Discharge during sex: female discharge during arousal is white, copious, after intercourse

One Eastern sage, addressing men, said: “Enjoy the wife of your youth. May you always be intoxicated by her breasts, constantly enjoy her love.” Intimate relationships that are created in order to express your feelings to a loved one are described here in poetic language.

Despite the romance of the relationship, women’s discharge after sex is often alarming and confusing. In order not to lose joy, it is important to understand the nature of female discharge that occurs during intercourse.

Normal discharge

The sexual arousal that a woman experiences and intercourse itself causes a rush of blood to the reproductive organs and stimulates the production of lubrication. It softens the friction of the phallus against the vaginal walls and improves gliding. Normal discharge from the cervical canal is transparent, colorless, does not contain blood, and is odorless. The woman does not feel any discomfort.

After unprotected sex without a condom, a woman may still observe a clear mucous discharge for a couple of days or with a yellowish (whitish) tint. This is the result of mixing the secretion of the glands located in the vagina with the remains of the partner’s sperm.

The use of a condom also affects the nature of women's discharge - it becomes white, thick and opaque.

Pathological discharge after sexual intercourse

A couple of days after sex, did the clear discharge take on an unusual appearance? In this case, you should consult your doctor. After all, an unusual color and consistency, a pungent odor or traces of blood in the mucus are a signal of problems in the body.

Among the reasons that cause the appearance of unusual discharge after sexual intercourse are sexually transmitted infections and non-infectious diseases of the female genital organs. Therefore, it is important to know what the signs of health problems are.

All these symptoms should be a reason to visit a specialist:

  • Transparent liquid discharge with traces of blood or pronounced bloody discharge after sexual intercourse in women indicates inflammatory processes in the woman’s reproductive organs. Possible causes of blood after sex also include endometriosis, polyps, ectopia, erosion or cervical cancer.
  • White discharge, the consistency of which resembles cottage cheese, and which has a sour smell is a sure sign of candidiasis (thrush).
  • The pronounced smell of rotten fish and gray discharge are a consequence of bacterial vaginosis.
  • The presence of copious foamy discharge of a yellow-green hue indicates trichomoniasis.

Why do you experience spotting after sex?

Except in cases where a woman is still a virgin and is having sex for the first time, spotting should be alarming. There may be several reasons causing this condition.

  • Reproductive tract infections - trichomoniasis, gonorrhea and chlamydia - disrupt the integrity of the mucous membrane of a woman’s genital organs. After sex, the vagina is injured and the cervix bleeds.
  • Untreated inflammation of the cervix, vagina, or uterus often causes bloody or brown discharge. The already inflamed mucous membrane becomes irritated during copulation and begins to bleed. Endometritis not only causes brown discharge and bleeding, but often leads to infertility. And inflammation of the cervix can provoke erosion.
  • Neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the cervix manifest themselves as spotting or bleeding after sex. Benign cysts and polyps can burst as a result of mechanical stress during sex, making the mucus pink.
  • Cervical cancer at the initial stage is manifested by clear discharge mixed with blood. This is due to tissue tension during sex.
  • Rough sex sometimes causes a woman's genitals to rupture, causing her to bleed.

Physiological reasons

There are many physiological reasons that cause poor blood flow after sexual intercourse (PA). Among them are:

  1. Microtraumas. Despite the fact that during sex the mucous membranes of the vagina are protected by lubricant, they still remain vulnerable and mechanical stress leads to damage. In addition, the following factors can provoke microtraumas of the vaginal mucosa: insufficient arousal (often occurs during pregnancy, during menopause, after experiencing stress, etc.), the use of a low-quality condom, rough movements during sex, the presence of a partner with a large penis, which fits tightly to the walls of the vagina. As a rule, discharge that occurs due to microtrauma is scanty and stops quickly.
  2. Taking oral contraceptives. Often, to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy, women use OCs. They contain hormones that cause the walls of the uterus to thin, thereby preventing the onset of gestation. But because of this, any mechanical impact (even the use of medicated tampons) can lead to bloody or brown discharge. In this case, they are also short-lived and do not cause pain in the abdomen.
  3. The “pseudo-menstruation” effect. This condition is characterized by the sudden release of a small amount of blood from the vagina. The reason for this may be the onset of menopause, pregnancy, or discontinuation of OCs. Sex in this case acts as a kind of provoking factor, during which the uterus begins to actively contract, as a result of which a small amount of blood comes out of it.
  4. Ovulation. Some women specifically choose the time to have sex in order to conceive a child. And the most appropriate moment for this is ovulation, which occurs in the middle of the cycle. During it, the egg is released from the follicle, which is accompanied by rupture of its membrane and damage to small capillaries, which is why bloody discharge appears. In this case, sex has nothing to do with their occurrence, but during it, the release of the egg from the follicle is quite likely, as a result of which vaginal discharge with blood appears.
  5. Recent birth. After delivery, the woman’s uterus begins to actively cleanse itself of traces of fetal activity, which causes severe bleeding. After a few weeks, it becomes less abundant and often during this period women have sexual intercourse for the first time. However, after sex, the discharge only intensifies, which is caused by active contractions of the uterus.
  6. Male pathologies. Men, like women, are exposed to various diseases of the genital area, in which blood may be released from the penis. And during unprotected sexual intercourse, it easily enters the vaginal cavity, from where it comes out along with cervical mucus, coloring it light pink or pale red. In this case, the discharge lasts no more than an hour, but it is a serious reason to take your partner to the doctor.
  7. First PA. Bloody discharge often appears in a girl who has had sexual intercourse for the first time and lost her virginity. In this case, the presence of vaginal blood is considered a completely natural process, since upon entering into the first sexual intercourse, the protective film of the vagina ruptures and expands, which is accompanied by damage to small capillaries and vessels. Bleeding after the first PA can be observed for about several hours.
  8. Anal sex. Recently, anal sex has become very popular, but it is often accompanied by various complications, including minor bleeding. This is due to the fact that the rectum is not intended for intimacy. Each insertion of the penis into the anus causes stretching of the intestine and its damage, as a result of which a woman may notice a slight discharge of blood from her anus, and normal beige or mucous discharge from her vagina.
  9. Orgasm. Another physiological condition that can lead to bloody or brownish discharge. When the body is received, the uterus begins to contract even more, and if a woman is due to menstruate the other day, then the presence of scanty discharge with blood is quite natural.
  10. Delayed menstruation. If a woman experiences a delay in menstruation (for example, after a change in climate, stress, taking certain medications, etc.), then during sexual intercourse her uterus may also bleed and spotting may begin. In this case, sex is a stimulant that leads to menstruation.
  11. Pregnancy. Another physiological condition in which after sex there is often a discharge of ichor from the vagina. In the early stages of gestation, this is caused by the looseness of the uterus (this allows the embryo to penetrate it and attach to its walls), and in the last months the uterus significantly increases in volume and is located close to the vaginal opening, as a result of which it is easily damaged by the slightest mechanical impact. Also, the appearance of mucous or watery discharge streaked with blood in the last months of pregnancy can signal the release of a plug or leakage of amniotic fluid.
  12. Presence of an intrauterine device. The IUD is installed directly into the cervical canal, which causes damage to its mucous membranes. Moreover, their healing occurs even after the smearing from the vagina stops (after installation of the IUD, intense bleeding from the vagina is always observed). And premature entry into PA can lead to re-damage to the mucous membranes of the cervix and the resumption of spotting.

Side effect of drugs

Taking blood thinners (aspirin and anticoagulants) may cause bloody or brown discharge. When hormonal contraceptives are discontinued (or if a woman misses a day and does not take the pill), which prevents an unwanted pregnancy, it is natural for a dark brown or pink discharge to appear. Similar symptoms are also observed during the period of adaptation to COCs (2-3 months).

The use of an intrauterine device for protection in some cases causes staining of the mucus. Closer to the beginning of menstruation, it may acquire a brown tint. Brown discharge also occurs due to hormonal imbalances, so a visit to the doctor in this case is necessary.


Considering that most of the reasons why spotting appears after sex, as well as white discharge after sex, are quite serious diseases, the doctor determines the treatment after examination and special tests.

If brown discharge after sex is due to mechanical damage to the vagina or this occurs shortly before or after menstruation, then there is no need to take any measures. This may be a normal state of the body in the latter situation. In the case of a mechanical injury, a healthy body is able to quickly recover on its own.

In other cases, treatment is as follows:

  • To treat chlamydia, drugs with antibiotic action are used, which are selected individually. Only a doctor can do this. At the same time, we must not forget that both partners must undergo the treatment process to prevent relapse;
  • vaginitis, cervicitis and similar diseases require tests to study the composition of the microflora. Some cases of the disease require radio wave exposure in addition to the use of medications;
  • if the cause is oncology, then it is necessary to perform a puncture and undergo a number of other tests. A surgeon will most likely be required to remove the affected area.

During pregnancy - maximum caution

If during pregnancy a woman notices liquid pink, beige, brown or severe bloody discharge after sexual intercourse, she needs to see a gynecologist as soon as possible. These may be the first signs of incipient placental abruption. The doctor will be able to assess the degree of risk and take measures to maintain the pregnancy.

At the same time, in the later stages of pregnancy, when the preliminary date of birth of the baby is already close, pink mucus in women is one of the harbingers of the upcoming birth.


The normal state of the body is if, after sexual intercourse, transparent or white skin appears the next day or every other day. Yellow or with a slight yellowish tint is also normal. This is explained by the fact that during a woman’s arousal, the flow of blood increases to the genitals. At the same time, active production of mucus from the vagina occurs.

After achieving orgasm, the secretion is produced in greater quantities. This is a natural lubricant that is necessary to facilitate the movement of a man's penis and facilitates the passage of sperm to the egg.

A woman needs to worry if she feels atypical, strange sensations in the genital area, for example, itching appears, irritation of the skin or mucous membrane is detected, the leucorrhoea gives off an odor, and its color has changed.

It is also worth remembering that if a condom was used during sexual intercourse, this also affects the appearance of a specific secretion. This is explained by the fact that the lubricant used in the manufacture of contraceptive products reacts upon contact with vaginal mucus, resulting in leucorrhoea.

If intimate intimacy ends with a man’s ejaculation and the sperm enters the vagina, then the next day and two days after, leucorrhoea may be present, having a yellow or white color. They can also be transparent. Such a secretion has differences in comparison with ordinary discharges, since it contains male sperm, the smell can also change for a similar reason.

Why can the discharge be yellow, pink or other shades after sex?

Sexual infections are easily transmitted by partners to each other. Therefore, yellow or pale green discharge that appears after sexual intercourse must be treated immediately. Often, infectious diseases of the genital organs in women have similar symptoms, and the pathogen can only be accurately recognized after a series of tests. In this case, the doctor will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.

You can learn about the characteristic symptoms of sexually transmitted infectious diseases from the table.

DiseaseNumber of allocationsNature of the dischargeAdditional symptoms
ChlamydiaLittle or noYellow colorPain when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen
TrichomoniasisAbundantFoamy, white, yellow or light green, with a strong unpleasant odorPainful urination, severe itching and burning in the vaginal area.
GonorrheaModerateWhite or yellowPain in the lower abdomen and when urinating, sometimes bleeding during the intermenstrual period
Bacterial vaginosisAbundantGray in color (yellow-green in advanced cases), sticky, with the smell of rotten fishMild itching
Nonspecific colpitisAbundantWhite, yellow-green, sometimes with admixtures of blood (depending on the causative agent of the disease), of varying consistencyItching, burning, swelling in the external genital area

Pink discharge containing a small amount of blood may appear after sex as a result of damage to the vaginal mucosa. If pink mucus has a consistency similar to raw egg white and appears after sex in the middle of the monthly cycle, and a woman feels short-term discomfort in the lower abdomen, then this is a sign of ovulation. In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

After sexual intercourse, watery mucous discharge occurs as a result of strong arousal and a sharp jump in the level of hormones in a woman’s body.

Female discharge during arousal - Discharge .Ru

A white discharge - a woman can observe every time she gets aroused - is called vaginal lubrication or fluid. This mucus is unusual in its composition: it contains cellular components, leukocytes and other microorganisms produced by the glands.
Mostly, vaginal discharge is clear or has no color at all. In another case, if bad mucus appears, this is the very first sign of some disease. In this article, you need to understand what discharge is considered normal and learn more about female lubrication during arousal. Liquid in the form of mucus is typical for all girls. This is the most reliable indicator of a healthy body and stable physiological activity of the female body. Here are the main signs when female white discharge is considered normal:

  • jelly-like consistency;
  • a small amount of;
  • unusual smell, but without putrefactive impurities;
  • There is no irritation or itching inside the vagina.

A girl releases much more fluid after intercourse. It is worth remembering that this is the most common process that should always occur after contact.

This suggests that the woman is very aroused and experiencing emotions after a sexual experience.

This process cannot be controlled; the release of lubrication after sexual intercourse is absolutely normal, and most importantly, it is an indicator of excellent women’s health.

As for the amount of discharge, it all depends on the period of ovulation. So, if menstruation has just passed, then there will be much less mucus than in the middle of the ovulation cycle.

Active discharge during arousal in women begins to appear 7-10 seconds after stimulation of the most sensitive erogenous zone. As a rule, it is enough for a man to start by kissing the neck, slowly moving to the chest, and then lower to cause vaginal discharge in the woman.

Usually, for girls, such a signal serves to make it clear that the body is ready for the insertion of the male sexual organ. After this, the clear liquid increases in quantity, and this is very good. As soon as the moment of the highest point of pleasure comes, that is, orgasm, the white discharge decreases.

Thus, natural and natural lubrication is the healthiest and most indicative sign of real female arousal. This substance cannot be faked or simulated.

A girl may experience some discomfort, feeling a slight appearance of natural lubricant, and sometimes it is not there at all. Dryness during sexual intercourse is very bad for the body of two people, since it is quite possible to damage the genitals. Lack of discharge is usually caused by the following:

  • daily use of strong hormonal drugs by a woman;
  • constant stress, agitation, physical and emotional overload;
  • use of latex-coated condoms during contact;
  • serious immune system disorders;
  • taking antidepressants;
  • smoking;
  • infectious or venereal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance, severe imbalance;
  • problems with the genitourinary system;
  • lack of arousal due to insufficient duration of foreplay;
  • problems with blood circulation, impaired blood circulation;
  • breast-feeding;
  • problems with the nervous system, pathology.

Copious discharge will never occur before sexual intercourse if there is at least one sign of vaginal dryness. In this case, it is best to go to a gynecologist and not delay your treatment, since this is all very serious.

Under no circumstances should you engage in self-treatment; consultation with a doctor is extremely important.

You can use lubricants that are sold in pharmacies only if the natural lubricant is constantly secreted in small quantities, and the woman is completely healthy.

In fact, there is nothing wrong here. Basically, only severe tightness occurs if women have much more discharge than necessary. In some cases, for this reason, the girl refuses sexual contact.

Men, on the other hand, regard excessive moisture in the female vagina as a sign of promiscuity and a constant change of sexual partner, which is considered absolutely incorrect. Each girl is individual in her own way, and strong fluid secretion only indicates that the libido is completely healthy.

You can, of course, consult a doctor, but he will say the same thing: the main thing is that there is no dryness, and the body and sexual organ are completely normal.

Discharge when excited with an unpleasant sour odor

White fluid, vaginal irritation and endless itching are very bad. Despite the fact that this unpleasant symptom bothers the girl from time to time, it must be dealt with immediately. Typically, this could be thrush, lack of proper self-care (i.e.

hygiene), constant use of intimate hygiene gels with fragrances, daily stressful situations, sudden climate change, abnormal unhealthy diet, uncomfortable underwear, constant douching. In all these described moments, the discharge will have an unpleasant sour odor.

As soon as this is noticed, it is important to immediately consult a gynecologist in order to purchase all effective medications.

These are 4 rules of intimate hygiene, very easy to apply:

  • A woman's wash should be done with a special product that contains lactic acid, which has the effect of normalizing the acid-base balance.
  • Regular soap, scented shower gel and intimate hygiene bottles are strictly for permanent use.
  • It is very important to constantly change panty liners, as that is what they are made for.
  • A woman should wash her face at least 2 times a day, i.e. in the morning and in the evening. It is also recommended to wash yourself before sexual intercourse.
  • No matter how attractive artificial fabric underwear may be, you should not wear it. You should give this up for the sake of your health.
  • Unpleasant vaginal discharge with a fishy odor

If the acidity in the body is impaired, then the discharge will be curd-shaped with a fishy smell. Such strong-smelling, curd-like lumps may indicate a lack of healthy female health and an excess of bacteria. Also, a similar disease is called thrush, which must be treated immediately and not neglected.

A fishy smell is the first sign that the vagina needs to be checked by a gynecologist with clear instructions on what to do next for a full recovery.

During arousal, the discharge may be the same as always, but the smell will be completely different, specific, repulsive and unpleasant, and a huge amount of cheesy discharge will remain on the penis upon entry.

Discharge when excited is normal. The main thing is that they are a healthy indicator of a woman's condition. If you experience any unpleasant sensation, it is better to consult a doctor, because the reproductive system is one of the most important organs that needs to be treated first, without delay.


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