Brown discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy

It is possible that it will “break free” in the next 24 hours. Especially if, among other things, the first contractions appear. Although, it often happens that after the plug comes out, a woman can wait two to three weeks before giving birth. In any case, it is necessary to inform the obstetrician about what happened.

It should be noted that, just as in the previous case, the discharge should not have a bad odor, which indicates only one thing: the pregnant woman was infected with an infectious disease. Her baby is in danger. Urgent action needs to be taken. Which ones - only a gynecologist can answer with accuracy.


The 37th week of pregnancy is considered the threshold of imminent birth; yellow discharge sometimes occurs during this period. They are among the very signs that indicate the imminent approach of childbirth. Not when we are talking about foul-smelling grounds with a heterogeneous consistency.

The preliminary diagnosis that can be made to a pregnant woman will sound like “an infectious disease transmitted through sexual contact.” The woman will have to undergo a smear test. It is unlikely that the disease can be cured.

Just hold it in one place and sanitize the vagina immediately before birth so that the child does not become infected while passing along the birth canal.

Red color

If you find a clear red tint in your discharge, the same one that is inherent in human blood, it is recommended to urgently call an ambulance. This is one of the most dangerous symptoms in the context of the topic under consideration.

It signals a phenomenon such as premature placental abruption or malpresentation and can lead to rather sad consequences. Two lives are under threat at once: the mother and her unborn baby.

So if you can still wait with brown discharge, then no delay should be allowed with red discharge.

Pink color

The discharge sometimes has a sweetish odor and is pink in color. If at the same time they also look like water, then with a high degree of confidence we can say that the pregnant woman has begun to leak amniotic fluid. In some cases, the liquid is clear. It turns pink from a slight bruising of the cervix, a phenomenon usually characteristic of first-time mothers.

It is a harbinger of imminent labor, just like brown mucous discharge at 37 weeks. True, not always. Amniotic fluid should leak within normal limits.

It is almost impossible to determine whether this is actually the case. It is great negligence to close your eyes to what is happening and continue your usual way of life.

An unscheduled visit to the doctor is the only reasonable solution in this case.

Green color

Green discharge is typical for women in whose body, along with the fetus, an inflammatory process develops in one of the organs involved in the conception and birth of a child. An ovary or fallopian tube affected by this type of disease causes the underwear in the area adjacent to the vagina to acquire a greenish tint.

So, there is a pregnancy of 37 weeks, white discharge accompanies it or pink - it does not matter. It is recommended to seek advice from a doctor in any case. Even if the reason turns out to be insignificant, there will be confidence that the baby is not in danger.

A pregnant woman may have discharge of different colors. Some are normal, others indicate infection, and others indicate pathology in the development of the placenta. A woman should understand at least a little about this topic. No matter how, the well-being of her future heir is at stake.


Fetus at 37 weeks of gestation: movements, weight and size

The small body produces the hormones necessary for life, and the liver accumulates iron to provide the child with blood cells during the first year of his life. Now, at 37 weeks of pregnancy, cortisone is produced, a hormone that promotes the full maturation of the lungs. The baby's adrenal glands become larger than the kidneys themselves and produce a special hormone necessary to reduce the effects of stress due to the birth of a baby. The main systems of the body continue to improve. Neurons are now enveloped in a special protective sheath, necessary for the coordination of movements. This process will continue throughout the following weeks and even after the birth of the child for a whole year. The nasal and ear cartilages harden, but the bones of the skull deliberately remain flexible and pliable - this will make it easier for the baby to overcome obstacles during childbirth. Two fontanelles remain completely open. The baby should have already taken a permanent position. In 95% of all cases, babies turn head down, but other options are possible. At the 37th week of pregnancy, the baby's height reaches 49 cm, he weighs 2.8-2.9 kg and continues to grow, despite the fact that there is very little space in the uterus. His movements are already very noticeable for the mother, but there is not much time left to enjoy them, so try to get the maximum pleasure from your communication with the belly-eater. Moreover, the baby is pushing now noticeably: even experiencing embarrassment, because he has grown up in earnest, no, no, the baby will push even painfully for the mother. Pay attention to the intensity and nature of the movements: the mask must “give signs” at least 10 times within 12 hours. Increased or, conversely, decreased movements, excessively strong tremors may indicate intrauterine suffering of the baby. Be sure to visit a doctor if you have not noticed any movements for several hours.

Future mom

If you are pregnant with twins, then there is a very high probability of giving birth this week. Multiparous women also, as a rule, do not carry their babies to term. In any case, you must be on full alert. Instruct those closest to you about their tactics from the moment contractions begin, prepare your bags for the maternity hospital, do not leave the house without an exchange card, and generally do not go far. After all, from this week you can observe the appearance of harbingers of labor.

Childbirth at 37 weeks of pregnancy: harbingers

Abdominal prolapse

The belly gradually drops lower, making it easier for the mother to breathe, but some women do not wait until the birth itself. The lower the child goes, the more you will feel shooting pains in the perineum and legs. At the same time, pressure on the bladder and intestines increases - you will notice that you start running to the toilet more often. Closer to birth, the baby becomes quieter and his activity noticeably decreases.

Removal of the mucus plug

A few days or even weeks before the onset of labor, the mucus plug comes off, but this is not at all necessary. The release of the mucus plug will be indicated by the appearance of thick, viscous mucus in the discharge. These are particles of the mucous plug that closes the cervix before birth. The mucus discharge can be either transparent or pinkish, tinged with brown, interspersed with blood.

Energy boost

If the last weeks of pregnancy were given to you with noticeable difficulty, then shortly before giving birth you may find that you have a “second wind”. You were tormented by fatigue and powerlessness, and now you are ready to move mountains and walk around in a great mood, full of strength and desire to do something? Rest assured - childbirth is already on the threshold.

Loss of weight and appetite

If the middle of pregnancy is marked by excellent appetite, then by the end of pregnancy this same appetite may decrease significantly. Moreover, 3-4 days before giving birth, some women even show their readiness to completely give up food; they don’t feel like eating at all. As for weight, some women may notice a weight loss of 1-2 kg shortly before giving birth.

Outpouring of waters

The breaking of water can occur both against the background of contractions, and shortly before their onset. In any case, if you notice streams of watery liquid crawling down your legs, but the uterus is not yet contracting spasmodically, either go with your husband to the hospital or call an ambulance. The rupture of amniotic fluid always indicates the onset of labor.


In some cases, pregnant women may experience diarrhea on the eve of childbirth. If suddenly, against the background of complete well-being, you begin to experience diarrhea, perhaps within a day or two you will find yourself in the maternity hospital with contractions.

Nagging pain in the abdomen and lower back, contractions

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, spreading to the lower back, will also tell you about the approaching birth. The pain in the abdomen and lower back is similar to that which a woman experiences on the eve of her period.

But, probably, the most obvious and “categorical” harbinger of childbirth is regular painful contractions. You have already become familiar with training contractions over the previous few weeks, and you know that Braxton-Higgs contractions are irregular and do not cause pain. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the uterus has begun to contract with a certain frequency, the contractions are becoming more frequent, strong and painful, then it is time to leave for the maternity hospital.

What should the discharge be like at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

Throughout the entire period of the “interesting situation,” the woman is faced with various types of discharge. Let's start with the fact that any mucous tissue has some kind of secretion, which, by the way, is reflected even in its name.

Accordingly, the vagina and other genital organs systematically produce secretions, some of which we observe in the form of discharge. The slightest changes in the microflora of the reproductive system or hormonal levels are reflected in the nature of the discharge.

Pregnancy is no exception.

What discharge is considered normal?

Discharge at the 37th week of pregnancy (normal) is influenced by progesterone and estrogen. Normally, the secretion should be transparent, without impurities. Late periods of “expecting a baby” are accompanied by discharge that is different from what was at the beginning.

The color of vaginal discharge in a woman who is 37 weeks pregnant is quite informative. If you know what it means. But before drawing conclusions, a number of other factors should be taken into account.

However, self-medication is unacceptable; treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after appropriate diagnosis.


Vaginal leucorrhoea in later stages may contain a little blood, but not red, but brown.

This phenomenon indicates the end of gestation and coincides in time with the release of the “plug” (the volume of discharge is small, and there are no other alarming symptoms).

Although, in some pathologies (at the initial stage) they may not be present (cervical erosion, endometritis, etc.).

If the brown secretion is accompanied by an odor, then this indicates the presence of an infection of the genitourinary system, so a visit to a specialist is necessary.

Episodic brown discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy is a sign of approaching labor, accompanying the release of the mucus plug that covers the uterus throughout the pregnancy.

However, here things happen differently for different women; for some, the cervix opens in a short period, in the next few days, while for others, two to three weeks pass from this moment until the “joyful event”.

In any case, the incident must be reported to the doctor “caring” for the pregnant woman. The presence of brown blood clots may indicate an unfavorable condition of the blood vessels, which is why they easily burst, forming hematomas. The body gradually gets rid of them, which also causes brown discharge.


A green tint to vaginal secretion is definitely not normal. This is a clear signal of serious infectious diseases (trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, vaginosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia). Each of them has its own distinctive symptoms. To make an accurate diagnosis, examination and testing are necessary.

As a rule, green discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and sometimes by bloody clots.

In addition to discomfort of the external genitalia, lumbar pain and lower abdomen, there are usually problems with the bladder. Secretion of a yellow-green hue also indicates vaginal dysbiosis. This symptom cannot be left unattended, as it can negatively affect the development of the fetus.


Yellow-white secretion is usually accompanied by a rather noticeable unpleasant odor, and this clearly indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the body. The cause of yellow secretion with an unpleasant odor can also be diseases such as vaginosis, vaginitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, adnexitis.

Most often they are chronic; pregnancy simply causes them to worsen. Most often, various pathogens penetrate the female body even before conception, and then become more active against the background of decreased immunity. This is why comprehensive screening before pregnancy is important.

It will detect and cure all existing diseases.


Yellow discharge during pregnancy at 37 weeks, watery, similar to urine, but without its characteristic odor, is a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. However, urinary incontinence in pregnant women is also not uncommon.

Yellow discharge with different shades (depending on the type of infection) with a thick consistency clearly indicates an STD (sexually transmitted disease).

They did not necessarily arise during the period of “waiting for a miracle”; it could have happened earlier, and pregnancy caused their recurrence.

Adequate treatment of sexually transmitted diseases or other chronic diseases of the genitourinary system during pregnancy is not always possible due to the dangerous effects of drugs on the fetus, but some measures to eliminate them in pregnant women are being taken. Pathologies of the pelvic organs, accompanied by an inflammatory process, can also cause this phenomenon. Diseases can occur in any organ of the genitourinary system. They are provoked by various pathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses).


If the discharge at the 37th week of pregnancy has a watery consistency and pink color, this fact has no clear reason. That is, it can only be clarified by a gynecologist, and everything else is just speculation.

With a high degree of probability, this is amniotic fluid “leaking.” In general, in such cases the liquid is usually transparent yellow, and what makes it pink is, for example, a bleeding cervix. More often this phenomenon is observed in women with their first pregnancy. Just like brown discharge, this is a harbinger of impending labor, although not always.

A slight leak of amniotic fluid is considered normal. But how much exceeds these limits, and whether the situation is normal or a signal of pathological processes, the expectant mother, as a rule, is unable to determine.

Therefore, in any case, you should contact a specialist. Responsibility for the health of the unborn baby and even for his life lies entirely with the woman, therefore it is irresponsible, with such symptoms, to continue the usual way of life. You should not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis; the only correct solution in this case is an unscheduled trip to the doctor’s office.

  • Microcracks that appear in the mucosa and a high number of red blood cells can color the secretion pink.
  • Pink, rich discharge may indicate the beginning of exfoliation of the fertilized egg or endometritis. An ultrasound will show whether the fetus is alive (by heartbeat). If all is well, then “conservation therapy” with progesterone is prescribed. Treatment in such cases is usually long-term.
  • In case of a so-called frozen pregnancy, aspiration or curettage is performed. In the blood of such women, the level of hCG is below the norm for this period.
  • When the placenta is attached very close to the exit, this can also cause the presence of blood in the discharge.
  • The same is observed with diseases of the cervix, especially after examination by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse.

A specific diagnosis of pathology is made after examination. If there is a concomitant inflammatory process, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Sometimes, if more serious causes (dysplasia) are suspected, a cytological analysis is taken to check for the presence of cancer.


Saturated red coloring of the secretion should be alarming, as this is a signal of serious problems in the pregnant woman’s body. If their number increases, you need to see a gynecologist as quickly as possible, since there is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage or the presence of a serious illness of an infectious nature.

  • If the discharge is profuse and has a relatively deep red color, even if it is not accompanied by pain, you must call an ambulance. This symptom is the most dangerous at this stage of pregnancy. If medical assistance is not provided on time, the patient will face dire consequences.
  • Bloody discharge signals premature separation of the placenta or its incorrect position. This puts both the life of the “pregnant woman” and the fetus at risk. Severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back, and a tense uterus indicate a threat of miscarriage. Premature birth has similar symptoms.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is better for a woman to refrain from traveling, much less flying or hard work. Physical exercise should also be gentle. And in no case should you be far from medical institutions that can provide assistance in such a situation.


There is no need to be afraid of heavy discharge at this stage of pregnancy if it is milky in color and does not have an unpleasant odor (there is some resemblance to milk beginning to sour, that is, light, not sharp).

Mucus is colorless, closer to white, and should be present in small quantities.

At this period, this is the norm and the reason for this is hormones that form mucous secretion, a small part of which periodically leaves the vagina.

  • If the white discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy contains bloody inclusions, then the culprit is most often rupture of small vessels of the cervix or endometritis.
  • When there is a lot of discharge and it contains impurities of a cheesy consistency, and there is also discomfort in the “external” genital organs, then it is better not to delay, waiting for it to go away on its own, but to seek treatment from a doctor. This may be candidiasis, which often occurs due to hormonal changes and a decrease in immunity, despite the fact that it is constantly present in the body, in moments of exacerbation it can significantly worsen the state of health.
  • If the leucorrhoea does not have a mucous, but a watery consistency, then this indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. This fact cannot be ignored, so a visit to the doctor will not be superfluous.

Pregnant women who use sanitary pads or wear predominantly synthetic underwear experience irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, which is accompanied by swelling and slight clear allergic discharge. If the cause is eliminated, the symptoms will disappear.

Belly at 37 weeks of pregnancy: tugs, hurts, droops

If abdominal drooping did not occur in the previous week, it is quite possible that this will happen now, at 37 weeks of pregnancy. If this does not happen now, do not worry: in some cases, the stomach does not drop until the very end of pregnancy. But if, nevertheless, the stomach drops, do not expect that labor will begin almost immediately: after the stomach drops, the woman can easily carry the baby for another 1-2 weeks. But when you inhale and exhale freely, your lowered stomach allows you to breathe easily. But, instead of difficulty breathing, pain may appear in the lower abdomen, also affecting the lower back. Drawing, tolerably painful sensations in the lower abdomen, if such sensations are also present in the lumbar region, are one of the harbingers of childbirth, a sure sign that very soon the baby will begin his journey into a new world.

Is there a danger if my stomach hurts?

If your stomach drops at 37 weeks of pregnancy, this does not mean that labor will begin immediately. Sometimes a woman can carry a child to term, even with a drooping belly, for another couple of weeks. But now you can breathe easily without noticing shortness of breath.

If your stomach hurts in the lower part, and this nagging pain covers the lower back, and even at 37 weeks of pregnancy this is already your second pregnancy - this may be a sure sign that the baby has now decided to begin his journey towards a new world.

Women who give birth not for the first time, as a rule, may not carry their next babies to the end of the pregnancy.

When a woman at 37 weeks of pregnancy has a hard stomach and a feeling of a hard abdomen, this is most often due to high uterine tone. Hypertonicity of the uterus at this stage can cause premature birth, so you should immediately tell your doctor about such a symptom.

Pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy

So, what can explain abdominal and lower back pain at 37 weeks of pregnancy, we found out above. Aching, nagging pain is a consequence of the lowering of the abdomen and a sign of impending labor. Surely, pain in the back, spine, sacrum, and legs is still relevant. The fact of increased weight, an enlarged uterus and, accordingly, abdomen does not go unnoticed. Try to rest more, from time to time take a horizontal position, placing a bolster or pillows under your feet, do not forget to wear a prenatal bandage, unload your legs. You will have to endure pain in the pelvic region, in the sacrum, in the pubic bone - not only do the pelvic bones weaken and separate under the influence of the hormone relaxin, but the baby also puts pressure on the fundus of the uterus. There is less and less time left before giving birth, but all this time you may well be accompanied by this painful discomfort in the lower part of the body.

Why is there bleeding at 37 weeks of pregnancy?

The end of the third trimester means that the long-awaited meeting with the baby will soon occur. After 36 weeks, the pregnancy is already considered full-term, but the baby still continues to grow, accumulating subcutaneous fat. At the same time, his cheeks become rounded and his weight increases.

The child is already actively breathing, only instead of air, amniotic fluid enters his lungs. Sometimes he starts to hiccup, causing his mother to wince. At 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is already possible to determine exactly what position the fetus is in and how far its head has descended. Training contractions are happening more and more often, but they still do not bring pain, as during real ones. By this time, third trimester screening has already been completed and the expected date of birth has been clarified. Experts also assessed the degree of maturity of the placenta and the level of blood flow to exclude possible oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Blood at 37 weeks of pregnancy can appear for several reasons. One of them is the outgoing plug (it can be of different colors, ranging from almost colorless). True, for some it begins to go away only during childbirth, so everything is individual. This does not pose any danger to the baby, so there is no need to worry, this is a natural process.

However, you should immediately call an ambulance or go to the hospital if bleeding begins in a pregnant woman along with the removal of the plug. It may be a sign of malpresentation of the fetus or placenta previa, which covers the cervix.

If you are in the 37th week of pregnancy, spotting may also indicate inflammation of the cervix, which was not cured during planning or at the beginning of pregnancy. This may also be a sign of infection, since the woman’s body is now most susceptible to them. Such situations require, first of all, consultation with a doctor. They may not require any intervention. Most often, first of all, you need to introduce a regime of sexual rest, since sex can cause bleeding (mechanical irritation).

Bleeding at the 37th week of pregnancy may indicate such pathologies and threats as: miscarriage (unfortunately, it can also occur at such a late stage of pregnancy. A miscarriage is characterized as a stillborn child); placental presentation (covering of the cervix by the placenta); premature dilatation of the cervix (this indicates the body’s readiness for childbirth, but the child is not always ready for childbirth). It is impossible to determine the dilatation on your own; to do this, you need to contact a doctor who will conduct a visual examination, during which he can determine whether there is a rupture of the placenta.

Placental rupture may be accompanied by increasing fetal hypoxia and possible rupture of the membranes (requires immediate medical intervention). It is possible that a gynecologist may prescribe premature birth.

The most dangerous and, fortunately, the rarest causes of discharge are cervical cancer and uterine rupture - the most severe complication that can occur during pregnancy or childbirth. It poses a serious threat to the life of the mother and child, even with timely detection and surgical intervention.

In case of bleeding, you should contact your doctor immediately so as not to make any guesses on your own and not waste the time that will be needed to provide emergency medical care.

Bloody discharge at week 37, as a rule, should not cause panic. Significant changes occur in a woman’s body in preparation for childbirth. This includes relaxation of the cervix and separation of the mucous plug. This is all due to normal physiological processes, and not pathologies during pregnancy. All these situations should be discussed with doctors in advance so that the woman can react correctly to these discharges and recognize, if necessary, the degree of threat they pose.

An immediate response is required in situations where a pregnant woman is bleeding quite profusely, with painful sensations. Especially if you have a history of problems such as previous miscarriages and the threat of premature birth. The risk of bleeding increases in smokers or those who smoked before pregnancy; passive smokers are also at risk. It is easier to prevent problems of this kind than to deal with their consequences.

There are quite a few reasons why pregnant women bleed, and only a small part of them pose a real threat to the life and health of the pregnant woman and child. If a woman is predisposed to bleeding in late pregnancy (cervical disease or chronic diseases aggravated by reduced immunity), then she should receive timely consultations and recommendations from her doctor and undergo additional studies to monitor the dynamics of the disease. This will allow you to get through the remaining weeks before giving birth and not get any complications during the actual process of bringing the baby into the world. In some cases, bleeding may be an indication for a cesarean section to avoid complications (for example, the spread of infection or further injury to the affected cervix).

Pregnancy throughout its entire duration is a serious test for the body of girls and women, so you should take its planning and management seriously in order to eliminate or minimize all possible risks.

In the third trimester, swelling, abdominal pain and spotting deserve special attention. Even if they do not pose a danger, they must be controlled so as not to create another reason for worries and worries for a pregnant woman.

By the end of the third trimester, preparation for childbirth is in full swing: both moral (getting rid of prenatal fears) and physical (changes in the pregnant woman’s body). The long-awaited meeting will soon come, and the future mother will become the real one.

Discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Don't be alarmed if you suddenly notice a slight increase in discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy - this is quite normal now. Also, you should not be alarmed by the presence of mucus in the discharge: this is the mucus plug being separated. Normally, stringy mucus in the discharge, if it is particles of a mucus plug, may have a whitish, pinkish or brownish tint. The cork can also separate at once - in one solid lump, reminiscent of jelly or silicone. You will definitely recognize a mucus plug: this lump has a volume of approximately 2 tablespoons, and there may be bloody streaks in the lump. Having discovered a mucus plug, you can safely go to the maternity hospital - labor will begin very soon. If the discharge takes on an unhealthy earthy hue, the mucus resembles the consistency of purulent formations, the discharge becomes green or yellow, curdled or foamy - immediately go to the doctor for diagnosis. A change in discharge in this direction indicates the development of an infection, which must be treated before birth so as not to “share” the infection with the baby when he travels through the birth canal. Do not hesitate to call an ambulance if you find yourself bleeding. Blood from the genital tract most often becomes a sign of detachment of a normally located placenta - placenta previa, which is also accompanied by bleeding, has probably already been ruled out after undergoing many studies and tests. Please note that placental abruption is a very dangerous phenomenon that threatens the life of the child. Again, you should contact doctors or go to the maternity hospital if you notice the discharge of amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid can flow out all at once - you will know about its appearance by the trickles running down your legs. Which, in fact, precede the onset of labor. But, at the same time, amniotic fluid can leak in small quantities, in portions - if the membranes are depleted or their integrity is compromised. And in this case, it is again impossible to do without the intervention of specialists: violation of the integrity of the membranes threatens intrauterine infection of the fetus.

The nature of the discharge and when you need a doctor

Do not worry if the amount of discharge suddenly increases at 37 weeks of pregnancy. The discharge is white or pinkish, light, viscous and stretchy, with the presence of mucus and is now quite normal. It’s just that the mucous plug covering the cervix gradually separates.

If the cork comes off immediately, you will definitely understand it. It will be a whole mucous lump with bloody streaks, having a volume of about two tablespoons. Having discovered a mucous plug compartment, feel free to go to the maternity hospital, because labor will soon begin.

If the discharge has an unhealthy green, yellow or sallow color, foaminess, flakes and pus - go to the doctor immediately! Such symptoms indicate the development of a sexually transmitted infection, which must be treated so as not to infect the baby with it during childbirth.

Blood that appears in the discharge is most often a sign of placental abruption. If you find even a slight presence of blood in the discharge, rush to the doctor immediately. Remember that placental abruption poses a threat not only to the health, but also to the life of the baby and his mother.

If you notice complete discharge of amniotic fluid, you must urgently call doctors. The release of amniotic fluid indicates the onset of labor. Therefore, when you call an ambulance, take with you all the things you have prepared for the maternity hospital.

Sometimes there is a slight and portioned leakage of amniotic fluid. This indicates a violation of the membranes, which poses a risk of the baby contracting an infection in the next 24 hours. In this case, you also cannot do without medical intervention, so the woman should immediately consult a doctor.


Now you visit your gynecologist every week. He monitors the process of preparing your body for childbirth, examines the cervix and listens to the baby’s heartbeat. The third planned ultrasound examination is probably already behind us. However, in some cases, a repeat ultrasound may be necessary at 37 weeks of pregnancy. First of all, to clarify the location of the baby. We already know that the most physiological, optimal position for a baby “at the start” to meet his parents is cephalic presentation. However, the baby does not always settle down with his head down, and, having discovered on an ultrasound that the baby has not taken a suitable position, the doctor may consider the issue of delivery by cesarean section. When conducting an ultrasound examination, the specialist will also measure the size of the baby and their correspondence to the gestational age, assess the condition and amount of amniotic fluid, the degree of maturity of the placenta, the condition of the uterus and cervix, and the umbilical cord. If you are already completely ready for childbirth, engage in pediatric self-education. Research the topic of breastfeeding very carefully. There is nothing better for a newborn than mother’s milk: with a composition unique to your child, with mother’s antibodies, healthy, safe, always ready and free. In general, you need to fight for breast milk in any case if suddenly feeding becomes problematic. Prepare well for this. And also start learning the intricacies of caring for a newborn. In less than 5 minutes you are a real mother!

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