Brown discharge after hexicon during pregnancy

The main active component of Hexicon is chlorhexidine, which has a detrimental effect on many bacteria, viruses and is a common antiseptic substance. The effect of the substance even extends to sperm, as a result they are immobilized, this is a kind of contraceptive effect, but not entirely reliable.

Chlorhexidine may be used for the following conditions:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • damage by herpes viruses of the first and second types;
  • nonspecific inflammation caused by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and enterococci, and some other pathogens.

However, chlorhexidine is absolutely inert towards candida fungi and can even cause an exacerbation of chronic thrush. In this case, after using the drug, itching, burning, and whitish discharge appear. You should refuse treatment.

The advantage of chlorhexidine is that it protects lactobacilli, acting only on pathogenic microbes . This contributes to their preservation and the fastest onset of the therapeutic effect.

"Hexicon" is used in the following cases:

  • to prevent infection after casual sexual contact;
  • with specific and nonspecific inflammation in the vagina of a non-fungal nature;
  • in the complex of treatment of colpitis, cervicitis;
  • during pregnancy to prevent infection while using an obstetric pessary;
  • to get rid of herpes in the genital area;
  • for sanitation on the eve of various interventions in the vagina and cervix (surgeries, biopsy, etc.);
  • on the eve of childbirth to prepare the birth canal.

"Hexicon" is available in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, and a solution that can be used for douching. The drug is available in gel and ointment form. Features of using the medicine:

  • Candles. Place one once or twice a day deep into the vagina, after which it is recommended to lie down for about 15-20 minutes. To prevent infection after unprotected sex, the medicine is effective no later than 120 minutes after sexual intercourse.
  • Solution . It is used for washing the vaginal mucosa or treating the labia and perineal area.
  • Gel and ointment. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas several times a day.
  • Vaginal tablets . Used in the same cases as candles. Placed deep into the vagina once or twice a day. Before doing this, it is recommended to hold the tablet under running water for 1-2 seconds to make it easier to administer.
Medicine option Active ingredient concentration Application schemes
Candles 16 mg in one suppository 1-2 per day for one to two weeks
Vaginal tablets 16 mg per tablet 1-2 per day for one to two weeks
Solution 0.25 ml chlorhexidine per 100 ml Approximately 10 ml of solution per procedure
Gel and ointment 0.5 g per 100 g Apply strips of 1-2 cm

Typically, any dosage forms based on chlorhexidine are well tolerated. The drug "Hexicon" is allowed even during pregnancy and is absolutely harmless for mother and baby. Side effects may include

  • the appearance of itching, burning at the site of application;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

Hexicon should not be used in any form in the following cases:

  • with previously established hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • if there are any skin diseases at the intended application site.

It should not be used together with other topical medications as this may reduce its effectiveness.

Some women note that after using Hexicon, especially suppositories, spotting appears from the vagina . As a rule, these are veins or droplets of dark blood. The reasons may be the following:

  • Undiagnosed diseases . The presence of erosion, ectopia and other diseases of the vagina and cervix can cause bleeding due to additional irritation of the affected tissues.
  • Injury to the mucous membrane . If a woman uses douching or clumsily tries to insert a suppository or vaginal tablet, the vaginal mucosa can easily be damaged, especially against the background of its inflammation.
  • Allergic reaction . This causes swelling of the tissues, increasing their vulnerability, which can lead to damage.
  • The beginning of menstruation . In some cases, treatment may coincide with menstruation. It is possible that they may begin a little earlier due to the inflammatory process, for which Hexicon treatment is carried out.

Normally, treatment with Hexicon does not involve the appearance of blood in the discharge. Most likely, there is an active inflammatory process in the vagina, the mucous membrane is extremely vulnerable, or there are some other reasons.

If a woman decides to use the drug of her own free will, and blood appears during treatment, she should consult a doctor to clarify the cause. If the medicine was prescribed by a specialist after an examination as the main or auxiliary therapy, then the slight appearance of traces of blood should not be alarming, the course can be continued. If the discharge is heavy, treatment should also be stopped and consult a doctor again.

Read more in our article about why spotting may appear after using Hexicon.

Discharge after hexicon in women

Hexicon vaginal suppositories
are a good remedy for the treatment and prevention of some sexually transmitted diseases. It is not for nothing that gynecologists prescribe this drug to their patients - it is effective, efficient and not too expensive. Restoring the vaginal microflora will not do without minor consequences - discharge appears after hexicon. What liquid is considered normal during treatment with suppositories, and which one should you pay attention to and start worrying about?

The norm for treatment with Hexicon

Whether you like it or not, there will be discharge anyway. The fact is that the suppository is inserted into the vagina, after which it dissolves. The medicine is absorbed into the walls, and the remaining liquid flows out. This is normal. It would be strange if there were no discharge after the administration of hexicon. The composition of the candles includes an important component - chlorhexidine. It is with its help that during the administration of the medicine, complete absorption into the vaginal mucosa occurs. What “comes out” is polyethylene oxide, i.e. suppository shell. What kind of discharge after Hexicon suppositories should be considered normal?

  • The fluid from the vagina appears colorless.
  • After inserting the suppository, the discharge “reminds” itself after 2-3 hours. Throughout the day, the remaining liquid appears in small spots.
  • The liquid is odorless and does not cause itching or discomfort.
  • The discharge stops as soon as the treatment is completed.

Very often, a girl may not notice the discharge, since the shell of the candle “comes out” during urination and washing.

Unhealthy discharge

If the discharge turns colored after the injection of hexicon, you should start to worry. What the atypical color may indicate - be sure to see below.

  • Yellow discharge indicates that an inflammatory process is developing.
  • Bloody discharge from hexicon “speaks” that there is erosion inside the vagina.
  • Green and white discharge is a sign of infection.

The most important thing is that hexicon in no way provokes the factors described above. Discharge makes itself felt when active treatment with suppositories begins. You may also notice a cheesy discharge – a manifestation of thrush. It turns out that if it weren’t for hexicon, you would hardly have known at all that there was some kind of pathology with the genitals.

Bloody discharge

Treatment after Hexicon suppositories may be accompanied by bleeding. This rarely happens. But if this happened, then what could be the main reasons for the appearance of such a shade on underwear?

  • Infection
    . Hexicon is often prescribed by gynecologists to treat an infectious disease of the vagina. It happens that a violation and malfunction in the genital organs leads to pathology and injury to the mucous membrane. This is why it turns out that spotting, unpleasant pink discharge or a brown tint appears. As a rule, the liquid comes out in small parts, sometimes in drops.
  • Exceeding the dosage of suppositories for the body
    . If spotting appears after Hexicon suppositories, then most likely it is due to an increased dose. The instructions say that you need to insert 2 candles inside per day. Perhaps for some girls this amount is too much for treatment. Reduce the dose of the drug to 1 per day. It happens that the nature of the fluid released from the vagina depends on the dosage. This is elementary tissue irritation and slight inflammation of the mucous surface.
  • Inaccurate introduction
    . Too sudden movements cause injury to organs. You need to do everything slowly, smoothly and exactly as written in the instructions. If a girl inserts the suppositories too quickly, wounds may form and begin to bleed. This is where spotting appears after hexicon suppositories.
  • Menstrual cycle
    . Hexicon does not affect menstruation at all, but the introduction of suppositories and treatment can delay the approach of the cycle for several days. Perhaps menstruation will begin a little earlier or, conversely, later.
  • Self-treatment
    . Taking a suppository as a method of self-medication is not a good idea for recovery. Firstly, Hexicon is a fairly serious drug. Secondly, you should never use it without a doctor’s prescription. And thirdly, how can you treat yourself with suppositories without identifying what the problem is with your body. So, a woman can use medicine to prevent sexually transmitted infections, but harm herself. This is why bloody discharge may appear.

Green and yellow discharge

It happens that after the administration of hexicon, not bloody discharge appears, but green or bright yellow. They show the girl that there are a number of sexually transmitted diseases that need to be treated immediately, otherwise it will be too late. Hexicon is not a miracle drug; it will not help in curing a venereal “bouquet”. It is important to visit a doctor, get examined and identify the cause of the green tint. As soon as the gynecologist prescribes a course of serious medications, run to the pharmacy to treat your body.

Suspicious discharge after using Hexicon: is there any cause for concern?

Hexicon suppositories are an effective antibacterial agent that is widely used in the gynecological field. The drug is considered gentle and safe, due to which it is prescribed even to pregnant women.

Sometimes discharge appears after Hexicon. You need to figure out in advance whether they are considered normal or a cause for concern.

Should I continue treatment or stop taking the drug?

Normally, treatment with Hexicon does not involve the appearance of blood in the discharge. Most likely, there is an active inflammatory process in the vagina and the mucous membrane is extremely vulnerable, or there are some other reasons.

If a woman decides to use the drug of her own free will, and blood appears during treatment, she should consult a doctor to clarify the cause. If the medicine was prescribed by a specialist after an examination as the main or auxiliary therapy, then the slight appearance of traces of blood should not be alarming, the course can be continued. If the discharge is heavy, treatment should also be stopped and consult a doctor again.

And here you can read more about the features of menstruation with a spiral.

Hexicon is available in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, cream and gel, as well as a solution and is often used in gynecological practice. Usually well tolerated, rarely produces a burning sensation or itching at the site of application. The appearance of blood in vaginal discharge after Hexicon is most likely due to the peculiarities of using the medicine or individual intolerance.

The use of Hexicon suppositories in gynecology

To understand why discharge appears, you must first understand what the drug is intended for and how it is used. The medication is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It is available in the form of suppositories and solution.

When treating with Hexicon, good results can be achieved. To do this, you just need to administer a suppository or douche twice a day. For prevention purposes, Hexicon suppositories are used a couple of hours after completion of unprotected sexual intercourse.

Doctors often prescribe Hexicon for thrush; we recommend reading in more detail about the specifics of using this drug in a separate article on our website.


The drug is considered one of the most effective means used to prevent infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Suppositories are used when barrier contraception was not used during coitus (intimacy) and there is a risk of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms.

In addition, suppositories are prescribed for preventive purposes in the following cases:

  • before surgery or abortion;
  • when examining the cavity of the reproductive organ;
  • after installation of an ectopic device;
  • before childbirth.


The medication is used quite often for sexually transmitted diseases and in identifying pathologies such as:

They resort to using Hexicon during pregnancy. After making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor selects an adequate course of therapy and prescribes the appropriate dosage of the drug. The medication is considered gentle, which is why it is used even during gestation.

Contraindications and side effects

The only contraindications to the use of the drug are individual intolerance and allergies. In all other cases it can be safely used. It is quite well tolerated and is prescribed even to pregnant women.

Side effects of the drug are considered:

  • itching in the genital area;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • dermatitis.

Method of use

It is quite possible that many people know that candle therapy is currently one of the most popular types of treatment. As such, there are no requirements or special preparation required for taking the medicine in the form of a suppository.

Just a few free minutes are enough, as well as the opportunity to take a horizontal position. After all, to administer a suppository, it is necessary to ensure rest in order for the medicine to begin its effect.

Rules of use:

  1. According to the instructions, the use of such candles is recommended in the evening, before bedtime. This should be done when suppositories are prescribed for therapy once a day.
  2. When suppositories are prescribed twice a day, it is necessary to lie horizontally at rest after taking them. It is recommended to lie down for half an hour.
  3. It is necessary to ensure deep insertion of suppositories into the vagina. It is there, under the influence of temperature conditions, that the candles begin to melt and spread, which means that the drug begins its effect on the immediate focus of inflammation.


Compliance with the dosage is an extremely important point in treatment. As a rule, doctors individually prescribe the dose for treatment.

For women, the dosage may differ, but this does not happen every time:

  1. Firstly, the dose is established by the instructions included in the packaging of the medicine itself.
  2. Secondly, the doctor can independently vary the dose required for compliance in order to achieve the best treatment result.

The dosage of this drug is prescribed intravaginally. For treatment, as a rule, doctors prescribe one suppository twice a day.

The course of therapy lasts from seven to ten days. If the goal is to carry out preventive work in order to eliminate future diseases caused by sexually transmitted infections, you can get by with one suppository, the need for taking it up to once a day.

It is recommended to administer the suppository within the first two hours after sexual intercourse, without protection.

Treatment regimen

As you know, any doctor selects a treatment regimen for any drug. Moreover, it should be noted that the treatment regimen is different for all patients, and it differs.

Firstly, every woman is individual. Secondly, the state of health and the severity of the infectious disease are also different.

Therefore, the doctor independently chooses the treatment regimen and interaction with other drugs, if necessary.

In fact, the instructions included with the medicine contain clear requirements that must be followed.

When treating with Hexicon suppositories, it is necessary to insert the suppository intravaginally as deeply as possible twice a day. This must be done both in the morning and in the evening. The most appropriate course of therapy is seven to ten days.

The maximum duration of therapy with Hexicon lasts twenty days. Exactly the same method is used during the period of bearing a child.

Preventive measures for diseases accompanied by sexually transmitted infections are carried out as follows:

  • Within two hours after completing unprotected sexual intercourse, you need to insert one suppository as deeply as possible into the vagina.
  • Under no circumstances should you wait for time , otherwise the drug will not be effective.
  • It is recommended to use such suppositories after each time you have unprotected sexual intercourse with a partner who does not inspire confidence. During pregnancy, such a drug would be a good choice and an excellent solution due to the circumstances that Hexigon is a fairly mild drug that rarely causes any adverse reactions or phenomena.

As a rule, side effects can be noticeable even to a small extent. Contraindications include intolerance to certain components included in this drug.

Hexicon is a fairly good remedy that can cure not only thrush, but also sexually transmitted diseases.

It should be noted that it contains an antiseptic component, the effect of which allows you to get rid of problems. This drug is suitable for pregnant women, as well as for those who want to be cured of sexually transmitted infections.

The effect of Hexigon on vaginal secretion

Mucous discharge after the introduction of suppositories is observed in all women. Normally they are transparent, colorless and odorless. Their appearance is due to the dissolution of suppositories. The active component chlorhexidine is absorbed into the mucous membranes, and the excess comes out. Due to this, the medicine is gently removed from the body.

While taking the medication, there is no reaction of the vaginal microflora, but sometimes bloody discharge from Hexicon is possible. As a rule, women note that they do not leak much. This is a meager daub, the causes of which can be several.

Bloody discharge after taking the drug

The appearance of bleeding, according to doctors, is not associated with the use of suppositories. The medicine in this case is only a secondary factor. The cause of red leucorrhoea lies in something else, so we recommend reading in more detail about bloody discharge in women.

If, in addition to an uncharacteristic secretion, pain is observed in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lumbar region, there is a frequent urge to urinate and other unpleasant symptoms, then you should immediately go to a gynecologist for help.

Composition and appearance of candles

The basis of the composition of Hexicon suppositories is a substance such as chlorhexidine bigluconate.

This drug is produced on an antiseptic basis, the ability of which is to actively combat bacteria of such varieties as gram-negative type and gram-positive type.

This drug is also well suited for protection against sexually transmitted infections.

The main feature of these suppositories is that they do not have a negative effect on the normal microflora of the vagina, namely lactobacilli.

It is also worth noting that the bacteria are acid-resistant. This drug is not applicable if the discharge is accompanied by blood or pus. First of all, because Hexicon suppositories do not have the same effectiveness inherent in the drug.

The appearance of Hexicon candles resembles a torpedo. The color of the candles is yellowish, sometimes white. The package contains 10 suppositories. In some places of sale it is possible to purchase such a drug in the amount of one candle. In addition, in the box you can see special finger pads intended for one-time use.

Discharge and Hexicon suppositories during pregnancy

Watery discharge during pregnancy that appears after using a medication is considered normal. They are caused by the dissolution of candles and the release of excess to the outside. If bloody discharge appears from Hexicon suppositories, this is an alarming signal. It is necessary to immediately identify the reasons why such symptoms are observed.

Bloody discharge after Hexicon during pregnancy often indicates serious problems in the body. Such changes cannot be ignored.

Placental abruption

When using Hexicon, pink vaginal discharge during pregnancy sometimes appears due to placental complications. The woman needs to tell the doctor about this as soon as possible. As a rule, in addition to blood secretion, in the case of placental abruption, the following clinical manifestations are noted:

  • pain localized in the area of ​​detachment;
  • protrusion of the wall of the reproductive organ;
  • deterioration of the fetus' condition.

With such disorders, the child does not receive the proper amount of blood, his heart rate increases, and oxygenation decreases. As a result, the fetus may die.

Spontaneous abortion

Bloody discharge after Hexicon suppositories can signal a miscarriage or the risk of premature birth. The following symptoms are noted:

  • pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacrum;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • increased tone of the reproductive organ;
  • opening of the throat.

At the same time, you don’t have to think long about what to do and how to correct the situation. Such changes may indicate not only an impending miscarriage, but also other serious complications. You should immediately seek help from a doctor.

The appearance of a transparent secretion after Hexicon is normal. Discharge of an uncharacteristic color observed during the use of a medication is not caused by the drug, but by completely different factors. They are observed in pathologies of the genitourinary system and complicated pregnancy. Such symptoms are a reason to consult a doctor.

What discharge after Hexicon indicates a violation

Hexicon is an effective remedy that is available in the form of gel, ointment, suppositories and vaginal tablets. The last 2 forms of the drug are actively used for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The product is safe for the female body, so it is prescribed even to pregnant women. Sometimes patients notice discharge after Hexicon. It is necessary to understand whether this symptom is normal or pathological.

Reviews from women and specialists

Alina, 32 years old: “I am delighted with Hexicon. I have been using these candles for 6 years now. Started using it to treat a nasty infection. It so happened that during treatment I became pregnant. The doctor said that they can be used during an interesting position, and even during breastfeeding. Also, due to sensitive microflora, I used it before childbirth. Pah-pah, the sore went away forever after using the miracle candles. There was no discomfort while taking the suppositories”

Ivan Aleksandrovich, obstetrician-gynecologist: “For many years I have been using Hexicon suppositories in my practice during pregnancy. During this period, this is the safest remedy, the side effects and contraindications of which are minimized. Often my patients are concerned about the appearance of minor bleeding after Hexicon and what to do in this case. If pathologies of pregnancy or any diseases are excluded, it can be noted that the phenomenon occurs. We are talking about sensitive vessels or an increased content of leukocytes. This may be the reason why pinkish or reddish mucous manifestations appear. For the most part, patients leave only positive reviews about these suppositories.”

To summarize, it can be noted that Hexicon is the first domestic drug that specialists and patients resort to. It has a gentle but very effective effect on infectious, bacterial and viral microorganisms both in everyday life and during gestation. They allow the expectant mother to become more confident before giving birth as a preventive measure. As it turned out, discharge after Hexicon can be both normal, due to the consistency of the suppositories, and a secondary cause of pathologies and diseases. Trust the treatment to this drug and be healthy!

Hexicon suppositories are an effective antibacterial agent that is widely used in the gynecological field. The drug is considered gentle and safe, due to which it is prescribed even to pregnant women.

Sometimes discharge appears after Hexicon. You need to figure out in advance whether they are considered normal or a cause for concern.

Indications for the use of suppositories

The active substance in the suppositories is chlorhexidine. This is a powerful antiseptic that has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Hexicon is used in the treatment of:

  • syphilis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • genital herpes;
  • ureaplasmosis.

The drug is prescribed to pregnant women to sanitize the genital organs before childbirth and reduce the risk of inflammatory processes. Like other medications, Hexicon has a list of contraindications for use. These include:

  • allergy to auxiliary and main components of the drug;
  • children's age (up to 12 years).

Negative consequences after using a suppository are extremely rare. They are usually well tolerated by the female body. Side effects from Hexicon include: itching in the vagina, redness of the mucous membranes, dermatitis, discharge. Usually, all of these symptoms disappear after completing the course of therapy.

Contraindications and side effects from Hexicon

Even local treatments, despite their limited impact, may have side effects from use. Candles are no exception.

The body’s negative reaction to them looks like this:

  • itching in the vagina and perineal mucosa;
  • skin rashes;
  • redness of the membranes and swelling.

The use of Hexicon is contraindicated for those who suffer from intolerance to chlorhexidine or polyethylene oxides.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after Hexicon

White discharge is most often observed after using Hexicon. They appear in almost all women who use vaginal suppositories. Normally, mucus should not be interspersed with mucus, smell or streaked with blood. The active component of the suppository is not always absorbed into the mucous membranes in full. Its remains flow out in the form of secretion.

During treatment, the vaginal microflora does not change. Sometimes women note the presence of bloody discharge after Hexicon. The symptom causes concern among patients. But it does not always indicate a pathological process in the body.

Scanty brown daub is also an acceptable phenomenon when treated with suppositories.


The instructions for use of the product do not indicate menstruation as a contraindication to the use of Hexicon. However, the drug should not be used in the following situations:

  1. Dermatitis in the area of ​​Hexicon application.
  2. Allergic reactions to chlorhexidine and auxiliary components of the drug of any intensity.
  3. Hypersensitivity to the product.
  4. In children - the possibility of using the products in girls should be discussed with the attending physician.

Indications and contraindications apply to all forms of the drug used topically in gynecology. Side effects and overdose effects are practically non-existent when used correctly.

If itching, dryness, allergic reactions or other unpleasant symptoms occur, use the product should not be used.

Causes of bleeding

A scanty reddish secretion appears at the beginning of menstruation or after careless insertion of a suppository into the vagina. Usually the symptom is not affected by the use of Hexicon. If, in addition to bloody mucus, a woman notices a deterioration in her health and nagging pain in the lower abdomen, then she urgently needs to consult a gynecologist.

Bloody discharge from Hexicon suppositories is associated with:

  1. Reproductive diseases for which the drug was prescribed. Pathogenic microorganisms in the vagina injure blood vessels and contribute to their bleeding. A similar reaction can be observed with cervical erosion. You can learn about discharge during cervical erosion from the article at the link.
  2. Incorrectly calculated dosage. To combat the active stage of the disease, 2 suppositories can be inserted daily. To prevent violations, use 1 suppository per day. Exceeding the dosages indicated in the annotation can provoke inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. This causes damage to blood vessels.
  3. The beginning of menstruation. The drug itself does not have any effect on the menstrual cycle. However, gynecological diseases can shift it to earlier or later dates. At first, women develop a brown spot, then it gives way to heavy bleeding.
  4. Allergy to the components of the product. The instructions indicate that after using the suppositories, itching and irritation of the mucous membranes is possible. Such reactions occur against the background of vaginal swelling, which also increases the permeability and fragility of blood vessels. This sign indicates that Hexicon is not suitable for the patient.

What happens after use

The course of taking the medication is traditionally 7-10 days, during which it is recommended to administer 2 suppositories per day during pregnancy, in the morning and in the evening.

Transparent watery discharge in women is considered a normal and natural condition. If the situation has changed, the mucus has acquired a bloody appearance, patients rightfully begin to worry. In such cases, it is necessary to urgently consult your doctor, who will explain why such symptoms appeared and how to stop them.

Any medication can cause adverse reactions, and Hexicon is no exception in this sense. Vaginal suppositories change the microflora of the vagina. Although it is believed that chlorhexidine has no effect on lactobacilli, under the influence of various factors the situation can change, both in the normal state and during pregnancy.

Signs appear most often on the second or third day after starting to use the medicine and are associated with the following diseases and conditions:

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy

Bloody discharge after the introduction of suppositories indicates the threat of losing the child. Usually accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, uterine tone, and the urge to go to the toilet. The use of the drug may be a primary or secondary cause. If the shape of the cervix is ​​not changed, the pharynx is not open, this is only a threatening miscarriage, in which rest, relaxation of smooth muscles, and mainly non-drug methods of influence in a hospital setting are recommended.

The interruption that has begun is characterized by more pronounced symptoms. At the first examination, the doctor explains what dangers this condition poses for mother and child. A specialist can determine the different types of spontaneous abortion based on how long the discharge continues during pregnancy and identifying its nature.

Insufficient diagnosis

Pink, yellow or curdled mucus after using the product may be associated with a concomitant disease that could not be detected in time. With cervicitis and colpitis, the vessels become less elastic and are subject to microtrauma, which leads to such manifestations. The doctor is obliged to warn the patient about these signs that appear after the administration of suppositories, especially during pregnancy. Discharge usually begins on the second day of treatment. It is important to pay attention to the clinical picture, as it sometimes indicates fibroids and malignant tumors.


Due to infectious pathologies, ulcers appear on the cervix. In turn, displacement of the columnar epithelium can lead to formations. In this case, exudate appears in the affected areas, described as pink or brown discharge. After a woman begins to put suppositories, the symptoms become more pronounced, which is associated with the specific reaction of the vaginal microflora to suppositories.

Yellow and green discharge from candles

If discharge of this color appears, this means that Hexicon therapy was ineffective. Suppositories cannot always help with advanced forms of sexually transmitted diseases, especially if the patient does not adhere to preventive rules and does not follow all the doctor’s recommendations. With green and yellow discharge after Hexicon, a woman needs a thorough examination of the organs of the reproductive system and a series of tests. Only after this will the doctor be able to create a more effective treatment regimen using other medications.

Transparent selections

Transparent discharge with a liquid consistency is normal. They appear due to the release of the suppository shell from the vagina. The components in the film ensure a softer introduction of the suppository. They do not completely dissolve and come out 1-1.5 hours after using Hexicon. If the suppository was introduced at night, the girl will have clear discharge in the morning. During the day there may be discharge in small portions. Normally, the liquid should not have an unpleasant odor and be accompanied by burning and itching of the genitals.

Transparent and white discharge during treatment stops immediately after the end of the therapeutic course.

Another variant of the norm is the complete absence of discharge. The woman does not notice them, as they come out during urination.

Patient reviews

I was advised to use Hexicon after childbirth. On the first day of treatment, she noticed itching in her vagina. The unpleasant symptoms did not disappear even after thorough washing. I took a short break and after a few days tried to insert the candle again. The same reaction appeared. As a result, I switched to sea buckthorn suppositories.

I used Hexicon for the first time during pregnancy. Based on tests, the gynecologist discovered that I had chlamydia and recommended these suppositories. The treatment was successful, the only drawback is that after the insertion of the suppository, mucus is actively released. I asked the doctor why this was happening. And he told me that it was the remains of the candle leaking out.

Veronica, 30 years old.

I used Hexicon after treatment with antibiotics. On the 3rd day of using Hexicon, pink discharge appeared. The gynecologist said that I need to cancel the treatment because I am intolerant to the components of the suppositories. I used other candles. I have not observed such an effect from them.

Discharge during pregnancy

The article should examine in more detail the reasons for discharge after the drug during gestation, since this medication is often prescribed to pregnant women for the treatment of diseases of an infectious nature. When using a suppository, the production of mucous secretions becomes more intense. Transparent and light discharge without odor and additional symptoms does not require treatment.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if the symptom is accompanied by additional unpleasant signs:

  • pulling and stabbing pain in the lower abdomen;
  • itching and burning in the vagina;
  • release of mucus in large volumes.

Bloody discharge during the 1st trimester of pregnancy from Hexicon may indicate a threat of miscarriage. In this case, an emergency call is required. Other reasons for the appearance of bloody mucus during pregnancy include:

  • placental abruption;
  • decreased immunity;
  • sudden changes in hormonal levels;
  • cervical erosion.

Minor bleeding may occur due to irritation of the exocervix by suppositories. In this case, you need to consult a doctor so that he can replace Hexicon with another drug or prescribe antimicrobial agents in a different form of release. The drug itself is not capable of causing placental abruption or the threat of miscarriage.

Pathological conditions are usually associated with severe infectious diseases of the reproductive system.

Slight pinkish-brown inclusions may be associated with a woman’s intolerance to the components of the drug. During pregnancy, the body reacts more sharply to external signs, including drug treatment. Expectant mothers may experience an allergy to the components of Hexicon, even if they previously tolerated the drug well. If your general health does not suffer, then you need to stop using the suppository and contact your gynecologist to adjust the therapy regimen.

Yellow and green mucus during pregnancy is also a sign of Hexicon's ineffectiveness. Chlorhexidine is a powerful antimicrobial substance, but it does not affect the entire spectrum of pathogens. The following are resistant to drugs whose main active ingredient is chlorhexidine:

Some gynecological diseases cannot be cured with suppositories alone. It is necessary to take medications orally in order to affect all foci of the pathogen and avoid the pathology becoming chronic. It is advisable for women to undergo all examinations before conceiving a child. In this case, she will be able to reduce the risk of infection of the embryo in the first trimester, and also avoid taking potent medications.

Should I stop taking the drug if I have discharge?

If the discharge is insignificant, and the use of Hexicon does not cause any other difficulties, treatment can not be interrupted, because it lasts 10 days. But after that it makes sense to see a doctor and insist on further examination.

It’s a different matter when there is a lot of discharge, or the woman is pregnant, then a specialist is needed immediately. In the second case, there are even more reasons for the appearance of blood due to the use of Hexicon. And they may be associated with a danger to the condition. Until a specialist’s verdict, it is better to stop using Hexicon.

Bloody discharge detected after suppositories should not be alarming. But it is necessary to identify exactly their causes.

The main active component of Hexicon is chlorhexidine, which has a detrimental effect on many bacteria, viruses and is a common antiseptic substance. The effect of the substance even extends to sperm, as a result they are immobilized, this is a kind of contraceptive effect, but not entirely reliable.

Chlorhexidine may be used for the following conditions:

  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • damage by herpes viruses of the first and second types;
  • nonspecific inflammation caused by staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli and enterococci, and some other pathogens.

However, chlorhexidine is absolutely inert towards candida fungi and can even cause an exacerbation of chronic thrush. In this case, after using the drug, itching, burning, and whitish discharge appear. You should refuse treatment.

The advantage of chlorhexidine is that it protects lactobacilli, acting only on pathogenic microbes . This contributes to their preservation and the fastest onset of the therapeutic effect.

"Hexicon" is used in the following cases:

  • to prevent infection after casual sexual contact;
  • with specific and nonspecific inflammation in the vagina of a non-fungal nature;
  • in the complex of treatment of colpitis, cervicitis;
  • during pregnancy to prevent infection while using an obstetric pessary;
  • to get rid of herpes in the genital area;
  • for sanitation on the eve of various interventions in the vagina and cervix (surgeries, biopsy, etc.);
  • on the eve of childbirth to prepare the birth canal.

"Hexicon" is available in the form of suppositories, vaginal tablets, and a solution that can be used for douching. The drug is available in gel and ointment form. Features of using the medicine:

  • Candles. Place one once or twice a day deep into the vagina, after which it is recommended to lie down for about 15-20 minutes. To prevent infection after unprotected sex, the medicine is effective no later than 120 minutes after sexual intercourse.
  • Solution . It is used for washing the vaginal mucosa or treating the labia and perineal area.
  • Gel and ointment. Apply a thin layer to the affected areas several times a day.
  • Vaginal tablets . Used in the same cases as candles. Placed deep into the vagina once or twice a day. Before doing this, it is recommended to hold the tablet under running water for 1-2 seconds to make it easier to administer.
Medicine optionActive ingredient concentrationApplication schemes
Candles16 mg in one suppository1-2 per day for one to two weeks
Vaginal tablets16 mg per tablet1-2 per day for one to two weeks
Solution0.25 ml chlorhexidine per 100 mlApproximately 10 ml of solution per procedure
Gel and ointment0.5 g per 100 gApply strips of 1-2 cm

Typically, any dosage forms based on chlorhexidine are well tolerated. The drug "Hexicon" is allowed even during pregnancy and is absolutely harmless for mother and baby. Side effects may include

  • the appearance of itching, burning at the site of application;
  • hypersensitivity reactions.

Hexicon should not be used in any form in the following cases:

  • with previously established hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • if there are any skin diseases at the intended application site.

It should not be used together with other topical medications as this may reduce its effectiveness.

Some women note that after using Hexicon, especially suppositories, spotting appears from the vagina . As a rule, these are veins or droplets of dark blood. The reasons may be the following:

  • Undiagnosed diseases . The presence of erosion, ectopia and other diseases of the vagina and cervix can cause bleeding due to additional irritation of the affected tissues.
  • Injury to the mucous membrane . If a woman uses douching or clumsily tries to insert a suppository or vaginal tablet, the vaginal mucosa can easily be damaged, especially against the background of its inflammation.
  • Allergic reaction . This causes swelling of the tissues, increasing their vulnerability, which can lead to damage.
  • The beginning of menstruation . In some cases, treatment may coincide with menstruation. It is possible that they may begin a little earlier due to the inflammatory process, for which Hexicon treatment is carried out.

Normally, treatment with Hexicon does not involve the appearance of blood in the discharge. Most likely, there is an active inflammatory process in the vagina, the mucous membrane is extremely vulnerable, or there are some other reasons.

If a woman decides to use the drug of her own free will, and blood appears during treatment, she should consult a doctor to clarify the cause. If the medicine was prescribed by a specialist after an examination as the main or auxiliary therapy, then the slight appearance of traces of blood should not be alarming, the course can be continued. If the discharge is heavy, treatment should also be stopped and consult a doctor again.

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