Propolis in a woman’s medicine cabinet: treatment of “female” ailments

Tinctures, ointments and vaginal and rectal suppositories with propolis in gynecology are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. The secret of the success of propolis in gynecology is due to its wide spectrum of action.

Bee glue inhibits viruses and bacteria in a short time, eliminates inflammatory processes, and restores tissue. However, it does not have a negative effect on the microflora of the body. It also goes well with other medicinal medications.

Before starting to use recipes and products containing beekeeping products, be sure to consult with a gynecologist, who, based on tests and examination, will determine the advisability of using such products and prescribe a course and dosage.

Propolisotherapy in gynecology

Traditional medicine has long used propolis and its preparations for the prevention and treatment of certain gynecological diseases.
In scientific medicine in recent decades, reports have appeared about the effective action of propolis in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix. Since 1960, 10% propolis ointment has been used in the treatment of cervical erosion.

To do this, first remove mucus from the cervical canal with a tampon soaked in a solution of bicarbonate of soda, then press the tampon with propolis ointment onto the exposed surface and leave for 10-12 hours.

Such procedures are carried out daily for 10-12 days. After 4-5 days, whitish islands of squamous epithelium appear on the eroded surface, the flora of vaginal discharge changes, pain in the lower back and sacrum stops, and the general condition improves.

According to the author, complete healing was observed in 65.8%, partial healing in 23.3%. In 10.9% of patients, the therapeutic effect was not achieved.

In long-term studies, 6-8 months after treatment, no relapses of the disease were observed. Based on the results obtained, the author came to the conclusion that 10% propolis ointment does not have an irritating effect and stimulates epithelization of the affected areas.

Scientists obtained interesting results when treating 35 patients with postoperative gynecological diseases (inflammatory processes of the vagina) with 3% and 15% alcohol tincture of propolis. Daily lubrication was carried out with cotton swabs, richly soaked in propolis tincture.

Only a small group of patients with a sluggish process were given metronidazole 0.25 g orally 2 times a day and 0.5 g intravaginally once a day. Thanks to propolis, vaginal discharge returned to normal very quickly - within a few days.

In the treatment of trichomoniasis, propolis tablets are used, each of which contained 20 mg of propolis. Tablets were inserted into the vagina for a day. During the 10-day treatment, almost complete recovery occurred, which was confirmed by laboratory tests.

There is convincing evidence obtained in the treatment of cervical dystrophy using 30% alcohol tincture of propolis through lubrication and local applications. Erosion and inflammatory diseases of the cervix were present in 137 observed women.

After a thorough laboratory examination, the patients were prescribed 15 procedures. As a result, complete epithelization of erosions occurred, and laboratory parameters also normalized.

It is possible to use propolis suppositories with other biologically active components (bifidumbacterin, tea tree oil and d/r) for candidal colpitis, cervical dysplasia, erosions, postpartum ruptures of the cervix.

Propolis and its preparations have been well tested by many clinicians and have received positive reviews in the treatment of genitourinary diseases. Considering the combination of antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties of propolis, it turned out to be effective for the treatment of diseases of both specific (infectious) and nonspecific etiology.

The clinical data obtained show that the best results were obtained by combining propolis preparations with other beekeeping products, since in gynecology inflammatory processes are often associated with microbial, fungal or protozoal infections, and can also be accompanied by dystrophic (atrophic) phenomena that complicate the restoration of functions.

Products of the bee family: honey. royal jelly in combination with propolis in diluted solutions, ointments, suppositories and other forms promote regeneration processes, suppressing the development of pathogenic microflora, and also improve tissue trophism.

The use of propolis in urology and gynecology

Inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix of an infectious nature (caused by Trichomonas, pathogenic fungi, staphylococci and streptococci)

Douching and application of 30% alcohol tincture of propolis daily for 7-10 days. Inflammatory gynecological diseases

Douching with a solution: 2 teaspoons of propolis tincture per 0.5 liters of water.

Cervical erosion

After removing mucus from the cervical canal, a tampon with propolis is applied to the eroded surface beginning daily. Course - days. Inflammatory processes of the vagina (postoperative)

Lubrication with tampons generously moistened with 3% and 15% alcohol tincture of propolis.

Erosion and inflammatory diseases of the cervix of dystrophic nature

Lubrication and local applications with 30% alcohol tincture of propolis.

Propolis tablets 20 mg, intravaginally, for 10 days.

Acute mastitis in postpartum women

Phonophoresis with propolis ointment (alcohol solution of propolis - 5 ml, petroleum jelly - 25 ml, lanolin - 25 ml). Session duration is 6 minutes, 2 times a day with an interval of 4-6 hours. From the second day - 1 session daily. The course is 5-10 days.

Apply 15% propolis ointment to the eroded surface in combination with other components: imanin - 3 g, streptocide - 5 g, hydrocortisone - 1 g.

Itching of the external genitalia

Use 15% propolis ointment - 100 g; zinc oxide 20 g; starch - 20 g; 3% pure phenol. Nonspecific vulvitis and colpitis

Rinsing the vagina with disinfectant solutions and applying 10% propolis ointment. At home, use a propolis preparation in cocoa butter globules, weighing 2 g, containing 10% propolis, 1 globule per night. Course - 7-30 days.

Erosion and ectopia of the cervix

Globules with 10% propolis were used. Course - 10 globules.

Acute and chronic vulvovaginitis in pediatric gynecology

We used 10% propolis ointment.

Suppositories and ointments based on traditional medicines

Uterine diseases

Doctors widely use suppositories with propolis in gynecology to combat numerous infections of the female genital organs. Adnexitis and inflammation of the cervix of various etiologies respond especially well to such therapy.

A similar medicine can be purchased in pharmacies, but you can also prepare it yourself. To do this you need:

  • Mix 2 grams of beeswax with 30 grams of known cocoa butter and achieve a homogeneous mass using a water bath for this purpose. From the resulting substance, you can manually twist 15 - 20 suppositories, which are used to treat inflammatory diseases of the vagina, uterus, appendages, etc.

If we focus on retail trade, then most often women ask pharmacies for a certain type of candle. Propolis DN in gynecology, used by patients in the form of vaginal or rectal suppositories, is considered one of the best drugs for the treatment of not only female inflammatory diseases. It is extremely valuable for diseases associated with pathologies such as hemorrhoids and cystitis or kidney inflammation.

The retail price of the natural medicines in question varies depending on the percentage of propolis in them, so in pharmacies in the Russian Federation they range from 200 to 500 rubles per package of 10 suppositories. Ukraine is not particularly original; in its retail outlets, such medicines can cost up to 400 hryvnia. But this also often depends on the region and the owner of the pharmacy chain.

Basically, doctors advise their patients pharmaceutical preparations with different percentages of propolis. However, traditional healers suggest not to trust factory production, and to prepare the folk medicine for the woman herself:

  • Take a standard pack of regular butter, heat it to 50 - 60 degrees, add 25 grams of solid beeswax. Under the influence of temperature it is usually possible to achieve a homogeneous mass. After filtering through a dense mesh until the solution reaches room temperature, the medicine is ready.

Most often it is used to treat external inflammatory processes in women, but there are recommendations from some doctors to use this folk remedy to treat cervical pathology and possible mastitis during breastfeeding.

Bee knot suppositories are easy to use; they are easily and painlessly inserted into the vagina. Thanks to direct contact with the affected areas, the result appears quickly, after just a few procedures.

The presence of fat in products promotes rapid dissolution and entry of components into the blood. The drugs are distinguished by their delicate effect and do not injure the sensitive mucous membrane of the genital organs.

There are many recipes for creating an effective remedy at home.

Here is one of the most common ways to make gynecological suppositories with propolis. To do this you will need 10 g of butter per 1 g of grated bee product. The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  1. place a saucepan with a mixture of propolis and butter in a water bath;
  2. heat until it becomes liquid and homogeneous;
  3. remove from the heat and cool the prepared medicine, without allowing it to completely harden;
  4. Place the mixture in the molds and place in the refrigerator.

Vaginal suppositories with propolis, prepared on the basis of cocoa butter, are also successfully used to treat gynecological diseases. To make such candles with your own hands you need:

  1. place on a glass board covered with a sheet of wax paper a mixture of 20 ml of liquid propolis and 80 g of cocoa butter;
  2. roll the mass into a sausage with a diameter of 10-12 mm;
  3. divide it into pieces 25-30 mm long and sharpen the ends of each of them;
  4. Place the finished products, wrapped in foil, in the refrigerator.

To prepare the following recipe you will need 80 g of cocoa butter and 10 g of grated propolis and beeswax. You need to add bee product to the cocoa butter melted in a water bath.

Heat the resulting mixture at a temperature of 50-60℃ for 2-3 hours in a water bath until smooth, stirring continuously. Add wax to this composition, cool the resulting solution to 30℃ and pour into molds. Allow the mixture to cool completely and place in the refrigerator.

If the vaginal mucosa is severely irritated, you can prepare propolis suppositories with Vaseline. 80 g of this ingredient are heated in a water bath at a temperature of 40-50℃, then 10 g of propolis are added, stirring as often as possible.

The resulting mixture continues to be heated for 8 hours, stirring it every 10 minutes. After this, 10 g of beeswax is added to the solution and kept on fire for some time until the mixture becomes homogeneous. After cooling the resulting product to 30℃, it is poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator.

Pharmacological drugs that can be purchased in pharmacies include Prostopin, Apigrin, Gemo-Pro, Propolis D, Propolis DN. The advantage of using pharmaceutical suppositories with propolis in gynecology is that there is no need to spend time and effort on their manufacture. In addition, they are produced under sterile conditions, which are difficult to achieve in a home environment.

Cost of propolis suppositories in the pharmacy.

Before the procedure, you must take a shower and thoroughly wash the perineum. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure during menstruation. The candle should be inserted as deeply as possible while lying on your back, preferably before bedtime. If the candles were stored in the freezer, you need to hold them in your hands for about a minute before using.

After insertion, you need to lie on your back for about 30 minutes. When using pharmaceutical candles, you need to read the instructions for their use in detail.

The duration of the course of vaginal treatment with suppositories is determined by the doctor.

What is treated with propolis?

Despite all the versatility of beekeeping products, including propolis, its use should be dosed and under the supervision of an experienced doctor who knows how to treat and what needs to be done. Sometimes only surgical intervention can cope with the disease, so it is imperative for any woman to constantly monitor her health.

Uterine fibroids

Unfortunately, it is still completely unknown what actually causes the development of a tumor. But one of the factors that triggers this process can be called hormonal imbalance. Due to the increased content of estrogen and unstable sex life, the process of muscle tissue renewal is disrupted and the tumor increases in size.

Of course, the first thing worth mentioning is the magical properties of propolis in the treatment of uterine fibroids. But that's not all the bee glue stops at. For cervical erosion, propolis ointment is used, and an aqueous-alcohol solution is used to combat trichomonas, fungal and bacterial colpitis.

MORE: Vishnevsky ointment: what helps and how to use | Health

After gynecological operations, an alcoholic infusion of bee glue helps heal wounds and relieves inflammation. Cystitis also soon ceases to bother you if you take this remedy.

In folk medicine

Due to its antibacterial properties, propolis is used in gynecology in the form of ointments or suppositories. You can use a tincture; healing creams are prepared on its basis.


Propolis is one of the most affordable remedies for treating colds. However, it requires extraction. It is not always recommended to use concentrated pure bee glue for adults, strong people, and it is better for children and pregnant women to refrain from using it altogether.

You can make any extract at home. All components are available, and the process will not cause difficulties. You just need to choose the right base: alcohol, oil, fat or petroleum jelly, and also calculate the acceptable concentration: for this, just remember that if you take 1 part of bee glue and 9 parts of any base, this will ensure a 10% content of the active substance in ready medicine.

Extraction recipes are largely similar.

The base is heated in a water bath. In this case, alcohol - up to 60 degrees, and oil and fat components - up to 80 degrees. Then add purified propolis powder and leave for 30-40 minutes at a stable temperature, stirring constantly. Then the alcohol extract is allowed to cool first, and the oil and fat are filtered immediately.

The finished preparations are poured into sealed dark glass containers and used for their intended purpose.

How to use propolis in gynecology

The usefulness of this product is so great that scientists still do not stop making more and more new discoveries and expanding the list of its positive effects on the human body. Beneficial properties of propolis:

  • antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • destroys all pathogens of infectious diseases and disinfects the body;
  • has an antioxidant effect;
  • is able to quickly heal wounds on the skin and has analgesic properties;
  • strengthens the immune system and increases vitality;
  • improves metabolism;
  • an excellent tool in the fight against toxic substances;
  • has the ability to relieve itching on the skin;
  • constricts blood vessels and fights headaches;
  • reduces blood clotting;
  • has the ability to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anti-radiation effect;
  • has a beneficial effect on the liver;
  • helps remove cholesterol from the body.

There are several options for using the substance. You can prepare ointments or candles based on the beekeeping product. They have wound-healing properties, so they can be used for erosion and dysplasia.

The use of suppositories or tampons speeds up rehabilitation after laser vaporization and cryodestruction of dysplasia and erosion. Suppositories and tampons are introduced at night. Before administering the drug, mucus and discharge must be removed from the vagina. To insert a tampon or suppository, squat down and relax. Inject the medication deeply.

Propolis suppositories have long been in great demand and are widely used in the field of gynecology thanks to numerous traditional medicine recipes.

Their ability to provide antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, antifungal and immunomodulatory effects is used in the treatment of colpitis, metritis and endometritis, adnexitis, cervical erosion and other pathologies of the reproductive sphere.

Tampons with propolis in gynecology

To prepare the ointment, you need to mix equal amounts of lanolin and petroleum jelly. For 100 g of mixture you need 5 g of propolis tincture in alcohol. Stir the mass. Make a ball of cotton wool and wrap it with a sterile bandage. Leave a tail to make it easier to remove the tampon. Lubricate the top of the bandage with a mixture of propolis and Vaseline. Usually such procedures need to be done at night.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease

It is best to keep the tampon on for about 10 hours. It is recommended to douche before inserting a tampon. This will remove mucus from the walls of the vagina and improve the absorption of the substance.

Use for thrush

Propolis is used in different ways. The most common are alcoholic and aqueous extracts. Alcohol tincture quickly stops inflammatory processes. A water infusion is used in pediatrics and in cases where alcohol is contraindicated.

Unlike other remedies for treating thrush, bee glue is also used in its pure form. It is chewed for some time and then spat out. Regular chewing promotes the absorption of beneficial components and strengthens the immune system.


For this treatment, an alcohol tincture is recommended. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself:

  • 15 g of bee glue is placed in the freezer. When it hardens, grind it;
  • pour 50 ml of vodka or alcohol and let stand for two days.

The finished solution can be used for douching as follows:

  • dilute 2 tbsp. l. tinctures in a glass of water;
  • in a supine position, slowly insert it into the vagina using a syringe.

Symptoms of candidiasis disappear after 5–7 manipulations.

Another option for use: moisten a sterile bandage or tampon with the solution and insert it into the vagina overnight. Tampons should be used in this manner for five days.

If alcohol tincture is contraindicated, prepare an aqueous infusion of propolis. For this:

grind 50 g of product, add 100 g of water; heated in a water bath

It is important that the temperature of the mixture does not exceed 80 degrees, otherwise the beneficial properties will disappear; leave for several hours, filter.. The composition in water is used for douching, treatment of the vaginal and oral mucosa

The only drawback is that the aqueous solution is stored for no longer than a week, unlike alcohol tincture, which has a shelf life of several years

The composition in water is used for douching, treatment of the vaginal mucosa and oral cavity. The only drawback is that the aqueous solution is stored for no longer than a week, unlike the alcohol tincture, which has a shelf life of several years.


Propolis tincture with alcohol can be used internally. It is prepared like this:

  • grind 50 g of bee glue and put it in a jar;
  • pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Close tightly and shake;
  • leave for 10 days, shaking daily, then filter.

The finished product is taken orally, 10–12 drops three times a day, washed down with milk. The course of admission is at least a month.


Propolis for thrush in the form of suppositories is a powerful antiseptic. They are usually prescribed by a gynecologist. The dosage is set individually, depending on the form of the disease.

Suppositories can be purchased at the pharmacy (Gemo-Pro, Propolis DN, Phyto-propolis), but they are also easy to make yourself.

Recipe and application:

  • heat 15–20 g of bee glue in a water bath;
  • add 100 g of honey, put in the refrigerator to cool;
  • the result is a plastic mixture from which candles are made independently.

Use one suppository at night vaginally or rectally for a week.

Another candle recipe:

  • melt any fat (lard, goat, lamb) or lanolin in an amount of 200 ml;
  • add 50 mg of crushed bee glue and 20–30 g of wax;
  • mix and pour into a flat container in a thin layer;
  • after hardening, cut into strips about 6 cm long and 1 cm in diameter.

Pharmacy range of products

To prepare candles we will need:

  • 100 grams of natural honey.
  • 15-20 grams of propolis.

To prepare candles, you need to pour 200 g of propolis with alcohol. You need 50 ml.

Place this mixture in a water bath and heat it up. Add 150 g of cocoa butter and 50 g of tea tree essential oil to the mixture.

Heat the mixture over heat until the ingredients are completely dissolved. Form candles 2 cm long.

Reviews indicate the effectiveness of the drug. A bacterial infection can be cured in 10 sessions.

By its nature, propolis is a natural substance, brown to dark green in color. Its composition is represented by plant resins that bees collect from the buds of trees such as poplar, birch, alder, willow and plum, as well as essential oils and wax.

Tannins, pollen and various foreign components may be present as impurities. Bees need this product to eliminate cracks and disinfect the hive.

Propolis has a pronounced regenerating, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect, exhibits a bactericidal, bacteriostatic and fungicidal effect against a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, local anesthesia and reduces the severity of pain, and has a beneficial effect on the nonspecific immune mechanisms of the body's defense against infections.

There is information about the antitumor and detoxifying activity of the bee product. With long-term use, there is inhibition of the growth and development of cancer cells, and increased growth and differentiation of healthy cells, improved function of the affected organ, and a beneficial effect on the body as a whole.

Pharmacy medicines in gynecology differ from traditional medicine in their proven pharmacological action and standardized composition, which significantly affects their bioavailability and effectiveness. They are represented by tincture, ointments, suppositories and sprays based on propolis.

The tincture is often used in folk medicine to facilitate the preparation of various recipes. According to the instructions, it is used internally for peptic ulcers of the digestive tract, externally for skin lesions, applied to the tonsils or inhaled for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and other similar diseases.

Ointments are used externally for various types of dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis and other skin lesions.


Traditional medicine offers many useful and effective recipes based on propolis, which can be easily prepared at home.

Propolis with milk

You need to take 2 liters of milk, which you need to boil, then add 70g of propolis (preferably dark brown). The resulting mass is infused for 2 hours, then filtered. A healing drink made with milk can be stored for no more than 2 days.

Ointment with propolis

To prepare homemade paste based on propolis, you need to take sunflower oil, and lanolin as an emulsifier. For 100 g of beeswax you should use 5 g of oil, which will allow you to get a 5% ointment with propolis. The components are mixed in a water bath, constantly stirring the mixture. The resulting homogeneous mass is filtered through cheesecloth and poured into a container.

100 g of medical Vaseline or pork lard is brought to a boil in an enamel bowl. Cool to a temperature of 60 degrees and add 10 g of crushed propolis to it. Place on the fire and, with constant stirring, heat to 80 degrees (do not allow it to boil). It is recommended to place tampons with ointment in the vagina for 15 days.

Water extract

100 g of crushed propolis is poured with half a liter of boiling water, then heated in a water bath for 1 hour. The resulting composition should cool to room temperature, then it is filtered and poured into a tightly closed container.

Alcohol extract

Finely chopped propolis is added to alcohol (1:1), placed in a water bath and heated until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Remove from heat, leave for 8 hours and pour into a clean container. Shake the mixture before use.

Propolis with honey

Mix 100 g of honey and 30 g of propolis. Pre-grated beeswax should be added to honey. This composition is taken orally, 0.5 teaspoon of the mixture is placed under the tongue and gradually dissolved. Allowed to use 5 times a day, an hour before meals.

Propolis balls

Preparing propolis balls is very simple, you just need to make balls from the bee product and place them in pharmacy gauze. Gauze with propolis is placed in the vagina overnight, so that the edges of the tissue can be reached. The course of treatment is 10 days, after which a break is taken for 5 days, then the course must be repeated. Carrying out 5 courses is enough to improve the condition.

Propolis tincture

Propolis infusion helps improve immunity and normalize hormonal balance. Place 40 g of crushed bee product in a glass container and add 200 ml of alcohol. The resulting mixture is closed and placed in a dark place for 14 days. The tincture should be shaken daily and should be used after straining.

Dose – 20 drops, 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals. A solution is used for vaginal douching; before use, be sure to dilute the tincture with water. Tincture with alcohol is also used for rinsing the mouth (not allowed to drink); after rinsing, the microelements included in the tincture remain on the mucous membrane and are evenly distributed throughout the body.

You can also prepare an aqueous infusion based on propolis, which is recommended for use for the treatment of gynecological pathologies during pregnancy. The principle of preparation is simple, propolis is steamed in boiling water, left for 6 hours, after which the solution is filtered, and the vaginal mucosa is rinsed with the resulting solution.

Hemostatic infusion and propolis infusion with alcohol are used simultaneously.

Take infusions for 20 days, take a break for 14 days. There should be three entries. After each break, an ultrasound examination is recommended; if changes are not registered, treatment with this prescription is stopped. It is important to consider that treatment of uterine fibroids with propolis is possible for small tumors. The infusion is consumed 20 drops 3 times a day, 15 minutes before meals.

A collection that stops blood loss and promotes uterine contraction is prepared from various medicinal herbs. Take 100 g of leaves of nettle, knotweed, shepherd's purse and yarrow. 2 tablespoons of the collection are poured into 500 ml of hot water, left for 15 minutes and taken 100 ml twice a day in the morning and before bed.

Making candles

Suppositories are quite effective propolis-based products. The use of candles has a positive effect on the female body. Propolis components are absorbed better when using suppositories than when using balls. To prepare candles with propolis at home, you need to take 200 g of bee product, 300 ml of medical alcohol, 150 g of cocoa butter, 50 ml of tea tree oil. Candles are prepared on the basis of alcohol tincture.

Add crushed propolis to medical alcohol heated over low heat, mix the resulting mixture until smooth, and place in a dark place for 14 days. Every day you need to shake the mixture. After 14 days, all the alcohol is evaporated from the mass by heating over low heat until the mixture acquires a burgundy color.

The finished composition should have a paste-like consistency; cocoa and tea tree butter are added to it. The final product is placed on the fire for 30 minutes and stirred constantly, then removed from the heat and cooled slightly. Candles are formed from the resulting mass and stored in the refrigerator. They are used daily, the course duration is from 15 to 20 days.

Propolis oil can be used for both internal and external use. It can be prepared at home, obtaining 5%, 10% and 20% composition. For preparation, crushed bee product is required, the amount of which determines the percentage of oil. To obtain 5% oil, take 5 g of propolis, for 10% - 10 g, etc.

Beeswax is melted in a water bath until a homogeneous and viscous consistency is obtained. Add 90 g of unsalted butter to the melted mass and mix thoroughly. Without removing from the heat and stirring with a wooden spoon, the mixture is boiled for another 10 minutes. The resulting mass is filtered using gauze and allowed to cool. The finished oil has a rich yellow-brown tint and a pleasant aroma and bitter taste. Propolis oil is stored in the refrigerator.

Propolis in gynecology for fibroids

To treat this ailment, you can use oil or suppositories. To prepare the medicine, mix 60 g of sunflower oil in a saucepan. Heat it in a water bath and add 20 g of butter. After this, add 20 g of propolis, crushed on a grater. Instead, you can add propolis "Geliant". This oil should be used to lubricate tampons.

The course of treatment with tampons is 10 days. Then you need to take a break for 10 days. A total of 3 courses of treatment are required. Along with the use of tampons, it is necessary to use propolis tincture orally. To do this, 20 drops of the substance are dissolved in 100 ml of water. You need to take this medicine 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Then a break of 10 days, and repeat the course again.

Cystic lesions of the ovary

An ovarian cyst is a cavity filled with liquid contents that forms in the ovary and leads to an increase in its size. The reasons for their formation most likely lie in disorders of the metabolism of gonadotropic hormones.

Treatment of ovarian cysts with folk remedies using propolis can help avoid surgical intervention. To do this, you need to mix celandine juice with propolis: 50 ml of tincture is mixed with 250 ml of celandine juice. The resulting liquid is taken half an hour before meals, 1 dessert spoon for 1-1.5 months. If after a course of treatment the cyst has not disappeared completely, the treatment is repeated after two weeks. You can also use tampons with ointment for 10 days.

What female diseases does it treat?

It turns out that most gynecological diseases can be cured using traditional methods. Even traditional medicine is gradually leaning towards using the most natural drugs possible in treatment.

In particular, there are positive reviews about the use of propolis for diseases of the genitourinary system in women. The healing properties of propolis make it effective even against tumors and fungi, allowing you to avoid taking expensive chemicals.

For uterine fibroids

The standard treatment regimen for fibroids involves hormonal therapy or surgery. Both methods are unsafe, while the use of bee glue for fibroids is not dangerous to health and can even eliminate the need for surgery.

Propolis has an antitumor effect and quickly eliminates inflammation. To cope with fibroids as quickly as possible, they use a combination of two drugs using propolis: a combination of balls with a decoction of this substance.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs and sexually transmitted infections are one of the leading factors of reproductive disorders.

The use of the medicinal properties of propolis in the form of tincture for oral administration, vaginal suppositories (suppositories), tampons, douching in gynecology accelerates the regeneration processes of the mucous membrane of the genital organs in case of erosive and ulcerative lesions, slows down the growth of pathological cells, has an antibacterial and antifungal effect, stimulates local immunity and relieves inflammation.

Cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is a defect in its mucous membrane. The prevalence of this problem is so widespread that almost every second woman faces it. The most common cause of erosion is infection with the human papillomavirus.

Other causes of this pathology may be sexually transmitted infections and inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system (such as adnexitis, colpitis, cervicitis), as well as mechanical damage during childbirth, abortion or sexual intercourse.

Thanks to the healing properties of propolis, which is an active regenerator and stimulates the healing of any wound surfaces, including ulcerative and erosive lesions, complete healing of cervical erosion is achieved in 70% of cases.

To treat erosion, tampons with propolis are used. First, the tampon is soaked in a 2% soda solution and mucous secretions are removed, and then a tampon with propolis ointment is inserted. Leave it for 10-12 hours. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Features of use

The miraculous product from the apiary can be used as an ointment, an alcohol solution and in a mixture with calendula. Let's talk about each method in a little more detail.

Propolis ointments are effectively used for the effective treatment of gynecological diseases. They activate all the protective functions of a woman’s body, heal wounds, relieve inflammation and kill germs.

There are countless recipes for ointments for female diseases. Basically, crushed propolis is mixed with petroleum jelly, lanolin and natural fats.

If you are a follower of treatment with folk remedies, then you probably know that propolis exhibits special healing properties. Thanks to its strong antiseptic effect, bee glue suppresses the proliferation of fungal and bacterial infections.

It also contains substances that have a detrimental effect on most viruses. Flavonoids and tannins contained in this bee product promote rapid wound healing.

Its wide-spectrum properties provide every reason to use workers’ glue in gynecology. The use of this substance makes it possible to combat various manifestations of female ailments, be it a cyst, chlamydial infection or cervical erosion.

Main uses

A variety of medicinal preparations are made from propolis. For gynecology, tampons are most acceptable, as well as tinctures based on it, ointments and aqueous solutions. We will look at the features of each of them in detail in our article. You will find out which method is best suited for getting rid of inflammation, fibroids or herpes.

Propolis is used not only in the treatment of folk remedies. Pharmaceutical companies actively use this product as a basis for medical ointments, suppositories and other dosage forms. Propolis tincture is also valued for its properties. Patients who have used such pharmaceutical products leave good reviews about their use.

Propolis is used to treat:

  • bacterial lesions;
  • vaginosis;
  • colpitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • candidiasis;
  • erosive processes;
  • endometriosis;
  • endometritis;
  • thrush.

Complex treatment with preparations based on bee glue is used for tumor processes:

  • fibroids;
  • mastopathy;
  • cystic formations in the organs of the female reproductive system.

READ MORE: Ointment for itching and skin irritation

In the treatment of various diseases of the female genital area, in addition to synthetic drugs, various methods of traditional medicine are widely used. Experts quite often recommend using propolis in gynecology.

This beekeeping product has long been considered by folk healers as a panacea for all diseases. Research in recent years has proven that beeswax has its side effects. However, the benefits in the treatment of various diseases from its use still make the product very popular among patients with various pathologies of the female genital area.

If propolis were more widely used in gynecology, then women's diseases would have a hard time. For example, propolis ointment, as well as alcoholic extracts and tinctures of propolis, turned out to be more effective than antibiotics. For inflammation of the vagina and cervix of various etiologies, as well as to speed up the healing of wounds after gynecological operations, it is recommended to use propolis ointment. The vagina is first cleaned of secretions, then a tampon with ointment is inserted so that the ointment touches the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane. After 10-12 hours, the tampon is removed. The course of treatment is 10-12 procedures. In most cases, recovery occurs after the first course. But if necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.


Treatment with bee products is quite safe, however, this therapy also has its contraindications. Propolis products are not recommended for use in case of skin diseases or allergies to bee products.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as in case of liver diseases, propolis can be used only as prescribed by a doctor.

The use of medicinal products with propolis gives excellent results for gynecological diseases. However, it is important to remember that they can only be used in complex therapy in combination with other medications. Before starting treatment with bee glue, you should definitely consult your doctor.

The healing properties of propolis

The wide range of uses of propolis is due to its composition: 16 classes of organic compounds imply the possibility of using bee glue not only for prevention, as is most often recommended, but also for treatment.

It has pronounced:

  • bactericidal and bacteriostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiviral;
  • antifungal;
  • anesthetic;
  • tonic;
  • antitoxic;
  • regenerating and healing;
  • antitoxic;
  • and other medicinal properties.

Bee glue, used naturally for disinfection, helps prevent the growth and reproduction of bacteria, fungi, and viruses;

removes toxins, waste and decay products from the body;

accelerates tissue healing and improves blood supply. In addition, there is experience in pain relief with propolis.

So internally in the form of alcohol and water extracts. In addition, compresses, lotions and applications are sometimes practiced on the lower abdomen, lumbar region and mammary glands.

Indications for use

The only problem when using propolis-based products may be allergies. Beekeeping products in general and bee glue in particular are more than aggressive in this regard.

Intolerance may manifest itself in the form of swelling, itching and hyperemia. This is especially scary when used locally in gynecology. When using concentrated tinctures internally, swelling can even spread to lung tissue.

Therefore, it is better to conduct a test before use. To do this, apply a little product containing propolis to the skin of the wrist or elbow. If within 2-3 hours this area does not turn red or begin to itch, bee glue is not an allergen.

Contraindications to the use of propolis

Video: Preparation of propolis ointment and application

Healing ointment is used to treat periodontal disease, rhinitis, psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and much more. With its help they cope with itching, runny nose and toothache. There are good results in the treatment of arthritis, osteochondrosis and radiculitis with propolis ointment. External use includes rubbing or applying gauze dressings.

Side effects

When using propolis-based preparations topically in any form, temporary side effects may appear: mild burning or tingling, especially at the site of direct contact with mucous membranes.

This phenomenon is temporary, it passes quickly and subsequently the body adapts to the effects of propolis on the tissue.

The use of bee glue in gynecology is associated with the delicacy of women's problems. That is why the restoration of women's health should occur under the strict supervision of a gynecologist and taking into account all contraindications.

Pharmacy range of products

Due to its high medicinal qualities and low allergic activity, beeswax is used to treat a large number of diseases. Of course, gynecological problems make up more than 40% of this list, however, in other areas, propolis provides patients with adequate assistance.

In pharmacies, the substance in question is presented to customers in a variety of combinations. In addition to the listed tinctures, decoctions, ointments and suppositories based on natural medicines, the pharmacy chain offers its customers a fairly wide selection of medicines and toiletries that include propolis.

An example would be a specialized cream soap containing propolis and royal jelly in equal parts or a similar toilet product for ladies with sea buckthorn and beeswax. Dentists actively advertise toothpaste and mouth freshener that contain 50% of this folk remedy.

Propolis in the form of ointments and creams is offered for the treatment of burns and wounds. Even to counteract poisoning and relieve intoxication, special activated carbon has been developed based on this beekeeping product.

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