TERZHINA through the eyes of leading experts

How effective is Terzhinan for cervical erosion: how the drug works and reviews from women

All women have heard about cervical erosion; this is not surprising, because almost 70% of women experience this disease.
The advanced form of the disease is dangerous due to a significant decrease in tissue immunity, and this leads to the creation of conditions on the mucous membrane that are favorable for the development of pathogenic microflora.

Therefore, erosion is often accompanied by fungal and viral diseases, as well as cervicitis. In some cases, erosion can lead to dysplasia, and even the development of malignant processes.

Therefore, treatment of the disease must be carried out in a timely and high-quality manner.

Terzhinan in the treatment of erosion

Cervical erosion is damage to the squamous epithelium located on the vaginal part. The disease often progresses against the background of endocervicitis and other inflammatory pathologies of the reproductive organs. The cause of the lesion may be hormonal imbalance. Often the pathology is characterized by an asymptomatic course; the development of the disease can be suspected by mucopurulent discharge and pain in the sacral area.

Doctors insist on the need for timely treatment of erosion, because pathology creates the preconditions for the development of polyps or cervical cancer. Signs of the disease are difficult to detect on your own, so the key to early diagnosis is a gynecological examination in a speculum with extended colposcopy. Various cauterization methods are used in treatment. The optimal one is determined depending on the woman’s medical history, the presence of pregnancies and childbirth.

What is uterine erosion?

This is a pathological condition in which the epithelium of the cervix on the outside is damaged . At the initial stage, the disease may cover a third of the epithelial tissue, but as the disease progresses, the entire epithelium is included in the process, both in width and depth.

At its core, erosion is a wound that is similar to an abrasion on the skin. Such a lesion can be of several types - congenital, true and pseudo-erosion . The last two types of the disease have the same treatment regimens, but are characterized by the nature of the damage to epithelial tissue.

In appearance, there is practically no difference between different types of erosions, the clinical picture also does not differ much, except that the congenital type of the disease does not cause discomfort at all and never transforms into a malignant process.

The initial forms of the disease do not have a clinical picture, therefore they are often diagnosed by chance; later stages are accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • spotting during intimacy;
  • pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • inflammatory processes, candidiasis and other ailments of the reproductive organs are indirect signs of erosion.

Since erosion has nonspecific symptoms, which can often be observed in various pathologies of the genital organs, it is very important to correctly diagnose the disease.

Causes of the disease

The reasons for the appearance of erosion may be the following:

  • cervical trauma;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • low immunity;
  • early birth;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • disordered intimate life;
  • abortions;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • chemical exposure.

In addition, erosive lesions of the cervical mucosa can be observed against the background of other pathologies of the pelvic organs.

Drug treatment

As a rule, antiviral, antimycoid or antibacterial drugs are prescribed . Since the disease often occurs in a chronic form, immunostimulants that are involved in metabolic processes are prescribed as additional therapy.

If during the examination it turns out that the disease is caused by hormonal disorders, hormone therapy is prescribed.

Conservative treatment consists of two stages - anti-inflammatory therapy and reparative therapy.

If the disease is caused by specific pathogens (tuberculosis or syphilitic), consultation with a physiatrist or venereologist is necessary. The first step is to eliminate the main process, and only then treat the erosion itself .

It is advisable to carry out antibacterial therapy only in the presence of a bacterial infection; its prescription is possible after tests for the sensitivity of bacteria to a particular drug . In some cases, the disease can be cured with local medications - these can be applications and genital suppositories with different compositions.

Local treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist after the cause of the disease is precisely known.

TERZHINA through the eyes of leading experts


Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. P.L. Shupika, Honored Doctor of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Evgenia Kokhanevich:

— We actively use TERZHINAN during the preparation of patients for operations. In particular, before cauterization of cervical erosion, excision of the cervix or cryodestruction, we prescribe treatment with TERZHINAN for 10 days. This is due to the fact that, unfortunately, in most of our patients the underlying disease occurs against the background of a concomitant inflammatory process, which often leads to structural changes in the cells of the epithelium of the cervix and vaginal mucosa, up to the occurrence of true erosions, as well as dysplasia of the cervical epithelium. As you know, dysplasia is a very serious pathology and is considered as a precancerous condition that can lead to the development of a malignant tumor. As a rule, the vaginal microflora in such patients has a mixed composition, it contains gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, rods, bacteria (including staphylococci and streptococci), fungi and yeast. TERZHINAN is active against these microorganisms.

In addition, we use TERZHINAN before operations for benign (leiomyoma, fibromyoma) or malignant (sarcoma, endometrial cancer) tumors of the body and cervix to prevent infectious complications in the postoperative period.

We always conduct bacteriological and bacterioscopic studies before and after using TERZHINAN and in 80–85% of cases we observe the destruction of pathogenic microflora. In the postoperative period, we also use this drug in cases where patients develop colpitis, the scar does not heal well, or granulation tissue forms. Success is achieved in 75–80% of cases. The indicator speaks for itself.

The undoubted advantages of TERZHINAN include the fact that it, having a therapeutic effect, does not cause the development of allergic reactions and is well tolerated by patients. The use of the drug does not lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases. We consider TERZHINAN an effective remedy and actively use it in our practice. In lectures for students of our academy, we recommend that doctors widely use this drug in their clinical practice.


Head of the Department of Pathology of Pregnancy and Childbirth, Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Antonina Kolomiytseva:

— We successfully use TERZHINAN in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. The problem of treating this pathology is extremely relevant for Ukraine. This is due to the deterioration of the environmental situation and decreased immunity in the population. Our department specializes in obstetric pathology. However, we note that even in pregnant women who do not have extragenital pathology, the indicators of the body’s immunological reactivity are reduced and against this background the opportunistic microflora of the vagina is activated.

Almost 30% of our patients are diagnosed with colpitis. This disease often occurs without clinical manifestations, and a diagnosis can only be made after a bacteriological examination of the vaginal microflora. With colpitis, as a rule, a large number of opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms are identified, and a decrease in the number of lactic acid bacteria leads to the threat of miscarriage, premature birth, and purulent-inflammatory diseases in the postpartum period. The risk of infection of the fetus and newborn is especially dangerous.

The undoubted advantage of the drug TERZHINAN is the possibility of its use in pregnant women, while many medications are contraindicated for women during this period. TERZHINAN is well tolerated by patients, is highly active against pathogenic microorganisms and effectively eliminates the clinical manifestations of the disease.


Head of the Department of Dermatovenerology, Kyiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after. P.L. Shupika, Chief Dermatovenerologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Lydia Kalyuzhnaya:

— Our department has more than 2 years of experience in using the drug TERZHINAN. It is indicated primarily for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. Thanks to the combined composition, the drug is active against microbial flora and prevents the proliferation of yeast-like fungi. TERZHINAN also contains the glucocorticosteroid prednisolone with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This allowed us to assume that the drug would be effective for vaginitis of various etiologies (yeast, bacterial, etc.). Clinical observations, the results of which we presented in detail in a scientific report presented to the attention of colleagues at the All-Ukrainian Conference on Sexually Transmitted Diseases, confirmed this assumption.

We also use TERZHINAN in the complex therapy of various associated infections. As a rule, in women who consult a dermatovenereologist about, for example, trichomoniasis, associated infections are identified during a detailed examination. In such cases, one cannot limit oneself to systemic therapy with antibiotics. It is also necessary to prescribe drugs that act locally on the vaginal microflora. TERZHINAN effectively eliminates inflammation and suppresses pathological microflora of the vagina.

In general, we positively evaluate the drug TERZHINAN. It is distinguished not only by its effectiveness, but also by its ease of use: it is produced in the form of vaginal tablets, which patients can use independently as prescribed by a doctor.

Zinaida Dubossarskaya , Head of the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor:

— We have been using the drug TERZHINAN for more than a year. During this time, more than 150 patients were treated with TERZHINAN. Our department participated in a joint multicenter study, which was conducted under the leadership of Academician Vladimir Kulakov (Center for Maternal and Child Health of the Russian Academy of Sciences). During the study, we studied the effectiveness of TERZHINAN in women with bacterial vaginosis, in pregnant women in preparation for childbirth, as well as the possibility of its use in women with sexually transmitted diseases.

TERZHINAN has antifungal, trichomonacid and local anti-inflammatory effects, is active against anaerobic bacteria, pyogenic bacterial flora of the vagina. TERZHINAN is highly effective, in particular, in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis and vaginitis. The versatility of this drug is that it not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, but also normalizes the pH of the vagina. In addition, TERZHINAN is an effective means of preventing infections that increase the risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus, as well as preventing inflammatory diseases in both obstetrics and gynecology.

Thanks to the multicomponent nature of this drug, containing ternidazole, neomycin sulfate, nystatin and prednisolone, we were able to achieve a positive treatment effect in 85–90% of cases. The results obtained and the experience of using TERZHINAN allow us to conclude that this drug is highly effective and can be recommended for use in obstetric and gynecological practice.


For some time, employees of distribution companies, pharmacies and doctors began to receive information that the French pharmaceutical company was withdrawing from sale the well-known drug TERGINAN, used for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The editors of PHARMACEUTICAL WEEKLY turned to the general director representing interests in Ukraine, Veronica Rozhon, .

“The company is outraged by the spread of this false information. I would like to emphasize that the information about the cessation of sales comes from employees of the company representing a competing drug on the CIS market. Similar information was disseminated in Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, where we also represent interests. In this case we are talking about incorrect methods of competition. Fortunately, the undoubted quality of our drug protects us from them.

— What gave rise to rumors about the withdrawal of the drug from sale?

“This is due to events that took place in the French domestic market.

In 1992, the drug's developers decided to change its formula to meet the increasing demands of doctors and patients while maintaining technological advantages. As usually happens in such cases, the new formula of the drug TERZHINAN was released only in the manufacturing country, that is, in France. This event was naturally preceded by clinical and pharmacological studies, as with the introduction of any pharmaceutical product to the market, which resulted in a marketing authorization issued by the French Ministry of Health in 1998. Despite the measures taken during the development of the drug, within a few months after the release of the new TERGINAN on the French market, the Pharmacovigilance Board received several complaints about inconveniences of use associated with the solubility of the drug. The Laboratories of Dr. E. BOUCHARD immediately decided to stop selling the drug in France, the only country where it was marketed, and not to market it in other countries where the modified formula had not yet been registered. Additional studies are currently underway to ensure optimal quality of the drug before it is re-registered in France. Only after this the new formula will be introduced in other countries.

— The information disseminated by your competitors talks about the seizure and destruction of the drug...

— As already mentioned, the new TERZHINAN formula was withdrawn only from the French market. In this regard, an information letter was sent to all French territories, which include continental France and the French dominions (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Reunion Island, etc.). It was this letter that our competitors used for misinformation. It was translated into Russian, distributed among all interested parties, and was accompanied by a commentary that distorted the meaning of the letter. In all countries where TERZHINAN is sold and where its formula has not undergone changes, there could be no talk of seizure or destruction of the drug. TERZHINAN was regularly supplied to the markets of these countries so that patients had the opportunity to use the drug, the good quality and high efficiency of which are beyond doubt.

— Was TERZHINAN, made according to the new formula, supplied to Ukraine?

— We supply only TERZHINAN, made according to the old formula, to Ukraine and all other countries of the world. It is duly registered in all countries, has stood the test of time and has an excellent reputation. The research currently underway should help correct the inconvenience of use that was identified with the widespread use of the new TERGINANE formula in France and which did not appear during the drug development studies. Our goal is to provide doctors and patients with a high-quality drug with proven therapeutic effectiveness. The best evidence of the quality of TERZHINAN is the opinion of leading experts about it, including Ukrainian scientists who have studied TERZHINAN. In addition, we should not forget about the main thing - patients who, from their own experience, could be convinced of the undeniable advantages of the drug TERZHINAN: its therapeutic effectiveness, ease of use and the absence of side effects.

Victoria Matveeva Photo by Evgeniy Krivsha


The drug is prescribed for local treatment of a larger number of gynecological ailments . When administered inside the vagina, the product has anti-inflammatory, antimyocoid and bactericidal effects, so its use is advisable for pathologies of various types.


Ternidazole, which is part of the product, destroys gardnerella and trichomonas. In addition, vaginal tablets contain neomycin, nystatin, prednisolone, clove oil and geranium oil.

Additional components include starch, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate and colloidal silicon dioxide.

Release form

The drug is available in the form of flat vaginal tablets . The color is light yellow.

Dark inclusions are acceptable. The letter T is printed in the middle of the tablet.

Some people confuse vaginal tablets with suppositories. Terzhinan is not available in the form of suppositories; there is only one release form - vaginal tablets .

Principle of operation

The action of the drug is based on a combination of hormonal, antifungal and antibacterial components.

Indications for taking Terzhinan

Terzhinan is highly effective in the treatment of vulvovaginitis of varying complexity, bacterial vaginosis, cervical erosion, in preparation for surgical treatment, and is also the drug of choice for the local treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women.

For cervical erosion, Terzhinan is part of a treatment complex : the use of local antimicrobial drugs together with surgical treatment. Terzhinan is a perfect drug for sanitizing the female genital tract. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial action due to the multicomponent composition of the drug (it affects staphylococcal flora, mycoplasma, gardnerella, trichomonas).

It has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antipruritic effect, but does not inhibit the normal flora of the vagina, which performs a protective function. Excipients contained in Terzhinan (geranium and clove oils) ensure a constant pH level and optimal functioning of the vaginal mucosa.

Terzhinan: composition and properties

The drug "Terzhinan" is manufactured in the form of tablets intended for vaginal use. Its composition is as follows:

  • Ternidazole. A substance that simultaneously counteracts fungi and bacteria (Gardnerella and Trichomonas).
  • Neomycin sulfate. Component from the category of antibiotics with a wide spectrum of influence. It destroys staphylococci, protea, shigella, and E. coli. They are the causes of infectious lesions of the reproductive organs.
  • Nystatin. An antifungal antibiotic that copes with candida and does not reduce effectiveness with long-term use.
  • Prednisolone. Represents a group of glucocorticoid hormones. The component relieves inflammation of any origin, has antiallergic properties, and eliminates swelling.

The composition of the drug allows it to be used if necessary:

  • destroy pathogenic bacteria that cause colpitis;
  • neutralize inflammation in the vagina, no matter what causes it;
  • stop the development of fungus on the mucous membrane of the reproductive organs;
  • eliminate the spread of protozoa, which have become the culprits of protozoal infections.

Is the drug "Terzhinan" effective for ectopia?

Erosive changes on the surface of the cervix are formed for various reasons and can be accompanied by infectious and fungal accompaniment. Foreign microorganisms can not only cause disturbances in the development of the cervical epithelium, but also maintain it for a long time.

Stimulate the formation of cylindrical cells on the mucosa:

  • bacterial vaginitis, which develops due to the presence of staphylococci, Shigella, Proteus, Trichomonas and Escherichia coli in the genital tract;
  • colpitis caused by chlamydia;
  • fungal vaginitis, which appears due to uncontrolled reproduction of candida;
  • inflammation of the vagina, spurred by a mixed composition of microorganisms.
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • stimulates the natural flora of the vagina;
  • promotes regeneration of the cervical epithelium.

Who is prohibited from taking Terzhinan?

Vaginal tablets cannot be used in the treatment of erosion in absolutely every case of pathology. They should not be used if you are intolerant to at least one of the components of the drug. Among them are antibiotics, which can cause a violent reaction in case of allergies. It can be expressed in a sharp increase in disruption of the vaginal flora, which is favorable for the development of erosion. This is another reason not to use the drug Terzhinan on your own.

The drug is not usually prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the doctor insists on treatment with Terzhinan during this period, then there are very good reasons for it. As a rule, erosion is not one of them. You need to be no less careful with treatment at a later date. But in these cases it is rather possible.

During lactation, vaginal tablets are used with caution, after assessing the risks for the baby and mother. If there is an urgent need to use the medicine "Terzhinan", it is possible that it will be prescribed by a doctor.

We recommend reading the article about menstruation during and after erosion. From it you will learn about the impact of the disease on the menstrual cycle and the nature of discharge, methods of treatment, complications caused by cauterization of erosion.


Due to the local use of Terzhinan and low absorption into the systemic circulation, the possibility of overdose is minimal.

The dynamics of the functional activity of the epithelium and the restoration of microflora are most evident during the recovery period. This indicates that Terzhinan treats erosion, but can have an immunosuppressive effect on the epithelium (the influence of glucocorticoids in the composition occurs).

For the treatment of cervical erosion as part of complex therapy, it is most preferable to prescribe Terzhinan. Local application of a product with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial action most completely decontaminates the cervical mucosa. The advantage of Terzhinan is its ease and practicality of use, the absence of contraindications (except for individual intolerance).


Vidal : https://www.vidal.ru/drugs/tergynan__817 GRLS : https://grls.rosminzdrav.ru/Grls_View_v2.aspx?routingGu >

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Terzhinan is a drug produced by pharmacological companies in the form of vaginal tablets. It is often used in the treatment of erosion, and the product can form the basis of a course or be used to increase efficiency and prevent complications after surgical treatment. What is Terzhinan and is it really effective in treating erosion? What are the main indications and contraindications for its use? Are there any risks of adverse reactions? Answers to all of the above questions are available to readers of this article.

Terzhinan tablets for cervical erosion

Cervical erosion is diagnosed in 70% of women who come for a consultation with a gynecologist. Advanced disease leads to a significant decrease in tissue immunity. Favorable conditions are created for the development of pathogenic microbes. The drug Terzhinan for cervical erosion is prescribed if the diagnosis reveals a viral or fungal infection of the female body.

Cervical assessment

Before prescribing Terzhinan, the doctor must conduct a gynecological examination and take a smear for microflora. If cervical erosion is detected, the doctor recommends that the woman undergo a comprehensive examination. It makes it possible to establish the type of erosion in the patient (true or false) and understand the reasons for its occurrence.

Sometimes cervical erosion develops due to the negative influence of pathogenic microflora. The normal cervical epithelium is replaced by columnar cells as the following progresses:

  • colpitis, the appearance of which is caused by chlamydia;
  • bacterial vaginitis that developed under the influence of staphylococci, Proteus, Escherichia coli, Shigella, Trichomonas;
  • fungal vaginitis caused by uncontrolled proliferation of Candida fungi;
  • inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina, provoked by exposure to several types of microorganisms.

Vaginal tablets Terzhinan allow you to destroy all pathogenic microflora. Thanks to this, the natural normal environment is restored in the vagina.

In the absence of the negative influence of pathogenic microorganisms, cervical tissue begins to regenerate on its own. Of course, after completing the course of treatment, erosion will not disappear, but the doctor may recommend monitoring it rather than immediately prescribing surgical methods.

But wait-and-see tactics for cervical erosion are allowed if, based on cytology results, it has been confirmed that the woman does not have dysplasia or other changes in tissues that are classified as cancerous or precancerous. A smear for cytological examination is taken during colposcopy.

This examination allows you to view the cervix at thirty times magnification. If necessary, an extended colposcopy is performed - the cervical tissue is treated with a solution of acetic acid and Lugol. Such diagnostics makes it possible to identify all foci of erosion. When treated with an iodine-containing solution, healthy tissues turn brown, while the pathologically altered epithelium remains unstained.

Etiology of disease development

If the outer side of the cervical epithelium is damaged, the gynecologist diagnoses erosion. At the first stage, up to 1/3 of the total area of ​​the epithelium is affected. As the disease progresses, the entire epithelium is damaged. When examining the patient, its type is revealed:

Rarely does the disease go away on its own in the first stage. More often, chronic erosion develops against its background, requiring urgent treatment. The congenital type of the disease cannot be treated. The treatment regimen is selected taking into account the symptoms manifested and the cause of development:

  • injury;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • weak immune system;
  • inflammation;
  • sexual infection.

Taking into account the clinical picture and the identified cause, the gynecologist decides on the need to include Terzhinan in the treatment regimen. It is classified as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent. The medicine is a corticosteroid and an imidazole derivative.

It does not eliminate erosive lesions of the cervix. The purpose of including it in the treatment regimen is to sanitize the vaginal cavity and minimize the negative impact of pathogenic microbes on the cervix.

Terzhinan in suppositories for cervical erosion is not available. The main form of release is vaginal tablets. Antiseptic is contraindicated:

  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • if you are allergic to the constituent elements: nystatin, prednisolone, ternidazole.

The unique composition of the drug ensures the destruction of pathogenic bacteria and neutralization of inflammation.


If infectious and inflammatory diseases are detected, treatment for erosion is not prescribed. It is necessary to normalize the vaginal microflora, otherwise the therapy will be ineffective. Indeed, under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, erosion will begin to develop again.

Doctors say that erosions of an infectious-inflammatory nature do not go away on their own. Therefore, doctors first prescribe Terzhinan to cleanse the vaginal cavity of pathogenic microorganisms. After completing therapy, the woman needs to retake the tests again. If there are no problems, then the most suitable method of getting rid of erosion is selected.

As practice shows, in almost 85% of cases, pathogenic microflora is leveled out after completing a course of treatment with Terzhinan tablets. They are also prescribed in the postoperative period to prevent the development of colpitis.

Depending on the woman’s age, the condition of the cervix, and the size of the erosion, one of the most common treatment methods is selected:

  • chemical coagulation (special preparations are used: Solkovagin, Vagotil),
  • cryodestruction (freezing out erosion with liquid nitrogen),
  • diathermocoagulation (exposure to affected tissue with electric current),
  • laser coagulation,
  • radio wave coagulation.

In some cases, it happens that erosion goes away on its own. This is possible if the patient had a false erosion that occurred due to hormonal changes in adolescence or taking hormonal contraceptives. Also, ectopia, which appeared during pregnancy under the influence of progesterone, goes away on its own without treatment after childbirth.

Prescribing Terzhinan only for the purpose of treating erosion in the absence of concomitant problems of an infectious-inflammatory nature is not practiced.

The effect of antiseptic on the disease

Terzhinan helps against erosion due to its unique composition. Ternidazole is an imidazole derivative. It affects anaerobic bacteria, gardnerella and trichomonas. Another component of the drug is neomycin sulfate with a bactericidal effect.

Nystatin is classified as an antifungal substance. Therefore, Terzhinan is effective against inflammation of the vagina caused by the Candida fungus. Prednisolone is a corticosteroid. When taken locally, an anti-exudative effect is observed.

Before taking Terzhinan, laboratory diagnostics are indicated. Based on the results obtained, a treatment regimen is drawn up.

To prevent the disease, a course of 6 vaginal tablets is indicated. The duration of treatment is 10 days. If mycosis is detected, therapy is extended to 20 days.

The tablet is inserted into the vagina once before bedtime. First, the patient takes a supine position with one leg bent at the knee. The tablet is placed in water for 20 seconds. After its administration, it is recommended to lie down for 15 minutes.

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