Can terzhinan be used for bleeding?


Active ingredients: ternidazole - 200 mg, neomycin sulfate - 100 mg (65,000 IU), nystatin - 100,000 IU, prednisolone sodium metasulfobenzoate 4.7 mg ( prednisolone 3 mg).
In addition to the active ingredients, the Terzhinan vaginal tablet includes: wheat starch (Amylum tritici), colloidal silicon dioxide (Silicii dioxydum colloidale), sodium starch (type A; Natrii amylum), magnesium stearate (Magnesium stearate), lactose (Lactose).

What kind of discharge after Terzhinan is normal?

Considering that in addition to the active ingredients, the tablets contain auxiliary substances that, when entering the vagina, are exposed to temperature and melt under its influence. After a certain time, they come out along with the natural secretions of the body after fighting harmful microorganisms. Most often, this is a yellow discharge, sometimes even lemon-colored; it can be slightly sticky or watery, quite abundant and without any odor. May sometimes be accompanied by mild itching in the first days of use.

Such yellowish discharge is normal, even during pregnancy. This characteristic is given to them by the official instructions for use of the product.

During menstruation, you may notice excessive bleeding. They are due to the fact that the released blood mixes with the melted substances of the tablet, respectively, the mucus comes out mixed with menstrual blood.

pharmachologic effect

Terzhinan is a drug from the group of combined antimicrobial, antifungal and antiseptic drugs used in gynecological practice.

The physiological effect and pharmacological properties of the drug are determined by the activity of the active components included in its composition. During treatment with Terzhinan, pronounced:

  • trichomonacid;
  • antibacterial;
  • antifungal;
  • anti-inflammatory effects.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

ternidazole, which is part of Terzhinan, is aimed at the death of Trichomonas . In addition, it provokes the death of anaerobic microorganisms and, in particular, is active against facultative anaerobes of the genus Gardnerella.

Neomycin is an antibiotic from the aminoglycoside . The mechanism of its action is associated with the ability to irreversibly disrupt protein synthesis in the cells of pathogenic microorganisms .

By suppressing protein synthesis , neomycin causes disturbances in the transcription of the genetic code and provokes the death of microbial cells . It has been experimentally proven that aerobic bacteria : corynebacteria (C. amycolatum), listeria (Listeria), as well as methicillin -sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA).

In addition, it was found that gram-negative bacteria are also neomycin , including Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa), which is usually resistant to the action of this antibiotic .

Nystatin is an antimycotic agent from the group of polyene antibiotics . By binding to ergosterol contained in the membranes of fungal cells , it causes their damage and thereby provokes the death of fungi.

Nystatin only affects eukaryotes . Fungi belonging to the genus Candida are sensitive to it, including strains of Candida albicans and Candida glabrata.

Prednisolone is a glucocorticosteroid drug . When applied topically, its therapeutic activity is determined by its anti-inflammatory , antiallergic and antiexudative effects. The latter is due to the vasoconstrictor effect of prednisolone .

The excipients included in vaginal tablets ensure the integrity of the vaginal epithelial tissue in various infectious and inflammatory diseases , and also maintain pH balance within the physiological norm.

The pharmacokinetic characteristics of Terzhinan have not been studied, which is due to the low systemic absorption of this drug.

Use of the drug

This remedy is successfully used in the fight against gynecological diseases caused by microbes, fungi, protozoal infections and even viruses. These include mixed type and bacterial vaginitis, colpitis, candidiasis, gardnerellosis, chlamydia and others. This broad effect is due to the combined composition of the drug.

Thus, Ternidazole destroys microorganisms such as chlamydia and trichomonas. Neomycin sulfate, a powerful antibiotic, destroys the cells of staphylococci, shigella, protella and E. coli.

It also contains another antibiotic, Nystatin, which destroys Candida fungi.

In addition to these properties, Terzhinan has an anti-inflammatory effect, maintains the integrity of the vaginal mucosa, preserves the internal microflora and ph level.

An analogue of this drug can be called Polygynax suppositories, therefore, by studying the effect of Terzhinan on vaginal secretion, it is possible to compare the nature of the discharge after Polygynax. The drug is also applicable during menstruation, so there are frequent cases of increased intensity of discharge when treated with Polygynax during menstruation.

The effect of using the medication is also observed during prenatal prophylaxis, during pregnancy planning, or before gynecological operations. The medicine is prescribed starting from the second trimester of an interesting situation. It is from this period that it is absolutely safe for the fetus, since it has low absorption.

The duration of treatment is 10 days, for preventive purposes - 6 days. During pregnancy, this period can be increased or decreased in accordance with the instructions of your specialist.

The first days after use, when using a larger dose, itching and burning may be felt.

If treatment began and fell during menstruation, there is no need to interrupt the course.

The product is available in the form of vaginal tablets, which are often called suppositories by female representatives, but there are no suppositories in the Terzhinan line.

Indications for use: what Terzhinan treats and when it is advisable to prescribe it

Indications for the use of vaginal tablets are infectious diseases of the female external genitalia , caused by the entry and active activity of pathogenic microorganisms .

So, vaginal pills, what are they for? The medicine is prescribed to women who have been diagnosed with:

  • vaginitis , provoked by banal pyogenic microflora ;
  • chronic recurrent colpitis (nonspecific vaginitis);
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • trichomonas vaginitis;
  • vaginitis caused by the activity of the fungi Candida albicans;
  • vaginitis of mixed origin.

Terzhinan is also often prescribed as a prophylactic agent to prevent the development of vaginitis in women who are undergoing minor and major surgical interventions in the pelvic .

In particular, the medicine is used before childbirth, the procedure of surgical abortion , diathermocoagulation (it is advisable to administer tablets both before and after the procedure), contrast X-ray examination of the uterine cavity and the patency of the fallopian tubes ( metrosalpingography ), before the installation of intrauterine contraceptives and after this procedure and etc..

Terzhinan is also used as a means of preventing complications of antibacterial therapy .

The use of Terzhinan suppositories for ureaplasmosis

Despite the fact that the active growth of ureaplasmosis is most often associated with malfunctions of the immune system , treatment with immunomodulatory drugs does not always achieve the desired result.

In this situation, they resort to prescribing special antibacterial agents or antibiotics . Very often, for ureaplasma , doctors recommend Terzhinan, which acts on a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms and provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect .

A valuable property of the drug is that, while provoking the death of microbes and fungi , it does not disturb the natural microflora of the vagina.

Terzhinan for thrush

Terzhinan is recommended for the treatment of women whose thrush is accompanied by suspected secondary inflammation or infection with secondary microflora .

In addition, the use of Terzhinan is resorted to in cases where the symptoms are so pronounced that they should be stopped as quickly as possible.

In some cases, the drug is indicated as a substitute for complex therapy if previous treatment with other antifungal agents was ineffective.

Reviews of suppositories for thrush left by patients and practicing gynecologists suggest that Terzhinan successfully cures fungal infection without causing the development of unwanted side reactions.

Brief information about Terzhinan

Terginan is a patented combination drug developed and marketed by Laboratoires Bouchara-Recordati in a single form - cream-colored vaginal suppositories (tablets) with the letter T on each side.

The product has a local effect and has the following effects:

  • antibacterial – eliminates pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria (streptococcal, staphylococcal infections, etc.);
  • anti-inflammatory – suppresses any inflammatory processes that arise due to various reasons;
  • antiprotozoal – fights various protozoa (chlamydia, trichomonas, etc.);
  • antifungal - destroys various fungi and eliminates thrush.

The drug promotes the integrity of the vaginal mucosa and maintains the acid-base balance.

Terzhinan owes its numerous medicinal properties to the active components it contains:

  • Ternidazole is an antifungal agent. It also has a trichomonacid effect and fights anaerobic bacteria.
  • Neomycin is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action. Relevant for staphylococcal infections, E. coli, shigella, leading to nonspecific colpitis, vulvovaginitis, bacterial vaginosis. For streptococcal infections, the effect of neomycin is not observed.
  • Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic used for thrush, thanks to the destruction of fungi of the genus Candida.
  • Prednisolone is a glucocorticoid hormone that has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Suppression of any inflammatory reactions together with the properties of other ingredients of the drug allows Terzhinan to cope with colpitis and vulvovaginitis of various origins.

The presence of antiallergic and antiexudative properties of Prednisolone helps prevent the development of allergic reactions and relieve swelling.

The content of additional ingredients facilitates the use of the medicine and enhances its medicinal properties.

The use of the drug is recommended for bacterial, fungal, mixed types of vaginitis, as well as trichomoniasis.

As a prophylactic agent and to avoid inflammatory processes in the vagina, Terzhinan is prescribed:

  • shortly before gynecological surgical interventions, childbirth, abortion;
  • before the installation of intrauterine contraceptives, carrying out therapeutic measures to eliminate cervical erosion, hysterography, hysterosalpingography, as well as after the procedures.

The drug is used during pregnancy (from the 2nd trimester) and is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to its components.

The drug is used intravaginally. Before administration, the tablet should be placed in clean, cool water (for about half a minute) to dissolve its top layer and accelerate the effect.

Therapy with the drug may cause a burning sensation, itching or irritation, but there should be no bleeding.

Side effects

Terzhinan quite rarely provokes side effects. Since suppositories are used topically, their constituent components are absorbed into the systemic circulation in very small concentrations.

Therefore, in most reported cases, they provoked exclusively local reactions, which were expressed in the form of allergy symptoms , burning, tingling, itching, pain and irritation at the site of drug administration.

Systemic effects during treatment with the drug occur in isolated cases. A possible reaction to the use of glucocorticosteroids (and, in particular, to prednisolone atrophic processes in the mucous membrane may also occur in some patients .

Discharge during treatment with Terzhinan

The most common side effect during treatment with Terzhinan is yellow discharge from the vagina. This situation is explained by its physiological nature. The remains of the vaginal medicinal suppository are removed. After the administration of Terzhinan, yellow or even lemon-colored discharge may continue for several hours. During this time, pads should be used to prevent the discomfort associated with this physiological condition.

It’s another matter when they note the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina after Terzhinan. Women often encounter cases of spotting bleeding, which appear precisely after starting to take the drug. According to the chemical composition of this medication, it should not cause side effects such as bleeding.

If yellow discharge after taking Terzhinan changes its color to pink, red, brown, this may indicate the following:

  1. Beginning of the menstrual cycle.

Heavy bleeding during the use of Terzhinan is associated with the menstrual cycle. If the drug is taken just before or during menstruation, bleeding increases. This is due to the fact that the dissolved tablet mixes with menstrual blood, increasing its volume. In this case, there is no need to worry.

  1. Incorrect administration of the tablet.

According to the instructions, it must first be wetted in warm water and then inserted into the vagina. If the drug is administered in dry form, the vaginal mucosa can be injured. This is manifested by streaks of blood in the vaginal secretion or pinkish discharge.

  1. Inflammation of the cervix or erosion.

If, after taking Terzhinan, bleeding becomes more intense, accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen or lumbar region, which the woman had not previously experienced, you should consult a doctor. Terzhinan cannot provoke such conditions, but the introduction of a dry tablet sometimes causes minor bleeding as a result of irritation of erosive areas.

  1. Allergy to the drug.

Pinkish mucus may appear due to an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

  1. Infection.

If the instructions for use of the drug are not followed or the dosage is incorrect, the inflammatory and infectious process progresses. This may be manifested by vaginal secretion that has a pinkish tint.

  1. Pathologies of pregnant women.

If spotting appears during pregnancy, it may be a pathology. It usually bleeds when premature labor begins and placental abruption occurs. Placental abruption is indicated by abundant pieces of mucus with blood streaks.

Excessive bleeding may be leaking amniotic fluid. They usually have a pungent odor.

Brownish discharge indicates fetal fading or the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the dried blood is removed from the body along with the components of the drug.

  1. Hormonal disbalance.

In this case, while taking the drug, menstruation occurs prematurely.

  1. Installed intrauterine device.

The presence of pinkish mucus is observed in women with an intrauterine device.

  1. Neoplasms.

If there is a polyp or cyst, Terzhinan stimulates the release of blood from them.

special instructions

The results of studies of the effectiveness of the components of the drug Terzhinan demonstrated that the concentrations of the active components in this drug for local therapy (but not for oral administration) are higher than the toxic concentrations that determine the development of immunity to the antibacterial component .

Under such conditions, it is assumed that the activity of strains of the infectious agent that are theoretically resistant to the active substance will be suppressed by its high concentrations.

In addition, it is very likely that high concentrations of all active components of Terzhinan can have a synergistic (enhancing effect of each other) effect on pathogenic microflora , which, in terms of its spectrum of action, is much wider than that of each individual active component.

It should be remembered that drugs containing nystatin intended for intravaginal use may damage latex contraceptives.

Considering that the active components of Terzhinan can potentially be slightly absorbed into the systemic circulation , it should be remembered that when using systemic glucocorticosteroids in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis , arterial hypertension and heart failure , supervision by specialists in the appropriate field is required.

Specialist supervision is also required for existing or history of peptic ulcers , tuberculosis , glaucoma , hypothyroidism , serious emotional disorders, myopathy provoked by the use of glucocorticosteroids , liver failure , epilepsy , diabetes mellitus , recent myocardial infarction .

Terzhinan is an effective remedy for women. What about for men?

Gynecologists constantly remind us that all infectious and inflammatory diseases for which Terzhinan is indicated must be eliminated from both the woman and the man. To do this, both partners must undergo a course of treatment with antibacterial drugs .

Neglecting this point risks the fact that all the unpleasant symptoms that appear with a particular disease will return. It is also recommended to abstain from sex for the entire period of treatment, but some doctors sometimes still allow partners to have a normal sex life.

The main conditions are the mandatory use of a condom and the complete absence of any side effects from the reproductive system (for both women and men).

For example, some women may experience a strong burning sensation during sexual intercourse (or some time after it), while complaints from men are more often associated with unpleasant sensations and some discomfort.

In any of these cases, the optimal solution is to abstain from sexual activity until the course of treatment is completed. It is important to remember that sexual intercourse must occur only before the next evening vaginal tablet is administered (not after!).

Terzhinan's analogs

Many patients, having received a prescription for the drug from a doctor, try to find a cheaper alternative to Terzhinan.

Currently Terzhinan has no analogues. For women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis or vaginitis , a number of drugs may be prescribed, for example: Neotrizol , Polygynax or Meratin Combi .

Despite the fact that they are similar in action to Terzhinan, the latter is unique in its composition and ability to have a complex effect on inflammatory and infectious processes affecting the mucous membrane of the female external genital organs .

The average price of analogues of Terzhinan candles varies from 350 to 700 rubles.

Which is better: Terzhinan or Polygynax?

The effect exerted by the drug Polygynax is identical to the effect exerted by Terzhinan. However, studies aimed at comparatively assessing the activity of the components of these two drugs in in vitro models showed that Terzhinan, unlike Polygynax , has no effect on MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), streptococci and enterococci . At the same time, it showed great activity against Gardnerella vaginalis (G. vaginalis).

Which is better: Hexicon or Terzhinan? Terzhinan or Penotran?

Both of these drugs have a similar effect to Terzhinan, but differ from the latter in composition.

That is, the active ingredients of each of these drugs may exhibit different activity against the same microorganisms . Consequently, only the attending physician can decide which drug is better and which will be less effective in each specific case.

Bleeding after terzhinan what to do

Terzhinan candles

- a well-known medication used by girls after visiting a gynecologist. The drug is quite strong and effective. It perfectly relieves inflammation, restores immunity, normalizes vaginal microflora, and fights diseases. The main advantage of this drug is that it has virtually no contraindications. Even pregnant girls can use suppositories if there is inflammation or infection. And although Terzhinan is a good drug, such suppositories still have side effects. They appear during discharge. What kind of discharge should we expect? What does the red tint mean?

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Main cases of use of the drug

Suppositories are prescribed by a doctor if an urgent course of treatment is needed. As a rule, the drug is prescribed by a doctor in the case of infectious and inflammatory processes of the genital organs. Vaginal suppositories quickly dissolve in the vagina, providing a powerful therapeutic effect. The main indications for use include the following:

  • vaginitis, which appears due to fungal microorganisms;
  • violation of the vaginal microflora, i.e. vaginal dysbiosis;
  • thrush, strong curdled vaginal discharge;
  • inflammation of the vaginal mucosa, i.e. chronic colpitis;
  • diseases caused by unprotected sexual intercourse.

Also, Terzhinan suppositories are actively used as prophylaxis for the following reasons:

  • 7 days before the doctor places the intrauterine device (sometimes after that);
  • before the couple begins planning for the birth of the baby;
  • before the procedure for removing papillomas is carried out, cauterization of erosion;
  • before an abortion procedure is performed;
  • after the doctor cleans the uterus, if the placenta did not completely “come out” during childbirth;
  • before the girl’s body is ready for the birth of the baby (as a rule, suppositories are prescribed to all pregnant women at 34 weeks).

No drug has ever been used as widely as Terzhinan. It's all about its medicinal properties and excellent composition. Just imagine: one candle acts as an antiseptic on the body, as the best antifungal agent, as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drug. During the treatment period, your condition will begin to improve, there will be a complete absence of previously experienced discomfort, lightness in the stomach, and normalization of the vaginal microflora.

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Discharge after suppositories

Despite the fact that the drug is indeed good, there are a number of side effects. For example, allergies or discharge after Terzhinan. Girls who use suppositories often experience an increase in fluid and mucus that is released every day. Let's look at a number of discharges after taking the medicine.

Yellow discharge after Terzhinan

. As a rule, this color is an indicator of the normal functioning of the vagina, and does not indicate that there is the development of pathology. Yellow discharge after suppositories indicates that the medicine is working, and its remnants “come out” of the genital tract. Since the candles themselves appear to be of a white-yellowish hue, it becomes clear where the colored mark remains on the panty liner. The most important thing is that the yellow color does not create discomfort: there is no itching, burning on the labia, no rashes or allergies. If, after using the drug, the discharge does not decrease, only then should you worry and contact a gynecologist.

Discharge mixed with blood

. There are cases when, after using Terzhinan, pink discharge begins to appear, slowly turning into brown and bloody. Girls are mistaken in associating this behavior of the body with the introduction of the drug into the vaginal environment. The fact is that Terzhinan does not contain a hormonal composition, which means it cannot provoke the early onset of menstruation. This leads to the conclusion: the discharge does not appear because of the candles. Perhaps the woman has a hormonal imbalance, causing red discharge. Or, most likely, a serious gynecological pathology is developing, due to which bloody discharge began.

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Feelings if discharge is not normal

The main symptoms of abnormal discharge include:

  • unpleasant pulling and sharp cutting pain in the lower abdomen;
  • increase in secretion from the vagina several times;
  • the appearance of streaks of blood in the discharge;
  • sudden bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • discharge of large white clots on underwear;
  • strange sudden itching, redness of the genitals, severe burning and the presence of an unpleasant odor.

The indicators described above indicate that it is not the candles that are to blame, but the emerging pathology. Perhaps it’s all about carelessness or the development of a disease that was previously neglected and not cured.

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Read more about bloody discharge

It is normal for the discharge to change color after taking Terzhinan. This means that the drug is working and the treatment is progressing. But if the fluid from the vagina turns bloody, then this is not considered normal. The presence of heavy bleeding indicates that the body is not reacting correctly. You can’t sit still; you need to visit a doctor. Terzhinan in no way has any harmful effects on a woman’s body. Therefore, doctors characterize the appearance of bloody discharge due to the following factors:

  • imbalance in the body, manifested against the background of other diseases, hormonal imbalance, early onset of the menstrual cycle;
  • acute development of endometriosis, progression of cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases.

If scarlet liquid is released from pregnant girls, then this can be a strong threat to the baby. Under no circumstances should you sit still - immediately run to the doctor for a consultation to find out how to proceed!

Blood is acceptable during treatment with Terzhinan if there is a period of desquamation, i.e. peeling of the epithelium from the surface of organs (an absolutely normal phenomenon). So, for example, in a couple of days the liquid turns pinkish, turning into blood. Only with such a phenomenon you should not worry in the same way as stopping the use of candles.

There have been cases where girls were urgently hospitalized after the drug Terzhinan caused heavy bleeding, severe dizziness, severe nausea, weakness throughout the body and vomiting. Most likely, it’s all about individual intolerance to the drug. Again, the remedy begins to be used only if the gynecologist has allowed the girl to use this medicinal medication. Only after a doctor’s prescription can you safely go to the pharmacy and buy suppositories. In other cases, purchasing Terzhinan is strictly prohibited. You don’t even know how the body will react to the drug. That is why the gynecologist will force you to take tests, looking at the compatibility of the woman’s characteristics with suppositories and further treatment.

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Terzhinan for pregnant women

A gynecologist can prescribe a girl in the suppository position, but only if she is in the second trimester. The composition of Terzhinan does not have a negative effect on the body of a pregnant woman, therefore it is absolutely harmless to the unborn baby. But this does not mean at all that now these candles are a salvation from unpleasant discharge. You can’t abuse them either! Normal discharge after taking suppositories is yellow. If bloody shades appear from the vagina, then most likely a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy has occurred. If there is severe and sharp pain in the lower abdomen, or a pulling sensation in the lumbar region, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

If amniotic fluid with bloody secretions begins to leak, this is life-threatening for the pregnant woman. In this case, an unpleasant odor is often observed.

Copious pink discharge coming from the expectant mother indicates that a miscarriage has occurred, the placenta has separated, or early labor has begun (premature).

But, as gynecologists say, there are not many cases with pregnant women, so there is no need to be afraid and worry that the same thing may happen to you. Bloody discharge appears in extreme cases.

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Doctors' advice

Without a careful attitude towards yourself there will be no action. For example, if you insert suppositories too quickly and sharply, this can harm the soft tissues of the vagina. Therefore, you should adhere to the following important advice given by gynecologists.

  • After opening the package, it is important to read everything that is written in the instructions. You cannot insert suppositories into the vagina without wetting your finger with warm water. The drug should be inserted to the length of the entire finger, preferably the index finger. Careless and careless handling during use of the product can lead to painful sensations. The vaginal mucosa is very delicate and soft, which is why movements when inserting a suppository should be as slow and not sharp as possible.
  • If the candle was introduced in the morning, then in the evening you need to wash yourself well. Doctors generally give a special lecture on how to shower. Hygiene matters a lot, especially when using high-power suppositories.
  • You should only use the dosage in suppositories that the doctor prescribed, no more. If a girl uses a double dose, this can affect both the condition and the discharge. Remember that an incorrectly selected dosage of Terzhinan can cause a strong reaction in the body.
  • No matter what anyone says, sport is movement and health for any woman. Therefore, physical exercise is important while taking suppositories. It doesn’t matter what exactly you choose for yourself – fitness or a gym. Constant movement has a great effect on blood circulation and discharge in general.
  • While using suppositories, it is important to increase the change of panty liners. The thing is that after the drug the shade becomes yellow, which “comes out” on the panties. To avoid staining your underwear and preventing inflammation, change panty liners every 4 hours. This is the only way you can minimize the risk of secondary infection entering the vaginal environment. You can’t walk around all day with the same daily routine.

The drug Terzhinan is a wonderful remedy that has helped many women in the fight against inflammation and fungal diseases. The suppositories do not penetrate the blood, but spread only to the place where the infection “sits”, to the source of infection. This is not only a therapeutic agent, but also a preventive one. And since suppositories are used as a drug that can provide prevention, this means that it has an effect. Of course, it cannot be done without vaginal discharge. The main thing is that they are yellow in color, which does not harm health in any way and shows that everything is fine with the body.

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