Air from the uterus during pregnancy. Why does air come out of the uterus?

Entry published by angel56520 · September 4, 2017


Girls, good afternoon. Please tell me, since yesterday I have been feeling a little strange after going to the toilet. After a couple of minutes, air bubbles come out. I can't figure out where. From the vagina or urethra? Then there is a feeling that the discharge is coming out. But they are not there. I run to the toilet often. There was bad urine. Now I drink conephron and lingonberry leaf. The urge to go to the toilet has become less frequent, but these bubbles do not give me peace. The discharge is always abundant. And especially during pregnancy. The daily is moist, but not wet. I don't understand why anymore. From going to the toilet or, God forbid, water leaks. The last ultrasound was last week. The neck is long and closed. The appointment with the doctor is only 11.09. Ultrasounds are not performed nearby for pregnant women. So I don’t know whether to run to the hospital or is this a variant of the norm? Maybe someone had this?

The uterus, the main organ of the female reproductive system, is connected to the external environment through the vagina, and air enters it through it. Active body movements increase the volume of air mass penetrating into this intimate zone, and at a certain moment the reverse process occurs - the cavity is emptied.

The air does not always come out silently, which makes women feel complex. It is especially unpleasant if this happens during intimacy. Is there really no way to stop the release of air from the uterus and make the process manageable?

Air comes out of the uterus

Many women have encountered a situation where air involuntarily leaves the uterus on its own.
This causes discomfort, and the woman begins to feel awkward around friends or loved ones. Girls, faced with this problem, trying to figure it out, first of all ask themselves the following question: “Why does air come out of the uterus?” There are several reasons for this:

In most cases, after childbirth, a woman’s ligamentous apparatus weakens, as a result of which air can enter the uterus and then leave it. The same can be observed during pregnancy, when, as a result of an increase in the size and weight of the fetus, the strength of the pelvic muscles decreases, which leads to the release of air from the uterus.

Some women complain that before menstruation, air begins to actively leave the uterus. This is again due to a decrease in uterine muscle tone. The cervix opens slightly before menstruation, as a result of which air enters the uterine cavity and comes out, which causes the woman some inconvenience. This fact cannot be called a disease, so drug treatment is not required.

In order to get rid of such a problem as air escaping from the uterus, a woman needs to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this you need to do the following exercises:

During the act of urination, squeeze your muscles, stopping urination for a while. You can do this exercise while sitting on a chair. At the same time, a woman should not hold her breath, but try to keep it even, as if she were at rest.

Strong and elastic vaginal muscles not only help a woman give birth easily. But in sexual life they are clearly not superfluous: there is more pleasure, and awkwardness, such as air escaping at the most interesting moment, can be avoided.

Since ancient times, mud therapy has been used by women to solve their problems.


Other possible causes of vaginal flatulence

In addition to the above factors that contribute to the penetration and then exit of gases from the uterus, other circumstances may also influence this process:

  • problems with bowel movements;
  • inactivity (sedentary lifestyle);
  • abnormal location of the reproductive organ;
  • a woman's sudden weight loss;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • medical termination of pregnancy;
  • miscarriages.

If air escaping from the vagina is associated with loss of muscle tone, then such a deviation from the norm can be suspected based on the following accompanying symptoms:

  1. Urinary incontinence, which occurs when sneezing, coughing or laughing.
  2. Pain during intercourse.
  3. Frequent constipation.
  4. Frequent urge to urinate.
  5. Water enters the vagina. If this happens while swimming, then this is not only a sign that the muscles have weakened. This symptom should alert a woman and force her to pay attention to her health. The fact is that the penetration of water during swimming, for example, in an open reservoir, can lead to the entry of various pathogenic bacteria into the body, which can cause an inflammatory process.

It’s not just the birth of a child that weakens a woman’s pelvic muscles. The reason may be due to age-related changes, in which a decrease in muscle tone occurs due to insufficient estrogen production.

But not only sexually mature women who are sexually active face such a problem as the release of gases from the vagina. According to statistics, about 5% of virgins experience vaginal flatulence. This process is associated with congenital anomalies: disorders of intimate muscles, pelvic floor muscles, increased muscle functions.

In many women, gases from the uterus begin to actively leave the body before the onset of menstruation. Uterine flatulence is explained by the fact that before the onset of menstrual bleeding, the cervix opens slightly, but even such a slight increase in the opening is enough for air to enter the organ and then escape.

Vaginal discharge in early pregnancy: what does it mean?

There are several types of vaginal discharge in early pregnancy that every pregnant woman should be aware of. Of course, in some cases, discharge (especially cheesy, yellowish discharge with an unpleasant odor) is indeed a cause for concern, as it indicates an infection or complications, but most often, discharge during pregnancy Discharge during pregnancy - you should not be alarmed - is completely normal and natural.

The color of discharge in early pregnancy can vary from yellowish to brown, and the woman may perceive it as an early period. But in fact, this is implantation bleeding, indicating that the fertilized egg (embryo) is attached to the wall of the uterus, which occurs on the sixth to twelfth day after conception (just on the days of the expected cycle or immediately before them). Such discharge may periodically reappear when the activity of the fertilized egg increases. In this case, pain and spasms are possible. Most often, implantation bleeding appears as a creamy discharge of yellow or pink color. However, discharge caused by cervical erosion, which intensifies with the onset of pregnancy, has the same color.

Despite the fact that discharge during the period of embryo implantation practically coincides in time with the expected menstruation, it is necessary to distinguish between these phenomena.

Unlike heavy menstrual bleeding, which is less pronounced at the beginning and end and is more abundant in the middle, implantation bleeding still appears before the expected menstruation, usually in the form of several pink (rather than dark red) drops or spots and no dynamics.

If you did the test, and oh


Signs of pathological processes based on changes in the vagina in pregnant women

A specific color or smell of vaginal discharge may indicate that the expectant mother has a pathology that requires immediate treatment. You should be wary if:

  • Vaginal discharge has a cheesy structure and an unpleasant sour smell (some associate it with onion). These are clear signs of a fungal infection, most often thrush.
  • Vaginal discharge is characterized by a yellowish tint and a foamy structure. There is a high probability that the expectant mother suffers from a bacterial STD.
  • Reddish or brownish color of discharge, as well as the presence of traces of blood in the vaginal mucus in the early stages of pregnancy are an alarming signal. This symptom can manifest itself for various reasons, but most often it indicates a threat of spontaneous miscarriage.

The complete absence of vaginal discharge in a pregnant woman is also an alarming sign. This usually indicates insufficient nutrition and hydration of the genitals. There can be many reasons for this condition, ranging from poor hygiene to problems in the psycho-emotional sphere.

Not only the quantity and quality of vaginal discharge in the expectant mother is important, but also the appearance of her vagina. Any discrepancy between the real picture and the photo from the gynecological manual may indicate that the pregnant woman has problems (usually with hormones).

Signs of early pregnancy

Pregnancy as a diagnosis

Pregnancy is a diagnosis, and diagnosis translated means “management tactics.” Indeed, pregnancy leaves an imprint on a woman’s entire body as a whole, since at this time intense changes occur in all organs and systems of her body.

In addition, pregnancy is a contraindication for prescribing certain drugs, which is especially important for doctors of other specialties to take into account. During pregnancy (here, signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay are especially important, that is, the very beginning of a new life), fluorographic or any other x-ray examination, which can be prescribed to a woman, is contraindicated if it is not known that she is pregnant.

Therefore, timely detection of the fact of pregnancy is very important, since proper management of pregnancy from the earliest stages is the key to its successful completion - the birth of a living, viable child. Based on this, knowledge of the early signs of pregnancy is important both for the patient herself and for doctors of various specialties. This is exactly what will be discussed in our article.

Ideally, when preparing for pregnancy, you should start taking vitamins, since their deficiency cannot be compensated so quickly. And, of course, the sooner you find out about pregnancy, the better. But no matter how long it takes to figure this out, you must immediately start taking a special vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women. After all, even if before this you did not eat very well and did not receive enough substances necessary for the health of the unborn child, now it is worth paying all your attention to this. When choosing, give preference to clinically tested drugs (not dietary supplements!) with a balanced composition - such as Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Taking it has been proven to reduce the risk of miscarriage and provide your


Feelings in the abdomen in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, the tummy is an indicator of good health and mood for many expectant mothers. What can I say, if nothing bothers a woman, then she is in a good mood and has thoughts that are conveyed to the baby. Sensations in the abdomen in early pregnancy can be varied. Very often they are caused by physiological processes associated with the growing uterus.

Slight tingling sensation.

It is caused by the fact that more blood than usual begins to flow to the location of the uterus. This condition does not require any intervention and is not painful for the pregnant woman.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.

This is another one of the normal conditions. The hormone relaxin, which begins to be produced during pregnancy, causes women to feel a sprain in the groin muscles and lower abdomen. As a rule, these pains are not severe and have an intermittent, wandering character.

Uterine tone.

In early stages of pregnancy, a woman may feel this condition, like a slight petrification of the lower abdomen. Moreover, the uterus in this period is of such small size that it will not yet be possible to feel it. But she will force you to go to the toilet often. The uterus with the fertilized egg grows quickly, pressing on the bladder, which causes frequent urges to visit the ladies' room.


A feeling of bloating is also normal for women in early pregnancy. This condition is due to the fact that the gastrointestinal tract of the expectant mother gradually begins to rebuild, making room for the growing tummy. In addition, the hormone progesterone, which begins to be actively produced from the first days of pregnancy, helps reduce muscle tone in the intestines, which leads to constipation and bloating. To get rid of this not entirely pleasant phenomenon, it is enough

Symptoms of the disease - pain in early pregnancy

Pain and its causes by category:

Pain and its causes in alphabetical order:

The first signs of pregnancy are the first reason to rejoice. There are 10 earliest signs that will tell you at a fairly early stage that you are pregnant. Some women notice one or two of the first signs of pregnancy, others notice several of them at once. Remember, once the sperm has made its way to the egg and it has been fertilized, from that point on, in about a week, the egg will implant itself in the uterus. Well, now the fun part begins - from time to time you will begin to notice that various kinds of changes are occurring. Once you experience one or more of the 12 signs of pregnancy, you should consider going to the doctor to make sure you are pregnant. At this time, the hormonal level begins to change dramatically, and the body “reacts” to the changes - to the woman’s new hormonal level.

1. Delayed menstruation. If you get pregnant before your period is due, you will most likely not get your period this month. Although slight bleeding occurs during pregnancy, it should be pinkish or brownish in color, and not so abundant. Normal monthly menstruation should begin with light discharge, then progress to heavier bleeding and decrease again towards the end of the period.

2. More frequent urination. Frequent urination is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Many women, however, may experience more frequent urination even before their missed period, usually 7 to 12 days after the temperature rises around ovulation. Changes in hormonal levels caused by the appearance


Air in the vagina

Good afternoon. Sorry for such a delicate question, I decided to ask anonymously. Air gets into the vagina and naturally comes out. With the first partner, this problem arose, but less often, perhaps due to the fact that the man had a larger volume. Now almost every sexual act. And in general I feel that everything is quite wide there. I'm 23 years old and haven't given birth. I don’t have a complex about this, but I want to find out how serious it is. During certain exercises, air also easily penetrates and leaves, so it is not very comfortable in the common room, you have to control this moment to the maximum. I heard that this is due to weak connective tissue. Is that true? I just have problems with my veins, stretch marks appeared and the doctor said that this is all weak connective tissue and problems can also appear in the intimate area, because after childbirth it is unlikely that the vagina will recover to its previous state. My questions are: 1) what is the reason? 2) How dangerous is this for women’s health and how true is it that after childbirth it will be very bad. 3) Is it possible to train the vaginal muscles with simple squeezing and unclenching, like Kegel? and how effective it is. As you understand, I’m more concerned not even with problems in my intimate life, but with my women’s health, the ability to bear a child and recover normally. But my sex life is not in last place. Thank you very much, sorry for the confusion

1. There may have been postpartum vaginal ruptures or it is necessary to exclude connective tissue dysplasia 2. There is no immediate threat to women’s health at this stage 3. The use of Kegel exercises is an effective method for correcting the condition of the pelvic floor.

Down syndrome is the most common chromosomal pathology

Please tell me how this is diagnosed and which specialist to contact. At 23 years old, I have stage 2 of varicose veins, a lot of stretch marks on my body, although my weight is only 5 kg above normal. I have never taken birth control. And he drove


How to avoid vaginal farts

If a woman experiences psychological discomfort from vaginal flatulence, or her man feels awkward in such situations, it is necessary to pump up the intimate muscles. There are several very effective exercises to give them proper tone:

  • During normal urination, you can try to stop peeing two or three times by holding the flow of urine with your vaginal muscles. This trick should be done regularly, preferably every time you go to the toilet.
  • Hold something heavy between your thighs and walk like this for 5-10 minutes. When performing this simple exercise several times a day, the muscles of the pelvic organs will noticeably tighten, which will make it difficult for air to enter the vagina and subsequent embarrassing “farts” from it.

You can solve the question of why air comes out of the vagina using organizational methods. To eliminate sounds from the uterus during sexual play, you need to choose a comfortable position and angle of entry of the penis into the vagina so that air leaves the vagina without noise. For example, positions where a woman lies upside down or bends over are not recommended (including the favorite styles of “doggy style” and “inverted wheelbarrow”), it is advisable to give preference to the good old missionary position, “cowgirl” or “spoon”, since In this position, practically no air enters the vagina.

Don’t discount the famous Kegel exercise – periodically tensing the muscles of the intimate area. However, it is necessary to ensure that it is the vaginal muscles that are tensed, and not the stomach or thighs, otherwise, instead of a pleasant tone, we will get fatigue and aching muscles.

Vagina during pregnancy

Every pregnant woman should closely monitor her health, which is associated with concerns about the normal development of the child. But not any of the changes in the usual state is a pathology and requires treatment.

You should know that during pregnancy, significant metamorphoses occur in the body of the expectant mother, due to which a woman may feel a feeling of discomfort in the lower back, abdomen or chest. Some of them are a kind of adaptation of the body to changes in hormonal levels and do not pose any danger either to the pregnant woman herself or to her unborn baby. However, you should not ignore severe pain, which can be clear signs of serious diseases that have arisen in any female organ, including the vagina during pregnancy, which will be discussed in our article.

What happens to the vagina during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the external female genitalia become loose, and the mucous membrane of the vaginal opening acquires a distinct bluish color. Sometimes varicose veins may appear on them.

Due to abundant hydration and blood circulation during pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa can become loose and soft. Also, during this period, the vagina’s ability to absorb greatly increases - and it easily ruptures, bleeding heavily. There are cases when vaginal tissues are injured even with the most minimal friction, resulting in pain and discomfort.

During pregnancy, hyperplasia (an increase in the number of structural elements of tissues due to their excessive neoplasm) and hypertrophy (an increase in the mass and volume of the organ, as well as its cells under the influence of various factors) of the connective tissue and muscle elements of the vagina occurs. At the same time, blood flow increases

Signs of pregnancy: all possible symptoms

There are several questions that arise at least once in the mind of every woman. The top list is headed by the phrase: “Maybe I’m pregnant?” Someone pronounces it dreamily, with hope. Some with horror and goosebumps. And there are girls who think about it fleetingly, at first not attaching much importance to their position. Whatever group you belong to, you are probably curious to know the surest signs of pregnancy at the very beginning.

Lack of menstruation (Amenorrhea)

Pregnancy has many signs. However, it is the absence of menstruation on time that makes women think about their situation and take a pregnancy test. But amenorrhea does not always occur because a woman is expecting a baby.

To answer this question, it is important to understand the mechanism of menstruation itself. The female body is aimed at fulfilling its reproductive function, so every month it releases one egg (sometimes more).

On the walls of a woman’s uterus there is a special coating – the endometrium. It is this layer that should serve as a “house” for the future baby. In the event that fertilization of the egg does not occur, the body gets rid of both it and the “house”, removing them through menstruation.

Rejection occurs due to a sharp decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels. A sharp decline in these hormones signals the body that the attempt to conceive has failed and the process needs to be resumed. However, in the case of fertilization and fixation of the egg in the endometrium, the level of progesterone and estrogen increases for a favorable pregnancy outcome.

An already fertilized cell does not leave the uterine cavity, new eggs are not produced. Due to this, menstruation stops. It should be noted that doctors understand by delayed absence


Where does the air in our vagina come from?

Vaginal air is a sensitive intimate problem that makes women uncomfortable, insecure and embarrassed. And no wonder, since the release of air usually occurs at not the most convenient moment and is by no means silent.

Since the question exists, and many representatives of the fair sex want to get an answer to it, to understand what kind of condition this is, and most importantly, how to get rid of it, it is worth considering this phenomenon in more detail.

Anatomical explanation

The rectum and vagina have one significant similarity - they are both hollow organs, and their walls have the ability to contract and relax. But the rectum has a sphincter - a valve device in the form of a muscular formation in the anus, the main function of which is to close the anus, and most importantly, a person controls its activity. But the vagina has nothing like that, so by contracting the walls, it releases the contents out without warning, spontaneously.


  • Have you been wanting to conceive a child for a long time?
  • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps...
  • Diagnosed with thin endometrium...
  • In addition, for some reason the recommended medications are not effective in your case...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited baby!

In the lives of some women there are unpleasant moments related to intimate issues. One of them is the release of air from the vagina. This happens involuntarily and sometimes at the most inopportune moments: during sex, while doing yoga, etc. This phenomenon makes a woman embarrassed, considering it a drawback that interferes with a full life. But in most cases, the air coming out of the vagina is just a physiological phenomenon that has nothing to do with pathology.

First signs of pregnancy: pregnancy symptoms

The first sign of pregnancy and the main reason that forces women to see an obstetrician-gynecologist is a delay in menstruation. For healthy women of reproductive age and with a regular monthly cycle, a delay in menstruation for more than 1 week is a presumptive sign of pregnancy. A normal pregnancy lasts 266 days, if counted from the time of conception, or 280 days, if counted from the day the last menstruation began with a 28-day regular cycle. A deviation from the expected due date of 2 weeks up or down is considered normal.

Symptoms and signs of pregnancy

Signs of pregnancy can be divided into subjective, laboratory and objective. Subjective signs of pregnancy mean changes that a woman can feel and evaluate herself. Laboratory signs include conducting various biochemical pregnancy tests in both urine and blood. Objective signs of pregnancy include confirmation of the presence of an embryo and fetus in the uterus.

During pregnancy, breasts may increase in size and become thicker. This occurs due to increased levels of estrogen and progesterone, which are produced in large quantities during pregnancy.

Nausea (pregnancy toxicosis) may occur starting from the 10th week of pregnancy due to the increased amount of beta-chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced by the placenta.

Increased fatigue may occur. This happens because the corpus luteum of pregnancy and the ovaries, stimulated by beta-chorionic gonadotropin, produce large amounts of estrogen and progesterone. Elevated levels of these hormones cause fatigue.

When examining on a chair during a visit to an obstetrician-gynecologist, I can


Bloating as one of the early symptoms of pregnancy

Could bloating be a sign of pregnancy? Maybe, but not always. There are 4 most common causes of the symptom:

Increased gas formation resulting from the breakdown of undigested food in the intestines. In this case, you need to reconsider your diet, eat less cabbage (including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower), legumes, plums, and artichokes. Watch out for additives: sweeteners and preservatives promote gas formation.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. They are accompanied not only by bloating, but also by fever, pain in the stomach, pancreas, intestines, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation, rumbling. If you have suffered from similar troubles before, then in your case a bloated stomach is not only a sign of pregnancy, but also a symptom of one of the diseases: gastritis, gastroduodenitis, pancreatitis and others.

Poisoning. In case of poisoning, a bloated stomach is the easiest thing that can happen. Vomiting, diarrhea, fever, general weakness are sure signs of poisoning that simply scream for an ambulance.

Pregnancy. Bloating is a sign of pregnancy, but not the only one. Lack of menstruation, nagging pain, breast enlargement, nausea, increased basal temperature will confirm your feelings much more accurately.

Why is my stomach bloated?

The hormone progesterone, which is popularly called the “pregnancy hormone”. The body begins to prepare for the new “resident”, making room for him. How? Active work of the muscles of the digestive system can contribute to miscarriage, so the first task of progesterone is to reduce this activity. And relaxed organs are not able to process the usual amount of food as synchronously and harmoniously.

Enzyme deficiency. Pancreas


Signs of early pregnancy

Pregnancy as a diagnosis

Pregnancy is a diagnosis, and diagnosis translated means “management tactics.” Indeed, pregnancy leaves an imprint on a woman’s entire body as a whole, since at this time intense changes occur in all organs and systems of her body.

In addition, pregnancy is a contraindication for prescribing certain drugs, which is especially important for doctors of other specialties to take into account. During pregnancy (here, signs of pregnancy in the early stages before the delay are especially important, that is, the very beginning of a new life), fluorographic or any other x-ray examination, which can be prescribed to a woman, is contraindicated if it is not known that she is pregnant.

Therefore, timely detection of the fact of pregnancy is very important, since proper management of pregnancy from the earliest stages is the key to its successful completion - the birth of a living, viable child. Based on this, knowledge of the early signs of pregnancy is important both for the patient herself and for doctors of various specialties. This is exactly what will be discussed in our article.

The reasons appeared

Ideally, when preparing for pregnancy, you should start taking vitamins, since their deficiency cannot be compensated so quickly. And, of course, the sooner you find out about pregnancy, the better. But no matter how long it takes to figure this out, you must immediately start taking a special vitamin and mineral complex for pregnant women. After all, even if before this you did not eat very well and did not receive enough substances necessary for the health of the unborn child, now it is worth paying all your attention to this. When choosing, give preference to clinically tested drugs (not dietary supplements!) with a balanced composition - such as Vitrum Prenatal Forte. Taking it has been proven to reduce the risk of miscarriage and provide your


Air comes out of the uterus

Many women have encountered a situation where air involuntarily leaves the uterus on its own. This causes discomfort, and the woman begins to feel awkward around friends or loved ones.

Girls, faced with this problem, trying to figure it out, first of all ask themselves the following question: “Why does air come out of the uterus?” There are several reasons for this:

In most cases, after childbirth, a woman’s ligamentous apparatus weakens, as a result of which air can enter the uterus and then leave it. The same can be observed during pregnancy, when, as a result of an increase in the size and weight of the fetus, the strength of the pelvic muscles decreases, which leads to the release of air from the uterus.

Some women complain that before menstruation, air begins to actively leave the uterus. This is again due to a decrease in uterine muscle tone. The cervix opens slightly before menstruation, as a result of which air enters the uterine cavity and comes out, which causes the woman some inconvenience. This fact cannot be called a disease, so drug treatment is not required.

In order to get rid of such a problem as air escaping from the uterus, a woman needs to increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. To do this you need to do the following exercises:

During the act of urination, squeeze your muscles, stopping urination for a while. You can do this exercise while sitting on a chair. At the same time, a woman should not hold her breath, but try to keep it even, as if she were at rest.

Strong and elastic vaginal muscles not only help a woman give birth easily. But in sexual life they are clearly not superfluous: there is more pleasure, and awkwardness, such as air escaping at the most interesting moment, can be avoided.

An unpleasant odor appears when

Since ancient times, mud therapy has been used by women to solve their problems.


Anatomical causes of the phenomenon

The vagina is a hollow organ that can allow air from the environment or the gastrointestinal tract to enter if there is an abnormality such as a fistula. This is the opening that connects the vagina to the rectum. The defect can be either congenital or acquired as a result of surgery, an inflammatory process, etc.

Unlike the rectum, which is similar in structure, the vagina does not have a sphincter that can control and prevent gas from entering and leaving it. At the moment when the internal muscles of the organ are compressed, air can be spontaneously released, accompanied by a characteristic sound.

According to tomographic studies, the appearance of air in the vagina in most women is not accompanied by any additional pathologies. The process of spontaneous release of gas from the vagina is medically called vaginal flatulence.

You can expect this phenomenon at any time, but in most cases, gases come out of the vagina under the following circumstances:

  • during sexual intercourse or after completion of sexual intercourse;
  • after the end of labor;
  • during the premenstrual period;
  • when performing physical exercises;
  • while going up or down stairs.

The escaping gases are not pathological and are not accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Therefore, this manifestation of the female body does not require treatment. But in order to avoid unpleasant moments, for example, if vaginal flatulence occurs in a public place, you can familiarize yourself with corrective therapy.

Why does air leave the uterus?

The uterus, the main organ of the female reproductive system, is connected to the external environment through the vagina, and air enters it through it. Active body movements increase the volume of air mass penetrating into this intimate zone, and at a certain moment the reverse process occurs - the cavity is emptied.

The air does not always come out silently, which makes women feel complex. It is especially unpleasant if this happens during intimacy. Is there really no way to stop the release of air from the uterus and make the process manageable?

Why does air come out of the uterus?

It is more correct to say that air leaves the vagina - it can accumulate in the uterus after childbirth, during its intense contraction. During this period, the release of air occurs twice - during the expulsion of the fetus and when the placenta is removed.

Exercises for muscle tone

Experts in this field have developed exercises to maintain vaginal tone. Regular and proper training will be the key to success in muscle elasticity. This will reduce the likelihood that gas will come out of the vagina with a sound. Try a few simple exercises and you won’t regret it:

  • We do squats. A very useful exercise that will help eliminate air in the uterus. Squat down slowly, spread your knees to the sides, and stay in this position for a while. Increase the time gradually to two minutes.
  • We work the muscles, starting and stopping urination. During the exercise, breathe, do not stop. You can repeat it throughout the day without restrictions.
  • Alternately retract and relax the muscles of the uterus and anus. Do the exercises regularly, for at least 2-3 weeks.

These activities will not only help with the problem of air getting into the uterus, but will also enhance the pleasant sensations during sex with your partner.

Why does air come out of the uterus?

It is more correct to say that air leaves the vagina - it can accumulate in the uterus after childbirth, during its intense contraction. During this period, the release of air occurs twice - during the expulsion of the fetus and when the placenta is removed.

During contractions, the intimate muscles contract intensely, increasing pressure and pumping air. After the membranes rupture and the fetus comes out, the uterus contracts and a certain amount of air pumped into the birth canal is drawn in.

Then he definitely needs to come to the surface, and this process coincides with preparation for squeezing out the placenta and the remains of the fetal membrane.

This period is also accompanied by contractions, albeit shorter and weaker, but the air is pumped into the vagina. Then the placenta leaves, the woman relaxes, the uterus collapses, and the accumulated air comes out of it.

The reasons for the intense release of air from the uterus are the following factors:

  • Active coitus;
  • decreased muscle tone caused by pregnancy or childbirth;
  • pelvic floor prolapse;
  • before menstruation and at the very beginning;
  • after training, against the background of increased physical activity.

The possibility of fart - reverse outflow - can provoke vaginal dryness caused by hormonal disorders. The body, which “takes care” of the hydration of this organ, having accumulated a sufficient amount of secretion, causes contraction of the muscles of the uterus - while the discharge is expelled from the cervical canal.

Many women begin to notice that air comes out of the uterus during pregnancy. Why does this happen?

Women in this special state begin to listen to themselves, analyze everything that happens in the body, and think: “Will what is happening harm the unborn child?” Previously, they did not notice the air exchange, it occurred naturally and silently, but now the sensitivity of the vagina has increased, the blood supply to it has increased, and it has swollen. Every – even the most imperceptible – contraction of the uterus makes you tense, what if it has become toned? Therefore, luck during pregnancy cannot go unnoticed.

Whatever the reasons, it is impossible to recover from luck. If the release of air from the uterus after childbirth causes painful discomfort, some doctors advise patients to use pain-relieving suppositories - but they only relax muscle tone and make spasms less noticeable, but do not stop the contraction with the release of air masses.

With the onset of age-related changes, a natural weakening of the ligamentous apparatus occurs, and luck ceases to be felt.

Correction methods

The methods used to eliminate vaginal flatulence are determined by its origin. There are various methods for correcting this unpleasant condition, but they can only be used as prescribed by a doctor, after all the necessary research has been carried out.

If the release of air is of a physiological nature, then certain recommendations will help reduce episodes of extraneous sounds from the vagina during sexual intercourse. First, the knee-elbow position and similar positions should be avoided. Secondly, the sexual partner needs to pull the penis out of the vagina less often. Finally, it is better to use an intimate lubricant, which will reduce the likelihood of air penetration and increase comfort for menopausal women.

There are special devices for training the pelvic floor muscles, for example, vaginal balls. And prevention of vaginal prolapse can be carried out using a uterine ring, which is effective in almost a third of women with the release of air from the intimate area.


There are special exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles and maintaining their tone. They are quite popular among women leading a sexually active lifestyle, because in addition to combating vaginal flatulence, they can improve erotic sensitivity and the number of orgasms. The following gymnastic techniques are used:

  • Kegel exercises - tensing, holding and relaxing the muscles of the perineum.
  • Voluntary retention of urination.
  • Deep squats.

Exercises are effective not only as a means to eliminate vaginal flatulence, but also to improve sexual function, as well as recovery after childbirth.


If a woman has pathological conditions, for example, vaginal prolapse or rectovaginal fistula, then surgery is the only option. The surgeon fixes the genital organs in an anatomically correct state and removes their connection with the rectum. Then postoperative rehabilitation is carried out, including therapeutic exercises, drug correction, and physiotherapy.

The release of air from the vagina is often a physiological phenomenon. But it brings significant discomfort in various life situations, which creates the need for proper correction. And pathological conditions associated with vaginal flatulence clearly require timely treatment.

A very common female problem is when air leaves the uterus, especially after childbirth. This causes a certain discomfort, so that the woman begins to feel embarrassed about her relatives and friends. At the same time, the doctor rarely decides about the reasons for this condition of the uterus after an interesting situation.

The nuances of vaginal flatulence

Vaginal flatulence also depends on the individual structure of the vagina. The shorter and wider the cervix, the more air gets inside and, accordingly, is expelled.

The amount of air entering largely depends on the ratio of the sizes of the intimate organs of the partners. If the vagina is wide or its tone is weakened - which is often the case in women who have recently had childbirth or in those who have given birth several times - and the penis is short or not full enough, more air is pumped in.

Virgins often complain about sound luck. The hymen does not completely cover the entrance to the cervical canal - it necessarily has through holes through which menstrual blood exits. The atmospheric environment easily penetrates inside the body. Exit is difficult, so a certain amount of air accumulates in front of the hymen and with a sudden movement of the muscles it is pushed out. Of course, this process cannot happen silently. Most often this is how air leaves the uterus before menstruation.

Having analyzed the appearance of fart during coitus, women understand in which position it occurs more often and try to avoid it. The most problematic positions are those in which penetration is difficult - the “piston” enters with force, forcing air in - or, conversely, the vagina is completely relaxed. If you adjust the process, change postures, you can avoid an uncomfortable moment.

Vaginal fistulas (fistulas) and gases

Fistulas or fistulas occur when abnormal openings develop between two organs that should not anatomically be connected to each other. In particular, they can occur at times when scar tissue forms or disappears. Vaginal fistulas can cause vaginal gas.

Fistulas can develop between the vagina and other pelvic organs. The symptoms associated with fistulas depend on their size, location, and the organs affected.

Possible types of vaginal or vaginal fistulas include the following.

Vesicovaginal fistula

Vesicovaginal fistula (vesicovaginal fistula) is characterized by the development of communication between the vagina and the bladder.

At least three million women in developing countries have unresolved vesicovaginal fistulas. This condition is usually associated with complicated childbirth and injuries received during gynecological operations.

In developed countries, vesicovaginal fistulas are less common, although they still occur in 3-5% of cases of cancer of the vagina, cervix and uterus (endometrium).

The most common symptoms of vesicovaginal fistulas are abnormal watery discharge and regular urine leakage. Large fistulas can cause pain and discomfort.

Uretero-vaginal fistula

A ureterovaginal fistula (uretero-vaginal fistula) occurs when a connection develops between the vagina and the ureter, a tubular structure that is usually located on both sides of the body and connects both kidneys to the bladder to further remove urine from the body.

Most uretero-vaginal fistulas result from injuries sustained during gynecological surgery, such as hysterectomy.

The most common symptoms of ureterovaginal fistulas are urine leakage from the vagina and abdominal discomfort.

Urethrovaginal fistula

A urethrovaginal fistula (urethrovaginal fistula) results from the development of an opening between the vagina and the urethra (urethra), a tube-like structure that connects the bladder to the outside of the body.

The most common symptom of a urethrovaginal fistula is regular leakage of urine from the vagina, which increases with pressure on the abdominal cavity.

Enterovaginal fistula

An enterovaginal fistula (colovaginal or enterovaginal fistula) develops when an abnormal communication forms between the vagina and the small intestine.

Ability to avoid embarrassment

To prevent air from leaving the uterus during intercourse, causing the woman to feel embarrassed and blush, you can use the following methods.

  1. If, after analyzing the situation, it becomes clear that the luck is caused by insufficient hydration, then you can use special lubricants containing estrogen. They are administered several hours before intimacy, and the body has time to prepare.
  2. Currently, you can purchase intravaginal applications that will help relieve vaginal flatulence.
  3. Strengthening the intimate muscles with the help of special exercises helps to increase the elasticity of the vagina and restore the tone lost during childbirth. These exercises will help a woman who has entered menopause to push back unfavorable changes - prolapse of the vagina and uterus, and strengthen the ligamentous apparatus.

A “gymnastic” complex for intimate muscles was developed by obstetrician-gynecologist Kegel, but there are also individual exercises that restore muscle tone.

Ways to get rid of vaginal flatulence

In the case when a woman experiences vaginal flatulence and it causes her a lot of inconvenience not only during sexual intercourse, but also in everyday life, she is advised to consult a doctor about this problem. First of all, you need to make sure there are no pathological causes. After this, the doctor will give recommendations on how to restore the muscles to their previous tone.

Women after menopause during sexual intercourse may be advised to use intimate lubricants that contain the missing hormone - estrogen.

A unique tool that will help not only reduce the amount of air entering the uterus, but also allow a woman to avoid the development of many pathologies, for example, prolapse of the uterus, is muscle training. A special set of Kegel exercises has been developed for this purpose.

The uniqueness of this technique is that you do not need to set aside time to perform some exercises. You can train intimate muscles at any opportunity. To do this you need:

  • take a slow deep breath;
  • squeeze the muscles of the perineum and hold them for 10 seconds;
  • Slowly relax the vaginal muscles.

If you regularly perform such training several times a day, you can notice changes after 1-1.5 months. There is a whole range of other exercises that help increase the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Some of them involve the use of special items that contribute to the speedy recovery of the female body. There are special trainings that a woman can go to to strengthen her muscles and thereby get rid of many problems.

Gymnastics for intimate muscles

Many women are embarrassed to do Kegel exercises; they find them shameful.

Don’t break yourself - there are simple movements that help strengthen your intimate muscles:

  • regular squats performed with hips spread - it is advisable to turn your knees to the sides during movements;
  • interruption of the act of urination for a few seconds;
  • tension in the vaginal muscles when you sit on a chair, completely relaxed.

Special Kegel exercises also consist of a complex during which the vaginal muscles are tensed and relaxed in various positions - standing, sitting or lying down.

In a lying position, the action should resemble pushing - that is, you need to try to control the intimate muscles in the complex - the vagina and uterus. At the same time, the abdominal press also tenses and relaxes, which is very useful. During the first sessions, you can help with your hands - with a little pressure on the uterus, the air will leave the body completely.

If this exercise is regularly performed before sexual intercourse, embarrassment can be avoided in the future.

Training the intimate muscles of the perineum with the help of weights is not Kegel gymnastics, but wumbling. This technique helps control the intimate muscles almost completely.

How to get rid of it?

Traditional and folk medicine knows a lot of recipes that remove vaginal flatulence:

  1. Sex. The sounds may disappear if you use an estrogen-containing lubricant. It should be used 2-3 hours before sexual intercourse. The problem can also be solved well by applications inserted into the vagina.
  2. Postpartum period. In order for the vagina to become silent, women who have given birth need to restore the lost tone to the pelvic muscles. Special squats help with this (more on them below).
  3. Aging. Older women face not only weakening of the pelvic muscles, but also prolapse of the uterus. One of the symptoms of this problem is vaginal flatulence. To prevent the uterus from prolapse, you should start regularly doing special Kegel exercises designed to strengthen the muscle tone of the vagina.

Exercises to eliminate the problem

Here are the simplest, easy exercises:

  1. Compression and decompression. Slowly, gradually and simultaneously compress the muscles of the anus and vagina. Then we unclench just as slowly. Repeat 40 times a day for one month.
  2. Special squats. We place our feet shoulder-width apart and slowly squat. At the same time, we spread our knees in different directions. We don’t stand up, we sit with our knees apart as long as possible. We are gradually trying to increase the load. The exercise will help if you do it for 20-25 days.
  3. Sex and exercise. During intercourse, try to squeeze your partner’s “tool” as tightly as possible with the internal vaginal muscles, and then sharply relax them. You need to do this 4-5 times in a row.

Traditional methods

The use of natural preparations will help maintain the tone of the uterus and avoid its prolapse:

Quince infusion:

  1. Pour one part of dried fruits with 10 parts of water.
  2. Boil in a water bath for several minutes.
  3. Cool to 37 degrees.

Drink the infusion like regular tea. It is an excellent remedy that restores tone not only to the muscles of the uterus, but also to the rectum.

Datura herb baths:

  1. Pour 20 g of dried leaves into 7 liters of water.
  2. Cook in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool the broth to 38 degrees and pour into a bowl.

Take a sitz bath. Its duration is 10 minutes.

Such methods are contraindicated for those who have individual intolerance to medicinal plants.

The female body is special. He often presents surprises, and not always pleasant ones. Vaginal flatulence is one of them. But you can cope with it if you maintain muscle tone and find time for exercise.

In this article:

Young mothers often face a delicate problem: after childbirth, air comes out of the uterus. Many women develop complexes due to unpleasant sounds in the presence of strangers, because the process of gases escaping outside cannot be controlled.

During pregnancy, the uterine muscles stretch, fill with air, and after a natural birth, symptoms such as involuntary urination and the release of gases from the uterus appear. Sudden exertion, coughing and sneezing intensify the sensation. The baby puts its weight on the uterus from the inside and helps air get inside. The vaginal muscles are like gates for a child, which must both open and close in time.

Gynecologists advise training the perineal and coccygeal muscles, then blood circulation in the lower parts of the spine is normalized, thereby preventing the development of hemorrhoids and problems in the uterine region.

Fart and intimate gymnastics

The ability to control intimate muscles helps make the release of air from the uterus and vagina less noticeable to others. A woman feels the approaching contraction of intimate muscles in advance, and tries to make it less noticeable to others.

It is impossible to completely neutralize fart, since there is no sphincter in the vagina. This is a very wise decision by Mother Nature. If we give an example with the sphincter muscles of the anus, sometimes they contract involuntarily. Can you imagine if the sphincter was located in the vagina, and this happened during childbirth or sexual intercourse?

So you shouldn’t complain about some physiological inconveniences. Strengthening the intimate muscles and ligaments helps make the exit of air from the uterus less noticeable.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

How to cope with pain, itching and other unpleasant symptoms?

However, while waiting for a visit to a specialist, you need to somehow alleviate your well-being. There are several proven ways to do this:

  • Wear underwear made of natural cotton. Synthetic materials do not allow air to pass through well, making it difficult for the skin to breathe and creating favorable conditions for the proliferation of harmful microorganisms. If pain and itching in the vagina are caused by a bacterial or fungal disease, wearing cotton will help slow down the spread of the disease.
  • Use panty liners. Hygiene products can be changed every couple of hours, which will provide the necessary level of cleanliness and solve the problem of heavy vaginal discharge.
  • Avoid using cleansers. Gels for intimate hygiene can provoke dry skin and mucous membranes, which will aggravate itching and pain in the vagina during gestation. Expectant mothers should wash themselves without soap with clean running water.

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