow discharge with the smell of iron. They may not be harmless.

If a woman is concerned about the smell and color of the secretion, consultation with a specialist is necessary. Even if everything is fine, the patient will make sure at the appointment that her condition is normal. However, if you ignore your condition, there is a risk of an unfavorable outcome. Statistics can serve as motivation - many female diseases in a severely neglected state began absolutely harmlessly and ended in infertility.

This table below shows the main criteria for secreted secretions and possible diseases that correspond to them:

Which doctor should I contact if I have a smell of iron from my discharge?

The first thing you need to do when you discover a specific secretion is to make an appointment with a doctor and get tested. During the examination, the gynecologist will take a smear, tell you what tests will need to be taken and recommend additional examination if necessary. The research results will show the source of the disease and clarify the pathogen. After identifying the pathogen, the doctor will be able to begin treatment.

You may need:

  1. Tests (CBC, OAM, vaginal smear, cervical smear cytology, blood for tumor markers).
  2. Additional studies (ultrasound, biopsy, MRI, radiography, CT).

It is not recommended to engage in amateur activities, make a diagnosis and undergo treatment without consulting a specialist, defining any secreted secretion as thrush.

Prevention of the condition

Self-medication is highly discouraged. If you experience secretions with an unpleasant odor or discomfort, it is better to contact a clinic where they will provide qualified assistance. Infectious diseases without the necessary treatment can become chronic and lead to infertility. You should keep the sensitive area clean and be attentive to your body's signals.

The beauty and well-being of the fair sex largely depend on her reproductive system. Thus, the secretion released from the vagina indicates the state of women's health. Any deviations from the norm often indicate the presence of one or another problem. If the discharge smells like iron, this is a pathology that requires immediate treatment.

How to get rid of this problem?

To get rid of the metallic smell if it is caused by water or food, you can drink a glass of milk or any other drink.

Orthodontic appliances that oxidize or other metal parts installed by dentists in the oral cavity should be replaced before excess metal affects health.

Bleeding gums are the responsibility of dentists, but if everything is fine with the gums and teeth, then consultation with an otolaryngologist and gastroenterologist is necessary.

Conducting general and biochemical blood tests helps in finding the source of the problem. If certain indicators deviate from the norm, other studies may be required to find the pathology and prescribe the correct treatment.

READ An Effective Cure for Bad Breath

Traditional methods of combating the smell of metal from the mouth do not eliminate the cause of the disease and the need to see a doctor.

As a quick remedy for this symptom, use:

  • Rose hip tea. A tablespoon of dried fruit is poured with boiling water, then left for half an hour.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. Half an hour before a meal, take a full tablespoon.
  • Dry juniper berries. Chew them, anise or fennel seeds before meals.
  • Infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs: chamomile, St. John's wort, sage.
  • Rinse with essential oils. The use of mint, sage, and clove oils will replace the smell of metal with a pleasant floral aroma.

The use of folk remedies must be coordinated with a doctor so that it does not interfere with the treatment of the underlying problem.

Norm and deviations

Any mature woman experiences vaginal discharge at some point. On menstrual days, they represent uterine tissue. In other cases, it is a transparent mucous substance that has no odor.

These secretions are associated with the functioning of the sweat, sebaceous and mucous glands. The female glandular system has a very thin superstructure, which is comparable to a Swiss watch. However, sometimes hormonal levels can change, which, of course, affects the entire body. Therefore, during menstruation and ovulation, the secretion acquires a sour aroma and a yellowish color.

If the discharge has an unpleasant and unusual odor, and the transparency has changed to a greyish, greenish or whitish tint, then these are symptoms of infection, inflammation or other pathology.

In this case, the woman experiences significant discomfort, since the vagina can begin to smell at any moment. It is very rare to get rid of an unpleasant odor using deodorants and washing. To avoid problems, you need to know and understand their causes and treatment methods.

Causes of odor

If the secretion begins to smell like metal, then this is a consequence of blood impurities in its composition. The thing is that blood contains red blood cells and hemoglobin. The molecule of this substance includes 4 iron atoms. Therefore, all tissues in the human body are colored red and have a corresponding odor . The most common reasons for this odor include:

  1. The approach of the first menstruation.
  2. Ovulation.
  3. Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane (during hard sexual contact, during use of a spiral, during examination by a gynecologist, etc.).
  4. Allergy to contraceptives, medications, intimate hygiene products, etc.
  5. Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system, especially during menopause.
  6. Failure to comply with hygiene rules.

In such cases, discharge with an iron odor in women can be eliminated with complex therapy prescribed by a gynecologist.

However, sometimes the discharge smells rotten due to more serious illnesses.

Provoking diseases

Discharge with a metallic odor can occur due to the development of various pathologies, including very dangerous ones. Of these, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Erosion of the uterine cervix. Involves destruction of the organ mucosa. In most situations, the pathology occurs without any symptoms, except for the metallic aroma that comes from the secretion.
  2. Salpingitis. This is an inflammatory process that develops inside the fallopian tubes. The disease is accompanied by an increase in temperature, discomfort in the abdominal area, menstrual irregularities and discharge with a metallic aroma.
  3. Vaginosis. The disease may be accompanied by a burning sensation, a change in the color of the discharge and the appearance of an odor of iron or fish. Symptoms noticeably increase after sexual intercourse.

Sometimes such a symptom may even indicate the presence of cancer. Violation of the tissue structure is also accompanied by foul-smelling secretions, pain and discomfort.

That is why, if symptoms are detected, it is important to promptly seek help from a qualified specialist.

Should I worry?

The appearance of iron odor can be triggered by fairly harmless things, such as eating food or liquids with a high iron content, dental or systemic diseases.
Common household causes of metallic smell:

  • Water with high iron content. The concentration of metals in tap water may be elevated, in which case a filter is required. You can check the quality of water by pouring it into a transparent glass and leaving it for several hours; foreign impurities will collect at the bottom. The aroma may also appear due to excessive consumption of bottled mineral waters.
  • Metal particles can enter the body with food in cases where metal utensils are used. This happens more often with sour hot dishes.
  • In some cases, the oral cavity smells of iron due to low-quality crowns, dentures, or orthodontic structures. When parts made of different metals come into mutual contact, a galvanic couple can occur and, accordingly, a weak electric current can occur, which will accelerate their destruction.

READ How to prevent and treat halitosis?

In these cases, to get rid of the smell and taste of metal, a number of simple and understandable measures are sufficient:

  • Water filter installations.
  • Refusal from food and drink containing a lot of metal salts.
  • Using ceramic cookware.
  • Contacting a dentist to replace a low-quality prosthesis or other orthodontic element.

If simple options are excluded, and why it smells like metal is not clear, you need to consult a doctor and look for other signs of pathology.

Treatment and prevention

In the early stages of the development of the disease and in the absence of exacerbation, you can do without drug therapy. You can get rid of inflammation by douching with special preparations, herbal decoctions and vaginal suppositories. For mechanical injuries, doctors advise turning to physical therapy.

To avoid problems, you need to remember the following rules:

  1. Be sure to give up bad habits and strengthen your immune system.
  2. Avoid heavy lifting and excessive physical activity.
  3. Strictly observe intimate hygiene.
  4. It is advisable to use underwear made from natural materials.
  5. Intimate care products need to be selected correctly. They should not contain preservatives or dyes.
  6. Use suitable contraceptives, taking into account physiological characteristics.

The smell of iron from discharge is not a very significant problem. One way or another, it is not advisable to self-medicate. It is better to contact a competent expert who will accurately diagnose the problem and determine the optimal therapeutic regimen.



If the underwear is brown or dark in color, then the discharge appears dark, which worries many women and girls. To solve this problem, simply wear light-colored underwear.

Stress, depression and nervous tension

Stress and depression have a fairly strong impact on her work. Scanty brown spots on laundry can appear as a result of constant nervous tension.

This is caused by problems at school or work, in personal life and for any other reason.

The body is in a state of shock, which causes disruptions in its functioning. Nervous tension leads to disruption of sleep patterns, fatigue, constant headaches and many other consequences.

Effective ways to deal with stress and depression:

  • walking in the fresh air;
  • breathing exercises;
  • visit to a psychologist;
  • relaxing bath;
  • aromatherapy;
  • yoga or meditation;
  • moderate exercise.

In order not to risk your health, you should limit yourself as much as possible from stress, nerves and overwork. If none of the proposed methods helped to cope with these problems, then you should consult a doctor to prescribe sedatives. They will help cope with insomnia and other symptoms. The female reproductive system is very sensitive to external stimuli.

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