Female and male fertility testing

The birth of a baby is a logical continuation of a love relationship between a man and a woman who are happy together. Unfortunately, desire alone is not always enough to conceive a child. Why do all attempts to have a child fail? This question can only be answered after examining the couple. An important part of the examination of a married couple with problems conceiving is an infertility test. Typically, such an analysis includes a group of tests and examinations, by passing which both the man and the woman will be able to understand why pregnancy did not occur for so long.

If pregnancy does not occur within a year, then both the man and the woman need to be tested for infertility.

Signs of male infertility

One, and the most important, sign of male infertility is the absence of children during regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraceptives. The presence of such a problem is assumed if conception does not occur for a year. You should be especially wary if a woman has not become pregnant in previous marriages or partnerships. But there are a number of conditions in which a representative of the stronger sex is at risk and is recommended to undergo an infertility test. It is necessary when:

  • history of mumps;
  • varicocele;
  • injuries in the perineal area;
  • cryptorchidism;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • obesity;
  • undergoing a course of chemotherapy;
  • premature sexual weakness.

The reasons for the development of problems with conception are disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands, leading to a decrease in the production of male germ cells and their non-viability. Genetic abnormalities in the structure of the genitourinary organs lead to problems. Some of them can be eliminated in a boy in childhood by making the necessary correction in a timely manner.

Inflammatory processes of the prostate and nearby tissues play a major role in male fertility. They cause adhesions, obstruction of the ducts, affect libido and the ability to have full sexual intercourse. In the absence of timely therapy, a disturbance in sperm production subsequently develops, and the germ cells become abnormal and inactive. They are unable to penetrate the egg and quickly die.

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Emotional overload, prolonged stress, and nervousness are a psychogenic factor in the problem of conception. With this condition, normal sexual relations are impossible. The man experiences poor erection, premature ejaculation, and low libido.

The hormonal sphere is also sensitive to this condition. The production of steroids responsible for the quality of seminal fluid decreases. After correcting the nervous system, functions are restored and future conception will be possible if the problem is corrected in time.

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Test results

The interpretation of the tests is carried out by the attending physician. Based on laboratory and instrumental research data, the specialist determines the type of infertility. According to the results given, pathological deviation occurs:

  • secretory. Characterized by low sperm activity;
  • obstructive. Typically for men who have suffered pelvic injuries. The presented type of infertility occurs with an infectious lesion of the genitourinary system;
  • immunological. The pathology is poorly understood and is characterized by the destruction of sperm by the immune system. Accompanied by an increased content of antisperm bodies.

Important: it is impossible to determine the cause of infertility at home and interpret the tests yourself.

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The issue of studying the general condition of the patient and his further therapy should be dealt with by the attending physician.

Types of male infertility

Infertility in representatives of the stronger sex occurs as a result of a number of reasons. Depending on the causing factor, the problem is divided into several types. The main ones are:

  1. Secretory, characterized by a violation of sperm production, is of a temporary or permanent variety.
  2. Excretory is a consequence of obstacles to the passage of seminal fluid, most often this is an adhesive process of varying degrees.
  3. An autoimmune disorder develops when the barrier between the ducts and blood vessels is damaged; the body's defenses perceive sperm as a foreign body and suppress their growth and development.

Doctors also characterize combined infertility, when there is more than one unfavorable factor and it is relative; the cause cannot be diagnosed. This does not mean that steam is completely healthy. There are hidden problems in their bodies that cannot be identified using modern methods.

Causes of female infertility

To understand how to determine infertility in women, let’s look at the causes of the pathology. The main provoking factor may be poor physical health. Social, family and mental ill-being of a woman can also lead to infertility. To choose treatment tactics, it is necessary to determine the exact reasons that caused it.

The most common factors of infertility in married women include:

  • increased secretion of prolactin;
  • tumor neoplasms of the pituitary gland;

  • various forms of menstrual cycle disorders (oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, etc.), provoked by hormonal imbalance;
  • congenital anatomical defects of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • bilateral obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • adhesions in the pelvic area;
  • acquired defects of the genital organs;
  • general autoimmune pathologies;
  • tuberculous damage to the reproductive organs;
  • psychosexual disorders;
  • negative postcoital test results;
  • unclear reasons.

Diagnosis of male infertility

To undergo an examination for infertility, to identify the presence of a problem and its causes, you need to contact a highly qualified specialist. You can find it in fertility clinics by reading existing customer reviews on the websites of medical institutions. Modern centers are equipped with the latest equipment for hardware diagnostics and laboratory research. Prices for tests for infertility can be found in the price list.

Doctors who have extensive experience in helping couples whose pregnancy is difficult will take a responsible approach to establishing the cause of the problem and help the spouses become happy parents. You need to start your examination by visiting an andrologist. There are specialized centers in Moscow where you can get advice and immediately take the necessary tests. A number of discounts on services and additional bonuses are provided. You can find out all this from the employees by calling the indicated numbers or contacting them in person.

Accurate determination of infertility in men

Examination of a man for infertility begins with collecting a detailed medical history. For a doctor, the nuances of not only the last years of life are important, but also diseases suffered in childhood, the course of puberty, possible hypothermia, infections, and injuries.

The examination will help determine the type of hair growth and the development of secondary sexual characteristics. This will make it possible to correctly prescribe hormone tests necessary for a particular patient for infertility. All laboratory and hardware methods used to detect pathology will create a complete picture of a person’s health, help find the source and prescribe optimal treatment.

Verification methods

When prescribing laboratory diagnostic methods, the next analysis after the spermogram will be an examination of the endocrine system. The doctor will decide which hormones to take for infertility. These are not only specific sex steroids. It may be necessary to determine the function of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and pituitary gland.

The presence of pus in the ejaculate is detected by culture of seminal fluid on nutrient media. It is recommended that this test be performed in conjunction with antibiotic sensitivity testing. This will help you choose the most effective antimicrobial drug for a specific type of pathogen. Be sure to prescribe a blood test and a smear from the urethra for sexually transmitted infections. The percentage of these microorganisms as a cause of poor fertility is very high.

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The condition of the testicular vessels is determined using Doppler. This method reveals the hidden form of varicocele and venous reflux. If you suspect retrograde ejaculation, characterized by the release of sperm not into the urinary canal, but into the bladder, a postcoital urine analysis will help a man check for this type of infertility.


If you have problems conceiving, you need to undergo a number of diagnostic procedures. How to check for infertility most effectively? This must be done by the married couple at the same time. It is easier to identify problems in a man, which is precisely the reason why doctors recommend starting the examination with the spouse. Already at the first stage of diagnosis, during external examination and examination of seminal fluid, it is often possible to identify the cause of the problem.

But this does not mean that other studies will not be required. Pathology can be the result of several problems. Eliminating one of them will not give the desired result. Only an integrated approach will help to find all the unfavorable factors and draw up a treatment plan to normalize the husband’s fertility.

Video diagnostics of male fertility

Many men do not like to visit a doctor. When it comes to sexual problems, telling a stranger about them, even a doctor, is an insurmountable obstacle. They put off visiting doctors. At this time, the pathological process progresses, causing increasing damage to the reproductive system.

Modern technologies have come to the aid of the strong half of humanity. A medical electronics company has released a special kit for determining sperm quality, the results of which can be assessed using an application on a smartphone. In addition to taking the test itself for infertility in men, information about the problem is available in the form of articles and videos. This tool helps you independently see motile sperm on your phone screen and measure their number.

After conducting an examination at home, the patient comes to the doctor not only with his complaints, but also provides the result of one of the diagnostic methods. This allows you to see the problem at an early stage and prescribe tests based on the data obtained. The system is easy to use and will not cause any difficulties for the consumer. Very simple options, step-by-step instructions explaining how to determine infertility, special video lessons allow anyone to understand the device, you can download the application for free. The camera captures the image, and the system produces the result. This method of self-diagnosis will help the following categories of people:

  • representatives of the stronger sex who want to check the reproductive sphere;
  • for problems with conception in spouses as a primary diagnosis of infertility in men;
  • after courses of chemotherapy;
  • when taking certain medications;
  • as monitoring the condition during treatment of the problem.

Using this method helps in cases where it is not possible to take tests for infertility due to some reason.

Female fertility test

A medical fertility test is a traditional ultrasound examination of a woman's internal genital organs. The study must be carried out on days 5-6 of the menstrual cycle. Usually at this moment there is no longer any strong bleeding.

During an ultrasound of the ovaries, for information about fertility, their diameter, the number of growing follicles, and the ratio of various ovarian tissues (hormonal and connective) are measured. Normally, the diameter of the ovaries can be from 20 mm to 12 cm. In this case, the ovaries must contain at least 5 active follicles with a 1:1 ratio.

After the test, based on the available data, the doctor gives a conclusion about the ovulation reserve in points (from “+2” to “-2”).

Such a study allows you to fully study the state of fertility of a woman’s body at any age.

When testing female fertility, it is important to find out the ratio of tissues with preserved and impaired functions in the ovaries. The test results are studied by a specialist and the woman’s evolutionary reserve is determined.

In addition to ultrasound, a woman is also tested to determine her ability using a procedure for measuring hormonal levels in the blood. Hormonal concentration is also important for information about a woman’s ability to become pregnant and carry a baby to term. An important parameter of fertility is the ratio of two hormones most important for reproductive function: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). When follicle-stimulating hormone predominates, low fertility is indicated. However, reduced reproductive capacity according to the test is not a death sentence at all. This only indicates the need for additional therapeutic measures to increase the likelihood of conception.

Determining male infertility at home

You can suspect a problem with reproductive function without seeking medical help. Before a man is tested for infertility, he needs to take a closer look at his body. With careful observation, you can notice a number of alarming symptoms. The most important sign will be a violation of the sperm structure. Its excessive thickness, mucous strands, inclusions of red and brown color indicate the presence of a strong inflammatory process; without timely treatment, its consequence will be a decrease in fertility.

You may notice a small amount or complete absence of seminal fluid. This is a signal about a violation of the patency of the tubules or a problem in the production of ejaculate. Bloody impurities occur as a consequence of trauma that causes damage to the reproductive organs.

In all these cases, you cannot self-medicate, even if friends give you regimens prescribed by a doctor for exactly the same diagnosis: each organism is individual. What solved one person’s problem may be useless and harm another member of the stronger sex.

It is necessary not only to know where to get a man checked for infertility, but also how to avoid the problem and what are the first signs of pathology of the genitourinary system that become the reason for an immediate visit to the doctor.

Is it necessary to give it to a sexual partner?

If the patient is undergoing examination to confirm or rule out infertility, the sexual partner must also undergo some tests. Examination of both partners will improve the quality of diagnosis and identify possible complications.

If during the examination the patient was given a disappointing diagnosis of infertility, do not be discouraged and give up the dream of becoming a mother. If infertility is not associated with congenital pathological disorders, then it is possible that after drug treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures, reproductive function will be restored. Otherwise, you can use the method of in vitro fertilization, for which biological material from both parents is used.

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