What kind of discharge in late pregnancy can be dangerous?

The period of pregnancy may be accompanied by various types of discharge. The explanation for this is simple - the female genital tract has epithelial tissue that releases moisture, so disturbances in the microflora or changes in the hormonal background will lead to discharge.

In the third semester, the body begins to readjust to prepare for the birth state, so such changes lead to regular discharge.

The later months of pregnancy are characterized by the frequency and abundance of discharge and in most cases are considered normal if they are not accompanied by pain and other pathological phenomena.

Transparent selections

Experts call them the first heralds of a prenatal condition, but not signs of any pathology or the presence of an infectious disease.

Already starting from the second trimester and extending into the third, the mucus becomes more liquid. This is explained by an increase in estrogen levels . Based on this, the permeability of blood vessels in the vaginal mucosa begins to increase, which leads to very frequent discharge.

It is believed that such mucous manifestations are completely harmless and do not portend anything bad, but for the sake of complete peace of mind, it is better to once again go to see a leading gynecologist. And in any case, in the presence of any fluids from the vagina, it is necessary to strengthen hygiene.

Transparent discharge may begin due to the regular use of panty liners, which have an irritating effect upon contact with the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. You should try changing them to others or stop using them altogether.

Brown discharge

Brownish discharge in the first months of conception can be considered normal, since the integrity of the endometrium was disrupted due to the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Manifestations of these discharges in the later stages may begin due to the release of the plug , which prevented microorganisms from entering the vagina (two to three weeks before the onset of labor). Therefore, they are considered normal in the prenatal state.

It is impossible to say that all brown discharge is normal, since they can be harbingers of problematic changes in the female body. If they took place, then it is worth thinking about the fact that perhaps these are manifestations of signs of cervical erosion or there is an infection in the body.

When brownish discharge with bloody spots is observed, then you should sound the alarm - detachment has begun, most likely of the placenta, and in the worst case, the fertilized egg.

We come to the conclusion that the presence of such discharge with possible pain in the lumbar area is an alarm bell about the presence of a problem in a woman’s body. Therefore, in order for mother and baby to remain healthy, it is necessary to urgently go to an appointment with a gynecologist.

White discharge

Discharge of a slightly whitish color, which is not accompanied by any discomfort and pain, is nothing bad.

After 37 weeks, if you notice white-transparent discharge, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that the time for the long-awaited birth is approaching, and the mucous plug has already moved away from the uterus .

Leucorrhoea may occur in the morning. If you begin to have copious whitish discharge, you should sign up for an examination, because this may be an indicator that amniotic fluid is leaking.

Why is there discharge during pregnancy, what hormones are responsible for it?

A woman has had vaginal discharge all her life - this is an absolutely natural and necessary function of the genitourinary system, as well as a kind of indicator of health. They clean and moisturize the vagina, which prevents the development of infections. This also happens during the period of bearing a child. Up to 12 weeks, the discharge is mucous and is produced thanks to the hormone progesterone. They are scanty, thick and opaque. This symptom is even considered one of the first signs confirming conception. From the 13th week, the discharge becomes abundant and thin - this is when another hormone, estrogen, begins to work. The discharge is visually detectable, but it does not create any itching or burning sensation and has no odor. Similar to raw egg white, homogeneous, without clots or lumps. Further, as pregnancy progresses, the secretion can change color, smell and structure.

A pregnant woman should know that as pregnancy progresses, the amount of vaginal discharge increases. There is nothing scary or bad about this. If there is a fear or suspicion that amniotic fluid is “leaking,” you need to consult a doctor in person, because his direct responsibility is to determine whether you are “leaking” or not. He has no right to send you to the pharmacy for commercial tests, the quality of which is not guaranteed, and you do not know how to correctly interpret such tests. Any medical institution providing pregnancy management services is required to conduct research to determine the presence of amniotic fluid in vaginal discharge. The simplest and cheapest method for determining water is to dry the secretions on a piece of glass and examine the material under a microscope in search of a “sign of a fern leaf” (at least this is taught in all medical institutes).

obstetrician-gynecologist, E.P. Berezovskaya


Video: discharge and other symptoms of early pregnancy


Liquid discharge like water

The period when labor is already very close may be accompanied by liquid discharge with a gray or slightly noticeable white color. This is evidence that premature discharge of amniotic fluid begins.

This situation is not scary; most likely, the body is simply letting you know that it is quite prepared for full childbirth. However, you should not independently diagnose the nature of the discharge, but contact a gynecologist who will accurately determine the pathology.

Bloody issues

The presence of a serious problem is indicated by copious amounts of bloody discharge. Most often, they are mixed with mucus and can be in the form of bleeding - this is direct evidence that the birth will be premature or there is a threat of placental abruption.

Specks of blood and mucus are visible on the underwear already after the thirty-seventh week, then quickly prepare your bag to go to the maternity ward, because there is very little time left. The discharge of mucus with blood indicates that the plug (it serves to protect against infections of the uterus) has already been torn away.

Normal discharge during the weeks of pregnancy and before childbirth

So, here's what awaits you for 9 months. These terms, of course, are conditional and individual for each woman.

  • In the 1st week after fertilization (penetration of the sperm into the egg), you will not notice any changes, since they are similar to the last weeks of menstrual secretion.
  • During the 2nd week, the discharge is slimy, and sometimes pink, red, or brown spots may appear in it - this small amount of blood is released at the time of implantation (attachment) of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus.
  • The 3rd week may be accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen and probably light bleeding - the implantation process is still ongoing.
  • At the 4th week, implantation should be completed, as evidenced by abundant, thick, transparent or slightly whitish, odorless secretion, but possibly still mixed with blood.
  • By the 5th week, the discharge should ideally not contain any color or odor. During this period, blood clots are a bad sign.
  • Week 6 is identical to week 5.
  • By the 7th week, the discharge thins out - but if this does not happen, the question of pathologies arises.
  • In the 8th week, the secretion is moderate, preferably light with a sour smell. At the moment, the brown color is very dangerous, which can signal a threat of miscarriage.
  • The 9th week is characterized by a thin, watery secretion, odorless, the color is still light and does not cause discomfort.
  • At the 10th week, nothing changes, except for the need to undergo a routine examination by a gynecologist. During this period, in rare cases, a small amount of bloody spotting appears. This is due to the fact that the walls of the uterus have become loose and sensitive to mechanical influences, including sexual intercourse. But if there is no pain, it is not dangerous.
  • In the 11th week, the discharge is small, thin, light or colorless.
  • Until the 12th week, the discharge remains moderate, light or whitish in color, and a sour smell may appear. At this time, sexually transmitted diseases are very dangerous, manifested by itching, burning, and pus.
  • From the 13th to the 25th week, the discharge remains clear, but its volume gradually increases and the smell intensifies.
  • 25-36 weeks - moderate or heavy discharge with a pronounced odor.
  • 36–40 weeks - moderate whitish discharge will most likely contain mucus, blood clots are acceptable, which is a preparation for the passage of the plug and precedes labor. Slightly cloudy liquid discharge in unusually increased quantities indicates the departure of amniotic fluid - the most obvious confirmation of the beginning of the childbearing process and a direct indication to consult a doctor as quickly as possible.

I monitored my discharge throughout my entire pregnancy, and sometimes it even got to the point of absurdity. The doctor could no longer listen: either at 8 weeks my water began to leak, then everything was very thick, then very colorless, then, on the contrary, colored... And so throughout the entire pregnancy. Probably all pregnant women are obsessed with this. It’s only been a month since giving birth, but I’m already remembering it, and it’s funny to me. In general, the main thing is calm.



Sometimes in the first weeks after conception, the expectant mother sees light beige or white discharge instead of clear or whitish. But if they do not cause discomfort, then they are accepted as a physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment. The fact is that at this time a so-called mucous plug is formed in the cervical canal, which is also partly why the secretion thickens.

A mucus plug is a lump of dense mucus that clogs the cervical canal of the cervix throughout pregnancy to protect the uterus and fetus from bacteria.

It happens that in the first months after conception, on the days when menstruation should occur, short-term bloody discharge is present. This is due to the fact that the hormonal background has not yet changed: the egg is no longer maturing, and the endometrium is still bleeding - this is a variant of the norm.

Some pregnant women may experience false periods during pregnancy. Typically, bleeding occurs on the days of expected menstruation, however, in duration and intensity they are always less compared to normal menstruation. Therefore, an observant woman will always notice the difference.

gynecologist-obstetrician, E.P. Berezovskaya


Mucus discharge

In the initial stages and in the last months, whitish mucus . There should be no worries about this; this phenomenon is considered completely normal.

According to the external description, the discharge resembles raw white of a chicken egg. They do not bother the woman at all and are not accompanied by an irritating burning sensation, itching or other unpleasant symptoms.

Mucous discharge increases significantly already in the prenatal state. The period of the second trimester will be quite dry.

Pink discharge

Pink ones, because they resemble bloody discharge, can be frightening for the expectant mother. After all, everything connected with blood is directly associated with threats.

But you shouldn’t panic right away, because they don’t always indicate something very terrible.

Almost all pinkish discharge is interspersed with blood, regardless of what shade it is - pink-white or even pink and yellow.

All this is explained by the fact that ordinary secretions are stained with the help of secreted red blood cells. Such discharge can manifest itself due to many factors, but they are not a pathology in the early stages, but are a sign of changes in the body.

more dangerous in the last months of pregnancy and indicate that the placenta has begun to exfoliate. If pink discharge begins after active sex, it means that the expectant mother has cervical erosion.

Woman 9 months pregnant

9 months of pregnancy - this is how many weeks - both the doctor and the expectant mother consider. This is the most difficult period, which is accompanied by great physical and psychological stress. The hormonal background changes, the amount of hormones that cause uterine contractions increases. A harbinger of childbirth can be a drooping belly, easier breathing and disappearance of heartburn - the baby sinks lower and stops putting pressure on the internal organs. Swelling of the legs in the 9th month of pregnancy becomes even worse.

Milky discharge

During pregnancy, such a phenomenon as thrush , which is characterized by white and sometimes yellowish discharge, which in its consistency looks like cottage cheese, is also not alien.

The expectant mother will feel constant discomfort in the genital area , which manifests itself as constant itching and burning.

This infectious disease does not harm the fetus, but like any other disease it is not good, and therefore requires urgent treatment. Anti-thrush medications can only be used as prescribed by your attending physician.

The expectant mother should monitor discharge of any kind and do not hesitate to make an appointment with a doctor if it turns out to be alarming. Under no circumstances should you ignore the discharge or diagnose its nature yourself.

Discharge at different stages of pregnancy can be both normal and abnormal. Therefore, in order to stay healthy and maintain the health of the unborn baby, it is necessary to be observed by a leading doctor as often as possible.

How will they help in the hospital?

A doctor in a hospital can determine the cause and amount of bleeding, and the tactics of treatment will depend on this.

In some pathologies, urgent surgical intervention is necessary, in others, it is possible to maintain the pregnancy and prepare the baby’s lungs for premature birth.

  • Depending on the cause of bleeding and the location of the pathology, techniques such as suturing, drug treatment (vitamins, antispasmodics, etc.) can be used.
  • Strict bed rest helps control bleeding and prevent relapses.
  • With partial placental abruption, especially if it is low localized, such an unexpected measure as opening the amniotic sac helps: the baby’s head lowers, pressing the detached fragment of the placenta.

This allows you to gain days to carry out the necessary strengthening therapy for the mother and prepare the baby for birth.

  • Medical measures can stop fairly heavy bleeding.

In this case, immediately after the cessation of blood loss, therapy against hemorrhagic shock is carried out (blood transfusion or blood substitutes, anti-inflammatory drugs, administration of saline)

In cases where the bleeding cannot be stopped, or the lesions are large and make it impossible to maintain the pregnancy, premature birth is performed. Usually this is a caesarean section, but other options are possible, depending on the condition of the mother, the position of the baby, and the degree of dilatation of the cervix.

A baby born prematurely will be examined by neonatologists and placed under observation in the pediatric intensive care unit, and, if necessary, sent for nursing.

Bleeding in the last weeks of pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors. Its cause and the degree of threat to the health of a woman or her unborn child can be accurately determined only after examination in a hospital setting.

Depending on the situation, doctors will find an opportunity to continue the pregnancy or an emergency birth will be carried out, and the baby will be placed in the premature ward. Timely contact with a doctor will save the life of the mother and newborn.

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