Discharge At 37 Weeks Pregnant Yellow Discharge

Throughout the entire period of the “interesting situation,” the woman is faced with various types of discharge. Let's start with the fact that any mucous tissue has some kind of secretion, which, by the way, is reflected even in its name. Accordingly, the vagina and other genital organs systematically produce secretions, some of which we observe in the form of discharge. The slightest changes in the microflora of the reproductive system or hormonal levels are reflected in the nature of the discharge. Pregnancy is no exception.

What discharge is considered normal?

Discharge at the 37th week of pregnancy (normal) is influenced by progesterone and estrogen. Normally, the secretion should be transparent, without impurities. Late periods of “expecting a baby” are accompanied by discharge that is different from what was at the beginning. The color of vaginal discharge in a woman who is 37 weeks pregnant is quite informative. If you know what it means. But before drawing conclusions, a number of other factors should be taken into account. However, self-medication is unacceptable; treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after appropriate diagnosis.


Vaginal leucorrhoea in later stages may contain a little blood, but not red, but brown. This phenomenon indicates the end of gestation and coincides in time with the release of the “plug” (the volume of discharge is small, and there are no other alarming symptoms). Although, in some pathologies (at the initial stage) they may not be present (cervical erosion, endometritis, etc.).

If the brown secretion is accompanied by an odor, then this indicates the presence of an infection of the genitourinary system, so a visit to a specialist is necessary. Episodic brown discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy is a sign of approaching labor, accompanying the release of the mucus plug that covers the uterus throughout the pregnancy. However, here things happen differently for different women; for some, the cervix opens in a short period, in the next few days, while for others, two to three weeks pass from this moment until the “joyful event”.

In any case, the incident must be reported to the doctor “caring” for the pregnant woman. The presence of brown blood clots may indicate an unfavorable condition of the blood vessels, which is why they easily burst, forming hematomas. The body gradually gets rid of them, which also causes brown discharge.


One of the harbingers of childbirth is a drooping of the abdomen, while the woman feels easier breathing. During this period, a pregnant woman may feel sharp pain in the perineum and legs. Due to increased pressure on the intestines and bladder, the urge to urinate and defecate increases. Closer to birth, the baby's activity may decrease noticeably.

Within 1-2 weeks or days before childbirth, the mucous plug that has been covering the cervix throughout this period begins to come off. The plug may come out instantly, and you will notice this, as a clot of mucus streaked with blood will appear in the discharge. Sometimes the plug comes out partially. You can understand this by noticing, along with normal secretions, an admixture of thick, viscous mucus. The mucus may be clear or pinkish.

pain literally a few weeks before giving birth.

a surge of strength and energy. If earlier you felt tired, now you are ready to “move mountains” and you are in a great mood. This is a sure sign that labor will begin very soon.

A decrease in appetite is also a harbinger of approaching labor. And some women are ready to stop eating altogether 2-3 days before giving birth. Therefore, many of them find a weight loss of 1-2 kg.

The release of amniotic fluid is a clear sign that labor will begin in the next few hours.

The water may break during contractions or shortly before. In any case, you should seek medical help. In some cases, pregnant women, against the background of absolute well-being, experience stool disorder in the form of diarrhea. It is quite possible that in just a few days you will find yourself in the maternity chair.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen and spreading to the lumbar region also indicate impending childbirth. Abdominal pain is very similar to what a woman feels before her period.

The most obvious sign of the onset of labor is regular painful contractions, which are much more noticeable than Braxton-Higgs contractions. If uterine contractions are periodic, with increasing intensity, then it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.


A green tint to vaginal secretion is definitely not normal. This is a clear signal of serious infectious diseases (trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, vaginosis, gonorrhea, chlamydia). Each of them has its own distinctive symptoms. To make an accurate diagnosis, examination and testing are necessary.

As a rule, green discharge is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, and sometimes by bloody clots.

In addition to discomfort of the external genitalia, lumbar pain and lower abdomen, there are usually problems with the bladder. Secretion of a yellow-green hue also indicates vaginal dysbiosis. This symptom cannot be left unattended, as it can negatively affect the development of the fetus.


Yellow-white secretion is usually accompanied by a rather noticeable unpleasant odor, and this clearly indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted disease in the body. The cause of yellow secretion with an unpleasant odor can also be diseases such as vaginosis, vaginitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, adnexitis. Most often they are chronic; pregnancy simply causes them to worsen. Most often, various pathogens penetrate the female body even before conception, and then become more active against the background of decreased immunity. This is why comprehensive screening before pregnancy is important. It will detect and cure all existing diseases.


Yellow discharge during pregnancy at 37 weeks, watery, similar to urine, but without its characteristic odor, is a sign of amniotic fluid leakage. However, urinary incontinence in pregnant women is also not uncommon. Yellow discharge with different shades (depending on the type of infection) with a thick consistency clearly indicates an STD (sexually transmitted disease). They did not necessarily arise during the period of “waiting for a miracle”; it could have happened earlier, and pregnancy caused their recurrence.

Adequate treatment of sexually transmitted diseases or other chronic diseases of the genitourinary system during pregnancy is not always possible due to the dangerous effects of drugs on the fetus, but some measures to eliminate them in pregnant women are being taken. Pathologies of the pelvic organs, accompanied by an inflammatory process, can also cause this phenomenon. Diseases can occur in any organ of the genitourinary system. They are provoked by various pathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses).

Causes of yellow discharge during pregnancy

As soon as you see two lines on the test, you need to come to terms with the idea that everything will change.
And this applies not only to your marital status, but also to your body. Every day your body will change and rebuild, and you may experience some discomfort, pain, and discharge.

Some of them are a temporary phenomenon and not dangerous for you and your baby, but abundant yellow discharge during pregnancy should alert you.

Let’s now figure out what they signal and why they arise.

Causes of discharge

All causes can be divided into several categories: external factors, physiological processes, inflammatory processes, infections and dysbiosis. Let's take a closer look.

In this case, external factors are easily eliminated, so if you determine the cause of the discharge, dealing with the problem will be quite easy.

An allergic reaction to soap products can be eliminated by replacing the product. Itching and excessive discharge caused by an allergy to sanitary pads will disappear if you change the sanitary product or replace it with cloth pads. You should also pay attention to clothes and underwear - they should be made from natural fabrics and not tight.

Water treatments are regular, more frequent if necessary, especially in the summer.

The consistency and color of secretions can also be affected by physiological changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. Thus, thick discharge is considered normal during the first two weeks, greenish in the last two to three weeks, and thinner in the second trimester. The main thing is that there should be no smell, no itching, no increase in temperature.

We are talking about inflammation of the uterus, bladder, ovaries and other organs, caused by streptococci, staphylococci, fungi, and E. coli.

Sexual infection with diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis is especially dangerous during pregnancy. It will manifest itself in a change in the color and smell of secretion.

Secretions will be outside the norm if there are obvious violations of the vaginal microflora.

In each case, laboratory tests and vaginal smears will help establish an accurate diagnosis.

Nature of the discharge

The fact that the discharge is yellow is already a deviation from the norm. You need to pay attention to their shade, quantity, smell. All this will help to recognize the causes of their occurrence, and, therefore, carry out adequate treatment.

  1. Bright yellow discharge. The pronounced rich yellow color of the secretions signals you about inflammatory processes in the ovaries or fallopian tubes; do not exclude the possibility of a bacterial infection of the vagina;
  2. Dark yellow discharge. Dark shades of yellow will indicate an unpleasant proximity to streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci and E. coli. You may not have the entire bouquet, but just one of the listed bacteria. By the way, you could have had them in small quantities before pregnancy, and your new condition and changes in the body led to the growth of unfavorable bacteria;
  3. Yellow discharge with a greenish tint. If you notice a greenish tint to the discharge, with itching and burning, as well as an unpleasant odor, you have gonorrhea or trichomoniasis;
  4. Yellow discharge of liquid consistency. In the second trimester of pregnancy, the leading position is occupied by the hormone estrogen, which affects the consistency of secretion, making it more liquid. The smell and color are not pronounced;

Attention! A significant increase in discharge that has a sweetish odor should alert you. Most likely, amniotic fluid is leaking, which is very dangerous for the baby.

If there is itching, you may have an allergic reaction to tight clothing and artificial fabrics, or, alternatively, to intimate hygiene products. The irritant must be eliminated.

You have liquid yellow discharge, itching, pain, fever during pregnancy - an inflammatory process is taking place:

  • the urinary system is affected;
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • if there are wounds on the labia, genital herpes occurs;
  • infections.

Smell, itching, increased temperature with yellow secretions are a serious cause for concern.

  1. Yellow thick discharge. You can calmly react to the thick consistency of secretions only in the first weeks of pregnancy. At this time, the density of secretion is due to the body’s protective reaction and the formation of a plug. Further, until the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the hormone progesterone can influence density;

From the 14th week until the end of pregnancy, thickness signals abnormalities, in particular gonorrhea, E. coli, staphylococcus or purulent inflammatory processes.

  1. Yellow-brown discharge. The secretion of this shade can be either normal or a dangerous deviation. It all depends on the duration and accompanying symptoms;

So, in the first weeks of a baby’s life, the brown tint of the discharge can come from a small secretion of blood, which is a permissible physiological process.

However, if the secretions have a brown color for a long time (read the article: brown discharge during pregnancy>>>), regardless of the stage of pregnancy, urgently contact an antenatal clinic, this may be:

The latter is the best of all evils in case of pregnancy, so do not get upset ahead of time, but wait for the results of the examination.

Yellowish-brown secretion at any stage of pregnancy may indicate the presence of a bacterial disease. In any case, you cannot do without a smear for microflora and bacterial culture.

But if you notice brownish tints after 38 weeks, exhale and calmly get ready for the maternity ward.

  1. Yellow curd discharge. Curd discharge during pregnancy is a clear sign of an increased number of fungi, in particular the Candida class. If you also have unbearable itching and a burning sensation, this is thrush in its purest form. Current article: Thrush during pregnancy>>>.

The disease is common during pregnancy, with various causes. This includes a change in acidity in the vagina and a weakening of the immune system. Thrush may occur as a consequence of treatment with antibiotics, when the bacteria are killed and nothing limits the process of fungal reproduction.

A small amount of curd discharge without accompanying symptoms is possible due to metabolic disorders. In this case, the consistency of secretion may be affected by the food that the pregnant woman eats. For example, leucorrhoea becomes curd if you ate sweets or drank kefir.

  1. Yellow-white discharge. If you notice yellow-white secretions that do not have a distinct odor and no unpleasant sensations, do not worry. This is how it should be during pregnancy. However, a yellow-white color in the presence of itching and an unpleasant odor indicate diseases:
  • thrush, if the consistency is curd and the smell is sour;
  • Allergy is eliminated when the irritant is removed.

Discharge in early pregnancy

It would be wrong to say that discharge necessarily signals disease. At a certain period, for example 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, a small amount is normal.

But even further, yellow secretions during pregnancy can signal thrush - a fairly common disease in the early stages.

You will not confuse thrush with other diseases; a clear sign is the sour smell and curd-like consistency of the discharge.

From 9 to 13 weeks, moderate yellowish discharge without odor, itching or pain is the norm. Pay attention to the consistency; clear, uniform, moderate, odorless yellow discharge is acceptable during pregnancy in the first trimester. Related article: First weeks of pregnancy: discharge>>>

Discharge in the second trimester

In the second trimester, you will experience an increase in secretion. At the same time, they become more liquid, the color does not change, and there should be no smell. A regular sanitary pad and more frequent hygiene procedures will help to cope with the inconvenience.

Important! Any change, especially brownish-yellow secretions, should alert you; during pregnancy in the second trimester, this is not acceptable; you must immediately notify your obstetrician.

Discharge in the third trimester

At week 37, yellow secretions without accompanying uncomfortable symptoms are normal.

Another thing is that if there is pain or fever, most likely you have inflammation of the urinary system.

But copious watery yellow discharge with an odor during pregnancy at 37 weeks is guaranteed to indicate leakage of amniotic fluid, most likely a crack has formed in the bladder.

But in the last three weeks of pregnancy, even greenish mucus is allowed in the discharge. This is a clear sign of impending labor, and the mucus is nothing more than a plug coming out. Congratulations, it’s time for you to go to the maternity hospital, there are only a few days left before the birth.

Action plan in case of discharge

If your discharge has changed color and consistency, is accompanied by itching, pain, or has an unpleasant odor, there is no need to panic.

Analyze all the symptoms, perhaps you have a simple allergic reaction to soap or a cork is coming out. If there is a suspicion of a serious illness, additional examination is necessary.

Correct diagnosis and timely treatment will help you carry and give birth to a healthy baby.

Source: https://uroki4mam.ru/zheltye-vydeleniya-pri-beremennosti


If the discharge at the 37th week of pregnancy has a watery consistency and pink color, this fact has no clear reason. That is, it can only be clarified by a gynecologist, and everything else is just speculation.

With a high degree of probability, this is amniotic fluid “leaking.” In general, in such cases the liquid is usually transparent yellow, and what makes it pink is, for example, a bleeding cervix. More often this phenomenon is observed in women with their first pregnancy. Just like brown discharge, this is a harbinger of impending labor, although not always.

A slight leak of amniotic fluid is considered normal. But how much exceeds these limits, and whether the situation is normal or a signal of pathological processes, the expectant mother, as a rule, is unable to determine.

Therefore, in any case, you should contact a specialist. Responsibility for the health of the unborn baby and even for his life lies entirely with the woman, therefore it is irresponsible, with such symptoms, to continue the usual way of life. You should not engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis; the only correct solution in this case is an unscheduled trip to the doctor’s office.

  • Microcracks that appear in the mucosa and a high number of red blood cells can color the secretion pink.
  • Pink, rich discharge may indicate the beginning of exfoliation of the fertilized egg or endometritis. An ultrasound will show whether the fetus is alive (by heartbeat). If all is well, then “conservation therapy” with progesterone is prescribed. Treatment in such cases is usually long-term.
  • In case of a so-called frozen pregnancy, aspiration or curettage is performed. In the blood of such women, the level of hCG is below the norm for this period.
  • When the placenta is attached very close to the exit, this can also cause the presence of blood in the discharge.
  • The same is observed with diseases of the cervix, especially after examination by a gynecologist or sexual intercourse.

A specific diagnosis of pathology is made after examination. If there is a concomitant inflammatory process, appropriate therapy is prescribed. Sometimes, if more serious causes (dysplasia) are suspected, a cytological analysis is taken to check for the presence of cancer.

Discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, a woman's discharge pattern often changes.
They may be “healthy”, transparent and of normal consistency. Or they may not be entirely good, which is influenced by various factors. If white discharge appears at 37 weeks of pregnancy, this is a sign of thrush.

This disease must be treated so as not to infect the baby with Candida fungi during childbirth.

The nature of mucous discharge during pregnancy at 37 weeks

Towards the end of your pregnancy, you need to carefully monitor your body, because it gives “beacons” to the expectant mother so that she can prepare in advance for childbirth, both physically and mentally. Sometimes at 37 weeks water may leak, which is a dangerous factor when carrying a child. After all, the baby needs amniotic fluid for normal growth, development and general functioning inside the womb.

When, at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, heavy discharge appears, which was not observed before, this may indicate water leakage.

In this case, it is necessary to refrain from sex, because the water can flow in a stream, but there will be no contractions. As a result of this phenomenon, the baby may experience oxygen starvation.

Amniotic fluid should ideally be clear, but if the fetus is hypoxic, it may have a greenish color.

What are the signs of a plug coming out?

The mucus plug closes the entrance to the uterus, protecting the fetus from various pathogenic microorganisms and infections. Before birth, when water comes out of the uterus, the plug comes out, and it doesn’t matter when labor began, at 37 weeks or at term.

This phenomenon is inevitable in every pregnancy.

When the mucus plug has come away, you should be very careful, because the path to the baby is open and during sexual intercourse, taking a hot bath, or swimming in running water, you can get some kind of infection.

Mucous discharge at 37-38 weeks of pregnancy comes out in the form of a lump of mucus. Often such a plug can come off in parts and pieces of white discharge can be seen on the laundry.

The amount of mucus that makes up the plug is about two tablespoons. The color of the released plug can be different: white, translucent, creamy or bloody.

The plug cannot be confused with anything else, although not every woman can see it, because in most cases it comes off during childbirth.

When brown discharge appears at 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is not good. Typically, mucus with this color may appear after being checked by a gynecologist.

If such discharge appears on its own, then you must inform your doctor about it, since bloody discharge may be the result of placental abruption. If this process occurs before birth, then such placental abruption is called premature.

But if you see discharge of an unusual color, you should not be alarmed, because there are a number of symptoms that characterize this phenomenon:

  • stomach ache;
  • general weakness and dizziness;
  • lack of fetal movement or excessive activity of the child;
  • anxiety, pale face;
  • severe sweating and shortness of breath;
  • increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure and temperature.

In some cases, when there are scars or degenerative changes on the uterine wall, uterine rupture may occur.

Therefore, in order to maintain pregnancy and normal delivery, you need to take care of yourself and at the first sign of any abnormalities, contact a specialist, and not let everything take its course.

And also, in no case should you self-medicate, because this threatens not only the health of the expectant mother, but also the life of the baby.

Fetus at 4 weeks of pregnancy At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother may not yet know that a rapid process called embryo development is taking place in her uterus. A few more days will pass, and this small grain will make itself known. The fetus in the mother's womb lives and is nourished by the umbilical cord. This is, perhaps, all we know about this amazing organ. We will talk about the structure of the umbilical cord, its functions and pathologies during pregnancy and childbirth.
Fetus at 24 weeks of pregnancy The 24th week of pregnancy is a significant stage for the fetus. Finally, he becomes like a little man both in appearance and behavior. At this time, his lungs are finishing their formation and are ready for air to enter them. Fetus at 9 weeks of pregnancy The 9th week of pregnancy is considered one of the critical weeks from the point of view of miscarriage, and overcoming this mark allows many mothers to breathe easy. How is the baby doing at this time? Let’s look at the features of his development at 9 weeks.

Source: //womanadvice.ru/vydeleniya-na-37-nedele-beremennosti


Saturated red coloring of the secretion should be alarming, as this is a signal of serious problems in the pregnant woman’s body. If their number increases, you need to see a gynecologist as quickly as possible, since there is a high risk of spontaneous miscarriage or the presence of a serious illness of an infectious nature.

  • If the discharge is profuse and has a relatively deep red color, even if it is not accompanied by pain, you must call an ambulance. This symptom is the most dangerous at this stage of pregnancy. If medical assistance is not provided on time, the patient will face dire consequences.
  • Bloody discharge signals premature separation of the placenta or its incorrect position. This puts both the life of the “pregnant woman” and the fetus at risk. Severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the back, and a tense uterus indicate a threat of miscarriage. Premature birth has similar symptoms.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, it is better for a woman to refrain from traveling, much less flying or hard work. Physical exercise should also be gentle. And in no case should you be far from medical institutions that can provide assistance in such a situation.

What does the presence of yellow discharge during pregnancy indicate?

A pregnant woman needs to carefully monitor her health, because we are talking not only about her, but also about the unborn baby. However, you should not be scared every time you see one or another symptom that was previously unfamiliar to you. In particular, yellow discharge during pregnancy is considered as such.

It must be remembered that after conception, the nature of the so-called leucorrhoea changes depending on the trimester, the presence of gynecological diseases, etc. To understand the nature of their appearance, you need to familiarize yourself with all the possible reasons.

Causes of yellow discharge

It is impossible to correctly diagnose a particular disease without appropriate tests, but you can notice uncharacteristic symptoms in time and seek advice. It is better at this moment to be prepared and know the probable causes of the phenomenon in question.

As a rule, white-yellow discharge during pregnancy that is not bothersome in any other way is considered normal.

But if, in addition to them, pain, burning, irritation of the mucous membrane or skin, weakness, dizziness, temperature and other negative signs are observed, then you can begin to suspect some kind of pathology. There are a number of possible factors for this to occur:

  • decreased immune defense functions;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • existing diseases, the progression of which often begins during pregnancy.

At the very beginning and in the later stages, the reasons for the appearance of yellowish discharge may differ. This topic causes heated discussions on women's forums, so we will try to answer the most concerning questions from network users.

In the first trimester

"Hello everybody. I wanted to know if yellowish or beige spotting is normal for pregnancy? I'm only 7 weeks, I haven't been to the doctor. There don’t seem to be any diseases”

the appearance of a yellow tint of sexual secretion at this stage can be associated with both a normal and a pathological condition.

yellow mucous discharge during early pregnancy indicates the production of progesterone. this hormone activates the production of secretions, which can cause epithelial particles or a mucous plug that has begun to form into the mucus. the combination of these components gives a yellow or beige color.

inflammatory processes that can cause yellow thick discharge include thrush, colpitis, bacterial vaginosis, cervicitis and genital infections. What makes treatment more difficult at this time is the limitation in the list of acceptable medications. many are allowed only at 12 weeks.

in the second trimester

“Some yellow discharge appeared at 12 weeks of pregnancy. the next day it started to smear brown. There is a slight squeezing in the lower abdomen. what could it be?"

“Girls, help. I'm 14 weeks now. There is some kind of liquid discharge, there is not very much of it, but I have to put it down every day. Does anyone know where they could have come from?

Discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy acquires a thinner consistency and, as a rule, becomes more abundant.

this phenomenon is also associated with hormonal changes in the body, only now it occurs due to estrogen. At the same time, any change in the character of leucorrhoea should alert you.

The pathological conditions are the same diseases that are characteristic of the first trimester.

Brownish secretion during this period of pregnancy is considered completely unacceptable! If you notice such a sign, you should seek advice.

Thus, liquid yellow discharge during pregnancy in the second trimester, without itching, inflammation, pain and other negative signs, is not a cause for alarm.

in the third trimester

“Can someone tell me what kind of discharge at 33 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal?”

"hi all. Has anyone had yellowish discharge at 36 weeks of pregnancy? Could this be a mucus plug coming off?

yellow discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester is considered natural if it becomes a little more abundant. they should be odorless, without any strange clots or inclusions. there is no cause for concern unless there are other signs. however, you still need to tell your gynecologist about this, since some diseases at the initial stage are practically asymptomatic.

Along with the pathologies listed in other paragraphs, yellow discharge in the third trimester may appear due to:

  • Leakage of amniotic fluid is a phenomenon in which the integrity of the fetal membrane is disrupted. it is considered dangerous until the 37th week, when the baby is not yet full-term;
  • Chorioamnionitis - infection of the internal membranes of the fetus or infection of the amniotic fluid. such a condition is immediately determined by the results of a smear, since it reveals an increased number of leukocytes. among other things, there is a high temperature.

immediately at the end of the term, the yellowish color of the mucus most often indicates that the mucus plug is coming off, and this is considered an early harbinger of labor.

yellowish discharge of different shades

The correctly defined color and nature of mucus can help in diagnosing a particular pathological process. Transparent or colored, liquid or thick discharge during pregnancy are signs of completely different diseases or, conversely, the normal course of pregnancy.

Light yellow, odorless discharge

It is light yellow discharge during pregnancy that does not cause discomfort in a woman that is considered normal. As mentioned above, they appear naturally due to processes observed after conception. In particular, this is the production of progesterone and the formation of a mucus plug.

If the mucus takes on a white-yellow hue and becomes abundant, this is often the result of an allergic reaction. This phenomenon is almost always accompanied by irritation of the skin or mucous membrane of the external genital organs.

In this case, it is necessary to quickly identify the allergen and eliminate its contact with the skin. Most often, allergies appear to scented panty liners, intimate hygiene gels or other skin care products.

Moreover, during pregnancy, it can appear even on things that were previously used without hindrance.

Dangerous shades of yellow discharge during pregnancy

Often, in addition to the yellow tint, the sexual secretion also has some additional color, or after the yellow color the color gradually moves to a completely different one. In such cases, we often have to talk about some kind of inflammatory or infectious process.

Let's figure out what other types of sexual secretions there are and what they may indicate.

  • Bright yellow or orange discharge during pregnancy is one of the most obvious symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes. Bacterial infection is also possible.
  • A yellow-green tint appears as a result of certain genitourinary diseases. If at the same time there is a characteristic smell of fish, then an urgent examination for infections is necessary, especially trichomoniasis and gonorrhea. These diseases also cause foamy or purulent discharge during pregnancy. In this case, you cannot postpone your visit to the clinic.
  • In some cases, the same shade can indicate different phenomena, both normal and pathological. The only difference is the period in which he appeared. For example, yellow-brown discharge during pregnancy in the first weeks is perceived normally by specialists, since most often they talk about implantation of the fertilized egg or minor injuries to the mucous membrane due to increased sensitivity. Later, such a sign may even indicate a threat of miscarriage, but this should be discussed when it does not go away for a long time or is accompanied by other negative symptoms.
  • You should also pay special attention to dark yellow discharge during pregnancy. They can be the result of exposure to bacterial infections (staphylococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, E. coli). It often happens that these bacteria were already in the body before pregnancy, but became active after conception.
  • White and yellow curdled discharge during pregnancy is often a sign of Candida fungus activity. This microorganism is the causative agent of such a common disease as thrush. Pregnant women are quite susceptible to it due to weakened immunity, dysbacteriosis, metabolic disorders, etc.

Each uncharacteristic shade characteristic of any gynecological disease has a number of additional symptoms. When contacting a doctor, you should tell them in detail about your condition - this will facilitate the diagnostic process.

Prevention of pathological discharge

Increased attention to one's own health has never harmed a single person. In an interesting position, a woman should pay attention to this aspect even more willingly. Of course, before conceiving, it is better to undergo a full examination, which will exclude the presence of any hidden diseases of the genital area. In the future, all you have to do is follow the usual preventive measures:

  1. Observe personal hygiene rules. In this case, you need to know when to stop. Sometimes too frequent washing with the use of special hygiene products causes vaginal dysbiosis, and this, in turn, can trigger another pathological process (for example, thrush).
  2. Select hygiene products carefully. During this period, it is advisable to give preference to hypoallergenic items (daily items without fragrances and dyes, unscented gels for intimate hygiene, etc.).
  3. Wear underwear made from natural fabrics. Synthetic products do not allow the skin to breathe, which creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of microorganisms.
  4. Eat properly and balanced. Pregnancy is the time when most beneficial substances are used for the normal development of the fetus. A lack of vitamins and minerals can seriously undermine the health of an expectant mother.
  5. Do not overdo it with physical activity and rest on time. Proper rest and sleep not only gives strength, but also strengthens a person’s immune system.

From all of the above, it follows that during pregnancy, yellow discharge can occur in both normal and pathological conditions. Correct diagnosis consists of such aspects as color, consistency of discharge and accompanying symptoms. In any case, it is better to immediately consult a gynecologist about the appearance of uncharacteristic mucus.

Source: https://MesyachnyeDni.ru/vydeleniya/beremennosti/zheltye-vydeleniya-pri-beremennosti.html


There is no need to be afraid of heavy discharge at this stage of pregnancy if it is milky in color and does not have an unpleasant odor (there is some resemblance to milk beginning to sour, that is, light, not sharp). Mucus is colorless, closer to white, and should be present in small quantities. At this period, this is the norm and the reason for this is hormones that form mucous secretion, a small part of which periodically leaves the vagina.

  • If the white discharge at 37 weeks of pregnancy contains bloody inclusions, then the culprit is most often rupture of small vessels of the cervix or endometritis.
  • When there is a lot of discharge and it contains impurities of a cheesy consistency, and there is also discomfort in the “external” genital organs, then it is better not to delay, waiting for it to go away on its own, but to seek treatment from a doctor. This may be candidiasis, which often occurs due to hormonal changes and a decrease in immunity, despite the fact that it is constantly present in the body, in moments of exacerbation it can significantly worsen the state of health.
  • If the leucorrhoea does not have a mucous, but a watery consistency, then this indicates leakage of amniotic fluid. This fact cannot be ignored, so a visit to the doctor will not be superfluous.

Pregnant women who use sanitary pads or wear predominantly synthetic underwear experience irritation of the mucous membrane of the external genitalia, which is accompanied by swelling and slight clear allergic discharge. If the cause is eliminated, the symptoms will disappear.

Recommendations for mothers

• During this period, try to rest more, unload your legs, taking a horizontal position and placing a cushion under them.

• Don't forget to wear a prenatal brace to help support your back and stomach.

• If you suddenly find mucus or a mucus plug in the discharge, you must immediately go to the maternity hospital.

• Avoid crowds of people to avoid contracting the flu or other unpleasant illnesses.

• If your bag for the maternity hospital is already completely packed, you can engage in pediatric self-education in your free time, paying more attention to the topic of breastfeeding and the nuances of caring for a newborn.


Mucous discharge at the 37th week of pregnancy, if it is not accompanied by discomfort, is not considered a pathology. Their appearance is due to hormonal metamorphoses. Depending on the characteristics of the mucous leucorrhoea, a preliminary diagnosis can be made, the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus can be predicted, and pathologies can be identified in a timely manner. At this time, their character and consistency change slightly compared to the previous period.

If there is no blood or other impurities in them, there is no cause for concern. Mucous discharge during this period can be either thick or watery. Both types are normal.

Regardless of the characteristics of the discharge, a visit to the gynecologist at this stage of pregnancy is mandatory. It would be better if the reason turns out to be insignificant, and the alarm is false, but there will be confidence that nothing threatens either the unborn baby or the mother. But it won’t hurt to understand at least a little about this topic, after all, two health, two lives depend on it.


Aching nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is a sure sign of imminent delivery. During this period, you will also experience pain in your back, sacrum, and spine.

A large belly and additional weight cause pain in the legs. Most likely, you will also continue to experience pain in the pelvic bones, pubis and sacrum. They weaken and disperse under the action of the hormone relaxin. And plus, the fetus also puts pressure on the fundus of the uterus.

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