Hemostatic herbs for heavy periods - 16 effective methods

Every woman is taught from childhood that heavy and painful periods are normal. In 90% of cases, heavy menstruation is a consequence of gynecological diseases that affect both the general health of a woman and the reproductive system. Menorrhagia, or heavy periods, is equated to uterine bleeding, which occurs due to changes in hormonal levels, inflammatory processes and blood diseases. In this case, taking medications is not always effective, so herbal-based folk remedies come to the rescue for heavy periods.

Herbs for heavy bleeding during menstruation: types and methods of use

Hemostatic herbs help reduce the amount of discharge during menstruation. This therapy technique is widely used in folk medicine. The main thing is to establish the cause of heavy blood loss before starting to take such drugs.

How to stop bleeding without drugs

Tablets and hemostatic drugs used in traditional medicine for heavy periods are highly effective. Despite this, many people think about what to do during menstrual bleeding and resort to the use of folk remedies, considering them safer and more effective.

Hemostatic collection helps to perform the following tasks:

  • eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • destroy the infection;
  • minimize pain.

Herbal folk remedies for heavy periods stimulate the activity of the uterus and constrict blood vessels. Thanks to this effect, bleeding stops.

There are many plant-based recipes that are widely used for various gynecological diseases. Hemostatic herbs for heavy periods are used for the treatment and prevention of menstrual irregularities. With their help, the spasm is relieved and the general condition is normalized. In addition, medications have a calming effect.

Water pepper tincture

Among the plants that are used in gynecology to stop uterine bleeding, water pepper deserves special attention. To prepare a tincture based on it, pour a tablespoon of peppermint into 200 ml of boiling water, after which the container is wrapped and infused for several hours.

For heavy periods with clots, drink a tablespoon three times a day. The course of treatment lasts only a couple of days.

Stinging nettle

This herb is widely used in folk medicine as an effective remedy in the fight against heavy menstruation. To prepare the decoction, you need to pour one tablespoon of nettle into a glass of boiling water and simmer the liquid for at least 15–20 minutes over low heat. The finished product is filtered and taken in 50 ml. You need to drink 200 ml of medicine per day.

It is worth noting that using nettle for pregnant women and after childbirth is not recommended. In addition, this plant helps speed up the blood clotting process, so women should not take the decoction for more than three days.


A traditional folk remedy is prepared from the collection of plants to help with heavy menstruation. Yarrow is used as the main ingredient, but other ingredients are also present.

In equal proportions (one tablespoon each) yarrow, cinquefoil root and shepherd's purse are placed in a container. A teaspoon of oak bark is added to the resulting mixture, after which it should be poured with a glass of boiling water, and the liquid should be brought to a boil. The medicine must be filtered and drunk twice a day, 2 teaspoons each.


A plant such as barberry has also found application in gynecology. To stop bleeding during menstruation, you need to pour a couple of tablespoons of crushed leaves into 200 ml of boiling water and leave in a thermos for about an hour. When the drink is prepared, it is filtered, after which you can take one tablespoon up to five times a day.

An infusion based on berries and barberry leaves is also used. Fifty grams of this mixture is poured into 100 ml of vodka, after which the container is tightly covered and placed in a dark place for two weeks. Take 20 drops before meals. The medicine has an analgesic and hemostatic effect. With its help, it is possible to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Carnation multicolored

Dianthus is considered an effective herb for bleeding. To prepare an infusion based on it, you need to pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of the herb and wait at least an hour. After this, the liquid should be filtered and drunk 50 ml three times a day.

Cat's paw dioecious

In the treatment of uterine bleeding and many other gynecological pathologies, a cat's paw is often used. An infusion of this plant will help reduce the volume of menstruation.

To prepare it, 50 grams of raw material is poured with 500 ml of just boiled water. After this, the liquid must be left for 25–30 minutes and strained. Take one teaspoon of the product at intervals of one hour.

Therapy is continued until the bleeding stops completely.

Powder from a cat's paw can also be used to stop bleeding. Every hour you need to take 3 grams of the product until the discharge stops. This folk medicine is most effective for bleeding during the postpartum period.

Heavy periods are not a rare problem. According to statistics, every third woman of reproductive age encounters it. There are many medications that can reduce the volume of discharge, but herbs are no less effective.

If all instructions are followed correctly, treatment with their help takes a minimum of time. It is not recommended to resort to such methods of therapy without prior approval from a gynecologist.

Excessive bleeding can be caused by serious pathologies, which cannot be combated using traditional medicine.

If the bleeding was caused by a disruption in the menstrual cycle, then you should think about restoring menstruation with the help of herbs. Read more about this in a separate article on our website.

Source: https://TopGinekolog.ru/menstruation/sredstva/krovoostanavlivayushhie-travy

Treatment of amenorrhea with herbal decoctions

For women suffering from amenorrhea - absence of menstruation for 6 or more months, medicinal plants such as mantle, parsley, rue, quinoa, wormwood and others will help restore the menstrual cycle.

Recipe 1. Place two teaspoons of chopped apical stems of wormwood (along with flowers and leaves) into an enamel bowl with a lid and pour a glass of boiling water over them. Boil in a water bath with the lid closed for about 15 minutes and let sit for about 1 hour. Strain the broth, bring to the previous volume and take 1/3 cup 15 minutes before meals. The medicine is prepared and used daily until the menstrual cycle normalizes.

Recipe 2. Boil 0.5 cups of water in a bowl, then reduce the heat to low. Add 4 g of finely chopped rue leaves to the water and cook for 15 minutes, without letting the liquid boil. After cooling, strain the broth and take it in the morning before meals. It is advisable not to eat anything for 5-6 hours. And so on until menstruation normalizes.

Recipe 3. Pour two tablespoons of crushed mantle root into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for about 2 hours. Then boil for 20 minutes and strain, pour the broth into the bath. Take a bath before going to bed at a water temperature of 36-37 o C. This treatment is carried out for 14 days. If this time is not enough for the appearance of menstruation, then the course can be repeated in a week.

Effective and safe herbs for heavy periods

Menstruation lasting more than 7 - 10 days and in terms of the volume of blood lost more than 150 ml for all critical days can be called heavy. There is always a reason for this, sometimes it is not so easy to find.

Often, in addition to the main treatment of such conditions, herbal medicine is prescribed, sometimes in quite long courses.

What herbs are most effective to drink during heavy periods? How else can you reduce bleeding at home?

Causes of heavy bleeding

Heavy periods are practically synonymous with this concept: metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, polymenorrhea. In any case, we are talking about bloody discharge that disrupts a woman’s normal lifestyle. The reasons for such conditions may be hidden in the following:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • uterine fibroids with predominantly submucous nodes;
  • endometrial hyperplasia and polyps;
  • endometriosis;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • oncological diseases of the genital organs;
  • stress and psycho-emotional stress;
  • IUD in the uterine cavity.

Hormonal imbalance

Stress and stress affect not only a woman’s general health, but also her reproductive function. Teenage girls are especially susceptible to cycle disorders due to overload and psycho-emotional stress. Such conditions lead to disruption of neural connections in the brain and organs, and to improper regulation of functions. The result is heavy and often prolonged menstruation.

Hypermenorrhea also occurs during the premenopausal period. At this time, the ovaries reduce the production of sex hormones, which leads to various malfunctions. During examination and curettage, pathology in such situations is often not detected. Various herbs that reduce menstruation are relevant as treatment. Also, vitamin complexes, changes in lifestyle and nutrition have a significant effect.

Endometrial pathology

This is one of the most common reasons leading to heavy periods. It is based on chronic inflammation and disruption of a woman’s hormonal levels.

Endometrial hyperplasia is a consequence of hyperestogenemia, which is often observed in overweight women. This is due to the fact that adipose tissue is hormonally active.

Endometrial polyps, in addition to heavy periods with clots, can cause intermenstrual spotting. They often form against the background of chronic endometritis.

Uterine fibroids

Any fibromatous nodes disrupt the contractility of the muscular layer of the uterine wall, resulting in heavy menstruation. Especially if the fibroid is localized under the mucous layer - submucosal.

In this case, even small tumors can cause constant bleeding with clots during menstrual periods.

Radical treatment is removal of nodes, possibly involving hysteroscopy in case of submucosal location.


This pathology can be localized in any part of the reproductive system. But damage to the myometrium (in this case called adenomyosis) causes very heavy and often painful periods, the volume of which will increase as the disease progresses. Often with endometriosis, prolonged bloody or brown spotting is observed on the eve of and after critical days.

Bleeding disorder

This condition can be either acquired or congenital. In the first case, it develops while taking anticoagulants (medicines that reduce blood clotting), which are widely used in cardiological practice (for heart defects, after heart attacks, after organ transplants, etc.).

Some viruses and bacteria, entering a woman’s body and causing some kind of pathology, simultaneously reduce blood clotting. This manifests itself in heavy periods in the cycle when the disease occurs.

Congenital disorders of hemostasis appear in childhood or at the beginning of menstrual function. These are various types of hemophilia, Werlhof's disease and others. Identification of these pathologies requires a thorough and special examination.

Oncological diseases

Malignant diseases of the cervix and uterine cavity, ovaries can cause heavy menstruation and spotting between them. No hemostatic herbs during menstruation will be effective in these situations. As the pathology progresses, the volume of discharge will increase. It is important to detect the disease in a timely manner, when a radical cure is still possible.


The intrauterine device very often causes increased discharge during menstruation in women.

This is not due to “monthly miscarriages,” as you might read, but to the individual characteristics of the body.

In particular, with an IUD, the contractility of the uterus is impaired, which affects the duration and volume of critical days. In this case, you can effectively use herbs that reduce menstruation.


Each woman has an approximate estimate of how much blood she loses monthly during her menstrual period. On average it is 150 ml, about 20 - 30 ml per day. With heavy menstruation, their number increases significantly, and clots often appear. Some compare them to pieces of liver. Abundant days can be either all days or only 3-5 of them.

If a woman is constantly bothered by heavy periods, then the body may not have time to compensate for blood loss - anemia occurs, the symptoms of which depend on the degree of its manifestation. It can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • pale skin,
  • weakness,
  • lethargy,
  • increased fatigue,
  • shortness of breath during normal physical activity and even walking,
  • frequent dizziness.

Correction of hemoglobin levels immediately leads to the disappearance of all symptoms.

The best homemade recipes

Effective herbal medicine will be a good addition to any treatment for heavy menstruation. To do this, you need to know which herbs stop menstruation best, and in what form they are more effective to use.

Nettle and its combination with other plants

You can use it separately or in combination when another herb for bleeding during menstruation is added to the composition, for example, shepherd's purse. It is also useful to combine it with hogweed and red brush.

Recipe 1. Pour 2 tbsp. l mixture of shepherd's purse and nettle with a glass of boiling water, keep on low heat for 3 - 5 minutes. Take 100 ml twice a day during menstruation.

Recipe 2. You need to take young leaves and squeeze the juice out of them. You can grind it through a meat grinder. It should be taken 1 tsp three times a day before meals, it is especially useful during menstruation.

Recipe 3. You need to take equal parts of nettle, shepherd's purse, knotweed and yarrow. Pour two tablespoons of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 20 - 30 minutes. You should take 3-4 tbsp. l 3-4 times a day.

Herbs that are useful for long periods and heavy periods, separately or in combination, can be:

  • shepherd's purse,
  • water pepper,
  • cinquefoil goose,
  • pepper knotweed,
  • common lilac,
  • knotweed,
  • horsetail and others.

It is very simple to prepare a decoction of each; there is a unique recipe. You need to take 1 - 2 tbsp. l of the plant, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 - 30 minutes, after which you can take it. Usually used 2 - 3 tbsp. l 3 - 4 times a day.

The bark of some plants can also be used. For example, viburnum. To do this, you need to take 30 - 40 g of bark. Pour 300 ml of water, boil and simmer for 15 -2 0 minutes. Then cool and strain. Dilute to the original volume and drink 3-4 tbsp. l several times a day.

Additional options for relief

During menstruation, if there is a tendency to be heavy, you should try to observe the following:

  • avoid excessive physical activity, heavy lifting, etc.;
  • you can apply cold to the lower abdomen at time intervals of 20 - 30 minutes several times during the day or more;
  • It is also possible to use various hemostatic drugs (tranexam, etamzilate, vikasol, ascorutin and others).

Heavy periods almost always hide some kind of gynecological pathology. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of the pathology only with folk remedies. It is most effective to carry out complex treatment prescribed by a doctor. He will also advise what herb to drink during heavy periods, in what form and for how long.

Source: https://ProMesyachnye.ru/travy-pri-obilnyx-mesyachnyx/

Shepherd's Purse

The herb is used to stabilize the menstrual cycle, normalize blood clotting, eliminate pain and relieve heavy blood loss. To prepare the medicinal composition, 2 tbsp. l. you need to steam it with 1 glass of boiling water, wrap the container in warm cloth and hold for 2 hours. After insisting, you should take it three times a day before meals, a dessert spoon at a time.

For heavy menstruation, the following herbal combinations are effective:

  • shepherd's purse;
  • valerian roots;
  • knotweed;
  • mistletoe.

Mix dry raw materials equally, 1 tbsp. l., pour 500 ml of boiling water, let it brew for a quarter of an hour, then bring to a boil over low heat, after diluting the composition with 1000 ml of liquid. It is recommended to drink the cooled and strained decoction to normalize the functions of the uterus, consuming 100 or 120 ml twice.

What herbs to drink during heavy periods

Critical days significantly change a girl’s usual lifestyle. But even greater discomfort is caused by menstrual irregularities, which manifest themselves in the form of heavy bleeding.

To normalize menstruation, the girl gives up smoking, maintains a balanced diet, and engages in active sports.

Hemostatic herbs for heavy periods are also actively used by women, as they provide a favorable result.

Causes of abundance

The treatment process must begin after determining the cause of heavy periods. The main provoking factors include:

  • hormonal imbalance negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive organs, which is the cause of prolonged menstruation;
  • most often, heavy periods are triggered by damage to endometrial tissue, which occurs as a result of inflammation;
  • the duration of the menstrual cycle depends on the formation of fibromatous nodes, since they disrupt muscle contractions;
  • menstruation becomes prolonged due to impaired rapid blood clotting;
  • severe bleeding is present with cancer;
  • The cause of long periods is often the intrauterine device.

What herbs help

Herbs for heavy periods quite often replace medications, since they effectively stop severe blood loss, reduce symptoms, thereby improving the girl’s well-being.

It is important that decoctions and infusions of herbs are prepared according to the recipe, which determines the doses.

Common lilac

One teaspoon of lilac is poured with boiling water and infused for fifteen minutes. The drug is taken 100 grams before lunch.

Herbal mixtures

The medicinal assortment should consist of a wide variety of herbs, since each of them provides its own positive result.

Buckthorn mixed with viburnum and wheatgrass

Ground buckthorn bark, wheatgrass root, and viburnum leaves are mixed in equal proportions. To prepare the tincture, you will need one tablespoon of herbal mixture, which must be added to a glass of boiling water. Next, you should wrap the container and leave for half an hour. The tincture should be taken several sips three times a day.

Nettle mixed with other herbs

A tincture of nettle leaves can be supplemented with shepherd's purse. To do this, add two tablespoons of dried herbs to the decoction. The prepared drug is consumed 100 ml in the morning and evening.

This method of preparation will also be useful: fresh leaves of nettle, hogweed and red brush are scrolled through a meat grinder.

The resulting juice should be taken in the amount of one tablespoon before meals.

High efficiency is ensured by using an infusion prepared according to this recipe: nettle, shepherd's purse and yarrow are mixed in equal quantities. Three tablespoons of the natural mixture are placed in a glass of boiling water, after which the broth is left to steep for thirty minutes. It is recommended to take the medicine daily at least three times, four tablespoons.

Hemostatic mixture

The decoction consists of lemon balm, buckthorn bark, and valerian root. The herbs are poured with boiling water and infused for twenty minutes. Taking the medicine must begin three days before the start of the critical days, and end on the second critical day. It is recommended to drink the medicinal decoction as often as possible.

Doctors' opinions

Albert Somov, gynecologist

It is appropriate to use folk remedies for heavy periods, since the problem is not so serious as to resort to taking serious medications. At the same time, I recommend that all my patients first make sure that they are not allergic to medicinal herbs, and only then start preparing decoctions.

Snezhana Dostoevskaya, gynecologist

Quite often, my patients are interested in my attitude towards alternative medicine methods. My personal opinion is largely skeptical; I trust only proven medications. But as practice shows, a positive effect from the use of natural decoctions still exists.

Source: https://TvoiMesyachnye.ru/vudeleniya/travy-ostanavlivayushhie-obilnye-mesyachnye

water pepper

Pepper-based tincture is recommended for patients who have undergone abortions, miscarriages, curettage and other interventions on the uterus, after which heavy menstruation is observed. Thanks to taking the drug, blood clotting increases, the tone of the uterine walls is restored, and capillary permeability decreases.

You can purchase a pharmacy tincture, or prepare it yourself by taking 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in a glass of boiling water and leave for several hours. A self-made remedy is drunk 25 ml three times with an interval of 4 hours, and pharmacy infusions - 30 drops on an empty stomach twice a day.

Hemostatic folk remedies - list of healers

Contrary to the opinion of many women, not all folk remedies are safe for heavy periods. If the intensity of the discharge changes, first of all you need to undergo a gynecological examination and determine why heavy periods began.

Important! Herbs can only be used on the advice of a doctor.

Contraindications to the use of hemostatic traditional methods include the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Each herb has its own list of contraindications:

  • It is forbidden to drink horsetail infusion in case of acute kidney diseases;
  • The use of boron uterus should be avoided in case of gastritis and poor blood clotting;
  • the red brush should not be used for patients with mental disorders, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, hypertension, heart failure;
  • water pepper is prohibited for hypertension, coronary heart disease, nephritis, renal failure, enterocolitis, which is accompanied by constipation;
  • lilac is not used for gastritis with high acidity, chronic renal failure, atonic constipation;
  • Yarrow infusion should be discarded if there is increased blood clotting or an increased tendency to intensive thrombus formation;
  • Corn silk and shepherd's purse are not recommended for women with varicose veins, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, or increased blood clotting.

Doctors' opinion

For any changes in the menstrual cycle, accompanied by large blood loss, a woman must visit her personal gynecologist. Even the most miraculous plants will not be able to stop bleeding if the cause is malignant tumors.

Due to the fact that women, especially those approaching retirement age, having read positive reviews, self-medicate and bring their condition to a critical level, the opinion of doctors is almost unambiguous. They believe that using hemostatic herbs is almost a crime.

They can be understood; doctors have to observe a sad picture when even the most powerful medications can no longer help restore health or life.

But at the same time, doctors still agree that, together with drug treatment, the use of herbs gives a good and stable result in stopping bleeding. The main thing is to coordinate your actions with the gynecologist, follow all his recommendations and not exclude pharmaceutical drugs from their course of treatment on your own.

What is uterine bleeding?

Bleeding in gynecological practice is one of the most serious conditions for the female body. Uterine bleeding is the discharge of blood from the uterine cavity. Some patients develop bleeding after sexual intercourse. There are several types of them.

These include:

  • Menstrual bleeding.
  • Bleeding during childbirth and the early postpartum period.
  • Injuries to the genital organs.
  • Spontaneous abortion.
  • Condition after artificial termination of pregnancy.
  • Diseases of the reproductive organs.

You can stop bleeding from the uterus by knowing its development mechanism. The mechanism of uterine bleeding depends on the cause that caused this condition. During menstruation, the endometrium sheds, resulting in bleeding.

During menstruation, it is usually not abundant. Heavy menstrual flow can be observed with the development of various gynecological diseases.

The mechanism for the development of bleeding during surgery, childbirth or abortion occurs due to injury to the vessels located in the uterine cavity. The same goes for injuries.

When to get help

Menstruation is a physiological process. Allocations are monthly. If everything goes well, then the lost blood is quickly replenished and the condition does not harm the body. This is only possible if up to 80 ml of fluid is released per day.

If menstruation is excessively heavy and a woman ignores the current condition, complications cannot be avoided. Violation poses a serious health hazard.

If you have heavy periods, visit your doctor

Menorrhagia is diagnosed when the amount of blood coming out per day exceeds 80 ml. This is no longer the norm and requires contacting a doctor for diagnosis and selection of effective treatment.

Additional options for relief

During menstruation, if there is a tendency to be heavy, you should try to observe the following:

  • avoid excessive physical activity, heavy lifting, etc.;
  • you can apply cold to the lower abdomen at time intervals of 20 - 30 minutes several times during the day or more;
  • It is also possible to use various hemostatic drugs (tranexam, etamzilate, vikasol, ascorutin and others).

Heavy periods almost always hide some kind of gynecological pathology. It is unlikely that it will be possible to get rid of the pathology only with folk remedies. It is most effective to carry out complex treatment prescribed by a doctor. He will also advise what herb to drink during heavy periods, in what form and for how long.

With heavy menstruation, which occurs due to illness, the uterus narrows the foci of endometriosis, due to which the discharge is normalized. The herb is used to make a tincture with 90-proof alcohol or vodka.

During heavy periods, in addition to stopping bleeding, shepherd's purse relieves possible pain in the patient and has a beneficial effect on her psycho-emotional state. Drinking drinks made from this herb will help.

How do herbs help with menstrual pain? So what if the attack doesn't go away? . So, if algomenorrhea is accompanied by heavy menstruation, then it is better to apply a heating pad with ice (or just meat from the freezer, etc.). Worry.

For heavy periods, effective remedies are decoctions of nettle, burnet, and yarrow. They are prepared as follows - 1 tablespoon of herbs (chopped) is poured with 1 glass of boiling water.

any disturbance of the menstrual cycle. Herbs for heavy periods: which ones stop them. Oregano for menstruation: how to brew during a delay, for.

However, the spectrum of action of the healing plant is quite wide. Experts use herbal decoctions for the following. Under the influence of oregano, periods become longer, but not as abundant.

How to use nettle

Nettle is another commonly used herb for treating excessively heavy periods. Used alone or in combination with other natural ingredients. For therapy, leaves and stems that have been previously dried are chosen.

Nettle is often used to stop bleeding

Nettle is used due to the presence of vitamin K. It is this substance that helps stop bleeding. It is recommended to take the plant in tea form. It is better to start doing this a week before the upcoming menstruation.

You can combine the product with rose hips. About 3 fruits are added to one mug. This tea is not only healthy, but also delicious.

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