Nutrition for uterine endometriosis: what you can and cannot eat

General description of the disease

Endometriosis is a female disease that is characterized by the development of endometrial cells in various tissues and organs. The cause of the disease may be disorders of the immune and hormonal systems (excess of the female hormone estrogen and lack of progesterone), which provoke uncontrolled growth of the endometrium, its prolonged rejection with increased bleeding.

Predisposing factors to the development of endometriosis:

difficult or late childbirth, abortion, cesarean section, diathermocoagulation of the cervix.

Signs of endometriosis:

increasing menstrual cramps; intestinal disorder; vomiting or nausea, dizziness; fatigue as a result of blood loss, intoxication; menstrual cycle less than 27 days; heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding; constipation; susceptibility to infections; repeating ovarian cysts; temperature increase; causeless pain in the pelvic area.

Please note that if such symptoms recur monthly, you should consult a doctor. Advanced endometriosis spreads to wider areas of the body and is difficult to treat. Often this disease can be confused with an infection of the bladder, vagina, ovarian cyst, or ectopic pregnancy.

Nutrition for endometriosis

General description of the disease

Endometriosis is a female disease that is characterized by the development of endometrial cells in various tissues and organs. The cause of the disease may be disorders of the immune and hormonal systems (excess of the female hormone estrogen and lack of progesterone), which provoke uncontrolled growth of the endometrium, its prolonged rejection with increased bleeding.

Predisposing factors to the development of endometriosis:

difficult or late childbirth, abortion, cesarean section, diathermocoagulation of the cervix.

Signs of endometriosis:

increasing menstrual cramps; intestinal disorder; vomiting or nausea, dizziness; fatigue as a result of blood loss, intoxication; menstrual cycle less than 27 days; heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding; constipation; susceptibility to infections; repeating ovarian cysts; temperature increase; causeless pain in the pelvic area.

Please note that if such symptoms recur monthly, you should consult a doctor. Advanced endometriosis spreads to wider areas of the body and is difficult to treat. Often this disease can be confused with an infection of the bladder, vagina, ovarian cyst, or ectopic pregnancy.

Patient reviews

At first, the diet did not help me improve my condition, probably due to the independent preparation of the menu. As soon as I went to see a doctor, who helped me figure out what and how much to eat, I began to improve dramatically.

I am obese, so I didn’t notice much improvement during treatment. But the only thing I can note is the ease in the stomach. Proper nutrition really brings the body back to normal.

Malyshkina, A. I. (2010). "Immunomodulators in the treatment of external genital endometriosis." “Mother and child. Materials of the XI All-Russian Scientific Forum". "Crocus Expo".

Maksimova, Yu. V. (2010) “Clinical and morphological characteristics of changes in eutopic and ectopic endometrium in common forms of genital endometriosis.” Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. honey. Sci.

Kutsenko, I. I. (1995). “Clinico-morphological diagnosis and treatment features of various active forms of genital endometriosis.” Author's abstract. dis. ...Dr. med. Sci.

Kondratieva, P. G. (2009). “The content of angiogenic and proinflammatory factors in the peritoneal fluid of patients with external genital endometriosis and endometrioid heterotopias.” "Medical Immunology".

About the author : Borovikova Olga

Useful foods for endometriosis

If you have endometriosis, it is very important to adhere to a diet, the diet of which is best coordinated with a nutritionist who will take into account the characteristics of your body. Rational and proper nutrition has a positive effect on the immune system and helps regulate hormone levels. Food should be taken at least five times a day, in small portions, liquid - at least one and a half liters per day.

Among the useful products are the following:

  • antioxidant products (fresh fruits, vegetables), especially recommended for genital and extragenital endometriosis;
  • natural fats with a high content of unsaturated acids (omega-3) (sardines, salmon, mackerel, flaxseed oil, nuts) are especially useful for menstrual bleeding as they prevent “transformation” of the uterus;
  • foods rich in cellulose, which helps regulate estrogen levels (brown rice, carrots, beets, zucchini, apples);
  • products with plant sterols that prevent excessive estrogen development (celery, garlic, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, green peas);
  • broccoli and cauliflower, which contain elements that activate liver enzymes and effectively remove excess estrogen from the body;
  • lean poultry varieties;
  • uncrushed cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, pearl barley), wholemeal bread;
  • low-fat dairy products (especially low-fat cottage cheese);
  • products with vitamin C (lemons, oranges, rosehip decoction, strawberries, red peppers).

Folk remedies for endometriosis

  • herbal decoction: one part of serpentine root, shepherd's purse and two parts of cinquefoil, calamus root, nettle leaves, knotweed herb (two spoons of the mixture in a glass of boiling water, boil for five minutes, keep in a thermos for an hour and a half), take three times a day half a glass 30 minutes before meals, take the decoction for one month, break for ten days, repeat the intake for another month;
  • a decoction of boron uterus grass (pour one tablespoon with half a liter of water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes) and a separate decoction of cinquefoil grass (pour one tablespoon with half a liter of water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes), divide each type of decoction into three parts , take a decoction of boron uterus herb an hour before meals, and a decoction of cinquefoil herb 20 minutes after meals;
  • A decoction of viburnum bark (one tablespoon per two hundred ml of water) consume two spoons three times a day.

Dangerous and harmful products for endometriosis

red meat (which promotes the production of prostaglandins), fried and spicy foods, fatty cheeses, butter, coffee, mayonnaise, strong tea, foods that have a stimulating effect on the mucous membrane (for example, sweet carbonated drinks), animal proteins (dairy products, eggs and fish).

Useful and harmful products

To speed up the healing process for endometriosis, the body needs the following substances:

  • cellulose;
  • vegetable fiber;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fatty acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • styrene;
  • unsaturated fats;
  • amino acids.

So, what products contain substances that will have a beneficial effect on the female body and promote a speedy recovery?

List of necessary products for endometriosis:

  • raw vegetables - carrots, red bell peppers, zucchini, beets, leafy vegetables, pumpkin, zucchini;
  • fruits - all without exception;
  • berries – preferably purple or red;
  • fatty fish, nuts, flax;
  • pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • dairy products;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • brown rice;
  • products made from wholemeal flour;
  • citrus;
  • legumes;
  • ginger;
  • greenery.

Correct and healthy diet for endometriosis

A diet for endometriosis involves split meals, adherence to a drinking regime, and strict control over the intake of prohibited and permitted foods. Food should be prepared by boiling, stewing, baking or steaming. Compliance with all the nutritionist’s recommendations allows you to reduce the level of estrogen in the body, stop the process of progression/spread of endometriosis, and reduce the patient’s weight.

The diet improves a woman’s well-being: the menstrual cycle becomes stable, there is no pain in the lower abdomen, and the intensity and duration of bleeding decreases. Proper nutrition does not have a targeted therapeutic effect, but is involved in the healing process.

Read in this article

Gluten-free diet

Over the past few years, a gluten-free diet for many women has become not just a diet, but almost a way of life. It remains unclear how effective this diet is for people without celiac disease, a condition that makes a person sensitive to proteins found in wheat.

However, a 2012 study by Italian researchers found that 75% of 156 women who took part in the study reported a reduction in painful symptoms after following a gluten-free diet for 12 months.

Why diet is important for endometriosis

Diet for endometriosis is an important part of the therapeutic course because:

  • Allows you to adjust the level of estrogen in a woman’s body. They are produced by the reproductive system, and the degree of progression of the pathology depends on their quantity. Even if correction of this indicator is carried out with the help of hormonal drugs, phytoestrogens supplied with food can make treatment useless.
  • Stops the activity of the division process of pathologically altered cells. It occurs especially aggressively with reduced immunity, and vitamins and minerals that enter the body with food can support and strengthen it. Lack of balance in nutrition automatically makes the immune system weaker and provokes the progression of endometriosis.

Diet itself is not a therapeutic measure, and even the most correct, balanced diet cannot cure endometriosis, but the effectiveness of drug therapy will be much lower if the patient ignores the doctor’s recommendations regarding the menu.

Is gluten harmful?

Some nutritionists have found that many women who suffer from endometriosis also have an intolerance to foods that contain gluten , so eliminating them from their diet may also improve their health. However, the effect will be noticeable only in the case of a strict and long-term diet.

Gluten is found in the following grain products:

If you want to treat endometriosis, you should avoid flour, bread and baked goods, pasta, couscous, fermented cereal drinks (such as kvass), and some sausages, cheeses, pates and sweets.

You should pay attention to food labels - some of them may surprise you. Today, it is increasingly common to find “gluten-free” labels on many products.

To better manage your diet restrictions, you should also know which gluten-free foods you can eat. Here they are:

  • rice
  • corn
  • buckwheat
  • tapioca
  • legumes
  • fruits
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • eggs
  • meat
  • fish
  • milk and dairy products (however, you need to be careful with cheeses)

Phytoestrogens for endometriosis: what to use and how

Phytoestrogens in endometriosis can accelerate the development of the disease and in some cases lead to the transformation of cells into malignant ones. Therefore, you need to know which products will be especially useful:

  • Antioxidants . They are necessary for the rapid and complete removal of toxins from the body. Doctors believe that it is these substances that prevent the formation of insoluble compounds in cells, which prevents the onset of a malignant process. Vegetable oil has the maximum antioxidant effect among food products, as it contains vitamins A, E, B6.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids . They also belong to antioxidants, but their main “task” is to increase general immunity and prevent the onset of atypical processes in the body at the cellular level. The maximum content of omega-3 fatty acids is observed in products of animal origin - sea/river fish, various types of meat. These beneficial substances are also found in fish oil, pumpkin seeds and unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Cellulose . If a sufficient amount of it enters the body with food, then there will be a decrease in the intensity of the symptoms of endometriosis: pain in the lower abdomen disappears or becomes rare, the menstrual cycle stabilizes, the duration and frequency of bleeding decreases. Additionally, it has a positive effect on intestinal function, which improves overall well-being.

You should eat unsweetened fruits, vegetables, herbs, and bran products (for example, bread).

  • Vitamins . Absolutely everything is needed, because they participate in metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. They enter the body from fresh berries, fruits and vegetables. Sea kale (kelp), pickled white cabbage, and parsley will be useful in terms of richness.

Fresh vegetables and fruits can be consumed in unlimited quantities, used as a side dish for meat/fish dishes and as a snack.

To reduce the amount of estrogen synthesized by the body, you need to eat:

  • mustard;
  • white cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • unrefined grains (for example, sprouted wheat);
  • brown rice

Every day the menu should contain 300 g of plant food, 200 g of meat, but fish and seafood are allowed to be included in the menu no more than once a week.

What is harmful

Also, special attention should be paid to products that are strictly prohibited for people with endometriosis. If you do not adhere to these restrictions, then it will be very difficult to cope with the pathological process, even taking medications.

You need to remove red meat from your diet. Source

That is why doctors do not recommend introducing the following foods into the diet:

  • The meat is red;
  • Very fatty and spicy dishes, rich in spices;
  • Fatty cheese;
  • Butter;
  • Sauces, including ketchup and mayonnaise;
  • Strong coffee and tea;
  • Carbonated drinks;
  • Dairy products with high fat content;
  • Fast food;
  • Fish.

It is very important that a woman adheres as closely as possible to the nutritional plan developed individually for her. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get rid of cramps, stop inflammatory processes affecting the uterine cavity, eliminate bloating, and normalize the level of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

Almost every gynecologist will say that in the process of fighting endometriosis, nutrition plays a very important role, and it is necessary to saturate the body with proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Due to this, it will be possible to get rid of excess weight, which is a favorable factor for the progression of pathology, as well as remove toxins.

Since reduced immunity, even with proper treatment, does not allow for complete recovery, it is necessary to increase the body’s protective functions, which can be done by eating the right foods. Here are just a few foods that should be included in the diet of a woman with endometriosis:

  1. Green tea;
  2. Carrot;
  3. Natural yogurt;
  4. Beans, peas and lentils;
  5. Rhubarb;
  6. The berries are purple;
  7. Beans and nuts;
  8. Parsley, fennel, celery.

It is strictly forbidden to exclude fresh fruits and vegetables from the diet. For example, some women practice a raw food diet, and endometriosis goes away much faster because a large amount of healthy fiber enters the body. They help reduce uncomfortable symptoms, but can cause constipation and problems with the bowel movement.

The majority of women who turned to gynecologists at an early stage of disease progression, and also strictly adhered to the rules of dietary nutrition, unequivocally assure that they managed to get rid of the pathology quite quickly. Treatment of endometriosis by fasting also has positive reviews, but it is worth remembering that this technique is not suitable for everyone.

It is important to understand that pathological proliferation of endometrial cells can lead to the development of serious complications, including infertility. That is why it is necessary to undergo regular preventive examinations with a gynecologist, which will allow you to identify the disease at an early stage and undergo the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

Compatibility of endometriosis and alcohol

Endometriosis and alcohol are categorically incompatible. The fact is that the elimination of “excess” estrogen in the body is carried out by the liver, and exposure to alcoholic beverages on it leads to a decrease in the functionality of the organ. On the contrary, doctors recommend supporting the liver as much as possible as part of the treatment of endometriosis, for which you can take courses of decoctions of artichoke, peppermint leaves, and immortelle.

If you eat 2-3 teaspoons of milk thistle meal daily, this will enhance the body’s ability to cleanse.

Alcohol destroys and removes B vitamins from the body, which are used by the liver to neutralize toxins.

The effect of alcohol on the human body

Recommended Supplements

Some nutritional supplements will also help improve your condition, for example:

  • Magnesium : Very beneficial for overall health.
  • Grape seed extract : rich in antioxidants.
  • sacred chasteberry : long-term health benefits can be expected, but should be taken for a minimum of three months.
  • Dong Kuey : Asian medicinal plant, very beneficial for women's health.
  • Dandelion : Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys. You can take it as an infusion, or add it raw to salads and soups.

We recommend consulting with your doctor before prescribing self-treatment, as even natural remedies can have side effects and contraindications.

Women suffering from endometriosis must be under strict medical supervision during pregnancy to avoid complications.

The key to controlling endometriosis symptoms through diet lies in understanding the role of estrogens and prostaglandins in the body. Our body produces three types of prostaglandins: PgE1, E2 and E3, which can be divided, for ease of understanding, into two groups - “good” and “bad”. PgE2 is a type of prostaglandin that is responsible for painful contractions of the uterus - it is a “bad” prostaglandin. The other two prostaglandins (E1 and E3) are “good”, they have the opposite effect on the body, that is, they work as painkillers. Certain foods stimulate the synthesis of “bad” prostaglandins, which can significantly worsen well-being, especially for those suffering from endometriosis.

Endometriosis and fasting: is it worth it?

Official medicine does not recommend fasting for a long time with endometriosis, but short-term refusal of food and water is possible, and this will be useful. It is worth using Paul Bragg’s method: he recommends completely abstaining from food and water once a week for 24 hours. Such unloading will lead to active cleansing of the body, will give a “impetus” to speed up metabolic processes and enhance the removal of excess estrogens by the liver.

You need to prepare for fasting and first consult with your doctor or nutritionist, since such a diet is contraindicated for many. The main preparation is to give up dinner the day before, and two days before the appointed date from any fatty, “heavy” food, switch to fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits.

It is recommended that the first few times you practice giving up food only, but drink an unlimited amount of clean water that day, to which you can add lemon and/or honey.

Fasting for endometriosis is not a therapeutic measure; it will only support the body, cleanse it of toxins and waste, and mobilize the immune system.

Yogurt and cheese: dairy products for endometriosis

The study, which included just over 70,000 women and 1,385 cases of endometriosis, found that women who consumed three or more servings of dairy products were 18 percent less likely to be diagnosed with endometriosis compared to women who reported only two servings. dairy products per day.

Why is dairy products associated with a reduced risk of endometriosis? Is it milk protein? Dairy fats? Could it be nutrients commonly found in dairy products such as calcium and vitamin D? This is unknown.

Efficiency for excess weight

Excess weight and endometriosis are incompatible concepts, and an obese woman’s doctor will immediately give recommendations for losing weight. A diet for illness will contribute to this, because it involves eating large quantities of vegetables and fruits, avoiding dairy/fermented milk products with a high level of fat, and fried foods. Moreover, small meals, high-quality snacks, and the absence of hunger are the basis of any diet for weight loss.

And here is more information about how endometriosis behaves after laparoscopy.

Diet for endometriosis is an obligatory part of general therapy, which must be followed strictly and on a regular basis. The list of permitted products is quite wide, so there will be no problems in creating a menu. But nutritional correction will help reduce the level of estrogen in the body and stop the process of progression and growth of atypical cells.

What's useful

Some women believe that fasting and endometriosis cannot communicate with each other. Therefore, they resort to this treatment method. However, this method of combating the disease is considered unconventional, so it should be discussed with your doctor. This is due to the fact that the body will not receive the necessary nutrients.

First of all, attention should be paid to cellulose, which should be sufficient in the diet, because it stabilizes the level of estrogen concentration. This substance is found in simple and well-known foods, for example, you can eat beets, apples, brown rice or zucchini.

You should not neglect plant-based styrene, which will prevent estrogen from increasing excessively. To saturate your body with them, you need to eat celery, green peas, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, as well as garlic. If the diet is properly designed, endometriosis will be much easier to cure.

Most gynecologists say that eating broccoli is very beneficial for any woman’s body. It is this product that allows you to remove unnecessary estrogen. It has long been proven that excess weight and endometriosis are frequent companions of each other.

Instead of tea for endometriosis, it is better to drink rosehip decoction. Source:

That is why nutrition should be based on the intake of the following foods:

  1. Lean meat, but it is forbidden to choose the one that is red;
  2. Crushed cereals, including buckwheat, pearl barley, oatmeal;
  3. Wholemeal bread;
  4. Low fat dairy products;
  5. Citrus fruit;
  6. Red pepper;
  7. Rosehip decoction.

Useful video

Watch this video about nutrition after surgery for endometriosis:

Sometimes even doctors treat endometriosis with homeopathy, as it gives good results. There are special regimens in which drugs are taken in combination, or one of them is simply prescribed.

Sometimes endometriosis can return after laparoscopy, causing pain. To avoid it after removal of the retrocervical, ovaries, etc., treatment and prevention with drugs are carried out. Rehabilitation also includes lifestyle changes. How are your periods after endometriosis treatment by laparoscopy?

Doctors are confident that a diet for ovarian cysts, especially if it is accompanied by endometriosis, helps restrain the growth process and suppress pain. It is also needed before laparoscopy for removal and after surgery during the recovery period.

It has been proven that physiotherapy for endometriosis effectively relieves pain and helps inhibit the growth of lesions. Electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, hirudotherapy, and other procedures can be used for physiotherapy.

Foods that help cure endometriosis

There are also foods that are very useful for improving the condition of this disease, and therefore they should definitely be included in your daily diet:

  • green leafy vegetables such as spinach, lettuce, chard, etc.
  • Cruciferous vegetables: cabbage, broccoli, turnips
  • crushed flax seeds or cold-pressed flaxseed oil
  • legumes
  • nuts and seeds
  • green tea

Proper diets for endometriosis

A diet for endometriosis is prescribed to improve the general condition of a woman. With the help of proper nutrition, the level of estrogen in the body decreases and this is very important during treatment.

The main cause of the disease lies in hormonal imbalance. Certain foods not only relieve the symptoms of the disease, but also normalize the level of hormones produced, thereby inhibiting the secretion of unnecessary substances in the body.

Dietary nutrition is aimed at strengthening the immune system. Women need to include more healthy vitamins and minerals in their diet.

Nutrition for endometriosis is an additional therapy, not the main treatment. Even with the right diet, the disease will progress. It is important to combine drug therapy and diet.

Trust your doctor

Can an Endometriosis Diet Help You Get Pregnant?

From Antioxidants to Omega-3s, Diet Changes for Endometriosis

There is currently little research directly related to diet and fertility in women with endometriosis. There are no scientifically proven products that will help you get pregnant. However, research has been done on the role of diet in pelvic pain in women with endometriosis. There are also studies regarding diet and the overall risk of endometriosis.

If endometrial lesions or adhesions have blocked the fallopian tubes or are interfering with ovulation or the healthy movement of the fallopian tubes, no diet can improve the situation. Surgery or IVF treatment may be required.

However, diet can improve your chances of conceiving, along with treatment or surgery. Here's what the study has to say about endometriosis and diet.

Healthy foods

Sterol, a natural compound, is essential for endometriosis. It is found most in apples, legumes, parsley or purple fruits and berries.

Full list of useful products:

  • vegetables: zucchini, beets, carrots, red peppers, cauliflower, broccoli;
  • fish: trout, sardines;
  • garlic, green peas;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • dairy products;
  • cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice;
  • fruits and berries: apples, papaya, mango, strawberries.

Be sure to enrich your diet with vitamins that strengthen the immune system and help fight the disease faster. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits daily.

Where to find the most useful vitamins.

  1. Vitamin A and E can be found in large quantities in vegetable oil.
  2. Vitamins from group B are found in chicken liver and wholemeal flour.
  3. Vitamin C in lemons and other citrus fruits.

As for vitamin C, it must be consumed in small portions to prevent an allergic reaction. For example, eat lemon or tangerine once every 2-3 days.

If you have endometriosis, eat foods rich in antioxidants, which will help remove harmful toxins from your body.

A lot of antioxidants are found in foods rich in vitamin B6. Found in eggs and dairy products. To eliminate pain, fiber is recommended. For example: eat greens, unsweetened fruits or bran.

Foods that worsen the course of the disease:

Many women experience tremendous relief if they exclude certain foods from their usual diet. Can cause serious harm:

  • red meat and sausages
  • hydrogenated fats, which are found in margarine and commercial baked goods
  • caffeine
  • sugar and sweets
  • alcoholic drinks

In addition, you should be sure to reduce your intake of processed foods that contain artificial additives.

Prohibited Products

It is necessary to avoid products with phytoestrogens. If you ignore the ban, its level in the female body increases, thereby aggravating the general condition.

  1. Pomegranate.
  2. Drinks made from sage, green tea.
  3. Strong black tea or coffee.
  4. Alcohol: whiskey, beer.
  5. Wheat cereal.
  6. Soy products.
  7. Spinach.
  8. Avoid pork and beef.

Doctors recommend additionally excluding dill and carbonated drinks from your diet.

Magnesium-rich foods

Research has shown that women with magnesium deficiency are more likely to experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and have a history of pregnancy loss.

What about the connection between magnesium and endometriosis? One study found that women with a higher intake of magnesium-rich foods were less likely to be diagnosed later with endometriosis.

Foods rich in magnesium include:

  • Almond
  • Boiled spinach
  • Cashew
  • Peanut
  • Black beans
  • Some fortified cereals

Menu planning for endometriosis

With this disease, it is necessary to carefully plan your diet. If you can’t do it on your own, you can contact your doctor.

Eat boiled, stewed or steamed dishes.

Carefully! Treatment is not only taking medications, but also proper nutrition, eliminating negative factors (stress), this is the only way to quickly get rid of endometriosis.

Sample menu for the week.

  1. For breakfast, cook buckwheat in water, baked fish in the oven. Wash it down with tea (weak or juice).
  2. Lunch. Low-fat fermented milk product, fruit.
  3. For lunch, cook boiled potatoes and chicken. Complement your lunch with a vegetable salad.
  4. Afternoon snack salad of fruits or vegetables. If desired, you can prepare a seafood salad with flaxseed oil.
  5. For dinner, rice with vegetables, tea, bread.

Before going to bed, you are allowed to drink one glass of low-fat kefir or yogurt.

Ovaries and uterus

With endometriosis and polyps, the inflammatory process is localized in the uterine cavity, and the ovaries, which are responsible for the ovulation process, are also affected.

Dietary nutrition helps relieve pain and normalizes the menstrual cycle. If you correctly create a menu for each day, then menstruation becomes less abundant.


Observation Despite the fact that endometriosis is a gynecological disease, it is necessary to correct the functioning of the whole organism. With improper nutrition, the gastrointestinal tract suffers, the intestines cease to function normally, and problems with bowel movements may occur.

For intestinal problems, you should stick to dosages, do not overeat, and give up snacks.

Pelvic peritoneum

Endometriosis of the pelvic peritoneum is a pathological proliferation of endometrial cells outside the uterine cavity. In most cases, the growth process is benign. However, if you do not adhere to treatment and nutrition, a malignant tumor develops.

For this pathology, it is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese, foods with a high content of vitamin C, and uncrushed cereals.

Such a diet for abdominal endometriosis will help the disease progress easily.

Chronic endometritis

Nutrition will help reduce intoxication. In chronic endometritis, many biological substances, antigen-antibodies and particles of microorganisms are released into the bloodstream. All components negatively affect a woman’s body, so doctors recommend eating more fruits and drinking at least 2 liters of fluid per day.

  1. Bread.
  2. Meat: rabbit, chicken or beef.
  3. Lean fish.
  4. Sour cream, milk.

Please note that vegetables, meat and fish are best consumed steamed. Avoid chocolate, carbonated drinks, and sausages.

Learn about the symptoms of cervical endometriosis.

After laparoscopy

The surgical method is resorted to only when the course of the disease is aggravated. Using laparoscopy, affected areas and cysts are excised, and in more severe cases, part of the rectum is removed.

After surgery, the body is weakened, so it needs to be replenished with vitamins and minerals. The diet is strict, but at the same time it is aimed at improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. The first meal after surgery is at least 5 hours later.
  2. Consume only easily digestible foods.
  3. On the first day you are allowed to drink chicken broth.
  4. On the second day, vegetable soup.
  5. On the third and fourth days, freshly squeezed juices.

As soon as the general condition after the operation returns to normal, gradually switch to everyday nutrition. But don't forget about vitamins.

Gluten-free diet

Feedback from expert Borovikova Olga Many scientists have already noted that such nutrition helps reduce pain signs of endometriosis. Gluten has a positive effect on the course of the disease. In the first days, there is a significant improvement in the condition, the level of hormones in the body normalizes.

The list of permitted products includes gluten, which interferes with fat absorption and helps regulate thyroid function.

List of permitted products.

It is not allowed to eat baked goods, pasta, meat dishes, or oatmeal porridge.

Before following such a diet, consult your doctor, since with certain concomitant diseases, gluten can cause an additional inflammatory process.

Vitamins from plants


If a woman suspects that she may begin to develop this disease, then when the first symptoms occur, she should consult a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct a thorough examination, collect anamnesis, after which he will be able to make a final diagnosis. If it is confirmed, then diet for endometriosis will not be the only treatment measure.

It is important to understand that regular proper nutrition is not therapeutic. And only a doctor can tell you what foods are good for women with this diagnosis to eat. In turn, the patient should consult with a gynecologist immediately before introducing something new into the diet.

Proper nutrition plays an important role in the treatment of endometriosis. Source:

If endometriosis is diagnosed, diet and nutrition are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. Meals must be taken at least 4 times during the day, and the portions themselves must be made small. It is also necessary not to forget about water, which should be taken in a volume of 2-3 liters per day. The menu should include antioxidants, because they help fight various pathological tumors.

Be sure to fill your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables. Fish oil, saturated and unsaturated fats are considered very useful for endometriosis. If you develop a diet correctly, the process of growth of endometrial cells beyond the reproductive organ can be stopped partially or completely

Is it possible to lose weight if endometriosis causes hormonal imbalance?

Some women find that dieting helps them lose weight. Doctors' point of view: nutrition really normalizes metabolism and hormones, thereby a woman with a normal physique can lose several kg.

Focusing on losing weight is strictly prohibited. For endometriosis, drugs with a broad spectrum of action are prescribed. Additional fasting or non-compliance with nutritional standards can lead to disruption of the immune system, thereby developing complications.

What is endometriosis?

The endometrium is the lining of the uterus, which is renewed every month with the onset of menstruation. With this disease, some fragments of the endometrium are located on the outer surface of nearby organs in the pelvic cavity - the ovaries and intestines.

The most common symptoms of endometriosis:

  • difficulty conceiving
  • premenstrual pain, pain during menstruation and/or sex
  • irregular menstruation
  • chronic fatigue

The cause of this disease is not entirely clear, but it may be related to an imbalance in the immune system, as well as a genetic predisposition.

Other home treatments for endometriosis

Regular exercise is recommended for many conditions, including endometriosis

In addition to changing dietary habits and using medical strategies to treat endometriosis, women can try home and alternative methods to manage symptoms. These methods include the following:

  • regular exercise;
  • acupuncture;
  • chiropractic;
  • taking vitamin B1 supplements;
  • taking magnesium supplements;
  • Chinese herbal remedies such as licorice root.

It is important to remember that you should consult with your doctor before taking any herbal or over-the-counter supplements.

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