Pain in the cervix during late pregnancy

Causes of pain in early and late pregnancy

During the period of gestation, the female uterus increases significantly in size. Such a change leads to an increase in the load on the ligaments that ensure its retention in the pelvis. Due to a violation of the anatomical position, a displacement occurs, tension in the abdominal muscles increases, and the expectant mother experiences pain in the lower abdomen of varying intensity and character.

On days 6-8 after fertilization, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Pain in the cervical area is normal at this time. Doctors reassure expectant mothers and assure that discomfort indicates the natural course of the process, so there is no need to worry again. A woman should lie down and rest, take a No-shpa tablet or another antispasmodic approved during pregnancy, the pain will go away.

Pain that occurs at short intervals in the early stages may indicate growing tone of the uterus. At this time, short-term pain in the lower abdomen may also be observed. The condition is considered dangerous, and in some cases critical, requiring immediate response.

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the fetus inside the woman's womb grows and develops rapidly. Pain that occurs periodically in the cervix is ​​natural and does not require medical intervention, but this is not a reason to ignore the symptom. If the discomfort manifests itself abruptly and is paroxysmal in nature, it is worth visiting a doctor. Also dangerous is a condition when pain is accompanied by bleeding or spotting - placental abruption has probably occurred.

In the later stages of pregnancy, starting from 35-38 weeks, discomfort in the cervix appears with small frequency. This symptom indicates that the pregnancy will soon end, and at this moment the cervix is ​​preparing for childbirth, softens and opens.

Pain in the cervix often worries pregnant women suffering from cervical insufficiency. This pathology is quite dangerous and can lead to irreversible consequences, including termination of pregnancy. In this condition, the muscles in the transition zone between the uterus and the cervix do not contract, and dilatation may occur ahead of schedule. Abortion for this pathology occurs at a later date, when the weight of the fetus becomes significant. The pathology is characterized by tingling. It can prick constantly or periodically, at characteristic intervals.

In addition, the cause of pain in the cervix may be various gynecological diseases that are infectious and inflammatory in nature. During pregnancy, these diseases require immediate intervention. The reasons that provoke the development of pathology are pathogenic microorganisms that exhibit their activity: staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli and other STD pathogens. Pathologies are not always accompanied by pain, but it is important to cure them before labor begins, otherwise there is a high risk of infection of the child as it passes through the birth canal.

High tone

Uterine tone is the main cause of cervical pain in early pregnancy. The appearance of the symptom is due to contraction of muscle fibers; the reasons for tone during pregnancy are as follows:

  • anatomically underdeveloped female genital organs;
  • history of abortions and curettage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • stress;
  • sexual intercourse;
  • past viral infections and inflammatory diseases.

If the cervix begins to hurt between 8 and 11 weeks of pregnancy, the reason is toxicosis. Against the background of this condition, intestinal disorders are observed, and bloating can be observed. Non-dangerous reasons, for example, constipation, can also provoke an increase in tone.

If pain in the lower abdomen appears due to tone in the second trimester of pregnancy, there is a possibility of its spontaneous termination. The condition is quite dangerous, the woman experiences acute pain, and bloody or bloody discharge may appear.

Starting from 30 weeks, tone is considered less dangerous. In case of premature birth, the doctor will be able to provide assistance to the child and mother, but the occurrence of the symptom cannot be underestimated. Premature babies are developmentally delayed in every possible way and are more susceptible to viruses and bacteria, which is why they get sick more often. If the stomach becomes stone-like, pain is felt, the patient needs urgent hospitalization in the gynecological department.

Cervix during pregnancy

At the first appointment with a doctor, a pregnant woman will have to undergo a gynecological examination, which will not only confirm the pregnancy and determine its duration, but also assess the condition of the woman’s internal genital organs. Among them, special attention is paid to the cervix.

What is the cervix?

This is a kind of connecting tube between the uterus and vagina, approximately 3-4 cm long and about 2.5 cm in diameter. The cervix has two parts: lower and upper. The lower part is called vaginal because it protrudes into the vaginal cavity, and the upper part is called supravaginal because it is located above the vagina. The cervical canal runs inside the cervix, which opens into the uterine cavity through the internal os. On the outside, the surface of the cervix has a pinkish tint, it is smooth and shiny, strong, and on the inside it is bright pink, velvety and loose.

Cervix after conception

During pregnancy, a number of changes occur in this organ. For example, a short time after fertilization, its color changes: it becomes bluish. The reason for this is the extensive vascular network and its blood supply. At the same time, the glands of the cervix expand and become more branched.

At the 9th month of pregnancy, the doctor notes the softening of the tissue of the cervix and its “ripening”. Such changes in a pregnant woman’s body indicate readiness for the birth of a child. Immediately before childbirth, the cervix shortens (up to 10-15 mm) and is located in the center of the small pelvis. By opening the cervical canal, the obstetrician-gynecologist determines the approach of labor, which begins with the expansion of the internal os and contractions.

Normal cervix during pregnancy

For 9 months, the woman is forced to frequently visit the gynecologist. In the best case scenario, that is, with a healthy pregnancy without complications, at least 9-12 times. If there are health problems or a risk of miscarriage, then this number can be several times higher.

At the first examination, the doctor finds the cervix and determines its shape, size, consistency, and location. During a normal pregnancy, the cervix is ​​firm to the touch and tilted back, making the canal impassable for a finger. If there is a threat of spontaneous miscarriage, the doctor will determine this by the shortened and softened cervix, while the canal opens.

Periodic visits to the gynecologist will allow you to recognize the pathology or disease in time and take the necessary measures. During examinations, the doctor takes tests: a smear on the flora (this analysis will help determine the inflammatory process, detect some types of infection (fungal, candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis) and a cytological examination (this way they study the structural features of the cells of the surface and canal of the cervix, which makes it possible to detect various oncological diseases at the earliest stages).

Classification of pain depending on the nature

Pain that occurs during pregnancy can be classified depending on its nature:

  • Cutting in the lower abdomen. A sensation as if cutting in the lower abdomen, more often manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy; girls who have painful periods are more likely to experience this symptom. If the pain occurs periodically and is considered mild, there is no need to worry. Intense manifestation indicates uterine tone.
  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and twitching of the cervix indicate a high probability of spontaneous abortion. A woman should take an antispasmodic and immediately consult a gynecologist. If the condition is accompanied by heavy bleeding, placental abruption is possible.
  • Cramping pain reminiscent of discomfort before menstruation. Their appearance in the early stages indicates improper attachment of the fertilized egg, tubal or ovarian pregnancy, and emergency termination is indicated.
  • Expanding pain in the cervix during pregnancy after the thirty-sixth week indicates the preparation of the uterus for childbirth. During this period, the pelvic bones diverge, and pain can radiate to the sacrum and pubis. If you experience intense pain and contractions, you should consult a doctor and undergo a vaginal examination.

If the pain is constant and antispasmodics do not help, the woman should consult a doctor as an emergency.

Pregnancy is a natural state for a woman’s body, but as the fetus develops, other pathologies associated with organ dysfunction often progress. Their symptom is pain, the intensity and nature of which depends on the location and extent of the lesion:

  • sharp, stabbing pain that appears suddenly and covers the abdomen may indicate the development of appendicitis or urolithiasis;
  • with cystitis, pain appears behind the pubis, the woman faces a frequent urge to urinate;
  • attacks of dull, aching or acute pain in the lower abdomen that can radiate to the intestines indicate the development of cholecystitis or pancreatitis;
  • dull pain indicates the development of various gastrointestinal pathologies.

Attention! The development of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system is not uncommon during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the growing uterus puts pressure on various organs and disrupts their natural functioning.


Lack of proper attention to your body and ignoring pain in the cervical region leads to such serious diseases as dysplasia and cervical cancer in the presence of human papillomavirus infection. And since this virus circulates in almost 80% of women aged 20 to 35 years, alertness should be very high. Sooner or later, an advanced disease leads to the appearance of malignant tumors.

Quite often, a woman does not suspect that she has erosion, which occurs due to frequent abortions or complicated childbirth, when leading a promiscuous sex life. And even after learning about the diagnosis, many do not rush into treatment, hoping that everything will go away on its own.

The danger comes from papillomas and polyps that form on the cervix and genitals. Papillomas are of viral origin. Polyps are growths of the glands of the cervical canal and, despite their benign nature, can degenerate in the future.

Cervical cancer is quite easily diagnosed by histological examination. But at the same time, this is one of the diseases that may not manifest itself for a long time. And the later the disease is detected, the worse the prognosis.

The occurrence of pain in the cervical region during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage in the early stages or premature birth in later stages.

During pregnancy, a woman must follow all doctor's recommendations and undergo all necessary tests. If you experience the slightest pain in the neck, you should immediately contact a medical facility.

Pain after gynecological examination

Many women describe the discomfort that appears after a gynecological examination during pregnancy. The reason for its appearance is changes in hormonal levels and increased sensitivity of the cervix. Gynecologists say that this is a natural reaction of the body and do not find anything threatening in such a change. Any mechanical impact can cause pain, even sexual intercourse with a loved one.

The appearance of pain in the cervix in the early stages of pregnancy is dangerous. This condition can cause miscarriage. At the first suspicion, the expectant mother should consult a doctor. In cases where the cause is active uterine tone, the woman is recommended to take medications containing progesterone. They provide support and reduce the risk of early pregnancy loss.

Cervical pain during pregnancy

Cervix and its changes during pregnancy

Under normal conditions, the outer surface of the cervix is ​​pinkish in color. It is smooth and durable. The inner surface is bright pink and loose. During fertilization, the appearance of the cervix changes. For example, its color becomes bluish, which is due to increased blood supply. In the ninth month, the cervical tissue should soften. This is a signal that the woman’s body is ready for the birth of a child. Before childbirth, the cervix shortens.

When first examining a pregnant woman, the doctor must check the condition of the cervix: determine its shape, size, consistency and location. In the best case, the cervix should be tight and tilted back, and the cervical canal should be impassable for a finger. If, upon examination, the doctor determines that the canal is opening and the cervix is ​​shortened or softened, this threatens miscarriage.

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