Discharge after Pimafucin; Discharge

Pimafucin and its characteristics

Pimafucin is a highly effective antifungal drug that is active against Candida fungi. Its basis is natamycin, a macrolide antimycotic. Natamycin exhibits a wide range of effects, actively suppressing the growth and reproduction of fungi. The medication is offered in the form of tablets, cream and suppositories. In gynecological practice, suppositories are most often used. Indications for their use are the following fungal pathologies:

  • Vulvitis
  • Vaginitis
  • Vulvovagint.

Suppositories are used once a day, inserted deep into the vagina, best placed at night. Treatment is determined for each patient individually, as a rule, the average duration of therapy is about 3-6 days. Pimafucin suppositories are very well tolerated, sometimes side symptoms are possible, manifested by itching, burning, and irritation of surrounding tissues.

Suppositories for thrush Pimafucin - a time-tested remedy

Pimafucin suppositories for thrush are a powerful antifungal agent. The active component is natamycin from the group of antibiotics. Has an antibacterial and antifungal effect. Pimafucin is available in different forms, the most common being vaginal suppositories.


There are 3 or 6 candles in a package. Convenient cone-shaped, compact size. The color of the suppository is white with a yellowish or brownish tint. Each candle is in a sealed package.

Pimafucin has a local effect, the active components accumulate in places where pathogenic microorganisms are localized and do not penetrate into the general bloodstream. The substances are absorbed quickly, the therapeutic effect can be noticed after the first use.


The active component, natamycin, disrupts the natural processes in the cells of pathological microorganisms. Kills yeast from the inside. It also neutralizes their vital processes and helps restore normal vaginal microflora. Auxiliary components serve to create the shape of the candle, extend the shelf life, and accelerate the absorption of active components.

Indications for use

Pimafucin is prescribed for gynecological diseases caused by pathological microorganisms. Indications for use are the presence of itching, burning, vaginal discomfort, difficulty urinating, cheesy discharge with a sour odor. All these symptoms are present with vaginal candidiasis of various etymologies.

Benefits of using Pimafucin

The drug has a number of advantages, due to which the drug is often prescribed by gynecologists for the treatment of candidiasis.

  • Convenient form of application. The suppository is easily inserted into the vagina and dissolves quickly.
  • The full course of therapy for minor manifestations of thrush is only 3 days.
  • The disappearance of itching, burning, and discomfort in the vagina is observed after the first use.
  • The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy and is available without a prescription. However, it is necessary to consult a specialist to confirm the diagnosis.
  • The active components do not enter the general bloodstream, thereby reducing the risk of side effects.
  • The product can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
  • Pimafucin is available in several forms. With severe manifestations of candidiasis, their combined use significantly enhances the effect of the medicine and helps get rid of the disease.

An overdose is excluded if the instructions are strictly followed; individual intolerance to the components rarely occurs.

Instructions for use

Pimafucin suppositories can be used alone or in combination with other forms.

Vaginal suppositories

To achieve quick results and increase the effectiveness of the drug, Pimafucin should be used according to the rules.

  • Before administration, preparatory procedures must be carried out. The genitals are washed with clean warm water without using soap. You should empty your bladder, since it is recommended to go to the toilet after using the drug after 2 hours.
  • The suppository should be administered once a day before bedtime in a lying position or slightly crouching. If the situation is urgent, you need to use the drug during the day; after inserting the suppository, you need to lie quietly for 20 minutes so that the active components have time to penetrate the vaginal mucosa.
  • The suppository dissolves quickly, the drug is effective within 24 hours. A small amount leaks onto underwear. Therefore, panty liners should be used.

The duration of therapy is from 3 to 6 days. The regimen is prescribed by specialists based on the complexity of the symptoms and the form of candidiasis.


Thrush develops against the background of decreased immunity with increased activity of opportunistic microorganisms - fungi of the genus Candida. Most often, fungi are localized in the mucous membranes of the genital organs, as well as in the intestines.

One of the most common factors of candidiasis is intestinal dysbiosis due to the use of antibiotics, poor diet, hormonal imbalance, and alcohol.

When the intestinal microflora is disturbed, vaginal thrush becomes recurrent or has a latent form. To reduce the number of fungi in the body and normalize the gastrointestinal tract, you need to take Pimafucin tablets.

Tablets are also recommended for cystitis against the background of thrush.

The classic dosage regimen is 4 times a day for 10 or 20 days. Take the tablet with a sufficient amount of water. It is recommended to do this 20 minutes after eating.

The combined use of tablets and vaginal suppositories speeds up the healing process and stops recurrent processes.

Cream and ointment

The drug for external use is called ointment or cream. Can be used in conjunction with tablets or suppositories. Apply up to 4 times a day in the first days of treatment. After the disappearance of painful symptoms, they switch to 2 times - in the morning and in the evening. The duration of therapy is about 14 days.

Men are often carriers of candidiasis, or suffer from minor manifestations of thrush. To avoid mutual infection, treatment should be carried out simultaneously on both partners. Men are prescribed Pimafucin cream.

Features of application

The drug has low toxicity, overdose is avoided if the instructions are followed, and side effects rarely occur. However, there are particularities of use during pregnancy and menstruation.


The active components do not enter the general bloodstream, therefore they do not affect the well-being of the pregnant woman and do not threaten the development of the fetus.

Thrush in pregnant women occurs due to hormonal changes and decreased immunity. Aggressive treatment with antifungal agents is contraindicated, but it is necessary to get rid of candidiasis. Experts often prescribe Pimafucin suppositories. For minor manifestations of candidiasis, the drug helps in 1-3 procedures.

It is allowed to use in any trimester, as well as after childbirth during feeding. However, the drug must be used under the supervision of specialists; self-medication is not allowed.


Despite the fact that the suppository quickly dissolves and the active components are absorbed by the mucous membranes, it is not recommended to use suppositories these days. Blood washes away most of the natamycin, reducing the effectiveness of the drug. You should wait for them to complete. Tablets can be used during menstruation, cream is not.

Consolidate the result

For recurrent thrush or after severe manifestations of candidiasis, it is recommended to take the tablets for 20 days. Suppositories to consolidate the result are prescribed after 2 weeks. During pregnancy, if thrush often bothers you, it is prescribed for preventive purposes once every 7 days. Especially in the last month before giving birth.

Side effects

Pimafucin suppositories should not be used if you have an individual intolerance to the components. The presence of an allergy can be determined by the unpleasant sensations. After inserting the suppository, itching and burning intensify, swelling, rashes, and redness appear. In this case, you must immediately stop therapy and seek help from specialists.

In other cases, suppositories do not cause discomfort and are easy to insert. Pimafucin is considered one of the most gentle drugs for the treatment of thrush.

Recommendations for use

To cure candidiasis, quickly achieve the desired result, and prevent relapses, you must follow certain rules.

  • Abstain from sex for the entire period of treatment.
  • Both partners should be treated at the same time.
  • Additionally, take medications to restore intestinal microflora - probiotics.
  • Take vitamins to strengthen your immune system.
  • Do not drink alcohol, limit coffee.
  • Avoid sweets, spicy, salty, fatty foods, beer, kvass, and yeast-based flour products.

Do not overwork physically, avoid scandals, quarrels, get enough sleep, spend more time in the fresh air.

average price

The drug Pimafucin in any form can be bought at the pharmacy. If desired, order via the Internet. The cost of a package with 3 candles is 250 rubles, with 6 – 500 rubles. A tube of cream with a capacity of 30 g averages 300 rubles. Tablets cost 500 rubles. in quantity of 20 pieces.

Analogs of Pimafucin suppositories

For the treatment of candidiasis, there is a huge selection of medications in the form of suppositories. The analogue of the active substance is Primafungin. The product works the same way, in a package of 3 or 6 candles. They differ in price. Primafungin is produced in Russia and costs about 200 rubles. Pimafucin is an Italian product.

Among analogues with a similar therapeutic effect:

  • Livarol;
  • Zalain;
  • Klion D;
  • Miconazole;
  • Polygynax.

The issue of replacing one drug with another should be discussed with a specialist.

Discharge after Pimafucin

Despite the effectiveness of the drug, when prescribing suppositories, discharge can often be observed, which bothers the woman and causes discomfort. These manifestations may occur during treatment or appear after. For the most part, such discharge is considered normal, but in certain situations, these symptoms may indicate the development of any complications or the presence of diseases. Also, the cause of discharge during treatment with Pimafucin suppositories is incorrect dosage and intolerance to the medication, certain damage to the vaginal mucosa, etc.

Types of vaginal secretion

Discharge after vaginal suppositories Pimafucin is a typical reaction of the body, which, together with the drug, evacuates all the “dirt”. A white cheesy liquid is released in the morning after waking up, and maybe during the night. It is odorless and comes out without any discomfort.

Having outlined the norm for use, let’s talk about deviations during the treatment period:

  1. Yellow discharge after the administration of Pimafucin is an accurate sign of incorrect use of suppositories. The key to avoiding consequences will be mandatory reading of the instructions. Elementary failure to maintain intimate hygiene may well cause complications. Before direct administration, the woman should wash herself thoroughly, and this should be done consistently (several times a day during the course). Neglecting the rules of use entails a lack of results, the microflora will be spoiled, and the woman will feel unwell. Green clots mean the body is rejecting the drug.
  2. Brown discharge is evidence of re-infection or incomplete cure. It is extremely important to complete treatment. If you quit halfway through the course, the recovery effect will not be achieved. In other words, harmful microorganisms will remain alive, and after some time, having grown stronger, they will begin to multiply again and create an infection.
  3. Pinkish discharge indicates the presence of blood particles in the mucous membrane. There is a high probability of polyps, damage to the membrane (during sexual intercourse) and erosion of the cervix. This requires immediate verification.
  4. If there is bleeding after Pimafucin suppositories, there are signs of dangerous pathologies: hormonal imbalances, individual intolerance, microtraumas as a result of damage during a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, erosion, STDs, vaginal inflammation (cervititis), tumors, fibroids, etc.
  5. Heavy bleeding is a sign of an irregular menstrual cycle. Suppositories should not be administered during menstruation, only after, and not even before the cycle.

When a woman discovered that the discharge had acquired a cheesy consistency with a corresponding odor, this means that during the use of Pimafucin, the mushrooms became resistant to the main active ingredient. Here you will have to deal with candidiasis again. The symptoms are still the same: burning, itching, pain when urinating. White discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Types of discharge

As a rule, most often after Pimafucin, leucorrhoea is observed, which occurs after each administration of the suppository. They are odorless, white, and do not cause burning or itching. This phenomenon is considered normal, since the drug contains additional components, which may be released in small quantities.

Yellow discharge after Pimafucin suppositories may be observed due to improper use of the medication. Since candles must be inserted at night or in the morning after careful hygiene procedures. If these procedures are neglected, re-infection is possible, through a suppository, which is a conductor of infection.

When cheesy discharge is diagnosed during therapy, this most often indicates that the antibiotic contained in Pimafucin suppositories suppresses beneficial bacteria and is a source of fungal growth. In this case, after therapy, probiotics are mandatory.

Often, women after using Pimafucin complain of bloody discharge. There are several reasons why this could happen:

  • Certain diseases. Bloody discharge can occur due to erosion, when damaged cells are separated upon contact with the suppositories. Also, suppositories can provoke such symptoms in case of colpitis, cervicitis, and some sexually transmitted pathologies.
  • Incomplete examination of patients. After Pimafucin, discharge with blood is also possible with such serious ailments as polyps, fibroids, and oncology. In this case, the medicine acts as a provoking agent.
  • Hormone content. Since Pimafucin includes a certain amount of hormones, the body can react to them with bloody discharge. In this situation, it is necessary to pay attention to this, since continued treatment is prohibited.
  • Mechanical trauma to the vagina. Minor injuries to the vagina, for example during sex, can cause blood to appear, which may come out after using suppositories.
  • Immunity of components. Sometimes intolerance to the drug is reflected in the above-mentioned manifestations.

Brown discharge should also not be ignored. They may confirm re-infection or an incomplete course of treatment.

Pink discharge may also occur due to erosion, polyps, or damage to the mucous membrane.

Antifungal agent Pimafucin suppositories - review

Thrush in pregnant women is an eternal problem!
I encountered it too. And if before pregnancy it proceeded more calmly, then it got serious! More intimate details! While eating and if you feel uncomfortable, don’t read!!! There was just a sea of ​​discharge! The doctor revealed the presence of mycelium and the Candida fungus itself.

Considering my situation, I prescribed Hexicon suppositories to be used for five to six days. After the first one I seemed to feel better, after the fifth all hell broke loose! There’s a ton of discharge again and now it’s making everything itchy and irritating! That's all, that's all we were treated for.

I stopped inserting them and started washing myself with laundry soap and water with the addition of soda. After four days, everything began to return to its previous track, as it was before Hexicon. I was upset, the price of the candles is not small, but the effect... well, you understand.

I decided that while there was no money, I would be patient.

Then the discharge became yellowish and very quickly acquired a greenish tint!!! I started scouring the Internet in horror.

I thought the infection had still attached itself (but where would it come from if the husband was still the same), you never know, with such flora it could have clung to toilet paper by hand.

But the signs of infection were definitely a smell, like rotten fish, and bubbling in the same spirit. I didn't have that. The smell was still of sour kefir and there was no hint of an unpleasant one.

She told the doctor, and she again: this is thrush, during pregnancy the microflora changes, but insert more Hexicon. I told my situation with him and I was prescribed to try Pimafucin. Six days again.

The candles are packaged as standard, but these are more difficult to open than Hexicon. Sometimes you have to help yourself with your teeth) This, by the way, is very inconvenient and annoying.

Especially when you still want to quickly insert them unnoticed, but while you open them, you have to puff so hard that it won’t always work out unnoticed. It is advisable not to hold it in your hands for a long time; they begin to melt.

But Hexicon, as for me, melted faster. These ones seemed denser and fatter.

And this is a feature of, probably, all candles! They all flow out, washing away the fungus with them! Therefore, candles need to be inserted at night, when you are no longer going to get up, so that the candle has time to melt and act inside. And, therefore, you can’t do without a daily routine.

Hexicon flowed out as a clear, sticky liquid, in immeasurable quantities, as it seemed to me. It pissed me off! I often got up to go to the toilet at night and after the first time I got up this whole waterfall flowed out! And sometimes the daily plan was not enough to absorb everything quickly. And I had to immediately change my daily routine, or even my underwear. But then I had not tried Pimafucin yet!)))

Pimafucin surpassed even Hexicon candles in this regard! I’ve already attached the daily planner in advance)) I get up in the morning, and it’s dry there. I think it's great! But after!! After visiting the toilet, the candle decided to leak. And what was that? It was some kind of sour cream, or cream, and there was a lot of it! And it didn’t just flow out at once, like Hexicon, and that’s it.

No, it flowed out slowly but surely. And to wipe it all off, it took almost a third of a roll of toilet paper. It is greasy and smears everywhere it gets! Nothing is absorbed into the daily routine, but smeared on the surface and that’s it...out.

And all this goodness could flow out in portions throughout the day, at the most unexpected moment. Therefore, I fought with Pimafucin using my own method. I sculpted a daily sheet for safety, and on top was an impressive flat roll of toilet paper. There was simply no other way for me.

It was absorbed into the paper a little better, it held it all better and it didn’t slide like on a daily planner, and it was possible to change it more often and more conveniently.

Many people are frightened by the leakage of these suppositories and think that it is their secretions that have turned into this. But don’t be afraid of this, the candle comes out and washes away the fungus!

While using the candles, naturally, I didn’t notice anything except this white mass. There were no side effects, but there was slight irritation from the constant dampness. I saved myself the same way, with laundry soap and soda. Now is the second day without suppositories and no heavy discharge!! There is no other discomfort either! I am pleased. For this reason, one could endure these candles.

I also want to say that suppositories need to be inserted carefully, they are hard at first and can, if inserted carelessly and too quickly, injure the mucous membrane. Therefore, before use, it is better to slightly warm them in your hand without removing the packaging.

I recommend the candles, but I removed a star due to the terrible inconvenience of leakage.

An effective and cheap remedy for swelling and hemorrhoids!

Source: https://irecommend.ru/content/udivilas-no-stalo-garazdo-luchshe-no-oni-imeyut-odnu-ochen-nepriyatnuyu-osobennost-kotoruyu

Discharge during pregnancy while taking Pimafucin suppositories

This medication is approved for use in pregnant women and for fungal infections of the vaginal mucosa. During this period, the phenomenon of thrush occurs quite often and Pimafucin suppositories help to effectively cope with the manifestations of the disease. However, when using them, many women experience discharge of different colors. They can be completely safe or indicate any violations.

In any case, if you notice unpleasant discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor and do not neglect his instructions.

Features of the use of Pimafucin for thrush

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?

Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day...

Read more "

Most people, not just women, are familiar with candidiasis. Its symptoms are eloquent and unpleasant, and the causes of its appearance are varied and numerous. Modern pharmacology offers a wide range of drugs used to treat this fungal infection. Pimafucin is often prescribed for thrush, since the drug quickly relieves symptoms and prevents the proliferation of Candida fungi.

Release form and composition

Pimafucin is a drug that belongs to the group of fungal antibiotics and has a fungicidal effect. It is considered safe for all age groups of patients, pregnant and lactating women.

The drug is available in several forms, which determine its composition:

  • Tablets in a coating that is resistant to gastric juice and dissolves in the intestines. Packaging: bottle, each containing 20 tablets.
  • Intervaginal suppositories. Packaging – contour, cell-free, 3 pieces each, 2 packs in a box.
  • Cream for topical use on affected areas of the skin. Comes in a 30 ml tube.

In all forms, the active substance is natamycin - it is the one that has the antifungal effect.

Pimafucin tablets contain the following auxiliary components:

  • potato starch;
  • polyvinylpyrrolidone;
  • magnesium salt of stearic acid;
  • lactose;
  • sucrose;
  • gelatin;
  • methyl p-hydroxybenzoate;
  • calcium carbonate;
  • cellulose acetate phthalate;
  • white beeswax;
  • glyceryl triacetate;
  • titanium oxide.

Pimafucin suppositories consist of the following excipients:

  • cetyl alcohol;
  • hard fat;
  • sorbitol;
  • polysorbitol;
  • sodium bicarbonate;
  • carboxylic acid.

Pimafucin cream, in addition to natamycin, contains:

  • decyloleate;
  • wax;
  • cetearyl alcohol;
  • sodium dodecyl sulfate;
  • preservative E218;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • propanediol;
  • water.

The instructions for use indicate that the product must be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees, away from children. The shelf life is 4 years, after which Pimafucin cannot be used for treatment.

How does Pimafucin work?

The active substance of the drug penetrates fungal cells through their membranes and destroys them. The most sensitive to natamycin are fungi of the genus Candida, the pathological reproduction of which leads to thrush.

Stop putting up with this thrush and cystitis! Write down the recipe...

Thrush and cystitis will go away forever! Write down the recipe!

According to the instructions, Pimafucin does not have any effect on the vital activity of gram-positive or gram-negative microorganisms.

Natamycin does not have a systemic effect, since it is almost not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, healthy skin and mucous membranes. Enteric-coated tablets release the active ingredients while they are already in the intestines. Progressive biochemical studies confirm the absence of the active substance in the blood and other body fluids of people undergoing Pimafucin therapy.

Pimafucin suppositories turn into foam under the influence of body temperature, which spreads evenly along the walls of the vagina.

The effectiveness of treatment with Pimafucin is expressed in:

  • relieving the main symptoms of thrush literally from the first use: itching and heavy discharge;
  • relieving swelling in the vagina;
  • destruction of fungal cells and spores;
  • in pregnant women - improvement in the general condition of the woman and fetus, reduction in tone and the likelihood of premature birth.

When is the drug prescribed?

Instructions for use of the drug Pimafucin contain a list of fungal infections of various organs of the body, which are considered indications for the use of the drug.

Diseases for which it is advisable to use tablets:

  • Candidiasis of the mucous surfaces of the oral cavity in acute pseudomembranous and atrophic form, which arose against the background of weakened immunity, including from the use of drugs.
  • Otomycosis or otitis media of fungal etiology, complicated by the proliferation of pathogenic fungi.
  • Candidiasis of the skin and nail plates.
  • Intestinal candidiasis.
  • Inflammatory processes on the glans penis, provoked by the proliferation of Candida fungi.
  • Vulvovaginal candidiasis, vulvitis, balanoposthitis.
  • As a main and auxiliary remedy for dermatomycosis.

Tablets for the treatment of skin can be used alone, with Pimafucin cream or in combination with other drugs, for example, Griseofulvin.

According to the instructions, diseases of the genital organs are treated with the help of suppositories:

  • vaginitis, vulvovaginitis, vulvitis, caused by Candida fungi;
  • sometimes - to eliminate pathological discharge and itching in the vagina that is not caused by fungi.

The cream is used for the same indications as the tablets and for the treatment of ulcers that occur in people with diabetes.

According to clinical studies, Pimafucin was effective in all cases of use. The most positive results were achieved in the treatment of vaginitis caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The instructions for use indicate that women during pregnancy and breastfeeding are allowed to be treated with Pimafucin for thrush.

Some experts argue that the use of this remedy is necessary in extreme cases, since it is not effective and can aggravate the course of thrush. But such conclusions are based on isolated cases, and the medicine is the most popular in the fight against the disease. Its use is allowed in all three trimesters, without harm to the health of the mother and fetus.

Dosage of the drug according to the instructions

Only a doctor prescribes the drug and its dosage after a comprehensive examination of the patient. The following regimens for use of the drug recommended in the instructions are considered standard:

  • The dosage of oral tablets is 4 tablets per day for adults, and 2 for children, throughout the week.
  • Pimafucin suppositories are administered 1 per day for 3–6 days. If candidiasis is severe, then treatment with suppositories is supplemented with tablets.
  • Local application of the cream is prescribed individually, depending on the brightness and severity of symptoms. On average - from 1 to 4 times a day. If necessary, intensify treatment with tablets.

Method of application indicated in the instructions

Intervaginal administration of suppositories must be carried out at night, in a lying position, so that the product does not leak out, and its effectiveness does not decrease due to its smaller amount.

Ringworm most often affects obese people, and foci of inflammation are usually located in the folds, between the phalanges of the fingers, in the groin area and under the mammary glands.

Ulcers in people with diabetes most often form on the feet. When using the cream, it is recommended to continue therapy for another 3-4 days after the symptoms disappear. Otomycosis requires the use of cream up to 4 times a day. The ear canal is first cleaned, and after lubrication, it is closed with a cotton pad.

On critical days, treatment with Pimafucin is interrupted. If possible, therapy should be started after menstruation.

It is recommended to examine your sexual partner for the presence of a fungal infection. Men are its carriers, but their candidiasis is not so pronounced and is often asymptomatic. But if their thrush is not cured, then the woman will soon have a relapse with a 95% probability.

Sexual intercourse during thrush therapy cannot be ruled out, but barrier contraceptives must be used.

When should you not use Pimafucin?

According to the instructions for use, the drug Pimafucin is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Patients with intolerance to lactose, fructose and other saccharides contained in the drug.

The drug is used to treat children, starting from newborn age.

The compatibility of the drug with other medications has not been fully studied.

Side effects

Side effects from the use of Pimafucin are extremely rare, and their list given in the instructions is not numerous:

  • When taking the tablets internally in the first days of therapy, the patient's condition may be accompanied by nausea and stool upset.
  • Topical application can cause itching and burning of the skin of the genital organs due to cetyl alcohol in the composition of the suppositories.

The drug does not provoke allergic reactions; so far, not a single case has been recorded.


Cases of overdose with Pimafucin have not been identified or described, as indicated in the instructions for use of the product.

Drug analogues

One of the few disadvantages of the drug is its high cost. More accessible analogues are:

  • Irunin tablets are not much different from Pimafucin in price, are very effective and have virtually no contraindications. The active ingredient is itraconazole.
  • Intervaginal suppositories that have the same active substance (Ecofucin, Primafungin).

The new drug Livarol is considered effective, but differs in composition; the main antifungal effect is ketoconazole. Livarol is prohibited for the treatment of thrush in women during the first trimester of pregnancy.

A drug



Pimafucinfrom 290 rub.
Iruninfrom 364 rub.
Ecofucinfrom 152 rub.
Primafunginfrom 184 rub.
Livarolfrom 496 rub.
Primafunginfrom 184 rub.

Analogs include topical antifungal antibiotic creams:

  • Primafungin - available in 20 mg tubes, the active substance is the same as Pimafucin.
  • Nystatin ointment - available in 30 mg tubes, the active substance is nystatin.

In addition to Nystatin ointment, release forms in tablets and suppositories are known. Oral use of the drug is contraindicated for children and pregnant women, according to the instructions.

In addition to those listed, an affordable analogue is Fluconazole, the price of which starts from 20 rubles. It is available in the form of tablets, capsules and solution for infusion. The active ingredient is fluconazole. Unlike Pimafucin, according to the instructions, it is prohibited to be used to treat children under one year old, and it has a much longer list of contraindications.

Pimafucin is recognized by many gynecologists as the most effective and safe drug for the treatment of thrush and other fungal diseases. The variety of dosage forms and simplicity of instructions makes its use convenient.

Video: Thrush and how to deal with it

Pimafucin candles

In gynecology, Pimafucin suppositories are used to treat thrush, vulvitis, vaginitis, and dermatomycosis. They suppress active growth and prevent further proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. The drug is also available in the form of tablets and ointments, but suppositories are considered more effective, as they have a local effect and quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms.

"Pimafucin" is a safe medicine. The active substance, natamycin, is not absorbed into the systemic circulation and does not affect the development of the fetus, so the drug is often prescribed to women during pregnancy.

The instructions for the drug list only irritation and a burning sensation among the side effects, but women often complain of discharge after Pimafucin. Vaginal secretion can be of a different nature depending on the cause. Often, discharge after Pimafucin suppositories is considered a feature of the mechanism of action of the suppository itself.

In addition to the active ingredient (natamycin), the suppositories contain wax, sodium lauryl sulfate, water, vegetable fat, propylene glycol, which promotes better absorption. Only part of the active substances is absorbed into the mucous membrane, the rest is excreted from the body in the form of unpleasant secretions. As a rule, they are white and do not cause discomfort to a woman. A distinctive feature of white discharge after Pimafucin is that it appears after each use of the suppository.

Can there be a burning sensation from pimafucin suppositories?

Have you been fighting thrush for many years without success?
Head of the Institute: “You will be amazed at how easy it is to cure thrush by taking it every day.

I had to buy Pimafucin quite recently due to an exacerbation of thrush, I already wrote about this earlier.

Pimafucin suppositories – 3 suppositories

Our readers successfully use Candiston to treat thrush. Seeing how popular this product is, we decided to bring it to your attention. Read more here...

My first acquaintance with Pimafucin suppositories took place eight years ago and then they did not help me at all. Now I had to buy them, since my baby is breastfed.

The main component in the composition of Pimafucin suppositories is the antibiotic natamycin, which is not absorbed into the bloodstream of the female body and, accordingly, does not have a negative effect on it.

Thus, Pimafucin suppositories act directly in the vagina and only on pathogenic microorganisms, which is suitable for breastfeeding. Pimafucin is sold in a cardboard package with three or six candles and instructions inside. The drug is mainly used for candidal vaginitis.

As my practice has shown, three suppositories did not help me at all, I had to use 2 more, but it was 5 suppositories that got rid of thrush, or more precisely, got rid of the symptoms, now we are treating thrush differently, giving up sweets, etc.

The use of Pimafucin is simple; at night you need to insert the suppository deeper into the vagina. Previously, I douched before a candle, but this time I simply had no time, the child wants to see his mother around the clock.

At night I use cotton panties and a disposable pad, since in the morning the candle begins to leak, it is in the morning that I get up at night to see the baby, so I tracked this process.

The Pimafucin suppository begins to leak in the morning, so I changed the disposable pad more often in the morning.

The symptoms of thrush disappeared on the fifth day, i.e. I had to put 4 candles. While using Pimafucin, you need to avoid sexual intercourse, and the man should smear the male organ with a special ointment, for example Clotrimazole.

The price of Pimafucin is high, for three candles it costs about 250 rubles, i.e. six candles will cost around 500 rubles, expensive. However, when there is no choice, you have to buy. Although 7 years ago I bought a cheap Russian analogue of the Primafungin suppository, this time I did not find them. It is the price of Pimafucin that I do not like about this drug.

Pimafucin suppositories – 6 suppositories

Pimafucin must be stored in the refrigerator, as candles may melt at room temperature. The candles are white, odorless, and oily to the touch.

The use of Pimafucin is simple, however, in order for the suppositories to help me, I also used Viferon suppositories after a course of treatment for thrush.

The pharmacy also advised me to buy tablets of the same name in addition to the suppositories, but their cost was even higher, around 400 rubles, so I decided to go on a diet, more positive things in life and movement. Therefore, it’s already been a week without thrush.

Pimafucin is overpriced, but I liked everything else this time!

Information on the website “THRUSH - STOP. Personal experience in treating thrush” is provided for informational purposes only. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL CARE. The author is not responsible for the permissible consequences of treatment, procedures, exercises, diet, influence or use of medications contained on the website “THRUSH - STOP. Personal experience in treating thrush." The publication of this information does not replace the advice of your doctor or other health care providers. Before undertaking any treatment, the reader should consult a physician or other health care professional

Every woman and girl needs to have information about drugs that can cure a common disease for them - thrush (candidiasis). Therefore, let’s look at the principle of action and the features of a very popular drug called Hexicon, and find out whether it can cure thrush.

The development of thrush is facilitated by opportunistic microorganisms that live in the body of every person on our planet. With good immunity, the absence of various diseases, inflammatory processes, fungi of the genus Candida show absolutely no signs of life.

But when negative factors begin to affect the body (for example, poor nutrition, smoking, taking antibiotics, drinking alcohol, hormonal imbalance), fungal agents begin to rapidly multiply, causing unpleasant symptoms, colonizing the mucous membranes and skin.

The main symptoms of the disease in women are:

  • itching, burning sensation in the genital area;
  • discharge from the vagina of masses similar to cream or curd mass (usually they are white or yellow in color);
  • swelling of the labia;
  • hyperemia of the genital organs;
  • pain during urination, sexual intercourse.

Recently, gynecologists often prescribe Hexicon to their patients and advise using it to treat thrush. But is it needed during this illness, can it be beneficial for lovely women?

This drug has both positive and negative sides. It contains a very strong antiseptic substance called chlorhexidine bigluconate.

This substance actively destroys various pathogenic microorganisms that are the causative agents of many sexually transmitted diseases.

If we talk about the so-called goals of Hexicon, the main ones are the following microorganisms:

  • spirochetes;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonococci;
  • gardnerella
  • Trichomonas;
  • ureaplasma.

Doctors prescribe this drug to patients for preventive and therapeutic purposes in the fight against the following diseases:

  • syphilis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • herpes;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • colpitis;
  • ureaplasmosis.

Hexicon is not an antifungal drug; therefore, it is not capable of destroying Candida fungi. It is a strong antiseptic that can cure the ailments listed above. That is, yeast-like fungi Candida are not sensitive to the effects of chlorhexidine.

Note that any antiseptic medicine can cause destruction of the natural microflora of female genitalia.

After finishing taking such a medicine, a newly acquired infection can easily become the cause of thrush, and in a more pronounced, pronounced form.

Therefore, to cure thrush, you need to resort to antifungal medications, the purpose of which is precisely to suppress Candida fungi.

The rapid proliferation of fungal agents is often caused by various external factors. Often among them there is the influence of pathogens of various infections.

It is important to remember that this disease often occurs in parallel with other diseases of the genitourinary system. These also include STIs.

Many infections that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse have similar symptoms to those of thrush.

For this reason, women begin to self-medicate with drugs that they read about on the Internet or hear positive reviews from friends, neglecting consultation with a gynecologist. Now let's summarize. To cure candidiasis, you need to use medications, the main components of which are capable of suppressing the number of candida and destroying their shell.

Hexicon for thrush can aggravate the situation and provoke a more rapid growth of Candida fungi. But if we are talking about a bacterial-fungal disease, doctors can prescribe Hexicon suppositories to patients. In this situation, they will help relieve inflammation, swelling, and pain.

The use of Hexicon is prohibited if there is an individual intolerance to any components that make up the medicine. Please note that this phenomenon is extremely rare.

If we talk about lactation, pregnancy, there are no contraindications for use during these periods. Hexicon suppositories contain chlorhexidine bigluconate, as well as a polyethylene oxide base.

The last component is taken in such an amount that will give the suppository the required volume.

To begin inserting the suppository, lie on your back. The suppository is then placed into the vagina. Then the suppository dissolves, it begins to gradually envelop the mucous membrane. The dosage, of course, depends on the disease.

  • If the use of Hexicon is due to preventive measures for STIs (sexually transmitted infections), this drug is used no later than two hours after intimacy. In this case, use one candle.
  • To treat infections in the vagina, doctors prescribe therapy lasting seven to ten days. Then women should use one suppository twice a day.
  • If a woman has an intrauterine device, the doctor may prescribe Hexicon for additional protection against various infections. (Note: the IUD is used as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy).
  • This drug is also prescribed as a prophylaxis for all kinds of infectious complications after operations. In this case, doctors recommend using Hexicon for 5 days before surgery. You need to administer suppositories 2 times a day, that is, one piece each time.

Sometimes, in rare cases, during treatment with Hexicon, women may complain of negative symptoms, such as itching, burning sensations after inserting a suppository into the vagina.

Note that such a vaginal reaction is completely normal, such signs disappear quickly and on their own, so no specific additional therapy is required. There is no need to discontinue the drug.

If we are talking about suppressing the number of yeast fungi that cause thrush, treatment involves the use of appropriate antifungal drugs. The most common forms of medications for local control of the disease:

The use of the following drugs allows you to get rid of the disease in a relatively short time if therapy is started in a timely manner. These include:

  • Pimafucin;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Livarol;
  • Candide;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Itraconazole;
  • Kanesten;
  • Gyno-Pevaril;

As a systemic therapy, doctors prescribe tablets for internal use. The most popular drugs that are absorbed into the blood and act throughout the body include:

Gynecologists can prescribe Hexicon for thrush if the patient is diagnosed with a bacterial candidiasis infection, that is, in addition to candidiasis, there is an infection, for example, caused by E. coli or other harmful microorganisms. But concurrent use of antifungal medications is mandatory.

If the patient is diagnosed with only thrush, only drugs aimed at combating yeast-like fungi are used (Pimafucin, Clotrimazole and others, discussed above). Also, during treatment of thrush and other genital diseases, you should follow all the rules of personal hygiene and adhere to proper nutrition.

Remember, suspicious symptoms that bother you are a reason to consult a doctor, and not to self-medicate.

A completed examination, timely initiation, and correctly selected individual therapy will allow you to quickly cure the ailment that has arisen. Our specialist is waiting for your questions, contact us for help!

The state of the microflora is exactly what needs to be clarified first after treating thrush. After all, an acidic environment (which is normal for the vaginal mucosa) is a protective barrier for pathogenic microorganisms that can cause infectious and inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

Often the microflora after treatment of thrush is disrupted, as the patient will be informed by the following symptoms:

  1. After treatment for thrush, a burning sensation remains, which causes discomfort during urination and intimacy. Many people mistake irritation after thrush for remaining signs of infection, without in any way connecting it with the changed microflora of the vaginal mucosa.
  2. the dryness remaining after treatment for thrush, which causes painful, unpleasant sensations during intimacy, is also the result of deviations from the norm in the opportunistic flora. Cracks after thrush are the result of dryness and irritation. Microcracks not only cause pain, but also allow microorganisms to easily penetrate the bloodstream and tissues, infecting the body.
  3. After treatment for thrush, discharge remained. This symptom can be either a consequence of a violation of the vaginal flora, or the body’s reaction to antifungal drugs. But such discharge after treatment cannot contain blood streaks, much less blood clots. Ichor in leucorrhoea is an indicator of extensive inflammation, which may have spread to the uterus. In this case, immediate consultation with a gynecologist is required.

Itching, irritation, cracks, discharge and dryness after thrush are obvious clinical signs indicating that it is necessary to do a laboratory test (vaginal smear) for vaginal flora. If the result of the study confirms the assumptions about the reduction of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, then you should not postpone measures aimed at restoring the microflora after thrush.

Restoration of microflora after treatment of thrush is carried out only if the analysis has confirmed an insufficient number of bacteria inhabiting the vaginal flora.

In other cases, therapy initiated (usually independently) will only harm the patient.

After all, excessive activity of bacteria capable of secreting lactic acid will make biological secretions more acidic, which will cause burning and irritation.

Source: https://club-sante.ru/pimafutsin/mozhet-li-byt-zhzhenie-ot-svechey-pimafutsin/

Types of vaginal secretion

When using suppositories, pathological discharge of various colors may occur:

  • yellow;
  • pink;
  • brown;
  • green;
  • red

Yellow color and green clots indicate the ineffectiveness of the drug or its improper use. Before using suppositories, you should carefully read the instructions. Genital hygiene plays an important role in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Before inserting the suppository, you should take a shower. Poor hygiene can cause re-infection. Yellow discharge is usually accompanied by itching, burning, and pain when urinating. If such symptoms appear, you should see a doctor for further adjustment of treatment.

Pink discharge is a sign that there are blood particles in the mucous membrane. The cause of their appearance may be polyps, mechanical trauma to the mucous membrane during sexual intercourse, or erosion of the cervix. It is impossible to independently identify the cause of the pathological secretion. This can only be done by a doctor when examining a woman using a gynecological speculum.

Brown discharge means re-infection or incomplete completion of the treatment course. For complete recovery, you should take a course (3-6 days). If it is violated, there can be no question of recovery. Brown discharge should not be ignored. Vaginal secretions may contain blood, but under the influence of the suppository the color turns brown.

Blood in vaginal secretions is an alarming symptom. Bloody discharge can appear for a number of reasons:

  • individual reaction of the body;
  • mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa as a result of sexual intercourse or gynecological examination;
  • intolerance to components;
  • serious pathologies (fibroids, cervical erosion, polyps, neoplasms of various types).

If the discharge becomes profuse and resembles bleeding, then the cause may be a disrupted menstrual cycle. Candles should be placed only after menstruation, but not before or during.

Important! With the appearance of bloody discharge, you should consult a doctor and undergo a re-examination to identify concomitant diseases.

If, after using suppositories, cheesy leucorrhoea with a kefir smell appears, then we are talking about candidiasis. Symptoms may include itching, burning, and painful urination. Their appearance is caused by the development of fungal resistance to this drug. “Pimafucin” in this case should be replaced with another antifungal drug.

What causes the appearance of discharge after Pimafucin

This symptom occurs both during immediate treatment and after it. Most often they are natural, but in some cases they can indicate the presence or development of some hidden disease. Additionally, among the reasons for the appearance of discharge, experts indicate incorrectly selected dosage, the presence of damage to the mucous membrane, and the same individual intolerance to the components.

After using Pimafucin suppositories, different types of discharge are observed:


White discharge is normal and indicates the product is leaving the vagina.

When making candles, additional components are used (glycerin, vegetable fat), which, under the influence of body temperature, begin to dissolve and be absorbed into the mucous membrane. Night time is quite enough for this. In the morning, the product begins to flow out of the vagina, the gynecologist should warn you about this so that you do not get scared. The leaking liquid most often has a light color and a watery consistency.

White curdled discharge most often indicates that the antibiotic used suppresses the activity of beneficial bacteria.

This phenomenon only provokes increased proliferation of the fungus. In this case, it is necessary to prescribe probiotics.


Yellow ones are the result of improper use of suppositories.

Before using candles, you need to carefully read the instructions. A special role in application is played by compliance with hygiene procedures before inserting the product inside. Neglecting these steps can result in re-infection, which is often accompanied by yellow discharge.

Bloody discharge

Bloody is a negative phenomenon.

This can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • reaction to the presence of certain hormones in the composition - treatment with Pimafucin should be stopped immediately;
  • microtrauma of the vagina - this appears as a result of mechanical impact on the mucous membrane (sexual intercourse, gynecological examination), in this case some of the blood may come out after using suppositories;
  • some diseases: cervical erosion, colpitis, cervititis, a number of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • incomplete examination of a woman for the presence of a number of serious pathologies (tumor formations, polyps, fibroids, etc.);
  • individual intolerance to components.

In some cases, the use of suppositories can provoke symptoms of a particular disease. In this case, you must immediately contact a gynecologist, undergo a re-examination and, if other ailments are identified, receive appropriate new prescriptions.


Pink is also evidence of the presence of blood particles in the mucus, but not in such a high concentration as in the case of a bloody tint.

The cause may be diseases such as polyps or lesions on the mucous membrane. Also, pinkish discharge can be a symptom of cervical erosion.


Brown discharge is most often a sign of re-infection or incompleteness of the therapeutic course.

Any uncharacteristic shade of sexual secretion should alert a woman. In this case, it is best to consult a gynecologist. The doctor will definitely conduct the necessary studies. Only after this can we talk about continuing treatment with this drug or prescribing another.

Diagnosis and treatment

Differential diagnosis depends on the nature and color of vaginal secretion. First, a gynecological examination is performed, which can help identify pathologies such as cervical erosion, polyps, and endometriosis. A vaginal smear for microflora is also required. A smear examination allows you to determine the type of pathogen. To obtain a complete clinical picture, an instrumental examination (colposcopy) is performed, during which the doctor examines the epithelium of the cervix. Colposcopy allows you to identify pathologies such as polyp, metaplasia, cyst, endometriosis.

If pathological secretion occurs, treatment is mandatory. The method of treatment depends on the cause and can be medicinal, folk or surgical. Conservative treatment consists of antifungal, anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Herbal medicine can also relieve unpleasant symptoms, but before using any herbal decoctions or infusions, you should consult your doctor.

Important! If it is not possible to eliminate the cause of pathological discharge with medication, then doctors resort to more radical methods (surgery).

If, after Pimafucin, homogeneous white liquid discharge appears, then do not panic. This is considered the norm. Any changes in the color or consistency of vaginal secretions should not go unnoticed. Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment.

Thrush suppositories for pregnant women

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy are the most effective method of local treatment. The effectiveness of this treatment is based on the profound effect of the active antifungal substance. Local drug therapy allows not only to destroy the pathogen and relieve the symptoms of candidiasis, but also to quickly eliminate inflammation.

During pregnancy, it is not easy to cope with vaginal candidiasis, due to the fact that almost all medications cannot be used during this period. They can cause serious harm to the child, so treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.


When is treatment needed?

Thrush is a common companion for pregnant women. Many expectant mothers know firsthand about symptoms such as:

  1. curdled vaginal discharge with a sour odor;
  2. pronounced burning sensation and unbearable itching, progressing during sexual intercourse or wearing tight clothing;
  3. pain and discomfort during urination.

What are the best suppositories for thrush to buy? Only the attending obstetrician-gynecologist can answer such a question after conducting diagnostics and receiving the results. Without preliminary research, it is impossible to prescribe the most safe and effective treatment.

Competent approach to treatment

Today, the pharmacological industry provides us with an assortment of suppositories for thrush during pregnancy. Is it possible to buy these medications and use them as prescribed without first seeing a doctor? According to experts in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, this approach to combating vaginal candidiasis is simply unacceptable.

Only a doctor can select suppositories for thrush. The most effective drug can be selected only after receiving the results of a bacterial culture to determine the sensitivity of the fungus to specific active substances.

If you uncontrollably take suppositories for candidiasis, then there is a high probability of the disease becoming chronic and causing irreparable harm to the child. Self-medication can cause disruption of the vaginal microflora, which only aggravates the disease. Even if pregnant women manage to eliminate the symptoms of the disease on their own, this does not mean that the treatment was successful and the woman is completely free of vaginal candidiasis.

During pregnancy, treatment of thrush should be carried out taking into account the following recommendations:

  • Both sexual partners should be treated at the same time to eliminate the possibility of re-infection.
  • Minimizing or eliminating factors that contribute to the progression of thrush.
  • Get tested for infectious diseases and, if present, treat them.
  • Maintain personal hygiene (wash yourself and change your underwear every day).
  • Follow medical recommendations when treating vaginal candidiasis.

Advantages and disadvantages of local therapy

Thrush suppositories for pregnant women have a number of distinct advantages:

  1. The result is achieved faster than with systemic therapy.
  2. In isolated cases, it is enough to use a vaginal suppository once.
  3. Minimal risks of unwanted results, which is not typical for drugs intended for oral use.

Despite all the advantages, local remedies also have a number of disadvantages, among which are restrictions on sexual life and the fact that candles can stain laundry. During pregnancy, local treatment can give maximum results only in the initial forms of the disease.

In severe forms of vaginal candidiasis, suppositories are prescribed as an additional measure. As an independent remedy, they may not give the desired result. In this case, there is a need for repeated drug therapy.

Please note that during pregnancy, suppositories can harm a woman: cause vaginal dysbiosis. In this case, there is a need for additional treatment with Lactobacterin, Acylact and Vagiflor.

Principles of local therapy and recommended drugs

The treatment of vaginal candidiasis must be approached comprehensively. First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of thrush and take measures to eliminate it.

Vaginal suppositories intended for the treatment of pregnant women include safe active substances that, when dosed correctly, do not harm the fetus or worsen the health of the woman herself.

It is best to ask your doctor what suppositories you can use. Despite the fact that the instructions contain all the necessary information, only a specialist can correctly select the drug against thrush and calculate effective and safe therapy.


Intravaginal suppositories Clotrimazole should be used for thrush in pregnant women during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. If the drug is dosed incorrectly, it can negatively affect the health of the unborn child. That is why, before using the drug, consultation with a specialist is a mandatory criterion for successful treatment.

Clotrimazole is a universal drug that effectively treats various sexually transmitted infections. The course of therapy for thrush is 7 days. Suppositories should be administered intravaginally before bedtime. Please note that the fungus of the genus Candida quickly gets used to the active substance included in Clotrimazole. That is why, if a relapse occurs, it is recommended to use another drug.

The average cost of Clotrimazole vaginal suppositories is 50 rubles. This drug is considered a budget drug, but despite this it is a fairly effective and sought-after remedy for eliminating thrush during pregnancy.


A well-known remedy against vaginal candidiasis, which is used for therapy in pregnant women. This drug is not only affordable, but also absolutely safe for the unborn child.

Pimafucin contains nitamycin. The active substance effectively destroys fungal cells without harming the health of the fetus and mother. The drug is produced in the form of vaginal suppositories. This form of medication is the most suitable for use during pregnancy.

The course of anti-candidiasis therapy using Pimafucin vaginal suppositories ranges from 3 to 6 days, which depends on the stage of development of the disease. It is recommended to lay 1 candle daily. It is best to do this before going to bed. Severe forms of thrush are treated with Pimafucin in combination with oral medications.

The drug has virtually no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to its constituent components. The average cost of Pimafucin vaginal suppositories is 260 rubles. (3 suppositories), 500 rub. (6 suppositories).


Terzhinan intravaginal suppositories are produced in the form of tablets intended for insertion into the vagina. This medicine is widely used for drug therapy against thrush in women and can be used in combination with oral medications.

Please note that Terzhinan is not prescribed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is only possible when the benefits to the expectant mother outweigh the likely risks to the child’s health. Apart from individual intolerance to the substances included in the composition, the drug has no other contraindications.

The course of treatment for vaginal candidiasis with the drug Terzhinan is 10 days. To achieve a pronounced and lasting result, it is recommended to supplement treatment with Terzhinan with a diet and the exclusion of unfavorable factors: smoking, drinking alcohol, sexual intercourse.

The average cost of Terzhinan vaginal tablets is 330 rubles (6 suppositories), 430 rubles (10 suppositories).


A widely used drug for the treatment of thrush in pregnant women. Available in the form of capsules intended for vaginal administration. Active ingredients: nystatin, neomycin and polymyxin.

Polygynax primarily has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, and also normalizes the beneficial microflora of the vagina. The inflammatory process is eliminated after the initial use of the drug. The course of treatment is at least 12 days. Capsules are inserted deep into the vaginal area before bedtime. The contents of the capsule are evenly distributed over the mucous membrane and have a comprehensive effect on thrush.

With proper dosing and use of the drug Terzhinan, there are no side effects. The average price of the drug is 580 rubles.


Vaginal suppositories are a derivative of imidazole and benzothiophene. There is no systemic effect when using Zalain, so it can be used during pregnancy. As a rule, a drug is prescribed only if the benefits to the woman outweigh the possible risks to the child.

A contraindication to the use of Zalain suppositories is hypersensitivity. Side effects include burning and itching in the vaginal area and allergic reactions. If adverse reactions occur, there is no need to discontinue therapy.

Recommended dosage is 1 suppository per day. It is recommended to place the candle before bedtime, which eliminates the possibility of reducing the effectiveness of the treatment. Before using the drug, you must consult your doctor. The cost of 1 suppository Zalain ranges from 380 to 480 rubles.


The drug is available in the form of suppositories and includes an active substance such as ketoconazole. Suppositories are effective against vaginal candidiasis, and are intended for the treatment of women during pregnancy (2-3 trimester). It is recommended to use the medicine only after consulting a doctor. Otherwise, there are risks of negative effects on the fetus.

If vaginal suppositories are used incorrectly, redness of the mucous membranes of the external genitalia, itching and severe irritation may develop. The possibility of hives and skin rashes cannot be ruled out.

It is recommended to lay vaginal suppositories 1 pc. per day for the night. It is advisable to carry out the procedure after hygiene procedures, which increases the effectiveness of the treatment. The course of therapy for thrush is from 3 to 5 days, which depends on the degree of progression of the disease. In the chronic form of vaginal candidiasis, drug treatment usually lasts up to 10 days.

The drug Livarol has pronounced advantages, which include a rapid effect and a low likelihood of developing adverse reactions, which is very important when treating pregnant women. The cost of vaginal suppositories is 350 rubles (5 pcs.), 450 rubles (10 pcs.).

After pimafucin, the discharge increased

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doctor of the highest qualification category, chief physician of the Clinic of Innovative Technologies, work experience 41 years

Thrush or vulvovaginal candidiasis is a common disease of the vaginal mucosa. The main reason for its appearance is a fungal infection.

In fact, the presence of yeast-like fungi on the mucous membranes of the mouth, intestines, and vagina in small quantities is a common normal variant that occurs in both women and men. However, when fungi on the mucous membranes begin to actively develop, the situation gets much worse. It is then that the process enters the active disease stage .

Read more about what contributes to the appearance of candidiasis in our article.

Symptoms of thrush

Women suffering from candidiasis most often complain of the following symptoms:

  • heavy or moderate curdled discharge from the genital tract;
  • itching, burning, irritation in the genital area;
  • increased itching during sleep, after water procedures and sexual intercourse;
  • special discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • women often complain of increased itching before menstruation;
  • unpleasant odor that increases after sexual intercourse.

All symptoms significantly spoil a woman’s quality of life, but it is the itching and burning of the genitals that is especially noticeable , which sometimes even interferes with sleep.

It is by itching, burning and cheesy discharge that in most cases patients can easily diagnose thrush on their own. However, even with all the confidence, the patient must confirm or refute the diagnosis at a doctor’s appointment. Only a doctor can provide professional medical care and diagnose thrush by conducting laboratory tests .

Reasons for the return of thrush

The drug used may not return the previous stable state. Here it is already worth sounding the alarm regarding the chronic course of the disease. There are the following prerequisites for this:

  • treatment was prescribed to only one of the partners;
  • sexual abstinence was not observed within the course;
  • hygiene rules were grossly violated;
  • treatment stopped before completion of the official schedule;
  • the vaginal microflora has not had time to recover;
  • the woman practiced treatment with antibiotics and hormonal drugs for quite a long time.

Do not believe commercials that advertise a magic pill that guarantees total cure for thrush. This will not happen. You will have to control your body: avoid stress, protect yourself from allergies, colds and other infections.

Suppositories, as the most convenient medicine to use, are often used in gynecology. Among the mildest drugs, Pimafucin is distinguished. It is widely used in the treatment of diseases caused by yeast-like fungi. Despite the high percentage of medication prescribed, many women complain of discharge after Pimafucin. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon, so you first need to learn about the properties of these suppositories.

Treatment of premenstrual thrush


This drug belongs to triazole antifungal medications. The pharmacokinetics of the drug are similar both when administered vaginally and when taken orally . After administration, the drug is very well absorbed. Its action is not affected in any way by simultaneous food intake. Fluconazole penetrates well into all body fluids.

The drug is considered quite “impactful” and has many side effects and contraindications, but for thrush it is not necessary to take large doses, and therefore it is suitable for many women suffering from the disease. The estimated cost is from 50 to 200 rubles , depending on the manufacturer of the drug.


Refers to a broad spectrum antifungal agent. It is applied topically only intravaginally. Clotrimazole inhibits the growth and division of microorganisms. The mechanism of action of the drug is associated with changes in the permeability of cell membranes. It suppresses the synthesis of proteins and fats, damages nucleic acids in fungal cells and accelerates the excretion of potassium.

Very rarely, but still sometimes there are yeast-like fungi that may be immune to the drug. In general, reviews of the drug are extremely positive, however, some patients may experience side effects, which Clotrimazole has in abundance. The estimated cost of the drug will not scare even the skinniest wallet - the product costs between 50-70 rubles .


This drug has been considered a leader in the category of thrush remedies for many years. It belongs to the class of triazole antifungal agents. The main active ingredient here is fluconazole , and therefore the principle of action of the drug is similar to the first drug on this list. Flucostat is well tolerated by patients due to its high bioavailability and usually does not cause severe side effects .

Among its disadvantages, patients mainly name the inflated cost from 200 to 350 rubles , depending on the manufacturer. In addition, with frequent use, it is possible that yeast-like fungi may develop resistance to this drug.


Suppositories are also considered very effective against thrush. One of these drugs is Livarol suppositories. The main active ingredient of Livarol is ketoconazole . Since this active substance is practically unable to be absorbed into the blood, the medicine acts exclusively in the affected area. Namely, on the mucous membrane damaged by thrush.

Ketoconazole acts on fungal cell membranes, suppressing the development of candida. The drug is available in white vaginal suppositories. The main advantage of Livarol is its combined effect: antimycotic and antibacterial.

However, the price of this drug can be steep - the cost of the medicine ranges from 500 to 700 rubles , depending on the number of suppositories in the package.


These suppositories are also very common on the pharmaceutical market. The drug belongs to antifungal polyene antibiotics from the group of macrolides with a wide spectrum of action. The main active ingredient here is natamycin .

It binds sterols of cell membranes, disrupting their integrity and functions, which leads to the death of microorganisms. Since natamycin is almost not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membrane, it does not have a systemic effect .

The list of side effects of the drug is quite small. After using candles, only mild irritation and a burning sensation are possible, which is quite easy to endure. In general, reviews about the drug are positive. The cost ranges from 250 to 550 rubles , depending on the number of candles in the package.


Levomekol ointment is quite common on the pharmacological market. It is used to treat a wide variety of diseases . This may be due to the combined effects of the drug: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerating. It is often used to treat wounds, ulcers, and bedsores. However, in some situations, gynecologists prescribe the drug for candidiasis.

It should be noted that Levomekol itself does not fight the cause of thrush - yeast-like fungi. Doctors prescribe it only as part of complex therapy for mixed infection.

One of the main active ingredients of the ointment is the antibiotic chloramphenicol . It suppresses positive microorganisms by destroying the formation of proteins. In addition to the antibiotic, the cream also contains methyluracil, which stimulates the regeneration of damaged skin cells. In other words, Levomekol cannot fight thrush, but can be used as one of the means of complex therapy. The ointment costs about 150 rubles.

Candide b

This is a complex cream that has antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiexudative, antipruritic and antiallergic effects. The drug is popular due to its active substance – clotrimazole. It affects the causative agents of thrush .

White, yellow and bloody discharge after Pimafucin

The use of vaginal suppositories in gynecology is the most effective method of local treatment. One of the medications used is Pimafucin - suppositories for insertion into the vagina. When treating candidiasis, liquid of a certain color and consistency may come out of the genital tract. What types of discharge there are after Pimafucin, and which of them are considered normal, we will discuss in this article.

Features of the drug

Pimafucin is available in three forms: suppositories, cream and tablets. It is advisable to use the full complex, but each form can be used in different cases.

Suppositories are considered the most popular among women, since they need to be administered only once a day, before bed.

In addition, the side effects from them are minimal (in rare cases, itching and burning, sometimes swelling), and the duration of the course is less than a week, sometimes only three days are enough.

Indications for use of the drug are as follows:

  • candidiasis;
  • vulvovaginitis;
  • vulvitis;
  • vaginitis;
  • dermatomycosis.

In most cases, the cause of curdled discharge is thrush. Pimafucin also perfectly fights the symptoms of other fungal diseases of the female genital area. All thanks to the main component - Natamycin - an antimycotic from the macrolide category. This is a broad-spectrum substance that inhibits the reproduction and growth of fungi.

Candidiasis can be found in both men and women. In representatives of the stronger sex, it occurs much less frequently, since carriers of fungal microflora are the fair half of humanity. Yeast-like fungi live stably in the female vagina. Only with severe nervousness, a cold or other stress on the body do they actively begin to multiply.

The result is the manifestation of thrush.

Candidiasis lives not only on the mucous membrane of the female genital organs. The fungus affects the intestines, mouth, respiratory tract, and skin. And the vagina is the most secluded place for fungus, so it is mainly there that they begin to multiply abundantly.

Almost always after Pimafucin there is a white discharge. This reaction is normal: this is how the active substance acts. It removes accumulated bacteria from the vagina. However, there are discharges of a different texture and color, with an extremely unpleasant odor.

Then you should be wary and go to see a doctor, since here we are already talking about the possible development of more serious infections. A similar drug prescribed for thrush, Livarol, has a similar effect.

Read about white discharge after Livarol suppositories by following the link.

Types of vaginal secretion

Discharge after vaginal suppositories Pimafucin is a typical reaction of the body, which, together with the drug, evacuates all the “dirt”. A white cheesy liquid is released in the morning after waking up, and maybe during the night. It is odorless and comes out without any discomfort.

Having outlined the norm for use, let’s talk about deviations during the treatment period:

  1. Yellow discharge after the administration of Pimafucin is an accurate sign of incorrect use of suppositories. The key to avoiding consequences will be mandatory reading of the instructions. Elementary failure to maintain intimate hygiene may well cause complications. Before direct administration, the woman should wash herself thoroughly, and this should be done consistently (several times a day during the course). Neglecting the rules of use entails a lack of results, the microflora will be spoiled, and the woman will feel unwell. Green clots mean the body is rejecting the drug.
  2. Brown discharge is evidence of re-infection or incomplete cure. It is extremely important to complete treatment. If you quit halfway through the course, the recovery effect will not be achieved. In other words, harmful microorganisms will remain alive, and after some time, having grown stronger, they will begin to multiply again and create an infection.
  3. Pinkish discharge indicates the presence of blood particles in the mucous membrane. There is a high probability of polyps, damage to the membrane (during sexual intercourse) and erosion of the cervix. This requires immediate verification.
  4. If there is bleeding after Pimafucin suppositories, there are signs of dangerous pathologies: hormonal imbalances, individual intolerance, microtraumas as a result of damage during a gynecological examination or sexual intercourse, erosion, STDs, vaginal inflammation (cervititis), tumors, fibroids, etc.
  5. Heavy bleeding is a sign of an irregular menstrual cycle. Suppositories should not be administered during menstruation, only after, and not even before the cycle.

When a woman discovered that the discharge had acquired a cheesy consistency with a corresponding odor, this means that during the use of Pimafucin, the mushrooms became resistant to the main active ingredient. Here you will have to deal with candidiasis again. The symptoms are still the same: burning, itching, pain when urinating. White discharge may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

Use of Pimafucin during pregnancy

While expecting a child, the drug can be used without any fear. It is absolutely safe and effectively fights thrush during pregnancy without harming the development of the fetus.

The female body weakens during the period of bearing a child, and besides, changes in the endocrine system often and constantly provoke certain metamorphoses.

Any type of discharge after Pimafucin during pregnancy must be cured, otherwise the child will become infected after passing through the birth canal. But therapy for a newborn will require completely different efforts and medications.

In an “interesting situation,” not every similar drug can become a complete and safe replacement. And Pimafucin itself, although it is listed in the group of antibiotics, does not pose a threat and is not able to penetrate the circulatory system of the mother and fetus.

Methods for eliminating discharge after Pimafucin

The patient must be examined. At an appointment at the Women's Consultation, a gynecologist is unlikely to be able to determine by eye which particular pathology has affected the female body. Diagnostics consists of the following stages:

  1. Standard gynecological examination - detects endometriosis, cervical pathology, polyps, etc.
  2. General blood and urine analysis.
  3. A smear for microscopic examination and PCR determines the type of pathogen.
  4. Culture for Candida fungus (if the chosen remedy did not help).
  5. Tests for antibodies to certain infectious agents.
  6. Colposcopy - examination of the epithelium of the cervix.
  7. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

Treatment is prescribed individually. The presence of white or pink discharge after Pimafucin will lead the specialist to some important conclusions:

  1. Many women ignore the rules and self-medicate. By prescribing Pimafucin to themselves without a doctor’s confirmation, only after noticing traces of thick white masses on their underwear, they only risk wasting time and allowing another pathology to develop. The fact is that inflammation or bacterial vaginosis can be confused with manifestations of thrush. Only antibiotics, both local and for internal use, can eliminate them.
  2. When it comes to chlamydia, thrush can mask its already blurred manifestations. It cannot be seen under a microscope; diagnosis is only possible using the PCR method. Chlamydia provokes liquid yellow, gray, white discharge, which has virtually no odor. Special antibiotics are called upon to eliminate the source of infection.
  3. Candidiasis often accompanies sexually transmitted diseases, hiding more serious symptoms with its pronounced manifestations. Here the patient will have to be prescribed complex drugs aimed at combating fungi and bacteria. Such drugs include Terzhinan and Polygynax. Read about the consequences of treatment with Polygynax in the form of discharge in the article at the link.

Reasons for the return of thrush

The drug used may not return the previous stable state. Here it is already worth sounding the alarm regarding the chronic course of the disease. There are the following prerequisites for this:

  • treatment was prescribed to only one of the partners;
  • sexual abstinence was not observed within the course;
  • hygiene rules were grossly violated;
  • treatment stopped before completion of the official schedule;
  • the vaginal microflora has not had time to recover;
  • the woman practiced treatment with antibiotics and hormonal drugs for quite a long time.

Do not believe commercials that advertise a magic pill that guarantees total cure for thrush. This will not happen. You will have to control your body: avoid stress, protect yourself from allergies, colds and other infections.

Source: https://MedWords.ru/ginekologiya/vydeleniya/posle-pimafutsina

Diet for thrush

Diet for candidiasis is not the main method of treatment, but only supportive. However, patients should still follow it. This is necessary to increase the efficiency of the treatment process. All dietary recommendations are aimed at two main processes.

Firstly, it is a reduction in the number of yeast-like fungi. And secondly, the diet helps to normalize your own microflora of the mucous membranes.

Read more about the diet for thrush in our material.

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