Vaginal discharge during orgasm, during and before sexual intercourse

Every woman experiences discharge from the genitals after intimacy, and this is a completely normal process. However, they have different characters and are expressed with different symptoms. In some cases, they cause a lot of inconvenience and also indicate a disease in the reproductive structure.

In gynecological practice, it is believed that mucus discharge from the vagina is an indicator of the condition of the female body. Therefore, you should be attentive to the formation of such signs, and in case of deviation from the norm, take appropriate measures. The formation of white discharge after sex, based on its external signs and smell, may indicate that the body needs help. As a rule, only a specialist can determine and find out the cause of such formation.

If discharge is detected in women, simple rules must be followed. A woman should take a shower after sexual intercourse and not use a detergent for intimate hygiene, because this can cause irritation on the mucous membranes of the genital organ. It is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor in a timely manner (in this case, you will need the help of a venereologist or gynecologist).

Orgasm and its manifestations

Sexologists have established that orgasm is a physiological state that ends sexual intercourse or other sexual activity in both men and women.
It is based on an unconditioned reflex formed by the central and peripheral nervous systems. It is characterized by the following sensations: spreading warmth from the lower abdomen throughout the body, increased breathing and heart rate, a jump in blood pressure, contraction of the vaginal walls (in women), a short-term numbing effect, a feeling of euphoria with complete relaxation at the end. There are several types of sexual satisfaction in women: vaginal, clitoral and uterine. The latter has no scientific or experimental basis, existing only as a theory. Vaginal orgasm occurs due to mechanical friction of the vagina and stimulation of the G-spot located in it.

Discharges during and after orgasm among the fair sex are different, but they are caused by the production of sexual secretions. While in a man it is ejaculation.

Discharge in women during sex is caused by the functioning of the gonads. With intimate contact, blood circulation in the pelvic area increases, and accordingly, intense stimulation of the genital organs occurs. The glands produce more secretions. During orgasm, the muscles of literally all the pelvic organs begin to contract, so even more mucous fluid is released.

Each woman has individual indicators of the intensity and nature of mucus. Typically, when women have an orgasm, the discharge is white, of uniform consistency, slightly sticky, odorless, or has a sour taste.

The characteristics of cervical fluid may vary depending on the stage of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. In some cases, when a woman has an imbalance of estrogen or progesterone, secretion is very different from the specified parameters or is absent altogether.

In simultaneous satisfaction, when pleasure reaches both partners, the man's ejaculation, mixing with female secretions, is excreted in copious amounts. Then the mucus has a yellowish tint and has the consistency of egg white. Sometimes the vagina may tingle slightly due to the high acid content in semen. But do not confuse the sensation with a burning sensation, which are symptoms of gynecological diseases.

Many representatives of the fairer sex claim that during the highest point of bliss they observe a large amount of light-colored liquid that literally gushes out in a stream. For many years, there has been controversy surrounding this phenomenon, called squirting, accompanied by a large amount of research. So what is released in women during orgasm?

In 1950, Dr. Gräfenberg (the G-spot was named after him) stated in an essay that the heavy discharge during female orgasm is a product of the activity of the intraurinary glands, located along the urethra and associated with the erotic zone. Later, William Masters refuted this opinion, believing that this is urinary incontinence due to intense stimulation of the brain centers.

In fact, urination and squirting feel very similar, but debate about the nature of the phenomenon continues to this day. However, the most rational explanation for the excessive secretion of fluid appeared in 2015. According to him, the increase in arousal stimulates the walls of the vagina, which, pulsating, press on the Skene gland on the dorsal surface of the urethra.

Upon satisfaction, a secret comes out of it, penetrating through the walls of the bladder, simulating ejaculation. A little more than 100 ml of such liquid can be released at a time. This secretion differs slightly in composition, but at the same time, it has many similarities with urine. It is stickier and more concentrated, with a white tint, but has the same alkaline content.

After childbirth, this gland can move into an area of ​​constant stimulation, which is why many people believe that a woman giving birth is more passionate and sensitive.

Discharge in women during and after orgasm can be associated with various gynecological pathologies.

For example, bloody discharge after sex is sometimes observed in the presence of cervical erosion, deep penetration and rough sexual intercourse, as a result of which tissue or small vessels are damaged. And also, the described symptom often indicates endometriosis, as well as the presence of neoplasms. Blood mixes with sexual secretion, which is released more intensely at the peak of arousal.

Increased discharge during sex is the main symptom of diseases such as bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis. In the first case, the secreted mucus smells like rotten fish and is yellow, green or off-white in color. In the second - a cheesy secretion with a sweet and sour smell. In both cases, itching and burning are annoying.

About a year before your first menstruation, you may notice marks on your underwear. These discharges are colorless and odorless and indicate that the female body is preparing to reach puberty. They will accompany you until the onset of menopause.

During sexual intercourse, a sufficient amount of secretion from the vagina, cervix and paraurethral glands is an important basis for pleasant sensations. Otherwise, if there is not enough discharge, you risk getting microcracks, itching, discomfort and infection.

Remember that vaginal discharge that does not cause discomfort is most likely completely safe. But if their quantity, color, smell and consistency have changed, or irritation appears, then you should contact a gynecologist immediately.

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Heavy discharge during and after sex in women often raises questions about whether such a sign is normal, what it means, and whether it is possible to talk about the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.

Discharge in women during sex in the form of mucus is a natural phenomenon. The appearance of mucus in the vaginal area is considered normal. To determine whether there are any diseases, you should clarify the signs of normal and abnormal excretion.

Which leucorrhoea is not considered pathological:

  • The secretion is transparent and has a uniform consistency.
  • The secret is not abundant.
  • They have no odor or a slight aroma.
  • The skin and mucous membranes in the intimate area are not irritated, there is no itching or burning.
  • The woman’s health is normal – the temperature does not rise, there is no malaise or weakness.

An increase in mucus after sex is a natural reaction of the body. It is important that leucorrhoea does not have a pathological character.

According to doctors, ejaculation in women is quite common. Such discharge during sex appears during orgasm and represents a small volume of clear liquid.

The secretion that women secrete during sex is called lubricant. It is a transparent, thin mucus without any foreign aroma or clots. Thanks to this liquid, sexual intercourse is not painful, and there is less chance of injury to the vagina.

During sex, women may notice vaginal discharge. Their number becomes greatest during the process of orgasm. Often these leucorrhoea contain not only female, but also male secretions if the contact was unprotected.

The function of mucus is to protect the genital organ from mechanical damage, moisturize the vaginal walls and outer mucosa. The liquid cleanses the vaginal cavity of foreign microbes.

Vaginal leucorrhoea is considered normal if it does not have any foreign odor or color. So, after sexual intercourse, the glands work actively, allowing the vaginal cavity to be cleansed of foreign microorganisms, and part of the natural lubricant comes out. In some cases, heavy discharge may be associated with ovulation.

Discharge in women during sexual intercourse is a combination of natural fluid and cellular structures that are produced by body systems. Such structures are transparent bases and are similar to the mucus that forms during ovulation. After the ovulation period, during sexual intercourse, women experience white and thick discharge. The color and consistency of vaginal mucus is formed depending on the age of the patient and how active her intimate life is.

Hormonal changes, medication use, and the presence of an infectious disease in the body also affect such signs. With sexual arousal and intercourse, an increase in vaginal secretion occurs. This is necessary to provide lubrication to the penis.

According to average indicators, moisture forms on the vaginal wall 12-16 seconds after active stimulation occurs in the erogenous zone. It also occurs when a woman experiences strong discharge due to arousal on a psychological level. After a natural lubricant is introduced into the genital organ, mucus continues to be produced and even increases in volume.

During arousal, mucus is secreted normally, and a more maximum level of secretion occurs during orgasm. As excitement subsides, mucus secretion returns to normal.

Natural lubrication is a sure sign that female arousal has occurred, which cannot be stimulated or faked. When sperm penetrates the female genital organ, the consistency of the lubricant may change and the vaginal discharge will change into a new form with a white consistency.

Discharge in women appears as a watery, liquid substance that acts as a lubricant. A higher volume of lubrication tends to form when a woman is aroused. Often, some girls experience the formation of specific vaginal discharge after intimacy. If sexual intercourse occurs without condoms, then after the act the woman may experience the formation of thick and transparent secretory secretions of mucus.

Questions and answers about discharge during intercourse

Heavy discharge during and after sex in women often raises questions about whether such a sign is normal, what it means, and whether it is possible to talk about the presence of diseases of the reproductive system.

What kind of discharge is normal?

Discharge in women during sex in the form of mucus is a natural phenomenon. The appearance of mucus in the vaginal area is considered normal. To determine whether there are any diseases, you should clarify the signs of normal and abnormal excretion.

Which leucorrhoea is not considered pathological:

  • The secretion is transparent and has a uniform consistency.
  • The secret is not abundant.
  • They have no odor or a slight aroma.
  • The skin and mucous membranes in the intimate area are not irritated, there is no itching or burning.
  • The woman’s health is normal – the temperature does not rise, there is no malaise or weakness.

An increase in mucus after sex is a natural reaction of the body. It is important that leucorrhoea does not have a pathological character.

Does female ejaculation happen?

According to doctors, ejaculation in women is quite common. Such discharge during sex appears during orgasm and represents a small volume of clear liquid.

What is released in women when aroused?

The secretion that women secrete during sex is called lubricant. It is a transparent, thin mucus without any foreign aroma or clots. Thanks to this liquid, sexual intercourse is not painful, and there is less chance of injury to the vagina.

What is feminine lubricant for?

Discharge in women during sex has several functions. Thus, sexual intercourse becomes painless, since natural lubrication ensures easy insertion of the penis. Mucus performs a protective function - the number of microbes that enter the genitals is reduced.

During the period of ovulation, mucus slightly changes its composition, creating an optimal environment for sperm penetration, which promotes fertilization. Mucus during arousal is called vaginal lubrication.

How much mucus should be normal?

Whether there should be a lot of discharge during sex or not is a pressing question among women. On average, the volume of liquid is 4-6 ml per day. When excited, its quantity increases significantly due to the active work of the sex glands and the rush of blood to the vaginal walls.

In this case, a large number of leucorrhoea is allowed, however, sometimes their volume remains practically unchanged. The largest amount of fluid is released during female orgasm.

What kind of discharge is normal?

White secretions during sex are considered normal. Thanks to this mucus, the vaginal walls are moisturized, the secretion is a natural lubricant. Also the secret is protection against pollution.

White discharge is not always normal. They may appear due to the following factors:

  • Constantly being in a state of stress;
  • Exhaustion of the body;
  • Changes in hormonal levels due to taking OK;
  • Failure to comply with hygiene rules;
  • Allergy to certain types of foods or medications;
  • Acclimatization;
  • Changes in microflora while taking antibiotics.

An alarming symptom is the appearance of leucorrhoea, reminiscent of cottage cheese in smell and appearance. They are heterogeneous and signal the development of candidiasis. It is accompanied by a white coating on the mucous membrane, itching and burning.

Normally, a woman has leucorrhoea at any period of the menstrual cycle; the vagina should never be completely dry, since secretion performs several important functions. Firstly, it resists most pathogenic agents that enter the vagina from the outside, and secondly, it serves as a lubricant and reduces the risk of injury to delicate epithelial tissues during sex.

Leucorrhoea is considered normal if:

  • They do not have a distinct color. They can be transparent, white, sometimes cream or with a faint yellowish tint.
  • There is no strong unpleasant odor. Normal microflora never gives the secretion the smell of decaying organic matter.
  • The consistency is not too thin (not watery), but not too thick either. A jelly-like or slimy consistency is normal. During ovulation, the mucus is clear and viscous.
  • The volume is no more than a teaspoon throughout the day (but visually this parameter is quite difficult to track).

If the reproductive system is functioning normally and there are no diseases, then the discharge does not cause irritation on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, is not accompanied by pain, does not cause an increase in temperature or any other discomfort.

Normal discharge has a slight sour odor, a dull color (from transparent to light yellow), and does not cause irritation of the mucous membranes or discomfort. They perform various functions: protect against infections, help sperm penetrate the body, or act as a lubricant during sexual intercourse.

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Their regular appearance is a sign of the healthy functioning of your reproductive system. By the way, if there is no discharge at all or there is no menstruation, you should consult a doctor - this may serve as a signal of irregularities.

Mucous fluid is secreted in all women. This is an indicator of normal physiological activity of the body. Signs of normal discharge are:

  • they are liquid and have a transparent, sometimes jelly-like consistency;
  • their number is small;
  • smell – weak, specific, without putrefactive and other characteristic impurities;
  • they are not thick and do not irritate the skin of the external genitalia;
  • no symptoms of the disease are felt: itching, temperature, pain, etc.

After sexual intercourse, the amount of mucus increases. And this process should in no way worry a woman: a large amount of mucus is a sign of sexual arousal. A person cannot somehow control the process of fluid secretion from the vagina.

The volume of vaginal discharge varies depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. The largest amount of vaginal secretion occurs during ovulation. This can also occur due to stress or changes in climate conditions.

White sputum during or after sex is also normal for women. They are white because lactobacilli live in the vagina, blocking the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. This is important for maintaining the normal functioning of sperm that enter there during sexual intercourse. White mucus helps the walls of the vagina to be well moisturized, lubricated and cleansed of dead epithelium.

White mucus, often copious, may not be associated with sexual intercourse. This happens before the start of menstruation. During ovulation, this happens not only during sexual intercourse, but also at the moment of sexual arousal. During this period they are thick and viscous: this is not a pathological condition. Finally, white mucus is released from the vagina after sexual intercourse. This indicates that she is being cleared of sperm.

White mucus, sometimes thick, also appears in girls. This process is not associated with sexual activity. Vaginal secretions should not have a sour odor. If this happens, you need to consult a doctor. Most often, white and thick mucus with an unpleasant odor and a cheesy consistency is formed in women as a result of candidiasis. This happens for the following reasons:

  • frequent stress and overwork;
  • hormonal disorders associated primarily with the use of oral contraceptives;
  • insufficient compliance with hygiene rules;
  • wearing underwear made of synthetic fabric;
  • too intense sex;
  • eating spicy or salty foods (in this case, leucorrhoea may appear as a manifestation of an allergic reaction);
  • taking antibiotics (especially if this happens without the doctor’s knowledge);
  • climate change.

Thick, white mucus with a cheesy consistency that appears during or after sex is an alarming sign. It indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. Such leucorrhoea may be accompanied by burning and itching in the vaginal area.

Why do men have white discharge after sex?

Most often, urethral discharge not associated with orgasm is caused by chronic inflammation of the prostate gland.

This may be spermatorrhea or prostatorrhea, that is, sperm or prostatic secretions periodically leak.

Spermatorrhea is considered to be the frequent or almost constant leakage of sperm from the urethra without connection with orgasm.

The cause of this phenomenon is a weakening of the muscle tone of the vas deferens.

It can develop due to paretic changes or damage to the sphincters.

More often, spermatorrhea occurs at the end of urination or during straining (for example, during bowel movements, lifting heavy objects).

Concomitant factors that facilitate the onset of this pathological process are:

  • chronic constipation,
  • inflammatory bowel diseases (spastic colitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis),
  • diseases of the nervous system (demyelinating pathologies, such as multiple sclerosis, lumbar plexitis).

Signs of the condition include the appearance of drops of white sperm.

This is precisely the leakage of seminal fluid, which, unlike ejaculation, is not released in bursts and portions, but flows down drop by drop.

In this case, the person does not experience arousal, he usually does not have an erection and the matter does not end with orgasm.

The more intra-abdominal pressure increases, the larger portion of sperm is accompanied by leakage.

Often the tone of the ducts decreases with prolonged abstinence and in men with chronic prostatitis.

Sexual arousal can provoke increased discharge.

With a long-term problem, men develop neurotic disorders and depression may occur.

The condition requires separation from libidinal urethrorrhea, when, upon stimulation, the secretion of the paraurethral glands is released from the non-erect or erect penis.

The most common causes of acquired spermatorrhea are:

  • pelvic organ injuries,
  • genital infections, including sexually transmitted infections,
  • chronic or latent venereal diseases,
  • chronic prostatitis, prostate adenoma, cancer,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • functional disorders of the nervous system,
  • metabolic disorders - diabetes mellitus,
  • old age due to a general decrease in muscle tone,
  • chronic stress, starvation.

Chronic congestive prostatitis is one of the common causes of thick white discharge from the penis or the discharge of a whitish liquid.

The latter belong to the prostate.

Prostatic secretion may flow out in a few drops from the urethra and is normal.

For example, this is typical for heavy physical activity, heavy lifting.

Prostatic secretion is a liquid containing sodium and potassium salts, bicarbonates, chlorides, and lipid compounds.

The latter give the juice a slight glow (opalescence).

Typically, prostatic secretions mix with seminal fluid and liquefy it.

It also discolors the protective properties that help the normal functioning of sperm.

You can get it in the form of discharge from the urethra by massaging the prostate gland.

Also, normally, a few droplets may be released after a bowel movement.

White discharge with prostatitis is evidence of weak tone of the vas deferens and congestion in the gland.

Typically, discharge is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • leakage of drops from the urethra during the day without exercise or bowel movement,
  • pressure in the gland area,
  • distension in the rectum,
  • urinary disorders,
  • problems with erection
  • chronic pelvic pain.

Heavy discharge

An increase in the volume of leucorrhoea can be pathogenic in nature or occur for physiological reasons associated with special conditions or periods of a woman’s life. It is important to know them in order to be able to independently determine whether qualified help is needed with such changes or whether the picture is completely normal.

The condition of vaginal leucorrhoea is affected by certain medications, the period of breastfeeding, climate change and many other factors.

In young girls, aged 10-17 years, leucorrhoea is often more abundant than in adult women. The reason for this lies in the fact that before the onset of menstruation and several years after their first appearance, the body’s hormonal levels gradually improve and stabilize, while in adult women this process is already completed and follows a constant algorithm.

In girls, the abundance of discharge may not be constant, but may appear periodically. If this is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, then there is no reason to worry.

An increase in the volume of secretion is usually observed during the period of ovulation, but its consistency becomes more mucous and viscous, and the color becomes transparent. After ovulation, everything returns to its previous state.

But in the second half of the monthly cycle, and especially shortly before menstruation, thick white or white-yellow discharge appears, which lasts about five days before the start of the menstrual period. This does not require any treatment as it corresponds to normal fluctuations in sex hormones throughout the month.

During sexual arousal, special mechanisms are launched in a woman’s body that prepare her reproductive organs for sex. One of these mechanisms is the intensive work of the Bartholin glands, which are located in the vestibule of the labia in the back of them.

Strong sexual arousal quickly affects this gland, and it begins to work much harder, which is expressed in the abundance of physiological mucus, which naturally provides lubrication for better glide of the penis. The second function of such moisturizing is protection against the possible entry of pathogenic microbes into the vagina.

The intensity of secretion of such fluid during arousal varies significantly among different women, and in some it is very high. The leucorrhoea is not as thick as usual, transparent or white.

The abundance of white vaginal discharge after sexual intercourse lasts for an average day. Leucorrhoea consists of the internal secretion of the vagina and the ejaculate of the man. Ejaculate under the influence of an acidic environment can form small pieces or clots.

The color of such a liquid is sometimes white, white-yellow or almost transparent. This often causes discomfort, as the underwear becomes more moist than usual. Over the course of a day, the intensity gradually decreases and returns to normal.


The reason for the appearance of abundant secretion in the form of hard, cheesy pieces is thrush or candidiasis. The standard clinical picture is copious discharge from the vagina of a white or white-yellow cheesy mass, which often has an unpleasant sour odor. During sex, you often feel discomfort and sometimes pain. In addition, severe itching, burning and discomfort are felt in the labia area due to excessive moisture in the underwear.

For this disease to begin to manifest itself, any weakening of the immune system or the action of other factors affecting the number of healthy vaginal microflora is sufficient.


The second name for this disease is bacterial vaginosis.

This pathology is caused by a violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora. With it, there is a sharp increase in vaginal secretion, acquiring a gray-white color and a heterogeneous structure. The secretion usually does not smell during the first 24 hours, but then acquires an odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

Gardnerellosis requires urgent treatment, as it can cause more serious diseases that affect the general health of a woman. Since it directly depends on the state of the immune system, prevention after treatment must necessarily include measures to strengthen a person’s resistance to colds and viral diseases. If this is not done, then at the next opportunity the dysbiosis will resume and lead to a new round of the disease.

Large amounts of discharge during sexual intercourse are normal. Many women are interested in why the secretion is most abundant during sexual intercourse. A large amount of discharge may indicate ovulation - the onset of a period when conception is most favorable, or a possible disease.

Sometimes excessive leucorrhoea indicates the development of disorders. One of the common diseases, the main symptom of which is excessive leucorrhoea, is called bacterial vaginosis. During and after sexual intercourse, copious discharge of greenish, yellowish or white mucus may be observed.

Some STDs may result in the discharge of foul-smelling fluid during sex. Examples of such diseases are gonorrhea and chlamydia. The absence of leucorrhoea is also an unfavorable sign. It signals a violation of microflora, hormone failure, or improper hygiene.

A lot of mucus after sexual intercourse is normal. The release of a large volume of leucorrhoea during orgasm can occur as a result of mixing vaginal leucorrhoea and sperm. Sometimes this secretion has a yellow tint and the smell of protein.

Such mucus should not cause discomfort or burning. Sometimes the cause of copious discharge is increased sensitivity in women. This sign cannot be called a deviation; rather, it is associated with the characteristics of the body.

Why does it depend on men?

When a woman sees an attractive man in front of her, she experiences passion and desire for him.
The sexual preferences of the partner play an important role. While women's preferences may not differ when it comes to sexual pleasure, it is important to remember that each girl is unique in what turns her on and how she feels about sexual experiences with a partner. If a girl begins to drool, it means that she is ready for intimacy. A woman, as a representative of the weaker sex of humanity, is aroused by the very fact of sexual intercourse with a stronger representative - a man. Also, for women, an emotional connection is important, like a spark of sexual desire.

You can determine that a girl is excited by several signs:

  • the heart rate increases and breathing becomes heavier;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the vagina becomes moist as the natural amount of lubrication increases sharply;
  • slurred speech and confusion;
  • the vagina expands and lengthens as the uterus extends upward;
  • the external genitalia, including the clitoris and labia, become swollen;
  • the skin around the genitals turns red or darkens;
  • the girl strives for tactile contact.

A sexually aroused woman becomes more emotional . Some girls “flow” only at the sight of an attractive man, others do this during a kiss and tactile contact, and some manage to get aroused only through sexual stimulation of the erogenous zones.

Reasons for formation

Due to the action of a new conditionally pathogenic flora that has penetrated the body’s system, the vagina develops adaptation to an unfamiliar bacterium and microorganism, and in some cases, complete rejection. Often, this is expressed in the form of an increase in the amount of mucus secretion, as well as a change in the color and structure of the lubricant. As a rule, the indicator gradually normalizes. However, with frequent changes of partners, a serious illness, as well as infertility, can develop.

As a rule, for any deviation from the norm in the body, there is a specific reason why the disorder occurred. With abundant lubrication and in the absence of mucus secretions, there is a certain factor that affects this formation. A sharp decrease in vaginal discharge occurs when:

  • frequent stressful situations,
  • sexually transmitted diseases, and the presence of an infectious process in the genitals,
  • hormonal imbalance,
  • diseases of the reproductive system,
  • lack of arousal before sexual intercourse,
  • impaired blood circulation,
  • pathological condition in the nervous system.

You should know that both scanty and heavy discharge in a woman with odor and discomfort require observation. At the first signs, you should seek the help of a specialist to avoid unpleasant consequences. In any case, an extra examination will not hurt to make sure that everything is in order with the body’s condition, as well as to eliminate the unpleasant disorder in a timely manner.

Within 3-8 weeks after birth, the norm is the presence of bloody and mucous discharge, the so-called “lochia” (not to be confused with menstruation).

After an abortion, such discharge for a month is also considered normal. They shouldn't have an unpleasant odor and you shouldn't feel pain.

During sex, the appearance of white discharge in some cases is due to the production of lubrication, which is a normal phenomenon in the reproductive system. Due to the white discharge in the vaginal mucosa, all dead epithelial cells are cleansed. Before and after the menstrual cycle, many women experience white, heavy discharge. Doctors note the main factors that can trigger the formation of heavy discharge in a woman during sex. This list includes:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • heavy work schedule;
  • improper hygiene;
  • mechanical trauma during intimacy;
  • eating spicy foods;
  • allergy;
  • long antibiotic therapy;
  • climatic conditions.


Initially, it is necessary to determine what is causing the appearance of white mucous discharge. After the examination, the doctor prescribes the patient to undergo the necessary procedures, which include a smear test of this mucus compartment after sexual intercourse. This technique is carried out to identify pathogenic bacteria that disrupt the functioning of the reproductive system.

After determining the cause of the formation of white discharge after sex, therapeutic therapy is prescribed. Depending on the form of the disorder and the stage of development of inflammation, antibiotics, antimicrobial and antifungal drugs are prescribed. Due to the fact that the symptom is formed against the background of various factors, you should not self-medicate, as this can only aggravate the situation.

Treatment methods are carried out to eliminate the underlying disease that provoked the disorder in the form of white vaginal discharge after intimacy. As additional measures, a woman is recommended to take a bath with medicinal herbs, douche, and place anti-inflammatory suppositories in the vagina at night. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene, as well as regularly see a gynecologist.

Important! The appearance of leucorrhoea is not the formation of an independent disease, but only a sign that a particular disease is progressing in the body. In some cases, this is just a common disorder that does not threaten the reproductive system. Regardless of the type of discharge, consultation with a specialist is required.

The manifestation of profuse leucorrhoea after sex almost always appears to be a pathological discharge from the vagina. Normal physiological secretions are characterized by the detection of light secretions of mucus that do not irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Is white discharge normal?

A sour, not pungent odor of secretion is normal in many cases. The largest component of leucorrhoea is due to lactobacilli - a large group of fermented milk bacteria that determine the acidity of the intravaginal environment. Its pH averages 3.8-4.4, which corresponds to a slightly acidic reaction.

Lactobacilli form lactic acid during their life processes. It is necessary in order to:

  • inhibit the growth of opportunistic fungi in the vagina;
  • prevent bacteria from penetrating deep into the mucous epithelium;
  • regulate the fertilization process, since conception occurs only when there is a sufficient amount of sperm neutralized by vaginal leucorrhoea (a sufficient volume of ejaculate for this is an indirect indicator of a man’s general health).

Therefore, a slight sour smell may be a variant of the norm, but it is not present in all women, as it is a purely individual characteristic.

The color of vaginal secretion is a very important indicator that responds to changes in the state of the reproductive system in the shortest possible time. There is a list of signs that changes in the nature of discharge are associated with some kind of pathology:

  • change in consistency from normal to curdled;
  • large volume (significantly exceeding 5 ml per day);
  • hard pieces, large lumps, inclusions of other colors;
  • obvious foaming;
  • color change;
  • the presence of a sour, fishy or onion rotten odor;
  • dryness and irritation of the labia majora;
  • discomfort, pain, itching in the genital area;
  • painful urination.

If, along with these manifestations, the temperature rises, it hurts to walk, or there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

What are the differences between types of female orgasms?

Let's figure out what squirting is - this is a jet orgasm in women. To be able to cause a jet orgasm in a girl, you need to distinguish it from others and know which stimulation of which vaginal organ leads to which orgasm.

  • Clitoral orgasm

The clitoris in the structure of the female external genital organs is compared to the penis - it contains a huge number of nerve endings and its stimulation leads to clitoral orgasm. This type of orgasm is one of the simplest, since with the slightest impact blood flows to the clitoris, it hardens and ejaculation occurs. To induce an orgasm, it is enough to try to influence the clitoris in different ways: stroking it from top to bottom, fiddling with it, etc. – it all depends on the girl’s feelings, which you need to pay attention to.

  • Mystical G-spot

It has not been scientifically proven, but it is assumed that somewhere inside a woman’s vagina there is a G-spot, stimulation of which can lead to a vivid vaginal orgasm. Many people don’t know how to find a woman’s G-spot. To feel this point, you need to insert your finger about halfway into the vagina and touch the upper wall, feeling the ribbed surface. Under this surface is the G-spot. If you try, you can reach it not only with your finger, but also with your penis.

  • Anal orgasm

Not all partners practice anal sex, but it has its advantages, one of which is the presence of a vivid orgasm. At first, anal sex may seem too painful and unpleasant. Before starting, it is recommended to purchase a special lubricant. Vaginal and anal orgasms are closely related, since a thin wall separates the rectum and the vagina. At this point, the anal and vaginal muscles, equipped with common nerve endings, unite.

  • Combination of stimulation of several sensitive areas

You can bring a girl to orgasm by combining several caresses at the same time: touching the nipples, neck, while stimulating the clitoris or vagina with the penis. The combination of such actions can lead to an unforgettable orgasm, which is also called mixed. In order to try all the ways to achieve orgasm, give the woman the opportunity to be on top. This way the man’s hands will be free, his chest and clitoris will be open.

  • Other points

The G spot is not the only special place in the female body. The deeper the penis goes, the more erogenous points it can reach - the O, A or U spots, however, all this is still a controversial issue.

  • Cervical orgasm

During orgasm, lubricant is released at the junction of the uterus and vagina (cervix). This process of contraction of the cervix during arousal is called cervical orgasm. But not all girls like this feeling - sometimes it can be painful or just strange. To stimulate a cervical orgasm, a man must penetrate deep into the vagina.

  • Nipple touching

Biting, touching with the tongue, kissing nipples and breasts - all this can lead to orgasm. The breast is a very sensitive organ, which men most often resort to caressing. A good massage will not only bring pleasure to the girl, but will also improve the shape of her breasts. According to scientific research, nipple stimulation affects the same parts of the brain involved in vaginal and clitoral orgasm.

  • Orgasm during exercise

A girl can cause an orgasm on her own just by playing sports. This happens when the lower abdominal and pelvic muscles are very tense. The so-called corgasm is typical for girls with a certain body structure and hips.

  • Squirt orgasm

It is typical for only half of women – from 10 to 54%. Squirting is closely related to vaginal orgasm and occurs when the urethra is stimulated. The glands around the urethra are responsible for the “shooting” of fluid.

Don't be afraid of pink

A pink impurity appears in the discharge when taking oral contraceptives or having an intrauterine device. Such discharge is called “spotting” - it appears during the period of adaptation to taking contraceptives for the first 3-4 months. During this period, the body gets used to microdoses of hormones or the presence of a foreign body in the uterine cavity. But if this discharge persists for more than 4 months, tends to intensify, or is accompanied by pain, this is a reason to consult a doctor.

What does the absence of discharge during sex mean?

There are also cases when, during sexual intercourse, mucus is not released in the required quantity. Such a manifestation is also considered a deviation from the norm in medical practice. As a rule, this occurs against the background of the fact that the required volume of lubricants is not produced. The absence of discharge is extremely dangerous, as it can lead to serious complications.

Against this background, the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms often occurs due to the fact that the reproductive system becomes vulnerable. During sexual intercourse, a woman experiences severe discomfort. Female diseases may also occur. If a woman lacks secretion, then this negatively affects her sexual partner. When a girl has excessive vaginal dryness, it can cause her partner's frenulum to rupture or become damaged.

The reasons for the appearance of blood during sex are varied; they are not always associated with menstruation or defloration. In some cases, it appears in the presence of certain diseases.

What pathologies can cause bleeding during sexual intercourse:

  • Damage to the cervix or vagina during intense sex.
  • Infections.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.
  • Polyps and malignant tumors.
  • Cervical erosion.

If you suspect a pathology, you should consult a doctor for advice. With proper treatment, you can avoid such discharge in the future and eliminate other unpleasant symptoms of the disease; it is important to start treatment as early as possible.

The appearance of discharge in women during sexual intercourse is a natural process. The absence of secretion can signal a pathological condition, as well as the body’s reaction to some negative factors.

So, with regular use of soap that has a high alkaline index, the amount of secretion may decrease. To correct the situation, you should use special intimate hygiene products with a low amount of alkali.

Vaginal dryness can be a symptom of diseases such as tumors, immune system disorders, herpes, infections of the reproductive system and urinary tract, and hormonal pathologies.

This is a sign of blood appearing in them. Most often this happens just before the start of the next menstruation. If they are not thick and their quantity is small, then there is no need to worry. But thick black discharge is primarily due to the fact that the blood has begun to oxidize.

The appearance of mucus not associated with menstruation often indicates:

  • erosion:
  • cervical cancer;
  • endometriosis.

If such symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

  • constant use of soap with a high alkaline value (vaginal pH is 4-4.5);
  • the use of a large amount of cosmetics and perfumes containing artificial fragrances and dyes;
  • using latex condoms during sex;
  • formation of benign or malignant tumors;
  • immune disorders;
  • genital herpes;
  • use of antihistamines;
  • uncontrolled treatment with antidepressants;
  • incorrectly selected drug against arterial hypertension;
  • genital and urinary tract infection;
  • smoking (it deprives the tissue of oxygen and thus contributes to vaginal dryness);
  • hormonal disorders (in particular, those associated with estrogen imbalance).

It is a mistaken belief that with age, the vagina loses its ability to produce lubrication. There is no age at all in sexual life. And the structure of the vagina is such that it is constantly maintained in a moist state. Moisture gets here as a result of fluid sweating from the vessels.

As a result of decreased estrogen production, the vaginal mucosa ceases to produce sufficient lubricant. Because of this, unpleasant sensations arise during sexual contact.

Discharge in the form of white clots: how to treat?

If you are concerned about this type of cervical mucus, then first you need to contact a good specialist. Depending on what caused the appearance of white clots discharged from the genital tract, appropriate treatment will be prescribed.

First, you will need to take some tests. They will help determine the state of the microflora and detect the presence of infections transmitted through sexual contact.

If you are diagnosed with thrush, the doctor will prescribe a course of antifungal drugs, for example, Flucostat, Fluconazole. The use of medications that enhance immunity will also be recommended. After all, it is during a decrease in the body’s immune defense that various pathological phenomena occur.

In the event that there are some infections, you will be prescribed a course of antibacterial drugs. After this, the doctor will prescribe the intake of beneficial bacteria, which will help normalize the vaginal microflora and improve immunity.

If a woman suspects a hormonal imbalance, treatment may take a long time. In this case, the lady first needs to undergo tests to determine the level of certain hormones. After the study and evaluation of the results, the doctor selects an appropriate treatment method and prescribes a course of medications.

Brake lights

Discharge of a rich yellow, green, brown or black color, which is accompanied by a pungent odor, itching, temperature and pain in the lower abdomen - this is not the norm. They indicate pathological processes in the body.

The cause may be inflammatory diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis and others.

Bloody (not menstrual) or purulent discharge is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. Such discharge can be symptoms of many diseases: chlamydia, gonorrhea, cysts, cervical erosion and even cancer.

Multiple orgasm7

Don't stop after achieving a squirting orgasm. Immediately after the first time, the girl can experience several more vivid sensations if her partner inserts his penis or begins to stimulate other sensitive places. Having learned to cum once, girls can no longer forget this process, so the orgasm is repeated every sexual intercourse.

It happens that even with the great efforts of both partners, a girl cannot achieve a jet orgasm. There is no need to get upset and think that someone is to blame for this. The body and organism of a girl is a special thing, capable of experiencing many different orgasms and feelings.

A woman who wants to have an orgasm can do special exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles, practice yoga, work out at home or in the gym. Vaginal balls, sold in every sex shop, can help with this. Any woman can experience a jet orgasm; to do this, it is enough to study her body and learn to find the places necessary for stimulation.

And you will learn more information about what an orgasm is and why some women do not experience it in our article below.

Is thick discharge dangerous?

Thick leucorrhoea may be noticeable during and after sexual intercourse. They often appear in small volumes - no more than 5 ml per day. Thick mucus is a natural lubricant that protects the genitals from injury during sex.

White mucus may appear after contact - it allows you to clean the vagina, contains lubricant from a condom or part of the sperm if sex was unprotected. Normally, the secretion has no odor. The appearance of a foreign color or odor may indicate the development of inflammation, infectious or bacterial pathologies that require treatment.

White and thick mucus may be released both during and after sex. Usually they are released a little - no more than a teaspoon during the day. Thick mucous secretions during sexual intercourse are nothing more than a type of lubricant. This mucus is produced by glands located in the vestibule of the vagina.

The same white mucus may appear after sexual contact in which a condom was used or the contact was interrupted. A large number of them should also not cause anxiety: it is much worse if there is none.

But if the mucus has a pungent odor and its color or smell changes, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory disease. In this case, you should consult a doctor.

Description of the problem

Discharge after sexual intercourse in many cases is presented as a protective reaction of the body. Thus, the genitourinary system is cleansed of harmful infections that have entered the reproductive system from the outside world. For the norm of the indicator, such manifestations are detected in small volumes and during sexual contact a peculiar specificity is introduced into the composition of the secreted mucus. Therefore, a slight increase in mucus secretions immediately after intimacy or some time after it is not considered a deviation unless it is accompanied by the presence of additional symptoms in the form of discomfort, burning, and an unpleasant odor in the mixture.

Thrush is the enemy of comfort

Thrush is a disease caused by fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi affect the mucous membranes, causing itching, burning, and discomfort. The discharge is “cheesy” in nature, which is why it is popularly called “thrush”. There is no strong odor with thrush.

The disease can be caused by various reasons: taking antibiotics, excessive intimate hygiene using antibacterial soap or, conversely, neglect of hygiene, pregnancy, diabetes, chronic stress, dietary errors, for example, drinking beer, champagne and sweets.

Candidiasis must be treated on time, using medications and regimens individually selected by the gynecologist, and not with one advertised pill.

If candidiasis is not treated promptly and correctly, complications may arise: inflammation of the cervix, uterine cavity, and urinary tract.

Pathological discharge in women during orgasm

Sometimes the presence of discharge is a reason to go to a specialist. Leucorrhoea with an unpleasant odor or clots may indicate pathology. You should pay attention to other symptoms - itching, burning in the intimate area indicates the development of a disease that requires treatment.

The disease is an inflammatory process. It can develop as a result of weakening of the body, the presence of acute and chronic infections, and changes in hormonal levels. The risk of disease increases if hygiene rules are not followed, after surgery, or if an intrauterine device is used. The main symptom is the appearance of mucus with an unpleasant odor.

How to induce a squirting orgasm on your own6

However, a woman can try to induce a jet orgasm on her own. It is difficult to feel the G-spot with your own finger, but you can use special sex toys. There are special curved dildos made to stimulate the G-spot.

In such toys, there is a special vibrator at the end of the head of the penis, which enhances the girl’s sensations. The tip massages the anterior vaginal wall. For better arousal, you can change the vibration mode, smoothly insert and remove the dildo, while pressing on the G-spot. Having learned this skill, the girl will be able to independently demonstrate her abilities to her partner.

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