Brown discharge after a smear during pregnancy

A smear is taken for cytological examination during a gynecological examination. It is carried out to identify pathological abnormalities in the cells of the cervix by determining the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). There is also another smear that is needed for bacteriological examination, which allows one to identify pathogens of infectious diseases and select medications for their treatment. Undoubtedly, both the first and second studies are necessary and absolutely all women over 18 years of age and before menopause should undergo them. The procedure itself is painless, but after it some people experience unnatural discharge mixed with blood. But why do they arise? And is it worth going to the doctor again when discharge appears after taking a smear? Let's talk about it.

It should be noted that most often the presence of blood is observed after taking a smear for cytology. A test for the degree of purity of the vaginal flora is a non-traumatic method of diagnosis, so after it the discharge almost never changes its character. Unless sanitary standards were violated during its implementation, which resulted in infection. In this case, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area. In this case, the woman needs to immediately undergo a course of antibacterial therapy.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after a gynecological examination

Visits to specialists of this kind involve certain manipulations in the vaginal area. The appearance of bloody discharge after examination by a doctor can be the result of:

  • careless use of instruments: they are used to examine the inside of the vagina, and its mucous membrane, like the surface of the cervix, is very sensitive and easily damaged;
  • patient behavior: vaginal tension or fidgeting during manipulations contribute to injury to mucosal tissue;
  • Taking a smear is a necessary procedure to determine the health of the genital organs; it involves collecting cells from the mucous membrane with a special instrument resembling a brush or a small brush. During its implementation, the tissues may be slightly damaged and cause spotting and bloody discharge after visiting the gynecologist;
  • the beginning of menstruation: manipulations performed inside the vagina can provoke its onset ahead of schedule, as a result of which a brownish secretion may initially appear.

The above factors are usually not harmful to health. Normally, after an examination by a gynecologist, the discharge will bother you for a maximum of one or two days. If after this time the symptom does not go away, you need to seek help. It also happens that after a gynecologist, or more precisely, after his actions, there is pain in the lower abdomen, burning and itching in an intimate place without discharge.

If the discomfort does not go away after a couple of days, then you need to visit the hospital. It is possible that an infection was introduced during the doctor's examination.

We cannot exclude the possibility that the time of the appearance of the pathological secretion only coincided with the date of the examination and the reason for its appearance was not a visit to the doctor. We recommend that you study information about what discharge can be during pregnancy and what they mean in our article at the link.

After taking a smear, brown discharge during pregnancy

July 25, 01:11
The trouble is over and we are already home)

We celebrated the beginning of the 16th week with our baby with a planned trip to the gynecologist. We were pleased with excellent tests, normal hemoglobin, slightly low blood pressure and 300 grams of weight gain. And at the end of the examination we were asked to take a smear.

Of course, I am against unnecessary penetration, but I couldn’t even think that a thousand times later I would regret my silent consent. (Although, to tell the truth, I’m not used to arguing with a doctor. It’s necessary, then it’s necessary!) .... An hour later, when I came home, I saw brown discharge...

no pain... Continue reading →

Discharge after smear((((

Good evening, dear girls! I haven’t been here for a crazy long time, I haven’t written anything, but I’m aware of all the events - I regularly look through your news and keep my fingers crossed for everyone!!!! Continue reading →

Does anyone know what it was???

Girls, did your sister have a dark brown discharge after taking a smear (undergoing a medical examination)? What could it be? There was one time when I came from the doctor. The procedure itself was painless. She didn't feel anything strange. I just noticed it on the panties. Did the doctor damage something? Or what could it be? One week until period. They plan to become pregnant after fasting. Continue reading →

How I lie “For safekeeping”

Pregnancy 5-6 weeks, brown discharge started on Saturday, went to the gynecology emergency department on Sunday, was prescribed tranex 2 t 3 times for 5 days and duphaston three times a day, on Monday an ultrasound did not see the reason for the discharge, no detachment , the baby is developing, at the reception at the residential complex the doctor writes a referral to a day hospital. And here is the most interesting thing, head. After an examination, the department’s attending physician prescribes me Folka and Drotaverine, they give me these tablets in bulk for eight days... Read more →

my sad story (pregnant and impressionable people should not read)…

Hello to all the girls! Well, and the promised post. Now I read you, my dears, every day, but there’s nothing to write... and 1-2 months ago I rarely even came in, I physically couldn’t.

I’ll try briefly, for anyone interested, please contact me)) So, a positive test result from 6 dpp in July, a sky-high hCG, the long-awaited pregnancy came on the 2nd attempt of IVF after 14 years of infertility (you, like no one else, should understand how much it was passed during this time and done...).

They did IVF in Nizhny Novgorod at the POMC under the federal quota (we had one unsuccessful attempt in Kazan at the Central PS under the reg. quota). Clinic, doctors, quality, I liked everything about... Read more →

Cervix bleeds in the first trimester

Good evening everyone. A month ago I was in storage with a small detachment. The ultrasound took place, everything became normal and I was prepared for discharge. During the examination, the gynecologist said that the cervix was bleeding and a slight erosion had appeared.

Nothing bothered me after that, I was only confused by the heavy discharge (sometimes white, sometimes white-transparent). Today I had a routine examination, they started taking a smear, and they said that when taking a smear, my cervix was bleeding. Based on the tests taken earlier, they found thrush and prescribed suppositories.

Actually, this is the first time I’ve had thrush... Read more →

Maternity hospital

The day before yesterday I went to see a doctor at the maternity hospital, everything was fine, nothing bothered me, and in the evening, after visiting the consultation and taking the 2nd smear during pregnancy, a small brown discharge appeared... I was very scared...

In the morning I went to the consultation again - they raised a threat of premature birth and sent me to the maternity hospital for preservation... The doctor with whom I agreed came, took all the tests, sent me for an ultrasound, CTG, a chair... The ultrasound was normal, there was no threat, but they said polyhydramnios, amniostic fluid index 18…

Where does it come from? The doctor says that there may be some kind of infection, inflammation... But the tests are all normal (blood, urine)... Read more →

Dysbacteriosis, lactase deficiency, Staphylococcus aureus

Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, you couldn’t be happier with your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream.

Even with the skin, something strange was happening: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the entire butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded tomato. Yes, and suck... Continue reading →

Road to happiness. That's how it all began.

To everyone who came to see us - welcome! So we are ready for our own house!!! And we decided to create it for a reason...

I know from myself how important a positive experience is!!!! Therefore, if our story instills hope in at least one of the girls - we want to add Vera - we will be very happy!!!!! So, perhaps, let September 17, 2005 be the starting point in my story.

We, now my husband, consider this date to be the beginning of our relationship (although we started communicating… Read more →

Maternity hospital

The day before yesterday I went to see a doctor at the maternity hospital, everything was fine, nothing bothered me, and in the evening, after visiting the consultation and taking the 2nd smear during pregnancy, a small brown discharge appeared... I was very scared...

In the morning I went to the consultation again - they raised a threat of premature birth and sent me to the maternity hospital for preservation... The doctor with whom I agreed came, took all the tests, sent me for an ultrasound, CTG, a chair... The ultrasound was normal, there was no threat, but they said polyhydramnios, amniostic fluid index 18…

Where does it come from? The doctor says that there may be some kind of infection, inflammation... But the tests are all normal (blood, urine)... Read more →

About anembryony

I copy from the site Everything is written out very successfully and completely. What I was missing when I had this case... Read more →


good article about dysbiosis Immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, you couldn’t be happier with your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream.

Something strange is happening even with the skin: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the whole butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded one... Continue reading →

Ours are 28+6. I get a little nervous and worry a lot.

So, what do we have?1. Firstly, I suffered from ARVI. I was sick for a long time, a week and a half, and I was so tormented. All approved medications treat very slowly. As a result, I finally went to work today, but I still have a little runny nose and cough occasionally.

I regretted 20 times that I decided to take official sick leave and went to the city clinic (my parents are doctors, so I was always treated under their supervision and did not go to clinics).

There is a lot of text further)) Read more →

Article about dysbiosis

Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, you couldn’t be happier with your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream.

Even with the skin, something strange was happening: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the entire butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded tomato. Yes, and suck... Continue reading →

When pregnancy does not occur...

When pregnancy does not occur... Girls, at one time I devoted a lot of time to studying the problem of my lack of pregnancy. While searching for information, I came across some useful information (this is a forum, there’s not much time to edit, so ignore unnecessary information).

Maybe it will be useful to someone, as it was useful to me :) Although the information is more than 9 years old, and medicine has moved forward in many aspects, the basics have remained the same. Rainbow 11/10/2006, 16:28 First, I would like to insert a picture showing how conception occurs... what comes from where and where it goes.....

Continue reading →

Attention: Dysbacteriosis!!!!!

Attention: dysbacteriosis Immediately after being discharged from the maternity hospital, you could not get enough of your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream.

Even with the skin, something strange was happening: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the entire butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded tomato. Yes… Read more →

Good article about dysbacteriosis

Immediately after being discharged from the hospital, you couldn’t be happier with your baby: so calm, cheerful, sleek. He slept for a long time and ate with appetite, and his stool had the smell and consistency of thick sour cream.

Even with the skin, something strange was happening: at first redness appeared around the anus, but after a couple of days the entire butt was covered with some kind of scab and began to resemble a scalded tomato. Yes, and suck... Continue reading →

That's why I dream of doing without a caesarean!..

Caesarean section is performed in cases where vaginal delivery is impossible or life-threatening for the mother or fetus. This is the most common operation in obstetrics.

What should a woman who has undergone this intervention pay attention to so that the postoperative period goes well? When is surgery required? Continue reading →

When pregnancy does not occur...

When pregnancy does not occur... Girls, at one time I devoted a lot of time to studying the problem of my lack of pregnancy. While searching for information, I came across some useful information (this is a forum, there’s not much time to edit, so ignore unnecessary information).

Maybe it will be useful to someone, as it was useful to me :) Although the information is more than 9 years old, and medicine has moved forward in many aspects, the basics have remained the same. Rainbow 11/10/2006, 16:28 First, I would like to insert a picture showing how conception occurs... what comes from where and where it goes.....

Continue reading →

that's why I want to give birth myself

Caesarean section is performed in cases where vaginal delivery is impossible or life-threatening for the mother or fetus. This is the most common operation in obstetrics.

What should a woman who has undergone this intervention pay attention to so that the postoperative period goes well? When is surgery required? During a caesarean section, the uterine wall is dissected.

Indications for surgery can be on the part of the mother, when, due to one or another disease, childbirth poses a threat to her health, and on the part of the fetus, when for him the birth act is... Read more →


Discharge after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the frequency of any activities in the vaginal area decreases significantly. You should be especially careful with them in the early stages, when there is the highest risk of miscarriage. Because of this, the doctor tries to carry out any manipulations no earlier than 8 weeks. In this case, there is a possibility of blood particles or brown stains appearing in the mucus.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy can be caused by:

  • trauma to mucosal tissues: during pregnancy, a large amount of blood flows to the genitals, which makes the vagina and cervix especially sensitive to the touch of medical instruments;
  • the passage of a mucus plug, which coincided with an appointment with a gynecologist: usually at 38 weeks, the doctor suggests undergoing an examination on a chair to look at the readiness of the cervix for labor;
  • injury to the internal genital organs - this is a dangerous phenomenon and requires prompt medical attention;
  • abruption or placenta previa - this is typical for pregnant women who have problems with the course of pregnancy. In this case, the inspection becomes a catalyst for such negative processes.

Brown discharge during pregnancy after examination, especially in the later stages (38-40 weeks), should not cause alarm unless it is accompanied by other unpleasant signs (inflammation, itching, etc.). Often, spotting after examination at 40 weeks of pregnancy becomes a harbinger of labor. Brown discharge may also appear in women before childbirth; these are signs of the same phenomenon.

Care should be taken when a similar symptom appears in the second trimester. If in the early stages of pregnancy it may be the result of any hormonal changes or implantation of the fertilized egg, then later it will indicate a possible pathological condition.

In any case, all unusual signs during pregnancy should be promptly reported to the gynecologist who is observing you. He will also tell you if the body is ready to give birth.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist

Every adult girl should be aware of the need for regular visits to the antenatal clinic.
After all, it is extremely important to prevent the development of hidden gynecological diseases that can harm a woman’s reproductive function in the future. When a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, consultation with a gynecologist is an even more important event. However, some women experience spotting after examination by a gynecologist, which can naturally worry a woman who is susceptible in this position.

What causes such unusual consequences of the examination and what needs to be done in such cases - we will figure it out in this article.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after a gynecological examination

Visits to specialists of this kind involve certain manipulations in the vaginal area. The appearance of bloody discharge after examination by a doctor can be the result of:

  • careless use of instruments: they are used to examine the inside of the vagina, and its mucous membrane, like the surface of the cervix, is very sensitive and easily damaged;
  • patient behavior: vaginal tension or fidgeting during manipulations contribute to injury to mucosal tissue;
  • Taking a smear is a necessary procedure to determine the health of the genital organs; it involves collecting cells from the mucous membrane with a special instrument resembling a brush or a small brush. During its implementation, the tissues may be slightly damaged and cause spotting and bloody discharge after visiting the gynecologist;
  • the beginning of menstruation: manipulations performed inside the vagina can provoke its onset ahead of schedule, as a result of which a brownish secretion may initially appear.

The above factors are usually not harmful to health. Normally, after an examination by a gynecologist, the discharge will bother you for a maximum of one or two days. If after this time the symptom does not go away, you need to seek help. It also happens that after a gynecologist, or more precisely, after his actions, there is pain in the lower abdomen, burning and itching in an intimate place without discharge.

If the discomfort does not go away after a couple of days, then you need to visit the hospital. It is possible that an infection was introduced during the doctor's examination.

We cannot exclude the possibility that the time of the appearance of the pathological secretion only coincided with the date of the examination and the reason for its appearance was not a visit to the doctor. We recommend that you study information about what discharge can be during pregnancy and what they mean in our article at the link.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the frequency of any activities in the vaginal area decreases significantly. You should be especially careful with them in the early stages, when there is the highest risk of miscarriage. Because of this, the doctor tries to carry out any manipulations no earlier than 8 weeks. In this case, there is a possibility of blood particles or brown stains appearing in the mucus.

Discharge after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy can be caused by:

  • trauma to mucosal tissues: during pregnancy, a large amount of blood flows to the genitals, which makes the vagina and cervix especially sensitive to the touch of medical instruments;
  • the passage of a mucus plug, which coincided with an appointment with a gynecologist: usually at 38 weeks, the doctor suggests undergoing an examination on a chair to look at the readiness of the cervix for labor;
  • injury to the internal genital organs - this is a dangerous phenomenon and requires prompt medical attention;
  • abruption or placenta previa - this is typical for pregnant women who have problems with the course of pregnancy. In this case, the inspection becomes a catalyst for such negative processes.

Brown discharge during pregnancy after examination, especially in the later stages (38-40 weeks), should not cause alarm unless it is accompanied by other unpleasant signs (inflammation, itching, etc.). Often, spotting after examination at 40 weeks of pregnancy becomes a harbinger of labor. Brown discharge may also appear in women before childbirth; these are signs of the same phenomenon.

Care should be taken when a similar symptom appears in the second trimester. If in the early stages of pregnancy it may be the result of any hormonal changes or implantation of the fertilized egg, then later it will indicate a possible pathological condition.

In any case, all unusual signs during pregnancy should be promptly reported to the gynecologist who is observing you. He will also tell you if the body is ready to give birth.

What to do if bleeding starts after taking a smear?

As mentioned above, gynecological manipulations can injure the vaginal mucosa. As a result of this, any girl may experience spotting after taking a smear.

The discomfort observed in this case should go away on its own in the next two days. During this period, it is advisable to refrain from intense physical activity and sexual contact.

It's better to try to get more rest.

If, after the examination, heavy discharge appears, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen or vagina, burning, fever, shortness of breath, rapid pulse and other uncharacteristic symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor. Emergency medical attention is required when bleeding continues for more than an hour.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to their condition, since there may be a threat not only to their health, but also to the health of the child.

If such a symptom was caused by a hormonal imbalance, then it is necessary to begin appropriate therapy as soon as possible.

If health problems of a pregnant woman are identified in a timely manner, many negative consequences for the fetus, including termination of pregnancy, can be avoided.

Thus, any discharge that appears after a smear requires correct and timely diagnosis. Observe their consistency, color and duration. Try not to confuse heavy bleeding with the start of your period. If it’s still a long way from them, then call an ambulance right away. Otherwise, you will lose a large amount of blood.

Why else may bloody or brown discharge appear after a gynecological examination?

A gynecological examination is quite likely not the main reason for the appearance of discharge, but only a catalyst for the manifestation of symptoms of a particular ailment.

So, bleeding occurs as a symptom of the following diseases and phenomena:

  • cervical erosion: Discharge that appears after examination of the cervix is ​​quite a common occurrence if there are erosions on the epithelium. The damaged part of the membrane may periodically bleed without directly touching it; medical intervention only contributes to this;
  • endometriosis: in addition to discharge, it is characterized by pain in the abdominal area;
  • fibroids: such a neoplasm periodically bleeds, which can appear immediately after an appointment with a gynecologist;
  • swelling: doctor’s manipulations can cause bloody mucus to appear;
  • endometrial hyperplasia: with this disease, the mucous membrane thickens, and, as a result, its particles come off when touched, which causes spotting mucus;
  • polyps in the cervical canal area: they are injured by any touch, which causes characteristic spotting;
  • infections: provoke the development of an inflammatory process on the vaginal mucosa, making it sensitive to mechanical stress.

This is just a small list of diseases that can be detected based on the results of the examination. To correctly diagnose the patient’s condition, a complete history of all symptoms is required. Therefore, it is important that the woman at the appointment talks about all the signs that concern her.

Another possible reason when brown discharge is observed after examination is a miscarriage. This happens when a woman is not aware of her pregnancy and undergoes a medical examination at a very early stage.

Find out what characteristics the discharge has after a miscarriage.

The actions of the gynecologist can cause involuntary termination of pregnancy. Any signs uncharacteristic of a healthy woman should be diagnosed by a qualified specialist.

If it is reliably known that there are no diseases of the genital organs, but discharge still often appears after examination, it may be necessary to change the doctor to a more careful one.

Take care of your health and do not miss scheduled visits to the gynecologist.


What to do if bleeding starts after taking a smear?

As mentioned above, gynecological manipulations can injure the vaginal mucosa. As a result of this, any girl may experience spotting after taking a smear. The discomfort observed in this case should go away on its own in the next two days. During this period, it is advisable to refrain from intense physical activity and sexual contact. It's better to try to get more rest.

If, after the examination, heavy discharge appears, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen or vagina, burning, fever, shortness of breath, rapid pulse and other uncharacteristic symptoms, you should immediately see a doctor. Emergency medical attention is required when bleeding continues for more than an hour.

Pregnant women should pay special attention to their condition, since there may be a threat not only to their health, but also to the health of the child. If such a symptom was caused by a hormonal imbalance, then it is necessary to begin appropriate therapy as soon as possible. If health problems of a pregnant woman are identified in a timely manner, many negative consequences for the fetus, including termination of pregnancy, can be avoided.

Thus, any discharge that appears after a smear requires correct and timely diagnosis. Observe their consistency, color and duration. Try not to confuse heavy bleeding with the start of your period. If it’s still a long way from them, then call an ambulance right away. Otherwise, you will lose a large amount of blood.

Why does discharge appear after a smear?

In gynecological diagnostics, taking a smear for cytological examination is a very common procedure. The main purpose of this analysis is to identify pathological abnormalities in the cells of the cervix or bacteriological examination, which makes it possible to identify dangerous infectious agents and select effective treatment.

Although taking a smear is a painless procedure, you may experience a beige or brown discharge afterwards. The procedure itself consists of scraping the top layer of the mucous membrane of the uterus or cervical canal, i.e. in its mechanical damage. As a result, a small amount of blood begins to be released.

Dark brown discharge is simply blood that has undergone a chemical oxidation reaction with oxygen and acquired this color. The presence of short-term brown discharge after taking a smear is considered completely normal if the situation is not accompanied by any parallel symptoms that cause concern.

Strictly speaking, there is no reason to worry if the discharge is scanty, is not accompanied by painful sensations, does not have an unpleasant odor, and goes away the next day. If the symptoms described above are present, a woman should immediately consult a doctor, especially if a smear for examination is taken during pregnancy. This is especially true for those situations where the discharge does not go away for a long time after the procedure. This may indicate that when taking a smear, existing neoplasms (fibroids, tumors, cysts, etc.) were injured.

Why else may bloody or brown discharge appear after a gynecological examination?

A gynecological examination is quite likely not the main reason for the appearance of discharge, but only a catalyst for the manifestation of symptoms of a particular ailment.

So, bleeding occurs as a symptom of the following diseases and phenomena:

  • cervical erosion: Discharge that appears after examination of the cervix is ​​quite a common occurrence if there are erosions on the epithelium. The damaged part of the membrane may periodically bleed without directly touching it; medical intervention only contributes to this;
  • endometriosis: in addition to discharge, it is characterized by pain in the abdominal area;
  • fibroids: such a neoplasm periodically bleeds, which can appear immediately after an appointment with a gynecologist;
  • swelling: doctor’s manipulations can cause bloody mucus to appear;
  • endometrial hyperplasia: with this disease, the mucous membrane thickens, and, as a result, its particles come off when touched, which causes spotting mucus;
  • polyps in the cervical canal area: they are injured by any touch, which causes characteristic spotting;
  • infections: provoke the development of an inflammatory process on the vaginal mucosa, making it sensitive to mechanical stress.

This is just a small list of diseases that can be detected based on the results of the examination. To correctly diagnose the patient’s condition, a complete history of all symptoms is required. Therefore, it is important that the woman at the appointment talks about all the signs that concern her.

Another possible reason when brown discharge is observed after examination is a miscarriage. This happens when a woman is not aware of her pregnancy and undergoes a medical examination at a very early stage.

Find out what characteristics the discharge has after a miscarriage.

The actions of the gynecologist can cause involuntary termination of pregnancy. Any signs uncharacteristic of a healthy woman should be diagnosed by a qualified specialist. If it is reliably known that there are no diseases of the genital organs, but discharge still often appears after examination, it may be necessary to change the doctor to a more careful one. Take care of your health and do not miss scheduled visits to the gynecologist.

A smear for urogenital diseases is one of the most common and informative methods of analysis in modern medicine. With its help, you can identify not only banal inflammations, but also prevent the development of cancer. Despite the reliability and accessibility of the method, not all women realize the need to regularly visit a gynecologist and undergo tests and often consult a doctor only in advanced cases.

Discharge after taking a smear: brown, bloody, during pregnancy

A smear is taken for cytological examination during a gynecological examination. It is carried out to identify pathological abnormalities in the cells of the cervix by determining the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

There is also another smear that is needed for bacteriological examination, which allows one to identify pathogens of infectious diseases and select medications for their treatment.

Undoubtedly, both the first and second studies are necessary and absolutely all women over 18 years of age and before menopause should undergo them. The procedure itself is painless, but after it some people experience unnatural discharge mixed with blood.

But why do they arise? And is it worth going to the doctor again when discharge appears after taking a smear? Let's talk about it.

It is recommended to take a test for analysis of vaginal flora and oncocytology in the following situations:

  • when admitted to an antenatal clinic after diagnosing pregnancy;
  • menstrual irregularities (irregular periods, their absence, etc.);
  • infertility (it is mentioned only if a woman cannot become pregnant for 12 months or more);
  • genital herpes;
  • when taking contraceptive medications (for preventive purposes);
  • human papillomavirus;
  • the woman is overweight;
  • endometriosis;
  • erosion;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • before performing instrumental gynecological procedures (installation of an intrauterine device, cauterization, etc.);
  • with frequent changes of sexual partners;
  • when planning pregnancy.

Why does discharge appear after a smear is taken?

The appearance of discharge after a smear during pregnancy or as a diagnosis of various diseases is a fairly common situation.

This is due to the fact that during the test, the upper layer of the mucous membranes is scraped off, as a result of which they are damaged and begin to bleed.

Blood is released in small quantities, quickly oxidizes under the influence of oxygen and acquires a dark tint. Therefore, the presence of scanty brown discharge is considered normal.

If the fact of pale pink or bloody discharge is associated with injury to the mucous membranes of the vagina or cervical canal, then in this case they:

  • scanty;
  • not accompanied by abdominal pain;
  • do not emit an unpleasant odor;
  • disappear on their own the next day after the procedure.

However, if a woman experiences heavy bleeding that lasts for several days or weeks, then this is already a clear sign of pathological processes in the body. Moreover, most often, bloody discharge is observed in the presence of oncology, polyposis or uterine fibroids. In this case, the appearance of blood occurs due to trauma to the neoplasms.

Important! If the tumor is malignant, its damage can become a prerequisite for accelerated growth, progression of the disease and severe blood loss. Therefore, if the test results have not yet arrived, but the doctor told you about his suspicions of oncology, if severe bleeding appears after the test, you need to immediately go to the clinic or call an ambulance.

It should be noted that most often the presence of blood is observed after taking a smear for cytology. A test for the degree of purity of the vaginal flora is a non-traumatic method of diagnosis, so after it the discharge almost never changes its character.

Unless sanitary standards were violated during its implementation, which resulted in infection. In this case, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor and is accompanied by itching and burning in the intimate area.

In this case, the woman needs to immediately undergo a course of antibacterial therapy.

But after taking a sample for cytology, it can be smeared for several days. Moreover, if a woman actually has cancer, after the procedure she may experience nagging abdominal pain.

However, most often such studies are tolerated normally by women. They do not notice any changes in vaginal secretions or in their condition. But if after a smear there is bleeding that does not stop for more than 2 days, you should definitely visit a doctor. Since this phenomenon is not normal and requires immediate treatment.


Indications for prescribing a smear test in women

Every woman at least once in her life, visiting a gynecologist, has had a smear for microflora or hidden infections. A smear is taken from the walls of the vagina, cervical canal and cervix. In laboratory conditions, microscopic examination of cells contained in biological material is carried out. This analysis allows you to assess the condition of the epithelial cells of the uterus and vagina, identify pathogenic microorganisms and sexually transmitted diseases. It is advisable to take a smear regularly, once a year, even if the woman has no visible cause for concern, since many infections may not cause any symptoms for a long time.

A smear is mandatory in cases where a woman complains of itching and burning in the genital area, unusual discharge from them, or sudden pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, these signs indicate the presence of some disease, which can only be diagnosed using a smear test. In addition, it is advisable to conduct a study of biomaterial if a woman has had unprotected contact with a partner little known to her and there is a risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

Also, the gynecologist prescribes a mandatory smear test for women planning a pregnancy, preparing for IVF or other artificial insemination procedures (ART). For women expecting a child, a smear test is carried out three times throughout the pregnancy, since infections can be transmitted from mother to child, complicate childbirth or cause miscarriage.

In gynecology, there are several types of smear analysis, depending on the type of study.

  1. The most common is a flora smear or general smear, with which the doctor determines the so-called cleanliness of a woman’s vagina. What does it show? This method can determine the condition of epithelial cells and identify the presence of diseases caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as vaginitis, candidiasis (thrush), vaginosis, cervicitis. As a result of bacterioscopic examination, some sexually transmitted diseases are also diagnosed - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis. The analysis is based on the ability of different microorganisms to turn different colors depending on the degree of resistance to antibiotics. This ability was discovered by the Danish scientist G.K. Gram. As a result of staining the biomaterial, gram-positive (gram+) microorganisms are identified, which are highly sensitive to antibiotics, and gram-negative (gram-), characterized by a thinner and more complex shell and low sensitivity to drugs. Gram-negative microorganisms can cause various diseases of the female genital area. During the analysis under a microscope, a laboratory doctor counts the number of differently colored microorganisms, leukocytes, determines the shape of bacteria, their size and location. In some cases, unstained (native) smears are examined, which makes it possible to detect flagellated forms of Trichomonas. In addition, as part of the flora smear, a so-called microflora culture can be carried out. It is used in cases where the causative agent of the disease cannot be detected under a microscope due to its low concentration and to determine the genus and type of bacteria. In this case, the biomaterial taken from the woman’s genital organs is placed in a special gelatin-based nutrient medium, and after a certain time the result is studied.

The appearance of colonies of microorganisms on the nutrient substrate indicates the presence of a disease. The culture method is also used to determine treatment strategy, since during the maturation of the colony it is possible to find out which groups of antibiotics it is particularly unstable to.

  1. Smear for hidden infections. Hidden infections include a group of diseases that can be asymptomatic for several months or even years, causing complications, and in some cases even infertility. Today, the most reliable way to detect hidden infections is to examine a smear using PCR (polymerase chain reaction). This method is used to diagnose infections that are not detected in general smears. To carry out the analysis, a secretion is taken from the cervix, vagina or urethra and a multi-stage increase in the concentration of nucleic acid is performed and individual DNA fragments of microorganisms present in the smear are copied. As a result, the doctor can determine the species and genus of all pathogenic bacteria and their ability to cause the development of diseases. In most cases, PCR analysis is used when the presence of sexually transmitted diseases is suspected and has a practically asymptomatic course in the early stages. The advantages of the method are:
  • high accuracy of identifying the infectious agent;
  • the ability to determine precisely the presence of the virus, and not the products of its vital activity or decay;
  • the ability to make an accurate diagnosis based on just one cell of a microorganism.
  1. A smear for oncocytology, or a Papanicolaou test (Pap test), allows you to detect the presence of cancer in the cervix in the early stages and begin therapy on time. The Pap test detects most inflammatory diseases, epithelial dysplasia and malignant tumors. This smear test is recommended annually for all women aged 21 to 65 years. If a woman experiences menstrual irregularities, inflammatory processes in the cervical canal, or infertility, the doctor will prescribe a smear for oncocytology without fail. It is also recommended to undergo a Pap test when diagnosing diabetes, obesity of 2-3 degrees, during pregnancy planning, when taking hormone-containing drugs and the presence of genital herpes and papilloma viruses in the body. When analyzing a smear, you can get five types of results depending on the presence and degree of pathology. The first type is a negative indicator, indicating that there are no deviations from the norm in the woman’s body and she is completely healthy. In the second type, there is an inflammatory disease that requires treatment. The third type indicates the presence in the epithelium of single cells with an abnormal nuclear structure. The fourth type is suspicion of malignant formation or erosion of the cervix, genital herpes, papillomavirus infection, parakeratosis. The fifth type is the presence of cancer that requires immediate treatment. It should be remembered that a smear shows only the degree of cell changes, but not the reason that caused them. Diagnosis requires the results of other tests, including biopsy, colposcopy and histological examination. If atypical cells are found in the smear, this will be written about in the conclusion, and the type of changes will also be indicated. If there are no special notes in the cytology smear transcript, this indicates that no pathologies were found during the study.

When choosing a day to take a smear, you need to take into account your menstrual cycle. It is advisable to take the test before the start of menstruation or a few days after its end (the optimal period is the fifth day) to avoid blood getting into the smear. Although the swab test procedure is not overly complicated, it is still necessary to take some additional steps in advance to ensure a clear result. Preparation for a smear for infection in women is as follows:

  1. Do not use vaginal suppositories, tampons, or ointments before the test.
  2. Avoid douching.
  3. If you have an inflammatory disease accompanied by copious secretion, you must first carry out treatment and only after complete recovery take a smear.
  4. Avoid sexual intercourse for one to two days before taking the test.
  5. Do not use intimate hygiene products the day before and on the day of the procedure.
  6. Refrain from emptying your bladder immediately before your smear test.

Otherwise, a woman can lead a normal life: no restrictions on diet or physical activity are required.

Taking a smear from a woman for flora, for hidden infections and for oncocytology is somewhat different. In all cases, before the procedure, the woman undergoes a general gynecological examination on a chair using a mirror.

When performing a smear on the flora, after a visual assessment of the vaginal walls, the doctor uses a special sterile spatula to collect material from three areas - the vagina, the cervix and the external opening of the urethra. In some cases, sampling is carried out only from the first two areas. The material taken with a spatula is evenly distributed over a sterile glass slide in a wide smear. Applying the material in a drop, a thick layer or a small smear is considered incorrect, as it complicates the work of the laboratory technician. In this case, materials from different areas must be applied to the glass separately from each other. On the back of the glass, the doctor makes notes about the place where the smear was taken: U - urethra, V - vagina, C - cervix. After this, the glass is dried and sent to the laboratory for testing.

When taking a smear test in women for latent infections and oncocytology, the material is collected with a special brush or using special sterile cotton swabs. Before taking the material, mucus must be removed, since its presence can give a false result. Since most microorganisms are intracellular parasites, their accurate detection is only possible by examining scrapings from the walls of the genital organs. When analyzing for hidden infections, the material from the brush is placed in a saline solution stored in the refrigerator. A smear for oncocytology is applied to a glass slide and dried.

As a rule, the procedure for taking a smear is practically painless for a woman. Contact with a speculum can cause discomfort due to the temperature difference between the body and the metal instrument. When taking material with a tampon or brush from the cervix, a slight sensation of pain may be noted, which goes away immediately after the end of the manipulation. A smear for oncocytology can sometimes cause minor bleeding for two to three days. If severe bleeding, fever, or abdominal pain occur, you should urgently consult a gynecologist, since such symptoms are not normal when taking a smear.

After a smear test, the patient receives results that depend entirely on the type of test assigned to her.

When deciphering a smear analysis for flora, you need to know the normal indicators:

  1. Flat epithelium (pl.ep) - in a healthy woman this figure should not exceed 15 cells in the field of view. A larger number indicates an inflammatory process, and a smaller number indicates the presence of hormonal disorders.
  2. Leukocytes (L). The normal amount in the vagina is no more than 10, and in the cervix no more than 30 units.
  3. Dederlein bacilli, which provide normal microflora of the female genital organs. In a smear of a healthy woman, they should be present in large quantities, since their deficiency indicates a disturbed vaginal microflora.
  4. Mucus should be present in the smear in moderate quantities. Excessive mucus discharge is a sign of inflammation or infection.
  5. Fungi of the genus Candida, gonococci, and Trichomonas should not be detected in the smear. Their presence indicates a disease.

In addition to these indicators, the analysis may indicate one of four degrees of vaginal cleanliness. Only the first and second degrees are normal, the third and fourth are a sign of genital tract disease.

The results of a smear test for hidden infections can be obtained 1–2 days after the test. In some cases, they may be ready on the day of the procedure. The following infections are detected using a smear:

  • human herpes virus types 1 and 2;
  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human herpes virus;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • treponema pallidum;
  • mobiluncus;
  • bacteroides;
  • gonococcus;
  • gardnerella;
  • mycoplasma;
  • ureaplasma;
  • chlamydia.

In most cases, a smear for infection is a fairly reliable diagnostic procedure. With its help, you can identify most serious diseases of the genital area, and the cost of the analysis is quite affordable even in private clinics.

When undergoing an annual medical examination, every woman is obliged to visit a female doctor in order to exclude the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, and if they are present, to cure them in time. Sometimes this results in complaints of spotting after an examination by a gynecologist, accompanied by discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the lower body.

Indications for taking a smear

It is recommended to take a test for analysis of vaginal flora and oncocytology in the following situations:

  • when admitted to an antenatal clinic after diagnosing pregnancy;
  • menstrual irregularities (irregular periods, their absence, etc.);
  • infertility (it is mentioned only if a woman cannot become pregnant for 12 months or more);
  • genital herpes;
  • when taking contraceptive medications (for preventive purposes);
  • human papillomavirus;
  • the woman is overweight;
  • endometriosis;
  • erosion;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • before performing instrumental gynecological procedures (installation of an intrauterine device, cauterization, etc.);
  • with frequent changes of sexual partners;
  • when planning pregnancy.

A smear is taken both as a diagnostic method and as a preventative one (it is recommended to take it at least once a year). It is also often taken to monitor the treatment being carried out. The results of the study are usually ready after 3-5 days.

What are the dangers of inspections?

It happens that a woman, after being examined by a doctor, discovers brown discharge. This is considered the norm: when collecting material for research, small vessels are damaged, so a small volume of blood released due to instrumental intervention is allowed.

The occurrence of spotting after a gynecological examination is also provoked by the behavior of an overly nervous woman who, fidgeting in her seat, can cause mechanical damage inside the vagina with a sudden movement.

Blood vessels are fragile, so a visit to a specialist for a considerable number of representatives of the fairer sex ends with scanty discharge of light or dark brown color. If after a couple of hours they stop on their own, there is no need to worry.

Sometimes manipulations performed by a doctor can speed up the onset of menstruation, at the beginning of which spotting brown discharge also appears.

An alarming reason is a bloody mark observed on underwear within two to three days after a visit to the antenatal clinic. There is a possibility that a serious injury has occurred or a hidden illness has made itself felt. It can be confirmed by elevated temperature, pus, and unpleasant odor. During sexual intercourse, pain, discomfort, and itching are observed.

In case of heavy bleeding that resembles menstruation, you must immediately visit a medical facility to identify the cause and eliminate the consequences.

Symptoms such as lack of strength, exhaustion, vomiting, fever, accompanied by hemorrhage from the reproductive organs may indicate spontaneous abortion. Do not neglect the recommendation of doctors to go to the clinic for preservation and undergo additional examinations.

Reasons for the appearance of discharge after a gynecological examination

By examining a smear to identify suspicious cellular elements, a specialist can damage the vulnerable surface of the vagina, which is why brown discharge occurs after examination by a gynecologist. As a rule, they pass quickly.

Brownish discharge after taking a smear can also signal pathological changes in the pelvic organs, or be a consequence of stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, taking contraceptives, or wearing an intrauterine device.

By the way, after installing the spiral, the discharge may also be different, so we advise you to read separate information on this topic.

The pink color of the discharge indicates the presence of hormonal problems, the occurrence of erosion, and endometriosis. When scraping, the doctor scratches the erosive surface or touches excess growth, which begins to bleed.

Normally, representatives of the fairer sex should have discharge of short duration if emergency methods of contraception (Postinor) are used, laparoscopic surgery has been performed, erosion has been cauterized, or low functionality of the thyroid gland has been detected.

After Postinor, the discharge may be unusual in nature, so special attention to this issue is required.

The main causes of discharge after taking a smear in women and what can be done

A smear is taken for cytological examination during a gynecological examination. It is carried out to identify pathological abnormalities in the cells of the cervix by determining the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). There is also another smear that is needed for bacteriological examination, which allows one to identify pathogens of infectious diseases and select medications for their treatment. Undoubtedly, both the first and second studies are necessary and absolutely all women over 18 years of age and before menopause should undergo them. The procedure itself is painless, but after it some people experience unnatural discharge mixed with blood. But why do they arise? And is it worth going to the doctor again when discharge appears after taking a smear? Let's talk about it.

Bloody discharge after examination in pregnant women

If, with caution, discharge is still observed after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy, this can be caused by:

  • injury to tissues to which blood flows;
  • separation of the mucus plug;
  • damage to internal organs, which is dangerous and requires medical intervention;
  • abruption or placenta previa.

When checked in the fortieth week of pregnancy, bloody or brown discharge often indicates imminent labor. This is usually preceded by the rejection of the mucus plug, which clogs the uterus, protecting the fetus from infection.

Normally, small discharge is not accompanied by annoying symptoms such as itching and inflammation. If they occur, this indicates possible pathologies.

In the early stages of pregnancy, hemorrhages can threaten the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, deformation of the cervix, and miscarriage.

Spotting can occur after examining the expectant mother's cervix, cytology, since this organ is very traumatic, any external invasion can cause damage to the epithelium and, as a result, discharge from the genital tract.

Existing neoplasms inside the reproductive organs (polyps, tumors) are very often traumatized during examination, causing hemorrhage. This should worry you and be a reason to contact a specialist.

Is bleeding dangerous after examination by a gynecologist?

When undergoing an annual medical examination, every woman is obliged to visit a female doctor in order to exclude the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system, and if they are present, to cure them in time. Sometimes this results in complaints of spotting after an examination by a gynecologist, accompanied by discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the lower body.

What are the dangers of inspections?

It happens that a woman, after being examined by a doctor, discovers brown discharge. This is considered the norm: when collecting material for research, small vessels are damaged, so a small volume of blood released due to instrumental intervention is allowed.

The occurrence of spotting after a gynecological examination is also provoked by the behavior of an overly nervous woman who, fidgeting in her seat, can cause mechanical damage inside the vagina with a sudden movement.

Blood vessels are fragile, so a visit to a specialist for a considerable number of representatives of the fairer sex ends with scanty discharge of light or dark brown color. If after a couple of hours they stop on their own, there is no need to worry.

Sometimes manipulations performed by a doctor can speed up the onset of menstruation, at the beginning of which spotting brown discharge also appears.

An alarming reason is a bloody mark observed on underwear within two to three days after a visit to the antenatal clinic. There is a possibility that a serious injury has occurred or a hidden illness has made itself felt. It can be confirmed by elevated temperature, pus, and unpleasant odor. During sexual intercourse, pain, discomfort, and itching are observed.

In case of heavy bleeding that resembles menstruation, you must immediately visit a medical facility to identify the cause and eliminate the consequences.

You cannot ignore the situation when discharge appears after a smear during pregnancy, even when it is very insignificant. The doctor should conduct an examination no earlier than the eighth week to prevent placental abruption.

After all, when taking an analysis, you have to “scrape off” the cells of the mucous membrane, which is likely to cause tissue injury, leading to miscarriage. There are times when, at an extremely short period of gestation, the gynecologist himself provokes abortion of the fetus with sudden movements.

In this case, bleeding may occur even the next day, when it is too late to take any action.

Symptoms such as lack of strength, exhaustion, vomiting, fever, accompanied by hemorrhage from the reproductive organs may indicate spontaneous abortion. Do not neglect the recommendation of doctors to go to the clinic for preservation and undergo additional examinations.

Bloody discharge after examination in pregnant women

If, with caution, discharge is still observed after examination by a gynecologist during pregnancy, this can be caused by:

  • injury to tissues to which blood flows;
  • separation of the mucus plug;
  • damage to internal organs, which is dangerous and requires medical intervention;
  • abruption or placenta previa.

When checked in the fortieth week of pregnancy, bloody or brown discharge often indicates imminent labor. This is usually preceded by the rejection of the mucus plug, which clogs the uterus, protecting the fetus from infection.

Normally, small discharge is not accompanied by annoying symptoms such as itching and inflammation. If they occur, this indicates possible pathologies.

In the early stages of pregnancy, hemorrhages can threaten the development of inflammatory or infectious diseases, deformation of the cervix, and miscarriage.

Spotting can occur after examining the expectant mother's cervix, cytology, since this organ is very traumatic, any external invasion can cause damage to the epithelium and, as a result, discharge from the genital tract.

Existing neoplasms inside the reproductive organs (polyps, tumors) are very often traumatized during examination, causing hemorrhage. This should worry you and be a reason to contact a specialist.

What to do if there is bleeding after a gynecological examination

If, after returning from the female doctor, bleeding begins, you should pay attention to its nature: color, thickness, frequency and volume.

Short-term (several hours or one day) small bleeding caused by manipulations with the gynecological speculum is allowed. After returning from the doctor, you should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, change your underwear, and lie down. If scarlet or dark blood continues to flow, you should not endure it, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Heavy discharge should alert you when it is accompanied by:

  • significant pain in the lower torso or vagina;
  • increased discomfort;
  • burning sensation in the genitals;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • impurities of pus;
  • heat;
  • labored breathing;
  • cardiopalmus.

In these cases, emergency assistance is required to identify the problem in a timely manner and correctly solve it.

Examination after examination in a chair can reveal the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis. It occurs in 10–15 percent of women of childbearing age and is characterized by painful periods, vaginal discharge, and uterine bleeding. The mucous membrane of the uterus grows into other organs and tissues of the pelvis, disrupting their function.
  2. Polyps are benign neoplasms into which a significant number of vessels grow, and at the slightest damage they begin to bleed. At the initial stage of development, they may not manifest themselves in any way and may not bother the woman, so they can only be detected during an examination by a specialist.
  3. Hyperplastic growth of the endometrium. The inner layer of the uterus grows, and there is a high probability of the process progressing to oncology.
  4. Cervical dysplasia. If left untreated, damage to the epithelial structure can lead to irreversible consequences, in particular cancer.
  5. Myoma, fibromyoma.
  6. A tumor of a malignant nature.
  7. Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis).

All of these pathological abnormalities are characterized by bloody discharge.

Contact bleeding suggests the presence of problems in the female body. In rare cases, in the gynecological chair you can “catch” an unpleasant infection - bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis. This happens if the doctor neglects the rules of hygiene. Precursors of such infections, as a rule, are discharge mixed with blood immediately after examination.

In women who have not given birth, pain and discomfort after a medical examination are observed more often than in women who have children. Their vaginal muscles are less stretched, the cervix is ​​quite narrow, and access to it has to be expanded with instruments. As a result of the increased sensitivity of the epithelial membrane to mechanical irritants, short-term bleeding may begin.

What to do if there is bleeding after a gynecological examination

If, after returning from the female doctor, bleeding begins, you should pay attention to its nature: color, thickness, frequency and volume.

Short-term (several hours or one day) small bleeding caused by manipulations with the gynecological speculum is allowed. After returning from the doctor, you should carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, change your underwear, and lie down. If scarlet or dark blood continues to flow, you should not endure it, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

Heavy discharge should alert you when it is accompanied by:

  • significant pain in the lower torso or vagina;
  • increased discomfort;
  • burning sensation in the genitals;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • impurities of pus;
  • heat;
  • labored breathing;
  • cardiopalmus.

In these cases, emergency assistance is required to identify the problem in a timely manner and correctly solve it.

Examination after examination in a chair can reveal the following pathologies:

  1. Endometriosis. It occurs in 10–15 percent of women of childbearing age and is characterized by painful periods, vaginal discharge, and uterine bleeding. The mucous membrane of the uterus grows into other organs and tissues of the pelvis, disrupting their function.
  2. Polyps are benign neoplasms into which a significant number of vessels grow, and at the slightest damage they begin to bleed. At the initial stage of development, they may not manifest themselves in any way and may not bother the woman, so they can only be detected during an examination by a specialist.
  3. Hyperplastic growth of the endometrium. The inner layer of the uterus grows, and there is a high probability of the process progressing to oncology.
  4. Cervical dysplasia. If left untreated, damage to the epithelial structure can lead to irreversible consequences, in particular cancer.
  5. Myoma, fibromyoma.
  6. A tumor of a malignant nature.
  7. Sexually transmitted diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis).

All of these pathological abnormalities are characterized by bloody discharge.

In women who have not given birth, pain and discomfort after a medical examination are observed more often than in women who have children. Their vaginal muscles are less stretched, the cervix is ​​quite narrow, and access to it has to be expanded with instruments. As a result of the increased sensitivity of the epithelial membrane to mechanical irritants, short-term bleeding may begin.

Making the correct diagnosis

For a correct diagnosis, a complete history of all symptoms is needed. Light bleeding that ends quickly should not be a cause for concern. More voluminous ones require close attention and additional examination.

Excessive bleeding interferes with gynecological examination. In such cases, an ultrasound is performed, which is completely harmless even for pregnant women. With its help, you can diagnose the disease, determine the duration of pregnancy, and existing pathologies.

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