Is white vaginal discharge dangerous? How to treat?

By the color and consistency of the discharge that comes out of the female genital organs, one can judge the state of health of the body. With normal functioning of the ovaries and uterus, and the absence of pathologies in the reproductive system, insignificant secretion is observed. This is considered normal and does not cause discomfort. If profuse white discharge and itching appear in women, it is worthwhile to promptly understand the reasons for such changes. In most cases, they are caused by the development of serious gynecological pathologies. It is important to contact a medical facility as soon as possible to prevent the development of complications and other negative consequences.

What is leucorrhoea?

The content of the article

Leucorrhoea is a vaginal discharge similar in consistency to egg white, which a woman usually notices on her underwear. Regular mucous discharge, which changes its consistency during the menstrual cycle, is not in itself considered a dangerous symptom. It is bad if the leucorrhoea is yellow, gray or red in color, has an unpleasant odor, or is released in large quantities. These are symptoms that indicate serious changes in the body that cannot be ignored.

Diagnostic methods

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of the disease. He will conduct a general and gynecological examination, and also prescribe a number of mandatory diagnostic measures . If an infectious etiology is suspected, biological material is taken to identify the pathogen: a scraping or smear from the posterior lower part of the vagina, cervical canal and urethra, as well as venous blood.

The most commonly used methods for determining the pathogen are:

  • simple microscopy;
  • bacteriological inoculation on nutrient media with determination of the sensitivity of microorganisms;
  • serodiagnosis (RIF, ELISA, RNGA, RTGA);
  • molecular methods (PCR, double hybridization method).

The PCR method has the greatest sensitivity and specificity, but it does not provide any information about the resistance of the pathogen to antibiotics. Therefore, a combination of several tests is used in the diagnostic search.

If cheesy discharge is the cause of extragenital pathology, then the doctor writes a referral to doctors of related specialties. An endocrinologist identifies changes in hormonal status and carries out replacement therapy . If a woman has a history of chronic urinary tract diseases, she should visit a urologist and nephrologist.

In infectious diseases, pharmacotherapy with antibacterial drugs plays a decisive role.

When can white discharge be a symptom of pathology?

The main symptom of the pathological process is a change in the normal color of the discharge. They may take on a green tint, become gray, pink, or even bloody. At the same time, an unusual pungent odor is felt. Such symptoms indicate inflammation or other pathological processes in the woman’s reproductive system. In addition, the following can provoke such a reaction in the body:

  • microtrauma and perineal rupture;
  • douching with disinfectant solutions;
  • prolapse of the vaginal walls.

Often atypical discharge is accompanied by unbearable itching. This is a clear sign of illness that should force a woman to see a doctor. Often itching and burning of the genitals accompanies thrush, in which the leucorrhoea acquires a cheesy consistency and a creamy hue, with a specific smell of yeast.

During trichomoniasis (an infectious disease of the genitourinary system), the mucus becomes foamy, gray or yellow-green in color. There is also discomfort caused by severe itching in the genitals.

White discharge - normal and disease

The vagina is designed in such a way that its walls always remain wet. This is necessary to minimize the development of pathogenic microflora. The lubricant consists of leukocytes, epithelial elements, mucus and bacteria that perform protective functions. Minor white discharge, which is not accompanied by itching and an unpleasant odor, is a completely normal occurrence for every healthy representative of the fair sex. The absence of any pathologies can be determined by the following signs:

  • white, practically transparent color of mucus, shades of cream or yellow may appear;
  • there is no smell at all or is barely noticeable;
  • The consistency is watery, not too thick.

About 5 ml of secretion is released in the intimate area per day. This amount increases before sexual intercourse, as well as directly at the moment of sexual intimacy.

The absence of discharge is considered a bad sign, since it indicates the development of serious pathologies. Often, similar symptoms are characteristic of menopause, when the vaginal walls become thinner and dry. The absence of secretion is also characteristic of atrophic vaginitis. This disease develops when there is a lack of estrogen in the body. The disease itself is not particularly dangerous, but makes the reproductive system most susceptible to pathogenic bacteria and infections.

A sign of abnormalities is considered to be abundant white discharge, reminiscent of the consistency of cottage cheese. Often accompanying symptoms are burning and intense itching. Danger is indicated by scaly and foamy mucus and the presence of a sour, fishy or rotten odor.

Types of leucorrhoea

Depending on the place of formation, leucorrhoea is classified into the following types:

  • Vaginal
    . They usually appear after suffering from inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. Discharge in this case can be the result of transudation (leakage of the liquid part of the blood) into the lumen of the vagina, caused by mechanical or chemical effects on the mucous membrane of the organ. During the oncological process, vaginal discharge can be sanguineous.
  • Cervical
    . Symptoms of diseases of the cervix, endocrine system, tuberculosis. Depending on the origin, they may contain pus or blood impurities. With cervical cancer, leucorrhoea usually has a liquid consistency.
  • Uterine
    . The appearance of uterine leucorrhoea indicates endometritis or tumors. The acute course of endometritis is accompanied by purulent discharge, and the chronic form is watery. With cancer of the uterine body, the uterine discharge is watery, and during the disintegration of the tumor it becomes red-gray in color.
  • Pipe.
    Tubal discharge is usually watery and yellow in color. Tubal leucorrhoea appears due to cancer of the fallopian tube. Their consistency is watery with an admixture of blood. This disease is quite rare and is the result of advanced inflammation of the cervix or fallopian tubes.

How does natural vaginal discharge change?

The consistency, viscosity and density of normal white discharge varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The female hormones estrogen and progesterone are responsible for these changes.

  • Early in the cycle (before ovulation), when estrogen levels rise, the discharge is whitish, scanty, clear and viscous.
  • During ovulation, the task of mucus is to facilitate fertilization and protect sperm. The mucus then becomes the most abundant, sticky, transparent, and less viscous. It resembles the white of a chicken egg.
  • After ovulation, the mucus thickens, becomes plump, thick and opaque. This mucus perfectly protects the birth canal from infections.
  • The last phase of the cycle is menstruation. During this period, mucus is secreted along with menstrual blood.

Changes in the nature of cervical mucus before and after ovulation
The appearance and amount of mucus produced also changes as a woman ages. In girls, odorless, scanty, white discharge is visible. During the reproductive period, the amount of mucus secreted increases significantly and decreases during puberty. After menopause, discharge almost stops being produced.

Causes of leucorrhoea

If a woman has excessive discharge from the genital tract, white with a yellow-green tint, an unpleasant odor and an admixture of pus or blood, a pathology is definitely developing in the body. Such discharge is usually accompanied by burning, itching and a constant feeling of wetness in the genital area. The most common causes are inflammation, neoplasms (malignant/benign), infections, diabetes mellitus and poor intimate hygiene.

Infectious factors that can provoke pathological white vaginal discharge include:

  • bacterial vaginosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • candidiasis.

With age, the body changes, new diseases appear due to a sharp change in female hormones, which can also cause the appearance of pathological white discharge. Another reason for the appearance of unusual leucorrhoea is a change in sexual partner. This is due to a change in the usual microflora and the invasion of the bacterial environment of a new sexual partner.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the root cause that triggered the development of this condition, the doctor will perform a bacteriological culture of the contents of the vagina and cervix. The result will be known in a few days. In a number of situations, the following research methods can be used to clarify the diagnosis:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • survey smear on the flora of the genital tract;
  • specific tests to identify pathogens that cause sexually transmitted infections;
  • General analysis of urine and blood.

Based on the research results, specific therapy is selected. For treatment, antibacterial and antiseptic agents are usually used, mainly of local action. The list includes:

  • candles;
  • gels;
  • vaginal tablets.

Systemic drugs are used extremely rarely. When therapy is completed, a control collection of materials is carried out for bacteriological culture of secretions from the vagina and cervix.

Why see a doctor?

The doctor first assesses the nature of the discharge and interviews the patient. A gynecological examination and tests (blood, smear) are prescribed. The absence or presence of swelling, inflammation, and other pronounced symptoms that can be determined during the examination are taken into account. If necessary, a rectal or bimanual vaginal examination is performed.

To avoid the appearance of unusual vaginal discharge, it is first of all important to observe good personal hygiene and not be promiscuous. Attentive attention to nutrition and the use of medications is another step towards women's health. Every woman should visit a gynecologist at least once a year for preventive purposes.

At the Diana Medical Center, each patient can receive professional advice from an experienced gynecologist, undergo comprehensive diagnostics and a course of individually selected treatment. Professionalism, modern equipment and affordable prices are the main advantages of the Diana multidisciplinary clinic.

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In order to prevent the appearance of creamy discharge that is not included in the norm, you must:

  • Use protection during sexual intercourse with a new partner.
  • Observe hygiene rules.
  • When visiting public toilets, use special toilet covers.
  • Wear underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise, which has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • To refuse from bad habits.
  • Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.

Self-medication can negatively affect a woman’s health, so before using medications you should consult a doctor.

If your discharge smells sour during pregnancy

White discharge with a sour odor during early pregnancy is natural and indicates changes occurring in the body, including hormonal ones.

You should be wary if, during gestation, a watery or thick, dark gray secretion with the smell of cottage cheese, fish, or pus appears. An inflammatory process or infection can lead to serious consequences for both mother and child.

If it begins to bleed, pain is felt, and the mucus gives off pus with a sour aroma, then we are talking about fetal fading or an ectopic pregnancy. In this situation, the pregnancy is terminated using medical abortion.

At the beginning of labor, a sickly sweet and sour fragrance is felt, which means that the amniotic sac has burst and the waters are breaking.

Not in all cases the delay indicates an “interesting situation”. With specific vaginal fluid, it can mean various pathologies.

Why does curdled discharge occur?

Curd-like copious discharge means certain disorders in the reproductive system. Unfortunately, the problem is quite common, worsening the quality of life. The discharge is accompanied by itching, irritation, and redness of the external genitalia.

The causes of unpleasant symptoms are very different:

  • exceeding the permissible rate of antibiotics;
  • failure in the hormonal system;
  • weakened immune system;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • oral contraceptives, installation of an intrauterine device;
  • overweight;
  • excessive douching, hygiene procedures with aromatic cosmetics;
  • synthetic, tight underwear.

Patients with diabetes mellitus and endocrine disorders regularly complain of cheesy discharge with itching.

For pathologies and diseases

Brown, green, yellow and white discharge with a sour odor can be disturbing due to gynecological disorders, inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.


Thrush is considered a common problem among women. In most cases, this is what causes white discharge with a sour odor.

Symptoms are characterized by the appearance of a creamy or curdled secretion that smells like sour milk, kefir or yogurt. Along with curd underwear, unbearable vaginal itching and burning may occur. The odor released is caused by fungi of the Candida family, hence the name of the disease - Candidiasis.

It can be transmitted either sexually or occur as a result of disruption of the natural vaginal microflora due to a weakened body, physical activity, lactobacilli deficiency, or taking antibiotics. Therefore, such cervical fluid can be observed in girls who are not sexually active.

The most pronounced symptoms of thrush are during menstruation, after or before their onset.

Eliminating thrush is not difficult, but in 40% of situations, the curd secretion with a cheesy smell can return with the slightest weakening of the immune system or metabolic disorder. This is due to the characteristics of the body and the composition of the microflora.


If the discharge smells of a sour, cheese, kefir aroma, its color changes to yellow and it looks like a jelly-like thick substance, then this is an inflammation of the internal organs of the reproductive system. Perhaps it affected the ovaries - adnexitis, or the fallopian tubes - salpingitis. In this case, pain is felt in the left lower abdomen, and during a bilateral process, the entire peritoneum aches.

Bacteria and infections

If the vaginal secretion is excessively thick, accompanied by burning, itching, pain during urination and sexual intercourse, then you should be wary of infectious gonococcus or streptococcus. These diseases over time give the mucus a purulent characteristic, reminiscent of milk.

The sour smell of greenish discharge with a sticky consistency indicates a purulent process, which is most often caused by infectious diseases or advanced inflammation.


Dark brown discharge may be observed due to the presence of cervical erosion. Symptoms include periodic pain in the lower abdomen, however, this pathology often occurs in a latent form. Therefore, at the first suspicion of this, it is important to immediately visit a gynecologist. If there is blood, women's discharge may smell like iron.

Intimate hygiene

To prevent strong discharge from tormenting you should follow simple rules of intimate hygiene. It is important to shower regularly and use special formulations to cleanse the genitals. Such products can be purchased at any pharmacy; they help maintain normal microflora and reduce the risk of thrush.

So, during intimacy, mucus is released from the vagina due to the work of the sex glands. In the absence of pathologies, white liquid may indicate the approach of the ovulation period. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the secretion and changes in its color, smell and consistency at different times.

If you are concerned about itching or burning, it is best to visit a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations. This will allow you to identify the real cause of the discomfort and solve the problem.

White liquid

Often, women notice white discharge of a thick consistency, similar to cream, during sex. On forums dedicated to medical topics, usually no one can really give a clear explanation for such a phenomenon. Many recommend going to the clinic and being examined for infections. But experienced doctors assure that copious white discharge during sexual intercourse should not be scary.

If the secretion has a uniform consistency, has no odor and is not accompanied by itching or burning, there is no reason to sound the alarm. Gynecologists explain that such mucus is produced on certain days of the menstrual cycle. The hormonal background changes all the time, estrogen becomes either more or less. Such substances are precisely responsible for the nature of the mucus released.

Lubrication is produced not only by the vagina, but also by the uterus; this secretion is called cervical fluid. Through it, sperm enter the egg. In other words, it is a storage facility for semen, allowing it to survive in the acidic environment of the vagina.

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