Features of the use of Nystatin for thrush in women

Operating principle

Nystatin and thrush are two incompatible things.
This pharmacological drug fights yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida at a high level. After taking the first tablet, the medicine begins to have an effective effect. The drug forms a dense film, through which the fungus enters the cavity of this trap and quickly dies. It is effective enough that food, liquid and even urine from the vagina cannot damage its integrity. If Nystatin is used in small quantities, this entails a slowdown in the growth of bacteria, and when a large dosage is used, they are completely destroyed. The drug is so powerful that after the first tablet the death of fungal tumors occurs. Its effectiveness has been proven by reviews of many women who use the product to treat candidiasis.


With the development of candidiasis, which leads to the appearance of prostatitis, symptoms of malaise may be absent. This pathology is characterized only at the initial stage of development. Afterwards, it reveals itself with signs that are characteristic of bacterial damage to the prostate. Therefore, for such forms of inflammation, a similar treatment regimen can be used.

The most striking symptoms of prostatitis caused by a fungal infection are:

  1. Feverish state;
  2. Feeling of discomfort in the pelvic area;
  3. Urinary incontinence;
  4. Burning in the urethral canal;
  5. Unnatural discharge from the urethra.

Doctors determine the candida form of inflammation of the gland by its more characteristic signs:

  1. The appearance of film and bubbles in the intimate area. These neoplasms cover the mucous membrane of the penis. They arise due to an allergic reaction that the body gives to the waste products of a fungal pathogen;
  2. Redness and swelling of tissues. These symptoms are caused by an inflammatory process that occurs against the background of painful vasodilation. The body tries to cope with the problem by increasing flow. This measure allows you to speed up the removal of toxins from the body;
  3. White coating on the genitals. During a fungal infection, the penis becomes covered with plaque, which consists of plasma proteins, cells of the immune system, fungus and destroyed epithelial cells;
  4. Increased size of lymph nodes. Due to prostatitis, the lymph nodes in the groin area begin to enlarge and thicken. They are affected by the inflammatory process, so when you touch the area where these elements are located, pain is felt.

Knowing these symptoms, a man can suspect that he is developing candidal prostatitis at home. Afterwards, he must go to an appointment with a competent specialist so that he can make a diagnosis and decide on treatment.

Unpleasant symptoms do not appear immediately

Release forms

Nystatin for thrush is an effective medication that can eliminate unpleasant symptoms in just 2-3 days. But in order to overcome the disease, you need to find out what forms of release this drug has:

  • suppositories for the vagina;
  • suppositories for rectal use;
  • ointments and creams;
  • pills.

Each form of release is determined by its positive impact on a particular area of ​​impact. For example, tablets are used for systemic treatment of an illness, and suppositories are used as a local medicine. Let's look at the forms of Nystatin in more detail.

  1. Tablets for thrush. They are produced in two main concentrations with 250 and 500 thousand units. These tablets are opened on top with a special protective layer that has a yellowish tint. They are used both for primary treatment and as a prophylactic agent. Used as prescribed by the doctor for the specified period. Often this course lasts from 6 to 10 days. It is forbidden to stop treatment on your own if the symptoms of the disease have disappeared, but the doctor has not yet confirmed the patient’s complete recovery. Tablets are the most popular form for removing vaginal candidiasis in women.
  2. Suppositories with Nystatin for thrush. They are available in two types: for vaginal and rectal use. Suppositories with nystatin for vaginal thrush are determined by the effectiveness of their effect on the mucous cavity of the genital organs. A woman receives their prescription only after the doctor has thoroughly examined the patient. Based on the data obtained from the bacterial culture analysis, the doctor prescribes an individual form of treatment for the disease. Suppositories must be administered only after taking a shower. This is necessary in order to eliminate the possibility of introducing bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms into the vagina. The duration of therapy is 14 days. Nystatin suppositories for thrush are also recommended for use as a prophylactic drug.
  3. Rectal suppositories. They are used only in rare cases when the doctor determines the presence of symptoms of candidiasis in the rectum. They must be placed 2 times a day by insertion into the anus. Before the procedure, be sure to take a bath or shower. The duration of treatment is from 10 to 14 days. Suppositories called Nystatin are prohibited only for women who are breastfeeding or carrying a child within themselves.
  4. Ointments or cream. Prescribed as an additional means to combat candidiasis. They are applied to the surface of the vagina, thereby eliminating the possibility of new pathogenic microorganisms entering the vagina.

Which suppositories for prostatitis are most effective?

To treat prostatitis, a complex of medications is usually prescribed, which most often includes rectal suppositories. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of suppositories is not as high as when they treat diseases of the rectum. This is due to the fact that the drug must penetrate the intestinal wall and the gland capsule to reach the prostate tissue.

The composition of suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis may include antispasmodics, anesthetics, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substances, as well as various natural fillers, such as bee products (propolis, honey, pollen), sea buckthorn oil, ichthyol and others.

The basis of suppositories is usually coconut oil, which promotes faster absorption of the substances contained in the suppositories. In addition, the dosage form often includes vitamins that have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Rectal suppositories can be prescribed by a doctor not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of prostatitis.

Propolis suppositories are considered the most effective for treating the inflammatory process in the prostate. Propolis, which is part of their composition, contains many useful substances, such as amino acids, chrysantine, galanin, resins, microelements, due to which it has several effects at once.

Suppositories with propolis for prostatitis have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, regenerating, and analgesic effects. There are practically no contraindications to the use of these suppositories, with the exception of intolerance to the components of the drug and an allergic reaction to propolis.

When treating prostatitis with propolis suppositories, most patients note a significant improvement within a month after starting therapy. Pain in the perineum and lower abdomen disappears, potency improves, and urination is somewhat normalized.

Despite the fact that suppositories with propolis can be used with almost no restrictions, you should not self-medicate. The regimen for using the drug must be prescribed by a doctor. Usually a course of 10 procedures is prescribed followed by a break of 10 days.

We suggest you read: Klacid for prostatitis

However, 1 course of treatment with propolis suppositories can last for a month, after which a break is also required. Due to their high efficiency, such suppositories for prostatitis, in consultation with a doctor, can be used for quite a long time.

The chemical and pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection of suppositories that contain propolis. The most common of them are Propolis DN, Vitol, Fitomax-Pro, Prostopin.

Ichthyol suppositories are one of the most common auxiliary means for the treatment of chronic prostatitis. The ichthyol contained in them has a local analgesic, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect, and also helps improve blood circulation in the affected area.

The only contraindication to the use of these suppositories for inflammation of the prostate gland is individual intolerance to their components.

Suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are also used in urology for the treatment of chronic prostatitis, due to their pronounced regenerative and anti-inflammatory effects. But sea buckthorn suppositories can have a side effect, expressed by the appearance of a burning sensation in the rectum.

If the patient experiences severe discomfort while using this drug, treatment should be discontinued. Contraindications to the use of suppositories with sea buckthorn oil are individual intolerance and diarrhea.

Another effective drug in the complex therapy of prostatitis is prostatilen suppositories. Their clinical effect is expressed in a decrease in pain, restoration of normal frequency of urination a week after the start of treatment, and normalization of blood circulation in the prostate gland.

In addition, patients show an improvement in semen analysis. Due to their properties, suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis with prostatilen are used in the treatment of not only acute and chronic prostatitis, but also other diseases of the prostate gland.

Introduction rules

If administered incorrectly, even the most effective suppositories for prostatitis will not have the desired effect. Suppositories should be inserted into the rectum after a cleansing enema or natural bowel cleansing.

To achieve maximum therapeutic effect, the suppository should be located in the rectum directly opposite the prostate gland. Therefore, the suppositories should be placed deep into the rectum, and in order to avoid their displacement, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour after the procedure.

If symptoms of prostatitis occur, you should consult a specialist. The doctor will conduct a full examination, prescribe the necessary treatment and decide which suppositories are best to use in the complex treatment of prostatitis in each specific case.

How to take Nystatin for thrush

Candidiasis is a fungal disease that affects the genitals and oral cavity. It is most common in women, but men are also susceptible to symptoms of the disease. For thrush, many doctors recommend using a medication such as Nystatin. Let’s find out in more detail what this tool is and how to use it correctly.

Operating principle

Nystatin and thrush are two incompatible things. This pharmacological drug fights yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida at a high level.

After taking the first tablet, the medicine begins to have an effective effect. The drug forms a dense film, through which the fungus enters the cavity of this trap and quickly dies.

Release forms

No matter what form the drug is produced in, it must have appropriate instructions for use. Nystatin tablets for thrush should be taken 3-4 times a day, when their dosage is 500,000 units, and if 250,000 units, then such tablets should be drunk 6-8 times throughout the day. When the disease progresses to the stage of complications, it is possible that a qualified doctor may prescribe the drug in larger quantities.

The dosage for children against thrush depends on the age and weight of the baby. For children under one year of age, the drug is prescribed in the amount of 100,000 units, and for older children up to 3 years old - in the amount of 250,000 units. 3-4 times a day. The duration of therapy is two weeks, but it is necessary until the patient recovers completely. The tablets should be taken orally by filling them with water.

If, after treatment of candidiasis, thrush appears again after some time, then a therapeutic course should be carried out, only with an increased duration of up to 1 month.

If candidiasis affects external organs or skin, then the doctor prescribes the additional use of Nystatin ointments and creams. Their use is carried out by applying it to the skin in a thin layer.

Before use, be sure to wash with warm water and soap.

Nystatin is an excellent treatment for thrush, used for many years, which once again proves its effectiveness and reliability.

Today it has been undeservedly forgotten, because modern pharmacology offers so many modern and diverse means that have both their pros and cons.

For this reason, Nystatin, which has a fairly low cost, began to be used less and less.

Nystatin belongs to the group of polyene antibiotics, the principle of which is to stop the synthesis of sterols in fungal cells (in particular, those belonging to the genus Candida), which leads to the destruction of cell membranes and the death of harmful microorganisms.

As a result, Nystatin causes a slowdown in the proliferation of fungi and their gradual effective destruction. At the same time, the drug has an exclusively selective effect, aimed only at fungi, therefore, during the treatment, other flora and microorganisms are not affected. Nystatin helps against thrush, causing minimal harm to healthy cells.

The main forms of release of the product are tablets and vaginal (and rectal) suppositories, as well as ointment for external use. The doctor can prescribe any form of the drug depending on the indications and severity of symptoms.

The concentration of the main substance in each form of the product is different, in particular:

  • Suppositories (both vaginal and rectal) contain from 250,000 to 500,000 units of active ingredient. One package contains 10 suppositories.
  • The concentration of the substance in tablets is the same as in suppositories, 250 - 500 thousand units, but the number of tablets in the package may vary.
  • In 1 g. ointment contains about 100,000 units of substance. Tubes can have different weights.

Medical practice for many years has shown excellent results when treating thrush in women with Nystatin.

Treatment in this case can be multidirectional, for example, general internal, when a tablet form of the drug is taken, local internal, with the introduction of suppositories, as well as tampons moistened with ointment, or external, if only ointment is used to treat the skin of external organs.

Before using any form of the drug, you must consult a doctor, undergo an examination and take tests to determine the harmful flora and its sensitivity to the drug.

Nystatin tablets are used mainly in cases where thrush is already severely advanced or has become chronic.

This antibiotic has poor absorption into the bloodstream, so it has virtually no negative effect on the body.

Once inside, the substance finds fungal cells, destroys them and is excreted from the body naturally, along with urine and feces.

The dosage of tablets is determined by the doctor, in each case it will be individual. It is necessary to drink Nystatin for thrush three times a day, but sometimes the frequency can be increased by the doctor to 4.

For vaginal treatment of thrush, Nystatin suppositories are administered into the vagina twice a day, continuing therapy for at least 7 to 10 days, regardless of the disappearance of symptoms. In some cases, the introduction of suppositories can be combined with the use of tablets and external application of ointment.

When treating candidiasis in men, in most cases, Nystatin ointment is used, which is applied to the head of the penis, as well as other affected areas several times a day, for a week or 10 days. Apply a small amount of ointment and rub it gently into the skin. It must be used at least 2 times a day.

Quite often a combination method of therapy is used, when local treatment is combined with the use of tablets. In case of supplementing medical therapy with tablets, Nystatin should be taken for thrush 2 to 4 times a day, in the dosage specified by the doctor. This approach significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.

It is important to follow several rules, in particular:

  • It is prohibited to drink any alcoholic beverages during the treatment period.
  • During the treatment period, the consumption of spicy, very fatty, and salty foods should be avoided.
  • It is necessary to stop sexual intercourse until complete recovery.
  • You should more carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, washing the genitals with special products or herbal decoctions several times a day, blotting them after the procedure with soft paper towels or napkins.
  • It is important to avoid tight-fitting synthetic panties. You should (at least for the period of treatment with ointment) give preference to natural cotton loose panties.

The drug has a very effective effect on pathogenic yeast-like fungi, primarily those that belong to the genus Candida and cause various types of thrush.

The product has a strictly selective effect, destroying only fungi, so other microorganisms that are beneficial and make up the normal flora are not destroyed. Thus, Nystatin does not cause dysbiosis and other complications, which distinguishes it from other antibiotics in this group.

  • Thrush of various types can be treated with Nystatin, including not only on the genitals, but also on the surface of the skin, mucous membranes and even in internal organs: in the lungs, in the gastrointestinal tract or in the kidneys; Nystatin is also used for candidiasis of the mouth, larynx and tonsils.
  • In some cases, Nystatin is also prescribed as a prophylaxis for candidiasis, for example, in cases of severe weakening of the immune system, exhaustion of the body, or long-term treatment with antibiotics, especially those belonging to the penicillin group.
  • A varied form of release of Nystatin allows you to treat thrush in people of any age and gender, regardless of the location of candidiasis.

Of course, for all its safety and selectivity of action, the drug also has some contraindications, in particular, Nystatin cannot be used:

  • For the treatment of thrush during pregnancy, as well as when breastfeeding.
  • If you are allergic to any of the components of the product, especially to the main substance.
  • If you have diseases of the digestive system, for example, ulcerative lesions of the intestines or stomach, cholecystitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis.

If you follow the dosage indicated by the doctor and do not deviate from the treatment schedule, and also take into account the special aspects of therapy and the individuality of the body, then Nystatin does not cause side effects, since it is easily tolerated by almost all people.

If you violate the indicated dosage or regimen, do not follow medical instructions and restrictions, or prescribe the drug yourself, negative reactions may occur in the form of:

  • Chills or sudden rise in temperature.
  • The appearance of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Dehydration caused by diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders.
  • The appearance of allergic reactions, mainly skin.

special instructions

To avoid possible negative consequences and increase the effectiveness and quality of treatment, it is necessary to take into account not only contraindications and the individuality of the body, but also some special treatment conditions, in particular:

  • You should not drink alcohol during treatment, as it affects the natural metabolism of carbohydrates, which stimulates the active proliferation of fungi and complicates therapy.
  • Nystatin in any form should not be used simultaneously with Clotrimazole, as this significantly reduces the effectiveness of treatment.
  • It is important to follow a diet, excluding foods that create excellent conditions for the proliferation of fungi, and enriching the diet with those that restrain and suppress their growth.
  • It is important to monitor the body’s reaction to taking the drug. If a rash appears on any part of the body, treatment should be stopped immediately.
  • During menstruation, you should not use Nystatin in the form of suppositories.
  • It is necessary to abstain from sexual contact for the entire duration of treatment.

Analogues of the drug

Modern pharmacology offers an incredibly extensive list of all kinds of drugs for thrush in a variety of forms.

Routes of infection

The candida form of prostatitis, like any other infection, is contagious. Therefore, a man with this diagnosis is considered a carrier of the disease. In total, there are 3 ways of contracting inflammation of the prostate gland caused by fungi:

  1. Urethrogenic. The infection enters the body during sexual intercourse in which the partners do not use barrier contraception;
  2. Lymphogenic. The infection enters the gland by moving in the lymph flow;
  3. Hematogenous. The infection enters the prostate through the blood.

It is worth mentioning separately the factors that provoke the development of candidal prostatitis:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • Hypothermia of the body;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Viral diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • Stress;
  • Minimal physical activity;
  • Bad habits;
  • Unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • Poor nutrition;
  • Lack of vitamins and microelements in the body.

Most often, the candidal type of prostatitis is diagnosed in men of the older age group. Therefore, they should especially avoid influencing their body with factors that increase the likelihood of developing the disease.

Candidal prostatitis is a contagious disease, but a condom is a reliable barrier

Nystatin for thrush, instructions for use, indications, contraindications

Having found out the principles of how to take Nystatin, you need to decide what diseases this drug helps with. The main indication is the treatment and prevention of oral and vaginal candidiasis. But besides this, Nistanin is used in the following cases:

  • for the treatment of candidiasis of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • as a prophylaxis during prolonged use of antibiotics;
  • for the treatment of genital organs from fungal formations;
  • as a bowel aid before and after surgery.

The drug is quite effective, so it has a wide range of applications.

The patient taking Nystatin must understand that it has a number of contraindications. Knowing this list, you can avoid unpleasant results from its use.

Any form of the drug indicates that Nystatin is not recommended in the following cases:

  • if there are signs of individual intolerance to the composition of the drug;
  • for allergic manifestations;
  • during pregnancy at any month;
  • during lactation, this can negatively affect the baby’s health;
  • if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

All these contraindications must be observed; in the worst case, the medicine turns into a poisonous drug that can harm health.

Precautionary measures

Be sure to read the instructions for the drug. There are contraindications and side effects.

Adverse reactions

In most cases, the medicine is well tolerated, but some patients may experience adverse reactions during treatment with Nystatin.

  • When taking tablets, dyspeptic disorders may occur: nausea, vomiting, flatulence, diarrhea, cramps and abdominal pain.
  • When applying the ointment, allergic reactions in the form of redness, itching, and swelling are possible.
  • When using rectal suppositories, side effects occur extremely rarely, but in some cases allergic reactions may occur.


The use of nystatin is undesirable for the following diseases and conditions:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;

  • allergic manifestations during treatment with nystatin;
  • severe renal and liver dysfunction;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage or in a chronic form with frequent relapses of the disease;
  • persistent mental disorders.


There have been no cases of overdose in medical practice yet. At the same time, experts do not recommend exceeding the daily dose of the drug in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, especially when treated with oral tablets.

Possible symptoms of overdose: vomiting, loss of consciousness, convulsions, impaired concentration, tachycardia, anxiety, dizziness. To relieve the listed manifestations, symptomatic treatment is prescribed, aimed at removing the drug from the body, restoring breathing and functioning of the cardiac and vascular system, and improving the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The medicine is not prescribed for pregnant women and children under 13 years of age.

Dosage regimen

Treatment of candidiasis with Nystatin is carried out by use regardless of food intake. For adults, the dosage is 500,000 units, and you need to take tablets 3-4 times a day. Complicated forms of the disease are treated with 6,000,000 units per day. The children's dosage is exactly 250,000 units. 3-4 times a day. To exclude the possibility of developing a chronic form of candidiasis, Nystatin is prescribed for re-use a week after recovery.

If the amount of the drug is not effective, the doctor may increase the dosage or replace the drug with another one. In rare cases, fungal formations develop immunity to the composition of the drug, so the effectiveness of treatment is reduced to zero. An overdose of the drug can cause gastrointestinal upset, although this happens in isolated cases.


Typically, men begin to sound the alarm when prostatitis reaches an advanced stage. This is because it is at this stage that the symptoms of the disease become most pronounced. To treat candidal prostatitis directly at this stage, it is necessary to use potent drugs to combat the fungus.

To prevent problems in the functioning of the reproductive and urinary systems, it is necessary to promptly diagnose the body for abnormalities and not forget about adequate treatment. To differentiate the inflammatory process in the gland caused by a fungal infection, the following diagnostic measures are required:

  1. Biopsy of prostate tissue;
  2. Culture of the urethra;
  3. HIV test;
  4. Biochemical analysis of blood and urine;
  5. Clinical analysis of blood and urine.

The diagnostic results will help the doctor determine the source of the disorder. Afterwards, he will prescribe treatment to suppress the activity of the fungus and prevent complications.


It is important to read the reviews of women who have experienced the effectiveness of the drug on themselves.

Elena, 45 years old.

The doctor prescribed treatment for thrush with nystatin. This is an inexpensive medicine that helped me cure this unpleasant disease. It's really effective. I used vaginal suppositories 2 times a day. After 2 days, the unpleasant symptoms of thrush disappeared, and a week later the doctor confirmed a complete recovery during a repeat examination. To prevent the development of a chronic form, the doctor recommended taking pills for 5 days.

Svetlana, 32 years old.

Almost every woman has had to deal with such an unpleasant disease as thrush. This disease is quite common, so there are many different medications. I chose Nystatin and was not disappointed in it. During its use, I did not reveal any disadvantages, but there are many advantages: low price, and most importantly affordable, ease of use, effectiveness and speed of healing.

Tatyana, 39 years old.

After taking antibiotics I got thrush. I simply didn’t know how to treat myself. The Internet is replete with various popular means, but who to believe? A friend advised me to trust Nystatin. Such a cheap drug? I thought that the product was of little effectiveness, but decided to check it out of curiosity. My friend described this drug as if she was selling it. I tried it and within a day I was amazed - the symptoms of the disease disappeared. Another 5 days and I was completely recovered. Now I am planning to take a second course to exclude the chronic form of thrush.


Currently, there are no drugs with a similar composition in pharmacies. However, there are many medications that have an antifungal effect against Candida bacteria.

Let's take a look at some of them:

  • Pimafucin is an antifungal drug produced by Astellas in the Netherlands. Available in the form of women's vaginal suppositories, as well as in the form of tablets and cream, which are suitable for treating men. The main active ingredient of Pimafucin is natamycin. Used in the treatment of fungal diseases:

    candidiasis, balanoposthitis, dermatomycosis. The price for Pimafucin ranges from 300 to 500 rubles.

  • Clotrimazole is a well-known medicine produced by various brands, Medana Pharma, Sintez AKOMP, GlaxoSmithKline and others. Available in the form of cream, ointment, tablets, and solution for external use. Clotrimazole has trichomonacid, antiprotozoal, antifungal, and antibacterial effects. Effective against Candida fungi, phycomycetes, dermatophytes. The average price for Clotrimazole ranges from 30 to 120 rubles.
  • Fluconazole is another well-known drug prescribed for thrush. Produced by Russian companies, “Canonpharma”, “Obolenskoe FP”, as well as Israeli ones under the name “Fluconazole-Teva”. It is sold in the form of oral tablets. Fluconazole is effectively taken with symptoms of thrush, but can also be used for other diseases (cryptococcosis, balanitis, cutaneous mycosis, histoplasmosis). The cost of this drug ranges from 15 to 67 rubles per package.


In most cases, candidiasis is transmitted sexually. However, it should be emphasized that thrush does not belong to the category of sexually transmitted diseases, although the symptoms of the disease are very similar. In any case, it would not be superfluous to undergo an additional check with a venereologist.

So, why can representatives of the stronger sex get thrush? Firstly, it can be triggered by HIV infection. Secondly, candidiasis can appear as a result of taking certain medications (cytostatics, antibiotics). Thirdly, the cause of thrush can be simple diabetes. Also, local infections, depressive states, and dysbacteriosis should not be ruled out.

Often a husband gets thrush from his wife, who suffers from vaginitis. It also happens that candidiasis appears in a spouse during his wife’s pregnancy after intimacy with her.


Treatment of candidal prostatitis requires a lot of time and effort. Therefore, men should be interested in preventing this disease. The following measures help prevent inflammation in the gland caused by a pathogenic fungus:

  1. Maintaining a proper diet;
  2. Wearing underwear made of cotton fabric;
  3. Refusal of frequent enema;
  4. Refusal of questionable sexual relations;
  5. Using a condom during sex;
  6. Having a full sex life with one partner.

As a preventative measure, regular visits to a urologist are also suggested for the purpose of examination for the presence of pathological changes in the genitourinary system. Routine diagnostics allows you to identify the disease at an early stage, so every man should take care of this point.

Candidal prostatitis is a fungal infection of the prostate gland. The causative agent of the inflammatory process is most often the Candida fungus. The pathology is dangerous due to its long asymptomatic course. Due to the lack of timely treatment, the disease often develops into chronic candidal prostatitis, which is difficult and long to treat.

Treatment principle

In the treatment of candidal prostatitis, antimycotics are used - drugs that are active against pathogenic fungi. Additionally, various medications are prescribed to reduce symptoms.

Antimycotics are selected taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to a particular drug. This is determined using bacterial culture of prostate secretions.

Since candidal prostatitis occurs in a chronic form, treatment can be supplemented with physical therapy as prescribed by a doctor.

When taking antifungal drugs, it is necessary to protect the liver from their effects; Karsil Forte is one of such hepatoprotectors

The universal treatment regimen for candidal prostatitis comes down to taking an antimycotic in a certain dosage for a long period. As a rule, Fluconazole or its analogues are prescribed in an amount of 50-100 mg of the drug per day for 28 days. The need for long-term use of the drug is due to the fact that anti-fungal drugs have difficulty penetrating the prostate gland, so it takes a long time for the active substance to accumulate in the tissues of the organ.

If the fungus is resistant to Fluconazole, Itraconazole, Nystatin, Ketoconazole or other antifungal agents in tablets and capsules that are active against yeast fungi may be prescribed.

After a course of taking antimycotics, a man may be prescribed other medications for prostatitis - Gentos, Prostamol Uno and other herbal preparations used in urology.

Traditional medicine has nothing to oppose the yeast fungus in the prostate gland. This is because no homemade herbal medicines can penetrate the prostate gland when taken orally. Treatment can be carried out using soda microenemas and sitz baths, tampons with calamus decoction, and applications of celandine decoction, but these remedies are ineffective.

Among folk remedies, we can only recommend tincture of Echinacea purpurea. This remedy will not cure prostatitis, but will help improve immunity, thereby increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy.

Therapy for candidal prostatitis can be supplemented with mud therapy, prostate massage, magnetic therapy, and exercises to strengthen intimate muscles. All these methods are aimed at improving prostate trophism, so this treatment is practiced only after a course of drug therapy, and only as prescribed by a doctor.

Taking the drug in children

Children should be given Nystatin in a reduced dosage. For oral candidiasis, a special composition is used. It's easy to make. It is enough to grind 250 tons of the drug into powder and mix with 1 ml. vitamin B. The resulting mixture is carefully treated with the affected areas in the child’s throat.

The permissible dose for a child depends on age:

  • for infants - up to 125 t. units 4 rubles;
  • 1-3 years - 250 t. units 4/s;
  • 3-13 years - 400 t. units 4/c;
  • from 13 years and over - 500 units 4/c.

Be careful and do not exceed the permissible dose when treating a child. Otherwise, the drug may cause serious side effects and will only harm children.

Possible complications and prevention

Strong immunity will help avoid the manifestation of pathology

Candidal prostatitis is a dangerous disease that can lead to impotence and infertility. The disease must be detected in a timely manner. It is important to begin treatment only after determining the sensitivity of the microflora to various antifungal agents and to use only drugs approved by the doctor.

In the absence of timely treatment, prostatitis becomes stable. In this case, medications are ineffective and only temporarily reduce symptoms, not allowing you to completely get rid of the disease.

Prevention of candidal prostatitis comes down to maintaining a strong immune system and timely treatment of thrush in men. It is important to remember that thrush is a two-partner affair. If a woman experiences symptoms, the man must undergo treatment, otherwise there is a high risk of developing prostatitis.

Candidiasis is an unpleasant and very delicate problem that can affect every man.

It causes not only physical discomfort, but also psychological discomfort.

Candidiasis is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms (itching, discharge from the urethra, burning), interferes with normal sexual activity, is emotionally exhausting and irritating.

It’s good that modern medicine knows different ways to combat this disease.

Most often, it is combated using special antifungal drugs.

One of them is the drug Nystatin.

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