Tincture of water pepper after cesarean section. Tincture of water pepper after childbirth: why, how to take

Water pepper has been used in folk medicine for many years. One of the advantages is that it grows almost everywhere, so there has never been a shortage. The name of the plant arose due to the pungency present and the habitat. There is also another name - pepper knotweed.

The properties of the plant are so wide and unique that it is used not only by traditional healers, but is recognized by official medicine. A tincture prepared on its basis can be purchased at almost any pharmacy, or you can also prepare it yourself. It is not recommended to use the plant with other heat treatment, since it loses all its beneficial properties.

Release form

The drug is a transparent aromatic liquid with a greenish-brown tint. This hemostatic agent is sold in pharmacies. The manufacturer bottles the liquid in dark glass bottles to protect the drug from sunlight.

The shelf life of the extract is 3.5 years. Although the drug has a tight stopper and a screw cap, it is still worth keeping it away from children.

Quite often, water pepper extract is prescribed after childbirth as a means of promoting uterine hypertonicity. Young mothers can prepare an infusion on their own by combining 2 tbsp. l. raw materials and 250 ml of alcohol. After 14 days, the medicine is ready for use.

Medicinal action

The liquid extract is used as a means:

  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • astringent;
  • increases blood clotting;
  • reducing capillary permeability;
  • reducing pressure;
  • increasing contraction of the uterine muscles.
  • Indications for use

    The herb extract is often used as a complex therapy for the following bleeding:

  • in the post-coagulation stage after treatment of cervical erosion;
  • various capillary (hemorrhoidal, gastric, intestinal);
  • heavy menstrual periods;
  • uterine, for example, after childbirth. Water pepper extract helps strengthen the contractility of the uterus.
  • The drug has an antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, so it is widely used in obstetrics and gynecology. Thanks to the medication, it is possible to reduce the intensity of bleeding not only during natural delivery, but also after cesarean section. Water pepper extract is also prescribed after curettage, miscarriages and abortions.

    Benefits of tincture

    Many years of experience have shown that taking water pepper extract stimulates uterine contractions. In some women, after childbirth or various gynecological operations, the process of bleeding and restoration of the uterus to normal size becomes difficult. Sometimes it happens that the cervix closes before all the postpartum discharge (lochia) has time to come out.

    As a result, pathogenic microorganisms begin to actively multiply in the uterine cavity, and inflammation begins. The woman’s condition sharply worsens, the temperature rises, some begin to experience tachycardia, and severe pain in the lower abdomen is observed. In such a situation, immediate hospitalization and curettage are required. In the absence of timely surgical treatment, pyometra develops, a disease in which pus accumulates in the uterine cavity.

    Water pepper tincture, which stimulates uterine contractions, consists of:

    • essential oils and tannins that have a bactericidal effect;
    • polygoperine glycoside, which improves blood clotting;
    • vitamin K, which reduces bleeding;
    • organic acids, which strengthen blood vessels and reduce their permeability.

    The composition also contains the following substances: quercetin, rutin, rhamnazine, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, hyeroside.

    Under the influence of the active components of water pepper extract, the work of the uterine muscles is stimulated and bleeding is reduced.

    Taking the tincture after childbirth as a course ensures that contractions of the uterus become more intense, and no discharge remains in it. The likelihood of complications after childbirth or gynecological surgery is minimized. When taking water pepper extract, 2 months after birth in women, the uterus returns to normal.

    Dosage and rules of administration

    You need to take the drug for 5-10 days. The duration of treatment depends on the clinical picture of the disease. According to the instructions, water pepper extract after childbirth is recommended as a hemostatic, 30-40 drops three to four times a day, half an hour before meals. The appointment must be coordinated with a gynecologist.

    The tincture should not be washed down with milk or fermented milk drinks, as the combination forms chelate compounds that prevent the absorption of the drug into the digestive tract. The extract can be diluted or washed down with a small amount of water.


    This tincture is useful for a variety of health problems. It is especially often prescribed to representatives of the fair sex.

    During menstruation

    Folk healers several centuries ago found out that any herbal tinctures based on peppermint help women reduce pain during menstrual bleeding. And, in addition, they make them less abundant, thereby significantly simplifying the “red days of the calendar” for girls and reducing the problems associated with them.

    In this case, you can easily prepare the medicine yourself. You will need to take 1 tablespoon of dry herb, pour it with a glass of water and warm it thoroughly in a water bath. The finished infusion should then be infused for 50 minutes, after which it should be carefully strained through cheesecloth and again topped up with warm boiled water to the volume of the glass. The medicine is taken three times a day, one tablespoon. It is best to do this after your next meal. The course of treatment lasts from three months to six months. As a result, the pain will either be completely eliminated or noticeably reduced.

    When bleeding

    Tincture and decoction of water pepper is also a natural pain reliever that is very effective and efficient. You can buy it at the pharmacy or make it yourself by pouring 10 grams of the plant with 250 grams of vodka. Next, the medicine should be infused for 15 days. After this period, the tincture must be filtered and poured into a dark glass container. To relieve pain, you will need to take 30 drops of this remedy four times a day.

    After childbirth

    Water pepper is prescribed to women in the first days after the birth of a child as a means of contracting the uterus. It helps in this due to the fact that it is able to stimulate the uterus, and also has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and disinfectant.

    It is best in this case to use the extract of the plant in question. To do this, you will need two tablespoons of the herb infused in 250 milliliters of 40 percent alcohol. You will need to take the finished medicine in the morning and evening before meals, 30 drops. True, in the postpartum period you should definitely consult a specialist on this issue. As a rule, such a medicine is prescribed by a doctor, but you should not self-medicate.

    For hair

    But not only is such a remedy used to treat various diseases, but also. For example, peppermint extract is mixed in equal parts with oily vitamin E, and then thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots and scalp. In order for the beneficial substances from the resulting mask to be absorbed into the skin and hair, you should leave it there for 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to put a warm cap on your hair or tie a scarf during this time. Next, the medicine is washed off with the most ordinary shampoo. The effect will be noticeable after the very first use.

    After an abortion

    There are numerous cases where a strong infusion of water pepper was used for illegal abortion at home. Of course, such a practice is strictly prohibited. Such measures can lead not only to serious health problems, but even death.

    But it is even recommended to use it as a uterine contraction after a traditional medical abortion. This allows a woman to recover faster from such a dangerous operation and return to normal. The main thing is to consult with a specialist before you start taking it to rule out possible contraindications.

    During pregnancy

    Since one of the main properties of this plant is the ability to increase the tone of the uterus, in most cases it is contraindicated during pregnancy. Excessive use can even lead to miscarriage. But in rare cases, experts still prescribe the expectant mother to take the drug under discussion when the expected benefit from it is several times greater than the possible harm.

    During lactation

    As mentioned above, immediately after childbirth, such a tincture is often prescribed to a woman for speedy recovery, contraction of the uterus and stop bleeding, but during this period the fair sex should not breastfeed the baby. Since the use of water pepper tincture is strictly prohibited throughout the entire period of lactation.

    Limitations to therapy and side effects

    It is prohibited to use the drug for:

  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • acute blockage of blood vessels by a thrombus;
  • diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system;
  • hypertension;
  • inflammatory processes in the urinary system;
  • children under 10 years of age;
  • chronic delayed bowel movements.
  • In rare cases, the extract may cause the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • allergies;
  • headache;
  • dizziness.
  • It is necessary to drink the herbal preparation with caution if you have liver disease, brain disease, or previous traumatic brain injury.

    Beneficial properties of water pepper for the body of a nursing mother

    The possibility of a fairly wide use of water pepper is associated with its rich chemical composition.

    • Water pepper contains vital microelements - manganese, magnesium, silver and so on. All of them participate in the internal processes of the body and contribute to their normalization.
    • In addition, water pepper also contains vitamins, such as C, K and D, which makes it even more beneficial.
    • The main beneficial property of water pepper - stopping the blood, is associated with the abundance of tannins in this plant. Interestingly, as a result of taking water pepper, blood pressure does not increase, so it can be used even for hypertension.
    • In addition to stopping the blood, water pepper can relieve any pain that accompanies this condition. The extract of this herb will also be effective when it is necessary to eliminate spasms or other pain, including migraines.
    • A pronounced antiseptic effect makes it possible to use water pepper to treat wounds and burns on the skin. In addition, the infusion of this plant can be used to rinse the mouth.
    • Water pepper effectively helps with urolithiasis and various kidney diseases. This remedy relieves inflammation, dilates the urinary ducts, so that stones or sand leave the organ without hindrance.

    For cosmetic purposes

    During the period of bearing a baby, the female body depletes its own reserves of nutrients, which directly affects the appearance of hair after childbirth. Liquid extract of water pepper is used not only for medical purposes, but also in home cosmetology.

    You can eliminate hair loss and accelerate its growth using a mask based on vitamin E and a herbal preparation. The cosmetic product is prepared according to the recipe:

    1. Mix an oil solution of vitamin E and pepper extract in equal parts.
    2. The resulting cocktail is rubbed into the scalp with massage movements.
    3. Hair must be covered with a plastic bag and wrapped in a towel to create a thermal effect for 20 minutes.
    4. The mask is washed off with shampoo.

    Specifics of use during lactation

    Pepper tincture effectively stops bleeding, blocks inflammatory processes and increases uterine tone. This is why water pepper extract is often prescribed after childbirth. When breastfeeding, the medication is not prohibited, but you need to drink it with caution. This precaution is due to the ethyl alcohol content in the tincture, which can negatively affect the baby.

    The active substances are absorbed into the mother’s blood and enter the newborn’s body with milk. There is a risk of damage to the baby's mucous membranes. To reduce the negative impact of the extract, you need to feed the baby three hours after taking the tincture.

    Thus, pepper extract can be used during lactation if the benefit to the mother is higher than the possible danger to the newborn. The course and dosage of the herbal remedy is prescribed by the attending physician.

    A similar effect—stimulating uterine contractions—has the drug Oxytocin, which is approved for breastfeeding.

    About the composition and benefits of the plant

    The main purpose of water pepper tincture in the postpartum period is to accelerate the contraction and restoration of the uterus. This medicine is also used for bleeding.

    The components of water pepper are substances with healing properties:

    1. Glycosides - they accelerate blood clotting.
    2. Tannins with bactericidal properties.
    3. Organic acids - their components reduce the fragility and permeability of blood vessels.
    4. Vitamin K - it also helps stop bleeding.

    All these components of the plant help women with postpartum hemorrhoids and restore hair. During breastfeeding, tincture of medicinal herbs helps cope with painful and heavy periods. The drug is also prescribed for uterine hypotension.

    In folk medicine, water pepper is used to treat malaria, bladder problems, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, skin diseases, headaches, rheumatism, and chronic colitis.

    Decoctions and extracts of medicinal herbs are used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory and sedative.

    Please note that after childbirth, the tincture can only be used as prescribed by a gynecologist. He must prescribe the duration of use of the drug, its dosage.

    As practice shows, obstetrician-gynecologists prescribe tincture of water pepper to women in labor to contract the uterine muscles as a hemostatic agent. It is approved for use during breastfeeding. Therefore, women should not interrupt lactation during treatment with this drug.

    It is worth knowing about the possible side effects of the drug. Among them are dizziness and headache, nausea. If a woman is bothered by such sensations, then taking the tincture should be stopped and the doctor should be informed.

    The drug also has contraindications. These are kidney diseases (nephritis, glomerulonephritis); arterial hypertension; cystitis; heart diseases; chronic constipation; individual intolerance to the plant.

    Water pepper extract after childbirth: reviews from patients

    Women who used the drug on the recommendation of gynecologists noted the following benefits:

  • affordable price. A bottle with 25 ml of liquid can be purchased from 23 rubles;
  • natural product;
  • omitted without a prescription;
  • a small list of contraindications - pregnancy, childhood and allergy to the plant, which happens extremely rarely;
  • ease of use;
  • no side effects;
  • availability in any pharmacy;
  • approved by gynecologists;
  • short course of treatment.
  • The disadvantages of the extract include its slightly unpleasant taste, but, in principle, everyone can drink 20-30 drops, especially since the product can be washed down with water.

    How to take water pepper tincture

    You can currently buy this medicine in almost any pharmacy, so getting it is not a problem. But still, many people prefer to do it themselves. To do this, fresh or dry grass is either poured with alcohol and infused, or filled with plain water and kept in a water bath for 20-25 minutes. Next, the patient takes one of the two tinctures in the amount prescribed by the specialist. First of all, it depends on what disease needs to be cured using this method.

    Typically, the dose ranges from 35 to 45 drops three or four times a day. The course of administration and dose are prescribed by the doctor. By the way, few people know that in fact, such a tincture itself is a real toxic substance. That is why you should never exceed the dose prescribed by your doctor or indicated on the medication package. It is undesirable to use such a remedy without prior consultation with a specialist, since the consequences in this case can be the most unpredictable.

    Some patients, having read information about the benefits of such a remedy, decide to start taking it for the general benefit of the body and as a preventive measure. In fact, this is strictly prohibited.

    One cannot help but mention the unpleasant taste of such a medicine. For many, it becomes unbearably disgusting to drink even the prescribed 30 drops of this remedy. In this case, it is allowed to drink it with a small amount of liquid. But! It can only be water. It is not recommended to use tea, juices, soda or any other similar drinks for this purpose.

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