The drug "Angelique Micro": composition, description of action, instructions for use, reviews of doctors and women with menopause

Instructions for use Angeliq Micro

The onset of menopause is a very difficult time for a woman. During menopause, the amount of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body decreases. This cannot but affect the health of the fair sex. The latest developments make it possible to compensate for the lack of hormones. Such drugs include Angeliq Micro.

What is hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a way to maintain the body's hormonal levels through exogenous replacement.
For the most effective use of HRT, you should take tests to determine the amount of hormones at an earlier age, at 30-35 years old, when the body is at the peak of vitality and all processes occur at an optimal level for it.

This will help in the future to rely on values ​​characteristic of this particular organism, and not to proceed from certain average indicators, often far from the level of needs.


It should be borne in mind that the prescription of HRT should be a decision of doctors, and not an independent choice.

general characteristics

The miraculous composition of the drug Angelique Micro includes the hormones drospirenone and estradiol. This drug is indicated for women during menopause and postmenopause for the purpose of hormone replacement therapy. Due to its components, the medication has the following effects:

  • Beta-estradiol, which is the most important hormone after estrogen, provides effective replacement of necessary substances. It maintains normal insulin levels and blood glucose concentrations and helps blood vessels function properly. Due to this hormone, bone tissue remains dense.
  • Drospirenone removes excess water and sodium from the body, relieves swelling, and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, the substance helps maintain normal weight and prevents baldness.

The medication successfully eliminates the symptoms of menopause, expressed in moderate or severe form. The medicine is manufactured only in the form of film-coated tablets. They have a convex, round shape.

The blister contains 28 tablets. One package can contain 1 or 3 such blisters, i.e. you can purchase 28 or 84 tablets. The manufacturer places a special pocket for blisters in each box. This device allows you to carry the drug in your purse.

Doctors say that regular use of Angelique Micro improves the condition of bone tissue and prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis. The medicine replenishes collagen reserves, makes the skin smoother and wrinkles less noticeable.

Studies have shown that therapy using estrogen alone can promote the development of adenomyosis, and therefore cause the appearance of formations on the surface of the endometrium. Therefore, the medication contains a combination of progestogens.

After completing the first course of use, these substances normalize cholesterol levels. The risk of endometrial tumors is reduced. The drug reduces the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Difference from related drug

Many women are interested in the difference between Angelique Micro and Angelique. In fact, the only difference is the amount of hormones in the composition. Angeliq contains 2 mg drospirenone and 1 mg estradiol. Angeliq Micro consists of 0.25 mg drospirenone and 0.5 mg estradiol. The drugs are produced by one German company - Bayer.

Due to this difference between Angelique Micro and Angelique, doctors have the opportunity to absolutely accurately choose the dosage, taking into account the individual characteristics of each woman. If there is a need to increase the dosage, you can simply switch to a similar product with a higher content of the necessary substances.

Indications for use

Both medications are taken for hormone replacement therapy. They successfully relieve the symptoms of menopause, which are caused by a lack of estrogen. The drugs will help with the following symptoms:

  • Tides of varying intensity.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Sleep problems.
  • State of depression and increased nervousness.

You cannot self-prescribe medications containing hormones. This task is faced by a qualified specialist after examining a woman. The doctor will determine the dosage as accurately as possible and prescribe the right medicine.

What is the difference between Angeliq tablets and Angeliq Micro tablets and in what cases should they be used?

The onset of menopause is a very difficult time for a woman. During menopause, the amount of hormones necessary for the normal functioning of the entire body decreases. This cannot but affect the health of the fair sex. The latest developments make it possible to compensate for the lack of hormones. Such drugs include Angeliq Micro.

general characteristics

The miraculous composition of the drug Angelique Micro includes the hormones drospirenone and estradiol. This drug is indicated for women during menopause and postmenopause for the purpose of hormone replacement therapy. Due to its components, the medication has the following effects:

  • Beta-estradiol, which is the most important hormone after estrogen, provides effective replacement of necessary substances. It maintains normal insulin levels and blood glucose concentrations and helps blood vessels function properly. Due to this hormone, bone tissue remains dense.
  • Drospirenone removes excess water and sodium from the body, relieves swelling, and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, the substance helps maintain normal weight and prevents baldness.

The medication successfully eliminates the symptoms of menopause, expressed in moderate or severe form. The medicine is manufactured only in the form of film-coated tablets. They have a convex, round shape. The blister contains 28 tablets. One package can contain 1 or 3 such blisters, i.e. you can purchase 28 or 84 tablets.

The manufacturer places a special pocket for blisters in each box. This device allows you to carry the drug in your purse. Doctors say that regular use of Angelique Micro improves the condition of bone tissue and prevents the occurrence of osteoporosis.

The medicine replenishes collagen reserves, makes the skin smoother and wrinkles less noticeable.

Studies have shown that therapy using estrogen alone can promote the development of adenomyosis, and therefore cause the appearance of formations on the surface of the endometrium.

Therefore, the medication contains a combination of progestogens.

After completing the first course of use, these substances normalize cholesterol levels. The risk of endometrial tumors is reduced.

The drug reduces the likelihood of developing colon cancer.

Difference from related drug

Many women are interested in the difference between Angelique Micro and Angelique. In fact, the only difference is the amount of hormones in the composition. Angeliq contains 2 mg drospirenone and 1 mg estradiol. Angeliq Micro consists of 0.25 mg drospirenone and 0.5 mg estradiol.

The drugs are produced by one German company - Bayer. Due to this difference between Angelique Micro and Angelique, doctors have the opportunity to absolutely accurately choose the dosage, taking into account the individual characteristics of each woman.

If there is a need to increase the dosage, you can simply switch to a similar product with a higher content of the necessary substances.

Indications for use

Both medications are taken for hormone replacement therapy. They successfully relieve the symptoms of menopause, which are caused by a lack of estrogen. The drugs will help with the following symptoms:

  • Tides of varying intensity.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Sleep problems.
  • State of depression and increased nervousness.

You cannot self-prescribe medications containing hormones. This task is faced by a qualified specialist after examining a woman. The doctor will determine the dosage as accurately as possible and prescribe the right medicine.

Features of application

If a woman has not previously taken any medications containing estradiol or has been shown switching from another continuous course, she can take the medicine starting any day. If the patient has already started another course of replacement HT and is prescribed a switch, it is necessary to complete the previous treatment, and then take Angeliq Micro.

According to the instructions for use of Angelique Micro, it does not matter what time of day the first tablet is taken. But you should take into account that in the future you will need to use the drug at the same hours as the first time. A full cycle of administration involves taking 28 tablets. You need to take one medicine daily. This can be done before, after or during meals.

Please note that the pill should not be chewed. You need to swallow the tablet and wash it down with water. If the woman was unable to take the medication on time, she needs to do this at any subsequent opportunity. If the break in use exceeds 24 hours, there is no point in taking the medicine. If you miss more than two tablets, you need to be prepared for vaginal bleeding.

There are some features of the reception:

  • The medicine should not be taken by girls under 18 years of age.
  • Patients with some liver pathologies most often easily tolerate taking the medication. However, you should refrain from using it if there are pronounced severe pathologies of this organ.
  • The medicine can be used for kidney disease in minor or moderate form. The drug should not be used for complex kidney pathologies.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out HT during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the patient becomes pregnant during the course of treatment, it is necessary to stop taking the drug.

Animal studies have shown that medications containing hormones negatively affect fetal development. Although there is no similar evidence to support harm in humans, the health of the child should not be put at risk.

The medication should not be taken during lactation, since hormones pass into milk.

Contraindications for use

Detailed instructions for using Angelique Micro with price and reviews will help you avoid mistakes. It is important to consider that taking the drug is prohibited for the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal hemorrhages of unknown etiology.
  • Breast cancer or suspicion of this disease.
  • Diagnosed or probable precancerous condition with hormone-dependent formations.
  • Benign or malignant liver tumors.
  • Severe pathologies of the liver or kidneys.
  • Exacerbation of angina, pulmonary embolism, or arterial thrombosis.
  • A condition that creates the likelihood of thrombosis of veins or arteries, a predisposition to this disease.
  • Thrombosis TEV, GV.
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Untreated hyperplasia.
  • Hypertriglyceridemia in a severe form.
  • Porphyrin disease.
  • Intolerance to individual components of the drug.
  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Hereditary lactose intolerance or deficiency, malabsorption syndrome.

If such conditions appear while taking the medication, you must immediately stop taking the drug. In addition, there are relative contraindications:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Uterine fibroids.
  • Hereditary hyperbilirubinemia.
  • Intrahepatic cholestasis that appeared during the previous period of pregnancy.

In addition, therapy with artificial hormones is carried out with great caution if there are a number of pathologies. These include:

  • If there is a family history of breast cancer.
  • There is a hereditary risk of blood clots.
  • Long smoking history.
  • Developed dementia.
  • Gallbladder pathologies.
  • SCV.
  • Swelling resulting from improper functioning of the heart.
  • GTG in a moderate course.
  • Chronic form of calcium deficiency.
  • Endometriosis.
  • BA.
  • Migraine.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hyperkalemia.

Precautionary measures

The drug cannot be used for contraception. If the patient suspects pregnancy, it is necessary to stop taking it and clarify its absence or presence. A course of taking hormonal medications may provoke the risk of developing venous TE.

The likelihood of occurrence usually increases in the first year of taking the cycle. If the drug is prescribed to a woman at risk of developing blood clots, it is necessary to weigh the benefits and the likely consequences of taking it. If used, the patient's health status should be regularly monitored.

You need to be extremely careful if there is a hereditary factor or family predisposition. It is necessary to remember that during therapy for more than 5 years, the risk of ovarian, endometrial and breast cancer doubles. In women over 60 years of age, the risk of stroke increases by 1.5 times.

During treatment with this medication, liver tumors may appear in some patients. This pathology may be indicated by pain in the abdomen, hardening of the liver, internal hemorrhage or suspicion of it. Estrogens promote the formation of stones. The likelihood of developing cholelithiasis increases 2-4 times.

There are good reasons to stop taking medications immediately. Unfavorable conditions include:

  • The occurrence of thrombosis or suspicion of their development.
  • Renewal of endometriosis.
  • Migraines, uncharacteristic headaches.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Liver dysfunction.

If the medication has caused the appearance or reappearance of chloasma, the woman should avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight. The skin should be protected from the effects of UV radiation.

Interaction with other drugs

When combined with other medications, possible reactions should be taken into account. The following notes will be relevant:

  • The effect of the drug may be enhanced when combined with antimicrobial and anticonvulsant drugs. Such drugs include Nevirapine, Phenytoin, Rifampicin, Phenobarbital, etc., as well as medications containing St. John's wort. This result may occur when cross-administered with Griseofulvin and Oxcarbazepine. As a result, uterine bleeding may occur, and the effectiveness of treatment is sharply reduced.
  • Penicillins and tetracyclines can reduce the amount of extradiol.
  • During therapy, you should not abuse alcoholic beverages. The standard increases the extradiol content.
  • Women with high blood pressure should be aware that Angeliq may help lower it. Therefore, if a patient requires medication to normalize blood pressure, it is worth informing the attending physician about taking this medication.
  • In diabetes, there may be a slight increase in potassium levels.

Hormones of synthetic origin can affect test results, such as data on the functioning of the thyroid gland, liver and adrenal glands. It is necessary to warn your healthcare professional about taking a hormone-containing drug.

Possible analogues

Only the attending physician should replace the medicine. Drugs similar to Angelique Micro:

  • Silhouette. The medication is manufactured in Hungary and contains dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Sometimes used to treat skin diseases and disorders of the circulatory system resulting from hormonal imbalance. Cost: 642 rub. (21 tables), 1443 rub. (63 tables).
  • Divina. It is used to get rid of climatic manifestations and prevent the risk of osteoporosis. Consists of natural extradiol and medroxyprogesterone. This drug can be taken for a long time. A significant disadvantage is the possible weight gain. Cost: 725 rub. (21 tables).


Features of application

If a woman has not previously taken any medications containing estradiol or has been shown switching from another continuous course, she can take the medicine starting any day. If the patient has already started another course of replacement HT and is prescribed a switch, it is necessary to complete the previous treatment, and then take Angeliq Micro.

According to the instructions for use of Angelique Micro, it does not matter what time of day the first tablet is taken. But you should take into account that in the future you will need to use the drug at the same hours as the first time.

A full cycle of administration involves taking 28 tablets. You need to take one medicine daily. This can be done before, after or during meals. Please note that the pill should not be chewed. You need to swallow the tablet and wash it down with water.

If a woman was unable to take the medication on time, she should do so at any subsequent opportunity. If the break in use exceeds 24 hours, there is no point in taking the medicine. If you miss more than two tablets, you need to be prepared for vaginal bleeding. There are some features of the reception:

  • The medicine should not be taken by girls under 18 years of age.
  • Patients with some liver pathologies most often easily tolerate taking the medication. However, you should refrain from using it if there are pronounced severe pathologies of this organ.
  • The medicine can be used for kidney disease in minor or moderate form. The drug should not be used for complex kidney pathologies.

It is strictly forbidden to carry out HT during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If the patient becomes pregnant during the course of treatment, it is necessary to stop taking the drug. Animal studies have shown that medications containing hormones negatively affect fetal development.

Although there is no such evidence to support harm to humans, the child's health should not be put at risk. The medication should not be taken during lactation, since hormones pass into milk.

Contraindications for use

Detailed instructions for using Angelique Micro with price and reviews will help you avoid mistakes. It is important to consider that taking the drug is prohibited for the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal hemorrhages of unknown etiology.
  • Breast cancer or suspicion of this disease.
  • Diagnosed or probable precancerous condition with hormone-dependent formations.
  • Benign or malignant liver tumors.
  • Severe pathologies of the liver or kidneys.
  • Exacerbation of angina, pulmonary embolism, or arterial thrombosis.
  • A condition that creates the likelihood of thrombosis of veins or arteries, a predisposition to this disease.
  • Thrombosis TEV, GV.
  • Disturbance in the functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Untreated hyperplasia.
  • Hypertriglyceridemia in a severe form.
  • Porphyrin disease.
  • Intolerance to individual components of the drug.
  • Age up to 18 years.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Hereditary lactose intolerance or deficiency, malabsorption syndrome.

Is it possible to split an Angeliq tablet in half?

I'm in Spain. I want to stop taking it because I have been taking it for more than 10 years. The doctor does not recommend it, he says problems may arise. I do not know what to do. I didn’t drink for a week, nothing changed in my condition. But the doctor says that hot flashes are external symptoms, and it is important that the bones, heart, and nerves are in order. I read the thread, I will take it every other day or less often.

I’m 54.. Menopause started at 51. At the age of 50 I took cyclim tablets, purely according to TV advertising for 1 year. I quit. hot flashes began at night and during the day. I went back to cyclim - it didn’t help. At the age of 52 I started taking Angeliq-HELP. I took it for a year... but I had problems in my chest, pain... I couldn’t sleep. I quit Angelique right away. I checked with a mammologist. She said that she doesn’t see anything wrong yet, age-related changes. this is normal. But without taking Angelique. the hot flashes intensified every day. I took all kinds of non-hormonal medications for menopause (Remens, Klimaktoplan, Klimatodinon, something else) but nothing helped. Insomnia, 5-7 hot flashes per night, with the toilet. during the day, streams of sweat running down your hair in the most inopportune situations. impossible to work. live too. returned to Angelique. Helped again. Life has improved, I’ve been drinking for 4 months. But during rare physical exercises (I don’t know if this is related to Angelique), a huge ellipse-shaped lump crawls out in the stomach area, hard, like a new body that has grown inside... or an outgrowth of the stomach. The stomach was previously in the lower part, now it starts from the stomach. It hurts to pull it in like you couldn’t do before - it hurts. I am planning an examination in the near future. I read carefully about Angelique, there are so many side effects. and without him there is no life.

Hi all. I found out that I was going through menopause. I’m 41. I had an ultrasound and passed tests. But then I came here. Angelique, is it possible to have early menopause? I'm not fat, I have no problems with weight. The pressure is jumping. There are no tides. No min. 3 months. Is it necessary to consult?

Hello! All doctors say no more than 5 years. I am 58 years old. I've been drinking Angelique for 7 years. The hot flashes disappeared from the first days, but I was tormented by migraines and an ultrasound found something in my chest (they sent me for examination). The gynecologist/endocrinologist said that taking hormonal pills for more than 5 years is strictly prohibited. Has anyone heard anything about the timing? [/quote]

Possible analogues

Only the attending physician should replace the medicine. Drugs similar to Angelique Micro:

  • Silhouette. The medication is manufactured in Hungary and contains dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Sometimes used to treat skin diseases and disorders of the circulatory system resulting from hormonal imbalance. Cost: 642 rub. (21 tables), 1443 rub. (63 tables).
  • Divina. It is used to get rid of climatic manifestations and prevent the risk of osteoporosis. Consists of natural extradiol and medroxyprogesterone. This drug can be taken for a long time. A significant disadvantage is the possible weight gain. Cost: 725 rub. (21 tables).

Observations of patients

On the Internet you can find many reviews about the medicine Angelique and Angelique Micro.

I have been bothered by hot flashes for 10 years. After 50 years it became completely unbearable. I tried many medications, but all to no avail. The result appeared with 15 tablets. The hot flashes stopped completely and the problems with sleep disappeared.

I took the medicine for more than 6 years. The effect of the drug was felt after three weeks. No side effects were observed. Even minimal ones. I didn’t gain weight, although I was very afraid of it. Lots of energy and strength.

My mother had her uterus and ovaries removed at age 44. The gynecologist prescribed hormone replacement therapy. Literally a week later her swelling disappeared, and after two months my mother stopped suffering from headaches and insomnia.


In the absence of contraindications, Angeliq Micro will become a reliable assistant in the fight against menopause symptoms. This remedy will improve your mood and give vitality during this period.


After oral administration, estradiol is quickly and completely absorbed. During absorption and first passage through the liver, estradiol is extensively metabolized, for example, into estrone, estriol and estrone sulfate. After oral administration, the bioavailability of estradiol is about 5%. Food intake does not affect the bioavailability of estradiol. Distribution The maximum serum concentration of estradiol, approximately 22 pg/ml, is usually achieved 6-8 hours after taking the tablet. Estradiol binds to albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (GSP 11). The free fraction of estradiol in serum is approximately 1-12%, and the fraction of the substance bound by SHBG is in the range of 40-45%. The apparent volume of distribution of estradiol after a single intravenous injection is about 1 l/kg. Estradiol is metabolized primarily in the liver, and also partially in the intestines, kidneys, skeletal muscles and target organs. These processes are accompanied by the formation of estrone, estriol, catechol estrogens, as well as sulfate and glucuronide conjugates of these compounds, all of which have significantly less estrogenic activity or no estrogenic activity at all. Serum clearance of estradiol is about 30 ml/min/kg. Estradiol metabolites are excreted through the kidneys and intestines with a half-life of approximately 24 hours. Steady-state concentration The concentration of estradiol in the blood serum after repeated administration is approximately twice as high as after a single dose. On average, the concentration of estradiol in the blood serum ranges from 20 pg/ml (minimum level) to 43 pg/ml (maximum level). After stopping taking Angeliq®, estradiol and estrone levels return to baseline values ​​within approximately five days. After oral administration over a wide range of doses, drospirenone is rapidly and completely absorbed. Bioavailability after oral administration is 76-85%. Food intake does not affect the bioavailability of drospirenone. The maximum serum concentration of drospirenone, approximately 22 ng/mL, is achieved approximately 1 hour after single and multiple doses of 2 mg drospirenone. Thereafter, a biphasic decrease in serum drospirenone concentrations is observed, with a terminal half-life of approximately 35-39 hours. Drospirenone binds to serum albumin and does not bind to sex steroid binding globulin (SHBG) and corticoid binding globulin (CBG). About 3-5% of the total serum concentration of drospirenone is not bound to protein. The main metabolites in human serum are the acid form of drospirenone and 4,5-dihydro-drospirenone-3-sulfate. Both metabolites are formed without the participation of the cytochrome P450 system. The serum clearance of drospirenone is 1.2-1.5 ml/min/kg. Some part of the received dose is excreted unchanged. Most of the dose is excreted by the kidneys and intestines in the form of metabolites in a ratio of 1.2:1.4, with a half-life of about 40 hours. Equilibrium concentration Equilibrium concentration is achieved after approximately 10 days of daily use of the drug Angeliq. Due to the long half-life of drospirenone, the equilibrium concentration is 2-3 times higher than the concentration after a single dose.

How hormonal levels change

The main changes in hormonal levels concern estrogens (for example, estradiol) and progesterone. The deficiency of these hormones causes a number of significant changes in the functioning of the female body. Since they are involved in managing the most important functions and processes occurring in the body, the absence of such important substances causes failures in various systems.

The formation of estrogens occurs through the synthesis of testosterone and androstenedione. The cessation of its production means the extinction of all previous processes, which is accompanied by dramatic changes in the endocrine system. The failure of such an established and delicate mechanism causes serious consequences, causing responses from other systems.

The content of progesterone in the body also changes. As doctors call it, it is a pregnancy hormone that is also responsible for the maternal instinct. At the sight of the so-called “infant form” - large head, eyes, small body - in most women the concentration of progesterone in the blood increases. Changes in the concentrations of such an important hormone have a significant effect, affecting the well-being of most women in the most dramatic way.

In some cases, women during menopause also need testosterone, and sometimes thyroxine.

Mode of application

Patients who switch to Angeliq from a combination drug for a cyclic HRT regimen should begin taking it after the end of withdrawal bleeding. Each package is designed for 28 days of use. One tablet should be taken daily. After finishing taking 28 tablets from the current package, start a new package of Angelique (continuous HRT) the next day, taking the first tablet on the same day of the week as the first tablet from the previous package. The tablet is swallowed whole with a small amount of liquid. The time of day a woman takes the drug does not matter, however, if she started taking the pills at a specific time, she should continue to do so at that time. The forgotten pill must be taken as soon as possible. If more than 24 hours have passed after the usual dosing time, you should not take an additional tablet. If you miss several tablets, vaginal bleeding may develop.

Release form and composition

Dosage form – film-coated tablets: yellow, round, biconvex in shape, engraved “EL” on one side in a regular hexagon; on the cross section there is a yellow shell, the core is almost white to white (28 pieces in a blister, in a cardboard pack 1 or 3 blisters complete with a pocket for carrying them).

Content of active substances in 1 tablet:

  • estradiol hemihydrate (micronized) in terms of estradiol – 0.5 mg;
  • drospirenone (micronized) – 0.25 mg.

Auxiliary components: lactose monohydrate, corn starch, pregelatinized corn starch, povidone, magnesium stearate.

Film shell composition: yellow varnish (macrogol 6000, hypromellose (5cP), yellow iron oxide dye, titanium dioxide, talc).


  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • hormone-dependent malignant tumor or hormone-dependent precancerous disease, or suspicion of them;
  • breast cancer or suspicion of it (including medical history);
  • benign or malignant liver tumors (including medical history);
  • severe liver pathologies;
  • adrenal insufficiency;
  • acute renal failure, severe kidney disease (including medical history);
  • exacerbation of deep vein thrombosis, venous thromboembolism, including pulmonary embolism (including history);
  • angina pectoris, acute arterial thrombosis, thromboembolism (myocardial infarction, stroke);
  • the presence of high risk factors for arterial and venous thrombosis: genetic predisposition (the presence of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in close relatives (mother, father, sister) at a young age), obesity (body weight index more than 30 kg per m2), age of the patient ;
  • hyperhomocysteinemia, resistance to activated protein C, protein C deficiency, antithrombin III deficiency, antibodies to phospholipids (lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to cardiolipin), protein S deficiency and other signs of predisposition to arterial and venous thrombosis;
  • untreated hyperplasia;
  • porphyria;
  • lactose intolerance, congenital lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome;
  • severe hypertriglyceridemia;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age under 18 years;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

If these diseases or conditions are detected during the use of Angeliq Micro, treatment must be discontinued immediately.

It is recommended to prescribe the drug with caution to women with uterine fibroids, congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Dubin-Johnson, Gilbert and Rotor syndromes), cholestatic itching during previous pregnancy, cholestatic jaundice, endometriosis, diabetes mellitus, in the presence of risk factors for the development of estrogen-dependent tumors (including breast cancer). glands in close relatives), a history of endometrial hyperplasia, the presence of risk factors for the development of thromboembolism and thrombosis in a family history (the presence of thromboembolic complications at a young age in close relatives), smoking, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, dementia, systemic lupus erythematosus, gallbladder diseases, epilepsy , moderate hypertriglyceridemia, retinal vascular thrombosis, severe hypocalcemia, edema due to chronic heart failure, endometriosis, bronchial asthma, liver hemangiomas, migraine, hyperkalemia and conditions predisposing to the development of hyperkalemia, when taking potassium supplements, potassium-sparing diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors , heparin, angiotensin II receptor antagonists (drugs that cause hyperkalemia).

Angelique Micro for menopause: reviews of doctors and women

Menopause is a natural process of decline of reproductive function that occurs after 45 years. It is due to the fact that the body’s production of certain hormones is reduced, and this affects the functioning of all organs and often manifests itself in unpleasant symptoms.

Early signs appear against the background of psychosomatics, but in most cases these are the consequences of hormonal imbalance. In this case, experts prescribe anti-menopausal agents: herbal and synthetic; hormonal and homeopathic.

There are hundreds of them on the modern pharmaceutical market, but not all of them are quite effective. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is famous for its greatest effectiveness, and Angelique Micro is one of the means of this therapy.

This article outlines reviews of the drug Angelique Micro and the features of its use during menopause.

Features and indications for use

Many years of medical experience have shown that the most effective remedy for relieving menopause is HRT. The period of cessation of childbearing is characterized by a hormonal imbalance: some hormones are in short supply, while others are in excess.

To level out this imbalance, specialists prescribe hormonal medications that contain the missing hormones. That is

when the body cannot produce estrogen on its own, it is introduced into the body artificially in the form of synthetic hormones, which simulate its action and effect on the body.

The drug Angelique Micro is often used in hormone replacement therapy. It contains synthetic hormones, which, when entering the body, are converted into natural hormonal substances and perform their functions. Thus, the body returns to its usual mode of operation.

This helps eliminate symptoms of menopause such as irritability, sudden mood swings, apathy, stress, unreasonable sadness, increased fatigue, hot flashes, profuse sweating, rapid heartbeat, surges in blood pressure and body temperature, pain in various parts of the body, brittle bones, noticeable skin aging and so on.

Also, the active substances of the product help stop dystrophy of the reproductive system and stabilize the menstrual cycle.

Main components

The main active ingredients of the drug are:

17 beta-estradiol

The component, which is a synthetic analogue of human estradiol, ensures the replacement of this hormone before, after and during menopause. Estradiol is the most influential hormone among estrogens.

Its activity is associated with the work of the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, female organs, and bone tissue. It is responsible for maintaining the required concentration of insulin and glucose in the blood, for the normal density of the walls of blood vessels and the correct functioning of the walls of the heart muscle.

Thanks to it, bone mineral density remains normal.

Experts say that long-term use of Angeliq tablets during menopause significantly normalizes the condition of bones and helps to avoid fractures, as well as prevent osteoporosis.

The substance helps replenish the depleted supply of collagen, which restores elasticity to the skin and smoothes out wrinkles.

But studies have shown that therapy with estrogen alone can develop adenomyosis during menopause and, as a result, cause the development of tumors in the endometrium. It is for this reason that the product includes progestogen-like substances in its combination.


A synthetic hormone that exhibits a progesterone-like effect, derived from spironolactone. Exhibits gestagenic, antimineralocorticoid, antigonadotropic and antiandrogenic functions.

It is responsible for normalizing blood pressure by removing excess sodium and water, which also provokes swelling and discomfort of the mammary glands.

The substance also has antiandrogenic properties, which helps prevent baldness and weight gain.

The combination of these hormone-like substances significantly reduces blood cholesterol levels. After the first course of taking the drug, the risk of developing endometrial tumors and colon cancer is reduced.

Excretion from the body

It is noted that estradiol is fully absorbed, and quite quickly.

Metabolized into estrone, estriol and estrone sulfate, this occurs mainly in the liver, kidneys, intestines, skeletal muscles and genitals.

Bioavailability is 5%, achieved within 28 hours after taking the medicine. The full required concentration of the substance in the body is achieved after 5 days of administration. It is excreted through the kidneys and intestines.

Drospirenone is quickly and completely absorbed. Bioavailability is 75-85%. Mostly metabolized and excreted through the kidneys and intestines. The highest concentration also appears after 5 days of administration.

Also, in small doses, Angeliq Plus contains magnesium and iron, which also has a beneficial effect on relieving most symptoms of menopause.

Excipients are corn and pregelatinized corn starch, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone.

Release forms and instructions for use Angeliq Micro

The medicine is available in the form of yellow tablets, which have a round shape, convex on both sides. They have a film shell. The inside of the tablets is white.

How to take Angeliq during menopause correctly? Before using the drug, you must consult a specialist and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis to exclude a number of diseases that are contraindications for the use of tablets. The correct dosage of the drug can also be determined only by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of your body and the course of the menopause.

You can take the medicine immediately after completing a course of therapy with other hormonal substances (again, with your doctor’s permission).

The package contains 28 tablets. The instructions prescribe taking them 1 piece per day at the same time orally with water. You can take the tablets regardless of food intake.

It is recommended to avoid skipping medication.

If this happens, you need to take it as soon as possible, but if more than a day has passed, then you should not take another tablet, as this can cause heavy vaginal bleeding.

Contraindications and side effects

Please note that, like all hormonal drugs, this one has a wide range of contraindications for use. This includes:

  • Individual intolerance to any of the components of the product.
  • All types of breast tumors or suspicions of them.
  • Hormone-dependent tumors or their symptoms.
  • Vaginal bleeding of an unusual nature and its unknown causes.
  • All types of diseases or malignant tumors of the liver.
  • Renal dysfunctions, their diseases, as well as renal and adrenal insufficiency.
  • Angina pectoris, thromboembolism, acute arterial thrombosis or a high risk of these diseases.
  • Venous thromboembolism or deep vein thrombosis, predisposition to these diseases.
  • Hyperplasia, porphyria.
  • Lactose intolerance, congenital or hereditary lactase deficiency, galactose-glucose malabsorption.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Only after a thorough diagnosis and with the permission of a specialist should you take medication for endometriosis, uterine fibroids, diabetes mellitus, gallbladder diseases, hypocalcemia, bronchial asthma, and epilepsy.

Smoking and drinking alcohol should be avoided during therapy.

Side effects were observed in only 4% of patients. They can be expressed in various allergic reactions, vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, lack of appetite, as well as headaches, dizziness and spotting vaginal discharge.

In case of self-medication and the absence of exclusion of certain diseases and contraindications, this drug can cause venous and arterial thrombotic complications, as well as unwanted tumors.

It is not recommended to combine the drug Angeliq during menopause with other hormonal medications or take pills as contraceptives.

An overdose can provoke heavy uterine bleeding, gastrointestinal disorders in the form of vomiting, nausea, flatulence, and diarrhea.


At the moment, there are a lot of foreign and domestic anti-menopausal drugs. They differ in their composition and form of release. Someone is a fan of homeopathy or phytohormones, such as Menopace, Remens, Climaxan.

Others trust only hormonal drugs and HRT, due to their maximum effectiveness and comprehensiveness of action. Among hormonal drugs, only Femoston is an analogue of Angelique Plus in terms of composition in terms of the combination of hormones.

However, the first is more popular due to the higher concentration of the hormone in the medicine, and as a result, greater effectiveness.

Doctors' reviews about Angelique micro

The opinions of medical specialists about the medicine Angelique for menopause vary. Some categorically exclude hormone replacement therapy due to a number of contraindications and the risk of developing tumors, while others are firmly convinced of its effectiveness.

Gynecologists note that it is not always possible to identify certain diseases in time, the symptoms of which are similar to the manifestations of menopause at all its stages.

And with the onset of premenopause, hormonal levels change so quickly that during the period of examination and prescription of therapy, the clinical picture can change radically, and the prescribed drugs will not only be ineffective, but may even cause harm and provoke the development of serious diseases and worsen well-being. Therefore, when prescribing this medication, doctors take into account and compare the possible risks with the expected benefits.

But those experts who nevertheless chose hormonal therapy, completely eliminating contraindications, note in their reviews 95% of successful cases in its use. Regarding the use of this product, experts distinguish it from others due to its maximum effectiveness.

This medicine is also prescribed to support the body during artificial menopause. But doctors always agree on one opinion: this remedy should not be used as a contraceptive.

Patient reviews

Among female representatives, the medicine Angelique for menopause is very popular, since the vast majority of those who used it felt its positive and effective results.

Patients, first of all, note the normalization of their psycho-emotional state, which significantly improves the quality of life during this period.

According to reviews of Angelique, women who start taking it lose irritability, apathy, drowsiness, bad mood and menopausal neuroses, life takes on new bright colors, performance returns and even increases.

The number of painful hot flashes decreases, and most often completely disappears, which are often replaced by chills, trembling or profuse sweating. After taking the drug, most women lost headaches, back pain, and pain in the pelvic organs. The joints stopped hurting and the musculoskeletal system returned to normal.

Almost all representatives of the fair sex enjoy noticeable skin rejuvenation and a decrease in the number of wrinkles, firmness and elasticity of the skin. For many, libido returned, the quality of sexual life improved, and dryness and irritability of the genitals disappeared.

We can say with confidence that, in the absence of contraindications, Angelique Micro will become an effective and useful remedy in the fight against the manifestations of menopause and will improve well-being during this period.


Directions for use and dosage

The tablets are taken orally, without chewing, with a sufficient amount of liquid, regardless of meals.

Taking Angeliq Micro can be started at any time in the absence of previous estrogen therapy and when switching from another combination drug for continuous use. If a woman has previously taken a combination hormone replacement therapy for a cyclic regimen, then use should begin after completion of the current cycle of therapy.

Dosage regimen: 1 tablet per day for 28 days, after finishing the tablets in the previous blister, the next day, start taking the first tablet from the new blister on the same day of the week on which the first tablet from the first blister was taken, without a break.


"Angelica" contains microscopic doses of the hormones drospirenone and extradiol .

Extradiol relieves pain, restores hormonal levels of estrogen and regulates the activity of the body systems associated with them.

Drospirenone is a hormone from the progesterone family. Its main function is to eliminate the risk of endometrial cancer.

If drospirenone is not present in this combination, then various formations on the uterine mucosa are possible, threatening cancer manifestations .

Side effects

Adverse reactions identified during clinical and post-marketing studies of Angeliq Micro:

  • mammary gland and genital organs: often – pain, including uterine bleeding, painful discomfort in the mammary glands; uncommon – breast cancer, cervical polyp;
  • nervous system: infrequently – migraine;
  • mental disorders: often – emotional lability;
  • vascular system: uncommon - arterial and venous thromboembolic complications (embolism (occlusion) and thrombosis of pulmonary vessels, occlusion of peripheral deep veins, thrombosis, embolism, infarction (myocardial infarction or cerebral infarction), stroke (except hemorrhagic stroke));
  • gastrointestinal tract: often – abdominal pain.

In addition, in isolated cases or after very long use of the tablets, the following side effects of the drug may occur:

  • benign and malignant liver tumors;
  • hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms or hormone-dependent precancerous pathologies;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • dementia;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • hypertriglyceridemia;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • chloasma;
  • an increase in the size of uterine fibroids;
  • exacerbation of symptoms of hereditary angioedema;
  • changes in insulin resistance or glucose tolerance;
  • prolactinoma;
  • reactivation of endometriosis;
  • itching and/or jaundice associated with cholestasis;
  • benign pathologies of the mammary glands, epilepsy, systemic lupus erythematosus, bronchial asthma, minor chorea, otosclerosis, porphyria (development, worsening of conditions or diseases with taking Angeliq Micro tablets has not been proven);
  • rash, hives and other symptoms of hypersensitivity.

Changes in a woman's body during menopause

Menopausal changes that occur in the female body are primarily expressed in the cessation of hormone production by the ovaries and adrenal glands.

There is a significant change in the mode of functioning of all body systems, which were very deeply embedded in the endocrine system, and also interacted with it in one way or another.

Such changes are often perceived very painfully by women - previously invisible chronic diseases manifest themselves, unpleasant sensations of psychological discomfort and unstable emotional states arise. Vasomotor instability, commonly referred to as “hot flashes,” appears, and cardiovascular and other diseases worsen.

special instructions

The doctor should prescribe the drug based on a detailed study of the patient’s medical history, data from general medical and gynecological examinations, including measurement of blood pressure (BP), the condition of the mammary glands, abdominal organs, and cytological examination of the cervical epithelium.

The drug is not a contraceptive.

If pregnancy is suspected, the woman should stop taking the drug until pregnancy is ruled out.

Before starting to use Angeliq Micro, it is necessary to compare the expected benefits and all individual risk factors from therapy, and take into account the effect of sex hormones on the growth of some hormone-dependent tumors and tissues.

The risk of deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism increases with prolonged immobilization, extensive planned and post-traumatic surgical operations, and severe injuries. Therefore, the drug should be stopped 4-6 weeks before the planned surgery; combined continuous hormone replacement therapy can be resumed after the restoration of motor activity.

Suspicion of the development of thrombotic disorders or the appearance of their symptoms is grounds for immediate discontinuation of treatment.

Concomitant anticoagulant therapy requires an assessment of individual risk.

The presence of drospirenone in the drug prevents the risk of developing endometrial hyperplasia due to the use of estrogens. Patients with a history of endometrial hyperplasia should use estrogen-containing drugs with caution.

The increased risk of breast cancer decreases to normal levels after stopping therapy for several years.

With hormone replacement therapy, the mammographic density of the mammary glands increases, which may negatively affect the X-ray detection of breast cancer.

There is a risk of developing ovarian cancer with long-term use of combined hormone replacement therapy drugs.

In case of an enlarged liver, differential diagnosis of pain in the upper abdomen, or signs of intra-abdominal bleeding in women taking Angeliq Micro tablets, the possibility of a liver tumor should be taken into account, since the drug may contribute to the development of benign or malignant liver tumors.

Taking estrogen increases the risk of developing cholelithiasis by 2-4 times.

Taking sex hormones can affect the results of biochemical studies of the thyroid gland, liver, kidney and adrenal function, the level of concentration of transport proteins in the blood plasma, indicators of coagulation, fibrinolysis, and carbohydrate metabolism. The drug does not affect the patient's tolerance to glucose.

If severe, frequent headaches or newly manifested migraine-like pain or other symptoms that are precursors of a thrombotic stroke of the brain appear, taking the tablets should be stopped immediately.

While using the drug, a slight increase in blood pressure is possible; in case of clinically significant stable arterial hypertension, discontinuation of the drug should be considered.

Treatment of patients with impaired liver function should be accompanied by periodic liver function tests; if indicators worsen, hormonal therapy should be discontinued.

Due to the high risk of developing acute pancreatitis, the drug should be stopped immediately in case of recurrence of cholestatic itching or cholestatic jaundice.

The incidence of irregular bleeding decreases as the duration of treatment increases and bleeding usually disappears with long-term therapy.

In case of frequent or persistent pathological uterine bleeding, an endometrial examination is required to exclude organic pathologies.

If uterine fibroids enlarge or endometriosis recurs while taking estrogen, further therapy should be discontinued.

If you are prone to chloasma, a woman should avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight and ultraviolet radiation.

The effect of tablets on the ability of patients to drive vehicles and machines has not been established.

Drug interactions

When using the drug Angelique Micro simultaneously with barbiturates, hydantoins, carbamazepine, primidone, rifampicin, topiramate, felbamate, oxcarbazepine, griseofulvin and other drugs that induce liver enzymes, it should be taken into account that with long-term treatment they can increase the clearance of sex hormones and reduce their clinical efficiency. This property of these drugs manifests itself in women as irregular bleeding. Maximum enzyme induction is achieved after 2-3 weeks of use and persists for 4 or more weeks after discontinuation.

Combination with penicillin and tetracycline antibiotics can cause a decrease in estradiol concentrations.

Ketoconazole, cimetidine and other CYP3A4 inhibitors may slow the metabolism of estradiol.

Concomitant use of the drug with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive drugs may lead to a slight increase in potassium levels in the blood serum, which is more pronounced in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Drinking large doses of alcohol during hormone therapy may cause an increase in circulating estradiol concentrations.

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