Brown discharge due to cervical erosion during pregnancy

While carrying a child, any incomprehensible symptoms alarm the woman and make her worry. These symptoms include pink mucus released from the genital tract during pregnancy. Why this happens and what the threat may be to the mother and child will be discussed in the article.

Causes of the phenomenon and how dangerous it is

The usual white or transparent discharge takes on a pink tint due to the admixture of blood in it. Blood appears in the leucorrhoea both for natural reasons that are not dangerous to health, and as a result of some developmental pathologies. Natural ones include microtraumas of the uterine and vaginal mucosa. For example, it happens that light pink discharge during pregnancy occurs after a medical examination. In this case, all alarming signs disappear painlessly within a few hours, and do not threaten either mother or baby.

The nature of the outflows itself hints at a possible reason:

  • pinkish, viscous, with an unpleasant odor, appearing after sexual activity may indicate vaginosis;
  • watery - often occurs as a sign of endometritis;
  • whitish-pink discharge during pregnancy often appears against the background of thrush;
  • greenish, accompanied by burning and itching, indicate the presence of some kind of infection in the pregnant woman’s body.

If the color of the mucus is light pink and there are no other suspicious symptoms, then most likely there is no danger to either the woman or the baby. This phenomenon just needs to be discussed with a gynecologist at a routine medical appointment.

The effect of the disease on the fetus

Cervical erosion is found in more than half of expectant mothers. It is believed that it does not affect pregnancy and childbirth in any way. But this question has a number of caveats. Against the background of decreased immunity, hormonal changes and external factors, an exacerbation of the disease is possible. In this case, extremely negative consequences on the fetus and childbirth are possible.

Complications depend on the stage of pregnancy.

1st trimester . Frequent brown discharge due to cervical erosion during pregnancy will be regarded by the doctor as a threat of miscarriage. The expectant mother may become overly emotional about these phenomena, become nervous and put the health of the fetus at risk. The inflammatory process in the first 12 weeks after conception can lead to spontaneous abortion and frozen pregnancy. The infection can get to the embryo, since during this period it does not have the necessary protection.

2nd trimester . Lack of treatment can lead to cervical incompetence. This manifests itself in shortening the length, cervical insufficiency, and spontaneous miscarriage. Any discharge with blood should be a reason to immediately call an ambulance.

3rd trimester . Erosion can disrupt the functioning of the placenta. In this case, the fetus will have congenital pathologies due to the ingress of microbes. There is a very high probability of violation of the integrity of the amniotic sac, leakage of amniotic fluid and premature birth.

Exacerbation of erosion, the presence of any infections (endocervicitis, mycoplasma, ureoplasma, chlamydia, etc.) can have a detrimental effect not only on the condition of the fetus during gestation, but also on childbirth. Multiple ruptures of the vaginal mucosa and episiotomy are common consequences of ESM.

Attention! Erosion of the cervix and other underlying diseases of this organ: leukoplakia, dysplasia, cyst, colpitis, polyps, ectropion and others, can occur unnoticed. Doctors call these diseases “cancer provocateurs.” With this diagnosis, amputation of the organ and the impossibility of pregnancy are possible. Periodic preventive examinations with a gynecologist will help you avoid such consequences.

Pink discharge during early pregnancy

A common reason for the appearance of pinkish secretions on underwear at the first stage of bearing a baby is microcracks on the walls of the vagina . This happens because under the influence of hormonal changes the condition of the mucous membrane changes. It becomes looser, the number of capillaries - small blood vessels - increases. With this condition of the mucous membrane, any impact - sexual intercourse, medical examination, douching can damage the capillaries, hence the pink color of spotting.

Other causes are related to the fetus:

  • Attachment of the embryo to the uterus ends 6-11 days after conception occurs . However, the attachment process can be delayed if the female body does not produce enough progesterone. This is when pale pink discharge appears in the early stages of pregnancy. There is no need to worry if they turn white and decrease within 24 hours. But still, this symptom must be discussed during a consultation with a doctor, since it may be necessary to prescribe additional drugs with progesterone.
  • If the mucus discharge does not stop, but becomes bloody and more and more abundant, this is an alarming sign of possible detachment of the “baby place” - the placenta. In this case, you cannot do without immediate medical help.
  • Additional symptoms such as dizziness, severe weakness, and abdominal pain should also be a cause for concern . In combination, these may be signs of attachment of the fertilized egg outside the uterus.

What is retrochorial hematoma and what are its causes?

The chorion represents the rudiment of the placenta and protects the fertilized egg until the formation and functioning of the child's place.
Retrochorial hematoma is a pathological condition characterized by the accumulation of blood behind the chorion as a result of its detachment. The exact reasons for the formation of this pathology among pregnant women have not been identified, however, there are a number of factors that contribute to detachment of the membranes, these include:

  • women's hormonal imbalances;
  • injuries to the anterior abdominal wall or external genitalia;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages;
  • burdened obstetric history (frequent abortions, especially surgical ones, unsuccessful curettage of the uterine mucosa, uterine intubation, and others);
  • the presence of fibroids inside the uterus;
  • Caesarean section scar;
  • venereal diseases;
  • autoimmune pathologies.

Read more about the causes and types of hematomas in pregnant women.

Pink discharge during late pregnancy

In the second half, the leucorrhoea rarely turns pink. If this does happen, it is for the following reasons:

  • It is possible that an erosive process is developing in the lining of the uterus. It will not be possible to fully cure erosion while carrying a baby, but the doctor will prescribe supportive therapy that allows you to safely carry the baby to term.
  • The cause may be abruption or placenta previa if they occur late in pregnancy . At first the mucus is pinkish in color, and then scarlet or brown. Another characteristic symptom is cramping pain in the lower abdomen.
  • When an infection enters the vagina, it also often turns the mucus pink . In this case, a smear examination and appropriate treatment are necessary.
  • In the later stages, the pink color may be a signal of the beginning of preparation for the birth of a child , when the mucous plug, which has been blocking access to the uterus all this time, flows out.
  • Mucus streaked with blood in combination with pain in the lumbar region, increased tone of the uterus, a feeling of tension and hardening of the entire abdomen are signs of a threat of premature birth.

Whatever the reason, all symptoms should be reported to your gynecologist immediately.

Discharge during pregnancy after ESM treatment

Discharge is an absolutely normal physiological process in a woman’s body. Before pregnancy, the amount of mucus per day reaches 2 ml. Its consistency and color depend on the phases of the menstrual cycle. In the first half there is a transparent slight discharge. During the period of ovulation, they become astringent and change their pale color to white. May have a yellowish tint. In the second phase, mucus becomes more abundant.

What happens normally during gestation?

The microflora changes completely. The discharge becomes abundant and can reach up to 5 ml. per day. Normally, they should be odorless, transparent or light white.

Cervical erosion during pregnancy and discharge should be carefully monitored. Brown mucus can be the beginning of a miscarriage, placental abruption, frozen pregnancy, or ectopic pregnancy. Opening bleeding should immediately serve as a signal to call emergency help.

Erosion can cause pain during sexual intercourse and gynecological examination, and a pulling sensation in the lower abdomen. Serious diseases may also appear against the background of a weakened immune system: endometriosis, thrush, chlamydia, staphylococcal infection, ureoplasmosis and others.

Treatment of ESM in pregnant women is carried out using gentle methods. Only after childbirth can you resort to a more effective method - cauterization.

Video: What discharge should women be wary of?

What discharge should women be wary of? Gynecology

Discharge before childbirth

Shortly before childbirth, reddish discharge is a completely normal sign . Most likely, this is the release of a mucous clot (plug) that closes the entrance to the cervix. In preparation for labor, the cervix softens, shortens, and then pinkish mucus comes out. Normally, this happens by the end of 38-40 weeks; the discharge is a jelly-like or liquid consistency with pink streaks. On average, the labor process begins within 4-11 days after the plug comes out.

If the color becomes brighter and the discharge increases, then this may be a sign that the placenta has separated from the uterine wall ahead of time. Such symptoms require an urgent call for an ambulance and medical measures to preserve the child’s health.

Pathological bleeding after sexual intercourse

The most crucial period during pregnancy is the first trimester. Pregnancy does not always go well, so it is imperative to monitor all the changes occurring in the female body. If bloody, no matter light pink or brown, discharge appears, you should immediately go to a gynecologist to clarify the situation. Otherwise, a dangerous outcome is possible, ranging from miscarriage to the development of pathological processes in the unborn baby.

If there is a threat of interruption of pregnancy

In the first trimester, with a lack of progesterone in the female body, the endometrium can reject the fertilized egg, which leads to damage to blood vessels and the appearance of abundant mucus, which can have various brown shades, from light to dark. The amount of mucus and the intensity of its color depend on the weakness of the blood vessels and their tendency to rupture, as well as on the severity of the threat of interruption of pregnancy. If there was mild pain before intercourse, and after sex it increased, and with it the amount of mucus secreted increased, you should urgently go to the gynecologist - if conception is desired, delay can lead to irreversible consequences.

When there is a threat, not only pink mucous masses are present, but also pain:

  • nausea and vomiting
  • dizziness and weakness
  • cramping or nagging pain in the abdomen, uterus, lower back
  • just general feeling bad

With such symptoms, as a rule, hemostatic drugs are immediately administered, and progesterone in combination with bed rest is recommended.

With ectopic intrauterine development of the fetus

The fixation of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube, and sometimes it can be in the abdominal cavity, on the ovary or directly on the cervix, leads to the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy. In this case, there is no way to save the fetus - surgical intervention is necessary, in which the fertilized egg is removed: if the attachment occurs in the fallopian tube, then the tube is cut out and sutured around the edges, and if on one of the above organs, then the fertilized egg is cut out with part of the organ.

Ectopic intrauterine development of the fetus is not detected immediately, but only after some time. After sex, without even knowing about conception, a woman may experience heavy discharge, which can be light pink or dark pink or brown. The difference in the secreted mucus in this case is in its volume: it appears much more intensely than during implantation.

After sex during intrauterine conception, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region is painful and lasts longer than in the standard situation. This should also alert the woman.

With a non-developing (frozen) fetus

The fetus can freeze at any stage of the child's intrauterine development, but most often this occurs in the first and last trimester. A frozen fetus can be determined by ultrasound.

Symptoms of a frozen fetus:

  • severe headache, frequent dizziness, fainting
  • general weakness of the body
  • intense or mild nausea, sometimes vomiting
  • scanty dark pink discharge

They appear not only after sex, but also simply, in any phase of sleep or activity. The secreted mucous masses in this case are slightly different from other situations - the bloody discharge has an uncharacteristic bright pink, not red, but rather pink shades. In terms of abundance, the discharge is characterized by scarcity, but constant.

What to do

If you see marks on your underwear, use daily sanitary cotton pads. On their white surface, the nature of the discharge is easily distinguishable, and this will make it possible to adequately assess the situation and calculate the possible cause.

Whatever the reason, a woman needs to calm down both mentally and physically: lie down and stop scaring herself, thinking about possible dire consequences. If there is a suspicion that the blood came from damaged vaginal microvessels, and apart from the discharge itself, there are no symptoms, then you can go to see a doctor yourself. If traces of blood in the leucorrhoea are accompanied by other unpleasant physical sensations or the intensity and redness increase, then it is better to call medical help at home.

Important! If marks on your underwear have turned pinkish in color, you need to discuss this with your gynecologist. Until you consult a doctor, abstain from sexual intercourse, do not take a hot bath, and avoid physical activity.

It must be said that discharge alone is not enough to find out the cause. During the consultation, the doctor will collect anamnesis (the woman’s complaints), perform an examination, and take tests. And only on the basis of all this is the correct diagnosis made.

Diagnosis of the disease

Brown discharge is not normal. To determine the true cause, a series of examinations and an examination by a gynecologist are carried out. Only after the problem is identified, therapy is prescribed. Diagnosis of discharge consists of the following procedures:

  • urine and blood analysis;
  • bacterial cultures and PCR;
  • smear from the cervical canal;
  • vaginal smear;
  • examination of the cervix using a gynecological speculum;
  • Ultrasound;
  • colposcopy.
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